Stat Fax 1904 Plus

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Stat Fax® 1904 Plus

Operator’s Manual

Copyright 1989-2005 Awareness Technology, Inc. Revised 01/05. Doc. P1904P Rev. I
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Applications .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Intended Uses .............................................................................................. 1
1.1.2 Summary of the Instrument ........................................................................... 1
1.1.3 Principles of Operation ................................................................................ 2
1.2 Warning Markings ................................................................................................. 3
1.2.1 Safety Symbols ............................................................................................ 3
1.2.2 Safety Terms ................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Safety Precautions ................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Installation ............................................................................................................. 6
1.4.1 General Installation ....................................................................................... 6
1.4.2 Paper Installation ......................................................................................... 7
1.4.3 Checkout Procedure .................................................................................... 8
1.5 Parts and Controls ................................................................................................ 9
1.5.1 Parts of the Instrument .................................................................................. 9
1.5.2 Keyboard Functions ................................................................................... 10
1.6 Instrument Specifications .................................................................................... 11
2. OPERATING PROCEDURES ........................................................................... 13
2.1 General Functions ............................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 Start Up...................................................................................................... 13
2.1.2 ALT Menu ................................................................................................... 13
2.1.3 Set Time .................................................................................................... 14
2.1.4 Lamp Warm Up .......................................................................................... 14
2.1.5 Temperature Control.............................................................................................14
2.1.6 Selecting a Mode ....................................................................................... 15
2.1.7 Filter Selection ........................................................................................... 15
2.2 General Operation .............................................................................................. 16
2.2.1 Bichromatic Differential Operation ............................................................. 16
2.2.2 Blanking ..................................................................................................... 16
2.2.3 Unit of Measurement Codes (Unit Code) .................................................... 17
2.2.4 Ranges ...................................................................................................... 18
2.2.5 Printer ........................................................................................................ 18
2.2.6 Lamp Saver Feature .................................................................................. 19
2.2.7 Flags and Error Messages ......................................................................... 19
2.2.8 Calibration and Linearity ............................................................................ 20
2.3 Modes of Operation ............................................................................................ 21
2.3.1 Absorbance Mode ..................................................................................... 21
2.3.2 Single Standard Mode ............................................................................... 21
2.3.3 Factor Mode .............................................................................................. 22
2.3.4 Programmable Mode (Multipoint) ............................................................... 23
2.3.5 Multipoint % Abs Mode .............................................................................. 24
2.3.6 Rate Mode ................................................................................................. 25
2.4 Test Menus.......................................................................................................... 28
2.4.1 Pre-programmed Test Names .................................................................... 28
2.4.2 User Test Menu .......................................................................................... 29
3. ADDITIONAL TIPS AND INFORMATION ........................................................... 31
3.1 Restoring Electronic Calibration .......................................................................... 31
3.2 Operating Precautions ........................................................................................ 32
3.2.1 Minimize operator error .............................................................................. 32
3.3 Maintenance and Service .................................................................................... 33
3.3.1 Preventing Trouble ..................................................................................... 33
3.3.2 Troubleshooting Guide ............................................................................... 33
3.4 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 35
3.4.1 Mosquito™ ................................................................................................ 35
3.4.2 REDI-CHECK® ......................................................................................... 36
4. REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 37
5. SAMPLE PRINTOUTS ..................................................................................... 39
6. USER TEST MENU LOG ................................................................................. 43
7. CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................................................... 45

1.1 Applications

1.1.1 Intended Uses

Stat Fax® 1904 Plus is a laboratory instrument intended for in-vitro diagnostic use. It is a
compact, microprocessor-controlled, bichromatic photometer system with six filters and
37°C incubation. The standard diameter for the round tubes used with the instrument is
12mm. The instrument can be used to measure absorbances or concentrations based on
standard points or rates of change, as described in this manual. This general purpose
instrument is intended to be used by trained laboratory professionals.

1.1.2 Summary of the Instrument

The primary function of Stat Fax® 1904 Plus is to read and calculate the results of both
endpoint and kinetic colorimetric assays. Any test procedure that calls for absorbance
reading at or near one of the available wavelengths can be performed with this
instrument. Additionally, the most commonly applied data reduction formulae are pre-
programmed to further facilitate laboratory testing. These programs include rate
calculation and single- and multipoint standardization. Through the alphanumeric display,
the instrument prompts the operator to read the tubes in the appropriate sequence. It then
performs the necessary calculations and prints out test results.

In addition to the six primary filter choices, the operator may select a differential
wavelength for bichromatic reading in any operating mode. This corrects for imperfections
in the test tubes and often removes the effects of unwanted turbidity.

Each mode of operation is self-prompting, to reduce error and simplify operation. In all
modes the instrument will reference air, request and read the blank tube, and then read
and print automatically whenever a tube is inserted. In the Absorbance Mode, the
instrument reads and prints differential absorbances using operator selected filters. In the
Factor Mode, the absorbances are multiplied by the operator-entered factor and then
reported as concentrations. The Standard Mode calculates concentrations according to
Beer’s Law based on a single standard reading. The Multipoint % Abs Mode reports the
sample absorbances as percent of the first standard in a multipoint curve. The
Programmable Mode, or Multipoint Mode, calculates concentrations according to
Beer’s Law, based on the point-to-point connection of multiple (up to 7) standard points.
Sample blanking is available in all modes except Absorbance Mode and Rate Mode. The
Rate Mode determines the average change in absorbance per minute and then either
multiplies it by the operator-entered rate factor or bases the concentration on a previously
read standard. Intermediate absorbance readings of the kinetic assay may be plotted on
the internal graphics printer to verify linearity of the reaction. The Rate Mode includes a
“Batch” option that permits kinetic assays to be run simultaneously as well as

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 1
Stat Fax® 1904 Plus includes non-volatile memory, a feature that allows test parameters
and standard curves to be stored for rapid future recall. The names of 30 of the most
common assays are stored in the first 30 test positions, which enables the user to
program his or her assays' test parameters under the appropriate names. In addition,
other tests can be stored by number in a “User Menu” (and named via the keypad) with a
capacity of 69 total tests.

Stat Fax® 1904 Plus also contains a 37°C incubation block with 12 stations. The incubator
will accommodate 12 mm diameter round test tubes (size may be specified at time of
purchase). A similar self-monitoring incubation system is built into the read well for
temperature controlled absorbance reading at 37°C This is often essential to the precision
of rate determinations.

Stat Fax® 1904 Plus offers quick, accurate, reproducible results; maintenance-free, easy
operation; versatility, and economy. Stable factory calibration, a durable design, and a
timed lamp saver feature further assure the continuous reliability of Stat Fax® 1904 Plus.

1.1.3 Principles of Operation

Light energy from the halogen lamp is focused by a lens, directed through an aperture,
and then passed horizontally through the sample. A continuously rotating wheel positions
the filters so that readings can be taken very quickly at 2 wavelengths. (Using bichromatic
differential absorbance values corrects for optical imperfections in the tubes.) A
photodetector converts transmitted light energy into electrical signals, which are amplified
and interpreted.

2 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
1.2 Warning Markings

1.2.1 Safety Symbols

Safety symbols which may appear on the product:


Risk of Shock (Earth) Terminal Refer To Manual Risk of Infection

FUSE: For continued protection against the risk of fire, replace

only with fuse of the specified type and current ratings.
Disconnect equipment from supply before replacing fuse.

1.2.2 Safety Terms

These terms may appear on the product:

DANGER indicates an injury immediately accessible as you read the marking.

WARNING indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as you read this

CAUTION indicates a hazard to property including the product.

Terms which may appear in this manual:

WARNING: Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could

result in injury or loss of life. WARNING indicates an injury hazard not
immediately accessible as you read the marking.

CAUTION: Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could

result in damage to this product or other property.

BIOHAZARD: Biohazards are biological agents that can cause disease in

humans. Lab workers handling potentially infectious materials must use
universal precautions to reduce the risk of exposure to these agents.

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 3
1.3 Safety Precautions
To assure operator safety and prolong the life of your instrument, carefully follow all
instructions outlined below.

Read Instructions
Review the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this
instrument or any products connected to it. To avoid potential hazards, use this
instrument only as specified. For best results, familiarize yourself with the instrument and
its capabilities before attempting any clinical diagnostic tests. Refer any questions to your
instrument service provider.

There are no user-serviceable parts inside the instrument. Refer servicing to qualified
service personnel. Use only factory authorized parts. Failure to do so may void the

Personal Protective Equipment

Many diagnostic assays utilize materials which are potentially biohazardous. Always
wear protective apparel and eye protection while using this instrument.

Follow Operating Instructions

Do not use the instrument in a manner not specified by the manual or the protection
provided by the instrument may be impaired.

Use Proper Power Cord

Use only the power cord specified for this product and certified for the country of use.

Ground the Product

This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cord. To avoid
electric shock, the grounding conductor must be connected to earth ground. An alternate
method is to attach a ground strap from the external grounding terminal on the rear panel
of the instrument to a suitable ground such as to a grounded pipe or some metal surface
to earth ground.

Observe All Terminal Ratings

To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings and markings on the instrument.
Consult this manual for further ratings information before making connections to the

Install as Directed
The Stat Fax® 1904 should be installed on a sturdy, level surface capable of supporting
the instrument’s weight (approx. 10 lbs, 4.5 kg) safely for safety and ventilation purposes.
The mounting surface should be free of vibrations.

