Sample Report of KYKO Personality Profile For Competency Management

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Consultant Corporate Services 123 01/01/1968 Female
Report Date : 3/4/2009

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Copyright 2004-2009 KYKO Management Result Consultancy. All Rights Reserved Patent Publication No. US2007/0048706-A1 This report contains confidential information and is intended for purchaser only. Our company accepts no liability for the content of this information or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the report.


ABOUT KYKO PATENTED INSTRUMENT KYKO is a psychometric tool. KYKO is an acronym for Know Yourself, Know Others. KYKO has been patented in America and has been developed by Mr. Bernard Tan, based on the integration of the existing personality theories incorporating the needs and deprivation theories to understand the intricate complexities of human behavior with an accuracy of 85% in the results obtained. KYKO Psychometric Instrument is a powerful tool used to identify personality types using the dynamic interactions of spider webs to make things happen. KYKO Personality Profile breaks a human being into Personality Types and converts it into a formula to interpret human behavior. KYKO has been used and attested by MINDEF the Ministry of Defense in Malaysia. Every test is customized according to the bench marks set by a companys vision and mission. The test is taken online and the test. KYKO has a lot of potential and is used by organizations big and small for the purpose of: Selection & Recruitment, Employee/People Performance, Manpower Planning, Training & Development, Career Succession Planning, Job Fit/ Restructuring/Redeployment.


The five (5) dimensional model of personality analysis is built based on the following premises: Human behavior is motivated by need, satisfaction and deprivation. Human behavior is a function of our genes, experiences, cognition and the environment. Human personality lies in the continuum of the static and the dynamic areas. Human personality lies in the continuum of the normal and the abnormal areas. Human personality is not static. It is dynamic and alive. It actualizes and de-actualizes with current and future experiences. No two human beings are alike even though they are identical twins growing up in the same environment due to genetic differences.

The five (5) dimensions of a KYKO Personality Profile are as follows: -

Self Actualization (SA) A need or desire for achievement, growth, fulfillment and to find meaning in life.

Security (SE) A need or desire for safety, order, certainties, structure, system and protection.

Manipulative (M) A need or desire for information, influence, adaptation, change and utilize others for survival and to satisfy and perpetuate dominant needs.

Socio-centric (SO) A need or desire or need for love, care, companionship, belonging, affiliation, social interaction and acceptance.

Ego-Centric (E) A need or desire for power, status, fame, style, image, recognition, respect, dominance and to control the environment.

The five dimensions are organized into a superimposed pentagon known as the spider web. The spider web is to interpret patterns of human behavior based on the scores of the high and low of each dimension varying in intensities. The average of the high and low of each dimension determines typology of infinite

personality types. The relationship(s) between the five dimensions and the personality types provides information of the behavioral pattern to interpret traits, characteristics and behavior. KYKO report is drawn from the respondent's KYKO Personality Formula and is free from human bias. YOUR COMPETENCY PROFILE REPORT WILL ANALYSE: Leadership/Organisational skills:
o o o o o o o

Comfort with Authority Organisationally savvy Perspective Politically savvy Sizing up people Developing people Resilience

Strategic skills:
o o o o o o o o

Functional and technical skills Problem solving Creativity Innovation Decision quality Initiative Risk taking Flexibility and Adaptability

Operating Skills:
o o o o o o

Analytical Thinking Time Management Planning Managing and Measuring work Priority setting Quality Focus

Interpersonal skills:
o o o o o o o o

Communication Sensitivity/Empathy Managing diverse relationships Integrity and trust Inter personal savvy Conflict management Motivating Others Team work

Result Orientation:

o o o o o

Achievement Customer Focus Action orientation Managing through systems Learning orientation


KYKO Personality Formula : HSA+HM+HE+HSE+HSO

Interpretation of Your Personality Profile

High Sociocentric Dimension Sociable Personality Type: You are a people-oriented manager. You value people as the most
important resource to make things happen. You believe in synergy and symbiosis and work towards building cohesive teams to achieve common goals. You have a deep well for feelings. You are affectionate, helpful and supportive. You show care and concern for your subordinates' needs and problems and will do your part within your authority to assist them in whatever way you can. You believe in people development and training and will help your subordinates develop their potentials. You are empathetic and sensitive to your subordinates feelings and well being and will counsel and guide them to resolve their personal and work-related problems. You are approachable and maintain an open door policy for discussion and interaction. You believe in collective responsibility. You prefer to use participative styles and make decisions together by consensus. You enjoy socializing with your colleagues, sharing your experiences and work related issues and problems with them. You mingle well with your bosses and peers. You are likeable and believe that it is the people who get the organization moving

