The Development of A Shortened Ways of Coping' Questionnaire For Use With Direct Care Staff in Learning Disability Services
The Development of A Shortened Ways of Coping' Questionnaire For Use With Direct Care Staff in Learning Disability Services
The Development of A Shortened Ways of Coping' Questionnaire For Use With Direct Care Staff in Learning Disability Services
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The importance of the role played by direct care staff in learning dis-
ability services has been widely acknowledged (Reid et al., 1989; Rice &
Settings and participants
Participants in the study were direct care staff in four residential services
for adults with sensory impairments and severe learning disabilities. The
four services are briefly described below (further details are available in
Hatton et al., 1995):
Service I was a campus-style residential education service for 38
young adults with dual sensory impairments and severe learning dis-
Service 2 consisted of a number of small staffed houses, with all 22
service users using the same day facilities as Service 1.
Service 3 consisted of a number of small staffed houses for 41 young
adults with dual sensory impairments and severe learning disabilities,
sharing further education day facilities.
Service 4 consisted of a number of small staffed houses for 14 adults
with visual impairment and severe learning disabilities, with day ser-
vices provided by several different agencies.
Information from all four services was collected in the first six months
of 1993. Information from Service 1 had also been collected in late 1991,
approximately 16 months before the 1993 information collection. Ques-
tionnaires from staff in Service 1 were therefore split into 3 independent
groups for analysis:
(1) staff who only completed questionnaires in 1991 (Service 1-1991
(2) staff who only completed questionnaires in 1993 (Service 1-1993a
(3) 1993 data from staff who completed questionnaires in both 1991 and
1993 (Service 1-1993b group). Both 1991 and 1993 data from this
group were also used to calculate test-retest reliability and to explore
the predictive validity of the SWC-R.
Information concerning the number of responses, response rates, and
basic characteristics of the respondents is presented in Table 1. Response
rates varied according to the method of questionnaire distribution; services
where staff training sessions were set aside for questionnaire completion
yielded higher response rates than services where questionnaires were dis-
tributed to staff to complete in their own time and return by post to
Table 1 Number of responses, response rates, staff age, staff sex, and staff tenure
at service
"This is the percentage response rate for all 66 direct-care staff who completed
questionnaires in 199 1.
bThis is the percentage response rate for all 57 direct-care staff who completed
questionnaires in 1993.
The measures described in this study were administered to staff as part
of a larger questionnaire concerning staff distress and morale (Hatton &
Emerson, 1993). Only those measures pertinent to this study will be
described here.
in the USA. They have been used in several populations, including college
students (Folkman & Lazarus, 1985), middle-aged couples (Folkman
et al., 1986), student nurses (Parkes, 1984), medical students, psychiatric
outpatients and spouses of patients with Alzheimer’s disease (Vitaliano
et al., 1985).
More recently, a version of the WCQ-R has been revised for use with
a UK sample (Knussen et al., 1992), and has been administered to parents
of school-age children with Down’s syndrome (Hatton et al., in press;
Knussen et al., 1992; Sloper et al., 1991; Sloper & Turner, 1994) and
parents of young children with physical disabilities (Sloper & Turner,
1991). The UK version of the WCQ-R is a self-report questionnaire con-
sisting of 63 items representing thoughts and actions which can be used
to cope with a stressful situation. All items are rated on a four-point Likert
scale (1 = Not Used, 2 = Used Somewhat, 3 = Used Quite A Bit, 4 = Used
A Great Deal).
Typically, studies have factor analysed questionnaire items to produce
a small number of subscales thought to represent distinct Ways of Coping.
This approach, however, is of limited utility for exploring direct care staff
coping strategies as mediators between potential sources of distress and
staff outcomes. Firstly, problems may arise in persuading busy direct care
staff to complete a lengthy 63-item questionnaire. Secondly, numbers of
direct care staff in community services may be relatively small, making
factor analysis unreliable (Comrey, 1973). Thirdly, reliance on factor
analytic procedures to produce subscale scores requires a significant invest-
ment in statistical and computing resources. The current study aimed to
develop a shortened version of the WCQ-R that would be relatively quick
to complete and easy to score, and that would be sufficiently robust to
show reliable associations with staff outcomes in relatively small staff
Five studies using either the WCCL or the WCQ-R with different popu-
lations (Folkman & Lazarus, 1985; Folkman et al., 1986; Knussen et al.,
1992; Sloper & Turner, 1991; Vitaliano et al., 1985; see also Vitaliano
et al., 1987) were used to derive the shortened version of the Ways of
Coping (Revised) questionnaire (SWC-R). All five studies factor analysed
questionnaires into a number of different subscales, representing distinct
Ways of Coping. The development of the SWC-R was conducted in two
stages. The first stage was to determine which Ways of Coping should be
represented in the SWC-R. This was conducted by examining the five
studies for common Ways of Coping subscales that contained similar items
and were reliably associated with outcome measures. The second stage
was to determine which questionnaire items should represent the Ways of
Coping subscales chosen in the first stage. Items were chosen for inclusion
Social desirability
The short version of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale
(Strahan & Gerbasi, 1972), a 10-item Yes-No questionnaire, was used.
