11the Contours of The Opacities in The Lungs Are Uneven in Case of

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1Roentgenoscopy allow us to study

A) The condition of the hilus of the lungs

B) Picture of the lung
C) the movement of diaphragm

2Tomography is essential for diagnosis of

A) acute pneumonia
B) plevrities
C) lung cancer

3According to the scheme of London the right lung consists

A) 8 segments
B) 9 segments
C) 10 segments

4The sharpness of a chest X-ray is discussed according to the contours of

A) mediastinum
B) diaphragm
C) ribs

5Enlargement and nonhomogenity of the lung hilus is mostly characteristic sighn of:
A) chronic bronchitis
B) chronic pneumonia
C) central cancer

6The most important diagnostic feature of lung "round shape" volumetric formations are:
A) structure
B) size
C) contours and structure

7for the differential diagnosis of pulmonary solitary cavities is important

A) localization
B) size
C) the nature of the wall and structure

8The thin-walled solitary cavity in the lung is characterictic for

A) pneumothorax
B) bullous emphysema
C) tuberculous caverna

9Multiple cavities in the lungs mostly revealed in case of

A) staphylococcal metastatic pneumonia
B) renal tumor metastasis
C) multifocal focal pneumonia

10 inhomogeneity of tuberculous opacity may be due of

A) destruction
B) destruction and calcification
C) calcified areas

11The contours of the opacities in the lungs are uneven in case of

A) hamartoma
B) cyst
C) local pneumonia
12Segmental opacity and decrease in volum are often revealed in case of
A) bronchial tumors and chronic pneumonia
B) bronchial hamartoma
c) tuberculous infiltration

13Boundary bright areas in bronchioloalveolar cancer due of

A) areas of undamaged parenchyma
B) lung tissue destruction
C) thin bronchial lumens and undamaged areas of the lung parenchyma

14in the differential diagnosis of multiple lung formations important criteria is

A) structure
B) contours
C) All of the above are right

15Which cyst is characterized by capsule calcification

A) Retention
B) echinococcal
C) bronchogenic

16Dislocation of the mediastinum opacity is characterized for

A) acute pulmonary pneumonia and central cancer
B) mediastinal tumors
C) exudative plevrities

17In case of rupture of the main bronchus on X-ray visualized:

A) Air in the mediastinum
B) Blood in the mediastinum
C) dos;ocation of mediastinum

18On X-ray dislocation of the mediastinum opacity in the healthy side is characteristic sign of:
A) lung cancer
B) exudative pleuritis
C) chronic pneumonia

19On X-ray characteristic sigh of partial bronchial obstruction in case of pneumonia is:
A) part of the lung decreased in volume
B) volume reduction and inflammatory focus in lung
C) significantly increase amount if fluid in the pleural cavity

20For visualization of enlarged lymph nodes in the mediastinum is informative:

A) X-ray
B) Ultrasound
C) Computed tomography

21The most characteristic sign of acute drained abscesses of the lungs are:
A) Horizontal level of fluid
B) Existence of sequestration
C) The presence of a trail at the root

22The most important radiological sign of pulmonary emphysema is:

A) pulmonary consolidation and deformation
B) Enlargement of the lung roots
C) hyperinflation, hyperlucent lungs
23The most important radiological sign of segmental emphysema of pulmons is:
A) pulmonary segments consolidation and deformation
B) Enlargement of the lung roots
C) segmental hyperinflation, hyperlucent

24On X-ray in central cancer lung roots are:

A) wihout changes
B) enlarged and nonhomogenous
C) dislocated in the healthy side

25On X-ray in case of peripheral lung cancer contours of opacity are:

A) even and straight
B) even and unclear
C) uneven and unclear

26Which shape of opacity is most often characterized for 2cm size peripheral cancer:
A) round shape with even and straight contours
B) round shape with uneven and unclear contours
C) round shape with even and unclear contours

27in case of lung metastases on X-ray mostly revealed:

A) Multiple round opacities
B) miliary dissemination
C) solitary metastasis

28The presence of fluid in the pleural cavity during lung cancer is due of:
A) pleural neoplastic dissemination
B) lung hilus lymph nodes damage and neoplastic dissemination
C) heart failure

29What is the structure and contours of uncomplicated pulmonary echinococcosis:

A) Homogeneous, straight, even
B) Homogeneous, uneven
C) nonhomogeneous, even

30in which diseases of the large intestine used computed tomography as an additiomal method of investigation
A) nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
B) large intestine tumour
C) Hirschsprung's disease

31Examination of the digestive tract 24 hours after taking the contrast material - barium sulfate is used:
A) to study the pathology of the large intestine.
B) to study the terms of the barium passage in the digestive tract. To determine the location of the large intestine.
C) to study small bowel pathology.

