Al-Kitaab Study Guide and Activities - Lesson-1

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Al Kitaab, Lesson 1, Part 2

Study Goals
Completion of Al Kitaab, Lesson 1, pp. 10-17
Understanding and memorization the definite article
Understanding of formats of Arabic names
Understanding of concept of creating adjectives from nouns
Understanding of and ability to ask questions
Memorization or review of prepositions and interrogative particles
Completion of reading of article and exercises on p. 16
Understanding of Maha's story in Egyptian
Understanding of Maha's meeting of another student
Memorization of new vocabulary on p. 17
Getting Started
Review Al Kitaab, Lesson 1, pp. 1-9
Watch Maha's introduction of herself on the DVD again
Practice Exercises
Read the explanation of the definite article in Al Kitaab, Lesson 1, on p. 10.
Complete the DVD exercises on the definite article on p. 10.
Read about and complete exercises for the nisba adjective on pp. 11-13.
Read about questions on p. 14 and complete all exercises on pp. 14-15.
Homework to Hand in During Class
Complete the exercise at the top of p. 11 and be prepared to explain to your
teacher why you have chosen the words you have circled.
Complete the map exercise on p. 13.
Complete and be prepared to discuss and defend your choice of interrogative for
the last exercise on p. 15.
Prepare 10 questions to be used to interview your classmates in the conversation
session. Use the interrogative pronouns you have learned what, how, which, and
so forth.
Conversation Session Preparation Guide
Students should be prepared to role play getting acquainted conversations with
each person in the session.
Students should be prepared to introduce a member of the group to the group as a
Students should be prepared to identify nationality or affiliation of people, places
and things named by the conversation partner.
Students should be ready to randomly name countries and nationalities from the
Students should be prepared to role play the wedding situation in Cairo described
at the top of p. 16. Student should be able to take on a variety of roles including

that of the alter ego. Students should be prepared to participate in several versions
of this role play depending on the directions given by the conversation partner.
Students should be prepared to ask questions of their classmates, their classmates
imaginary friends, and their conversation partner.

Self Assessment
I have memorized and integrated into my active vocabulary the new vocabulary
and phrases in Al Kitaab, Lesson 1, pp. 1-17.
I understand, have memorized and can use the definite article
I understand formats of Arabic names
I understand the concept of creating adjectives from nouns
I can ask questions (and answer them)
I know the prepositions and interrogative particles
I understand Maha in both Modern Standard Arabic and in Egyptian. I can
pinpoint the differences between the formal and the colloquial.
I have completed all homework and conversation practice for Lesson 1 and am
comfortable going on to Lesson 2.

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