High Security Dimension Pragmatic Personality Type: You are a good administrative manager. You plan your life and set a
course of actions to achieve what you want to accomplish. You prioritize your activities, schedule them and know what you are going to do next. You do things in a systematic and methodical order. You plan for your subordinates and set realistic performance targets and expect them to meet your deadlines. You check your subordinates work and progress to ensure that they meet your expectations. You monitor and supervise their work to ensure that things are done smoothly without a hitch. You are uncomfortable with risky propositions. You need sufficient information to make decisions. When your subordinates give you a proposal, you want evidences that it will work well. You have a high respect for laws, rules and regulations. You adhere to them strictly and ensure others who are close to you do the same. You enjoy working with facts and figures. You are good at paperwork and handy tasks. You show interest in theories, ideas and concepts that you can put into practical application. You want certainties and would follow the established way of doing things. You hold on to traditional beliefs and customs and are conservative in accepting changes. You are meticulous, detail-oriented and precise. You feel uncomfortable with sudden change or when someone in your team rocks the boat. You are efficient in maximizing your organization's resources to achieve objectives and goals

High Self-Actualizing Normal Personality Type: You are an entrepreneurial manager. You run your department like a
business entity focusing on results, profits and benefits. You are intellectually inclined and are good at using your logical analysis and deductions to make good decisions. Generally, your decision is based on the bottom line of your commitment. You have high growth needs. You constantly seek knowledge and competencies to keep abreast of the latest political, economic, social and technological development of the business environment. You see learning and growing as a continuous life long process. You want to be a competent and committed professional and progress in your career. You are an achiever. You chase after goals. You set your goals and work conscientiously to accomplish them. You are responsible, committed and dedicated towards achieving your objectives. You are action- oriented and have boundless energy. You have developed the habit of working long hard hours to make things happen. You show great enthusiasm in your work and are motivated to do your best. You take initiatives to continually improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your organization. You have a high standard of values, ethics and principles. You are considerate, trustworthy, appreciative and impartial. You appreciate good performance and give due rewards and recognition to those who deserve it. You are considerate when dealing with errant employees. You assist them to self-actualize. You try your best to help them and only take disciplinary action as a last resort to correct their deviant behavior. You believe in developing your subordinates and imparting your skills, knowledge and know-how. You are willing to prepare a successor to take over your place. You are also an idea generator. You encourage your subordinates to give ideas. You listen to them and adopt their good ideas in your plans. You are reliable. Others can trust you and depend on you to get the job done. Apparently, you are a result-oriented manager capable of taking your organization to greater heights of achievement

High Manipulative Dimension Dynamic Personality Type: You are a political manager, skilful in the art of shaping the
environment for your survival, growth and to satisfy your dominant needs. You constantly seek information and are alert and aware of what is happening around you. Evidently you have a satellite vision, the ability to see the woods and the trees. With this vision, you have the uncanny ability to spot opportunities and turn them into reality. You are flexible, analytical, tactical, adaptable and strategically inclined. You can conduct an in-depth analysis of a situation, generating alternatives, anticipating the outcomes of each alternative before choosing your subjective best alternative to act on. You are also insightful, flexible and influential. You can size people up, adapt to their idiosyncrasies and influence them to do things your way. You are mysterious, complicated and unpredictable. Your behavior pattern varies across situation and over time. You are good at catching people by surprise. Others find it difficult to guess your next move. You choose people for your networking and socialize on a need to basis. You know how to harness their energies and persuade them to accomplish your goals. You are a situational manager. Your orientation, power bases and styles of leadership varies for your people under different circumstances. You see rules, formalities and systems as a guide. You can bend or go around them to accomplish your objective. You do not believe in