32The most informative method of investigation of the biliary system in case of gallstone disease is:
A) Ultrasound examination
B) Intravenous cholecystocholangiography.
C) X-ray

33On X-ray in the lateral projection on the right upper part of the abdomen in front of the spine revealed solitary
1sm size calcified opacity with irregular contours, your conclusion:
A) gallbladder or common bile duct stone.
B) calcified lymph node.
C) calcified areas in the head of the pancreas.

34On X-ray the passage of the barium sulfate in the small intestine in normal cases visualized in:
A) One hour after administration contrast media
B) Three hours after administration contrast media
C) five hours after administration contrast media

35On X-ray recealrd - solid narrowing of the esophagus on 5 cm length, with incorrect contours and rigid walls,
partial obstruction of the esophagus, destruction of the plica – your conclusion is:
A) esophagospasm.
B) scaring structurer
C) endophytic cancer

36Suprastenotic enlargement of the esophagus revealed in case of:

A) endophytic cancer of the upper third of the esophagus
B) endophytic cancer of the lower third of the esophagus
C) esophagus diverticula

37Zenker diverticulum arise on the: (outpouching on posterior)

A) anterior wall of the esophagus.
B) posterior wall of the esophagus.
C) lateral wall of the esophagus.

38On X-ray enlargement of the mediastinal opacity caused by esophageal pathology is sign of:
A) esophagis cancer
B) esophagus diverticulum
C) esophagus achalasia. ()Achalasia is a primary esophageal motility disorder characterized by the absence of
esophageal peristalsis and impaired relaxation

39On X-ray round filling defect in the large intestine in size more than 3sm, with an incorrect contours is
characteristic sign of the:
A) Diverticulum
B) exophytic cancer
C) polyp

40On X-rau solid circular narrowing of the transverse colon, with uneven incorrect contours is revealed in case of:
A) diverticulosis
B) cancer
C) ulcerative colitis

41The easiest way to confirm the presence of free fluid in the abdomen is:
A) Laparoscopy
B) Ultrasound examination
C) radionuclide imaging
42A reliable symptom for perforation of cavity organs is:
A) Change the position of the diaphragm
B) The presence of free gas in the abdominal cavity
C) Flatulence

43In case of suspicion of perforated ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, first of all should be carried out:
A) X-ray of the abdominal cavity without contrast
B) X-ray with gastric double contrast
C) X-ray of the stomach with water-soluble contrast agent.

44The following are the common radiological signs of intestinal obstruction:

A) Free gas in the abdomen
B) free fluid in the abdomem
C) the presence of horizontal levels of arches and fluid in the intestine, cloiber plates and arches

45A reliable symptom for perforation of gaster ulcer:

A) the presence of free gas in the abdomen
B) the presence of free fluid in the abdomen
C) Flatulence

46What are the common signs in X-ray manifestations of esophageal diseases: cardiac achalasia, cardiospasm and
cardioesophageal areas cancer
A) Esophageal dislocation
B) enlargement of the esophagus
C) Shortening of the esophagus

47Ultrasound examination of the abdomen revealed: liver is enlarged, the contour is incorrect, revealed volumetric
formation, ascites. Angiography revealed abnormal blood vessels. These data are typical:
B) for primary cancer
C) for echinococcal cyst
D) for hypertrophy of liver segment

48Expansion of the lung roots are characterized for:

A) chronic bronchitis
B) pulmonary emphysema
D) venous congestion in the lungs

49In the differential diagnosis of solitary cavities in the lungs, the following are important:
A) localization
B) sizes
C) the shape and structure of the wall

50The most common developmental anomalies of the lungs

A) Tracheobronchomegaly
B) lung sequestration
C) esophageal bronchial fistula
D) cystic hypoplasia

51X-ray signs of cystic lung is:

B) presence of multiple thin-walled cavities
C) presence of multiple opacities
D) Deformation of the lung picture and enlargement of the lung roots

52For differential diagnosis of focal tuberculosis and focal pneumonia important assessment of:
A) The size of the foci
B) The contour of the foci
C) Existence of calcifications
D) assess the process in dynamic

53The main pathomorphological signs indicating on presence of the chronic bronchitis are:
A) Infiltration of lung tissue
B) bronchiectasis
C) connective tissue development
D) Lymphostasis

54For differential diagnosis of focal pneumosclerosis and tuberculosis important signs are:
A) Localization
B) the volume of the damaged area
C) the presence of focal shadows
D) Existence of cavities

55Lung abscess is most often localized:

A) One specific localization is not characteristic
B) in the anterior parts of the right lung
C) in the back of the right lung
D) in the upper parts of the left lung

56X-ray characteristic signs of acute drained lung abscess are:

A) has no characteristic sign
B) horizontal level of fluid
C) Existence of "sequestrants"
D) Existence of a "path" to the root of the lung

