Professional Regulation Commission

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1. Which is the correct sequence of the reading process?

I. Reading
II. Exploring
III. Preparing to read
IV. Extending
V. Responding

A. III, I, V, II, IV
B. B. I, II, IV, V
C. III, II, I, IV, V
D. III, I, II, V, IV

2. Which is the integral part of the Chinese classic drama?

A. Rhythm
B. Melody
C. Music
D. Movement

3. According to language studies on listening, we spend __________ of our everyday communication time.
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 70%
D. 50%

4. A teacher who wants to conduct an intensive drilling of basic sentence pattern should _______.
A. Assign pair work
B. Demonstrate the lesson
C. Explain grammar rules
D. Do pattern practice

5. Which process do you teach when you teach students to analyze the title of the story and illustrate to help
them initially grasp the meaning of a text?
A. Predicting
B. Foreshadowing
C. Critiquing
D. Previewing

6. When working with presentation software in a stage production, which do you observe?
A. Read very well the slides.
B. Use various animations to ensure the audience attention.
C. Use blank screens when you need to pause.
D. Place the computer where everything could be seen by the audience.

7. Which of the following is the competency you develop in the domain of viewing comprehension?
A. Use appropriate idiomatic expressions in a variety of ways.
B. Note the changes in volume, projection, pitch, and stress.
C. Give the meaning of signs and symbols.
D. Differentiate literary writing from academic writing.

8. Teacher Rina's objective in giving a phonological awareness test is to determine the learner's skill to identify
onsets and rimes. Which are good option for the example of the given test item?
A. Honest
B. Ham
C. Ant
D. Can
-No answer-

9. Which of the words in the given sentence is the function word that signals nouns?
None but the strong will survive competition.
A. But
B. None
C. The
D. Will

10. Which traditional Japanese poem consisting of three lines totalling only seventeen syllables and treating of
the world in its natural setting is illustrated by the given verse?
Mellow, mild, May day,
Calling children out to play.
Summer's on her way!
- Patricia Cisco
A. Choka
B. Tanka
C. Renga
D. Haiku

11. Give the best explanation for the metaphorical lines: "The car is a glutton for gasoline".
A. Eat all you can
B. Riding in tandem
C. Speeding eats up a lot of gas
D. High expensive for fuel gas

12. "Give me a cup of blended coffee." This sentence is a/an _________ act.
A. Explicit locutionary
B. Indirect illocutionary
C. Direct illocutionary
D. Implied locutionary

13. Which refers to what a speaker does in uttering a sentence?

A. Register
B. Illocutionary act
C. Comparative
D. Reference

14. Which time of the day is expressed in the given lines?

"An hour before the worshipp'd sun
Peered forth the golden window of the east."
A. Sunset
B. Sunrise
C. Dawn
D. Dusk

15. How is the following sentence labelled according to word usage?

" I deeply apologize for delivery delay."
A. Slang
B. Contraction
C. Formal
D. Faulty

16. Which of the following is a fragment?

A. After sunset, the farmer is ready for his dinner.
B. Before the rice fields were lush green.
C. Before he went for a vacation, he finished his project
D. The birds perch on the trees after sunset.

17. "EVERYONE met at the contest venues." The capitalized word in the sentence is a/an _______.
A. Interrogative sentence
B. Indefinite pronoun
C. Relative pronoun
D. Demonstrative pronoun

18. Another category in a rubric for scoring storytelling ability is ________.

A. Ellipsis
B. Utterance stress
C. Proficiency
D. Intelligibility

19. After the basketball brawl, the players were _________ to explain their side.
A. Allowed
B. Allows
C. Allowing
D. Allow

20. If you want your lesson on the story of "Biag ni Lam-ang" interesting and to establish a connection to your
students' personal lines, which do you do?
A. Make the students translate major events in their home language.
B. Encourage them to find the characters of other stories similarly situated to Lam-ang's life .
C. Let then compose their own climax of the story.
D. Have the students make a caricature of Lam-ang's attributes as seen today.

21. Complete the analogy.

Phoneme: the single unit of a sound
Morpheme: _______________________
A. the smallest unit of measuring
B. the most important element
C. the simplest unit of an idea
D. the shortest phrase

22. Pronouns and preposition are open word classes while nouns, adjectives, adverbs, are closed word classes.
A. False
B. Partly true
C. True
D. Partly False
23. Which of the following is negligible in color-blind casting?
A. Crowd-drawing effect of new actor
B. Talent fees of seasoned actors
C. Director's choice
D. Nationality of actors

24. The answer to the economic woes of the Philippines_____ use of artificial intelligence in agricultural
A. are
B. is
C. was
D. will be

25. Which does not belong to the group?

A. Modules
B. Realia
C. Show and tell
D. Software

26. In the commonest pattern for forming nouns, the phrasal verbs remain unchanged, except that in speech,
A. the second element is unstressed
B. the second element is new stressed
C. At the first element is unstressed
D. the first element is new stressed

27. Which sentence has a strong verb form?

A. The office staff notices that crowd has not been dispersed when they arrived.
B. Lilia had drove all night to get the conference on time.
C. Robert knew yesterday that you have not received your email.
D. Marilyn was correct when she said she would fail the exam.
Rationalization: The verb drove is wrong, driven is the correct verb.
28. Which is the correct order of the following words to form a sentence?
everybody scampering got the howling dogs
1 2 3 4 5
A. 13452
B. 45312
C. 32154
D. 21345
29. In Jane Austen's " Pride and Prejudice", why is Mrs. Bennet so determined to arrange good marriage for her
five daughters? Because _____________________.
A. the law dictates that only a son can inherit the Bennet family fortune.
B. she believes her daughters deserve to have a good fortune.
C. marrying them off to good families. means financial security for them.
D. she wants all her daughters to be happy.

30. Which of the following DOES NOT illustrate the arbitrariness of language?
A. Answers that are considered appropriate responses to complements vary across cultures.
B. Language is capable of representing things that are partially or temporarily distant.
C. Through time, language users will see the evolution of the denotation or connotation of an expression.
D. A community can construct meaning other than that which the dictionary gives.

31. Which of the Japanese poems consist of five lines 5-7-5-7-7 syllables including atleast one pause.
a. renga
b. choka
c. hokku
d. tanka

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep"

In what poem can the given lines be found?

a. The Road Not Taken
b. Stopping by the Woods in a Snowy Evening
c. Fire and Ice
d. Mending Wall

33. Which method does Teacher Nina use when she instructs not to use the native language and instead tell
them to figure out the Grammar rules for themselves as they are encourage to speak the target language at all
a. communicative
b. immersion
c. direct
d. audio-lingual
34. When you teach students to use words instead of those with distasteful or offensive effect like the "grim-
reaper" for death or "crossing over" for dying, you are teaching a lesson on ___________.
a. existentialism
b. localization
c. euphemism
d. contextualization

35. A schema theory is basically a theory about ___________.

a. how to know
b. memory knowledge
c. information bank
d. knowledge

36. Who is considered as the herald and messenger of the Olympian Gods?
a. Prometheus
b. Procusteus
c. Hermes
d. Zeus

37. The Philippine economy __________ a sizzling pace in the second quarter of this year.
a. grew in
b. grew with
c. grew at
d. grew on

38. Which type of speech arts presents parts, knowledge or information?

a. persuasive
b. expository
c. explanation
d. informative

39. Which is an appropriate alternative point of view to traditional media?

a. beat
b. hyperlocal
c. tabloid
d. Blogs

40. What does the following statement imply?

"Someone's frown may indicate anger to one person, while to another, the same may frown may indicate that
person has headache."
a. Perceptions are interpretations of external signs.
b. Rarely do people's perceptions agree.
c. Seldom perceptions based on interpretations.
d. Perceptions are also interpretations.