regulating your people and restricting their creative potentials to enable them do things faster, cheaper and better. You can be tough and rough or gentle and lenient. You can put pressure on marginal employees to shape them up, failing which you will not hesitate to remove them from the organization. You know how to make your performers and supporters happy and motivate them to achieve your vision. You are skilful in the art of communication and interpersonal relationship. You know how to build and distance relationships and when to trust or distrust people. You know when to talk or listen, when to give in or assert your opinion. You can be frank, blunt, open, close, diplomatic and undiplomatic in your communicative styles. When you negotiate, you know when and how to confront compromise, force, smoothen or withdraw. You know what, who and when to delegate your responsibilities to and groom a successor to take your place. You are a good decision maker and a problem solver. Your satellite vision helps you to see the complete picture of a scenario. When things deviate from your plan you know how to put it back on track. When you are caught in a crisis, you know how to wriggle yourself out of a difficult situation.

High Egocentric Dimension Assertive Personality Type: You are a driver. You set high, challenging performance standards
for you subordinates and push them to meet your expectation. You decide, direct and control your teams and lead them to achieve your purpose. You demand quick results. You are impatient and would not hesitate to confront marginal and problematic subordinates to shape up or face adverse consequences. You instill fear in them to shape up their performance, failing which you will not hesitate to remove them from the organization. You are rank conscious and would expect your subordinates to give due respect to you. You are an autocratic leader and expect your teams to do things your way. You have a high value for prestige, reputation, status, glory and dignity. When these values are challenged, you defend them. You are confident and believe strongly in your ideas. You are vocal and expressive in asserting your opinions. You talk more than you listen and defend your opinions aggressively in a conflict. You are motivated when others challenge you. You are determined to prove that you are right in any situation. In disagreements, you enjoy shooting down others' ideas. You are hot-tempered. When provoked you express your feelings of displeasures. Once you make up your mind you go all out to accomplish your goals. You are persistent and are good in shaping your environment. If things are not going the way you want them to, you use your power to put things back on track. You have a tremendous amount of personal power which works for you as a force towards achieving your purpose.

Leadership Profile
A dynamic and effective leader able to mobilize resources to make things happen - Excellent thinking and logical skills - High standard of excellence - Focus their resources and energies on essential operations - Think positively and quickly get over their failures - Willing to work long hours - Inward desire to do one's best - Possess a positive outlook in life - Ethical and deal fairly with others - Constantly learning and overcoming a myriad of problems and obstacles - Desire to build and progress in their ventures - Learn quickly, enjoy feedback, and are able to learn from mistakes - Constantly seeking and improving their knowledge, skills and competencies - Tireless in the pursuit of their goals - A strong need to accomplish something in life Spend a lot of time and attention on their business - Thrive on activity - Hard working, high drive and energy levels - Willing to work long, hard hours to weather the storms - Able to trust others appropriately and delegate responsibilities - Accept personal responsibility for successes and failures - Accept things as they are and deal with them accordingly - Helicopter vision can see the big and small picture of a situation - Constantly scanning the environment - Aware of competitors and market forces, and customers needs - Visionary - using their vision to motivate employees to reach toward a future goal - Tying the goal to substantial personal rewards and values. - Alert and conscious of what is happening in the environment - Know many ways of getting things done - Can anticipate the future - Able to adapt to different types of personalities and situations - Understand the reality of their environment -- its values, goals, politics and limits. - Focus on organization needs to succeed - Able to reconstruct their plans, and visions, to address new challenges and opportunities. - Switching instinctively between styles according to the people and work they are dealing with. - Persuade, convince, motivate, praise counsel, guide, advise, recommend, instruct, support and influence to get the jobs done - Able to tolerate frustration and stress - Prefer empowering others than ruling others. Self-assurance, confident and resiliency Protective of their integrity and reputation Want to direct, lead and control Focus on power to get things done Use autocratic and authoritative style in the appropriate situation Task-oriented - focuses only on getting the job done Want immediate actions and quick results Use fear management on marginal performers Competitive and decisive Enjoy overcoming obstacles Assertive in their dealings Optimistic, action-oriented and expressive Excellent at toning down the above qualities and become submissive and accommodative in a favorable, friendly and conducive environment to achieve their goals Visible leadership Empathetic can put themselves in others shoes Socially aggressive Maintain open door policy Put a strong emphasis on building teams Responsive to others High emotional stamina. Promote harmony and cordial relationship Use participative, democratic and supportive style People oriented - Focus on people to get the results Attend social functions appropriately Power derived from others support Excellent at becoming asocial in an unfavorable, hostile and unfriendly environment to achieve a purpose Well grounded, practical, systematic and precise Put structures in place, plan, organize and monitor. Set clear direction and realistic goals Cascade vision into goals, objectives and action plans Need for order and very self-disciplined Focus on

