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Vyrmhack is a small-scale roleplaying wargame set in a dark fantasy world where characters explore, fight monsters, and survive. Key attributes include Vitality, Stamina, Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom.

The main character attributes in Vyrmhack are Level, Vitality, Stamina, Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, and Background. These determine a character's abilities and capacity for actions.

Characters may face hazards like losing equipment, tools breaking, food spoiling, or acquiring detrimental Traits from facing monsters and the hostile environment.

The Vyrminous Hack

The world is dying, and from
its corpse spill vyrmin.
Vyrmhack is a small-scale
wargame with role-playing
elements. Players take on the
role of a single or band of
characters who explore, fight,
and survive in a dark
fantastical land. It is meant
to be compatible with most
old-school game modules and
wargame-style scenarios.

What you need

Players will need paper,
pencils, and some six-sided
dice (d6). While not
necessary, players may also
bring models to represent
their characters and
adversaries, pieces of scenery
to represent the terrain, and
a measuring-tape or grid to
measure distances.

Scale and distance

Distances in Vyrmhack are
listed in feet, typically in
multiples of 5ft. For players
using measuring tape, grids,
or models, 5ft represents 1”
inch, or 1 space with human-
sized characters filling spaces
of 1” inch or 1 space.
5’ feet = 1” inch = 1 space

Character Creation.......... 02
Traits...................... 04
Equipment................... 06
Playing the Game............ 08
Exploration................. 10
Sorcery..................... 12
Miracles.................... 14
Monsters and Adversaries.... 16
Maladies.................... 18
Lords....................... 19
Artifacts & Loot............ 20

You are Vyrmin...
Characters created in Vyrmhack
have the following
characteristics listed on
their character sheet:
Your overall strength, used to
determine additional Vitality,
actions, and bonus to certain
The amount of physical harm
you can suffer before being
knocked out or killed. If your
Vitality ever drops to 0, your
character is slain.
The amount of physical or
mental exertion a character
has undertaken. If your
Stamina is greater than your
Vitality, your character is
knocked out and gains a Scar.
Measure of physical strength,
constitution and resilience.
Used for: Melee attacks,
Inventory capacity, feats of
strength, resisting poison or
Measure of agility, speed, and
accuracy. Used for: Ranged
attacks, Avoiding hazards,
feats of agility, dodging.
Measure of mental fortitude,
knowledge and guile.
Used for: Casting spells,
Finding secrets, resisting
magic and fear.
Words or phrases that grant
Scoundrel, cutthroat, beggar, the character a bonus on rolls
bastard; you are a desperate related to the words or
soul who scours a life in the phrase.
bloody and cursed corners of
this world with only your TRAITS
flesh, wits, and tools to help Boons and maladies gained from
you. How far will you push succeeding or suffering over
yourself to survive? the course of play.

Character 2D6

Creation 1
Murderous Ranger
Zealous Blacksmith
Characters start at Level 1
3 Cunning Courtier
1 Starting Vitality: Roll d6
and add your level. 4 Indomitable Gong-farmer
2 Starting Stamina: Starts at 5 Impassive Plague Doctor
0 (is accrued during play) 6 Prophetic Scholar
3 Starting STR, DEX, and WIS: 4-6
Roll four d6 and discard the
highest. Assign each of the 1 Melancholy Sellsword
remaining values to an 2 Crazed Apothecary
ability of your choice. 3 Choleric Midwife
4 Background: Pick (or create) 4 Frenzied Prisoner
a vocation or acquired
skills. So long as an 5 Furtive Purse-cutter
argument can be made that 6 Roving Charlatan
your background would benefit 5-6
you during certain tasks or
saves, you may add your LVL 1 Ancient Hedgewitch
to any necessary rolls or 2 Fanatic Auger
automatically bypass tasks 3 Star-gazing Nomad
(Referee’s discretion).
4 Notable Baker
5 Starting Traits: Pick or
randomly select 1 Boon, and 5 Cruel Horseman
1 Scar or Mutation. 6 Disillusioned Cultist
6 Inventory: You have a number
of inventory slots equal to
your STR + 1.
7 Starting Equipment: Pick or
randomly select 1 weapon,
1 tool, or 1 piece of armor.
Alternatively, eschew
weapons, equipment and armor
and begin with a Spellbook
or Fealty to a Deity.
Each party of characters begin
with a rundown camp at the
edge of civilization, 3 days
of rations between them, and
someone or something that is
looking for them…

