Part 1 8 Learning Portfolio

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Batangas State University

Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Arts and Sciences
Psychology Department



Glyrine Calanog Punzalan
BS PSY -1206
Consider the immense diversity of the world's cultures.
Listen to the music, which ranges from Africa's calm drum
rhythms to Australia's lyrical didgeridoo to the scream of the
electric guitar. India's curry, Thailand's coconut milk, and
America's cheeseburger are all on the menu. Consider
combining all of these cultures into a single super-culture. The
once distinct music has collapsed into a loud cacophony. The
distinct delicious flavors have become a jumbled muck. Every
country in the globe is governed by a single government and
adheres to a single religion. Communists follow the same rules
as people who lived in a democracy previously.

However, the assumption that all of the world's civilizations can unite to form one
global community is debatable. People, on the other side, are concerned that the
emergence of a global village may lead to cultural conflicts, fragmentation, or cultural
dominance by more industrialized countries, possibly resulting in hybrid cultures
(Johnson 191-96). What problems and benefits will arise from this compression of
culture, assuming Marshall McLuhan's image of the globe as a global village is an
accurate prediction of the effect of cultural globalization? This essay will look at the
ramifications of opposing viewpoints on this topic.

Considering the given basis, in a world full of billion people what will happen if the
world has shrunk into a global village? There is a lot of possibilities that will happen if
the world shrunk. There is a lot of what if’s, if that thing happens. We all know that we
as a human had different cultures, traditions, nationality and beliefs. And I think if the
world shrunk those are one of the difficulties that we’re going to encounter as we meet
other people. That scenario was very difficult to see like all the people worldwide will
meet each other and then I don’t think what will happen to them. I don’t know how I
can expect that to happen rather how can I adapt the environment that we will live if
that happens. And together if the world shrunk I think more of the people in this
existence at first will became strangers. We can’t deny the fact that all of us had
different language to learned and I think not all of us can understand the languages of
others. Where in fact even though we had the universal language which is the English,
I think we are all aware that not everyone can understand that clearly. And guess what
that thing can be one of the reasons why most of the people will argue because of
misunderstanding if the world shrunk into a global village. Another thing that will be
expected if the world shrunk is the thing on what and where we believe on. I think that
is also one of the reasons why we can’t be a neighbor quickly to other people all around
the world. But on the other hand, I’ve thinking that we can also turn from strangers to
neighbors because everything is possible to happen. And I think learning is the best
thing that we can have if that scenario happens. We will start in learning, learning how
can we adapt everyone's culture and beliefs. It’s not the fact that we’re going to forget
what our culture and beliefs are instead we’re going to learn it for us to respect and
understand them. In that way we can have a normal environment and we can act
respectfully for the sake of others. Another one is if we learned to respect their
cultures and beliefs it may result for us to have a unity. And I think in that scenario the
best weapon that we can have for us to became neighbors is unity. A unity that will
bond each of us even though we are different to each. It is because differences can
make us unique and powerful. Powerful in a way that as we combine each of us beliefs
we can surpass different struggles and circumstances around us. Because it’s not only
the more the merrier but also the more the powerful.
Ethical is PETA has taken down their controversial "Save The
Whales" billboard, which drew intense ire from across
the country. They have replaced it with a billboard

a Must that says, "GONE: Just like all the pounds lost by
people who go vegetarian." PETA's billboard was
fueled by a healthy respect for all the animals who are
PETA – “SAVE THE raised cruelly and killed in painful ways as well as for
WHALES” ADS. our own species’ potential to be kind and healthy.

The advertisement of PETA which is aiming to save the whales and other blubbers in
the sea had unethical advertising. As I got my research and criticized about this
advertisement I found this unethical in a way of being insensitive in using printed
billboards that had a picture of the back of one fat women in swimsuits. It’s a kind of they
are insulting fat women and pointing them as one of the reason why some blubbers are
slowly disappearing.