systems to get things done Generally, to use bureaucratic style, may use others styles appropriately Ensure their subordinates know the procedures that achieve the right standards of product quality and workplace safety Ensure plans are on track Focus on the efficient use of resources Close monitoring, supervision and follow up Monitor, supervise, check, scrutinize, micromanage May bend rules and regulations on the need to basis - Take low calculated risk Excellent at toning down the above qualities and become less pragmatic in a favorable and conducive environment to achieve a purpose

Leadership Competency Gap Analysis

- Good Organisationally savvy - Excellent in Developing People - Good Commanding Skills and Comfort with Authority - Excellent Perspective, Political Savvy, Sizing People Up and Resilience

Operational Competency Profile

Good in the following: - Manage their subordinates for results - Measure the subordinates on quality and quantity of their
output- Excellent time manager- Conduct productive meetings - Focus most of their time on productive activities- Work at a fast pace

Good in the following: - Pressurize and push their subordinates to meet their expectation - Want fast results - Impatient with
slow subordinates - Like to give fiery speeches and conduct long meetings

Good in the following: - Focus on building group cohesiveness - Build, enhance and maintain good relationship with their
teams - Understand different work styles of their subordinates and how to work with them - Skilful in building teams to implement the organizational operations - Be able to match the right team with the right competencies to serve the customers Constantly grow the potentials of their teams to maximize performance

Good in the following: - Know how to prioritize, plan, organize and schedule their time - Good administrative skills - Likely to
set up and use a follow-up system - Know how to prioritize, plan, organize and schedule their time - Likely to spend time on excessive planning and scheduling - Able to manage their subordinates through a streamline and systematic process

Good in the following: - Be able to conduct an in-depth analysis of a situation - Capable of aligning and harnessing
subordinates competencies to organizational strategies and goals - Be able to develop core operational competency for each of their subordinates - Able to stretch the performance target of their subordinates - Be able to put system and people in place across the organization - Know how deal with deviant and problem subordinates - Able to create time effectively

Operating Competency Gap Analysis

- Good Analytical Thinking - Good Quality Focus - Good Planning, Priority and Time Management - Good Managing and Measuring

Planning Profile

High commitment to achieve company vision and mission - Focus on the bottom line in their plans - Responsible and committed to their plans - Willing to work long hours to implement their plans - Take responsibilities for their success and failures Set realistic goals and objectives - Want detail information back up by facts and figures for their plans - Tend to supervise and monitor their people to ensure things are done accordingly to their plans - Ensure resources are organized and utilized efficiently - Want their plans to go smoothly without any hitch. - Expect others to carry out their plan systematically and on time Uncomfortable with people who rock the boat - Like convention way of doing things - Manage, monitor and control the outcomes Possess a satellite vision - Able to conduct strategic analysis on the business environment - Be able to see the broad perspective and take the long view on what the company needs and how to go about accomplishing them - Spells out the companys vision, mission, values, primary goals, measurable objectives - Cascade vision and mission into strategic performance goals and objectives - Be able to develop strategies and action plans - Can develop a master plan and tactically cascade it into long term, medium term and short term plans - Skilful in organizing the master plan strategically into smaller action plans - Ability to mobilize and organize resources effectively to implement their plans - Be able to anticipate errors in advance and develop contingency plans Get people to participate in the planning and made decision by consensus - Encourage different viewpoints on directions, goals and strategies that will lead to creative solutions - Believe in team cohesiveness, synergy and symbiosis in implementing his plans - Expect key people to assist, cooperate, support, collaborate and assist each other - Collaborate together what, when and how resources should be utilized - Concern about people feelings and sensitivities to get results. - Promote and instill shared vision, values, responsibility and accountability. - Share power with key people Decide on their plans and set direction for others to implement them - Set high expectation and performance goals and objectives for each action - Dictate who, what, when and how resources should be utilized. - Identify, direct and pressurize each individual to carry out their plan - Concern about task accomplishment of each individual - Drive others to produce the bottom line - Want fast results - Want things done their way