Each time a character survives
an adventure they gain:
1 +1 LVL
2 Roll d6 + LVL for Vitality
Use new value unless the old
value was higher.
3 +1 to STR, DEX, or WIS.
4 You may gain 1 random

Boons Scars
1-2 1-3
1-2 Noble Duelist: Advantage 1 Missing Eye: If gained
on defense and attacks again, permanently
against single opponent. blinded.
Disadvantage on attacks 2 Destroyed Leg: Movement
when flanked. halved. If gained again,
3-4 Unchained Berzerker: When movement is 5ft.
attacking in melee, deal 3 Maimed Hand: Cannot wield
light damage to everyone heavy weapons. If gained
within range, friend or again cannot wield
foe. standard weapons.
5-6 Decrepit Magus:-1 STR, -1 4 Speared Organs: Always
DEX, and -1 V, may cast 1 start with 1 Stamina.
spell per LVL without If gained again, increase
gaining stamina. by 1.
3-4 5 Frail Constitution:
1-2 Frenzied Dervish: 1 extra Disadvantage on avoiding
action for each empty poison or illness.
inventory slot, up to 6 Night Phobia: Roll WIS
level; cannot have more when in low-light or
than 1 Armor. darker, or become
1-2 Despised Cutthroat: Always frightened.
have a dagger and 4-6
lockpick, all social
reactions are decreased by 1 Deaf: Cannot hear or issue
one tier (friendly to commands.
neutral, neutral to 2 Broken Back: Lose 1
hostile) inventory space. If gained
1-2 Mute Assassin: Cannot be again, increase by 1.
spotted in low-light and 3 Nightmares: You only heal
always considered hidden 1 Vitality from resting.
when not in melee, cannot 4 Vertigo: Jumping is always
speak or vocalize. at disadvantage, cannot
5-6 climb without tools or
1-2 Superstitious Sellsword: assistance.
All weapons gain 1 5 Twisted Guts: 1-in-6
additional ability in your chance that you waste a
hands. Cannot wield ration whenever you eat.
sorceries or miracles. 6 Violent: Roll a WIS
3-4 Wretched Godling: You whenever you attempt to at
cannot die. Each time you the start of combat,
are slain, reduce your LVL otherwise you charge
by 1, minimum LVL of 1. blindly towards the
5-6 Paranoid Fanatic: Gain 2 nearest opponent.
daily Favor for miracles
instead of 1. Destroy any
spellbook that you find and
you cannot hold audience
with rival faiths.

Mutations 5-6
1 A twitching tail sprouts
2D6 MUTATIONS from the base of your spine.
1-2 2 Soft, glistening scales grow
1 Feathers sprout from you and in patches on your skin.
a beak begins to emerge. 3 Verminous Form: Your body
2 Blind, milky eyes emerge lengthens and sprouts
from under your skin. countless twitching limbs.
You can swim 60ft, climb
3 You skin goes translucent. 30ft without tools, and can
4 Fell Visage: A second cruel cling to walls like a
face appears on your body, spider. However, you no
independent and intelligent. longer have the facilities
It is a skilled assistant on to use most tools.
all things academic and 4 Befouled: You body becomes a
arcane, but causes symbiotic breeding ground of
practitioners of sorcery to pestilence. You are immune
be hostile towards you; the to poison and disease. Each
Fell Visage is not to be day, those in close contact
trusted… with you have a 1-in-6
5 Vampyr: You need only eat chance of picking up a
once a week, but your body random disease.
can only sustain itself on 5 Locus of Sorcery: Casting
fresh blood. You must sup Sorceries never costs
from the corpse of freshly Stamina, however, failed
slain mortal or beast to casting rolls are always
feed your hunger. considered Critical
6 Nightling: Your body becomes Failures.
attuned to the dark. You can 6 Powder Jinx: The air
see perfectly in low-light crackles with dangerous
environments, but being static around you. All
exposed to daylight is black-powder weapons always
considered hazardous misfire if the wielder has
terrain. line of sight to you.
1 Calcified fractal protrusions
sprout from your joints.
2 Your skin grows slimy and
and pebbled like a slug.
3 Fur sprouts from your back
and mane like a wolf.
4 Unseen Eyes: Your eyes
disappear from your face,
you instead see through the
eyes of any nearby being
that you are aware of.
5 Writhing Limbs: Your limbs
become slithering tendril
appendages. Feats of agility
and fine motor-skills are
always at advantage, but you
can no longer wield heavy
6 Iron Maiden: Your body and
armor meld into one. Any
armor you were wearing can
never be broken, but also
cannot be removed.

