The Secret Life of Pets
The Secret Life of Pets
The Secret Life of Pets
Vocabulary (1)
Words from the extract (00:00:00 – 00:19:03)
1) Relationship [rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp] Стосунки
2) Roommate [ˈrʊm.meɪt] Сусід по кімнаті
3) Protector [prəˈtek.tər] Захисник
4) Soulmate [ˈsəʊl.meɪt] Споріднена душа
5) To miss [mɪs] Сумувати
6) To interrupt [ˌɪntəˈrʌpt] Перебивати
7) Owner [ˈəʊnə(r)] Власник
8) To feed [fiːd] Годувати
9) Groggy [ˈɡrɒɡ.i] Сонний, в’ялий, заторможений
10) Suitcase [ˈsuːtkeɪs] Валіза
11) Crate [kreɪt] Дерев’яний ящик
12) Fear [fɪə(r)] Страх
13) Psyched [ˈsaɪ.kid] Захоплений, радісний
14) Blanket [ˈblæŋ.kɪt] Ковдра
15) Stubborn [ˈstʌb.ən] Впертий
16) Pound [paʊnd] Притулок для тварин
17) Inexplicable [ˌɪn.ɪkˈsplɪk.ə.bl̩] Незрозумілий, непояснений
18) Turf [tɜːf] Територія (яка вважається власною)
19) To institute [ˈɪnstɪtjuːt] Запровадити, встановити
20) Bowl [bəʊl] Миска
21) To trash [træʃ] Розгромити, пошкодити
22) Stray [streɪ] Бездомна собака/кіт
23) Trust [trʌst] Довіра (довіряти)
24) Leash [liːʃ] Поводок
25) Lad [læd] Хлопчина
practice (1)
Task 1: Match the words with their definitions
1) a large box made of wood or plastic that is used for carrying fruit, bottles etc _______________________
2) the way in which two or more people feel and behave towards each other _______________________
3) someone you have a very close relationship with because you share or
understand the same emotions _______________________
4) someone who owns something _______________________
5) refusing to change your mind, even when people think you are wrong _______________________
6) an area that you think of as being your own _______________________
7) a large case with a handle, used for carrying clothes when you travel _______________________
8) a strong belief in the honesty, goodness etc of someone or something _______________________
9) to cause a lot of damage to something _______________________
10) a place where dogs and cats that have been found on the street are kept _______________________
11) the feeling you get when you are afraid or worried _______________________
12) to give food to a person or animal _______________________
13) someone who you share a room with _______________________
14) someone or something that protects someone or something else _______________________
15) excited and full of anticipation _______________________
16) unable to be explained or understood _______________________
17) to start or introduce a system, rule, legal action, etc. _______________________
18) a piece of rope, leather etc fastened to a dog’s collar in order to control it _______________________
19) a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home _______________________
20) a boy or young man _______________________
21) a wide round container that is open at the top, used to hold liquids, food _______________________
22) to feel sad because someone you love is not with you _______________________
23) weak and unable to move well or think clearly because you are ill or very tired _______________________
24) to stop someone from continuing what they are saying or doing by suddenly
speaking to them, making a noise etc _______________________
25) a cover for a bed, usually made of wool _______________________
Task 2: Translate the highlighted words
Task 4: Read the definitions and write the correct phrase or phrasal verb
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
to let someone stay in your house to make a building safe by locking the
because they have nowhere else to stay doors, especially at night
_________________________ _________________________
Task 5: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases and
phrasal verbs
Task 6: Create your own sentences using new phrases and phrasal verbs
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Answers (1)
Task 1
1) Crate 10) Pound 19) Stray
2) Relationship 11) Fear 20) Lad
3) Soulmate 12) To feed 21) Bowl
4) Owner 13) Roommate 22) To miss
5) Stubborn 14) Protector 23) Groggy
6) Turf 15) Psyched 24) To interrupt
7) Suitcase 16) Inexplicable 25) Blanket
8) Trust 17) To institute
9) To trash 18) Leash
Task 2
1) They will to defend their turf against any outsiders.
2) My fear of the dentist goes back to when I was a child.
