Practice Test 2

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1. What relative pronoun is used to introduce noun clauses?

a. Whom c. That
b. Who d. Why

2. “We DO wonder how the economy can make a turn around. What is expressed by the word DO in the sentence?
a. Subjective c. Exaggeration
b. Indicative d. Emphatic Auxiliary

3. How is the question formulated with the base for as reference?

“The newly hired employee will earn fair wage.”
“Will the newly hired employee earn a fair wage?”

a. By using modals as introductory word

b. By putting the noun phrase last
c. By moving the auxiliary verb to a position before the subject noun phrase
d. By syntactically arranging word entries

4. Neither you nor your children _____________ the problem.

a. understands c. is understanding
b. are understanding d. understand

5. Eminent educators have observed that qualified jobs are becoming __________.
a. scarcest c. scarcing
b. more scarce d. scarcer

6. What do you call a single phoneme that indicates a glide?

a. /f/ c. /n/
b. /w/ d. /l/

7. What is the smallest unit of sound of any language that causes a different in meaning called?
a. Morpheme c. Phoneme
b. Allophone d. Allomorph

8. Doing the dishes, making a bed, and saving time are all examples of:
a. Complementation c. Supplementation
b. Predication d. Collocation

9. Which of the following narratives explains and gives information?

a. Expository c. Persuasive
b. Informative d. Descriptive

10. Complete the sentence: How much are those _____?

a. RTW clothes c. Clothing materials
b. Woven clothes d. Clothes pin

11. After basketball brawl, the players were _______ to explain their side.
a. allowed c. allowing
b. allows d. allow

12. My friend is not joining our group ______ he gets approval of his parents.
a. so that c. until
b. by d. as long as

13. In the past, “sneaked” was the past form of sneak while in today's morphological structure, “snuck” is its past form.
If what is right in one generation may not be right in the next, what does it show?
a. Preference c. Grammar
b. Usage d. Context

14. Which is NOT related to the word “introduction”?

a. Setting c. Preliminary
b. Preface d. Exposition

15. Which phoneme is NOT in the Filipino alphabet but is in Ivatan?

a. /h/ and /j/ c. /f/ and /v/
b. /p/ and /b/ d. /w/ and /z/

16. ESP is centered on the language appropriate to various activities that relate well with grammar, lexis, register,
discourse, and ________.
a. genre c. prose
b. poetry d. composition

17. You are following the task-based syllabus. Which learning activities do you apply?
a. exercises following process of writing c. recalling supporting details
b. identifying text types d. writing notes, memos, reports

18. What does the 'desk' refer to?

a. Group of publishers c. Skillful encoders
b. Language experts d. Corps of editors

19. When working with presentation software in a stage production, which do you observe?
a. Read very well from the slides.
b. Use various forms of animation to ensure audience attention.
c. Use blank screens when you need to pause
d. Place the computer where you could be seen by the audience.

20. The last step in the application of Situational Language Teaching is _________.
a. Elicitation c. Correction
b. Question-Answer Drilling d. Substitution Drilling

21. How is carousel cooperative learning done?

a. Teacher poses a question to the group, and each student has a minute or two to think about the question, then discuss
it to someone and to the whole class.
b. Students form two circles facing each other where they are given a question and they are to discuss it with the student
they are facing.
c. Students are broken into groups and the teacher places chart paper around the room with different questions each
group has to answer in rotation.
d. Students are sitting with groups, and the teacher asks them a question where each student in a group take turns in
answering to come up with an answer that they all agree on.

22. You want to test your students’ language and experiences. What instruction will you apply?
a. Situational approach c. Language Experience Approach
b. Mastery learning d. DRTA

23. Which method does Teacher May use when she instructs her students NOT to use the native language and instead
tell them to figure out the grammar rules for themselves as they are encouraged to speak the target language at all
a. Communicative c. Direct
b. Immersion d. Audio-Lingual

24. Which among the following DOES NOT represent the concept of washback?
a. A test may influence what teachers teach and how they teach their students.
b. The extent to which the introduction and use of a test influence language learners.
c. What is tested does not affect what is taught.
d. It is the connection between testing and learning.

25. In teaching reading, which words is appropriate to use in vocabulary stair steps strategy?
a. Happy, happier, happiest c. Joyful, elated, happy
b. Hungry, starving, famished d. Fearful, afraid, shocked

26. What method is used when students learn how to use words properly; next, they learn to read and write; They
use color charts and rods to help them with the pronunciation sounds; and teacher talking time is minimal?
a. Silent Way c. Suggestopedia
b. Color method d. Community Language Learning

27. The task of the language teacher is to create the best conditions for learning. In addition to this general function, a
teacher plays specific roles in different stages of the learning stages. What are these stages?