Planning and Organizing Competency Gap Analysis

- Good Analytical Thinking - Good Administration and Quality Focus - Good Decision Maker

Strategic Management Profile

Excellent in the following: Able to establish a chain of command a cross functional teams - Assist in the details of planning by
providing the details of how to achieve strategic objectives. - Develop a blue print for short term, medium term and long term plans - Develop policies and plans in terms of projects and program

Good in the following: Assist in the crafting of vision and mission statements - Able to implement corporative objectives Skilful in allocating resources to achieve strategic goals - Assigning responsibility of specific tasks or processes to specific individuals or groups

Good in the following: Able to formulate, implement and evaluate cross-functional decisions to achieve goals and objectivesCapable of cascading vision into goals, objectives and action plans- Able to determine where you are now, determining where you want to go, and then determining how to get there. - Able to performing a situation analysis, self-evaluation and competitor analysis: both internal and external. - Coordinate and integrate the activities of the various functional areas of a business in order to achieve long-term organizational objectives.- Able to conduct a SWOT analysis to figure out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (both internal and external) . - Able to acquire the requisite resources, developing the process, training, process testing, documentation, and integration with legacy processes. - Able to assess the suitability, feasibility and acceptability of strategic initiatives- Able to meet changed circumstances, new technology, new competitors, a new economic environment., or a new social, financial, or political environment- Evaluating the efficacy and efficiency of the

process, controlling for variances, and making adjustments to the process as necessary. - Know when to take certain precautionary measures or even to change the entire strategy.

Excellent in the following: Managing the process of strategic management - Measuring the effectiveness of the organizational
strategy. - Monitoring results, comparing to benchmarks and best practices

Strategic Competency Gap Analysis

- Excellent Functional/ technical skills, Problem Solving and Decision Quality - Fairly Good Initiative and Risk Taking - Excellent Business Acumen, Flexibility/ Adaptability - Fairly Good Creativity and Innovation

Change Management Profile

Likely to take the environmental-adaptive approach to change management - Good at political and analytical skills - Capable of choosing the right strategies for change - Able to identify and manage the different reactions and responses of people involved in the change process - Able to identify points of resistance - Diagnose gaps in communications and training - Possess a helicopter vision of the change scenario - Capable of developing strategic adoption and diffusion strategies for change - Able to influence and persuade others to accept change - Be able to mobilize and use resources to facilitate change Good at entrepreneur skills - Likely to use the rational-empirical approach to change management - See change as an opportunity for continuous improvement and progress - Skilful at identifying and implementing corrective action - Take high initiative to learn new technologies - Committed to change management for the better - Show great enthusiasms and excitement Likely to take the power-coercive approach to change management - Managing change from their own perspectives - Seeking chances to take the lead - Use coercive power to bring about changes - Vocal and expressive in addressing change issues Likely to take the normative-re-educative approach to change management - Good at people skills - Managing change from the employees perspective - Help employees through the change process - Concern about how change affects the feelings and needs of others - Participate actively in discussing change issues - Likely to follow the majority Good at system skills - Expect changes are managed in a planned and systematic manner - Comfortable with the status quo Uncomfortable with sudden changes - Ensure change is done systematically - Want facts and figures that change is for the better

Managing Change Competency Gap Analysis

- Good in Creativity, Innovation, and Risk Taking - Good Flexibility/Adaptability - Fairly Good in Initiating Change

Results Orientation Profile

Excellent in the following: - Focus on people to get results- Develop a high sense of belonging- Initiate coaching organization

wide- Growing their subordinates potentials- Meeting the intimacy needs of their subordinates

Good in the following: - Set high, challenging goals and drive their people to meet them - Focus on power to get results Shape up their subordinates or ship them out