3) For some inexplicable reason, he's decided to cancel the party.
4) The president wants to institute reforms by the end of the year.
5) He's a young lad who was employed in the house here.
6) Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl.
7) How often do you have to feed the baby?
8) They became roommates, not lovers.
9) I took my dog from a pound.
10) Juice was bottled each day, then labelled and put into crates.
11) I have quite a good relationship with my parents.
12) Never leave your dog off the leash outside a store.
13) She missed her family badly.
14) I felt really groggy after 15 hours on the plane.
15) Sorry to interrupt, but I need to ask you to come downstairs.
16) Will you keep your eye on my suitcase while I go to get the tickets?
17) The family plans to provide a home for the strays.
18) After his parents died, he became the protector of his sisters.
19) We're so psyched about this new project.
20) They spent their long winters under a warm blanket.
21) Their relationship is based on trust and cooperation.
22) Her teenage kids had a party and the house was trashed.
23) Later that year she met Adam and she knew instantly that they were soulmates.
24) We still haven't found the dog's owner.
25) Your father is so stubborn - he won't listen.
Task 4
1) To take care of 5) To get used to 9) To move in
2) To look for 6) To pass out 10) To find out
3) To get along 7) To flip out 11) To take in
4) To get rid of 8) To take a look around 12) To lock up
Task 5
1) She spent the afternoon taking a look around the new neighborhood.
2) I think the poor guy passed out. It looks like he's had a lot to drink.
3) I had locked up my office for the night and gone home.
4) Brett’s always taking in stray animals.
5) I used to argue a lot with my parents, but now we get along fine.
6) It’s time we got rid of all these old toys.
7) They want to move in together before they get married.
8) "Do you have these shoes in size 8?" "I'm not sure - I'll just go and find out.“
9) He walked like an old man trying to get used to new glasses.
10) Grandpa can't take care of himself any more so he's coming to live with us.
11) I’m looking for Steve – have you seen him?
12) I nearly flipped out when she told me she and David were getting married.
Vocabulary (2)
Words from the extract (00:19:03 – 00:41:25)
1) Old-school | əʊld skuːl | Старої закалки
2) To disappear |dɪsəˈpɪə| Зникати
3) To scream |skriːm| Кричати
4) Bush |bʊʃ| Кущ
5) Revenge |rɪˈvɛn(d)ʒ| Помста
6) Stench |stɛn(t)ʃ| Сморід
7) Domestication |dəmɛstɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n| Приручення, одомашнення (тварин)
8) Collar |ˈkɒlə| Нашийник
9) To whack |wak| ‘грохнути’, сильно вдарити
10) Dime |daɪm| Цент
11) Cold-blooded |ˌkəʊldˈblʌd.ɪd| Холоднокровний
12) Sewer |sʊər| Каналізаційна труба
13) Thoughtful |ˈθɔːt.fəl| Проникливий
14) To deserve |dɪˈzɜːv| Заслужити
15) Predator |ˈpred.ə.tər| Хижак
16) Selfish |ˈsel.fɪʃ| Егоїстичний
17) To yell |jel| Кричати
18) Dreamy |ˈdriː.mi| Казковий, про який можна мріяти
19) To pretend |prɪˈtend| Прикидатись
20) To recite |rɪˈsaɪt| Вимовляти, цитувати
21) To suffer |ˈsʌfə(r)| Страждати (фізично або емоційно)
22) Poison |ˈpɔɪzn| Отрута
23) Initiation |ɪˌnɪʃ.iˈeɪ.ʃən| Прийняття в спільноту, групу, тощо
24) To squish |skwɪʃ| Роздавити
25) Flapjack |ˈflæp.dʒæk| Млинець, оладка
practice (2)
Task 7: Read the definitions and write the correct word (The first letter has
been given)
behaving in a very cruel way with no to be lost, or to become impossible to
a very strong bad smell
sympathy for other people find
____________________ _____________________
thinking only about yourself and not a cake made of oats, sugar, syrup,
to experience physical or mental pain
about other people and butter
____________________ _____________________
the process of officially introducing kind and always thinking about how
very attractive and desirable
someone into a club or group you can help other people
____________________ ____________________
to say a piece of writing aloud from to make a loud high noise with your
to crush something that is soft
memory voice
_____________________ ____________________
the end
away waste material and used water
from houses
Task 8: Fill in the gaps with the words from the box to complete the
1) I`d like some ____________________ with honey and coffee for breakfast.