Provide Proper Ventilation

Refer to the installation instructions for details on installing the product so it has proper
ventilation. The instrument should be surrounded by the following clearances: 8 cm
around perimeter of unit and 8 cm on top.

Do Not Operate Without Covers

Do not operate this instrument with covers and panels removed.

4 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
Use Proper Fuse
Use only the fuse type and rating specified by the manufacturer for this instrument. Use
of a fuse with an improper rating may pose a fire hazard. Refer to the section on Trouble
Shooting for details on fuse replacement.

Avoid Exposed Circuitry

Do not touch exposed connections and components when power is present.

Avoid Excessive Dust

Do not operate in an area with excessive dust.

Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures

If you suspect there is damage to this instrument, have it inspected by a qualified service

Do Not Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions

Do Not Operate In An Explosive Atmosphere

Keep Instrument Surfaces Clean and Dry

Solvents such as acetone or thinner will damage the instrument. Do not use solvents to
clean the unit. Avoid abrasive cleaners; the display overlay is liquid-resistant, but is easily

The exterior of the instrument may be cleaned with a soft cloth using plain water. If
needed, a mild all-purpose or nonabrasive cleaner may be used. A 10% solution of
chlorine bleach (5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite) or 70% isopropyl alcohol may be used as a
disinfectant. Take special care not to spill liquid inside the instrument.

Operating Precautions
Be sure to run a sufficient number of controls in each assay. If controls are not within
their acceptable limits, disregard test results.

Biohazard Precautions


WARNING - If any materials are overturned during operation, immediately set

the power switch to OFF (0). This material should be treated as potentially
biohazardous. Appropriate cleanup and disposal of biohazardous waste should be

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 5
1.4 Installation

1.4.1 General Installation

Unpack Instrument
Carefully unpack the instrument, removing it from its plastic bag. Report any damage to
your freight carrier at once. The box should also contain the User’s Manual and a serial

NOTE: Retain the original packing material for future use in the event that the instrument
is shipped to another location or returned for service.

Instrument Mounting and Use

Place the instrument on a flat working surface capable of safely supporting the weight of
the instrument (approx. 10 lbs, 4.5 kg). Excessive vibration during reading may cause
poor repeatability; thus, a sturdy working surface is required. A clearance of at least 3
inches (8cm) around the instrument is required to assure optimal ventilation. It is
recommended that the instrument be operated within an ambient temperature range of
18-35°C and humidity of less than 85%.

Power Switch Position

When installing the power cord or if changing the setting on the voltage select switch the
unit should be turned off. Look at the rear panel of the instrument to check that the power
switch is in the Off position. A diagram of the rear panel can be found in Section 1.5
“Parts and Controls”.

Power Cord Requirements

Use only the power cord specified for this product and certified for the country of use. For
110-120 V units used inside the US use a UL listed cord set consisting of a minimum 18
AWG, Type SVT or SJT three conductor cord, maximum 3 meters (10 feet) in length,
rated 10 A, 125 V, with a parallel blade, grounding type attachment plug.

For 220-240 V units used inside the US use a UL listed cord as above, except rated 250
V, with a tandem blade, grounding type attachment plug. The cord set provided by the
manufacturer meets these requirements.

Safety Grounding
Do not alter or defeat the safety grounding methods provided. To avoid the risk of electric
shock, the third prong of the AC power plug must be connected to conductive parts
internal to the equipment. Internal fasteners to grounding points are marked by the IEC

417 symbol 5019 . DO NOT loosen or remove these fasteners or connections. An

alternate method of grounding is provided by connecting the grounding terminal located
on the rear panel, to a suitable ground.

To avoid electric shock, the power cord protection ground conductor must be connected
to ground.

Voltage Select Switch

Locate the voltage select switch on the rear panel. This is a 2-position slide switch that
will configure the instrument to accept either 230V or 115V input. Do not connect
equipment to the power supply before changing the line voltage selection switch.

6 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
Warning: To prevent permanent damage to the instrument, this switch must
be set for the appropriate input voltage before powering up.

When you can see the 230V label, the instrument is set for 230V input. If you plug the
instrument into a 115V power supply while 230V is selected, the instrument will have
insufficient operating power.

To select 115V input, insert a straight screwdriver blade (or similar instrument) into the
slot on the switch, and slide it into its alternate position. Upon sliding the switch, you will
see the 115V label appear.

Warning: If the instrument is configured to accept 115V and you plug it into a
230V power supply, the fuses will blow and permanent damage to the electronics
may result.

Assure Clean Power Availability

The circuit used should be substantially free of large voltage transients (Kilovolt amp
loads) such as large pumps, large centrifuges, refrigerators and freezers, air conditioners,
large autoclaves, ovens, and dryers. The instrument may fail to operate normally if the
power supply is interrupted. If this occurs, turn the instrument off for a moment. When
you turn the instrument back on, it will resume normal operation, but a standard curve
which was not stored in non-volatile memory will be lost.

Fuse Requirements
The fuses are located internally in the instrument; there are two fuses, fusing both sides
of the main power supply. Fuse failure is a very rare occurrence and should indicate
malfunction of the equipment requiring service by qualified personnel.

The fuses used within this instrument are 6/10 Amp T rated (slow blow), 250 V. Cartridge
size is 3AG or size “0”, dimensions 1/4 x 1-1/4” (6.3 x 32 mm). For continued protection
against risk of fire, use the same fuse for either 115 or 230 V line voltage selection.
Disconnect power cord from mains supply before replacing fuses.

1.4.2 Paper Installation

Remove the optional paper cover by pinching the sides together and pulling up. Unroll
about 10 inches of paper and place the roll on the table behind the instrument. Feed a
cleanly cut edge of the paper from the back into the printer, along the top of the metal
guide inside the printer paper well. A ragged edge or wrinkled paper will be difficult to load
and could cause a paper jam. Feed just over 1 inch of paper in and then press the paper
advance key (labeled Paper) several times to automatically feed the paper through the
printer. You will see the paper appear through the paper slot in front. Drop the roll of
paper into the printer paper well in back, spooling up any loose paper. If you have
difficulty, cut a new straight edge before trying again. Replace the paper cover by
pinching the sides together and pushing it down over the roll of paper. Insert the slotted
tabs into the printer panel. Use of the cover is optional for holding the roll of paper down in
the printer paper well.

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1.4.3 Checkout Procedure
Perform the following checkout procedure after installation. If any portion of this procedure
does not check out properly, contact your dealer to arrange for assistance.

Turn the power switch on. The printer should print “Stat Fax 1904Plus :mX,” where m
indicates Mosquito™ aspiration flowcell capability and X is the software revision level, then
“01/01/99 13:37,” representing the date and the time. The display shows “STAT FAX
1904P” momentarily, then “B ##.# H C ##.# H.” B and C indicate the block and cell
(read well) temperatures, and H indicates that the heater is on. Listen for the fan. Look
into the tube well for light coming from the optical system.

8 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
1.5 Parts and Controls

1.5.1 Parts of the Instrument

The following labeled sketches will help you locate and identify the major parts of Stat
Fax® 1904 Plus. More details on the operation of each feature are provided in section 2 -
Operating Procedures.

A Temp. Controlled Cuvette Well (optical system below)

B Cover

C Incubator B

D Printer Paper Well A

(with paper cover)

E Printer Paper Slot

F Alphanumeric Display
G Keyboard

H Power Switch

I Power Cord Connection

J Serial Port J
K Voltage Select Switch

Stat Fax® Bichromatic Photometer System

designed and manufactured by Awareness Technology, Inc.
Palm City, FL

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 9
1.5.2 Keyboard Functions This key is used to enter a
NEGATIVE sign. It is also used to
access alternate OPTIONS such as
saving a test, turning the printer off,
and setting the date.

The PAPER key advances the printer

paper forward one line each time it is

The CLEAR key is used to erase a

typing error when information is
being entered. Pressing twice clears
the mode. In rate modes using the
MosquitoTM, this key will clear the
sample when the printer is off, and
will also terminate a reading.

The ENTER key is used to tell the

instrument when you are finished
entering information, or when you
want to re-read a sample tube.

Pressing the The DECIMAL POINT The LAMP key turns

BLANK key causes and Test MENU key also the lamp on and off.
automatic blanking selects printing of Rate
of the next tube Intervals and GRAPHS.

The numeral keys serve several functions. As numbers, they are used to enter calibration
information and to make selections for filters, units, and stored test protocols.

Any key serving multiple functions will respond to the displayed request for information.

ABS, STND, FAC, PGM, %ABS, and RATE are the keys used to select a mode of
operation. The previous mode is erased when a new mode is selected.

ABS stands for Absorbance Mode.

STND stands for Single Standard Mode
FAC stands for Factor Mode
PGM stands for Programmable Mode - Multipoint Mode
%ABS stands for Percent Absorbance Multipoint Mode
RATE stands for Rate Mode

Use the key labeled Menu to access the test menu.

Pressing the FILT key causes the printer to list out the key assignments of the filters.
Key I is 340nm, key 2 is 405nm, key 3 is 492nm, key 4 is 532nm, key 5 is 580nm, and
key 6 is 630nm.

