CAso - Tire City Resuelto

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Tire City

Harvard Business School Case #297-091

Case Software #XLS092

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Exhibit 1 Financial Statements for Tire City, Inc.

For years ending 12/31 1993 1994 1995


Net sales $16,230 $20,355 $23,505

Cost of sales 9,430 11,898 13,612
Gross profit 6,800 8,457 9,893
Selling, general, and
administrative expenses 5,195 6,352 7,471
Depreciation 160 180 213
Net interest expense 119 106 94
Pre-tax income 1,326 1,819 2,115 41% 1,445 339385.26%
Income taxes 546 822 925
Net income $780 $997 $1,190
546 0
Dividends $155 $200 $240 1,326
BALANCE SHEET 2.013464 1.9242312423 1.79122632

Cash $508 $609 $706
Accounts receivable 2,545 3,095 3,652
Inventories 1,630 1,838 2,190
Total current assets 4,683 5,542 6,548

Gross plant & equipment 3,232 3,795 4,163

Accumulated depreciation 1,335 1,515 1,728
Net plant & equipment 1,897 2,280 2,435

Total assets $6,580 $7,822 $8,983

LIABILITIES 17.1% 12.8% 9.2%

Current maturities of
long-term debt $125 $125 $125
Accounts payable 1,042 1,325 1,440 63.10
Accrued expenses 1,145 1,432 1,653 5.78
Total current liabilities 2,312 2,882 3,218 5.79

Long-term debt 1,000 875 750

Common stock 1,135 1,135 1,135 9.050

Retained earnings 2,133 2,930 3,880
Total shareholders’ equity 3,268 4,065 5,015

Total liabilities $6,580 $7,822 $8,983


6.50 6.20
56.15 58.87
6.47 6.22

8.980 9.453
Capital de trabajo
Activo Corriente - Pasivo corriente
1993 1994 1995
2,371 2,660 3,330

Razón Corriente
Activos Corrientes/Pasivo corriente
1993 1994 1995
2.026 1.923 2.035

Prueba ácida
(Efectivo + Inversiones De CP + Cuenta
1993 1994 1995
1.32 1.29 1.35

Razón de efectivo
Efectivo/Pasivo Corriente
1993 1994 1995
0.22 0.21 0.22
Razón deuda-patrimonio
Total pasivos/Total patrimonio
1993 1994 1995
1.01 0.92 0.79

Razón deuda-capital
Total pasivos/(Total patrimonio+Total pasivo)
1993 1994 1995
0.50 0.48 0.44

Deuda neta
Total Pasivo - Cash - Inversiones a corto plazo
1993 1994 1995
2,804 3,148 3,262

Deuda neta-Valor de la empresa

Deuda neta/ (Patrimonio +Deuda neta)
1993 1994 1995
0.50 0.48 0.44

Coeficiente de cobertura de intereses

1993 1994 1995
13.49 19.86 25.77
Margen bruto
Utilidad bruta/Ventas netas
1993 1994 1995
0.42 0.415 0.421 Este indicador me indica cuanto me representa mi utilidad bruta con
respecto de mis ventas

Utilidad neta/Activos
1993 1994 1995
13.66% 14.10% 14.29% Esta empresa es rentable, puesto que su ROA es mayor del 5%

Utilidad neta/Patrimonio
1993 1994 1995
23.87% 24.53% 23.73% Como el ROE>ROA en todos los años, esto quiere decir que la empresa tiene deuda
. le permite aumentar su rentabilidad financiera

Margen neto
Utilidad neta/Ventas netas
1993 1994 1995
0.048 0.049 0.051 Me indica cuanto me representa mi utilidad neta con respecto a mis ventas netas

Margen operacional
Utilidad operacional/Ventas
1993 1994 1995
9.89% 10.34% 10.30%
del 5%

que la empresa tiene deuda que financia el activo y

pecto a mis ventas netas

Rotación de efectivo
Cuentas x Cobrar + Inventarios -Cuentas x Pagar
1993 1994 1995
3,133.00 3,608.00 4,402.00

Rotación cuentas por cobrar

Ventas netas/Cuentas por cobrar
1993 1994 1995
6.38 6.58 6.44 Veces
57 55 57 Días

Rotación cuentas por pagar

Ventas netas/Cuentas por pagar
1993 1994 1995
15.58 15.36 16.32 Veces
23 24 22 Días

Rotación de inventarios
Costo de ventas/Inventarios
1993 1994 1995
5.785 6.473 6.216 Veces
63 56 59 Días
Exhibit 1 Financial Statements for Tire City, Inc.

For years ending 12/31 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997


Net sales $16,230 $20,355 $23,505 $28,206 $33,847

Cost of sales 9,430 11,898 13,612 16,403 19,684
Gross profit 6,800 8,457 9,893 11,803 14,163
Selling, general, and
administrative expenses 5,195 6,352 7,471 8,932 10,718
Depreciation 160 180 213 213 333
Net interest expense 119 106 94 88 110
Pre-tax income 1,326 1,819 2,115 2,570 3,002
Income taxes 546 822 925 $ 1,115 $ 1,302
Net income $780 $997 $1,190 $ 1,456 $ 1,700
Dividends $155 $200 $240 $ 291 $ 340
Utilidad ejercicio $625 $797 $950 $1,165 $1,360


Cash $508 $609 $706 $846 $1,015
Accounts receivable 2,545 3,095 3,652 4,365 5,238
Inventories 1,630 1,838 2,190 1,625 3,154
Total current assets 4,683 5,542 6,548 6,836 9,407

Gross plant & equipment 3,232 3,795 4,163 6,163 6,563

Accumulated depreciation 1,335 1,515 1,728 1,941 2,274
Net plant & equipment 1,897 2,280 2,435 4,222 4,289

Total assets $6,580 $7,822 $8,983 11,058 13,696


Current maturities of
long-term debt $125 $125 $125 $125 $125
Accounts payable 1,042 1,325 1,440 1,792 2,150
Accrued expenses 1,145 1,432 1,653 1,986 2,383
Total current liabilities 2,312 2,882 3,218 3,903 4,658

Long-term debt 1,000 875 750 625 500

Dent expantion 351 998

Common stock 1,135 1,135 1,135 1,135 1,135

Retained earnings 2,133 2,930 3,880 5,045 6,405
Total shareholders’ equity 3,268 4,065 5,015 6,180 7,540

Total liabilities $6,580 $7,822 $8,983 $11,058 $13,696

58.10% 58.45% 57.91% 58.16%

32.01% 31.21% 31.78% 31.67%

41.18% 45.19% 43.74% 43.37%

15.68% 15.21% 15.54% 15.47%

6.42% 6.51% 6.13% 6.35%

7.05% 7.04% 7.03% 7.04%

$ 350.75 $ 997.87

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