List of Psionic Powers: Psychometabolism

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List of Psionic Powers

ist of psionic powers for Dungeons & Dragons Soften
5th edition. Click the link to read the psionic
power entry on Angry Golem Games Blog. Psychometabolism
The content is still under construction and List of the Psychometabolism psionic powers, organized by
may change over time until the pdf will be Sciences and Devotions.
released on DrivethruRpg.
Clairsentience Animal Affinity
List of the Clairsentience psionic powers, organized by Complete Healing
Sciences and Devotions. Death Field
Energy Containment
Sciences Life Draining
Aura Sight Metamorphosis
Clairaudience Shadow Form
Clairvoyance Disciplines
Object Reading Absorb Disease
Precognition Adrenalin Control
Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions Aging
Disciplines Biofeedback
All-Round Vision Body Control
Combat Mind Body Equilibrium
Danger Sense Body Weaponry
Feel Light Catfall
Feel Sound Cause Decay
Hear Light Cell Adjustment
Know Direction Chameleon Power
Know Location Chemical Simulation
Poison Sense Double Pain
Radial Navigation Ectoplasmic Form
See Sound Enhanced Strength
Spirit Sense Expansion
Flesh Armor
Psychokinetic Graft Weapon
List of the Psychokinetic psionic powers, organized by Heightened Senses
Sciences and Devotions. Immovability
Lend Health
Sciences Mind over Body
Create Object Reduction
Disintegrate Share Strength
Inertial Barrier Suspend Animation
Matter Rearrangement
Project Force
Animate Object
Animate Shadow
Ballistic Attack
Control Body
Control Flames
Control Light
Control Sound
Control Wind
Generate Sound
Molecular Agitation
Molecular Manipulation

Markus Vall (Order #35777796)

Psychoportation Truthear
List of the Psychoportive psionic powers, organized by Metapsionic
Sciences and Devotions. List of the Metapsionic psionic powers, organized by
Sciences Sciences and Devotions.
Banishment Sciences
Probability Travel Appraise
Summon Planar Creature Aura Alteration
Teleport Empower Crystal
Disciplines Psychic Clone
Astral Projection Psychic Surgery
Dimensional Door Split Personality
Dimension Walk Disciplines
Displacement Cannibalize
Dream Travel Convergence
Teleport Other Enhancement
Teleport Trigger Gird
Time Shift Intensify
Time/Space Anchor Magnify
Telepathy Martial Trance
List of the Telepathic psionic powers, organized by Sciences Psionic Inflation
and Devotions. Psionic Sense
Sciences Retrospection
Ejection Splice
Mindlink Stasis Field
Probe Wrench
Disciplines Universal
Attraction List of the Universal psionic powers, organized by Sciences
Aversion and Devotions.
Conceal Thoughts Sciences
Daydream Contact
Domination Intellect Fortress
Empathy Psychic Crush
ESP Psychic Drain
False Sensory Input Tower of Iron Will
Fate Link Ultrablast
Identity Penetration
Incarnation Awareness Disciplines
Inflict Pain Ego Whip
Invincible Foes Id Insinuation
Invisibility Mental Barrier
Life Detection Mind Bar
Mass Domination Mind Blank
Mind Wipe Mind Thrust
Phobia Amplification Psionic Blast
Post-Hypnotic Suggestion Thought Shield
Psychic Impersonation
Psychic Messenger
Send Thoughts
Sight Link
Sound Link
Superior Invisibility
Switch Personality
Synaptic Static
Taste Link
Telempathic Projection

Markus Vall (Order #35777796)

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