Quarter 3 Week 5: Practical Research 1

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“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Written by: JUNILYN C. SAMOYA (T-I) Capisan National High School (Lesson 1)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 2)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 3)

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit
Research 1 QUARTER 3 WEEK DAY ____________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL L1 dd/mm/yyyy
/Grade 11
States research questions.
LEARNING Code: Objectives:
COMPETENCY CS_RS11-IIIc-e-4 1. Formulate a research question
2. Evaluate and select a research question

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on your paper.


Research Questions

 These can be derived from a variety of context.

 They can be from a general research area that interests us.
 These can be prompted by own personal interest or experience.
 These can also be prompted by a theory you are interested in.

The way you formulate your research question will also vary depending on whether you plan on doing
qualitative or a quantitative research or a combination o
f both. Regardless of these distinctions, there are certain characteristics that your research questions must have.
Thus, a variety of sources of research questions was suggested by Marx (1997) as cited by Bryman 2008, p.70.

Structures and Functions Empirical examples that trigger


A social problem New methods and theories

New social and technical developments

and social trends

Apart from relevance and salience of research questions, there are certain criteria that research questions
must satisfy.
Criteria for Evaluating Research Questions

1. Clear – They should be clear in the sense of being intelligible.

2. Researchable – They should allow you to do research in relation to them. This means that they should
not be formulated in term that are so abstract that they cannot be converted onto researchable items.
3. Connections with established theory – this means that they should be a literature on which you can
draw to help illuminate how your research questions should be approached. Even if you find a topic
that has been scarcely addressed by social scientist.
4. Linked to each other – unrelated research questions are unlikely to be replaceable, since you should be
developing an argument. You cannot readily construct a single argument in relation to unrelated
research questions.
5. Original contribution – They should at the very least hold out the prospect of being able to make an
original contribution, however small to the topic.
6. Neither too broad nor too narrow - the research questions should neither be too broad (so that
you would need a massive grant to study them) nor too narrow (so that you cannot make a
reasonably significant contribution to your area of study).
Source: Adopted from Bryman, (2008) A Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press,p.74

Written by: JUNILYN C. SAMOYA (T-I) Capisan National High School (Lesson 1)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 2)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 3)

SAQ-1: How to formulate a research question?

SAQ-2: What are the criteria to come up with a good and acceptable research question?

Let’s Practice! (Answer on the separate sheets provided.)

Directions: Read each item carefully and answer the following questions. Choose the letter that
corresponds to the correct answer.
1. For two consecutive semester teacher Tahil observed that almost half of his ICT class failed in his
subject. What research question can be asked to help Mr. Tahil?
a. What are the students’ level of computer literacy?
b. Why did the students fail?
c. What are the strategies that Mr. Tahil used?
d. What intervention can Mr. Tahil employ to address the failing grades of his students?
2. Johnson and Mia are currently doing their research entitled “The level of receptive vocabulary
among Senior High School students” What is the best research question can you suggest to them?
a. What is the level of receptive vocabulary among Senior High School students?
b. What is receptive vocabulary?
c. What is the receptive vocabulary of the Senior High School students?
d. What intervention can be given to the students to develop their receptive vocabulary skills?
3. James and Junie are currently investigating the effect of online games to the academic
performance of the Junior High School students. What research questions can be formulated then?
a. What are the effects of online games to the academic performance of the JHS students?
b. What are online games?
c. What online games affect the academic performance of the students?
d. What is the academic performance of the students?

Key Points

When writing a research question, write an opening sentence that entices the reader and
stimulates his or her interest to read about your research problem. Specify the problem leading to the
study. Specify your research questions. Remember the criteria for evaluating research questions.
Indicate why the problem and research questions are important. Situate your research questions in the
broader literature.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!

Directions: Select and evaluate the formulated research questions of the following researches. Choose
the letter of the correct answer. (Answer on your paper.)
1. Almost one-fourth of the students in the 21st Century Philippine literature class of Ms. Maureen are
foreign students. Due this, he had difficulty in making them read and comprehend literary pieces
since most of them are not fluent of the Filipino language. Which of the formulated research
questions below can be asked to help Ms. Maureen in her experimental study?
Research question 1: What strategies will help the students improve their comprehension of
the literary pieces?
Research question 2: Does the use of metacognitive strategies help improve the reading
skills and comprehension of foreign students?
a. Research question 1 because it is clear though the target group is not explicitly mentioned
b. Research question 1 because it may suffice to a descriptive research type
c. Research question 2 because it is clear, specific, and took into consideration the target
d. Research question 2 because it’s quite clear and indicated some of the variables to be
2. Ms. Delos Reyes is the principal of Gamogamo National High School. She would like to address
the low Phil-IRI performance of the students. How can we help her? What is the appropriate
research question can be raised?
Research question 1: What are the factors that affect the student’s low performance in Phil-
Research question 2: Does using an intervention program help enhance the student’s