41. The speaker should change the language according to the needs of a listener or based on the demand
situation like the given example EXCEPT for _______________.
a. sophisticating the language by using high level terminologies for learners
b. liking differently to a baby that to an adult
c. speaking differently in a classroom that or the playground
d. giving background information to an unfamiliar listener

42. The goal of this type of assessment is to promote an on-going feedback that can be used by instructors to
improve their teaching and for the students to improve their learning.
a. summative
b. diagnostic
c. formative
d. objectives

43. What is the mood of this lines?

"Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise, I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in. When the dawn comes
Tonight will be a memory, too, and a new day will begin."
-"Acquainted With the Night" by Robert Frost
a. confused
b. hopeful
c. afraid
d. sarcastic

44. Which among the following DOES NOT represent the concept of washback?
a. A test may influence what teachers teach and how they teach their students.
b. The extent to which the introduction and use of a test influence language learners.
c. What is tested does not affect what is taught.
d. It is the connection between testing and learning.

45. Which branch of linguistics deals with the meaning of words?

a. pragmatics
b. syntax
c. morphology
d. semantics
46. "Poetry should glorify God, promote religious values, enlightened readers and help to become Christians."
Whose literary theory is this?
a. Alexander Pope
b. Ben Johnson
c. John Milton ❤️
d. Francis Bacon

47. "The problem with many of the organization's offer is that they are often conscious ________ what the
members think or say about their project proposals".
a. about ❤️
b. in
c. for
d. on

48. Which poetic element is observed in the given example?

"And so, all the night-tide, I lie down the slide." - Annabelle Lee
a. alliteration
b. rhythm
c. assonance ❤️
d. imagery

49. Which figures of speech is used in the given example, "What happens to a dream deferred, does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?"?
a. metaphor
b. hyperbole
c. simile ❤️
d. personification

50. How many phrases are there in the given sentence?

Villagers in the mining area were prohibited to go back to their homes covered by sticky mud.
a. 4
b. 5 ❤️
c. 2
d. 3

51. Which national policy describes the level of educational qualification outcomes?
a. College Readiness Standard
b. Outcome-based Education
c. Philippine Qualifications Framework ❤️
d. Asian Qualifications Framework
52. Which is the first step to follow in writing a literature test?
a. Write the test where the target competence is considered.
b. Identify the learning context, language level, profile of the language and literature syllabus, rule of the
test and profile of the test. ❤️
c. Match the texts to the tasks- tasks with seen texts.
d. Group the skills to be covered - literary knowledge and skills for literary appreciation

53. Which of the following in NOT characteristic of a formalist criticism?

a. It is independent of the writer's background. ❤️
b. Criticism is a description of it's object.
c. It is extrinsic in essence.
d. Criticism is concentrated on the work itself.

54. Teacher Felly imposes copious rules and paradigms to students rather than letting them to discover the rules.
She views language learning as ____________.
a. passive
b. intrusive
c. inductive
d. deductive ❤️

55. The following are the elements of haiku, EXCEPT __________.

a. 5-7-5 syllabic structure
b. kireji or the cutting word
c. kigo or seasonal theme
d. iambic pentameter ❤️

56. Which is the appropriate preposition?

Most people like surfing, but _____ my opinion, it is quiet risky.
a. from
b. of
c. in❤️
d. according

57. On levels of reading comprehension, which involves the understanding of information stated directly in the
a. critical
b. literal ❤️
c. interpretative
d. inferential
58. The "mast head" refers to the __________.
a. head of the newspaper publisher
b. leading reporter of the newspaper
c. name of the newspaper ❤️
d. editorial of the newspaper

59. Which literary movement considers natures at its subject, being the source of enjoyment and knowledge?
a. renaissance
b. naturalism❤️
c. realism
d. romanticism

60. Which is true among the options below as you refer to the two given statements?
He may leave tomorrow if he finishes his term paper.
He will leave tomorrow if he finishes his term paper.

I. The sentence with "may" denotes permission or possibility.

II. The sentence with "will" simply describes a future event.
III. The two sentences convey the same meaning.
IV. Action in sentence 1 is conditional as stressed by the word "if".

a. II, IV
D. I,II ❤️

61. Which of the following language learning theories emphasizes student-centered and project-based learning?
a. socio-cultural
b. constructivism
c. cognitive-code learning
d. skill learning ❤️

62. Which literary term refers to the overriding feeling in a work?

a. mood ❤️
b. point of view
c. imagery
d. theme

63. The primary thing to be taken into account by teacher in formulating objectives of the lesson is:
a. Ability of the learners to understand the objectives and to realize them
b. Compliance of the objectives with performance standards to be observed
c. Consideration for SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound) ❤️
d. Reflection of the holistic development of the learner

64. Teacher Reyes wants students to use a meta-cognitive strategy before listening to a text. Which should her
students do?
a. Determine the range of difficulty of the text.
b. Check for difficult words.
c. Find out the author's purpose.
d. Set a purpose for listening. ❤️

65. For remedial language learners, which should be the next to learn to be able to expand understanding of the
English Language?
a. Organizing sentences into paragraph ❤️
b. Forming complex sentences
c. Composing poetry lines
d. Writing descriptive sentences

66. You plan to adapt instructional materials for your class. Which of the following do you consider?
A. Using a variety of techniques for chosen content. ❤️
B. Ensuring students' performance in achievement texts.
C. Level of instructional material to make one's work easy
D. Combination of techniques for the same content.

67. ___________ my colleagues, I would like to thank for their continuing support to our program for the
marginalized communities.
A. In behalf of
B. For behalf of
C. From behalf of
D. On behalf of ❤️

68. The last step in the application of Situational Language Teaching is _________.
A. Elicitation
B. Question-answer drilling ❤️
C. Correction
D. Substitution drilling

69. Which among the given tools will most likely achieve the goal of given assessment to achieve mastery of
competencies, desired outcomes and standards?
A. Music CD compilation
B. Personal Essay
C. Learning Log ❤️
D. Oral report

70. Identify the necessary punctuation at points marked by blank space in the following sentence.
Here's the bad news _____ The country's rice shortage is shooting at an alarming rate ___ much faster than
A. Semi-colon, comma ( ; and , )
B. Dash, colon ( - and : )
C. Commas ( , and , )
D. Colon, comma ( : and , )
71. Which translation problem is VERY evident in the given sentence?
"Mabuti ang panahon sa aking palagay."
"Fine is the weather I presume."
A. Linear dislocation
B. Extra position
C. Syntactic dislocation ❤️
D. Nominalization

72. Which is the symptom manifested by a beginning reader who is unable to quickly recognize sight words?
A. Cannot read 2 vocabularies and sight word.
B. Unable to break the code especially the vocabulary words.
C. Confuses and cannot recognize and remember sight words. ❤️
D. Can slowly decode sight words syllables by syllables.