2) Lions, wolves, and other animals are ______________________.
3) We viewed the house yesterday. It is ideal except for the décor being an _____________________.
4) Sheep are particularly well suited for _____________________.
5) He was a ______________________ dictator.
6) The two girls _____________________ while walking home from school.
7) After all that hard work, you ______________________ a holiday.
8) ‘Help me!’ she _____________________ hysterically.
9) Let’s ____________________ we’re on the Moon.
10) There was a loud bang, and people started _____________________.
11) I broke Mary's pen by accident, and in _______________________ she tore up my school work.
12) The club has an _____________________ ceremony for new members.
13) Some of us spend all our lives in this _______________________ country.
14) The child was taken to the hospital after eating rat _____________________.
15) Don't sit on that bag - you'll ______________________ the sandwiches.
16) She _____________________ a poem that she had learnt at school.
17) They are tearing up the street to repair a _____________________.
18) Thank you for calling when I was ill - it was very ______________________ of you.
19) I grabbed the dog by the _______________________ and dragged it out of the room.
20) The child was hiding in the _______________________.
21) A _____________________ is a tenth of a dollar.
22) I couldn't bear to go in the room with its ____________________ of beer and vomit.
23) Amy, don't be _____________________. Let the others have a turn.
24) Anne still ______________________ a lot of pain in her leg.
25) Someone _____________________ the side of my car with their door.
Task 9: Match the words with their translation
Task 10: Match the phrases and phrasal verbs with their meanings
Task 11: Rewrite the sentences using new phrases and phrasal verbs
Task 12: Create your own sentences using new phrases and phrasal verbs
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
13) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
14) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Answers (2)
Task 7
1) Cold-blooded 10) Collar 19) To squish
2) To disappear 11) Bush 20) To recite
3) Stench 12) Old-school 21) To scream
4) Selfish 13) Domestication 22) Revenge
5) To suffer 14) To whack 23) Dime
6) Flapjack 15) To deserve 24) Predator
7) Initiation 16) To yell 25) Sewer
8) Dreamy 17) To pretend
9) Thoughtful 18) Poison
Task 8
1) I`d like some flapjacks with honey and coffee for breakfast.
2) Lions, wolves, and other animals are predators.
3) We viewed the house yesterday. It is ideal except for the décor being an old school.
4) Sheep are particularly well suited for domestication.
5) He was a cold-blooded dictator.
6) The two girls disappeared while walking home from school.
7) After all that hard work, you deserve a holiday.
8) ‘Help me!’ she yelled hysterically.
9) Let’s pretend we’re on the Moon.
10) There was a loud bang, and people started screaming.
11) I broke Mary's pen by accident, and in revenge she tore up my school work.
12) The club has an initiation ceremony for new members.
13) Some of us spend all our lives in this dreamy country.
14) The child was taken to the hospital after eating rat poison.
15) Don't sit on that bag - you'll squish the sandwiches.
16) She recited a poem that she had learnt at school.
17) They are tearing up the street to repair a sewer.
18) Thank you for calling when I was ill - it was very thoughtful of you.
19) I grabbed the dog by the collar and dragged it out of the room.
20) The child was hiding in the bushes.
21) A dime is a tenth of a dollar.
22) I couldn't bear to go in the room with its stench of beer and vomit.
23) Amy, don't be selfish. Let the others have a turn.
24) Anne still suffers a lot of pain in her leg.
25) Someone whacked the side of my car with their door.
Task 10
1) B 6) H 11) M
2) D 7) L 12) N
3) I 8) A 13) F
4) C 9) K 14) g
5) J 10) E
Task 11
1) Lefty wanted to bust out of a prison some of his friends.