Written by: JUNILYN C. SAMOYA (T-I) Capisan National High School (Lesson 1)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 2)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 3)

a. Research question 1 because it seeks to find the factors that affects most of the respondents
of the study to devise an intervention to enhance their performance
b. Research question 1 because it’s quite clear and focuses only to the factors
c. Research question 2 because it mentions an intervention program
d. Research question 2 because it aims in finding the right program to enhanced the student’s
target performance

Melegrito, Ma. Lourdes F, and Diana J Mendoza. “Research and Importance of

Research.”. In Appplied Research: An Introduction to Qualitative Research
Methods and Report Writing, 1–9. The Padayon Series. Quezon City,
Philippines: Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 2016.

Written by: JUNILYN C. SAMOYA (T-I) Capisan National High School (Lesson 1)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 2)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 3)

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Tool-Kit

Research 1 QUARTER 3 WEEK DAY ____________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL L2 dd/mm/yyyy
/Grade 11
Indicates scope and delimitation of research
COMPETENCY CS_RS11-IIIc-e-5  Construct scope and delimitations
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on your paper.

The scope and delimitations of a qualitative research are tandem ideas of what and what not the
researcher can do. The scope describes the coverage of the study and contains the explanation of what
information or subject is being analyzed. It specifies what is covered in terms of concept, number of subjects or
the population included in the study, as well as the timeline when the study was conducted. Depending on a
given subject, the scope can be large or small as there are different materials available for different researches.
Delimitations of the study are the characteristics that limit the scope and describe the boundaries of the study
such as the sample size, and where the study take place. These delimitations might be imposed for practical
reasons, such as lack of funds or financial resources and time.

What are the basic steps to write the scope of the study?

The basic steps in writing the scope of the study were emphasized by Ronald M.Henson and
Robert F. Soriano (2016) as follows:

Focus (subject matter coverage/title)

Locus (The place or location of the study)

Modus (Mode or manner of data gathering)

What is the importance of the scope and delimitation of the study?

 It is important to narrow down a research topic and limit the scope of the study
 It informs the reader about the limits or coverage of the study
 It also identifies the constraints or weakness of a research which are not within the control of
the research.


Example No.1

The focus of this research is in the Lived Experiences among nurses specialized in Intensive Care Unit
of the Hospital. This study will be conducted at the Zamboanga Doctors Hospital Veterans Avenue, Zamboanga
It will be delimited to seven nurses specialized in intensive care unit. The participants will be coded as
Participant A, Participant B, Participant C, Participant D, Participant E, Participant F and Participant G
respectively for the calendar year 2020-2021. Gathering of the data will be done through an interview.
Furthermore, this study is premised to the issues and challenges faced by the Intensive Care Unit nurses.
Focus: Lived Experience of nurses specialized in Intensive Care Unit of the hospital
Locus: Zamboanga Doctors Hospital Veterans Avenue Zamboanga City

Written by: JUNILYN C. SAMOYA (T-I) Capisan National High School (Lesson 1)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 2)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 3)

Modus : Nurses specialized in Intensive Care Unit of the hospital will be interviewed.

Example No.2
This study will focus on the Lived Experience of Grade 12 Shielded Metal Arc Welding Students
(SMAW) in their work immersion. This study will be conducted at Don Pablo Lorenzo memorial High School
Stand Alone Senior High School.

It will be delimited to five grade 12 students. The participants will be coded as Participant A, Participant
B, Participant C, Participant D and Participant E respectively for the school year 2020- 2021. Gathering of the
data will be done through an interview using the guide questions approved by the research teacher. Furthermore,
this study is premise to the issues and challenges faced by the grade 12 SMAW students in their work immersion.

Focus: Lived Experience of Grade 12 SMAW Students in their work immersion

Locus: Don Pablo Lorenzo memorial High School Stand Alone Senior High School
Modus: Grade 12 SMAW students will be interviewed.

SAQ-1: How do you differentiate the terms scope and delimitations?

SAQ-2: Why is Scope and Delimitations in a research project important?

Let’s Practice!

Actual Writing

Directions: Based on the approved title of your research and given examples, construct a scope and delimitations
of your study. (Write your answer on your paper)

Key Points

The scope and delimitations of the study are the two elements of a research. The scope of the study
explains the extent to which the research area will be explored and specifies the total population included in the
study. Delimitations of the study are the characteristics that limit the scope and describe the boundaries of the
study such as the number of participants, or respondents who are excluded, time frame and where the study take
place. These delimitations might be imposed for practical reasons, such as lack of funds or financial resources
and time.