73. Which assessment is appropriate for an oral examination in phonetics?

A. Authentic
B. Performance ❤️
C. Portfolio
D. Product

74. What is the defect of this statement which is lifted from the news item?
" He spoke in desparaging terms about the radical element."
A. Vague
B. Negative ❤️
C. Direct
D. Radical

75. What does the 'desk' refer to?

A. Group of publishers
B. Language experts
C. Skillful encoders
D. Corps of editors ❤️

76. Decide on the best order of the following words to constuct a sentence.
rain the during last the week very has bad
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. 356412978
B. 132564978
C. 423519687
D. 213546879 ❤️

77. In section 5 of R.A. 10533, states that the curriculum shall use _________ approaches that are
constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborated, and integrative.
A. Relevant
B. Progressive
C. Andragogical
D. Pedagogical ❤️

78. Which type of listening comprehension refers to the ability to listen to specific parts of the input?
A. Listening selectively ❤️
B. Listening for gist
C. Listening attentively
D. Listening for details

79. Using the story "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacob, which symbolism do you highlight?
A. Courage and power
B. Desire and greed ❤️
C. Battles and struggles
D. Fantasy and reality

80. Which of the following statement has a direct object?

A. Please dedicate yourself to the improvement of your soft skills. ❤️
B. What matters most is your unwavering commitment.
C. Your class president is my nephew's basketball coach.
D. How our varsity team won was unimaginable.

81. The procedure for job application should be in conformity ___ the instructions provided by the office.
A. with ❤️
B. to
C. from
D. for

82. The last 50 years of the ASEAN ______ that as a whole the Association is greater than the sum of its parts.
A. had proven
B. proves
C. proved
D. has proven
83. Literary analysis entails connecting with the readers. Which tyoe of connections is established by the
passage below.
"Is the guy Eddie Brown?"
A. Questioning
B. Predicting
C. Clarifying ❤️
D. Evaluating

84. Where we can see the strong example of an individual's freedom to choose one's existence in Rabindranath
Tagore's poem "The Man Had No Useful Work"?
A. The man finding himself in Paradise full of good and busy souls.
B. The elders perceiving the man is a mistake.
C. The girl fetching water from the well every day.
D. The girl's decision to leave Paradise and join the man to go back to Earth. ❤️

85. Which BEST describes learners with dominant linguistics intelligence?

I. They are adept at recognizing rhythms and sounds in words.
II. They can readily spot semantic errors
III. They enjoy working in numbers and numerals.
IV. They have a strong sense of proportion.

A. I and II ❤️
B. I and IV
C. II and IV
D. II and III

86. Complete the analogy.

Participles: Adjectives while Gerunds: ___________
A. Adverbs
B. Nouns ❤️
C. Verbs
D. Preposition

87. I have car payments to make _______ the mortgage.

A. besides ❤️
B. beside
C. despite
D. in spite of

88. Which intervention technique would be appropriate for learners with high level of learning difficulties?
A. More Structured Approach + Workbooks + Interactive Materials ❤️
B. Multi-media Approach + Workbooks + Games/ Activities
C. Construction + Workbooks + Varied Activities
D. Guided Approach + Workbooks/ Materials

89. Which is one step to follow in copy reading?

A. Determine if gist of the story is necessary.
B. Look for biases and possible grounds for libel. ❤️
C. Assume that facts presented are accurate.
D. Make sure that statements which are attribution and sources are retained.

90. Which is the function of the gerund in the given sentence?

"Reading makes a full man"
A. Predicate Nominative
B. Appositive
C. Direct Object
D. Subject ❤️

91. My friend is not joining our group ______ he gets the approval of his parents.
A. so that
B. by
C. until ❤️
D. as long as

92. You are selecting instructional materials for your English class, which of the following factors do you
A. Consider the abilities of average learners
B. Promote only the specific needs of local
C. Give preference to the availability of materials
D. Cater the needs of diverse learners ❤️
93. Which refers to the instructional strategies that make up the art or science of knowledge?
A. Psychology
B. Methodology
C. Pedagogy ❤️
D. Andragogy

94. You are following the task-based syllabus. Which learning activities do you apply?
A. Exercises following process writing
B. Identifying the text types
C. Recalling supporting details
D. Writing notes, memos, reports ❤️

95. The Japan-funded Mega-Manila Subway Project ________ to he approved by NEDA next year.
A. will be expected
B. are expected
C. should be expected
D. is expected ❤️

96. The poet can be satirical, expressing himself with wit and force.
Interpret: "Which is the basest creature, man or beast? Birds feed on birds, birds on each other's prey; but
savage man alone does man betray."
A. Man is just like animals
B. Man is the most beastly of animals ❤️
C. Man's inhumanity to his kind
D. Man is proven by his actions

97. Which synonym will you choose for the given sentence?
"One of his ambitions is to make a fortune."
A. Shape
B. Earn❤️
C. Explore
D. Receive

98. Skills are intricate part of learning a subject. For instance, there are some mathematical skills that need to be
mastered before starting an Engineers degree. These skills referred to as ____________.
A. pre-requisite ❤️
B. enabling
C. recursive
D. terminal
99. Which word is closest in meaning to the CAPITALIZED word in the given sentence?
" I got my courage back and wonderful sense of expectation of the IMMINENT arrival of the liberation."
A. Unexpected
B. Eminent
C. Approaching ❤️
D. Delayed

100. Which sentence has an adjective clause?

A. The victim who was allegedly salvage.
B. The victim who was allegedly salvage is a freshman. ❤️
C. They found a salvaged victim in an abandoned building.
D. They were called to identify the salvaged victim.

101. If you plan to choose instructional materials for iconic learning, which will you consider?
A. Learning abstract ideas
B. Iconic symbols for learning ❤️
C. Visual images for real things
D. Learning icons of big people and things

102. If intervention instruction in English is to be redeveloped, which among the variables will be regarded
A. Real language used for real communication
B. Listening comprehension is recognize as a fundamental skill
C. Listening and reading as non-passive and very complex receptive processes
D. Individual learners and the indivualities of learning ❤️

103. Study the given sentences.

The epidemic BROKE OUT.
The OUTBREAK of the epidemics was alarming.
The noun outbreak is formed by the process of _____________.
A. reversal ❤️
B. invention
C. conversion
D. temporal

104. In the old English poem, "Dream of the Road", pagan and Christian images were used to depict the
Christian teachings. Which is NOT a part of pagan imagery?
A. Symbol of a true ❤️
B. Crucifixion as a battle
C. Death of a hero
D. Christ as a Warrior
105. If you want to teach "haiku with attitude", as some poets say, you need to choose ________ which is full of
wit and insight.
A. Tanka
B. Tanku
C. Senryu ❤️
D. Sensei

106. Which of the following statements has a noun clause?

A. My mother told me that you knew where to find the best caterer in town.
B. The much-awaited performance which was postponed several times finally came.
C. Mrs. Romero is the speech trainer who first taught me how to give a good impromptu speech. ❤️
D. When do you expect to meet the new members of our dance troupe?