2) "I'm really sorry." "Don't worry – No hard feelings.“
3) If skinny jeans ever go out of style, I'll have no pants to wear.
4) Your hair and eyes remind me of your mother.
5) I was small in high school and classmates batted me around, but I eventually learned to stand up for myself.
6) Charlie was taking off his shirt when the phone rang.
7) He took off his uniform and put on a sweater and trousers.
8) "Do you have any milk?" "Sorry, I've run out.“
9) If that guy keeps looking at me he is going to be balled up.
10) Just before the exams, our teacher gave us all a pep talk.
11) Hey, don't talk that way! Watch your tone!
12) I let out the kids for a while so they could burn off some energy.
13) When you’re the boss you can make up your own rules.
14) It's strange—even though it wasn't on my watch, I still feel partly responsible for the robbery.
Vocabulary (3)
Words from the extract (00:41:25 – 01:02:23)
1) Hawk [hɔːk] Яструб
2) To drown [draʊn] Тонути
3) Vengeance [ˈven.dʒəns] Помста
4) Joint [dʒɔɪnt] Заклад (кафе, бар тощо)
5) Descendant [dɪˈsendent] Потомок
6) Mighty [ˈmaɪ.ti] Могучий
7) Scent [sent] Запах, аромат
8) Testy [ˈtes.ti] Запальний
9) Crybaby [ˈkrɑɪˌbeɪ·bi] Плакса
10) To avenge [əˈvendʒ] Помститися
11) To skedaddle [skɪˈdæd.l̩] Змитись, втекти
12) To dispute [dɪˈspjuːt] Сперечатись, оспорювати
13) To chase [tʃeɪs] Гнатись за, наздоганяти
14) To relieve [rɪˈliːv] Видихнути з полегшенням, полегшити
Task 14: Unscramble the words to complete the sentences
• Hawk • Testy
• To drown • Crybaby
• Vengeance • To avenge
• Joint • To skedaddle
• Descendant • To dispute
• Mighty • To chase
• Scent • To relieve
Task 16: Read the definitions and write the correct phrase
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Answers (3)
Task 13
1) Mighty 6) Relieve 11) Testy
2) Crybaby 7) Skedaddle 12) Descendant
3) Chase 8) Scent 13) Dispute
4) Hawk 9) Drown 14) Avenge
5) Joint 10) Vengeance
Task 16
1) To take a nap 3) To have a screw loose 5) Bottom line
2) To make a comeback 4) To worry sick
Task 17
1) He worried sick before the exam.
2) The bottom line is that they lost the game.
3) I'm quite tired, so I'm going to take a short nap.
4) After ten years in retirement, the singer made a comeback.
5) He has a screw loose somewhere. He wears a heavy jacket in the middle of summer
Vocabulary (4)
Words from the extract (01:02:23 - …..)
1) Neighborhood [ˈneɪbəhʊd] Район
2) Dedicated [ˈded.ɪ.keɪ.tɪd] Самовідданий
3) Groundbreaking [ˈɡraʊndˌbreɪ.kɪŋ] Новаторський
4) To stall [stɔːl] Затримувати, ‘гальмувати’ процес
5) Lawn [lɔːn] Газон
6) Fault [fɔːlt] Провина, помилка
7) To appreciate [əˈpriːʃieɪt] Цінувати
8) Gross [ɡrəʊs] Огидний
Task 22: Read the definitions and write the correct phrases or phrasal verbs
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
Task 23: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases or phrasal verbs
Task 24: Create your own sentences using phrases and phrasal verbs
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Answers (4)
Task 19
1) the area of a town that surrounds someone's home
2) giving a lot of time and energy to something very important
3) very new and a big change from other things of its type
4) to stop making progress
5) an area of grass, especially near to a house or in a park
6) a mistake, especially something for which you are to blame
7) to recognize how good someone or something is and to value him, her, or it
8) extremely unpleasant
Task 20
1) His latest movie is interesting, but not groundbreaking.
2) Maybe we can stall the sale until the prices go up.
3) There were lots of kids in my neighborhood when I was growing up.
4) As a dedicated sportsman, Steven trained every day of the week.