The basic steps in writing the scope of study are the following;
1. Focus –the subject matter/coverage
2.Locus- the place or location of the study
3. Modus – the mode or manner of data gathering

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Directions: Read each item carefully and answer the following question. Choose the letter that
corresponds to the correct answer. (Answer on your paper.)
1. Which of the following specifies the number of participants in the study?
A. Scope
B. Delimitations
C. Scope and Delimitations
D. All of the above
2. Which of the following statements is true?
A. It is NOT important to narrow down a Research topic.
B. The coverage of the research should not be inform to the reader.
C. The scope and delimitations identifies the strength of the research.
D. The scope and delimitations identifies the weakness of a research.
3. Maria conducted her research at Sta. Cruz Island. What does this statement refer?
A. It refers to the title of the research.
B. It refers to the strength of the research.
C. It refers to the weakness of the research.
D. It refers to the location of the research.

Written by: JUNILYN C. SAMOYA (T-I) Capisan National High School (Lesson 1)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 2)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 3)

4. Hannah chose five participants out of 50 target of participants. What does this statement refer?
A. It refers to the focus of research.
B. It refers to the coverage of research.
C. It refers to the timeline of research.
D. It refers to the delimitations of research.
5. All of the following are the characteristics of delimitations of the study except,
A. Number of participants
B. Time frame
C. Availability of funds
D. Coverage of the study
6. All of the following are the characteristics of the scope of the study except,
A. It explains what and what not the researcher can do.
B. The number of participants or respondents are specified.
C. The boundaries set for the study.
D. It specifies the location of the study.
7. The following are examples of delimitations of the study except,
A. Time frame
B. The number of participants or respondents
C. The location of the study
D. The coverage of the study
8. Which of the following statements is true?
I. Delimitations of the study are choice made by the researcher.
II. The scope specifies the concept and number of participants
III. The scope and delimitations specifies what the researcher can do only.
IV. The scope and delimitations describes of what and what not the researcher can do.
A. I B. I, IV C. I,II,IV D. I, II
9. Which of the following statements are true?
I. Delimitations in the study describe the boundaries set for the study.
II. In qualitative research, the researcher can have unlimited participants.
III. The time frame of the study may be removed in the research title.
IV. The location of the study may not be cited in the scope and delimitations.
A. I, IV B. I only C. II, III D. I, II
For question number 10, refer to the sample of the scope and delimitations of the study below.
This study will focus on the Challenges and Experiences of Medical Front liners. It will be delimited
to 5 participants. The participants will be coded as participant A, B, C, and respectively. Gathering of the data
will be done through an interview using the guide questions approved by the research teacher.
10. Which of the following features of the scope of the study is not clearly stated on the given
sample above?
A. Locus
B. Focus
C. Modus
D. Locus and Modus
Ronald M. Henson, Robert F. Soriano Practical Research 1 (Qualitative) World of
Reality Dissections, Mutya Publishing House, Inc. Phillipines, 2016,74-75
For further reading, please follow these link:
“Scope and Delimitation”, accessed July 15, 2020. Source:
“Scope and Delimitation of the Study”, accessed July 15, 2020. Source:

Written by: JUNILYN C. SAMOYA (T-I) Capisan National High School (Lesson 1)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 2)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 3)

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment ToolKit
Research 1 QUARTER 3 WEEK DAY ____________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL L3 dd/mm/yyyy
/Grade 11
Cites benefits and beneficiaries of research
 Identify the possible beneficiaries.
 Write the significance of the study

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on your paper.

Good morning how are you today? As we start with our new lesson I hope all is well with you and your
family. Our lesson for today is about writing the significance of the study. The significance of the study is
basically the importance of your research and it must be stated in the introduction section of your research paper.
It provides details on how the study will contribute such as what the study will contribute and who will benefit
from it. It is sometimes called the rationale.

To know the significance of any inquiry, the researcher must first consider what the research rationale is.
The significance of the study is whatever you have considered it to be. You decide the significance of your study
and the better you can express this, the stronger your research will be. Researcher must have to study it over
many times before they can decide a direction where the research is going.

How it is stated in a research paper?

The statement of significance tells the reader why the study is important, describes how the problem will
be solved and specifically pinpoints who will benefit from such findings or results. Usually the beneficiaries of
the study are those experts concerned about the problem, the administrators or policy-makers who make the
decisions or implement programs, the subject themselves, future researchers and those who are directly or
indirectly affected by the problem. If the beneficiaries are only few, it can be written in one or two paragraphs.
However, if there are many beneficiaries write the following:

1st paragraph ………………………. (why is it important to conduct)

2nd paragraph ………………………. main beneficiary (organization)
3rd paragraph ……………………...... second beneficiary
4th paragraph ………………………...importance to the proponents/researcher
5th paragraph ………………………...importance to the future researchers

Tips in Writing the Significance of the study

Ruben et al,2016 enumerated the following tips in writing the significance of the study

2. Write from general to specific

1. Refer to the statement of the Problem
Write the significance of the study by
Your problem statement can guide you in
looking into the general contribution of
identifying the specific contribution of your
your study, such as its importance to society
study. You can do this by observing a one-to-
as a whole, then to the individuals which
one correspondence between the statement of
may include yourself as a researcher.
the problem and the significance of the study.