107. Among news story leads that use the 5 W's and H, which is applied in the given lead?
"Coral vandalism sparked outraged among divers and environmentalists."
A. Where
B. What❤️
C. When
D. How

108. Complete the analogy.

King Lear: Tragedy of parental love
_________: Tragedy of ambition
A. Othello
B. Romeo and Juliet
C. Hamlet
D. Macbeth ❤️

109. In selecting instructional materials, which of the following factors should be considered?
I. Consider the varied interest; abilities and proficiency level of the learners.
II. Advocate the use of culture-book materials.
III. Make sure to include the diverse culture of the class.

A. I and II ❤️
B. I only
C. III only
D. II and III
110. Which of the following is a component of planning and carrying out a good read-aloud lesson for your
junior high schools?
A. Avoid facilitating a discussion of a text.
B. Preview and practice the text. ❤️
C. Modelling fluent reading by students
D. Reading without props and animations

111. In Langston Hughe's poem, "The Negro Speaks of Rivers", the African persona mentioned the great rivers
of Asia and Africa to talk about the culture heritage and history of the African people. Why is the use of this
imagery effective?
A. The famed Tigris and Euphrates rivers are located in Central Asia.
B. Ancient civilizations flourished near bodies of water like the Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates. ❤️
C. The famous Nile and Congo rivers are located in Africa.
D. The Earth's surface is composed of 70% water and there are a lot of bodies of water in Africa and Asia.

112. Who was the first African to win the Noble Prize for literature in 1986?
A. Chinua Achebe
B. Leopold Singhor
C. Mabel Dove Danquah
D. Wole Soyinka ❤️

113. Teacher Rhona enploys an approach to learning the English Language Characterized by direct contact with
the native speaker of the target language, which approach is it?
A. Immersion ❤️
B. Grammar Translation
C. Transition
D. Audio-aural

114. Three kinds of complements come after verbs. Which sentence has an indirect object?
A. The loving mother gave her a big hug. ❤️
B. The farmers consider natural fertilizers as a better option.
C. Many business owners sold their shares.
D. The pharmacist sold unexpired drugs.

115. You are to prepare an English intervention program for your students. Which language deficiency do you
consider to make your program useful?
A. Skill in using language for learning ❤️
B. Lack of appreciation language
C. Superior language competencies
D. Lack of basic understanding of the language
116. Keeping up _____ the latest fashion is pocket draining.
A. for
B. with ❤️
C. in
D. to

117. Who is the Chinese philosopher known for his analects?

A. Lao Tzu
B. Sun Tzu
C. Li Po
D. Kung Fu Tsu ❤️
-Kung Fu Tsu is also known as Confucius.-

118. Which is the most appropriate "while listening" activity for a text describing a family tree consisting of
three generations?
A. Writing each generation's history
B. Writing down names ❤️
C. Completing a family tree
D. Copying a family tree

119. You gave me a computer-data, _________ you?

a. didn’t
b. Was
c. Did
d. Weren’t

120. Which function language is illustrated by the following statements?

“Learning English and using the language is still a must in our country. Students find delight in being able to
express themselves confidently once language components are mastered. It is confidence anchored on
A. Accommodating
B. Valuing
C. welcoming
D. invigorating

121. Which phonetics requires the tools of physics to study the nature of sound waves produced in human
A. Auditory
B. Articulatory
C. Acoustic
D. Aesthetic
122. Which outcome in remedial instruction in English is generally important?
A. Resolution of communication problems
B. Variety of learning experiences
C. Positive experience in language/ literature learning
D. Participate learning experience

123. Phrasal verb often have two distinct uses, literal and figurative. The phrasal verb in the given sentence is
used figuratively.
The prime minister brought a new incentive policy.
A. Partly agree
B. Disagree
C. Partly disagree
D. Agree

124. How is the word brave used in the given sentence?

The fighter who climbed the tall building to save the tenants are really BRAVE.
A. Adjective
B. Noun
C. Adjectivized noun
D. Adverb

125. How is the relationship in the following words like lollipops and roses, called?
A. Partnership
B. Idiomatic expression
C. Logical links
D. Collocation

126. Which allophones are variants of the same phonemes?

A. Chick and touch
B. Fact and phase
C. Pin and spin
D. Fuss and stuff

127. The Arabian Folktale, “One Thousand and One Nights”, is an example of which type of narrative
A. Flash fiction story
B. Stream-of-conciousness story
C. Flashback story
D. A story within a story
128. The K to 12 English Curriculum highlights communicative competence which is classified into ________
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 4

129. Which is one of the functions of nouns?

A. Predicate nominative
B. Predictive
C. Vocative
D. Collective

130. Which would you suggest to your student journalist to help him/her in writing a quote story?
A. Write summarizing lead in any appropriate form.
B. Make the summary arrangement short.
C. Write the story side by side its mother story.
D. Make sure to give first brief news of the event.

131. Which is experience by a speaker when the “tip of the tongue” phenomenon in finding difficulty in what
word to say occurs?
A. Acquired dyslexia
B. Anomia
C. Jargon aphasia
D. Aphasia
132. Central to the teaching of Hinduism is karma which includes actions, intentions and consequences. This is
a recurring theme in Indian literature like “Sakuntala”. Karma revealed itself in this play when ________.
A. Bharata took Dushyanta to his mother Sakuntala.
B. A fisherman found a ring in the fish belly
C. Durvasa cursed Sakuntala from failing to greet him properly
D. Dushyanta failed to recognize Sakuntala as his wife.

133. What is the first step that you follow to increase students’ reading fluency?
A. Prepare the script of the text.
B. Group students by interest rather than reading level.
C. Students present a text by pointing it first.
D. Assign specific parts to students for the rehearsal.

134. Which of the following DOES NOT serve as the legal basis for the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum
(K to 12)?
A. R.A. 10533
B. 1987 Philippine Constitution
C. Bilingual Education Policy
D. Kindergarten Act

135. In the Egyptian short story, “The Two Brothers”, what were the names of the two brothers?
A. Rama and Sita
B. Anpu and Bata
C. Ntio and Ki
D. Djangu and Sulta

136. If you ask a translator to translate a text at the same time to verbalize as much his/her thoughts as possible,
which method do you use?
A. Thought processing
B. Cognitive processing
C. Read aloud
D. Comprehension

137. Reading fluency has three elements. Which one of them?

A. Automaticity
B. Vocabulary
C. Accuracy
D. Comprehension
138. Which type of activity is highlighted in the following examples?
Puppets, board games, picture dictation, speed dating, interviews
A. Interactive
B. Generative
C. Communicative
D. Conversation games

139. What is the embedded clause in the sentence: “That the farmer applied health-threatening pesticides to his
farm crops shocked the community.”
A. It shocked the farmer.
B. The news shocked the farmer.
C. It shocked the community.
D. The community is in disbelief.

140. Which language function is expressed in the following statements?

“Assessment in most schools are segmented. There must be a well-crafted assessment tool to determine
learning. Assessment tools must be standardized.”
A. Valuing
B. Accommodating
C. Invigorating
D. Evaluating




1. What does the work oriented curriculum consist aside from appropriate general education?
A. It is complex language.
B. It is strange language.
C. It is second/third language.
D. Social grades.

