List Ening: Peter's Is

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Complete the sentences.

1 Carmen is Diego’s sister.

Listen to the conversation. Mark the
Diego is Came n’s brother
sentencesT (true) or F(false).
2 Charlotte is Peter’s wife.
Peter is
3 Mark is Angelina’s brother.
Angelina is
4 Richard is Maria’s father.
Maria is
5 Ana is Paulo’s mother.
Paulo is
6 William is Megan’s husband.
Megan is
7 Sarah is Michael’s daughter.
Michael is
8 Roberto is Luisa’s son.
Luisa is
Look at the ‘5 in thesentences.T ick(/)P ossessive
or is.
Possessive is
1 Mark’s wife isBrazilian.
2 Angela’s on holiday.
3 Those are Amy’s cats. 1 Emily is Tom’s mother. F
4 It’s a great phone. 2 Oliver is five.
5 This is my brother’s room. 3 Sophie isTom’s daughter.
6 Jennifer’s in Paris. 4 Tom’s parents aren’t in the photo.
7 What’s your name? 5 David is Tom’s brother.
8 Peter’s son is twelve. 6 Alison is David’s wife.
7 It’s Tom’s birthday party.
IA], II,andthe II sound
Listen andEIc1 the w ord w ith a
different sound. Learn these words and phrases.
Welcome to our house. /‘welkom tu a: haos/
hbysitter Pbeibisit/ Be
1 brother Monday
good. /bi: god!
up Mum (= mother) /mAmI
Great! !grcit/
2 son Thursday husband

3 famiLy name thanks


4 men father children


Listen again and repeat the words.

I think we have to act like stars because it’s expected of us.
So we drive our big cars and live in smart houses.
Maurice Gibb, the Bee Gees

1 VOCABULARY c Complete the words.

colours and common adjectives

a Write the sentences with a colour.
1 MycarisDER.
Mv car is red
2 Amelia’s coat is C A B L K.

3 Hisbagis NOWBR.

4 Gabriel’s T-shirt is E L U B.

5 TheboardisH ET iW.

6 Theirhouseis NERGE. That man is very o ! 2 Is this bag e

7 Herumbrellais WEYLOL.

8 His hatis O GNR EA.

b Complete the sentences with the

opposite of the bold word.
1 Ourhouse isn’t small.
It’s biq
2 My car isn’t fast.
3 Ana’s mobile phone isn’t cheap.
4 His laptop isn’t new. My girlfriend is very t 4 The English test is d
5 My book isn’t long.
6 Theirteacherisn’tbad.
7 My boyfriend isn’t short.
8 My cat isn’t ugly.

5 Torn’s sister is b 6 This laptop is c h

2 G RAM M AR adjectives 3 PRONUNCIATION /u:!, 1w!, and h:/
a Order the words to make sentences. a Listen and the word with a different sound.
1 I a
car have blue
I have a blue car
1 blue juice
2 a it’s expensive camera very
3 good they’re children very
2 fast fLag father
4 a cheap that’s phone car

5 has a my house red door

3 old short small
6 a day it’s beautiful

7 a new tablet I have 4 too food good

8 watches these nice are
5 are family glasses
b Rewrite the sentences.

6 brown taLl daughter

b Listen again and repeat the words.

Listen to the conversations.1e the correct answer.

1 It’s a car. fast b new

1 The car is very slow. 2 It’s a house. a beautifuL b cheap

It’s a very slow car
3 HisgirLfriend is . a short b tall
2 The dictionary is Spanish.
It’s 4 It’s surname, a a short b a Long
3 These exercises are very easy.
5 The small bag is af30 bElo
4 This film is very long.
5 The windows are green. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN
They’re Le arn these words and phrases.
6 Those umbrellas are very big. Is the car foryou? liz ô ka: fo ju:?
They’re Yes it’s forme. ljes its f ml:!
7 That phone is old.
What about the blue Renault? lwnt
Iprefrtheredcar. laiprl’f3: ôred
8 Thepeople are nice.
Me too. lmi: tu:!
Perfect. P p3fikt/

Eat breakfast like a king, Lunch like
a prince, and dinner like a poor man.
AdeUe Davis, nutritionist

1VOCABULARY food and drink b What do they have for dinner? Complete the words.

a Complete the crossword.

2 sa ad

7m t s 9w r

ues down 4’
10 a s
lich e
l2or e j e

2 PRONUNCIATION word stress;

ItjY, /d3/, and /g/
a Listen and tinderline the stressed syllable.

cerea[ potatoes vegetables

chocolate breakfast sandwich
sausages yoghurt


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