Name - : Ark Elvin Academy Year 7 Science Study Pack Spring Assessment 2018

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Ark Elvin Academy

Year 7 Science Study Pack

Spring assessment 2018
Name __________________
What I am going to be assessed on?
You will be assessed on everything that you have been taught so far in Year 7 in both the Autumn
(before Christmas) and Spring term (January and February).
To help you revise the key contents, use your own exercise book, this revision pack as well as BBC
Bitesize online resources.
Cumulative content from September- Makes up 40% of the exam

Biology Topic- Cells

Key concepts: Animals and plant cells,

specialised cells, unicellular organisms

Chemistry Topics- Particles

Key concepts: Particle model, states of matter,

diffusion, gas pressure

Physics Topics- Forces

Key concepts: Contact and non-contact forces,

balanced and unbalanced forces,

New content taught in January and February- Makes up 60% of the exam

Biology Topic- Body systems

Key concepts: Breathing and gas exchange,

skeletal system, muscular system

Chemistry Topic- Atoms, elements and compounds,

chemical reactions

Key concepts: Atoms, elements, compounds,

chemical formula, chemical reactions and word
equations, word equations, burning fuels,
thermal decomposition, conservation of mass,
exothermic and endothermic reactions

Physics Topic- Sound

Key concepts: Sound waves, loudness and pitch,

the structure and function of the ear, echoes and

How many exams will I have?

3 x 30 minutes papers
1 Biology exam, 1 Chemistry exam and 1 Physics exam
Biology Key knowledge:
Chemistry key knowledge:
Physics key knowledge:
1. Label the parts of this plant cell.


2. State one similarity and one difference between an animal cell and a plant cell.

Similarity: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Difference: __________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

3. Which part of a cell:

a) controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell? ________________________________________ [1]

b) contains cell sap to keep the cell firm? __________________________________________________________ [1]

c) controls the activities of the cell? _______________________________________________________________ [1]

4. The diagram shows a sperm cell. Sperm cells carry male genetic material.

State and explain one adaptation that helps a sperm to carry out its function.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

5. Look at the diagram of Euglena.

a) Give two pieces of evidence which suggest that it is an animal cell rather than a plant cell.

1) _____________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

2) _____________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

b) How can you tell from the diagram that Euglena makes its own food?


___________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

Total: _____ /10

Particle model
1. What is the difference between a material and a substance?
__________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

2. A solid, like rock, has a:

A shape which is easy to change but its volume is fixed.
B shape which is fixed but it can change its volume.
C shape and a volume which are both easy to change.
D shape and volume which are both fixed. [1]

3. Describe the particles in a gas in terms of their movement and arrangement.

__________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

4. Complete the sentence: ‘Liquids flow and have no fixed shape because’ …
__________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

5. Explain what happens to ice when it melts? Use the terms ‘energy’ and ‘particles’ in your answer.


__________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]
6. A student makes some observations about three solids and summarises the results in the table below.

Mass Melting Point Colour

Solid 1 3.0 g 776°C white
Solid 2 3.0 g 445°C white
Solid 3 9.8 g 445°C white

Which of the solids could be the same substance?

A Solids 1 and 2 could be the same substance. B Solids 2 and 3 could be the same substance.
C All of the solids could be the same substance. D None of the solids could be the same substance

7. The graph shows the temperature of stearic acid when it is heated.

a) Use the graph to identify the melting point of stearic acid.

_______ °C [1]

b) Explain how the graph shows that stearic acid is a pure substance.

________________________________________________________ [1]

8. Use the data below to predict the physical state of chlorine at 0°C
(Data: melting point: -101°C, boiling point -34°C)

Answer: _______________________ [1]

Total: ___ /10

Forces 1
1. Which answer shows four contact forces?
A Gravity, friction, upthrust, water resistance B Friction, air resistance, upthrust, gravity
C Water resistance, gravity, friction, upthrust D Friction, water resistance, upthrust, air resistance
2. The unit of force is the:
A kilogram B newton
C centimeter D gram
3. The diagram shows four forces acting on a plane in flight.

Which arrow shows air resistance? Give the letter. _________

4. Nicola is trying out her new roller blades. Robert is pulling her along with a rope. Arrows A, B, C and D show the
directions of four forces acting on Nicola.

Which arrow shows the direction of the force of the rope on Nicola? Give the letter.
___________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

5. This boat is not moving. There are no horizontal forces on it. Draw and label two forces acting on the boat.

6. A parachutist falls towards the Earth, pulled by her weight. Which of these forces makes the interaction pair force
for her weight?

A Her parachute pulls her upwards.

B She experiences a drag force upwards from the air.
C She exerts a force downwards on the air molecules in her way.
D She exerts a gravitational pull upwards on the Earth.

7. A student investigated how the extension of a spring depends on the force applied to the spring.

The diagram shows the spring before and after a force had been applied.

a) Complete the following sentence using letters, A, B, C or D, from the diagram.

The extension of the spring is the distance between the positions labelled ......................and ...................... on the
metre rule. [1]

The table below shows the results of her investigation.

