Importance of TRANSIT Astrology by C.S.Rao

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Importance of TRANSIT Astrology

Transit astrology (gochara) refers to the influence of a transiting planet when in contact
with the birth time position of itself or of other planets in the natal chart. This is followed
both in sayana and nirayana systems

Influence of transits in astrological studies is highly important as every planet is always in

transit. Natal chart indicate the position of planets at birth time. Natal charts sometimes lead
us to a false impression that the planets are stagnant in the natal position. But no planet is
stagnant at any time. They constantly move in their respective tracks.

Transiting movement of planets indicates a probable time of an opportunity for development

or otherwise with the potential promised in natal chart.

Transit astrology is the study of constantly changing angular distances of ever moving
planets with the sensitive areas in natal chart.

The transiting planets happen to touch the same point at regular intervals as per their speed.
The fast moving planets conjunction with their natal positions repeats at shorter intervals
while that of slow moving planets repeats at very long intervals.

Transit chart: Transiting planets are shown over the natal chart, generally, in outer circle.
This is to indicate the angular distance of transiting planets to those of the natal position of
planets and bhava sputas.

Natal Chart: A natal chart is the snapshot of planetary configuration at a given birth time.
Planets after birth time also continue to move in respective tracks while the native is growing
in age - mentally and physically.

Planets are posited at specified points in a natal chart as per the past life karma of the native.
Stellar astrology theories imply that in a natal chart planet(s) are hosted by star(s) as per the
nature of previous karma of the native. Moon posited star is picked as Birth Star for
astrological study because Moon is manokaraka. Role of mind is important in formation of

: Critical times may be embedded with good opportunities:: Happy times may have disguised slippery chances:
: Predictions are not adequate NOW: Prepare the native through Astro Counseling:

present life events. Mind is the threshold for the entry of previous life events in to this life.
Negative feelings of mind like envy, jealous, anger, revenge etc., are the entry time
symptoms of past life bad karma influence.

Natal chart is a zodiac of 360 degrees spread in 12 signs with 12 bhava sputas and 12
planetary sputas. Here, planets are taken as 12 including the Nodes and Uranus, Neptune and

Natal chart is analyzed on the basis of Graha Tatwa plus Bhava Tatwa and Rasi tatwa. The
analysis is focused on the position of planet in a bhava and the rasi behind such a position.

Sensitive areas in Natal chart: Out of 3600 of Zodiac the sensitive areas are only 24 points
i.e., 12 bhava sputas and 12 graha sputas.

In advanced theories some points like sahamas, brigu bindu, mid points etc are also
considered as sensitive areas in natal chart. These points are arrived as per certain formulae
and marked in natal chart.

Sensitive time: The sensitive time is the time when a transiting planet contacts/aspects a
sensitive area in natal chart.

Contacts (aspects and conjunctions): Contact of transiting planet with the sensitive area in
natal chart is in many ways e.g., aspects or conjoins the natal position of all planets.
Conjunction is rapt and wide. Here consider the aspects of both Vedic and Western astrology.

Natal chart indicate the opportunities and strengths of the native. Transit charts indicate the
time of fructification of events as per the favorable and unfavorable angular distances of the
transiting planets to sensitive areas in natal chart.

Caution: Transiting planets by NO MEANS are capable of giving any extra benefits than
what is promised in the natal chart.

Transit astrology (gochara) is of different types – Some of them are given below.

1. Lunar gochara - Based on sign wise distance of transiting planets from the natal sign
position of Moon in natal chart.
2. Tarabalam - based on the distance of transiting moon posited star from the birth star
in natal chart. Mostly used in election astrology.
3. Chandra ashtamam – based on the sign wise distance of transiting moon from the
Moon occupied sign in natal chart. Mostly used in election astrology.
4. Sadesati, kanataka sani periods based on the distance of transiting Saturn posited
sign from the moon posited sign in natal chart.
5. Lagna Gochara: Deals with the sign wise distance of transiting planets from the
lagna sign in natal chart.
6. Stellar Gochara: Deals with the distances between the stellar positions of transiting
planets from the birth star in natal chart.


