Sandra S

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Sandra S.

Espartero March 10, 2011

Mrs. Lilibeth Carbon Lit 121 Instructor

My Favorite Literature of the Philippines 1. 2. Title: Morning in Nabrencan Characters: Name Baldo ten-year old boy, the older brother of Ambo and first son of Tang Ciako and Nana Elang Strengths y Obedient He carries out her mothers request y Courageous He tried to stop his father from killing the dog. Ambo seven-year old boy, younger brother of Baldo and the youngest son of Tang Ciako and Nana Elang y Curious He wants to know what is the flavor of banana if he will not remove its skin. y Helpful He help his brother in finding the dogs corpse and giving it a decent burial. Nana Elang y Loving and caring she Weakness y Selfish He wants the blackspotted puppy solely for himself. y Childish He was older yet he acted like that of a child. y Thick-headed When Baldo told him to remove the skin of banana, he didnt do it. He even show how relish eating banana with its skin y Vengeful He always fights back. y Helpless she cannot

wife of Tang Ciako, mother of Baldo and Ambo

takes care of her family.

stop his husband from abusing their children. y Weak She dont have the strength to stop her husband.

Tang Ciako a carpenter, husband of Nana Elang and father of Baldo and Ambo

y Abusive He thinks he can do anything to his children because he feed them.

3. 4.

Theme: Childhood joys and fears Synopsis:

The story started in the early morning when Nana Elang started to prepare their familys breakfast with Baldo as her helper. As soon as Baldo finished his work, he played with his favorite dog, the black-spotted puppy. By and by Ambo, the younger brother wakes up. He eats the banana with its skin. His brother told him to remove

its skin but Ambo did not follow him. Later on, both brothers were busy playing with the puppies; Baldo played with the black-spotted one and Ambo with the rest. Soon, Ambo got tired of them and he wanted the black-spotted puppy. He tried to touch it but Baldo would not let him and it resulted to fight. Baldo won and got his puppy but Ambo grab its tail and jerked it hard. Baldo have to let go of the dog for it was howling. It gave opportunity for the dog to get its revenge; he bit Ambos palm. The boy cried and his cries awakened their father. He said that the dog has gone mad

so he was going to kill him and he succeeded. Then he beat his children. Nana Elang could not do something to help her children. Afterwards, she has taken care the wounds and bruises of the sons. Then, the boys went out to find the corpse of the dog and to burry in. 5. Lessons a. Dont be selfish. Learn to share things you have, especially to your siblings. It will make you feel good. b. Choose your partners in life wisely. Know his/her character, values, and views in life. c. Be kind to animals. If you treat them good, they will return your goodness and if you treat them bad, they will return your badness. 6. I like Morning in Nabrencan I like the story Morning in Nabrencan because it reminds me that I am still lucky in spite of having a drunkard father. Firstly, he does not abuse his family. None of us have to be his punching bag whenever he gets drunk because he just sleeps peacefully. Secondly, he respects his family. I rarely hear him speak bad words and I never hear him call my mom a whore or his children son of a whore. Thirdly, he dont treat his wife and children a property. Tang Ciako thinks that he could beat his children because they were his and he can do anything he likes to them. Unlike him, dad treats us as his children. He only whips in case we need discipline. And that is why I like it. And it made me appreciate my father more.

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