Tools Weapons
Tools allow characters to Unarmed: 1 damage
perform tasks that they would Light Weapons: d6[-] damage
be incapable of or allow them and take up 1 Inventory Slot.
to successfully bypass a roll
they would normally make. Standard Weapons: d6 damage
and take up 2 Inventory Slots.
Inventory: Tools typically
take up 1 inventory space. Heavy Weapons: d6[+] damage
Larger or cumbersome tools may and take up 3 Inventory Slots.
take up 2 or more. Each weapon has an Ability and
Torch - See in the dark. Ranged weapons require
ammunition to fire which takes
Bandages - Stop bleeding. up an inventory slot. If more
Grappling Hook - Climb than 1 shot is fired in an
distances greater than your encounter the ammunition is
normal movement allows. removed at the end of the
Lockpick - Unlock doors. encounter.
Ranged weapons do not have a
Armor range unless specified. It is
assumed they can reach most
Each piece of Armor takes up 2 targets within line of sight.
inventory slots. D6 WEAPON WEIGHT
When hit with a weapon, 1-2 Light
subtract 1 damage for each
piece of unbroken Armor in 3-5 Standard
inventory or sacrifice 1 piece 6 Heavy
of Armor to negate all damage 2D6 WEAPON ABILITY
from a single hit.
1-3 4-6
Armor sacrificed or broken is
not removed from inventory, 1 Ranged 1 Ranged
instead it is considered 2 Thrown 2 Thrown
broken and provides no benefits 3 Brace 3 Pierce
unless repaired.
4 Flail 4 Weighted
Trading 5
Versatile 6
5 Batter
Gold and coin have little
value in the rotted world. D6 WEAPON CRITICAL
Each time you trade with a 1 Bash 4 Hew
merchant or other, roll to 2 Bleed 5 Repel
determine what they can or are
willing to trade. Trades are 3 Disarm 6 Sunder
at a weight or alike basis.
2 tools for 1 armor, 1 spell- d6 listed with a [+] or
book for 1 spellbook etc. [-] refer to Advantage [+]
D6 BARTER PRICES and Disadvantage [-].
1 Scarce 1 trade allowed. See pg. 08.
2-3 Steep 2 for 1
4-5 Middling 1 for 1
6 Plentiful 1 for 1 +1 free.

Weapon Abilities Weapon Criticals
On successful hits, opponent Opponent is knocked down. Must
rolls STR, if they fail they spend an action to stand up on
gain 1 Stamina their turn.
Deals +d6 damage. Makes ranged Deals 1 damage at the start of
attacks and requires black- the round until staunched.
powder ammo. Can only be fired DISARM
once per turn and reloading
takes an action. Opponent drops their weapon if
Misfire: Damages wielder when able, otherwise they gain 1
an unsuccessful double is Stamina.
rolled. Light, 1 damage. HEW
Standard, damage as light Ignore opponent’s armor.
weapon. Heavy, damage as
standard weapon. REPEL
BRACE You may disengage from your
opponent or push your opponent
Once per round, you may make a out of melee range.
free attack against an
opponent that charged you. SUNDER
FLAIL Break 1 piece of opponent’s
armor, otherwise they gain 1
Once per round, you may make a Stamina.
single attack roll on all
opponents in melee range.
May counter-attack in melee
without gaining stamina.
Ignore 1 of opponent’s armor
when determining damage.
May be thrown. Range based on
weight, remove from inventory
if thrown. Light 30ft,
Standard 20ft, Heavy 10ft.
Can be wielded with STR or DEX
to attack or defend. If
attacking with DEX, opponent
must defend with DEX.
If you move and attack in the
same turn, roll to attack at
Makes ranged attacks and
requires ammunition. Rate of
fire based on weight.
Light, no rate-of-fire penalty.
Standard, may only be fired up
to LVL each turn. Heavy, may
only be fired once per turn.