Good in the following: - Chase after goal and results - Focus on the bottom line - High drive and energy - Seek continuous
improvement for their products and services - Develop a learning culture across the organization

Good in the following: - Alert and well informed of the economic trends - Possess a satellite vision of the business
environment - Constantly looking for opportunities to expand the market share - Focus on customer driven strategies - Capable of penetrating into the competitor market - Able to assist the organization to adapt to a turbulent changing environment

Good in the following: - Managing through systems - Focus on systems to get results - Able to design a sound framework of
systems and methodologies for operational consistency across the organization

Results-Orientation Competency Gap

- Good Business Awareness - Good in Achievement, Action-Oriented and Learning Orientation - Good Customer Focus - Good in Managing through Systems

Key words to describe manager

High Expectation Precise Detail-oriented Romantic Relationship Oriented Sentimental Relationship-oriented Strong Will Firm Meticulous Determined Wants security Demanding

Good commanding skills Competitive Wants Challenges Influential Strategic Persistent Materialistic Intuitive Satellite Vision Versatile Humane Conventional Wants Certainties Thorough Plan Practical Systematic Wants Stability Neat Rule-oriented Formal Thrifty Prioritize Methodical Realistic Empathetic Diplomatic

Informative High Integrity Excellent Intellectual Skills High Growth needs High Commitment Excellent Decision maker Responsible Low Risk Good Perception Courteous Confident Organized People Oriented Decisive Highly Analytical Result-Oriented High Initiative Courageous Alert Inquisitive Wants to control the environment High Energy Dominant Focus Hardworking Enjoys Partying An Excellent Team Player

Empathetic A Deep Well for Feelings Amiable Warm Wants to take charge Friendly Cooperative Emotional Stability

Good at facilitating, Coaching and Counselling High IQ and EQ Alert and well-informed of the environment Knows how to wriggle out of a crisis situation Can size up people and use their strengths Able to mobilize and utilize resources effectively Able to mobilize and utilize resources effectively and efficiently Excellent Analytical and Intellectual Skills Excellent at developing strategic plans and cascade into goals, objectives and activities to achieve the bottom line Capable of Spotting Opportunities and Turn them into Realities Collaborate and cooperate with peers to achieve the company targets Prudent in their expenditures Able to generate strategies and see many possibilities of getting things done High integrity, ethics and moral codes of conduct High Respect for others' ideas and rights High respects for others' values, religion and culture Positive and optimistic

Goals and actions oriented Take initiatives, Motivated and Enthusiastic at work Pay Attention to details Cautious in their dealings Good at networking Work well with others to ensure key operational deliverables Shows care and concern for others' well being Excellent at creating a cordial and conducive work culture Enjoy companionship and treasure friendship Clear picture of what they are now and what they want to be in the future Capable of setting realistic, achievable and measurable goals Adhere to safety rules, system compliance and social order Produce detail, neat and quality work Manage and monitor subordinates effectively to produce the bottom line Believe in their power to accomplish their goals Persistently strive to overcome obstacles and accomplish goals Takes keen interest to make friends Capable of convincing, persuading and influencing others Willing to help and support others in time of needs Has big dreams of the future Good at persuading, convincing and influencing others Believe in their power to accomplish their goals Work towards a cordial and harmonious relationship Good at building high performance teams Able to set expectations for subordinates and establish the right outcomes Focus on subordinates' strengths to motivate them to greater height of performance Able to adapt to people, situations and the environment Responsible and committed to produce results

Very Good at planning, organizing and scheduling productive activities Able to see the big and small picture of a situation Ambitious with high determination to climb up the corporate ladder Systematic, thorough and precise Able to place, deploy and match the right person for the right job Take initiatives to seek competencies Push self and others for higher productivity Skilful in spotting opportunities and making use of them Able to size people up and adapt to situations Enjoy working in groups High sense of belongingness Able to approach and engage others High Respect for safety and social order

Dislocated with sudden changes Impatient with low level of tolerance Tends to place self above others in a toxic environment Tends to sacrifice and forgo their values for survival and to satisfy and perpetuate their dominant needs Tends to hit at people who play them out Tends to become negative and chameleon-like in an unfavourable environment Slow and overcautious in making decision May fuss and pick on trivial matters Prone to worry on things outside their locus of control May have the tendency to take things personally Enjoy long conversation with others Low respect for others privacy