Distress. Staff distress was measured using the Malaise Inventory, a 24-
item Yes-No questionnaire concerning physical and emotional health
(Rutter et al., 1970a, b), previously used with both parents of children with
disabilities (Sloper et al., 1991; Sloper & Turner, 1991) and direct care
staff in learning disability services (Allen et al., 1990).
Overall job satisfaction. A 17-item 5-point Likert scale questionnaire con-
cerning various aspects of job satisfaction was used (Allen et al., 1990).
Mean item scores across all 17 items were used to produce an overall job
satisfaction score.
Overall satisfaction with life. This scale was a single-item, 5-point Likert
scale concerned with the satisfaction with life in general of staff. This scale
has previously been used as a component of a Satisfaction With Life Index
for parents of children with Down's syndrome (Sloper et al., 1991;
Sloper & Turner, 1994).
Propensity to leave. This scale is a 2-item, 5-point Likert scale question-
naire concerning the reported probability of leaving the organisation within
the next 12 months (Allen et al., 1990).
Questionnaires were administered to participants, either by setting aside
a staff training session for questionnaire completion or administering ques-
tionnaires to participants to complete in their own time and return to
researchers by post (a stamped addressed envelope was included). All
questionnaires were confidential.
Internal reliability
Table 2 presents the alpha reliabilities of the Practical Coping and Wish-
ful Thinking subscales for all the services included in the study. While
there was some variation in the alpha reliability of subscales between ser-
vices, Table 2 shows that the reliability of both the Practical Coping and
Wishful Thinking subscales were broadly comparable with those found
in previous studies, and were therefore judged to have adequate internal
reliability. Table 2 also presents the mean inter-item correlations for each
subscale. As can be seen, both subscales were reliably homogeneous
according to Briggs & Cheek's (1986) criterion of a mean inter-item corre-
lation in the 0.2 to 0.4 range (cf. Knussen et al., 1992). Finally, Table 2
presents the inter-scale correlations between the Practical Coping and
Wishful Thinking subscales. In four out of six samples the scales were
independent, in the other two there was some indication of a general bias
to respond at either a high or a low level throughout the questionnaire.
Inter-scale correlations were, however, comparable with the range found in
previous studies. In summary, both subscales were shown to have adequate
internal reliability compared to previous studies using full-length versions
of the questionnaire.
"Folkman & Lazarus (1985); Folkman et al. (1986); Knussen et al. (1992); Sloper & Turner
(1991); Vitaliano ef al. (1985).
Service 1-1991
Practical Coping +0.16 -0.19 +0.25 +o.oo -0.16
Wishful Thinking -0.16 +0.33* +0.12 -0.38* -0.09
Service 1-1993a
Practical Coping +O.OO -0.24 -0.14 -0.18 +0.09
Wishful Thinking -0.50** +0.54** +O.OO -0.30 +0.08
Service 1-1993b
Practical Coping +0.11 +0.34 -0.01 +0.08 +0.12
Wishful Thinking -0.52** +0.48** +0.04 -0.11 -0.09
Service 2
Practical Coping -0.32 +0.12 -0.03 -0.04 -0.27
Wishful Thinking -0.16 +0.69** -0.46** -0.26 +0.24
Service 3
Practical Coping +0.07 +0.23 +0.04 -0.19 +0.02
Wishful Thinking -0.45* +0.51** -0.24 -0.37 +0.26
Service 4
Practical Coping +0.30 -0.24 +0.20 -0.09 +0.19
Wishful Thinking -0.16 +0.22 +0.05 -0.44* +0.23
Service 1-1991
Practical Coping -0.15 +0.22 +o.oo -0.12
Wishful Thinking +0.30 +0.16 -0.38* -0.15
Service 1-1993a
Practical Coping -0.25 -0.14 -0.19 +0.09
Wishful Thinking +0.47* +0.11 -0.15 +0.09
Service 1-1993b
Practical Coping +0.35 -0.03 +0.09 +O. 14
Wishful Thinking +0.52** +0.14 -0.17 -0.21
Service 2
Practical Coping +0.18 -0.02 -0.06 -0.28
Wishful Thinking +0.73** -0.48** -0.32 +0.24
Service 3
Practical Coping +0.27 +0.02 -0.02 +0.05
Wishful Thinking +0.43* -0.16 -0.40* +0.13
Service 4
Practical Coping -0.19 +0.02 -0.11 +0.25
Wishful Thinking +0.19 +0.19 -0.43* +0.21
both 1991 and 1993 social desirability scores. One association was found
to be significant; between 1991 Wishful Thinking scores and 1993 distress
scores ( r = 0.43, n = 30, p < 0.01).