5) "Oh, gross!" she said, looking at the flies buzzing above the dirty plates.
6) We enjoyed a leisurely picnic lunch on the lawn.
7) She believes it was the doctor's fault that Peter died.
8) There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them.
Task 22
1) On purpose 5) To beat up 9) To give up
2) To get rid of 6) To keep someone in check 10) To fall for something
3) To be in love 7) To get off
4) To hang out with 8) To join forces
Task 23
1) If we can get off by seven o'clock, the roads will be clearer.
2) You must learn to keep your emotions in check.
3) I didn't do it on purpose - it was an accident.
4) He came home drunk, got into a fight with his brother, and beat him up.
5) It’s time we got rid of all these old toys.
6) I'm in love for the first time and it's wonderful feeling.
7) They spent the whole day hanging out by the pool.
8) Decide what you want and then don’t give up until you’ve achieved it.
9) How could you fall for such an obvious trick?
10) Teachers joined forces with parents to prepare the hall for the school play.
Questions for
What is your biggest fear?
Do you easily trust people? Why?
Are there any bad habits you would like to get rid of? What
are they?
Do you get along with all members of your family?
What would you do if you ran out of money?
What is your favorite joint in your city? Why do you like it?
What makes it special?
Do you like taking a nap? How often can you rest during the
Describe your neighborhood. Do you like it? Are your
neighbors friendly? what would you change about your
Have you ever done anything bad on purpose? Why did you
do that? What did you do? How did you feel?
Are you in love? Describe your partner? Why do you like
Do you like hanging out with your friends? Where do you
usually hang out? What do you do?
Exercises after
Task 25: Fill in the gaps with the words from the box to complete the summary of the
A Jack Russell Terrier named Max lives with his ____________________ Katie in a New York apartment. While she works, he
socializes with other pets in the building: tabby cat Chloe, pug Mel, dachshund Buddy, and budgerigar Sweet Pea. One day,
Katie _______________________ the mongrel Duke, making Max envious. Enraged by Max's attitude, Duke tries to abandon
Max in an alley, but they are both ____________________ by cats led by Sphynx cat Ozone who removes their
_____________________ and leaves them to be caught by Animal Control. Duke fears that he will be killed if he goes back to
the ____________________. When Gidget, a white Pomeranian who is _____________________ with Max, discovers that he is
missing, she decides to find him.
Max and Duke are ____________________ by a white rabbit named Snowball, the leader of "the Flushed Pets," a gang of
drain-dwelling animals who hate ____________________because their owners mistreated and rejected them. After Max and
Duke ____________________ to despise humans by saying they ____________________ their owners, the Flushed Pets invite
them to join. Before they can prove their loyalty through a viper bite, Snowball learns that Max and Duke are
____________________. Realizing they had blown their cover, Max and Duke escape the drains and board a
____________________ to Brooklyn, inadvertently killing the viper in the process. Snowball vows ____________________ and
leads the Flushed Pets after them.
Meanwhile, Gidget recruits a red-tailed ____________________ named Tiberius to find Max, but he mistakenly locates Ozone,
whom Gidget coerces into telling what he knows about the dogs. They then enlist Mel, Buddy, Chloe, guinea pig Norman and
Sweet Pea. On the way, they meet Pops, an old Basset Hound who helps Gidget and the pets find Max. Gidget and her team
later encounter Snowball, who vows to kill them as well, and Norman is captured as the rest of Gidget's team flees.
In the meantime, Duke tells Max about his previous owner Fred, who adopted him as a puppy and loved spending time with
him. One day, Duke got lost while chasing a ____________________ and was caught by Animal Control, but Fred never came
to claim him. They visit Fred's house nearby, confident Fred will still love him and take him back, but they learn from the
resident cat Reginald that Fred has ____________________. Heartbroken, Duke accuses Max of attempting to
____________________of him and barks at the new homeowners who have just returned to the house and called Animal
Control. The handlers catch Max, but Duke interferes long enough for Max to escape and ends up being captured instead.