Pressing the TEMP key displays the temperatures in the incubation block and in the cell.
It also offers an option to turn the cell temperature on and off using the 1 and 0 keys.

10 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
1.6 Instrument Specifications
Linear measurement range: ....................... 0.00 to 2.50 Absorbance Units (A)
Photometric accuracy : .............................. ± (1% of the reading + 0.005 A) at 1.5A
± (2% of the reading + 0.005 A) at 1.5-2A
Stability: ..................................................... drift of no more than 0.005A in 8 hours/
Light source: .............................................. tungsten Halogen Lamp
Wavelengths: ............................................. 340, 405, 450, 505, 545, 600nm
Typical half bandpass: ............................... 10nm
Type of filter: .............................................. Multiple-cavity sealed interference
Tube size: .................................................. 12mm round standard
Minimum fill volume: .................................. 1 mL
Maximum fill volume: ................................. 2 mL (for temperature control to 37°C only)
Temperature: ............................................. 37°C (±0.3°), Block stays on , Cell has on/off
Warm up times:
lamp in rate mode ...................................... 120 seconds, built-in
lamp in Mosquito™ Mode ........................... 240 seconds, built-in
lamp in other modes .................................. 45 seconds, built-in
cell ............................................................. 20-30 minutes, dependent on ambient
incubation block ......................................... 20-30 minutes, dependent on ambient
Lamp saver time: ....................................... after 15 minutes idle, 30 minutes in Mosquito™
Speed: ....................................................... reads, calculates and prints results in 3
Display: ...................................................... alphanumeric, 16 character, LCD
Printer: ....................................................... thermal, dot matrix, 20 characters per line
Keyboard: .................................................. 16 key, membrane switch, 4X4, audible
Calculation modes: .................................... single point calibration by standard or factor,
multipoint calibration with point to point curve
fit, multipoint percent absorbance, rate by
standard or factor (batch or singly), fixed time
Fuse requirements: .................................... 120VAC - 0.6 A, 3AG slo blo
Power: Switch selectable power supply (115V or 230V
indicated). Voltage source 110-120/220-240
VAC from 50 to 60 Hz
Installation category: CAT II
Power consumption: 45 Watts
Fuse: two 0.6A, T rating, 250V slo blo, 3AG
type fuses
All power cords must be approved for the
country of use
Enclosure ................................................... painted flame retardant ABS Plastic cover with
metal base
Dimensions ................................................ 9.5 X 13.25 X 3.75 inches (24 X 34 X 10 cm)
Weight ....................................................... approx. 10 lbs (4.5 Kg)

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 11
Environmental Conditions for Safe Operation
Indoor use
Altitude up to 2000m
Temperature 5°C to 40°C (Although it may be
safe to operate in these conditions, it may not
be suitable for the performance of your tests;
check with your supplier.)
Humidity 80% for temperatures up to 31°C,
decreasing linearity to 50% humidity at 40°C
Mains supply voltage fluctuations not to
exceed + 10% of nominal voltage
Recommended Environmental Conditions
Recommended Operating Temperature .... 18-35°C
Recommended Operating Humidity: .......... less than 85%
Optional Accessories: ................................ Redi-Check® Photometer QA (for instrument
QC), Mosquito™ Aspiration Flow Cell
Refer to the accessory manuals for details on additional precautionary warnings and user

12 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.

2.1 General Functions

2.1.1 Start Up
To begin, turn the instrument on using the power switch on the rear panel. The printer will
show the following:

“Stat Fax 1904Plus :mX” X = Software Revision, m = mosquito capability

“03/01/99 13:37” Date and Time

2.1.2 ALT Menu

Many alternate functions are available via the ALT key. If you wish to select a function,
press YES when its prompt comes up; if not, press NO and the next available function will
be displayed. Each feature is discussed in more detail in the referenced section of the


Select YES if you want to save the test you are running (See section 2.4 - Test Menu). If
you press NO, you see:
Select YES if you want to edit a stored test (See section 2.4 - Test Menu). If you press
NO, you see:
Select YES if you want to delete a stored test (See section 2.4 - Test Menu). If you press
NO, you see:
Select YES if you want to set the date and/or time (See section 2.1.3- Set Time). If you
press NO, you see:
Select YES if you want to turn the Mosquito Mode on or off (See section 3.4.1 -
Accessories: Mosquito). If you press NO, you see:
Select YES if you want to change the linefeed profile of your test printouts (See section
2.2.5 - Printer). If you press NO, you see:
Select NO. PC Mode is no longer used for any applications. (If “PC MODE ENABLED”
appears, it will not affect the operation of the instrument). Then you will see:
Select YES if you want to turn your printer off and record information manually (See
section 2.2.5 - Printer). If you press NO, you will return from the ALT mode.

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 13
2.1.3 Set Time
To configure the date format to MM/DD or DD.MM press the AUX key. The display will
prompt “SELECT TEST #.” Type 100, then press the ENTER key. The display will
prompt “0=MM/DD 1=DD.MM.” Press either the 0 or the 1 key and then the ENTER
key to make your selection. To change the clock and calendar, press the ALT key. This
key presents some options which can be selected by pressing the YES key, or bypassed
by pressing the NO key.

If you press YES when “SET DATE Y/N” is in the display, you will see either “DATE:
MM.DD.YY,” if you are using the MM/DD format, or “DATE: DD.MM.YY,” if you are
using the DD.MM format. Key in the correct month, day and year (day, month and year, if
using the DD.MM format), using two digits for each and separating the entries with a
decimal point. When the displayed entry is correct, press the ENTER key.

Then “TIME: HH.MM.SS” will be displayed. To change the time, key in the new hours,
minutes, and seconds using two digits for each and separating the entries with a decimal
point. Use 13 for 1 PM, 14 for 2 PM, etc. When the displayed entry is correct, press the
ENTER key.

2.1.4 Lamp Warm Up

The lamp begins to warm up as soon as it comes on. While you are entering parameters,
the 45 second warmup is occurring simultaneously, so you may not see it displayed. If
you set up very quickly, however, you might see the last few seconds count down in the
display. In the Rate Mode, the warmup is 120 seconds; In Mosquito™ Mode, the warmup
is 240 seconds.

2.1.5 Temperature Control

The incubation block and cuvette well are preset to maintain 37°C ± 0.3°C. After power
up, the display will indicate “B: ##.#H C: ##.#H,” where B indicates the incubation
block, C indicates the cell (read well), ##.# indicates the current measured temperatures
of each, and the letter H indicates heating.

When the instrument is first turned on, heating begins and the temperatures may
overshoot a little during initial warming. In 20-30 minutes, depending on ambient
temperatures, stable temperatures will be reached. When 37°C is reached, the “H” will
pulse on and off as additional heating is required. If you want to operate with temperature
control, wait until both temperatures reach 37°C; otherwise, you may proceed at once.

The temperature controlled incubation block is ON whenever the instrument is on;

however, the operator may turn the temperature controlled cuvette well (cell) ON/OFF as
desired for each assay.

To turn the temperature controlled cell ON or OFF while operating in any mode, first press
the TEMP key. The display will read “CELL ON =1 OFF=0” very briefly. Pressing the 1
key immediately will turn the cell temperature control on, while pressing the 0 key
immediately will turn it off. The printer will print “CELL TEMP. CNTRL ON,” or “CELL
TEMP. CNTRL OFF” accordingly. If the cell’s temperature control is off when the rate
mode is selected, it will automatically be turned on, assuming that all rate reactions will be
carried out at controlled temperature. When the Rate Mode is canceled, the cell
temperature control will remain on.

To check the temperatures while operating in any mode, press the TEMP key. The

14 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
display will show “CELL ON =1 OFF=0” very briefly and then display the block and cell
temperatures for about 15 seconds before returning to the previous mode of operation.

Note: 37°C is attainable in the incubation block for volumes of 2mL or less;
temperature controlled assays should therefore use volumes equal to or below
2mL to achieve 37°C.

2.1.6 Selecting a Mode

Press a mode key to select the desired automatic calculations:

Absorbance Mode ABS key (1)

Standard Mode STND key (2)

Factor Mode FAC key (3)

Programmable Mode PGM key (4)

Multipoint % Mode %ABS key (5)

Rate Mode RATE key (7)

The mode designations are located above the number keys. The printer will print the
name of the mode you have selected, and the display will indicate your next instruction.
Before reading begins in each mode, the instrument will momentarily reference air. After
that, it will recognize the insertion of a tube and read automatically.

To cancel a mode of operation at any time, press the CLEAR key twice.

2.1.7 Filter Selection

When you select a mode, the printer prints the date, time, and mode selected. The display
will show “SELECT FILTER.” Each available filter has been assigned to a number key as

key 1 is 340nm key 2 is 405nm key 3 is 450nm

key 4 is 505nm key 5 is 545nm key 6 is 600nm

To print the filter list press the FILT (Filter) key. Select the key for the wavelength at which
you would like to read, and then press the ENTER key.