As a woman and student I think if a certain group receive this kind of advertisement
they may freak out and naturally get insulted. Admit it or not , every circle of friends we
always had one person and more who is fat or skinny. And I think if I can literally see this
advertisement I’ll get angry to PETA. For them being insensitive and judgmental about
the body of others. We can’t say that because s/he is fat , s/he is the reason behind those
issue of blubbers mammals. What if they have some illness about their body. Of a certain
group receive they may protest and get angry because of this rude and insensitive

Being a student I think I am not in the position to decide what is the better way they
can advertise this ad. But for my perspective, I think they can advertise this
advertisement in better way if they avoided using insensitive things that can affect some
group of people. I think it’s not a big deal for them to think some strategy in advertising
that can’t insult other people. Because we must put in our mind that being fat is not a sin,
body shaming is not joke and we must remember that our body is a temple of our life
and no matter what happens nobody is perfect. All of us had flaws and imperfections.
And I think PETA can advertise this advertisement by showing the true message behind
it, they must stop using some strategies that will give bad messages instead use the right
strategies that is pointing out what they’re talking about. And always remember that it is
unwise to make assumptions about your audience. Ultimately, your opinion or
judgement doesn’t have a place in your advertising strategy.
The Next Linguistic
The Philippines is a multilingual country as “conyo talk”, it is a type of discourse that
with over 100 different languages. purportedly identifies and differentiates
Linguists observe that the languages differ people of ‘power’ from the common
significantly and that they may be masses (Garvida, 2012). People who speak
classified into linguistic families, which such are called ‘conyo’. Ironically, it is one
include a northern group (which includes of the many words which have taken a new
Ilokano, Pangasinan, and Kapampangan) meaning in the Philippine context since
and a central group (which includes originally the word came from the Spanish,
Ilokano, Pangasinan, and Kapampangan) coño , meaning cunt.When asked what
(including Tagalog, Bicol, Hiligaynon, and conyo is, the majority of them think of it as
Cebuano). Natural processes relating to a language used by the wealthy and
language change, divergence between powerful. Conyo is the product of younger
linguistic communities caused by a lack of members of affluent and prestigious
communication, and converse Insular Spaniards attempting to assimilate
convergence caused by a high rate of or integrate, according to them. Others, on
communication between communities are the other hand, claim that conyo exists
all factors that contribute to the because old-rich people hire nannies who
Philippines; linguistic diversity. The speak terrible English but try to
Philippines is going through a phase of communicate. However, according to
language convergence, with significant Bautista (2004), it has been utilized by the
levels of borrowing from big languages like middle and upper classes, college-
English and Tagalog, as well as regionally educated, and urbanized Filipinos to
important languages. Some languages are separate themselves from others for
completely abandoned and go extinct decades.
because of this process, for better or ill.