I. Presentation II. Practice III. Production IV. Performance

a. I, II, III, IV c. II, III, IV
b. I, II, IV d. I, II, III

28. Among Filipinos, what characteristic makes English difficult to understand?

a. It is a complex language. c. It is a strange language.
b. It is a second/third language. d. It is a universal language.

29. What is the inaccurate concept of total immersion in English language development?
a. Employs appropriate performance strategies.
b. Natural way of native speaker who learn their home language.
c. Involves strategic use of language.
d. Pertains to drill with focus to grammar.

30. Which is the most appropriate “while listening” activity for a text describing a family tree consisting of three
a. Writing each generation’s history c. Completing a family tree
b. Writing down names d. Copying a family tree

31. Which process do you teach when you teach students to analyze the title of the story and illustrate to help
them initially grasp the meaning of a text?
a. Foreshadowing c. Previewing
b. Predicting d. Critiquing

32. On levels of reading comprehension, which involves the understanding of information stated directly in the text?
a. Critical c. Interpretative
b. Literal d. Inferential

33. Which type of listening comprehension refers to the ability to listen only to specific parts of the input?
a. listening selectively c. listening attentively
b. listening for gist d. listening for details

34. Which BEST describes learners with a dominant linguistic competence?

I. They are adept at recognizing rhymes and sounds in words.
II. They can readily spot semantic errors.
III. They enjoy working on numbers and numerals.
IV. They have a strong sense of proportion.
a. I & II c. II & IV
b. I & IV d. II & III

35. The goals of English language teaching in the Philippines is to produce learners who:
a. can communicate accurately, fluently and appropriately
b. have mastery of English pronunciation and grammar
c. can use English in proper context
d. can confidently speak in English

36. What is revealed in the following lines taken from the poem, "The Answer," by Bei Dao?
Debasement is the password of the base.
Nobility the epitaph of the noble.
See how the glided sky is covered
With the drifting, twisted shadows of the dead.

a. Condemned voices of the suppressed

b. Slavery as a pressing concern in societies
c. Disparity between the rich and the poor
d. High disposition enjoyed by the aristocrats

37. “Red as roses, burnish'd with gold” from Walt Whitman’s A Passage to India. What figure of speech does the line
a. Metaphor c. Simile
b. Hyperbole d. Personification

38. What is a poem which best treats topics of “death”?

a. sonnet c. elegy
b. epic d. eulogy

39. The poet can be satirical, expressing himself with wit and force. Interpret:
“Which is the basest creature, man or beast? Birds feed on birds, birds on each other’s prey; but savage man alone does
man betray.”
a. man is just like animal c. man’s inhumanity to his kind
b. man is the most beastly of animals d. man is proven by his actions

40. Literary analysis entails connecting with the readers. Which type of connections is established by the passage
below? “Is the guy Eddie Brown?”
a. questioning c. clarifying
b. predicting d. evaluating

41.The character who contrasts with another character is a/an _______.

a. support c. villain
b. antagonist d. foil

42. What major poetic device is also called an imperfect rhyme or slant rhyme?
a. Temporary rhyme c. Partial rhyme
b. Semi rhyme d. Half rhyme

43. Which approach in studying literature establishes the relationship of the writer's, life with his work?
a. Textual c. Mythic
b. Psychological d. Biographical

44.Which refers to two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme?

Example: "Rose cheerless over hills of gray;
The sun that brief December day."
a. Sonnet c. Octave
b. Couplet d. Sestet

45. What is a book-length fictional prose narrative which has many characters and often complex plot?
a. Novel c. Epic
b. Short story d. Drama

46. What is a story told in verse by unknown writers and usually meant to be sung?
a. Sonnet c. Ballad
b. Haiku d. Elegy

47. Which is a colloquial expression that has been overused?

a. Cliché c. Emotive language
b. Informal language d. Tautology

48. According to Lincoln in "The Gettysburg Address", from what premise is the war being fought?
a. Depravity and the use of irresponsible power
b. Gender-fairness and sensitivity
c. Government of the people, by the people, for the people
d. Open-mindedness and receptivity to change

49. Which of the following statements best reflects the writing of "The Declaration of Independence"?
a. It is accusatory and subjective. c. It is very structured and orderly
b. It is simple yet moving. d. It is rich with logic and reasons.