Next the display will show “SELECT DIFF FILT.” This instrument operates with a
bichromatic differential wavelength as selected by the operator. The absorbance reading
at the differential wavelength will be subtracted from the absorbance reading at the
operating (first selected) wavelength . If you do not want a differential reading, choose the
0 (zero) key for NO DIFFERENTIAL. After pressing the key for the desired differential
wavelength, press the ENTER key. The selected wavelengths will be printed. See the
section 2.2.1 - Bichromatic Operation for a detailed discussion of bichromatic differential

Some glass test tubes have high absorbances at 340nm, which could cause a reduction

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 15
in the precision and accuracy of your assay. When using this wavelength, you should
determine if your test tubes absorb at 340nm. In order to test your tubes, press the ABS
key, then select 340-600nm (primary filter = 340, differential filter = 600). Fill a tube with
at least 1 ml of deionized water. Insert the tube at the prompt “READ BLANK TUBE.”
The printed absorbance must be less than 0.400 to maintain precision and accuracy.

2.2 General Operation

2.2.1 Bichromatic Differential Operation

The option to operate this instrument using differential absorbance readings is available
for every mode. The absorbance readings at the differential wavelength are subtracted
from the absorbance readings at the operating (primary) wavelength. Use of the
bichromatic differential absorbance generally increases precision, since the element of
variation caused by imperfections in disposable glass and plastic test tubes is removed
from the results.

Whenever possible, differential reading is recommended because precision is

significantly improved. This is particularly noticeable when using plastic tubes or
glass tubes with optical imperfections and non-uniform wall thicknesses.

In order to preserve sensitivity, it is important not to choose a differential wavelength

where the chromophore being assayed exhibits substantial absorbance. To test your
chromophore, read a darkly colored solution in the absorbance mode at the operating
wavelength with no differential filter, and again at the operating wavelength with the
differential filter selection. If the two absorbance readings are within 10% of each other,
then bichromatic differential reading is beneficial. If the difference between the
absorbance readings with and without a differential wavelength is greater than 25%, then
the chromophore is absorbing at or near the differential wavelength and bichromatic
reading at this wavelength is probably not desirable.

If no bichromatic wavelength is selected, exercise every measure to enhance

repeatability. Choose a better quality reading vessel and wipe fingerprints from each tube
before reading. Mark each tube for uniform orientation when multiple readings are
desired. Determine the acceptability of the precision by reading the same tube several
times and observing the variation of the readings. Depending on the precision
requirements of your assay, monochromatic reading may or may not be acceptable with
certain plastic tubes.


• Wipe any dust, moisture, or fingerprints from the tubes before using.

• Do not read tubes that contain bubbles or condensation.

• Use a blank material with absorbance of less than 0.400A.

• Use the same type and size of tube for the blank as you use for the samples.

2.2.2 Blanking

16 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
During normal operation of this instrument in every mode, operator prompting via the
display will indicate when to read the blank tube. The blank tube’s absorbance is read and
printed relative to air and then subtracted from each specimen (also read relative to air).
Since the blank’s absorbance relative to air is printed, the user will be able to evaluate the
suitability of a blank before using it. For example, users can determine whether or not
their test tubes absorb at 340nm.

Whenever additional blanking is desired, use the BLANK key. To select blanking, in any
mode, first press the BLANK key, then insert the blank tube. Automatic blanking will
occur. The letter “B” will be printed adjacent to the sample number to indicate that
blanking has occurred.

Automatic blanking for each sample may be selected during entry of parameters in the
Standard, Factor, Multipoint, or Multipoint % Abs modes. After filter selection, the display
prompts “SAMPLE BLANK Y/N”. Answer YES if blanking for every sample is desired.
When running the test, “READ BLANK TUBE” will be prompted before each standard
and sample.

2.2.3 Unit of Measurement Codes (Unit Code)

25 unit of measurement designations plus a blank selection are stored for labeling the
concentration column. These are listed below.

00 Conc 13 umo/L

01 g/L 14 nmo/L

02 g/dL 15 ukat/L

03 mg/L 16 U/L

04 mg/dL 17 IU/L

05 ug/dL 18 IU/mL

06 ug/mL 19 mIU/mL

07 ng/dL 20 uIU/mL

08 ng/mL 21 %

09 mEq/L 22 %UPT

10 mEq/dL23 ug%

11 umL/L 24 uU/L

12 mmo/L 25

When the display prompts “KEY UNIT CODE,” you can press 99 to see the list printed.
Otherwise, select the unit by its numerical designation and press ENTER. You will see the
selected unit displayed. If you made a mistake, press CLEAR and choose again. If the
displayed units are correct, press the ENTER key to confirm. If no units labeling is
desired, use the 25 key for none and then press ENTER.

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 17
2.2.4 Ranges
Immediately after setting the unit code, the instrument will prompt “SET RANGES Y/N.”
If you do not want ranges, press NO to go on. To set the normal range and the linear
range of an assay, press YES.

The reader will first ask for the low end of the normal range by displaying “KEY LOW
NORMAL.” Type in the cutoff and press ENTER. The display will then prompt “KEY
HIGH NORMAL.” Type in the upper cutoff and press ENTER. The display will then
prompt “KEY LO LINEARITY.” If the assay is linear for only a certain group of values,
this feature can label any concentrations outside of the linear range. Type in the low limit
and press ENTER. See “KEY HI LINEARITY.” Type in the upper limit of linearity and
press ENTER. Any of the range options may be bypassed by pressing ENTER when the
instrument is prompting for the range value.

After this, each specimen concentration will be compared to these ranges. If the
specimen concentration is greater than the normal range it will be labeled “H” for high.
Likewise, if it is lower than the normal range it will be labeled “L” for Low. The “H” and
“L” labels will appear under the heading “i,” which stands for Interpretation. This column
immediately follows the concentration column on the printout. If linear ranges are entered,
the calculated concentration is compared to these limits. The letter “R” will be printed in
the interpretation column should any value fall outside of the linear range. When tests are
stored, the normal and linear ranges are also stored for future use.

2.2.5 Printer
The printer automatically provides a permanent record of the modes, filters, and
calibrators used, as well as test results.

The paper may be advanced at any time by pressing the Paper key. Each time the key is
pressed, the paper will advance one line. This key is used to feed paper during installation
and to allow extra spacing between data as required by the operator.

The printer can be configured to add extra spacing automatically. Press the ALT key and
answer NO until “ADD LINFEEDS Y/N” is displayed. Press YES. The display will show
“ALL LINES Y/N”. If extra spacing between every line is desired, press YES. Press NO
and the display will show “RESULTS ONLY Y/N”. If spacing between sample results
only is desired, press YES. Press NO to return the printer configuration to add no extra
spaces. Note that "Results Only" is not offered in Rate modes, and will print without

Your printer requires a good quality thermal paper with a 2.281 (2-9/32) inch width. The
paper recommended for use with your instrument is available from your dealer. To install
a new roll of paper, follow the instructions given under the section 1.2.3 - Paper

To conserve printer paper, you can turn off the printer when you do not need a printed
report. Use the ALT key to access this feature. Press NO until you see the question
“PRINTER OFF Y/N.” Pressing YES will turn the printer off, and “***PRINTER OFF***”
will be printed. Pressing NO will turn the printer on and “*** PRINTER ON ***” will be

18 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
2.2.6 Lamp Saver Feature
To prolong the lamp life, the instrument is pre-programmed to turn off the lamp
automatically after about 15 minutes of idle time (30 minutes in Mosquito mode). To turn
the lamp back on, either insert the next tube or press the LAMP key. You will see “LAMP
WARM UP XX” in the display, where XX represents the warm up countdown. When in
tube mode (non-Mosquito mode), there is a 45 second warm up, except in rate mode,
which is 120 seconds. The Mosquito requires a 240 second lamp warmup. You will hear a
double beep when the lamp is ready. To turn off the lamp without turning off the
instrument, use the lamp key. Selecting a new mode of operation will also cause the lamp
to turn on and warm up at the appropriate time.

Whenever the lamp is on, you will be able to see light coming from the read well. Lamp
replacement is indicated when the lamp fails to light.

2.2.7 Flags and Error Messages

Flags are printed messages used to alert the operator when certain limitations are
approached. After printing the warnings, the instrument will continue to perform normally.
This instrument employs the following flags:

“****” is printed in the concentration field in the event that an absorbance is greater than
2.5A. To obtain an accurate absorbance and concentration value for such a sample,
further dilution may be required. EXCEPTION: in the Rate by Standard mode, a standard
with an absorbance greater than 2.5A will cancel the test.

“>10**6” is printed whenever a calculated factor or result is greater than 6 digits and thus
can not be properly printed in the 6 digit field.

“—CURVE INVALID !! -” is printed in the Programmable Mode when a curve cannot be

drawn between standard points. An “X” will be printed after the standard point which
makes the curve invalid. If this occurs, ensure that your standards were read in
decreasing or increasing order of absorbance, decreasing for multipoint % Abs mode and
increasing for multipoint mode. No interpretation will occur with an invalid curve.

“Plot Unavailable” is printed if Rate mode Lag and Read times are not evenly divisible by
5, or if total time is greater than 1200 seconds (20 minutes).

“Int Data Unavailable” is printed if Rate mode Read time is not evenly divisible by 30.

Error messages are printed or appear on the display when the instrument fails to
operate. These messages help the operator locate the cause of the failure. Appropriate
responses to these messages are discussed in the Troubleshooting section of this
manual. This instrument employs the following error messages:

“MEMORY ERROR” is printed when an error occurs in recalling a test. This feature
assures that the recalled values are the same as those that were stored.