57The main signs of a chronic abscess are:

A) Rounded infiltrate
B) presence of the cavity with the eneven sclerotic shape
D) bronchiectasis

58. in case of the pulmonary emphysema movement of the diaphragm is:

A) sharply reduced
B) does not change
D) increased

59Presence of single tuberculoma without destruction and without calcification first of all must be differentiated
A) with metastatic damage
B) with peripheral cancer
C) with benign tumors
D) with a cyst

60Characteristic signs of central endobronchial cancer of the lung is

A) atelectasis
B) Pneumomediastinum
C) opacity in the root area
D) Local strengthening and deformation of the lung picture at the root area

61Peripheral lung cancer is often localized:

A) in the root area
B) at the apex of the lung
C) in the previous segments
D) in the posterior segments

62Whether the surrounding lung tissue changes during peripheral lung cancer
A) Sometimes there is a fibrous path from the tumor to the root of the lung
B) does not change
C) Focal opacities are often seen around
D) The tumor is always surrounded by pneumosclerosis

63What is the sign of a mediastinum malignant tumor:

A) has no characteristic specific sign
B) asymmetric expansion of the mediastinum opacity
C) Symmetrical expansion of the mediastinum opacity
D) Compression on the trachea

64On contrast X-ray examination of the esophagus and stomach on radiographs, the stomach is located up to the
level of the middle third of the body in the chest cavity. Stomach deformity is revealed, the esophagus is stretched,
no extension is revealed. your conclusion is presence of the:
A) Hiatal Hernia of the esophagus
B) Esophageal achalasia
C) congenital short esophagus
D) Cardiospasm

65The patient notes a dry cough, subfebrile temperature, X-ray examination revealed multiple focal shadows in the
lungs, which were no longer visible 3-4 days after treatment. Is your conclusion
A) Septic metastatic pneumonia
B) bronchopneumonia
C) pneumonia caused by the upper respiratory tract allergy
D) Hematogenous-disseminated tuberculosis of the lungs

66On X-ray of the chest reveals multiple focal opacities, in which after 2-3 days noticed tissue destruction with
necrosis and with the formation of multiple cavities. your conclusion is
A) Multiple metastatic lesions of the lung
B) focal tuberculosis of the lungs
C) septic metastatic pneumonia
D) Alveococcosis of the lungs

67The following are the common radiological signs of intestinal obstruction:

A) Free gas in the abdomen
B) free fluid in the abdomen
C) the presence of horizontal levels of arches and fluid in the intestine, cloiber plates and arches.

68In case of suspicion of perforated ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, first of all should be carried out:
A) examination of the abdomen without contrast
B) stomach double contrast
C) Examination of the stomach with a water-soluble contrast agent

69A reliable symptom for perforation of gaster ulcer:

A) the presence of free gas in the abdomen
B) the presence of free fluid in the abdomen
C) Meteorism

70The easiest way to confirm the presence of free fluid in the abdomen is:
A) X-ray of the abdomen.
B) Laparoscopy
C) ultrasound
D) computed tomography

71Solid circular narrowing of the transverse colon, with uneven contours is revealed in case of:
A) diverticulosis
B) cancer
C) ulcerative colitis
72On X-ray round filling defect in the large intestine, with an incorrect surface size of more than 3 cm. This is the
radiological sign of:
A) Diverticulum
B) exophytic cancer
C) Polyp

73Circular ibstruction of the transverse colon, with incorrect contours is visualized in case of:
A) diverticulosis
B) cancer
C) ulcerative colitis

74The scrining method of investigation for the diagnosis of the free fluid in the abdomen is:
A) X-ray
B) Laparoscopy
C) ultrasound
D) radionuclide imaging

75A reliable symptom for perforation of cavity organs:

A) change the location of the diaphragm and impair function.
B) the presence of free gas in the abdominal cavity.
C) the presence of free fluid in the grooves next to the abdomen.
D) Flatulence.

76Ultrasound sign of portal hypertension is not:

A) Enlargement of the spleen
B) Detection of porto-caval anastomoses
C) Enlargement of the splenic vein
D) Dilatation of the hepatic portion of the portal vein
E) enlargement of the gallbladder

77. The easiest way to confirm the presence of free fluid in the abdomen is:
A) X-ray of the abdomen.
B) Laparoscopy
C) ultrasound

78. A reliable symptom for perforation of gaster ulcer:

a. the presence of free gas in the abdomen
b. the presence of free fluid in the abdomen
c. Meteorism

79. Peripheral lung cancer is often localized:

a. in the root area
b. at the apex of the lung
c. in the previous segments

80. What is the sign of a mediastinum malignant tumor:

a. has no characteristic specific sign
b. asymmetric expansion of the mediastinum opacity
c. Symmetrical expansion of the mediastinum opacity

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