Playing the Game
Rolling Dice Combat
During play, if a character
attempts a task where the Start of Combat
outcome is risky or uncertain, When characters enter combat
they may roll a 2d6 and add roll one d6 for them and one
the value of the appropriate for their adversaries; highest
trait to overcome it. value goes first.
A value of 12 or greater is
considered a success Actions
A success or failure with Characters can perform one of
doubles is considered a the actions on their turn:
Critical and Critical Failure Move: Move 30ft across open
respectively. terrain, climb 15ft, or swim
6,6 is always a success, while 15ft. Charge: If you end your
1,1 is always a failure. movement within striking
distance of an opponent, you
STR – Tasks of strength, brute may make one attack.
force, or physical fortitude.
Attack: Strike an opponent in
DEX – Tasks of agility, melee range or fire at them
precision, or speed. with a ranged weapon.
WIS – Tasks of courage, Disengage: Step out of melee
perception, or cunning. range from an opponent. The
Skills – Characters may add opponent may spend 1 Stamina
their LVL to the roll if they to make an attack against you.
have a relevant skill. Cast a Spell: Cast a spell or
Characters with the necessary use a magic item you have.
tools and/or skills may bypass Pick-up/Use an Item: Use an
the roll entirely at the item from your inventory, pick
Referee’s discretion. Simple something up, use a
and mundane tasks do not contraption you can reach.
require rolls.
Additional Actions and
Rolling at Advantage[+] and Inventory: A character may
Disadvantage[-]: Rolling at perform one additional action
advantage means rolling twice if they have any open or
and taking the higher of the unfilled inventory slots.
two results.
Rolling at disadvantage means Burning Stamina
rolling twice and taking the Characters may spend their
lower of the two results. Stamina to perform additional
actions. Mark 1 Stamina on
your character sheet each time
you do this. You may do this a
number of times on your turn
equal to your LVL.
Accrued Stamina is removed at
the end of each encounter.
If a character has more marks
on their Stamina than they
have Vitality, they are
knocked out.

Casting Spells
Casting a spell is an action.
Attacker and Defender both Each spell lasts 10 minutes
roll STR (and LVL if relevant unless stated otherwise.
skill). If the Attacker’s roll
is successful and greater than Some spells allow an opponent
the Defender’s, attack hits. a WIS roll to avoid some of
the harm.
If the roll is unsuccessful or
less than the Defender’s roll, Many spells increase in power
the attack misses or is based on LVL of the caster.
deflected. SORCERIES
If the rolls are equal, both Require a Spellbook and WIS
sides roll for damage. roll to perform.
If either side is unarmed, the MIRACLES
opposing side rolls at
Require Fealty and Favor from
a deity to invoke.
Counter-attack: If the
Defender’s roll was successful
and higher than the Attacker,
they may spend a Stamina to
inflict a hit on the Attacker.
Flanked: If attacked by
multiple opponents, defense is
rolled at disadvantage.
Attacker must have a line of
sight to Defender and not be
engaged in melee.
Attacker and Defender both
roll DEX (and LVL if relevant
skill). If the Attacker’s roll
is successful and greater than
the Defender’s, attack hits.
If the roll is unsuccessful or
less than the Defender’s roll,
the attack misses or is
If the Defender is behind
cover, engaged in melee, or
partially concealed, they may
roll at advantage.
For successful hits, roll
damage and subtract it from
the opponent’s Vitality.
Criticals deal maximum damage
and apply their weapon’s
critical effect.
Characters with Armor may
subtract 1 damage for each
piece of unbroken Armor in
their inventory or sacrifice 1
piece of Armor to negate all
damage from a single hit.

Games of Vyrmhack can take FALLING OR BEING THROWN
place anywhere from haunted Characters falling 10ft or
crypt cities, forgotten elder more must roll DEX or be
dungeons, to forbidden ancient knocked down. Characters
woodlands. suffer d6 damage for each 5ft
The following are guidelines beyond this, a DEX roll halves
for various aspects of this damage.
exploration and play. Characters who are thrown and
TIME AND TRAVEL collide into a wall suffer
On average, characters travel damage as if they had fallen
12 miles/day on open land or distance equal to the throw.
roads. Rough terrain 6/day. WANDERING ENCOUNTERS
LIGHT AND DARKNESS Unless in a place of security
Characters in low-light like or isolation, there is a 50%
that of a torch or common chance that something stumbles
lantern can see up to 10ft across your path each day.
away, attempting actions REACTION ROLLS
outside of that range is done Anytime characters stumble
at disadvantage. All actions across a random creature or
in total darkness are done at traveler, roll to see what
disadvantage. their demeanor or mood towards
TERRAIN the characters.
Rough Terrain: Movement d6 Reactions
through rough terrain is 1 Friendly
halved. Examples: Frigid mire,
boulder field, broken bones. 2-4 Indifferent
Hazardous Terrain: Movement 5-6 Hostile
through hazardous terrain Improving Mood: Characters may
requires a DEX roll, failure roll WIS (+LVL if skilled) to
deals 1 damage that ignores improve the reaction one tier.
armor. Examples: Piercing STARVATION
thorns, acid tides, brushfires.
For each day a character has
JUMPING gone without eating they gain
A character can jump half of 1 Stamina that cannot be
their movement with a recovered until they get
successful DEX roll, failure something to eat.
causing them to fall.