Force in newtons 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Extension in cm 0.0 4.0 12.0 16.0 22.0 30.0

b) Add the missing value to the table. [1]

c) Explain why you chose this value.


___________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

Total: ___ /10

Forces 2
1. A student carried out an experiment by putting weights on the end of a spring. After each weight was added, the
length of the spring was carefully measured. The results are summarised below.

Weight added to spring (N) 2 4 6 8 10

Extension of spring (cm) 21 25 29 33 37

Use the data to suggest the value for the extension of the spring with a weight of 15 N.

Answer: ____________________________________________ [1]

2. Which example shows unhelpful friction?

A Friction between the chain and axles of a bike
B Friction between paper and the point of a pencil
C Friction between a tyre and the road
D Friction between your shoes and the floor [1]

3. State of the following would not help to reduce the drag and frictional forces on a track cyclist?
A Crouching down low on the bicycle
B Wearing a streamlined helmet
C Using smooth, narrow tyres
D Wearing baggy clothes [1]

4. A student investigated how the type of surface affects the force needed to move it down a ramp.

What was the independent variable in this investigation?

_____________________________________________________________________ [1]

5. What happens to the air resistance on a car as the car goes faster?
A It decreases
B It stays the same
C It increases [1]

6. What is the weight of a 20 kg box on the Earth?

B 20 N
C 200 N
D 20 kg [1]
7. A cricket ball is weighed using a newton meter. On Earth the cricket ball has a weight of 1.5 N.

The force of gravity on the Moon is much less than it is on Earth. An astronaut on the Moon decides to
weigh the cricket ball.

Describe what would happen to the weight and the mass of the cricket ball on the Moon.


___________________________________________________________________________ [2]

8. The picture shows a bird flying at a constant speed. What can you say about the forces acting on it?

A there must only be one force acting on it

B the forces must be balanced
C the forward force is greater than the backward force
D there are no forces acting on it [1]

9. A school bus is slowing down as it comes to a stop sign.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the forces acting on the school bus while it is slowing down but still
moving forward?

A As long as the school bus is still moving forward, the forward force of the school bus has not run out

B As long as the school bus is still moving forward, any forces moving it forward would have to be stronger than any
forces slowing it down
C If the school bus is slowing down, any forces moving it forward would have to be weaker than any forces slowing it
D If the school bus is slowing down, any forces moving it forward would have to be the same strength as any forces
slowing it down [1]

Total: ___ /10

Body systems
1. Which statement describes the correct order of levels of organisation, from the smallest structure to the largest?

A cell, organ, organ system, tissue, multicellular organism B multicellular organism, organ system, organ, tissue, cell
C cell, tissue, organ, organ system, multicellular organism D tissue, cell, organ, organ system, multicellular organism
2. Define the term ‘tissue’
3. Name one animal tissue and one plant tissue:
Animal tissue: ______________________________ Plant tissue: ________________________________________
4. State the names of 3 organs of the digestive system.
5. What part of the lung is labelled Y in the diagram?

A diaphragm B windpipe
C alveolus D bronchus

6. Air entering the lungs would pass through the following structures in the order:
A trachea  bronchus  bronchiole  alveoli B trachea  bronchus  alveoli  bronchiole
C alveoli  trachea  bronchus  bronchiole D bronchus  trachea  bronchiole  alveoli
7. The air we breathe in contains:
A more oxygen, less carbon dioxide and more water vapour than the air we breathe out.
B more oxygen, less carbon dioxide and less water vapour than the air we breathe out.
C less oxygen, more carbon dioxide and less water vapour than the air we breathe out.
D less oxygen, more carbon dioxide and more water vapour than the air we breathe out.
8. Circle the correct words in the table to show how the bell jar model can help to explain what happens inside the
lungs when we inhale.

sheet is Pulled down OR pushed up.
inside jar Decreases OR increases.
inside jar Decreases OR increases.

Balloons Inflate OR deflate.

9. The rubber sheet represents the diaphragm. What happens to the muscles of the diaphragm to cause the
movements described?

Atoms, elements and compounds
1. The diagram below shows the reaction between the elements sodium and chlorine to form a compound sodium

Match the substance with its properties:

Sodium □ □ White, solid crystals

Chlorine □ □ Shiny, silver, soft metal

Sodium chloride □ □ Pale green, smelly, poisonous gas


2. Which statement explains why sodium chloride has different properties from the elements in it?

A The sodium and chlorine atoms are mixed together.

B The sodium and chlorine atoms are chemically joined together to make one substance.

C The sodium and chlorine atoms fit in the spaces of the sodium chloride. [1]

3. What is the difference between an element and a compound?


___________________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

4. Which particle diagrams show the molecules of a pure substance?



5. Write a word equation to show the reaction of iron and sulphur.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]
6. Which statement describes a molecule of carbon dioxide?

A Made up of one carbon atom and one oxygen atom

B Made up of carbon atoms only

C Made up of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms

D Made up of two carbon atoms and one oxygen atom [1]

7. The chemical formula for water is:


B H2


D HO2 [1]

8. The diagram below shows a molecule of methane.

a) State the total number of atoms in the molecule.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

b) State the number of different types of atom in the molecule.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

Total: ___ /10

Reactions – 1
1. Which of the following is not an example of a chemical reaction?

