Methods/Types of Training: - On-The-Job Training - Off-The-Job Training
Methods/Types of Training: - On-The-Job Training - Off-The-Job Training
• On-the-job training
• Off-the-job training
On-the-job training
• If the training is conducted at the working place of
employees(trainees), that training method is called on –the-
job .
• Here trainees are not necessary to go to the training center or
elsewhere out of the job station.
• On-the-job training, also known as OJT, is a hands-on method
of teaching the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed
for employees to perform a specific job within the workplace.
• Main objective of this training method is ‘learning by doing’.
• This method is more effective as trainees can learn while
• This method is considered as most economical method of
• There are different types of training methods under on-the-
job training. They are :
• Apprenticeship training
• Internship training
• Job instruction training
• Job rotation training
• Special assignment training
1.Apprenticeship training
• Trainees get relief from the work place stress during training
so training is assumed to be effective.
• Here trainee cannot get the immediate feedback regarding
the training output, so training cannot evaluate the training
effectiveness quickly.
• The main objective of off-the-job training is to improve
general behavior and skills of employees.
• Unlike on-the-job training, off-the-job training can take place
near the workplace or somewhere further away, such as at a
resort or at a training center.
• When employers hold training away from the workplace, it
helps minimize distractions so employees can fully focus on
the material they're learning
• There are different types of training methods under off-the-
job training. They are :
1. Lecture method
2. Conference method
3. Group discussion
4. Management games
5. Case Study
6.Programmed Instruction
1.Lecture Method
• Under this method , trainee employee are gathered at a
classroom or training institute and trainers deliver the training
content verbally.
• Thoughts and feelings of the participants about the training.
• Reaction implies how favorably the participants have responded to the
• On the basis of the reaction of trainees towards content, process ,
methods e t c we can evaluate the training effectiveness .
• For this , at the end of the training , above mentioned factors are
measured with responsive questionnaires .
• If the total average response is above the expected we can conclude the
training was effective.
• The increase in knowledge or understanding as the result
to the training.
• At the level of learning the evaluation is done on the
basis of change in the attitudes, skills and knowledge of
the trainees.
• The evaluation involves observation and analysis of the
voice, behavior, text.
• If the behavior of employees after training is changed
significantly the training is considered effective.
• Other tools used besides observation are interviews,
surveys, pre and post tests etc.
3. Behavior
• extent of change in behavior, attitude or capability.
• Another criteria to evaluate the training effectiveness is the
behavioral change in employees.
• Under this criteria , behavior of employees towards job ,
organization and working procedure is expected to changed
4. Result /Output
• This is the main criteria for evaluating training effectiveness.
• Productivity , profitability , improved quality of goods and
services , low absenteeism , reduction in grievances etc are
expected output of learning.
• If this outputs are found to be increased , training is
considered to be effective otherwise less effective.
Process of evaluating training
• Setting evaluation standard
• Pre-training trainee test
• Measuring outputs of training
• Evaluation
• Feedback
1.Setting evaluation standard
• At the first step of training effectiveness
evaluation process , we should establish the
standard for evaluation.
• Evaluation standard acts as the criteria of
evaluating training effectiveness.
• As discussed in previous section , there can be
four different criteria : reaction, learning ,
behavior and output.
• Standard is determined before implementing the
2.Pre-training trainee test
• This is a mechanism arranged before
implementing the training program as to find
out the behavioral reactions of the trainees.
• Once the criteria are developed , a pre test is
conducted in order to find out the existing
level of knowledge , interpersonal skill and
abilities of the participants.
• Normally, behavioral reactions of the
employees are revised before the training.
3.Measuring outputs of training
• At this stage , training is implemented and the final
output of training program is observed.
• These outputs can be measured in terms of
objectives of training.
• Such outputs can be productivity , profitability ,
effectiveness , low absenteeism , low complaints etc.
• Actual output after training is measured in this step.
• After measuring the actual output of training ,
it is compared with the standard output.
• If the actual output is more than the standard
output , the training is considered effective.
• But , if actual output is less than the standard
output , then the training is supposed to be
less effective.
• Feedback is the mechanism which provides
information regarding success or failure of training
• Feedback provides information to the training
programmers , trainers and other concerned
• This helps to improve the training effectiveness in
the future.
Methods (Approaches) of evaluation
training effectiveness:
1.Observation method:
• This is the most simple method of training effectiveness
• For this the experts are used to rate the training effectiveness.
• Under this method these experts observe the job related
behavior and participation of trainees carefully.
• To evaluate on – the- job training , experts observe the actual
performance of employees at the actual job situation.
• They carefully record the mistakes , level of confidence ,
attitude towards job. And decide if the training was effective.
• In case of off- the-job training , they observe
the involvement in role play , case study ,
discussion , problem solving etc . Their active
participation for getting knowledge can be
considered as the effectiveness of the training.
2.Test-retest method
• This is another simple and widely used method of training
effectiveness evaluation method.
• Under this method , test of trainee employees is taken before
attaining the training.
• The initial score representing skills and knowledge is recorded
• After completing the training , test in same question is taken
• The differences is considered as the output of the training.
• If all the mistakes in initial test are corrected in second test ,
training effectiveness is evaluated maximum.
• This is the most popular method of evaluating training
effectiveness but the reliability of the test may be low.
3. Pre-post test method
• It is similar to pre-test method but it is concerned with actual
job situation.
• In this method the focus is given on the evaluation of actual
job performance.
• Here , the actual job performance is first rated before
providing training program.
• And again after completion of training program the job
performance of trainees are evaluated.
• The positive change in job performance , behavior and
attitude is considered as the training effectiveness.
• In this method the performance of employees can be affected
by several other factors than training , so actual evaluation of
training is not possible.
4.Experimental-Control group method
• This method is used to evaluate the difference in the
knowledge, skills and intelligence of the control and
experimental group.
• Members of the control group work on the job but do not
undergo training.
• The experimental group is given the training.
• At the end of the training program, the two groups and
reevaluated and if the performance of the experimental group
improves, training is regarded as on effective one.
• One major problem in this method is that the performance of
such groups before training should be same.
• Ethical question in this method is that some employees get
the training and some donot get the opportunity.
• If control group realizes that their performance is being
compared with the performance of experimental groups they
may change their actual performance level.
5.Trainee surveys
• Under this method direct questionnaire is administered to get
trainees response towards the effectiveness of training.
• Set of questions from different aspects of training is prepared
and asked to fill – up that set of questions at the end of
• Trainees may be biased for their response .
• But , the response can be used for future reference to
improve the training objectives , materials , process and
• Lengthy and costly method.
6.Cost effectiveness method