“Stack Underflow” is printed when the instrument attempts to store data at a location
which may overwrite previously stored data. The mode will cancel, and subsequent data
will be stored at a safe location in memory.

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 19
“LAMP FAILURE” is printed when the lamp fails to illuminate sufficiently during an air
reference period (between tubes and prior to reading the blank). This message will only
print once until the mode is canceled.

“PRNTER PAPER JAM” is displayed when the printer paper path is obstructed.

“FILTER WHEEL ERR” is printed when there is a mechanical problem with the
instrument. If this occurs, turn the unit off and then on again. If this fails to clear the
problem return the unit for service.

“CANCELED” is printed immediately following every filter wheel error to indicate that the
test has been terminated.

“DO TEMP SET TEST 210” is printed when the factory set temperature adjustments
have been lost from non-volatile memory. See the section 3.1 - Restoring Electronic

“DO ABS SET TEST 212” is printed when the factory set absorbance gain calibration
has been lost from non-volatile memory. See the section 3.1 - Restoring Electronic

2.2.8 Calibration and Linearity

Every instrument is calibrated during manufacturing, using standards that are traceable to
the NIST, and is tested to verify its linearity to 2A. No calibration adjustment is accessible
to the operator, since the preset calibration is very stable. Absolute calibration can be
verified with the use of NIST filters, or by periodic comparison to a reference instrument
that is known to be calibrated to NIST filters. Calibration may also be confirmed using a
calibration check set such as REDI-CHECK®, obtainable from your dealer.

Since most lab test results are based upon standards rather than upon absolute
absorbances, the linearity of the instrument is the more critical indicator of instrument
performance. A reduction in linearity with age may be indicative of filter deterioration. In
this event, filter replacement is required for continued reliable operation.

A periodic verification of instrument linearity is advisable. This can also be done using
REDI-CHECK®. Further information about REDI-CHECK® is available from Awareness
Technology. Telephone: (772) 283-6540, Fax: (772) 283-8020.

The best way to assure quality instrument performance is to include a sufficient number
of controls in each assay to cover the entire operational range.

20 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
2.3 Modes of Operation
The modes of operation are used to select different methods of data reduction for
calculating sample answers. Some of the features which are common to multiple
operating modes are discussed in section 2.2, General Operation. These include
Bichromatic Operation, Blanking and Sample Blanking, Unit Codes, and Ranges. Some
functions may also be different in the Mosquito mode; see section 3.4.1, or the Mosquito
Owner’s Manual, for additional information. In addition, sample printouts are found in
section 3.5.

2.3.1 Absorbance Mode

This mode will read and print sample absorbances at user selected wavelengths. To
operate the unit in absorbance mode, press the ABS key. The printer prints the date, time,
and mode of operation: “ABSORBANCE.” The display will show “SELECT FILTER.”
Select the wavelengths by pressing the appropriate key for each wavelength followed by
the ENTER key.

The selected wavelengths will be printed, as well as the headings “S#” for sample
number and “Abs” for absorbance. The lamp will also come on and warm up.

The display will then momentarily indicate “REFERENCING AIR.” During the referencing
period, do not insert a tube or press a key. After referencing air, the instrument will be
able to detect when tubes are inserted for the automatic triggering of future reading,
calculating, and printing.

The display will then show “READ BLANK TUBE.” Insert the blank tube and the
absorbance of the tube referenced to air will be displayed and printed. This value will be
subtracted from subsequent readings. The printed “B#” indicates that this is the blank. It
is very important to use the same type and size tube for the blank as will be used for the

When you remove the blank tube, the display will prompt “READ SAMPLE.” One by one,
insert each sample tube and see the differential absorbance results printed and displayed.

Fifteen minutes after reading the last sample, the lamp saver feature will automatically
turn off the lamp. To continue reading, either press the lamp key or place a tube in the
well. The 45 second lamp warm up will occur, and then operation will resume where it left
off. In Mosquito™ Mode, lamp timeout is 30 minutes and lamp warmup is 240 seconds.

If re-blanking is desired at any time during operation, press the BLANK key and then
insert the blank tube.

2.3.2 Single Standard Mode

This mode will read and print sample concentrations. A single standard material of known
concentration is used to calibrate the instrument so that concentrations of unknown
samples can be calculated according to Beer's Law. The bichromatic absorbances at the
selected wavelengths will be read, printed, and used in the concentration calculations.
The calibration factor (standard concentration/standard absorbance) will be printed for
future use.

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 21
To operate the unit in single standard mode, press the STND key. The printer prints the
date, time, and mode of operation: “STANDARD.” The display will show “SELECT
FILTER.” Select the wavelengths by pressing the appropriate key for each wavelength
followed by the ENTER key. The selected wavelengths will be printed. The display will
prompt “SAMPLE BLANK Y/N”. Press YES if each sample requires a separate blank
reading. “Sample Blank Mode” will print. Press NO if only an initial blank is desired.

The display will show “KEY VALUE OF S#1.” Type the concentration value assigned to
your standard material. Then press the ENTER key. The printer will print “STANDARD
#1= XXXX,” where XXXX is the standard value you have entered.

Note: The instrument accepts standard values of six or fewer digits, and accepts up
to 2 digits after the decimal point if the value is less than 1000.

The display prompts “KEY UNIT CODE”; see section 2.2.3-Unit of Measurement Codes.
The display then prompts “SET RANGES Y/N”; see section 2.2.4-Ranges. The
instrument then prints the column headings.

The display will momentarily indicate “REFERENCING AIR.” During the referencing
period, do not insert a tube or press a key. After referencing air, the instrument will be
able to detect when tubes are inserted for the automatic triggering of future reading,
calculating, and printing.

The display will then prompt “READ BLANK TUBE.” Insert the blank tube and the printer
will print the tube’s absorbance referenced to air.

Remove the blank tube, and the display will prompt “READ STANDARD.” Insert the
standard tube. It will be read, and the absorbance and concentration values will be
printed. The calculated factor will print on the next line. “S1” indicates that this is the
standard tube. See the sample printer output for this mode. When you remove the
standard tube, the instrument will prompt “READ SAMPLE.” One by one, insert each
sample tube and see the results printed and displayed. The concentration units for
sample results will always be the same as the concentration units of the standard.

In the event that the absorbance reading of the standard is greater than 2.5 A, the printer
and display will indicate “*******” in the concentration (units) column. See section 2.2.7 -
Flags and Error Messages.

If a sample has an absorbance reading greater than 2.5A, the printer will print the
absorbance reading, and the concentration (units) column will show “*******”. See section
2.2.7 - Flags and Error Messages.

2.3.3 Factor Mode

This mode will read and print sample concentrations at user selected wavelengths. A
previously determined factor is entered by the operator, and the measured absorbance is
then multiplied by the factor to obtain concentration.

22 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
To operate in factor mode, press the FAC key. The printer prints the date, time, and
mode of operation: “FACTOR.” The display will show “SELECT FILTER.” Select the
wavelengths by pressing the appropriate key for each wavelength followed by the ENTER
key. The display will prompt “SAMPLE BLANK Y/N”. Press YES if each sample requires
a separate blank reading. “Sample Blank Mode” will print. Press NO if only an initial
blank is desired.

The display will prompt “ENTER FACTOR.” Type the factor and press the ENTER key.
The printer will print the selected wavelengths and “FACTOR= XXXX,” where XXXX is
the factor value you have entered.

Note: The instrument accepts factor values of six or fewer digits, and accepts up to
2 digits after the decimal point if the value is less than 1000.

The display prompts “KEY UNIT CODE”; see section 2.2.3-Unit of Measurement Codes.
The display then prompts “SET RANGES Y/N”; see section 2.2.4-Ranges. The
instrument then prints the column headings.

The display will momentarily indicate “REFERENCING AIR.” The display will then prompt
“READ BLANK TUBE.” Insert the blank tube and the printer will print the tube’s
absorbance referenced to air. Remove the blank tube and the display will prompt “READ
SAMPLE.” One by one, insert each sample tube and see the results printed and

2.3.4 Programmable Mode (Multipoint)

The Programmable Mode is a multipoint standard mode that allows the operator to enter
the concentrations of up to seven different standard materials of known concentrations.
These standards are used to calibrate the instrument so that concentrations of unknown
samples may be calculated according to Beer’s Law. The resulting standard curve is a
series of lines connecting the standard points in the order they are entered. In the
Programmable Mode (point to point), they must be entered lightest to darkest (lightest is
Standard #1). If you wish to run the standards from darkest to lightest (such as for uptake
assays), use Multipoint % Absorbance Mode.

To operate the unit in the Programmable Mode, press the PGM key. The printer will print
the date, time, and “MULTIPOINT.” The display will show “SELECT FILTER.”

Select the filters by pressing the appropriate key for each wavelength followed by the
ENTER key. The printer will print the selected wavelengths. The display will prompt
“SAMPLE BLANK Y/N”. Press YES if each sample requires a separate blank reading.
“Sample Blank Mode” will print. Press NO if only an initial blank is desired.

The display will prompt “KEY # OF STNDRDS.” Type the number of standards to be
used (from 1 to 7), and then press the ENTER key.