50. During the 1800s as reflected in American Literature, the US government expanded it territory by the use of the
items listed below EXCEPT _________.
a. Technology (railroad) c. Invasion (conquest)
b. Force (US army) d. Diplomacy (treaties)

51. Dillard in her piece, Talent, said that "doing something does not require discipline; it creates its own
discipline" which means ________.
a. working hard for the thing you value the most
b. self-control as indication of good education
c. governing the self to act accordingly
d. regimen imposed on the self out of masochism
52. How can the new criticism school in poetry be characterized?
a. Intellectual and metaphysical c. Impressionistic and symbolical
b. Sentimental and didactic d. Emphasis on craft over content

53. What could be the reason why Benjamin Franklin added Humility in the list of 13 virtues?
a. Humility best reflects the strength of character.
b. He believes that conceit spoils even the finest genius.
c. He is reminded of his friend Quaker about how overbearing and insolent he is.
d. Success without humility is worthless.

54. What is the oldest Indian document of Sanskrit literature that consists of 1,028 hymns recited in solemn rituals?
a. Mahabharata c. Upanishads
b. Ramayana d. Rig Veda

55. What traditional Japanese poem consists of three lines totaling only seventeen syllables and treats the world in its
natural setting?
Example: "A bead of water.
Clinging to a willow branch
The first drop of rain.”

a. Tanka c. Sintaishi
b. Haikai d. Haiku

56. To teach a lesson about the author’s personal view about the topic and his/her purpose of illuminating the minds
of the readers as well as providing delight with his/her prose, which expository prose will you choose?
a. Composition c. Essay
b. Discourse d. Selection

57. Someone who can operate his/her linguistic competence and his/her sociolinguistic awareness of the relationship
between language and the context refers to what kind of?
a. Intercultural c. Technical
b. Adapt d. Context-driven

58. When you teach students to use words instead of those with distasteful or offensive effect like the “grim-reaper”
for death or “crossing over” for dying, you are teaching a lesson on ___________.
a. Existentialism c. Euphemism
b. Localization d. Contextualization

59. A study on the effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching deals with what allied discipline?
a. Psychology c. Educating
b. Sociology d. Anthropology

60. Of the following options are given attention in K to 12 Secondary English EXCEPT:
a. Thinking strategies c. Reading comprehension on various genres
b. Phonological awareness d. Writing and composition

61. Organizational strategies are at the heart of constructing meaning. These are employed during reading as well as
after reading. Which of the following strategies is an important organizational strategy?
a. Deriving the main idea c. Regulating thinking
b. Setting purpose and goal d. Previewing

62. Which of the following questions belong to the Literal comprehension level?
a. In the story, who is slow?
b. Why is it good to be persistent?
c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being quick?
d. Do you agree with the tortoise when if said that it is best to be what you are?

63. Which of the following DOES NOT characterize the direct method of language teaching?
a. It allows errors and these errors are addressed by self-correction.
b. The teacher illustrates and demonstrates meaning.
c. The target language is used as an auxiliary/support language.
d. The language is viewed as spoken than written.
64. The linking of structuralism and behaviorism gave birth to the following approaches/methods, EXCEPT:
a. CCL c. Bottom up text processing
b. Oral approach d. ALM

65. Which of the following is an appropriate critical while reading activity?

a. Construction of meaningful critical activities
b. Critical cloze activities
c. Making sense of critical reading activities
d. All of the above

66. When an actor needs to display very strong emotions to an audience, he must position his body _____.
a. One quarter away c. 2 quarters away
b. Full back d. Full front

67. Pulitzer Prize is an award given for a _____.

a. Short play c. Journalism
b. Film script d. Books

68. Disorganized, lengthy and detailed writing?

a. Pastiche c. Minimalism
b. Maximalism d. Euphemism

69. Give the best explanation for the metaphorical line: “When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes.”
a. Love of wealth and fame c. Feeling guilty of a crime
b. Physically isolated from home d. Ashamed to face the world

70. It is the first time for your students to read a literary work. What will you focus?
a. Genre of the literary work c. Protagonist of the story
b. Information in the literary work d. Structure of the piece

71. The flamenco dancer ___ appeared on stage before the music sounded.
a. will have c. had
b. have d. has

72. Among news story leads that use the 5 W’s and H, which is applied in the given lead:
“Coral vandalism sparked outrage among divers and environmentalists.”?
a. where c. when
b. what d. how

73. Neither of them gives ____ nod to the group plan.

a. our c. your
b. his d. their

74. Roniel and Carl who __________ a restaurant in Manila are now the youngest partner entrepreneurs.
a. run c. has run
b. runs d. have run

75. If you want to put emphasis in the structure of language to be taught, what language syllabus will you use?
a. Content-based c. Grammar
b. Functional d. Context-based

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