2. ESP is centered on the language appropriate to various activities that relate well with grammar, lexis, register,
discourse, and _________.
A. Genre
B. Poetry
C. Prose
D. Composition
3. An English teacher may administer a performance-based assessment in ESP using a rubric as a measuring
instrument. In which of the following test is a rubric applicable?
A. Dictation
B. Oral interview
C. Sentence transformation
D. Analyzing

4. Use of grade readers is one approach applied in ESP to teach students with a low level of a knowledge of
English. In general these materials refer to _________.
A. book read by the students from I-VI
B. multi-graded books received in the different grade levels
C. different versions of books with simplified grammar and vocabulary
D. books used by several grade levels

5. An act enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by strengthening is curriculum and increasing the
number of years for Basic Education, appropriating therefor and for other purposes, is known as __________.
A. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013
B. Trifocalization Act
C. National Education Act
D. Kindergarten Education Act of 2012
6. Examples, activities, songs, poems, stories, and illustrations, are based on local culture, history, and reality.
This strategy particularly refers to ____________________.
A. Localization
B. Contextualization
C. Cultural adaptability
D. Authenticity

7. The Philippine Qualification Framework (PQF) is very significant in the development of ______________.
A. Content and performance standards
B. Learning resource
C. Critical content
D. Learning competencies

8. Listening to critical music ____ one of his preferred leisure activities.

A. were
B. are
C. will
D. is
9. While there is no absolute way to prevent ankle _______, exercise such as ankle lifts can help strengthen the
A. sprain
B. sprain’s
C. sprains
D. sprains’

10. Substituting different sounds for the first sound of a familiar song like the example below can help in
developing ___________.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily;
Life is but a dream.

Bow, bow, bow, your boat

Bently bown the beam.
Berrily, berrily, berrily, berrily;
Bife is but a beam.

A. Phonological awareness
B. Word recognition
C. Phonological stress
D. Emergent word reading skills

11. Lila bought coffee for Isabella and ______.

A. me
B. mine
C. Both I and are correct.
D. I

12. After the show, the board members went to another area and _______ out with their friends.
A. hung
B. hunged
C. hanged
D. hang

13. Neither you nor your children ________ the problem.

A. understands
B. are understanding
C. is understanding
D. understand

14. Eminent educators have observed that qualified jobs are becoming ___________.
A. scarcest
B. more scarce
C. scaring
D. scarcer

15. Which statement is correct in structure and form?

A. Of the areas that produce lanzones, the Camiguin Island is sweeter.
B. Of the areas that produce lanzones, the Camiguin Island is the sweeter.
C. Of the areas that produce lanzones, the Camiguin Island is the sweeter.

16. Among ASEAN countries, Singapore is known as a _________ paradise.

A. shopper’s
B. shop’s
C. shoppers’
D. shops’

17. A example of a word formation process that changes kindergarten to “kinder” and air conditioning to
“aircon” is known as_______________.
A. Coining
B. Compounding
C. Blending
D. Clipping

18. The speaker should change the language according to the needs of the listener of based on the dictate of the
situation like the examples below except for________________.
A. Speaking differently in a classroom than on a playground
B. Talking differently to a baby than to an adult
C. Giving background information to an unfamiliar listener
D. Sophisticating the language by using high terminologies for basal learners

19. A semantic study of Philippine English share how unique meanings are in contrast to its standard
An example is the term room for someone who stays in a dormitory or shared room of a boarding house without
means provided is known as __________________.
A. bed pals
B. bed spacer
C. roommate
D. transient

20. Someone who can operate his/her sociolinguistic awareness of the relationship between language and the
context refers to what kind of speaker?
A. Intercultural
B. Adapt
C. Technical
D. Context-driven

21. The study of ways on which non-native speakers acquire, comprehend, and use linguistic patterns or speech
acts in a second language is known as ____________________.
A. Contrastive rhetoric
B. Intra-language variety
C. Jargonized expression
D. Inter-language pragmatics
22. They are speech sounds made simply by shaping the oral cavity to give the sound a particular color
A. Vowels
B. Diagraphs
C. Consonants
D. Diphtongs

23. Linguistic interference occurs when students _______________.

A. Learn another language or dialect
B. Learn their mother tongue
C. Speak without readiness
D. Learn to speak and hide their fear

24. A summary of main points of a text, lecture, or course of study is referred to as _________.
A. Lesson exemplar
B. Subject Framework
C. Course outline
D. Unit plan

25. Learning for empowerment and better self-image is an example of __________________.

A. Genuine motivation
B. Intrinsic motivation
C. Extrinsic motivation
D. Life-long motivation
26. ”All the bitterness melted out of the youth and happiness that was all around him, PROFLIGATE as the
spring sunshine.” The capitalized word means ________.
A. Superfluous
B. Openly
C. Over-abundant
D. Brightly

27. Which is an example of a bound morpheme ending in -ion that changes into a noun?
A. Action
B. Nation
C. Scion
D. Mention

28. In applying passive voice, which should you use on an official sign?
A. Beyond this point, do not permit pedestrian.
B. Do not permit pedestrian beyond this point.
C. Beyond this point, pedestrian should permit to go.
D. Pedestrian are not permitted beyond this point.

29. EVERYONE met at the contest venue. The capitalized pronoun is an example of a/an ___________.
A. Indefinite pronoun
B. Relative pronoun
C. Demonstrative pronoun
D. Interrogative pronoun

30. Vince said, “I’m studying English a lot at the moment.” The indirect speech is ________.
A. Vince said I was studying English a lot at the moment
B. Vince said he was studying English lot at the moment
C. Vince said he was studying English a lot at that moment
D. Vince said he were studying English a lot at that moment

31. Roniel and Carl who __________ a restaurant in Manila are now the youngest partner entrepreneurs.
A. run
B. has run
C. runs
D. have run

32. The adjective that express the supreme value of the noun like the capitalized phrase in the sentence,
“English is the MOST INTERESTING subject for Nina.” is called _______________.
A. Superlative adjective
B. Predicative adjective
C. Demonstrative adjective
D. Possessive adjective

33. Which is NOT a variable of functional grammar?

A. Term which represents the role of the interlocutors.
B. Tenor is concerned with the nature of the relationship among the people involved.
C. Field with represents the content or topic of the social activity.
D. Mode is the medium and role of language in the situation.

34. When decoding multi syllabic words, what do students need to know?
I. What a syllable is
II. That a syllable contains one vowel sound
III. How to divide the words in parts and read each part
IV. Read the word by combining the parts

35. Which is one implication on listening and speaking for language teaching?
A. Link listening and speaking tasks to promote social interaction in specific situations.
B. Link listening and speaking tasks to develop viewing skills in real life situations.
C. Link listening and speaking tasks to improve students’ self confidence.
D. Link listening and speaking tasks to provide opportunities for students to notice how language is mused in
different contexts.