Rest Status Effects
What little respite there is Blinded: Attacks and rolls to
in this world must be bought avoid danger are at
with toil and hardship. Those disadvantage.
who manage to survive another Exhausted: Gain 1 Stamina and
day count themselves lucky and lose 1 Inventory slot until
prepare for the next one under you rest. This can be gained
the cover of night. multiple times and stacks.
Characters who find a suitable Frightened: Attacks and skills
place to set up camp or are at disadvantage. Reroll
hideout for the night may WIS at the beginning of your
perform one of the following turn to shake off the fear.
activities for themselves.
Knocked Down: Must spend an
Recover – Regain d6[-] action to stand up, attacks
vitality. against you are at advantage.
Tend – Heal another for d6[-] Poisoned: Roll STR or gain
vitality. Requires tool or 1d6[-] Stamina. Each day, roll
skill. STR; Success: poison is cured.
Patrol – No wandering Failure: gain 1 Stamina.
encounters or ambushes during Stamina lost this way cannot
the night. be regained until the poison
Forage – Gain d6[-] rations. is cured. Drinking an antidote
or visiting a healer allows a
Ritual – Cast a spell. STR reroll.
Sorceries do not require a WIS
roll or Stamina. Stunned: Lose one action at
the start of your turn to
Invocation – Gain Daily Favor shake off the effect.
with chosen deity.
Repair – Fix a single broken
tool, weapon, or piece of
armor. Requires tool or skill.
Craft – Create a single
mundane object, simple tool,
or ammunition. Requires tool
or skill.

Magic gained from study and
experimentation upon the
forces and natural orders of “Spellbooks” is a catch-all
the world. Observed by term for the objects that
orthodox scholars and fell contain sorceries. Spellbooks
warlocks alike, sorceries can come in any shape or form,
exist as recorded documents to with the more powerful ones
be exploited by the wielder. containing greater magics and
greater burden to carry.
Casting Sorceries D6 SPELLBOOKS
Any character may attempt to 1-3 1 Slot 1 spell
cast a sorcery once per day if Charm, scroll, votive, bone
they wield its spellbook.
4-5 2 Slots d6[-] spells
Roll WIS to cast, success Grimoire, relic, scepter
meaning the spell was properly
6 3 Slots d6 spells
performed, failure means the
Tablet, sculpture, corpse
spell fails, and a critical
Failure means a Catastrophe
A spell may be cast again in
the same day but costs an 1 Drained – A vacuum of will
additional Stamina for each and energy opens within the
cast (second cast 2 Stamina, caster. Gain d6[+] Stamina.
third cast 3 Stamina, etc.) 2 Corrupted – Twisted forces
permeate the space where the
veil has thinned. The
spellbook is Corrupted,
using a corrupted spellbook
deals d6[-] damage.
3 Detonation – A cascading
chain reaction of magic.
Deal d6 damage to self and
everyone within 30ft.
4 Mutation – Orders unseen
converge upon your form.
Random Mutation (pg 05).
5 Storm – The aether of the
word roils with displeasure.
For d6[-] days, all open or
unsheltered spaces become:
d6 Storms
[1-3] Low-light; choking ash,
chilling fog, vaporous ozone.
[4-5] Rough terrain; Downpour,
rain of blood, sleet drifts.
[6] Hazardous terrain; Hail,
sky fire, rain of vermin.
6 Visitation – In your dreams
you are visited by a being
that should not be
disturbed… You cannot
recover Vitality unless
tended to by another.

