Mausbarian: A Small World For Mausritter

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A Small World for Mausritter

Mausbarian is an independent production by Excuse The Corpses and is not
affiliated with Losing Games. It is published under the Mausritter Third Party
Licence. Mausritter is copyright Losing Games.

Originally released for Ritermarch Jam, Mausbarian is a work in progress.

In addition to the lore of Mausborea, this zine contains two tables – Houses of Worship and
Upbringings - that can replace or supplement the Birthsign and Backgrounds tables of
Mausritter’s character creation process. A future version of this zine will include more
spells and items, as well as a hexcrawl adventure based in the no-mouse land of Medvediya.

Writing, cover art, maps and layout
Tazi Asya


Mausbarian is inspired by Isaac Williams (Mausritter), Robert E. Howard (Conan
the Barbarian), Frank Frazetta, Cole Wehrle and Kyle Ferrin (Root).

Mausbarian is laid out using LibreOffice Writer. Images are edited using GIMP.
Typefaces used are Alegreya and Bangers.

The Mausborean Age
The tiny mouse kingdoms of Mausborea live in a fragile peace with each other and the natural
predators roaming their lands - whom at best benevolently ignore the small mice, and at
worst - enslave them to do their bidding until the time has come to prey...

The land of Medvediya is ruled by no mouse – a classical kingdom fallen in disrepair, its ruins
overgrown with thorns - while its trails and passes are actively exploited by all of its
neighboring states. As the powerful nations of the continent prepare their plays, the outcasts
and exiles of the forest can still make a stand, or at least choose a side in the coming battle.

Nations of Mausborea
A once-mighty kingdom at the western tip of the continent towers over the bordering lands
with its high walls and citadels, on top of which lavish BIRDS nest. Led by a bickering royal
family, the only path to success for its peasants are its trading guilds and legions of war.

Rooted in a century-old caste system, the Zhaborians are a numerous but poor people spread
across the central coast of Vermin Sea. They share their land with FROGS that only elite
Untouchables can ride, and they grow the rarest spices, but they seldom see the full price.

The vast, cold land to the north is home to the wild Killerian tribes, as well as the mythical
snow WOLF-DOG. In place of elaborate religious beliefs or any taste for the magical, these
hardened feral mice pass a simple legend from one generation to the next - the riddle of squeal.

A southern nation of merchants and explorers, the mice of Käth know the value of a good
deal when they see one. Between shady olive trees and shrines of their Pantheon of
uncountable gods, black CATS wave their tails and spread fear, but they also keep the
neighboring kingdoms away.

Deep in the forest, no mouse rules. An old kingdom fallen in disrepair, torn by years of
conflict between its power-hungry neighbors - this is where nimble mice go when they no
longer have a place in civilization. If one makes the bushes their home, they might even spot
a BEAR – but will they live to tell the tale?

A mystical society, governed by the strict Zet Cult, thrives south of the river Zmyx. Basing
their crop production on the cycles of the moon and the river’s tides, these mice live in the
desert, surrounded by majestic black ziggurats and the sheddings of SNAKE skin.

The Horde
Deep in the northern steppes where only SCORPIONS survive, a single-minded nomadic
army is set on full domination of the continent. A distant offshoot of a Killerian tribe, the
Khan rules with an iron fist and will not stop before his enemies have been subdued.

Th e far-away land across the Vermin Sea, full of history
and shrouded in mystique – a guarded kingdom where
ageless monks do not believe in time, and where
swordmasters refuse to fi ght another day if their masters
have fallen in battle.

Houses of Worship u s e i n s t e a d o f t h e B i r t h s i gn t a b l e

Mausbarians traditionally worship a number of d6 Cult Disposition

smaller deities with simple belief systems that
1 Mröm the R is silent Loud / Decisive
loosely relate to the history of the Western
kingdoms; however, a wicked teaching has 2 The Pantheon Flexible / Intimate
emerged from the mountain monasteries of the 3 The Zet Cult Improper / Alert
Far East, cleared through customs at the sea ports 4 Anti-Pasti Inaccurate / Intense
of Zhaboria, and has been winning the minds of 5 Kephir Honest / Impatient
young mice all over – the Anti-Pasti monks believe
that time itself does not exist! 6 Faithless Careful / Blunt

Upbringings u s e i n s t e a d o f t h e B a c kgr o u nd s ta b l e, r o l l d 8 fo r pi ps

HP Pips Nation Upbringing Item A Item B

1 1 Avilonia Jester Book of jokes Sling (Light ranged d6)
1 2 Käth Translator Spell: Be understood Bottle of mead
1 3 Killeria Berrymaster Wild berries Basket
1 4 Medvediya Stargazer Spell: Clear sky Star map, incomplete
1 5 Kritai Scholar Magnifying glass Pencil sharpener
1 6 Avilonia Judge Gavel White wig
1 7 The Horde Oracle Spell: See through Loaded dice
1 8 Käth Slaver Chain Playing cards
2 1 Medvediya Outcast Crowbar Smoking pipe
2 2 Killeria Icedigger Ice pick Ice tray
2 3 The Horde Basketweaver Basket Clamps
2 4 Zhaboria Swapmwwitch Spell: Hide Healing mud
2 5 Zmygia Architect Brick Chisel
2 6 Avilonia Executioner Big Axe (Heavy d10) Condition: Guilt
2 7 Zhaboria Thief Pocket knife (Light d6) Mask
2 8 Medvediya Smuggler Glue Shovel
3 1 Killeria Swordsmith Hammer (Light d6) Bag of coal
3 2 Zhaboria Untouchable Hireling: Frog Wooden pole
3 3 Zmygia Sorcerer Spell: Charm Chalk
3 4 The Horde Bellydancer A belt of twelve polished pips Flavored tobacco
3 5 Zhaboria Spicer Spice seeds Hand scythe
3 6 Kritai Scout Running shoes Goggles
3 7 Käth Freetrader Little black book Chest
3 8 Kritai Optometrist Monocle Optometry poster
4 1 Killeria Barbarian Bastard sword (Medium d6/d8) Hair of dog
4 2 Avilonia Chronicler Parchment Condition: Memories
4 3 Zmygia Charmer Flute Whip
4 4 Käth Gladiator Flail (Light d6) Small shield (Light armor)
4 5 Medvediya Ranger Bow (Heavy ranged d8) Arrows quiver
4 6 The Horde Pirate Rapier (Light d6) Letter of marque
4 7 Avilonia Vicar Spell: Absolve Holy water
4 8 Zmygia Beggar Small hat Small crutch
5 1 Kritai Masterless Scimitar (Medium d6/d8) Black belt
5 2 Medvediya Huntsmouse Small trap Hunting knife (Light d6)
5 3 Killeria Cliffhanger Rope Hook
5 4 Zhaboria Amazonian Wooden pole Flask of acid
5 5 Käth Jeweller Spell: Statuesque Dyes
5 6 The Horde Sandwormfisher Fishhook Net
5 7 Zmygia Scarmaker Poke stick Skin ointment
5 8 Käth Explorer Compass Map
6 1 Kritai Monk Spell: Freeze time Hourglass, broken
6 2 The Horde Nomad Scorpion tip (Light d6) Tent
6 3 Killeria Fleamaster Jar of fleas Whistle
6 4 Medvediya Herbalist Healing leaves Scissors
6 5 Zmygia Inquisitor Cloak Dagger (Light d6)
6 6 Zhaboria Matchmaker Long cigarette Matches
6 7 Kritai Geishu Pocket mirror Poison (edible)
6 8 Avilonia Royalguard Broken spear Condition: Remorse

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