36. To enhance the power of the mind, learners read literary text in the target language and memorize
vocabulary lists translated into the native language. Explicit grammar instruction of rules and their exceptions is
the main focus to master the language the target language. What is this approach?
A. Grammar-translation
B. Audio-lingual
C. Natural
D. Direct

37. What is the ability of the listener to understand the speaker’s intentions?
A. Intelligibility
B. Interpretability
C. Acceptability
D. Comprehensibility

38. The THIRD child is the most intelligent. The capitalized word is an example of ___________.
A. Descriptive adjective
B. Cardinal adjective
C. Ordinal adjective
D. Limiting adjective

39. Some people that his ___________ to the president was unnecessary.
A. delusion
B. convulsion
C. allusion
D. illusion
40. Analogies are comparisons based on relationship between ideas. Finish the analogy below.
Dwindle : increase : : stiffen: ________
A. Relax
B. Cringe
C. Crawl
D. Freeze

41. When the word “consumables” refers to resources such as toner, ink, and paper which are used up, it is
regarded as a/an __________________.
A. Technological jargon
B. Multimedia jargon
C. Computer jargon
D. ICT jargon

42. In Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking Process, which verbs help you design activities for the creating level?
A. justify, debate, invent
B. Modify, apply, debate
C. Recommended, design, produce
D. Compose, imagine, purpose

43. Which type of plot device ends abruptly so that the main characters are left in a difficult situation without
offering any resolution or conflict?
A. Foil
B. Anti hero
C. Cliffhanger
D. Archetype

44. The intensification of the conflict in a story or play is called _______________________.

A. Exposition
B. Conflict
C. Rising action
D. complication
45. Which type of paragraph would this topic sentence be considered? The day I won the oratorical title
changed my self perfection.
A. Expository
B. Narrative
C. Descriptive
D. Persuasive

46. Sound like bam, bang, booing, are examples of _____________________.

A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Onomatopoeia
D. Idiom

47. A type of comedy based on a far-fetch humorous situation often with ridiculous or stereotyped character is
called ________________.
A. Sequel
B. Simile
C. Farce
D. Fable

48. “Life is like a roller coaster.” Is an example of what figure of speech?

A. Simile
B. Personification
C. Metaphor
D. Hyperbole

49. Which refers to the use of a word whose sound in some degree imitates or suggest its meaning? Example:
“Keeping time, time, time; A sort of Runic rhyme, To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells, from the
bells, bells, bells.”
A. Rhyme
B. Alliteration
C. Rhythm
D. Onomatopoeia

50. “It was the best times, it was the worst times, it was the age of the wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…”
In this opening line in the novel The Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens uses,
A. Didacticism
B. Consonance
C. Juxtaposition
D. Concession
51. “The time is out of joint, O cursed spite
That ever I was born to set it right.”
The two lines above from Shakespeare’s Hamlet use what literary device which is characterized by having two
successive rhyming lines in a verse and the same meter to form a complete thought?
A. Couplet
B. Assonance
C. Free verse
D. Meiosis

52. Which figures of speech uses exaggeration for special effect like: “…where the corn grows so tall they have
to go up on a ladder to pick the ears off.”?
A. Onomatopoeia
B. Alliteration
C. Hyperbole
D. Metaphor

53. In analyzing poetry, one must first understand context. Which among the following is NOT included in a
poem’s context?
A. Does the poem belong to a particular period or literary movement? Does the poem relate to imaginism,
confessional verse, beat movement, the Harlem Rennaisance, the Civil Rights Era etc.?
B. How long is the poem? The longer the poem is, the more focus is demanded of the readers.
C. Who wrote the poem? Does the poet’s life suggest any special point of view, such as political affiliation,
religious sect, career interest, musical talent, family or personal problems, travel etc.?
D. When was the poem written and in what country? Such information will help readers understand what’s in a
poem and why?

54. Which among the following options best explains what imagery is?
A. Cartoon shows that makes everyone laugh
B. The author sends mental images in the readers mind using words
C. When an author compares two things
D. Expressive picture hanging on the wall

55. “My two decades of experience as a journalism teacher, my tireless commitment to the children in this
community, and my willingness to share my pedagogical knowledge make me an ideal candidate for
principalship,” is an example of an appeal to ______________.
A. Pathos
B. Ethos
C. Bathos
D. Logos

56. In a novel or a short story, this is the point of view assumed by the narrator from which is able to tell
everything that happens in the story. This is known as _____________.
A. Eyewitness
B. Omniscient
C. First person
D. Stream of consciousness

57. Which type of paragraph has the goal of convincing another person to change or think about changing
his/her opinion on something?
A. Descriptive
B. Persuasive
C. Expository
D. Narrative

58. A plot device in literature which is usually employed where visions are realized due to the action of the
character who tries to prevent them. An example of this is “Oedipus Rex.”
A. Oracle
B. Foresight
C. Self-fulfilling prophecy
D. Insight

59. The ten commandments of modern story are: it must have compression, and immediateness, momentum,
characterization, verisimilitude, style, culmination, soul, and must be _______________.
A. Publishing
B. Short
C. Read in one sitting
D. Complete in one reading

60. What is the method of storytelling in which the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings all characters in the
A. Third person limited
B. Second person point-view
C. First person point-view
D. Third person omniscient

61. The stylistic device in which a word or phrase is replaced at the end of successive clause is known as
A. Polyptoton
B. Epiphora
C. Gradatio
D. Symplose
62. The most important sentence in any essay is _________________________.
A. the first sentence in the body of the paragraph
B. The thesis sentence in the introduction
C. The final sentence in the conclusion
D. The first sentence of the introduction

63. A scene in a short story, a novel, a narrative poem, or a play that interrupts the story of show an event that
happened earlier in the past is known as _____________________.
A. Foreshadowing
B. Review
C. Retreat
D. Flashback

64. The glass unicorn in the Glass Menagerie, the rocking horse in the Rocking-horse Winner, and the road in
Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken are all example of _________________.
A. Table
B. Imagery
C. Subject
D. Symbolism

65. The resolution of the conflict in a story is known as _______________.

A. Denouement
B. Coda
C. Diasporas
D. symbolism

66. In fiction, the transformation of a character from arrogance to humility is referred to as ___________.
A. Catharsis
B. Turning point
C. Realism
D. Mellowing

67. Which of the following is a characteristic of a formalist’s criticism?

A. It is dependent on the writer’s background.
B. Criticism is focus on the work itself.
C. It is extrinsic in essence.
D. Criticism describes the objective of the author.

68. The person assigned to dictate the actor’s line if he forgets is called a/an _______________.
A. Prompter
B. Understudy
C. Substitute
D. Assistance

69. A poem that tells tragic story is called ______________.

A. Parable
B. Epic
C. Sonnet
D. Ballad

70. What literary device refers to a situation of poetic justice where the good character are rewarded and the evil
character are punished for their vices?
A. Ambiguity
B. Apocalyptic
C. Nemesis
D. Objectivity

71. “It’s no wonder everyone refers to Mary an another Mother Theresa in the making; she loves to help and
care after people everywhere from the streets to her own friends” is an example of ___________.
A. Metaphor
B. Irony
C. Allusion
D. Historical paradox

72. The funeral home was built next to a children’s nursery is an example of________________.
A. Oxymoron
B. Metaphor
C. Juxtaposition
D. Paradox

73. “Debit card and Bad credit,” “The earthquake and the queer shake,” are examples of _____________.
A. Anagrams
B. Puns
C. Contracts
D. Oxymoron’s
74. Read the stanza and answer the item that follows:
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud,
Under the bludgeoning of change
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

“My head is bloody, but unbowed” is an example of which figures of speech?