The display will prompt “KEY VALUE OF S#1.” Type the concentration value assigned to
the first standard and press the ENTER key. The instrument will continue to prompt for
standard values until the selected number has been entered. Each standard value will
print when the ENTER key is pressed. See the sample printer outputs for this mode.

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 23
Note: The instrument accepts standard values of six or fewer digits, and
accepts up to 2 digits after the decimal point if the value is less than 1000.

The display prompts “KEY UNIT CODE”; see section 2.2.3-Unit of Measurement
Codes. The display then prompts “SET RANGES Y/N”; see section 2.2.4-Ranges. The
instrument then prints the column headings.

The display will momentarily indicate “REFERENCING AIR.” The display will then prompt
“READ BLANK TUBE.” Insert the blank tube and the printer will print the tube’s
absorbance referenced to air. Remove the blank tube, and the display will prompt “READ
STANDARD.” One by one, insert each standard tube and the results will be printed and

After the last standard tube is read and removed, the display will prompt “PLOT CURVE
Y/N.” Press YES to plot the curve. The display will then show “READ SAMPLE.” One by
one, insert each sample tube and the results will be printed and displayed.

Unknown samples are calculated as follows:

First, the unknown sample’s bichromatic differential absorbance (operator selected

wavelengths) is calculated and compared to the standard absorbances. Then, the line
selected as the standard curve for determining the concentration of the unknown, is the
line connecting the pair of standards whose absorbances are closest above and below
the unknown absorbance. An unknown sample with absorbance greater than the highest
standard absorbance is calculated on the line passing through the highest 2 standard
points, and an unknown sample with absorbance less than the lowest standard
absorbance is calculated on the line passing through the lowest 2 standard points.

2.3.5 Multipoint % Abs Mode

The Multipoint % Absorbance mode (%ABS key) is used with multipoint uptake assays,
and functions in the same way as the Programmable (point to point) Mode, with the
following exceptions:

The standards must be entered from darkest to lightest.

An additional calculation (%A/A0) is calculated, which is the absorbance of the sample

divided by the absorbance of the first calibrator, or “percent of first calibrator”. The first
calibrator is considered 100%, and all subsequent samples are calculated as percent of

In using a Multipoint % Abs. user test with a stored curve, there are two options. After you
select the test, all the information is printed, and then you are prompted by the display
alternately “USE STORED CURVE” and “YES(1) NO(2).” If you choose to use the
stored curve (by pressing YES), you must blank (as prompted), and then read your first
standard tube only. Then you may continue with the samples. If you choose not to use the
stored curve (by pressing NO), you must blank, read all standards, then continue with the
samples. For more information on user tests, see section 2.4-Test Menu.

Except for these differences, follow the procedure as described in section 2.3.4.

24 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
2.3.6 Rate Mode
In rate mode, the instrument determines concentration by observing initial and ending
absorbances and then dividing by the read time to establish the mean change in
absorbance per minute (or rate). This rate is then multiplied by the operator entered factor
to yield the concentration result. Rate factors for determining Units per Liter must be
derived from the following standard formula:

∆A/min. X 1000 X TVmL} ÷ {MA X SVmL X LPcm}] X TF

U/L = [{∆

U/L is Units per Liter

∆A/min is the mean change in absorbance per minute

TV is the total volume of the reaction mixture (in mL)

MA is the molar absorptivity (for example, the MA of NADH at 340nm is 6.22X103)

SV is the sample volume (in mL)

LP is the cuvette light path (in cm)

TF is the temperature factor used to convert the assayed activity to the desired

Note that although “U/L” (unit code 16) is the common unit code for kinetic assays, the
user may select any of the 25 unit codes for printout purposes.

Alternatively, the instrument will determine the rate factor by reading a standard of known
concentration. In this case, the operator will enter the concentration value assigned to the
standard rather than a rate factor.

Most rate reactions are temperature dependent. Before beginning, press the TEMP key to
verify that the incubation block and cuvette well are both at 37°C. If the cell temperature
control was turned off, selecting the Rate Mode will turn the temperature control back on
automatically (however, it will not print that this has occurred). Place the tubes containing
the reaction mixture into the incubation block for pre-warming. If the reagents are cold it
may take several additional minutes for them to reach 37°C.

During operation in the rate mode, you may verify the temperature when the instrument is
not waiting for information or performing a reading. Pressing the TEMP key will display
the block and cell temperatures for about 15 seconds, then the display will return to the
rate mode and prompt “READ SAMPLE.”

In the rate mode, the operator enters the lag time (the time between specimen addition
and taking the initial reading), the read time (the time between the initial and final
readings) and the rate factor or rate standard (as determined by the chemistry product
manufacturer for 37°C). Assays may be performed singly (consecutively) or in batch
mode (simultaneously).

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 25
In some cases, a “Fixed Time Kinetic” mode is needed, where a specific read time is
required, and the ∆A alone is determined (not ∆A/min). This is available if Batch Mode is
not selected.

To operate the instrument in rate mode, press the RATE key. The display will prompt
“STNDRD OR FACTOR,” asking whether a standard will be used to calculate the factor
or whether the factor will be entered by the operator. Press the STND key to select rate
by standard, or the FAC key for rate by factor.

The printer prints the date, time, and mode of operation: either “RATE BY STANDARD”
or “RATE BY FACTOR.” In either case the display will then show “SELECT FILTER.”
Select the filters by pressing the appropriate key for each wavelength followed by the
ENTER key. The printer will print the selected wavelengths. The display then shows
“BATCH MODE Y/N.” Press YES to use batch mode, NO to read kinetic assays
individually. If NO, the display shows “FIXED TIME Y/N.” If ∆A instead of ∆A/min is
desired, select YES, otherwise select NO. The display then shows “KEY IN LAG TIME.”
Type the lag time in seconds and press the ENTER key. The lag time you entered will be
printed. The display then shows “KEY IN READ TIME.” Type the read time duration in
seconds, and press the ENTER key. The read time you entered will be printed. The
display will prompt “KEY VALUE OF S#1” or “ENTER FACTOR” depending on your
mode selection.

Enter either the rate factor, corrected for 37°C reading (if using the FACTOR method), or
the value assigned to the standard (if using the STANDARD method), and then press the
ENTER key. The value that you entered will be printed. For negative factors, press the
ALT key before typing the factor value.

Note: The instrument accepts standard and factor values of six or fewer digits, and
accepts up to 2 digits after the decimal point if the value is less than 1000.

The display prompts “KEY UNIT CODE”; see section 2.2.3-Unit of Measurement Codes.
The display then prompts “SET RANGES Y/N”; see section 2.2.4-Ranges. The
instrument then prints the column headings.

Instructions for proceeding in Batch Mode follow at the end of this section.

The display will momentarily indicate “REFERENCING AIR.” The display will then prompt
“READ BLANK TUBE” and the printer will print the column headings. Insert the blank
tube and the tube’s absorbance referenced to air will be displayed. Remove the blank
tube, and the display will prompt “READ STANDARD,” if STND was selected or “READ
SAMPLE XX” if FAC was selected.

Be certain that the lamp is on. If it is not, press the LAMP key, then wait for the lamp
warmup to complete. Begin the first reaction by adding the specimen to a pre-warmed
reagent tube. Invert the tube two or three times to quickly mix and then immediately insert
the first sample tube into the cuvette well. The display will show the lag time counting
down on the left side and the continuously updating absorbance reading on the right side.

26 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
It will look like this: “LT XXXX A 0.000,” where XXXX is the time and 0.000 is the
absorbance. When the lag time period has elapsed, the instrument will take an initial
absorbance reading and the display will change to show the read time counting down on
the left side. It will look like this: “RT XXXX A 0.000,” where XXXX is the time and 0.000
is the absorbance. At the end of the read time, the instrument will take a final absorbance
reading and the printer will print the sample number, the average change in absorbance
per minute and the concentration. If you are in “Fixed Time Mode”, the change in
absorbance will be printed, not the change in absorbance per minute.

Additional information is available if the read time and lag time meet certain criteria. If the
read time is a multiple of 30 seconds, you may print the interval absorbance data (at 30
second intervals) and the DA for each interval. If both the lag time and the read time are a
multiple of five seconds, you may plot the curve. By pressing the AUX (.) key after the
sample’s results have printed, you will see “PRN INT DATA Y/N” (if available). Press NO
and you will see “PLOT KINETIC Y/N” (if available). Choose YES for either option to
print/plot the information.

When you remove the sample tube, the display will prompt “READ SAMPLE XX” to
indicate that it is ready for the next sample tube. Begin the second reaction and insert the
second tube. If the factor is calculated based upon a standard tube reading, the factor will
be printed after the first tube is removed. Perform and read each reaction one by one,
removing the tubes only after the results are printed. If you remove a tube prematurely,
the rate calculation will cease.

Batch Mode Information:

If “BATCH MODE” was selected, you may read a batch consisting of up to twelve tubes
(samples + standard (if applicable)).

Note: Do not use Batch Rate Mode if read time is 30 seconds or less.

After setting the ranges, the display will prompt “# OF SAMPLES=?” Type the number of
samples (including the standard, if you are using one), and then press ENTER. The
printer will then add “# OF SAMPLES=XX” to the heading. After the display momentarily
indicates “REFERENCING AIR,” it will prompt “READ BLANK TUBE.” You may wish to
save the test at this time, since the mode cancels automatically upon batch completion.