A Dissolving sugar in a cup of tea B Gas burning on a stove

C Frying an egg D A metal fizzing in acid


2. Tick the two correct statements about all chemical reactions:

□ New substances are made

□ Chemical reactions happen very quickly

□ Energy is transferred to or from the surroundings

□ Are always reversible


3. State three signs of a chemical reaction

a. ________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________


4. Magnesium burns in air. It reacts with oxygen to produce magnesium oxide.

a. Complete the word equation for this chemical reaction.

b. Draw particle diagrams to show the reactants and products. Use a different colour for each reactant.

______________________ ______________________ ________________________________


5. Methane is a compound of carbon and hydrogen. Its chemical formula is CH 4. When it burns it that reacts with
oxygen in the air.

Write a word equation for the reaction of methane with oxygen.


6. Burning is an example of an oxidation reaction.

a. What is meant by the term ‘oxidation’?



b. Give one other example of an oxidation reaction.



7. An experiment was carried out to find out which fuel releases the most energy.

 Cold water was measured into a copper calorimeter - a small

metal can.

 The starting temperature of the water was recorded.

 The water is heated using the flame from the burning fuel.

 The final temperature of the water was recorded.

Identify one source of error in this experiment and suggest how you improve this method to reduce the error.




Improvement to method to reduce the error.



Total: ___ /10

Reactions - 2
1. When hydrogen peroxide is heated it thermally decomposes to form oxygen and water. The word equation for the
reaction is shown below.

Hydrogen peroxide  oxygen and water

Use the word equation to explain why this is a decomposition reaction.



2. a. Complete the word equation for the thermal decomposition of copper carbonate.

Copper carbonate  copper oxide + _____________________________________


b. Describe how you would test for the presence of the product you have stated above.



3. What is meant by the term ‘conservation of mass’?



4. A student heats 12.5 g zinc carbonate. It decomposes to make 8.1 g zinc oxide. Calculate the mass of carbon
dioxide made.



5. Methane gas (CH4) reacts with oxygen (O2) in a combustion reaction to produce carbon dioxide (CO 2) and water
(H2O). Write a balanced symbol equation for this reaction.



6. The table below shows the temperature of two reaction mixtures before and after a chemical reaction.

Reaction Initial temperature °C Final temperature °C Temperature difference °C

A 21 10 -11

Ammonium nitrate + water

B 21 67 46

Calcium + hydrochloric

a. Which reaction, A or B, is exothermic?


b. Explain your answer.

Sound – 1
1. Which statement about waves is correct? Tick the appropriate box.

Waves transfer matter.

Waves transfer energy.


2. Identify parts F, G, H and J from the wave diagram, using the words below.

wavelength trough amplitude peak

F = ______________________________________ F = ___________________________________________

G = ______________________________________ G = ___________________________________________

H = ______________________________________ H = ___________________________________________

J = ______________________________________ J = ___________________________________________


3. The two main types of wave are transverse and longitudinal

For each one, describe how the wave moves and give an example of that type of wave.

Transverse. How it moves: ________________________________________________________________________


Example: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Longitudinal. How it moves: _______________________________________________________________________


Example: ______________________________________________________________________________________


4. Complete the wave diagram to show what will happen when these two waves below overlap.


5. Use your knowledge of the particle model to explain why sound travels fastest in solids.



6. A girl sees a flash of lighting then hears thunder 8 seconds later. How far away is the storm? Give your answer in

(Speed of sound: 340 m/s; Speed of light: 300,000,000 m/s)



Total: ___ /10

Sound – 2
1. Complete the sentences by circling the correct answer:

a. The loudness of a sound depends on the amplitude/frequency of the wave.

b. The pitch of a sound depends on the amplitude/frequency of the wave.


2. The table below shows the lowest and highest frequencies that five living things can hear.
living lowest frequency highest frequency
thing (Hz) (Hz)
human 20 20 000
sparrow 300 20 000
dog 20 45 000
cat 20 64 000
rabbit 300 42 000

a. Which three living things from the table cannot hear a frequency of 43 000 Hz?
____________________________ and____________________________ and ____________________________
b. From the table, choose the living thing that can hear the biggest range of frequencies.

3. Three waves are shown below.

Wave A Wave B Wave C

a. Which wave has the highest pitch?

b. Which wave is the loudest?
4. On the diagram below, draw an arrow and label the eardrum.

b) What is the function of the ear drum?


5. Define the term ‘ultrasound’ and state one of its uses.

6. The diagram shows a boat using an echo sounder. It sends a pulse of sound waves which is reflected from the sea
bottom. The reflected sound waves are detected by a sensitive microphone.

The time between sending and receiving the pulse is 0.03 s. The device calculates the depth of the sea, using the
speed of sound in sea water, which is 1500 m/s.
Calculate the depth of the sea. Show your working.

Depth of sea = ______________________ m


Total: ___ /10

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