Early exposure to English helps to polish

up and cultivate a good command of the
language. Living in a globalised 21st
century, it is important and relevant to be
able to communicate to people from
various parts of the world. You can find a
lot of information on the internet, and
most of these articles, essays and
documents are written in English. In order
to survive in the 21st century, we need to be
constantly obtaining new information
about the world around us. Being able to And I guess after this conyo talks the
understand English will give you the power next we can hear in the Philippines was a
to succeed. korean, japanese and other languages that
is associated in todays existence, I know
In this early living and as a student I am that we are all aware how kdramas, animes,
aware about one of the most popular cdrama and many more arouse in 21st
linguistic phenomenon which is the ' conyo Century. And as long as we are existing we
talks'. Conyo Talks is kind of phenomenon must be prepared that as the earth rotates
exists in the Philippines for quite some so as the linguistic phenomenon growing
time now. Most commonly referred to and broading.
For the past few years, In which this new media teenagers are one of the
new media has been the is one of the most beneficial people who are eaten by
most popular trend. It is things that technology did, new/social media. Eaten of
now seen as an integral part for us to have the best way this media in a way that
of everyone's life and is of communicating, it's a fact much of their lives are
used daily. So, what exactly that modern technology has depends on how new/social
is "new media"? The replaced old technology. media react. For examples
definition of new media And there's no way we can are the Instagram,
changes daily and will imagine our lives without Facebook, twitter and many
continue to do so in the that replacement. Letters platforms. Those platforms
future. Technology, the were the most common had a big impact in every
internet, and any kind of medium of communication human whose using it. Like
communication, such as less than one hundred years some of the people are
social media and websites, ago, but now not every depending on what they
are examples of new media. person uses the letter read in some platforms and
Do you believe that social instead, they are more because of that they became
media has any drawbacks? comfortable in using some anxious and conscious
Well, everything in our lives gadgets that can do video about everything around
has benefits and drawbacks calls and messages to their them. Even though their is
that influence our way of loved ones and anyone. enough and good things
life. As we enter the 21st Instant messaging and around them, they will saw
century, almost everyone sharing of photos and it not enough. The
lives at the edge of videos was never so easy contentment will not fill
technological and scientific before. An example of this their mind because of the
advancements. A lot of was messaging, Gmail, overflowing trends that is
inventions and discoveries twitter, Instagram and many going in new/social media
have been made by so many platforms. And regarding to that using by them. But with
great minds whose purpose the question that “Are we regards to those people that
was to make our lives better using new media, or are new are not using by new media.
than before. Since the media using us?”, I think I think I can include myself,
beginning of mankind, some of us are using new it is because we are using
human beings have always media and others are the new/social media too. But
had the ambition to ones that new media used. we are responsible enough
improve their lives. From As I read our provided not to take everything in
ancient times till today, we modules in Purposive new/social media seriously.
cannot list all our Communication that is one We must put in our mind
discoveries and inventions. of the example of new that not all in the media
All of these are very media, I noticed that there must be follow by us, not all
important and have helped is a picture in that module the content of media must
to make our lives better. that illustrates how new be the same on how we live.
And one of the inventions media affects our society. It We must be content on
in this era was the new illustrates how new media what we have and how our
media. I know that each us shaped every people that is life goes around. Even
are very aware when it existing in today’s world. though new/social media
comes to new media. This And I think in today’s had a great help to us when
new media is everywhere in society, much of the people it comes to fastest
this existence, which had a are eaten by new media communicating, we must be
great impact in our life in most especially the social well disciplined and
every aspect. media. Even before this responsible enough in using
pandemic arises, many it. For us to avoid the new
people especially the media in using us.
They always say that one of the best
Both face-to-face (F2F) and the range of virtual
meetings have their strengths and weaknesses
depending on the length and goals of the event. This
article will cover them. With the COVID pandemic
keys to building a good connection with
others is through the use ofshutting down nearly all F2F events, virtual events
communication. Where in all aspects of of all types have seen very significant growth.
personal and professional life, effective
communication is a key component to success. Whether you're a student or a working
professional, good communication is something that's going to connect you far ahead.
Good communication can help you solve a number of problems. That's the reason why we
need to communicate well. In our course which is GED 106 Purposive Communication
under our beloved instructor Mrs. Tarin Abigail Culla. She taught us about the principles
of communication that can help us to have an effective communication. And amid this
pandemic, we as a student and as a human in this existence some of us open again their
eyes to the new normal setting of environment. Where in all of the things that we do are
different from the normal times that we lived. There’s is a lot of chances that we are still
confused in everything that is new, especially when it comes to communication. As we
tackle earlier communication is a better way to connect people, so how we can connect to
other people amid this pandemic? Virtual Communication is the answer to that question.
Where in Virtual communication uses technology which refers to any technology people
use to communicate with each other when they can't be face to face. It favors the ability to
see and hear one another in real time, simulating the experience of a physical visit. Just
like what we do during online classes through google meet, zoom, video call and many
more. But as a student, if I’m giving an opportunity to choose between virtual and face to
face communication I think I’ll still choose to have a face to face communication. As we
tackled about principles of communication I think it can be more effective if we use to
have a face to face communication. In which we can express vividly our thoughts and
opinions. As we have the two ways of expressing ourselves which is the verbal and non
verbal communication. Face to face communication had a greater advantages. Some of it
are, we can truly see if the one we are talking about is sincere and true on what he/she
saying, we can clearly see on how they act and express their self as each of us share our
thoughts and reach out each other, and also we can communicate vividly if the one we’re
talking is right in-front of us, where in there is no hindrances like technology that can
interrupt our communication. But amid this pandemic the disadvantages of this face to
face communication to us was the avoidance of us to viruses. Not just the viruses but also
the fact that when we have a face to face communication it is not effective in
communicating with large audiences. It is very hard to get a message across to huge
gatherings. Even though the narrator is addressing them face-to-face, the essential
personal touch is missing. In the deficiency of reasonable feedback, his speech lapse into a
monologue. So that I as a student who chose face to face communication, I think for us to
have an effective communication we must know first the state and how many the
respondents are. For us to know what must be the good communication we must use to
have an effective communication to each other. It is because successful communication is
the conveying and understanding of a message from one person to another. For
communication to be effective, the meaning must be easily understood. An individual 's
communicative success relies on factors that include speaking, reading, listening, and
reasoning skills. Forms of communication include verbal and non-verbal, as well as, one
way and two ways. And we must always remember that, “ Communication is about being
effective not always about being proper” -Bo Benmet
Reflection and Learning and I think we have many ways
to communicate with them,