: Critical times may be embedded with good opportunities:: Happy times may have disguised slippery chances:
: Predictions are not adequate NOW: Prepare the native through Astro Counseling:

7. Ashtaka Vargu: Kakshas and bindus in natal chart indicate the transit results.
Strength of the transiting planet is dependent on the Kakshas occupied in transits as
well as the bindus in each Kaksha in natal chart.
8. Tajaka System – Vashapala chart – is cast as per the sun position in transit. Natal
chart is progressed in time. The distance of transiting planets in that year and the
Sahama points in Varshapal chart are used for further analysis. This is somewhat
similar to the Progression charts made very year in Western system of astrology.
Progression charts made in Western astrology or Varshpal charts in Tajaka system
indicate the psychological developments occurred by that age within the native. In a
way they supplement the study of natal charts.
9. KP system – for fine tuning of the transit results the position of transiting planets in
all 249 subs in 3600 are studied.
10. Vimshottari Dasa system adopted in the Vedic astrology is based on the
presumption of progression of natal MOON position. Progression of Moon concept is
somewhat similar concept of Sun progression in Western astrology.

Suggested mode of study in transit astrology

Main concept in all the transit studies is to see the angular distances of transiting
planets to the sensitive areas in natal chart just to arrive at the sensitive time. In view of
this main concept the following methods are suggested to always begin a study of transit
influence on the sensitive areas in natal chart.

1. Observe the natal positions of 12 bahava sputas and 9 planetary sputas in natal chart.
If one is conversant with the use of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto they can include them
2. Observe the transit chart and the 9 or 12 planetary positions in transit chart.
3. Verify current situation:
(i) With the current dasa bhukti and antara lords in transit chart and their angular
distance with their natal positions. This indicates what the native is presently
experiencing – good / bad.
(ii) With the bhavas indicated by current dasa/ bhuti/antara lords as per natal chart
and the malefic /benefic indications when interpolated with their transit
4. Now come to the purpose of present study e.g., education / job/ marriage etc.,
(i) Verify how far the current dasa / bhukti / antara lords are favorable as per their
natal and transit positions. ( as per item 3 above)
(ii) Now verify the transit of major planets like Saturn, Rahu-ketu, Jupiter- see
how far they are favorable or otherwise for the bhava(s) under study.
5. Study of transits is important -
(i) Bad transits are likely to damage the good configuration promised in natal
(ii) At the same time if a bad configuration is seen in natal chart a good transit
can rarely repair the likely damage.

: Critical times may be embedded with good opportunities:: Happy times may have disguised slippery chances:
: Predictions are not adequate NOW: Prepare the native through Astro Counseling:

Caution: Transiting planets by NO MEANS are capable of giving any extra benefits than
what is promised in the natal chart.

6. Natal chart indicate the strengths and weakness and the transits provide opportunities
and the scope to fructify events.
7. Observe whether any natal planet is under the influence of TRIPLE transit – one
from slow moving planets and other from fast moving planets. Slow moving planets
provide benefic / malefic background and the fast moving planets set the time of event
– good / bad. Slow moving planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu-Ketu, Uranus, Neptune
and Pluto. Fast moving planets are Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Moon.
8. Angular distances are expressed by way of aspects. In fact, in a zodiac of 3600 the
angular distances, if measured geometrically, from a point to point result in more
than 100 connections. They start from conjunction i.e, in same degree to opposite and
to the other half side. But, for practical purposes, few effective angles are taken in
Vedic astrology and also in Western astrology. Vedic astrology recognized 7th aspect
to all planets and special aspects to Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Western astrology
recognized conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition etc.,
9. Approaching and Separating aspects in zodiac – Faster moving planet crosses a
slow moving planet in zodiac at any time. A transiting planet while reaching an exact
conjunction / aspect to a sensitive area makes an applying aspect and after that
conjunction / aspect resorts to separating aspect. This cannot be ignored. Applying
aspect is essential as any event in life need a gestation period to fructify. Time taken
in applying aspect is likely to coincide with the gestation time taken in fructification
of a life event. This is to be verified in each case and at every time. Example-
Gestation time for getting a job involves getting information about availability of job;
applying for it; getting an interview; getting selection and joining in a job. All these
stages can be traced in phases in the duration of applying aspect. Time span of
separating aspect may indicate the strengthening / worsening of the event so
10. Fructification of event always include the “happening” or “not happening” of an
11. Retrograde planets in transit – Transiting planets’ apparent retro motions have a
deep meaning in the fructification of event. This relates to the study of natal planets
direct or retro position. During retro motion a planet get stagnant twice before going
to retro and turning to direct motion. An event triggered in direct /retro motion may
get fructified (benefic/malefic) when the retro planet get retro / directed. Some
theories have ignored the retro motion. Yet, expert observations indicate that the study
of retro movements is essentially indicating minor and major changes. In the present
complex life situations a planet(s) retro motions cannot be ignored.
12. Planetary return – When a transit planet touches the exact point of its natal position
it is said as planetary return. Planet is beginning a new cycle in individual’s life.
Important are the return of Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu-Ketu, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Half returns i.e., when the planet touches the 180 degrees to its natal position is also