Emotional and sensitive when their feelings are hurt Opinionated and stubborn Defensive and aggressive when attack Hot-tempered under provocation Restless and stressful in a difficult and crisis situations Poor listener upon criticisms and negative feedback

Improvement Needs
Be a bullet proof manager Learn to manage stress Accept things as they are Be open to ideas and suggestions Keep calm in a crisis Avoid trivial issues Do not to worry about things beyond your control Be courageous to take risk to be a change master Go for innovative activities Avoid long conversation with internal and external customers Respect others privacy Increase your level of tolerance for ambiguity Avoid taking things personally Practice to be an active listener Try to manage your anger and control your temper when others irritate you Need to be develop patience Need to manage their feelings effectively

Training Needs
Conflict Management

Delegation Skills Anger Management Managing Feelings Managing Change Listening Skills Stress Management

Work Preferences
Social networking Work that requires logical deduction Nurturing Work Jobs that can boost up their prestige and put them in the limelight Work requiring intellectual and thinking skills Resourceful tasks Quality control work Work requires political manoeuvring Planning and organizing Important, difficult and challenging work Work within their locus of control Tasks requiring the skills of leading and managing Work require research and analysis Process re-engineering Rules enforcement Detailed oriented and precise tasks Putting things in order Developing systems and structure Tasks that empower them to make decision

Charitable Work Building quality work culture Work that require synergy and symbiosis Versatile in doing things- can learn up and do any work Quality improvement work Tasks where they have the opportunity for growth Jobs dealing with people Administrative tasks Pushing and driving people Work that require them to generate ideas, suggestions and theories Work which make use of their analytical skills Hospitality tasks Initiate structure and systems Prioritizing and scheduling Job enrichment tasks Work that give them the authority to control the environment Tasks that requires them to take the lead and take charge Organizational development Motivating and developing others Work that require them to solve problems Work with concrete data, facts and figures Occupational safety work New tasks where they can learn and grow their potentials Mobilizing support and use others Work which require them to scan and gather information on the business environment Tasks that require strategic analysis Negotiating and influencing others Work that require a variety of options

System improvement

Career Potentials
Top Management Sales and Marketing Director - Public Relations Director - Hotel and Catering Director - Personnel
Professionals - Hospitality industries Director - Human Resource Director - Training and Development Director - Customer Service Professionals - Healthcare and Personal Care Services Director - Community and Social Services Director - Social Work Professionals - Education Director

Top Level Manager Administrative Director- Accounting and Auditing- Administration and Secretaries- Banking and Finance Computer and Mathematical - IT Professionals and Programmers- Electrical Installation Director- Electronics and Telecommunications- Engineering - Housekeeping Director - Legal Professionals - Logistics Director - Production and Operations Director - Transportation Director- Warehousing Director- Chief Computer and Information Systems DirectorConstruction Director- Education Directors - Engineering and natural sciences Director- Financial Director- Purchasing Director- Accountant and auditor Director - Appraisers and assessors of real estate Director- Budget analysts Director- Claims adjusters, appraisers, examiners, and investigator Director- Cost estimator Director- Financial analysts and personal financial advisors - Insurance Director- Management analysts Director- Meeting and convention planner Director- Tax examiners, collectors, and revenue agent director- Chief Actuaries - Computer program Director- Computer scientists - Database DirectorComputer software engineers - Computer support specialists and systems Director- Computer systems analysts Mathematicians - Chief Operations research analysts - Chief Statisticians - Architects, surveyors, and cartographers Landscape architects- Surveyors, cartographers, photogrammetrists, and surveying technicians - Chief Engineers

Overall Assessment
Overall Performance : 85.48%
Description Results Orientation, Achievement, Integrity & Initiative Strategic Skills, Business Acumen, Analytical Thinking & Adaptability, Leadership, Comfort with Authority & Commanding Skills Planning and Organizing, Organizationally Savvy & Time Management Interpersonal Skills, Sensitivity & Teamwork Good(75% - 100%) 91.16 89.93 85.58 76.87 75.65

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