Criminal Investigation: Ninth Edition
Criminal Investigation: Ninth Edition
Criminal Investigation: Ninth Edition
Ninth Edition
Michael D. Lyman
Columbia College of Missouri
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To come
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All of these learning experiences have led to the latest edition of this book. Of course, I must mention that without
the love and support of my wife, Julie, and my daughter, Kelsey, I couldn’t have endeavored to complete such a
considerable project nor could I have done so without the continued support of the dedicated men and women
working within our nation’s law enforcement community. I sincerely hope you enjoy this new edition.
Acknowledgments xxxi
Ferguson, Missouri; The shooting of Laquan McDonald dd Description of the Shooting Scene
in Chicago, Illinois; The shooting of Walter Scott in dd Evidence at the Shooting Scene
Charleston, South Carolina. dd DNA Evidence
dd Expanded section on “tunnel vision” and “anchoring” in
dd Evidence from the Medical Examiner
the investigative thought process dd Importance of Investigating Officer-Involved Shootings
dd Updated samples of investigative forms including: Crime
dd Involved Officer(s’) Responsibilities
scene work sheet form; Victim information form; Crime
dd Supervisor Responsibilities
scene checklist form and Crime scene security log form
dd The Investigator’s Responsibilities
dd Updated section on “Cloud-based” searches for digital
dd Officer Interviews and Perceptual Distortions
evidence and digital search warrants
dd Updated section on investigative detentions and dd Claims That the Suspect Was Armed
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Most boxes conclude with one or more Thematic Questions
that ask students to consider the ethical choices, legal implica-
The learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter (“This tions, and other issues involved in the investigation.
chapter will enable you to:”) have been rewritten in streamlined
language to provide a concise overview of what readers can
expect to learn from each chapter. SUMMARY CHECKLIST
This book is intended to meet the needs of students and oth- At the end of each chapter, this checklist offers review ques-
ers interested in criminal justice by presenting information in a tions followed by bulleted responses to test students’ knowl-
logical flow, paralleling the steps and considerations observed edge of the main Chapter concepts and serves as a study tool
in an actual criminal investigation. Additionally, it is designed for review. A list of Key Terms and Discussion Questions are
to fulfill an ongoing need for a book that explains clearly and also included at the end of each chapter.
thoughtfully the fundamentals of criminal investigation as prac- In summary, I am hopeful that this will prove to be an engag-
ticed by police investigators on the job in communities across ing textbook that is descriptive of the duties of modern-day crime
the nation. detection and police professionalism. Accordingly, each chapter
The book is written with several observations in mind. First, contains key terms and discussion questions that also aid in the
as its title indicates, it is designed to blend scientific theories of instructional process. Finally, as a learning aid, this text is accom-
crime detection with a practical approach to criminal investigation. panied by a companion website that offers videos and test items
Its underlying assumption is that sound criminal investigations as well as many other learning tools. I know this book will pro-
depend on an understanding of the science of crime detection vide you with what you need to understand the art of criminal
procedures and the art of anticipating human behavior. There is investigation as well as the many new forms of scientific innova-
yet another critical observation made in the book: It recognizes tions that modern investigators now use to catch perpetrators of
that both the uniformed officer and the criminal investigator play some of the nation’s most heinous crimes. Read and enjoy!
important roles in the field of criminal investigation. The duties of
each are outlined throughout the book, recognizing that there is a
fundamental need for both to work in tandem throughout many INSTRUCTOR SUPPLEMENTS
aspects of the criminal investigation process. The following supplementary materials are available to support
One underlying theme of the book is that, as with all po- instructors’ use of the main text:
lice endeavors, criminal investigation is a law enforcement re-
sponsibility that must be conducted within the framework of dd Instructor’s Manual with Test Bank. Includes
the U.S. Constitution and the practices of a democratic soci- content outlines for classroom discussion, teaching
ety. Consequently, court decisions and case studies have been suggestions, and answers to selected end-of-chapter
quoted extensively for clarifications of issues and general reader questions from the text. This also contains a Word
information. document version of the test bank.
dd TestGen. This computerized test generation system
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