A. hyperbole
B. Alliteration
C. Simile
D. Metaphor

75. The words spoken by an actor to the people watching a play that the characteristic in the play do not hear is
called a/an ____________________.
A. Lines
B. Monologue
C. Aside
D. D. Symbolic narrative

76. What figures of speech is: “ O wild, west wind!”

A. Apostrophe
B. Hyperbole
C. Irony
D. Metaphor

77. The Trojan War can be seen today as ____________________.

A. Women’s empowerment
B. The war over lands and boundaries
C. Men’s exhibition of grief
D. The reign of political dynasty

78. The myths of the Greeks reflect ________________________________.

A. a view of the universe that acknowledge the mystery and beauty of humanity
B. That humans are the center of the universe
C. That humans and gods live alike
D. A less strange and frightening magic than the myths of other ancient civilizations

79. For what act is Antigone sentenced to death?

A. She refused to marry the King’s son.
B. She killed her own father.
C. She disobeyed her sister’s command.
D. She performed the burial rituals for her brother.

80. Si Malakas at Maganda is a famous Filipino _______________.

A. Legend
B. Folk tale
C. Creation myth
D. Story

81. What does the presence of these three divinities: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos in Greek myth symbolize?
A. Immortals play a great part in mortal’s life
B. Destiny cannot controlled by anyone
C. Power of immortals over mortals
D. Mortal’s fate depends on the gods

82. Maria Makiling is a famous Filipino ___________.

A. Folktale
B. Legend
C. Myth
D. Fairy tale

83. In Greek mythology, who was the hero sailed in the long ship Argo to search for the Golden Fleece?
A. Ulysses
B. Achilles
C. Paris
D. Jason

84. Who was the mystical strong man punished by the gods for stealing fire?
A. Prometheus
B. Ulysses
C. Medes
D. Hercules

85. Which of the following lines from the poem “Vulture” by Chinua Achebe, represents a miserable or bleak
“In the grayness
And drizzle of one despondent
Dawn unstirred by harbingers
Of sun break a vulture perching high on
Broken bones a dead tree…”

A. Dawn unstirred by harbingers

B. Of sun break a vulture
C. In the grayness
D. Broken bones and a dead tree
86. Li Qingzhao, the greatest Chinese poetess is NOT known for ______________.
A. Employment of figure-ground theory
B. Utilization of foregrounding such as repetition and metaphor
C. Use of imagery to enrich the content
D. Dominance of hyperbole

87. What is revealed in the following lines taken from the poem, “The answer,” by Bei Dao?
Debasement is the password of the base
Nobility the epitaph of the noble
See how the glided sky is covered
With the drifting, twisted shadows of the dead
A. Condemned voices of the suppressed
B. Slavery as a pressing concern in societies
C. Disparity between the rich and the poor
D. High disposition enjoyed by the aristocrats

88. What message is expressed in the first line of the poem by Rabindranath Tagore entitled, “Mind is Without
“Where the mind is without fear
And the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;”
A. Only a fearless mind can hold its head upright.
B. There must be unity in diversity.
C. Bravery is better than coward.
D. Liberation is best achieved by force.

89. Egyptian literature is identified as _______________ literature.

A. Mediterranean
B. Middle eastern
C. Asian
D. African

90. The FENCE in the story written by Jose Garcia Villa refers to _____________.
A. Free standing structured designed to restrict movement across boundary
B. Represents the distance between the two families
C. Walls representing hindrances that separate the families
D. Protection from intrusion of other people

91. Read the excerpt below, then answer the question.

“Are you insulting my poor father? He gives me a piece of sodden land?
Impossible! Oh if he were to know what sort of son-in-law he was getting,
He would have a wise decision. But I shall have a better son-in -law
Who’ll not depend on his wife’s dowry.”
What is revealed in the character of the one who utters the above lines?
A. She acted as an over-protected mother.
B. She loved her father very much.
C. She wanted a good son-in-law
D. She regretted marrying her husband.

92. Who popularized Haiku poetry in Japan by creating visual auditory multimedia sensations with few strokes
of his writing brush as given in the lines below?
“Absolute stillness
Piercing the rocks
The voice of the locust.”
A. Ikkyu
B. Basho
C. Boncho
D. Gyai

93. “Awake for Morning in the Bowl of Night

Has flung the stone that puts the stars to flight:
And lol the hunter of the east has caught
The sultan’s turrent in a Noose of Light.”

The above stanza is taken from the famous poem of _____________.

A. Rabindranath Tagore
B. Omar Khayyam
C. Khalil Gibran
D. Nelson Mandela

94. Who is the Chinese leader whose essays and poems depicted the totalitarian rule in China and advocated a
revolutionary movement?
A. Chou en Lai
B. Lao-Tze
C. Mao Tze-Tung
D. Conficius

95. What is traditional Japanese poem consist of three lines totaling only seventeen syllables and treats the
world in its natural setting?
Example: “A bead of water
Clinging to a willow branch
The first drop of rain.”
A. Tanka
B. Sintaishi
C. Haikai
D. Haiku

96. What is the oldest Indian document of Sanskrit literature that consists of 1,028 hymns recited in solemn
A. Mahabharata
B. Upanishads
C. Ramayana
D. Rig Veda

97. What does the phrase “merciless Indian savages” used by Jefferson refer to?
A. Asian-American
B. Indian-American
C. Britons
D. Native Americans

98. What could be the reason why Benjamin Franklin added Humility in the list of 13 virtues?
A. Humility best reflects the strength of character
B. He believes that conceit spoils even the finest genius
C. He is reminded oh his friend Quaker about how overbearing and insolent he is
D. Success without humility is worthless

99. How can the new criticism school in poetry be characterized?

A. Intellectual and metaphysical
B. Sentimental and didactic
C. Impressionistic and symbolical
D. Emphasis on craft over content

100. What does the forest in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream symbolized? A place to
A. To face trials for the characters to pass
B. Lose virginity and incense
C. Lose one’s memory
D. Reach adulthood

101. Dilliard in her piece, Talent, said that, “doing something does not require discipline; it creates its own
discipline” which means _____________.
A. Working hard for the thing you value the most
B. Self-control as indication of good education
C. Governing the self to act accordingly
D. Regimen imposed on the self out of masochism

102. During the 1800s as reflected in American Literature, the US government expanded its territory by the use
of the items listed below EXCEPT
A. Technology (railroad)
B. Invasion (conquest)
C. Force (US army)
D. Diplomacy (treaties)

103. “On the Pulse of the Morning,” by Maya Angelou, it is suggested that ________________.
A. Each new day gives people new chances
B. Each new day is a gift when spent best
C. Each new day symbolizes the monotony of tasks
D. Each new day signifies a challenge to overcome

104. In “I Hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman, the workers sing varied carols to express:
A. Take pride in one’s abilities
B. Joys for bountiful blessings
C. Happiness in work and the uniqueness of contribution
D. Contrast in work attitude

105. Which of the following statements best reflects the writing of “The Declaration of Independence”?
A. It is accusatory and subjective.
B. It is very structured and orderly
C. Is is simple yet moving.
D. It is rich with logic and reasons.

106. According to Lincoln in “The Gettysburg Address”, from what premise is the war being fought?
A. Depravity and the use of irresponsible power
B. Gender-fairness and sensitivity
C. Government of the people, by the people, for the people
D. Open-mindedness and receptivity to change

107. What is Shakespeare’s technique of showing equivocation which is seen in his play, “Macbeth”.
A. Prediction
B. Mirroring
C. Ambiguity
D. Paradox and irony
108. Which is colloquial expression that has been overused?
A. Cliche`
B. Emotive language
C. Informal language
D. Tautology

109. A FLUENT reader _________________________________.

A. Reads quickly and accurately without great effort in decoding
B. Sounds and words
C. Can translate basic text from one language to another
D. Pronounces authentic text properly when reading aloud

110. In which sentence is the word WELL used correctly?

A. Julie and Ellen work well together.
B. The boys are a well team.
C. The flight is not well.
D. The time they had in Palawan was well.