Written by: JUNILYN C. SAMOYA (T-I) Capisan National High School (Lesson 1)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 2)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 3)


Example No. 1
Significance of the Study
This research work will bring into focus the development of teaching modules suited for freshmen non-
science students. This endeavor is vital to the following:
Teachers. The results of this study can provide suggestions about approaches which should be used by
teachers with intent on increasing the active involvement of students in their own learning. Self-instructional
modules using metacognitive strategies will provide twin benefits namely: a) it transfers responsibility for
monitoring learning from teachers to students and; b) it promotes positive self-perceptions and develops
motivation among students.
Students. It enables the students to have easy expression as they progress on their own learning. In
this manner, metacognition provides personal insights into one’s own thinking and fosters independent learning.
Curriculum Planners. For the curriculum planners, this material may provide sound bases for the
enrichment of the school curricula to develop more effective methods and techniques in teaching biological
subjects. This could provide baseline data on the evaluation of the curriculum development.
Educators. This will provide educators with an approach for enhancing the performance of the students.
Future Researchers. This study could provide direction to researchers who intend to conduct a similar
study. Moreover, the result of this study could lend support to some of the findings of their studies.

Example No. 2

Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to find out the classroom management techniques rendered by the special
education teachers in Sta. Maria Elementary School and to measure its effectiveness through the behaviors of
the children with special needs.
Benefitting the study are the various sectors as follows:
The direct recipients of the output of this research are the children with special needs. Any
improvement of classroom management technique can pave the way of producing better learning and
discipline to survive and thrive in the society
The research benefits the parents of the children with special needs. As parents enrolled their
children in this institution, comes with self-assurance that their children are given more education that would
make them a functional individual in the society.
This study will be very beneficial to the SPED teachers and general education teachers, especially
to the teachers who are still newbie in the teaching profession. Through this research, teachers may purposely
discover how classroom management is conducive to learning.
Curriculum Planner
This study may provide sound bases for the enrichment of the school curricula to develop more
effective methods and techniques of classroom management. This could provide baseline data on the
evaluation of the curriculum development.
Future Researchers.
This study could provide direction to researchers who intend to conduct a similar study. Moreover,
the result of this study could lend support to some of the findings of their studies.

SAQ-1: What are the important considerations when writing the significance of the
SAQ-2: As a senior high school student, what can your research paper contribute to the
community or school?

Let’s Practice! (Write your answer on your paper)

Directions: Based on the given research title, identify the possible beneficiaries.
Note: Make it a point that the beneficiaries are arranged in a chronological order, from
general to specific.

Title 1: Lived Experiences of Grade 12 SMAW Students in Work Immersion

Title 2: Teachers’ Perceptions of Student Violence in Public Schools: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study

Written by: JUNILYN C. SAMOYA (T-I) Capisan National High School (Lesson 1)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 2)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 3)

 The significanceKey Points
of the study implies the importance of the study and describes what
contribution the study will make to the broad educational problems upon completion.
 The significance of the study specifically determine who will benefit from such findings or
results and how the specific beneficiaries will benefit from its findings.
 Usually the beneficiaries of the study are those experts concerned about the problem, the
administrators or policy-makers who make the decisions or implement programs, the subject
themselves, future researchers and those who are directly or indirectly affected by the problem.

Let’s see how much have you learned today! (Answer on your paper.)
Directions: Based on the final title agreed by your research teacher, come up with a significance
of the study.
Note: Make it a point that the beneficiaries are arranged in a chronological order, from general to

Title: _________________________________________________________________



Ronald M. Henson, Robert F. Soriano. Practical Reseach 1 (Qualitative)

World of Reality Dissections. Mutya Publishing House, Inc. 2016, 75-76

Ruben E.Faltado,Medardo B. Bombita,Helen B.Boholano,Angeline M. Pogoy.

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research for SHS).Lorimar Publishing,
REFERENCE/S Inc., 21-22

For further reading, please follow these links:


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Written by: JUNILYN C. SAMOYA (T-I) Capisan National High School (Lesson 1)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 2)
JOSEPHINE C. MAGLAYA, Ed.D (T-II) DPLMHS Stand Alone -SHS (Lesson 3)

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