: Critical times may be embedded with good opportunities:: Happy times may have disguised slippery chances:
: Predictions are not adequate NOW: Prepare the native through Astro Counseling:

important. Particularly return of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto may not occur in short
life and medium life periods. So half return is important in case of Uranus, Neptune
and Pluto.
(i) Jupiter return – is the ideal time for growth and development. All efforts will
be rewarded.
(ii) Saturn return is often a difficult and challenging time – but the decisions taken
in this period will have long lasting effect.
(iii) Uranus return – half return or full return – as per age span – creates casual
filtrations in relationships, routine life styles are broken, people develop new
interests, Many women experience pre-menopause stage in half return of
Uranus. Men are also likely to experience pre-male menopause.
(iv) Rahu-Ketu return or half return to their natal positions – health care is

Following TABLE show some of the broad effects of transiting planets noticed by experts.
Caution- These are general indications and every one must essentially make a holistic
approach to the entire natal chart and all transiting planets in finalizing the study results.
No planets work isolation. At any given time, native gets a package deal of all planets with a
leadership of one or more planets by virtue of their dasa periods, lordships, transits etc.,

Transit On the Natal

of Point of Likely effects

5th or 9th
Sun bhavas or their Child birth in Two months
Sun Jupiter Monetary gains
Moon Jupiter Monetary gains
Moon Lagna Anxiety, sorrow, bad luck
7th or 9th Marriage takes place in seventy two days - this happens very
Moon bhavas or their often - So it may be an indication in fixing muhurtha if all
lords other planets are well placed.
5th or 9th Child birth takes place in seventy two days - this happens very
Moon bhavas or their often - So it may be an indication in fixing muhurtha if all
lords other planets are well placed.
7th or 9th
Mars bhavas or their Marriage takes place in TWO months
5th or 9th
Mars bhavas or their Child birth in 75 days
7th or 9th
Jupiter bhavas or their Marriage takes place in NINE months

: Critical times may be embedded with good opportunities:: Happy times may have disguised slippery chances:
: Predictions are not adequate NOW: Prepare the native through Astro Counseling:

Transit of
On the Natal Point of Likely effects

Jupiter 5th or 9th bhavas or their lords Child birth in NINE months
Money gain in first round-to father & in
Jupiter Sun
second round - to Native

Jupiter Jupiter Respect and Honor

Jupiter Mars Facilitates Loan amount

4th /9th bhava or their lord while

Jupiter Acquires landed property
in their dasa period is running

Jupiter Venus Marriage

Saturn Sun Sudden LOSS
If Saturn is Yoga karaka gains that
Saturn Saturn
bhava results with stress and strain.
Saturn Mars Loss of landed property
Saturn Lagna Sputa Bad health
Saturn Leo Marriage and immediately child birth
7th or 10th from Moon -
Saturn Kantaka Sani periods or in Downfall
Sadesati period
Saturn 7th or 10th from natal Sun Troubles in profession
Saturn Mars if in 8th Serious bad events
Creates obstacles that cannot be solved
Saturn 8th from natal Saturn
Saturn 7th or 9th bhavas or their lords Marriage takes place in Nine months
Saturn 5th or 9th bhavas or their lords Child birth in NINE months

Ketu Jupiter Marriage

Rahu 8th lord Accidents
Rahu Mars Accidents
once in Nine years - important events --
Rahu-Ketu Rahu-Ketu
good / bad - Health care is also essential
If both Saturn Aspects both bhava and its
Enhances that bhava results
and Jupiter bhava lord at a time
Any Bhava
on its bhava sputa point Good results
10th lord 3,6,10,11 bhavas Promotion in job


: Critical times may be embedded with good opportunities:: Happy times may have disguised slippery chances:
: Predictions are not adequate NOW: Prepare the native through Astro Counseling:

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