111. What method is used when students learn how to used words properly; next, they learn how to read and
write; they use color charts and rods to help them with the pronunciation of sounds; and teacher talking time is
A. Silent way
B. Suggestopedia
C. Color method
D. Community Language Learning

112. In which kind of illocutionary act does the peaker express another illocutionary force
Other than that literally expressed in the utterance by relying on shared knowledge, principles of conversation,
and convention?
A. Indirect illocution
B. Exclamation
C. Command
D. Complex illocutionary act

113. In a study comparing the effects of the studying with music versus no music on reading comprehension,
an investigator administers a comprehension test after a reading study period. She finds that scores were higher
for the group who listened to classical pieces. What is the independent variable in this study?
A. Reading while studying without music
B. Reading comprehension score with music
C. Study period with no music
D. Presence or absence of music during studying

114. In which sentence does the adverb tell HOW the action is done?
A. Christy had ice cream after she was done.
B. Then Christy came home to wrap the present.
C. Christy went to the store to buy a present.
D. Christy wrapped the present carefully.

115. What is the story told in verse by unknown writers and usually meant to be sung?
A. Sonnet
B. Ballad
C. Haiku
D. Elegy

116. What is the book-length fictional prose narrative which has many characters and often complex plot?
A. Novel
B. Epic
C. Short story
D. Drama

117. What is the repetition of similar sounds usually consonants in a group of words like: “Doubting dreaming
dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.”?
A. Alliteration
B. Onomatopoeia
C. Cliche`
D. Irony

118. Which refers to the two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme?
Example: “Rose cheerless over hills of gay;
The sun that brief December day.”
A. Sonnet
B. Octave
C. Couplet
D. Sestet

119. Which approach in studying literature establishes the relationship of the writer’s life with his work?
A. Textual
B. Mythic
C. Psychological
D. Biographical
120. A description on a gravestone or a short poem in memory of a deceased person is called a/an
A. Motto
B. Maxim
C. Epitaph
D. couplet

121. What major poetic device is also called an imperfect rhyme or saint rhyme?
A. Temporary rhyme
B. Partial rhyme
C. Semi rhyme
D. Half rhyme

122. What term represents the mixture of textual, audio, and visual modes of communication?
A. Multimedia
B. Media information literacy
C. Multi-modality
D. Information and communication technology

123. What word refers to the utilization of various instructional techniques that provide temporary support to
help students reach higher levels of comprehension and skills acquisition that they would not be able to achieve
without assisstance?
A. Interpretation
B. Unpacking
C. Scaffolding
D. Immersion

124. Iconic learning involving instructional audio visual materials refers to______________.
A. Visual images for the real thing
B. Symbols for learning
C. Learning abstract ideas
D. Learning icons or big people and things

125. Which assessment tool refers to the general group where students read the questionnaire and respond in
A. Diagram
B. Problem solving
C. Paper and pencil
D. Drawing analogies
126. What test technique require the candidate to perform the skill that the test wishes measure?
A. Direct
B. Indirect
C. Integrative
D. Discrete

127. Which approach to language testing views language learning as chiefly concerned with the systematic
acquisition of a set of habits?
A. Structuralist
B. Essay-translation
C. Integrative
D. Pragmatic

128. The function of language test which aims to motivate students pertains to ________.
A. Research
B. Learning
C. Employment
D. Teaching

129. What is the culminating activity of interpreting the information gathered for the purpose of making
decisions or judgment about students’ language needs?
A. Assessment
B. Evaluation
C. Measurement
D. Testing

130. When a language research deals with motivation for learning the language, what allied discipline is
A. Educating
B. Sociology
C. Psychology
D. Anthropology

131. When research is conducted to assess the use of linguistic forms in language performance, it is after which
A. Socio-linguistic
B. Socio-cultural
C. Linguistic
D. Psycho-social
132. A study on the effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching deals with what allied discipline is
A. Psychology
B. Educating
C. Sociology
D. anthropology

133. Which factor in language research identifies the environment within which language acquired?
A. Language use
B. Type of users
C. Methodology
D. setting

134. The application of social and behavioral science research method to the practice of journalism is called
A. Precision journalism
B. Modern journalism
C. Contemporary
D. New journalism

135. In journalism, copy refers to __________.

A. Any piece of material that makes it to print
B. The writer’s name as it appears in the story
C. The word for a headline
D. The belief that what someone says is true

136. The date line in a news story refers to the time when the ________________.
A. Report was received
B. Deadline was set by the editorial
C. Event happened
D. Story was filled

137. The organization of the editorial follows more or less the following arrangement marked by Roman
I. __________________
II. Argument
III. Argument
IV. Argument
V. Argument
VI. Course of action
What should be the contained in the first Roman Numeral?
A. Lead sentence expressing the facts
B. Topic sentence that states the opinion
C. Position of the newspaper regarding in the issue
D. Statement of the newspaper’s editorial policy

138. What periodical publication contains accounts of current events, information, article, and diverse features?
A. Brochure
B. Newspaper
C. Journal
D. Magazine

139. A word can have associated mental images and feelings. Often these cannot be found by consulting a
dictionary. These referred to as _____________________.
A. Co-reference
B. Collocation
C. Denotation
D. connotation

140. Which refers to the capacity for some kind of language to be transferred from one language to another
without undergoing radical change?
A. Transformability
B. Transferability
C. Translability
D. Transfigurability

141. One way to see id translation communicates what the source text communications is by translation
checking. The subjects of such activity are called _______________.
A. Experts in translation
B. Academic personnel
C. consultants
D. Speakers with the receptor language

142. Which is the heart of the theater experience?

A. Actor-director relationship
B. Actor-actor relationship
C. Audience-director relationship
D. Actor-audience relationship

143. In stage acts, which do you use to show comparisons?

A. Pitch
B. Color
C. Syllabication
D. Sound

144. Which is the audience’s ability to remove themselves from the play so that they can contemplate and
evaluate the performance?
A. Reasonable distance
B. Aesthetic distance
C. Ideal distance
D. Manageable distance

145. The speaker’s use of highly jargonized language falls under what kind of interference?
A. Intrinsic
B. Extrinsic
C. Speaker-created
D. semantic

146. What technology during the Middle ages greatly advanced literature through a slow flood of reading
materials such as books and other manuscripts?
A. Poetry
B. Movies
C. Accounts
D. Prose

147. Which refers to concepts that include choice of words, elegance of construction, punctuation consideration,
and length of entries?
A. Preferences
B. Style
C. Subjectivity
D. strategies

148. In creative non-fiction, what do you use to support fact-based narratives?

A. Commentaries and accounts
B. Dramatic dialogs
C. Essays and memories
D. Inventive and dramatic techniques

149. What kind of linguistic studies how languages are constructed?

A. Descriptive
B. Theoretical
C. Historical
D. Applied

150. The character who contrasts with another character is a/an ___________________.
A. Support
B. Villain
C. Antagonist
D. Foil


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