The Urdflame The Goldenthorne
Hidden in the bowels of the Crawling across the land is
world lies the Urdflame, a the shimmering Goldenthorne,
ceaseless fire that burns a dangerous weed that feeds on
without fuel or kindling. blood and buries entire
Rising from the land where the landscapes in its piercing
ground weakens, it is a grasp. The inquisitorial
terrifying force to those who warlocks marvel at its powers
watch it burn without end. of resurgence and catch
Those who study it speak for whispers of the tyrannical
its purifying qualities; after intelligence that guides its
all, what cleanses better than expansion.
fire undying?
Goldenthorne Sorceries
BURNING VISAGE Golden vines with cruel thorns
A cascade of fire, a visage of wreath your weapon. Melee
ruin hides within. d6 damage weapon gains the Bleed
per LVL to target in line of critical. If the weapon
sight, target rolls WIS or already has Bleed, normal
becomes frightened. attacks cause Bleed.
An internal fire to burn away The ground quakes as brier
impurities. Remove any explode from the earth. Summon
illness, poison, or disease. one 5ft patch of hazardous
Roll WIS to dispel a curse. terrain per LVL. Objects or
CINDER COMMUNION structures caught in the patch
are rooted in place.
The fire nourishes those who
observe it. You may eat a MANACLES OF GOLD
source of fire in place of a The wicked thorns punish
meal or ration. duplicity. Vines wrap around
FIRE WALK the wrists of someone you
touch, they suffer d6[-]
Join with the flame and let it anytime they tell a lie.
lead your steps. You may walk
into one source of fire and PENITENCE OF BRIERS
exit another within 100ft per Sacrifice is rewarded with
LVL, doing so deals 1d6 damage strength. Suffer Bleed, all
to you. rolls are at advantage until
the bleeding is staunched.


gifted by a
Daily Favor
divine being Each evening or rest, a
that attempts character can perform an
to enthrone Invocation for 1 Favor. Unless
their will used to cast a Miracle, this
upon the Favor is lost at the end of
world. Invoked the day.
by pious
hermits and Gaining Favor
zealous Characters can gain Favor
theocrats, through acts of service to
miracles exist as their deity.
extensions of deities EXAMPLE ACTS OF SERVICE
and their esoteric
agendas. Greater acts - Convert another.
of worship are granted - Sacrifice a magical object or
greater miracles, steep and treasure.
dangerous bargains to the - Defeat a worshiper of an
pious fools who would worship opposing deity.
conniving gods.
- Pilgrimage to a holy site.
Divine Fealty - Willfully deny yourself a
To gain or cast miracles, you boon or tool.
must swear fealty to a deity.
Each has their own Gaining Miracles
requirements and punishments. Each time a character survives
an adventure they may forgo
Casting Miracles the additional LVL and
Miracles require Favor to advancement, instead gaining
cast. Favor is gained by an additional Miracle from
performing acts of fealty and their deity.
spent to cast Miracles.
Each Miracle costs 1 Favor to
cast and a character can hold
any amount of Favor.

Saulg, The Body Qo, The Star
The unshaped matriarch, the The lord in the void, the
lord of resurgence, the body light of command, the star who
that shall never die. Saulg is rules with silence. Their body
the gift of unceasing life and drifts across the night sky, a
a united world beyond the slow and watchful light,
reach of death. To the wise, whispering their commands in
such a blessing is a curse stardust. Those who follow
unlike any other… will be bathed in starlight
Fealty: You must never strike and those who lead others
a killing blow. Wasting astray will be left in night…
precious living flesh is Fealty: Hold no fealty or
sacrilege. audience to mortal lords. Only
Curse: Vitality is permanently the cosmic can guide the
reduced by half. mortal.
INITIATION - MENDING Curse: Blinded permanently.
Touch another, restore them of INITIATION - COMMAND
d6[-] Vitality per LVL. Issue a simple command to 1
2ND - TRANSPOSE BODY other per LVL who can hear
you, they must obey it so long
Touch another, swap any as it does not harm them. WIS
diseases, status effects, and roll to resist.
damage suffered between self
and other, roll DEX to avoid. 2ND - UNSEEN HAND
3RD - AUTO-COMMUNION Become invisible for 1 turn
per LVL.
Suffer 1d6[-] damage, gain
1d6[+] ration. 3RD - CROWN OF VOID
FINAL - BLESSING OF ABUNDANCE For one turn per LVL, all who
gaze upon you are blinded. DEX
Touch another, restore them of or WIS roll to avoid or
d6[+] Vitality per LVL, roll resist.
DEX to avoid. If the Vitality
gained from this exceeds the FINAL - COSMIC SCEPTER
target’s maximum, they Issue a command to a single
detonate into a shower of being who can understand you.
still-living gore. Defeated, They must obey it or be struck
but not technically slain... with a torrent of cosmic light
for d6 damage per LVL, roll
DEX for half damage.