While trying to ____________________ Duke, Max is attacked by Snowball who tries to kill him. However, when his gang is
captured, Snowball realizes that he and Max must work together to rescue them. They drive a city bus into the Animal Control
van on the Brooklyn Bridge, stopping traffic. The Flushed Pets encircle Max intending to harm him, unaware of Max's new
partnership with Snowball. But is saved by Gidget and her team. The van plummets into the East River as Max tries to free
Duke, Snowball decides to jump into the river to give them the ____________________ to Duke's cage and escape the van.
The entire group returns to the apartment block by pig-driven taxi. Snowball and the Flushed Pets form a new plan to
annihilate all humans, but a little girl named Molly arrives and ____________________ Snowball, and the remaining Flushed
Pets head back to the drain. At first, Snowball resists, but gives in and lets himself become domesticated. The other pets return
to their homes and embrace their owners, and Max and Duke finally ____________________ with Katie.
Task 26: Name the main characters. Describe them
Task 27: Look at the pictures and describe some moments of the film
Task 27: Look at the pictures and describe some moments of the film
Task 25
A Jack Russell Terrier named Max lives with his owner Katie in a New York apartment. While she works, he socializes with other pets in the building:
tabby cat Chloe, pug Mel, dachshund Buddy, and budgerigar Sweet Pea. One day, Katie adopts the mongrel Duke, making Max envious. Enraged by
Max's attitude, Duke tries to abandon Max in an alley, but they are both attacked by cats led by Sphynx cat Ozone who removes their collars and
leaves them to be caught by Animal Control. Duke fears that he will be killed if he goes back to the pound. When Gidget, a white Pomeranian who is
in love with Max, discovers that he is missing, she decides to find him.
Max and Duke are rescued by a white rabbit named Snowball, the leader of "the Flushed Pets," a gang of drain-dwelling animals who hate humans
because their owners mistreated and rejected them. After Max and Duke pretend to despise humans by saying they killed their owners, the Flushed
Pets invite them to join. Before they can prove their loyalty through a viper bite, Snowball learns that Max and Duke are domesticated. Realizing they
had blown their cover, Max and Duke escape the drains and board a ferry to Brooklyn, inadvertently killing the viper in the process. Snowball vows
revenge and leads the Flushed Pets after them.
Meanwhile, Gidget recruits a red-tailed hawk named Tiberius to find Max, but he mistakenly locates Ozone, whom Gidget coerces into telling what
he knows about the dogs. They then enlist Mel, Buddy, Chloe, guinea pig Norman and Sweet Pea. On the way, they meet Pops, an old Basset Hound
who helps Gidget and the pets find Max. Gidget and her team later encounter Snowball, who vows to kill them as well, and Norman is captured as
the rest of Gidget's team flees.
In the meantime, Duke tells Max about his previous owner Fred, who adopted him as a puppy and loved spending time with him. One day, Duke got
lost while chasing a butterfly and was caught by Animal Control, but Fred never came to claim him. They visit Fred's house nearby, confident Fred will
still love him and take him back, but they learn from the resident cat Reginald that Fred has died. Heartbroken, Duke accuses Max of attempting to
get rid of him and barks at the new homeowners who have just returned to the house and called Animal Control. The handlers catch Max, but Duke
interferes long enough for Max to escape and ends up being captured instead.
While trying to rescue Duke, Max is attacked by Snowball who tries to kill him. However, when his gang is captured, Snowball realizes that he and
Max must work together to rescue them. They drive a city bus into the Animal Control van on the Brooklyn Bridge, stopping traffic. The Flushed Pets
encircle Max intending to harm him, unaware of Max's new partnership with Snowball. But is saved by Gidget and her team. The van plummets into
the East River as Max tries to free Duke, Snowball decides to jump into the river to give them the keys to Duke's cage and escape the van.
The entire group returns to the apartment block by pig-driven taxi. Snowball and the Flushed Pets form a new plan to annihilate all humans, but a
little girl named Molly arrives and adopts Snowball, and the remaining Flushed Pets head back to the drain. At first, Snowball resists, but gives in and
lets himself become domesticated. The other pets return to their homes and embrace their owners, and Max and Duke finally reunite with Katie.