The reliability and some aspects of validity of the SWC-R were exam-
ined in six different samples of direct care staff in residential services for
people with learning disabilities, the aim being to produce a short and easy
to score measure of ways of coping that would produce robust associations
with relevant outcome measures.
Regarding internal reliability, both the Practical Coping and Wishful
Thinking subscales showed adequate psychometric properties in terms of
alpha reliabilities, inter-item correlations and inter-scale correlations.
While the Wishful Thinking subscale generally showed a lower level of
reliability than the Practical Coping subscale, both subscales displayed
psychometric properties broadly comparable to those found in previous
studies using longer ways of coping questionnaires (Folkman & Lazarus,
1985; Folkman et al., 1986; Knussen et al., 1992; Sloper & Turner, 1991;
Vitaliano et al., 1985), despite the relatively small numbers of staff in each
sample. Furthermore, both the Practical Coping and Wishful Thinking
subscales were shown to be highly stable and reliable over a sixeen month
period (cf. Hatton et al., in press).
As with the Knussen et al. (1992) study using the WCQ-R in parents
of children with Down’s syndrome, there was a reliable association
between scores on the Wishful Thinking subscale and scores on the social
desirability measure. While this response bias suggests that including a
social desirability measure is preferable (cf. Knussen et al., 1992), compari-
son of univariate and partial correlations (see Tables 3 and 4) indicate
that omitting such a measure is unlikely to lead to a reporting of spurious
associations between ways of coping and outcomes, making it easier for
researchers to use without complex statistical analysis.
The Wishful Thinking subscale showed a robust and reliable association
with distress, in common with previous studies of parents of children with
disabilities (Knussen et al., 1992; Sloper & Turner, 1991), and also showed
some predictive validity in being highly associated with distress levels mea-
sured sixteen months later. This strongly suggests that wishful thinking is
an important contributor to levels of distress in direct care staff, suggesting
that management intervention focused on staff coping strategies may be
useful. The Wishful Thinking subscale showed a significant association
with overall life satisfaction in three out of six staff samples (cf. Knussen
et al., 1992; Sloper & Turner, 1991), suggesting that coping strategies used
in work settings have important implications for the life of staff in general.
The general lack of association between the Wishful Thinking subscale and
measures of overall job satisfaction and propensity to leave the organisation
requires further investigation, although some research (Hatton et al.,
submitted) has begun to suggest that wishful thinking may be a generalised
coping strategy used across many areas of a person’s life, which therefore
has a stronger impact on general outcomes (e.g. general distress, overall
satisfaction with life) than more specific work-related outcomes (e.g. over-
all job satisfaction, propensity to leave an organisation, work-related
Scores on the Practical Coping subscale were not found to be associated
with any staff outcome measure. While such findings suggest that the util-
ity of the Practical Coping subscale is questionable, it is recommended that
further research using the SWC-R retains the subscale to explore possible
relationships between practical coping and other staff outcomes (e.g.
directly observed staff performance) beyond the scope of this study.
In summary, the Shortened Ways of Coping (Revised) questionnaire
would appear to be a reliable measure of the coping strategies of direct
care staff in learning disability services. While the robust associations
between the Wishful Thinking subscale and important staff outcomes indi-
cate the utility of this scale in researching direct care staff, the lack of
association between the Practical Coping subscale and staff outcome meas-
ures suggests that the utility of this subscale is more questionable. How-
ever, the brevity of the questionnaire and the ease with which it is scored
suggest that further research including the SWC-R would be worthwhile,
particularly since models of stress and coping are being increasingly used
to design services for informal carers of people with learning disabilities
(McConachie, 1994).
This research was supported by the Department of Health and Sense-
Midlands. Thanks are to be expressed to all the staff at the residential
facilities who gave their time to facilitate the completion of the research,
and to two anonymous referees for their constructive suggestions.
All correspondence and requests for reprints should be sent to Chris
The shortened Ways of Coping (revised) questionnaire: Items and associated
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