Monsters and Adversaries
The rotting land attracts
monsters as a soft corpse
Creating New Adversaries
attracts flies. VITALITY
Despots and brigands prey on 1-2 Frail 1 V/LVL
the undefended while beasts 3-5 Average d6+LVL
new and old spring from the 6 Strong d6 V/LVL
recesses of the dying world.
1 Flees if injured
All rolls for monster are made
using their LVL. 2-3 1-in-6 flees if injured
MORALE 4 Flees at half health
Listed under a monster’s stats 5 1-in-6 flees at half health
is their Morale. 6 Fights to the death
When harmed or in danger, ATTACKS
there is a chance a monster Pick or roll a weapon (pg 06)
will flee if able.
Select additional abilities,
magic, or hazards to make the
adversary stand out.


Mighty wyrms that gnawed at A wavering body wreathed in
the roots of creation, what golden vines and thorns.
they found was already rotted.
LVL 3 | V8 | 2 Armor
LVL 10 | V30 | 5 Armor
Fights to the death.
Fights to the death
Slam: d6, Crit. Bleed
Vicious Maw: 2d6 damage Pierce
Goldthorne Mantle: All in
Tail Slap: Roll STR or DEX or melee range roll DEX or suffer
be thrown d6[-]x5ft away d6[-] damage.
Rotted Breath: Once per day, Just a Corpse: Slain if Armor
all in 30 x 5ft line roll STR reaches 0.
or be poisoned.
Spawn: Those slain by a Briar
Terror: When attacked, roll Wight rise as one in 1d6 days.
WIS or become frightened.

A ruthless brigand, armed with Small mischievous beings that
a powerful firearm. arrived when the world died.
LVL 2 | V5 | 1 Armor LVL 1 | V3 | 0 Armor
Flees if wounded. Flees if wounded.
Knife: d6[-] Shiv: 1d6[-]
Musket: 2d6 Blackpowder Swipe: Roll DEX or a random
Venal Mercenary: Can be bribed item or armor is stolen.
and hired, for a time…

CHARRED WARLOCK Graceless warriors in
Clad in bandages and reeking tarnished armor, scorned by
of burnt flesh, a spiteful moth their lord for unspoken
who danced too close to the transgressions.
uncaring Urdflame. LVL 4 | V10 | 3 Armor
LVL 5 | V6 | 0 Armor 1-in-6 Flees at half health.
1-in-6 Flees if wounded. Claymore: d6[+] Heavy
Immune to Fire Riposte: Counter-attacks do
Spells: Knows 2 random Urdfire not cost Stamina.
Sorceries Hateful: Fights to the death
if opponent has sworn an oath
to a lord.

As the land rots, so too do 5 Emberwort: A fire takes root
the bodies of mortal-kind… in your heart, burning you
away slowly.
Diseases Effect: Whenever you gain
Each day roll STR or suffer Stamina, gain an additional
the effects of the disease. 1, if your Stamina exceeds
These effects are persistent your current vitality you
and cannot be removed or burst into flame for d6[+]
healed until the disease is damage. Cure: 2 consecutive
cured. saves or a bath of salt and
Curing a Disease: Each disease
lists its possible cures, from 6 Slivering: Thin, deep cuts
consecutive save to specific appear across you,
tools or tasks. threatening to unwind you
like a spool of thread.
D6 DISEASES Effect: You must spend your
1 Gnarl Pox: Roots sprout and rest in the evening
wrap around you, threatening rewinding your body or lose
to encase you into a d6 V. Cure: 3 consecutive
Gnarlwood tree. saves, or be sewn together
Effect: -1 STR, double with thread of unalloyed
damage from fire. When your silver.
STR reaches 0, your body
gives in to the vines and Curses
you are slowly bound into a Each day roll WIS or suffer
Gnarlwood. Cure: 3 the effects of the Curse.
consecutive saves, or a
painful surgery by an Curing a Curse: Some spells
experienced gardener. have the ability to purge
curses. Otherwise, you must
2 Omenstone: Patches of dark visit a site of great magic or
stone creep across your divine power.
body, slowly calcifying you.
Effect: -5ft Movement, -1 2d6 Possible Curses
DEX, gain 1 Armor in your 1-2
inventory. When your DEX 1 Always considered
reaches 0, you are frightened.
permanently turned to stone.
Cure: 3 consecutive saves, 2 Reaction rolls are always
or a mineral oil crafted by hostile.
an experience apothecary. 3 d6[-] rations spoil.
3 Moon Rot: The rays of the 3-4
sundered moon cause your 1 Tools break in your hands.
flesh to melt and decay.
Effect: When exposed to 2 Cannot gain divine Favor.
moonlight, lose d6[-] V. 3 Sorcery targets are always
Cure: 1 week underground, random.
away from moonlight. 5-6
4 Bone Weevils: Painful 1 Cannot wield weapons.
burrowing worms gnaw and
propagate in your marrow. 2 Ranged projectiles always
Effect: Whenever you suffer target you.
damage, lose an additional 3 Must eat double to avoid
d6[-] V. Cure: Painful starving.
surgery by an experienced