is a Lifelong Process and one of the best is the

internet. If someone you know
With regards to this course of this topic, I believed that this is far away, you can use
which is Purposive course was only all about what is technologies such as a
Communication, let us first the purpose of communication. cellphone, laptop, or any other
define what communication is. But as week passes I realized that device that can communicate
Communication is fundamental there is a lot knowledge that I will with your friends, and we can
to the existence and survival of gain in this course. This course use this gadget to make it easy
humans as well as to an taught me how to effectively to talk to them via messenger.
organization. It is a process of communicate with other people. We can keep in touch with the
creating and sharing ideas, I learned what communication is person we love in this way, and
information, views, facts, and how the communication we can still communicate and
feelings, etc. among the people exists in other country. Also, I share ideas with each other,
to reach a common learned that communication has and the bond between the two
understanding. In which verbal a process, a process of listening, people or family cannot be lost
and nonverbal communication speaking, reading and writing. in this way. And that is when
is possible. Whereas verbal Purposive communication is key the lesson in this course which
communication refers to the use in human life, especially when it is the arouse of new media
of language to communicate comes to connecting with others takes place in terms of
information through speech or and forming relationships. We communication. And lastly, we
sign language, it can also refer to must communicate to convey must put in our mind that
noises, words, or speaking. information and change ideas to communication is critical in
Nonverbal communication, on see how we can solve what you every human's life. We must be
the other hand, involves want and be satisfied with what able to communicate in order
communication between we are going to solve. Today, to be a decent individual,
people through nonverbal or there are engineers, graduates, especially since we are
visual clues. This includes technicians, and others who want Filipinos, who are usually
nonverbal communication such to solve everything to perfection competitive in every project or
as gestures, facial expressions, without effective activity. We must follow the
body movement, timing, touch, communication. This is not what high importance of the
and anything else. should be done. We must communication's objective
Purposive communication communicate to convey since it enables us in improving
has been a learning experience information and change ideas to our knowledge and learning in
for me, I've been able to learn a see how we can solve what you life, which we may implement
lot about different principles want and be satisfied with what in our daily lives. And always
and many more that I did not we are going to solve. So that, it is remember that learning and
know or work on before in important to study and give time improving effective
terms of communication. The in learning purposive communication skills can help
first week of this unit I had a mix communication. you advance in your
of emotions, excitement and In this kind course there is a lot profession, increase your job
stress. The topics covered each of learnings I gain some of it are earning potential, and expand
week have giving me the in terms of barriers, clarity, your network. Communication
opportunity to increase my conciseness, the ethical, how new and interpersonal skills may
knowledge in many areas. On media arouse and many more absolutely be improved and
beginning taught me a a lot. perfected, however it takes
time and effort.
Glyrine C. Punzalan
Batangas State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Psychology (BS PSY 1206)

About me
Glyrine Calanog
Punzalan Such an honor to me to know you read this
about me. I am currently studying at Batangas
glyrnpnzln_ State University. And I will be the fresh graduate
of Bachelor of Science in Psychology in 2025. I
want to find a position that suits and related to
@glyrnpnzln my grade and program that is psychology. I
want to find the experience to be psychologist
in designated hospital.
Phone: 09513969255 Education
Email; punzalanglyrine 2014-2015 Bukal Elementary School Overall SPG Oficer Awardee
2017-2019 Gov. Feliciano Leviste
Add: Nonong Casto,
Lemery Batangas Memorial Nat'l H.S
2020-2021 Lemery Senior High
D.O.B: May 24,2001 School/Academic Strand
Humss with High Honor
Nationality: Filipino Awardee GWA. 96
2021-Present Batangas State University
College of Arts and Science
SKILLS AND Bachelor of Science in
CHARACTER Psychology(BS PSY 1206)
Dean Lister (1st Sem) GWA 1.47
Computer Literate
Team Work Work Experience
Honesty 2016-2018: Baby Sitter and Tutor for Toddler
As a part time worker in Taal, Batangas as a
baby sitter and Tutor for Toddler. I have been
Language experienced to be a hardworking person at my
young age in that environment. I am really
Filipino improving my understanding and patience
English when it comes to children and their need. Doing
this part time made me realize how i can handle
one's behavior of the children. And regarding to
Interest my current program it really helps me to
became more knowledge in understanding one's
Planning behavior and emotions. This job also changed
Photograph my mindset that all of our emotions specially
Sea and Scenerry the children are valid and matter.

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