After you insert the blank tube, the instrument will display and print “X.XXX,” where
X.XXX is the absorbance value of the blank tube relative to the air reference. After the
blank tube is read and removed, “ADD SERUMS” and “THEN PRESS ENTER” will be
alternately displayed. Add patient serums to the pre-warmed reagent tubes in a quick and
uniformly timed manner.

When all of the serums have been added to the sample tubes, press ENTER to begin the
Lag Time countdown. After the displayed Lag Time has expired, there will be a double
beep and the display will prompt “READ STANDARD” if you are using a standard or
“READ SAMPLE 1” if you are using a factor. Read the tubes in the same uniformly timed
manner that you added the serums. When each sample is placed in the cuvette well the
display will show the absorbance. The display will quickly return to “READ SAMPLE ##”
when the tube is removed, prompting the reading of the next sample. The absorbance
values for the samples can be seen on the printout.

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 27
After all the samples in the batch have had an initial reading, the display will indicate the
beginning of the Read Time countdown. At the end of the countdown there will be a
double beep and the appropriate prompt “READ SAMPLE 1” or “READ STANDARD”
will be displayed, after a brief “REFERENCING AIR” message. The printout will indicate
the sample number, final absorbance, time in minutes, absorbance per minute, and units
based on the factor used. Note that although the actual read time may not be exactly as
specified, the final answer is calculated in absorbance per minute and compensates for
the varied time. Remove the sample after all the information has been printed. When the
instrument is ready to read the next sample, it will give a double beep and display “READ
SAMPLE ##,” where ## is the next sample number.

After the last sample has been read, the printer will print “**** END OF BATCH ****” and
the Rate Mode will discontinue.

2.4 Test Menus

2.4.1 Pre-programmed Test Names

The Stat Fax® 1904 Plus has a built-in menu of 30 assays. After the first use of a menu
selection, the instrument will store and recall previously used test parameters (such as:
mode, filters, standard values, units, ranges, etc.) You may print the menu by first
pressing the AUX (auxiliary) key, and when the display prompts “SELECT TEST #,” type
99 and then press ENTER.

a. First Use
Press the AUX (.) key. The display will prompt: “SELECT TEST #.” Type in a number
followed by the ENTER key to select a test. The test name and “SELECT MODE” will
print, and the display will briefly flash “SELECT MODE.” Enter the test parameters:
mode, filters, standard or factor values, units, ranges, etc. The instrument will reference
air and read the blank and standard tube. After reading the standard(s), specimens can
be read. Save the test before canceling the mode.

b. Saving a Test
To save the test parameters and the standard curve for future use, press the ALT key.
The display will prompt “SAVE TEST Y/N.” Answer by pressing the YES key and
“SAVED AS TEST ##” will be printed. You may continue to read specimens or press the
CLEAR key twice to cancel the mode.

c. Recalling a Test
The next time you call up the same test number the display will prompt alternately: “USE
STORED CURVE” and “YES (1) NO (0).” If you press YES, ENTER, the
instrument will reference air, blank, and then read specimens, calculating from the stored
curve from the previous run. The display will show “READ SAMPLE.” The printer will
print “USING STORED CURVE.” If you press NO, ENTER, the instrument will reference
air, blank, and prompt “READ STANDARD.” A new curve will be stored based on the
new standard value.

28 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
d. Editing a Test
You may edit saved parameters. Press the ALT key and the display will prompt: “SAVE
TEST Y/N.” Press the NO key and the display will prompt: “EDIT A TEST Y/N.” Press
the YES key and the display will prompt: “SELECT TEST #.” Test Menu
Type the test number you wish to edit, then press the ENTER
key, the display will prompt: “EDIT FILTERS Y/N” and the
printer will print the test name, date last updated, today’s date 3) BILIRUBIN
and time, test mode, wavelengths, and other parameters. Press 4) BUN
YES if you wish to edit and NO if you do not. Edited data is 5) GLUCOSE OXI
entered in exactly the same manner as was initially done. 6) GLUCOSE HEXO
When you press NO to a prompt, the display will prompt you for 7) URIC ACID
the next parameter. When editing is complete the printer will 8) CREATININE
print “EDIT COMPLETE.” You may not use the edit feature to 9) IRON
select a new mode of calculation. For this, you must delete the 10) CHLORIDE
test, and re-enter the test parameters. 11) CALCIUM
e. Deleting a Test 13) MAGNESIUM
You may delete a test from the menu. This will remove all the 14) CHOLESTEROL
stored parameters. The test name will be retained. Press the 15) HDL CHOL.
ALT key and the display will prompt: “SAVE TEST Y/N,” press 16) LDH
the NO key and the display will prompt: “EDIT A TEST Y/N,” 17) CPK
press the NO key an the display will prompt “DELETE TEST 18) TRIGLYCERIDE
Y/N.” Press the YES key and the display will prompt “SELECT 19) ALK. PHOS.
TEST #.” Type the test number and press the ENTER key. 20) SGOT
The display will alternately prompt “DELETE TEST # XX” and 21) SGPT
“YES<1> NO<0>” to confirm the deletion. Press the YES 22) ACID PHOS.
key then the ENTER key to delete the test. 23) SODIUM
To delete all tests from memory press the AUX key. The 25) HEMOGLOBIN
display will prompt “SELECT TEST #,” select test number 183 26) LIPASE
and press enter. This will also delete all user stored tests. 27) CK-MB
28) T3
29) T4
2.4.2 User Test Menu 30) TSH
a. Creating a User Test
If you want to set up a test that is not named in the menu, you
can add it by name and number. Press any Mode key. Enter all the test parameters in the
usual fashion. Read the blank and standards. You may save the test any time between
reading the last standard and turning the instrument OFF or quitting the Mode. To save
the test parameters and the standard curve for future use, press the ALT key. The display
will prompt “SAVE TEST Y/N.” Press YES, and the display asks “NAME TEST Y/N.”
If you press NO the test is saved by the lowest available number and named “USER
TEST.” If you press YES, the first part of the alphabet is displayed. Use the 4 key to
move left and the 6 key to move right. A blinking line will indicate the selected letter.
Press the ENTER key to select a letter. When selecting the last letter press ENTER twice
in rapid succession. Press the YES key and the printer will print “SAVED AS TEST # XX”
where XX is the next available test number. You may continue to read specimens or
press CLEAR twice to cancel the mode. The user test parameters and curve will be
stored by test numbers beginning with number 31. There is memory for 39 user tests. If
you try to save more, the error message “MEMORY IS FULL” will be displayed and

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 29
A log page is provided in the back of this manual for maintain a list of user tests. Since
user tests are stored by number, not by name, this will be an easy method of recalling
your user tests.

b. Using a Stored Test

User tests are recalled, edited, and deleted in exactly the same manner as the menu tests
described in section 2.4.1.

30 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.

3.1 Restoring Electronic Calibration

In this instrument, electronic calibration information is entered at the factory as the
original calibration data and is maintained in the non-volatile RAM of the instrument.
This information is printed on the CALIBRATION DATA label affixed to the bottom of the



If the calibration data is lost (primarily due to power surges or fluctuations), the printout
will show the messages, “DO ABS SET TEST #212!”, “DO TEMP SET TEST 210”, or
both, depending on the nature of the loss. If the data is not restored, these messages will
continue to be printed each time the unit is turned on and every time a new mode is
selected. The mode will operate, but calibration of the absorbance and temperatures must
be restored to assure accuracy.

If the date is lost, restore the date (see section 2.1.3-Set Time) before restoring the
calibration data. Then, to enter the data from the CALIBRATION DATA label:

1. Select the indicated test by using the AUX key and entering the test number (210 or

2. Test 210:

2a. Test 210 prompts “BLOCK =”; enter the number from the BLOCK TEMP line of the

2b. Test 210 prompts “CELL =”; enter the number from the CELL TEMP line of the

3. Test 212: Test 212 prompts “ABS FACTOR=”, enter the number from the

4. If the message “ADJUST OUT OF RANGE” appears, select the test again and re-
enter the correct data.

5. To print a report of the entered data, run test 213. The data in test 213 should match
the data from the CALIBRATION DATA label.

Note: When the stored calibration data is lost, the absorbance factor is set to 1.000
and the temperature offset adjustments for the block and cell are set to 0.0. The
instrument will not accept a change greater than ±10% (.900 - 1.100) in the
absorbance factor, nor will it accept a temperature change greater than ±2.5°C. If
the calibration data is lost, these limits assure that the instrument requires only
minimal adjustment from the keyboard to remain calibrated.

Note 2: The absorbance factor is an actual factor, which when entered is multiplied
by the current factor in memory. The block temp and cell temp values are offsets,
and are added to the current values in memory. Re-entering data when data is
already present will result in incorrect calibration data, unless the values already
stored in memory are considered.

