Lesson Plan

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Polangui, Albay


Understanding Culture Society and Politics

Date: January 14, 2022

CONTENT STANDARD: Social and political inequalities as features of societies and the global community

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: Recognize other forms of economic transaction such as sharing, gift exchange, and
redistribution in his/her own society

LEARNING COMPETENCY: Explain government programs and initiatives in addressing social inequalities

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
 Identify government programs and initiatives that address social inequality.
 Evaluate government programs and initiatives that address social inequality.
 Value the importance of government programs and initiatives in addressing social inequalities.


A. Topic: Explaining Government Programs and Initiatives in Addressing Social Inequalities.
B. References:
a.) Learning Activity Sheet for Understanding Culture, Society and Politics (Quarter2
Week 10)
b.) Understanding Culture, Society & Politics SHS-Module 10: Government Programs
and Initiatives in Addressing Social Inequalities First Edition, 2020
C. Materials: PPT presentation and laptop


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Greetings
Good morning my dear students! Good morning ma’am
Kindly comment here in our chatbox, what are your (The students will write on the chatbox)
feelings right now using the #hashtag sign.

2. Prayer (Via Audio Visual Presentation) (The students will pray)

3. Checking of Attendance (The students will open their camera’s)
(Taking a screenshot of the participants
on the monitor)

Activity: REMEMBER ME!

The teacher will flash pictures on the screen.

The students will identify what is the meaning
behind those pictures.

What do you observe in the pictures? It has a connection to our society
Okay correct, that is something related to our
What do you think is the meaning behind The pictures are depicting social issues in our
those pictures? society
The meaning behind those pictures is all about
social inequalities that are faced by many individuals
in our society.
Very well said it tells us a glimpse of what really
happens in our society especially about social

Are you aware of the different social Yes, we are aware of the different social inequalities
inequalities in our today’s society? in our society.

That’s good that you are aware of the reality.

What are those social inequalities do you The issues about economic inequalities.
observe? There are lots of gender inequalities issues

The government can address social inequalities by

In what way thus the government can address social means of imposing programs and other initiatives
inequalities? projects.

Okay very good. The government is responsible for

making policies, projects, or programs to address
social inequalities in our society. But as a citizen, we
must help our government for a better

 What is the so-called social inequality?  Social inequality is a state described by the
disparity of the distribution of wealth and
uneven dissemination of opportunity in the
realm of politics, job opportunities, and in
other areas of life.

 It is a condition that contains organized and

recurrent patterns of lopsided circulations of
merchandise, riches, and assets.

 Social inequality results from the presence of

hierarchies in class, race, and gender that
unevenly appropriates resources and rights.

 Very good!
 It is said that without equivalent freedom,
poor people are denied access to economic,
political, and social resources, resulting in
inequality traps — and the persistence of
imbalance across generations.

 While social inequality is a complex problem,

it can nonetheless be addressed through
various government programs and
initiatives, with the cooperation of non-
government organizations that work
together to ensure that opportunities are
also available to the nation’s poorest people.
 Kindly give examples of government  (The students will tell and explain different
programs and initiatives that address the government projects and initiatives that aim
problem of social inequalities. Give your to address social inequalities)
insight about it.  Build, Build, Build (BBB Program) - Under
the Department of Public Works and
Highways, BBB aims to improve and speed
up foundation spending and foster
enterprises that will yield powerful
development, make occupations and work
on the existences of Filipinos.

 Very good answer, what do you think is/are  It addresses the issue of unemployment and
the purpose of that program? road network access.
 Precisely, many Filipino nowadays are
struggling with unemployment because of
this pandemic, thus this program is a great

 Any other ideas?  The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

(4Ps) – of the Department of Social Welfare
and Development provides conditional cash
grants to the poorest of the poor to improve
the health, nutrition, and education of
children. Its aim is to alleviate poverty
through social assistance and social
 Modified Conditional Cash Transfer (MCCT)
Program - compliment 4Ps. It is designed to
reach out to families who are definitely poor
and more vulnerable and disadvantaged. It
aims to provide social protection services fit
to the needs of IPs, Homeless Street Families
(HSF) and Families in Need of Special
Protection (FNSP).

 Correct, what is/are the issue that the  Social, economic and health status of every
program is trying to address? poor Filipino family
 Very good, many Filipino families that are
under the poverty line are beneficiaries of
this program and it is a big help for them to
alleviate their social and economic status.

 How about the inequalities in access to

education, what is/are the solutions of our  Universal Access to Quality Tertiary
government? Education Act - A law that institutionalizes
free tuition and exemption from other fees
in state universities and colleges (SUCs), local
 Very good, the government is addressing the universities, and colleges (LUCs).
issue about education by means of free
education for all, especially the access to
quality basic education.

 Let’s proceed to the issue of gender


- In some countries women are paid

relatively lower than men due to their
sexuality and biological differences.

-The LGBT community has always been

treated indifferently and discriminatively
because they do not fall within a biologically
defined gender group.

 What are the programs of the government

to address this issue?
 The Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive
Development (PPGD) rests on a vision of
development that is equitable, sustainable,
free from violence, respectful of human
rights, supportive of self-determination, and
the actualization of human potentials, and
 Very well said, thank you. It places people at
participatory and empowering.
the center and aims to make development
work for all groups.
 Any other answers?

 SOGIE Bill- It aims to end gender-based

discrimination by penalizing people involved
 Correct, The SOGIE Equality Bill recognizes
in such activity. 
the fundamental rights of every person
regardless of sex, gender, age, class, status,
disability, religion, and political beliefs. This
means that the law protects members of the
LGBTQIA+ from discrimination and
marginalization. But it is just a bill and needs
to be passed and approved to become a law.

 What can you say or what is your evaluation

on how thus our government is addressing
 The government is really doing its very best
several issues regarding social inequalities?
in order to address social inequalities.
 Their programs and initiatives are such a big
Thank you so much for sharing your insights and help to every individual who is experiencing
ideas about our topic. inequalities.


Chika Minute (Sharing of experience/observations)

What to do!!!
• Think of a social inequality issue that you observed in your barangay/society.
• Identify what specific government program/initiative is being done.
• Evaluate the action taken.


Guide Questions

1. What is social inequality?

2. What are government programs and initiatives that address social inequalities?
3. Are those programs and initiatives are implemented in accordance with its mission?
4. How can you help the government in addressing social inequalities?


Direction: Give at least 5 Social inequalities/issues that we have been discussed and along with
that, list the program align with it, its descriptions, and make your analysis and judgment.

Social Inequalities/ Programs/Initiatives Description Analysis/Judgement


(It’s Throwback Time)
Directions: Revisit or recall your personal experiences or observations on social inequality and answer
the following questions.
1. When was the last time you encountered social inequalities and what is it?
2. What actions did you make?
3. Did you request help from anybody (e.g., relatives, dear companions, government association,
non-government associations) to address your concern? Why or why not?
4. Did anyone extend their help?

Prepared by:




Assistant Principal II Assistant Principal II

Principal IV

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