Despotic mortals who sit upon
rotting thrones, desperately
clinging to ill-gotten power
Service to a Lord
Through enlistment or threat,
and wealth. characters can enter into the
It is they who killed the service of a lord. Doing so
world and they would rather grants them food, shelter, and
rule an empire of rot and dust even a share of treasure; so
than give even an inch of long as they obey the requests
their station. of their tyrannical master.
1-3 4-6
1 Violent Braggart
2 Crazed Manipulator
3 Sloven Glutton
4 Decrepit Coward
5 Idiotic Lair
6 Petulant Sadist
Treasures and trinkets from
the gilded eras, hoarded and
sought by the Lords in a
senseless pursuit of grandeur.
Valuables can be traded for 2x
their weight in mundane items.
1 Slot Valuable = Ration x 2
= Tool x 2
= Armor x 1
Any Valuables found while
completing a task for a Lord
must be given over to them.
Failing to do so has a 1-in-6
chance of upsetting them...

Service Length
One-off – 1 Valuable [1 slot]
Season – 1 Valuable [1 slot],
Choice of Equipment.
Year – d6 Valuables [1 slot],
Choice of Equipment, Lodging.
Lifetime – d6[+] Valuables
[1 slot], Choice of Equipment,
Lodging, 1 Artifact.
Reneging on a task or being
caught subverting a Lord’s
will is met with violence.
They are dangerous adversaries
who hold sway with all manner
of mercenary and monster.

Artifacts & Loot
Artifacts Loot
1 Storm Stone: A chunk of stone Each adversary is typically
polished by rain, gray like carrying or guarding one piece
storm-clouds. of loot per LVL.
2 Slots. Once per day, you
may change the weather to to 2D6 RANDOM LOOT
create clear skies, low- 1-3
light, rough terrain, or
hazardous terrain. 1-4 Something Useful: Tool
2 Crown of Hunger: A loathsome 5-6 Something to Eat: Ration
crown woven of vines and 4-5
sinew, set with teeth and
gnawed bones. 1-3 Something Deadly: Weapon
2 Slots. You may devour any 4-6 Something Hard: 1 Armor
number of rations and go
without food for an equal 6
amount of days. Once per day, 1-2 Something Valuable:
you may also devour a tool, 1-4: Common, 1 slot.
weapon or armor in place of a 5: Grand d6[-] slots.
meal. 6: Massive d6 slots
3 Helm of Terror: A iron helm
crowned in terrible horns, Valuables can be traded
its face set to appear as a for double their weight in
screaming demon. mundane items.
2 Slots, Armor 1. All who can 3-4 Something Magical: Random
see you must roll WIS or Spellbook
become Frightened. Once per
day you may cause one 5-6 Something Powerful:
frightened adversary to flee Random Artifact
from your presence.
4 Resurgent Rings: Two rings of
tarnished gold, one set with
a grinning face, the other
screaming in terror.
1 Slot. Two parties who wear
these rings transfer their
consciousness, swapping
bodies. This effect ends when
both rings are removed;
alternatively, the effect is
permanent if one of the
bodies are slain...
5 Stone-cast Hammer: A cudgel
of ironstone, hints of form
and decoration are hidden by
ages of wear.
3 Slots. Ignores and destroys
1 Armor on hit, destroys 2
Armor on Crit. Can tunnel
through stone at 5ft/turn or
Hope you enjoy this game!
6 Unharrowed Mantle: A great
suit of armor, blackened with Stay tuned for hopefully
fire, utterly impenetrable. more Vyrmhack material in
5 Slots, Armor 4. You are the future including
impervious to fire, cold, or scenarios and settings!
acid while protected in this
armor. - Charlie F-A, 2023


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