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 31
3.2 Operating Precautions

3.2.1 Minimize operator error

Most errors in laboratory testing are due not to bad reagents or malfunctioning
instrumentation, but rather to operator error. Many measures have been taken in the
design of this instrument to minimize operator error: stable factory calibration, automatic
zeroing, complete operator prompting, detailed labeling, pre-programmed calculations,
comprehensive visual and audible feedback, flags and error messages, and minimal
maintenance requirements, for example. The following precautions are offered to further
assure quality laboratory results:

1. Read your instrument instruction manual before performing testing, then keep it handy
as a reference. Be sure that you fully understand how to choose the proper modes of
operation and the proper filters. Always work within the specified limitations of this

2. Use clean tubes and follow the instructions for blanking and standardizing very closely.
(Use of the appropriate blanking material is also very important - water is not always
specified.) Do not read tubes with bubbles or condensation. Some glass tubes absorb
significantly at 405 and 340nm. Be careful not to mix soda lime glass with borosilicate
glass within an assay.

3. Check your display and printed results during operation. Your display and printer
provide useful information such as the values you enter, the mode of operation and filters
you select, and all absorbance readings. Monitoring the printer and display during
operation may help you to detect an error in the making. To correct a typed entry before
pressing the ENTER key, press the CLEAR key and type again. To correct a typed entry
after pressing the ENTER key, press the CLEAR key twice to clear the mode, and begin
again with mode selection.

4. Prior to running temperature controlled assays, and periodically while running

temperature controlled assays, monitor the block and cell temperature on the display to
assure that 37°C(±.3) is being properly maintained.

5. Periodically check the calibration and linearity of your instrument against a standard
reference. A carefully prepared serial dilution of a stable, darkly-colored substance such
as REDI-CHECK® may be used.

6. Appropriate controls should be run with each assay as indicated in the package inserts
of the chemistry products used. If controls do not give expected results, the assay is

32 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
3.3 Maintenance and Service

3.3.1 Preventing Trouble

It is important to follow the installation instructions carefully as described in section 1.2.
Adequate clearance and ventilation should be provided as well as a vibration free surface.
Connections to main circuits with large pumps, compressors or refrigerators should be

Your instrument is designed to be an essentially maintenance free instrument. To insure

optimum trouble free performance, the instrument should be kept dry and operated in an
area free of excessive dust. The instrument employs interference filters of advanced
technology, and will provide extended life in humid environments when compared to
standard soft interference filters. In general however, excessive humidity should be
avoided. Optimum operating conditions are from 15 to 33° centigrade, and less than 80%
relative humidity. Storage temperatures should not exceed -10 to +50° centigrade.

Cleaning should be done when necessary. A puff of air may be used to eliminate dust
from the read well. Use a slightly damp soft cloth to remove dirt or spills. For
decontamination, 70% isopropanol is recommended. Use of other chemicals or abrasive
cleaners is not recommended. Care should be exercised not to wet the keypad

3.3.2 Troubleshooting Guide

Using the following guidelines, simple problems can often be isolated and corrected by
the operator.



Service and repair work should be performed only by trained service personnel.

PROBLEM: The paper jam error message is displayed.

REMEDY: This is usually caused by a small piece of paper lodged between the flying
print head and the side of the printer mechanism. Turn the instrument off. Reach into the
printer mechanism with a pair of tweezers, and carefully remove the paper. If you are
unable to clear the jam, call your dealer to arrange for service. Do not attempt to
dismantle the printer.

PROBLEM: The lamp does not light.

REMEDY: Lamp replacement is an infrequent event since your lamp is rated to read over
300,000 tubes, and your lampsaver feature minimizes idle time. Lamp replacement is only
indicated if the lamp does not light. Instructions for lamp replacement are provided with
each replacement lamp.

PROBLEM: The instrument is several years old and has lost some linearity with time.

REMEDY: You may need new filters. Return the instrument for replacements. To retard
the deterioration of filters, store the instrument in an air conditioned environment, and do
not expose it to severe temperature shock. Call your dealer to arrange for service.

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 33
PROBLEM: Incorrect answers are obtained for chemistry controls.


a. Check that the procedures and materials used were valid. Turbid or contaminated
reagents may affect absorbance readings. Data collected using REDI-CHECK® can be
very helpful in separating instrument problems from reagent problems. Be sure that you
are reading an appropriate chromophore for the operational and differential wavelengths.
Check that the appropriate mode of operation was selected and review the operating
procedures for that mode. Tubes should not have bubbles, condensation, severe
scratches or smudges.

b. Check the standard(s) or calibrator values printed on the printer paper for accurate

c. Review the procedure for blanking. Remember to use the same type of tube for the
blank and the samples.

d. Read the same tube several times to confirm repeatability.

PROBLEM: The instrument lacks reproducibility.


a. If repeat readings of a tube show upward or downward drifting, check that the reaction
is completed and that the affected tube(s) were not contaminated prior to use (a
chromophore releasing or consuming reaction may still be occurring). Next, check that the
substance is not affected by the warming of the lamp or temperature controlled cell. This
can be done by inserting a tube with water, reading it several times, and observing
whether or not the “drifting” disappears. (10 repeat readings of a glass tube containing
water, read in the bichromatic absorbance mode and blanked on the first reading should
consistently provide results within ± 0.005A with a warmed up lamp, improving with better
quality vessels.) If repeatability on water is good, and the temperature effect seems to be
causing the drifting, use the incubation block to pre-warm all of the tubes to 37°C before
reading and then read them in the 37°C cell.

b. If repeatability is poor but does not appear to be drifting in any direction, swirl the tube
and look for particulate matter. Bubbles, severe scratches or smudges, and condensation
on tubes can also cause poor repeatability. Lamp warmup is also important.

c. Secure tube fit is necessary for good repeatability. Be sure to select a vessel with a
snug fit. If the appropriate round glass tube (either 12 mm, or special model) does not fit
snugly, return your instrument with several typical tubes for cell holder adjustment. Be
sure you are reading at least 1 mL of solution.

PROBLEM: The printing is dim or incomplete.

REMEDY: Use only the specified paper available from your instrument dealer.

34 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
PROBLEM: The normal operation of the instrument is suddenly interrupted.

REMEDY: As with all microprocessor-controlled devices, fluctuations and interruptions

of the power supply may cause instrument failure. The keys may not respond to touch,
and the display may remain fixed. Turn the power switch off and wait for about 5
seconds. Then switch the instrument back on. The instrument will start up normally. If
this interruption to normal operation occurs with frequency, you should try plugging
your instrument into a different circuit. Choose a circuit that is free of large transient
voltages such as pumps, refrigerators, etc. If this is not possible, install a commercially
available surge protector (or noise filter).

PROBLEM: The instrument does not recognize tube insertion.

REMEDY: Check to see if the instrument is in Mosquito™ mode. If the line “SAMPLE
VOL = XXXuL” is printed in the test header, you are in Mosquito™ mode. See section
3.4.1-Mosquito™ for additional information.

3.4 Accessories

3.4.1 Mosquito™
Mosquito™ is an aspiration cell accessory designed for use with the Stat Fax® Chemistry
Analyzer and other models in the 1900 series that have temperature controlled 12mm
cuvette wells. Minimum aspiration volume is only 250µL. Mosquito™ includes: a plug in
micro-flow cell with all connections, a control unit including electronically regulated
vacuum pump, valve, and interface circuits, a 500mL waste bottle with full sensor, and all

To set the Mosquito™ on or off, press the ALT key, then press NO until you see “SET
MOSQUITO Y/N”. Press YES. The display will show “MOSQUITO IN Y/N”. If you want
to read using the Mosquito™, press YES; if you want to read tubes, press NO.


mode uses a different pathlength calculation, and answers will be wrong.

Setting up the Mosquito™ and reading with it are discussed separately in the Mosquito™
Owner’s Manual. However, it is useful to be aware of the following software specific
operations while using the Mosquito™:

If you wish to cancel a Rate reaction, press the CLEAR key.

If you are working with the printer off , the answers will stay in the display until you press
the CLEAR key.

For more information regarding Mosquito™, contact your dealer.

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 35
REDI-CHECK® is a photometer check set used to verify the absorbance calibration,
linearity, and precision of filter photometers on a routine basis. The kit contains 4 different
chromophore solutions to cover a wide range of wavelengths between 340nm and
630nm. Instructions are included for preparing dilutions of the chromophores to check
linearity. Acceptance ranges are provided for both bichromatic and monochromatic
readings, with technical information traceable to NIST. The kit, which is designed for
monthly use, also includes a record keeping system which visually indicates instrument
performance and performance trends. For more information regarding REDI-CHECK®,
contact your dealer.

36 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
1. Engineering data supplied by Awareness Technology, Inc. Palm City, Florida (1988)

2. Information on REDI-CHECK® Photometer QA Kit provided by Awareness Technology,

Inc., Palm City FL (1990-1991)

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 37

38 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.

The Absorbance Mode (ABS key, pictured top left) reports

absorbance values only.

Factor Mode (FAC key, pictured lower left) multiplies the user-
entered factor (1250) by the sample absorbance to calculate
concentration values , reported in user-entered units (ng/dL,
selection option 7).

Standard Mode (STND key, pictured center) calculates

concentration values based on Beer’s law, using a single user-
entered standard value. The assigned standard value is divided
by the standard’s absorbance, and a factor is generated which is
multiplied by sample absorbances to calculate the concentration.

Multipoint Mode (PGM key, pictured top right) calculates

concentration values based on Beer’s law, using user-entered
standard values. You may use up to 7 standards. After the
standard curve is run, you may plot the curve, which is generated
by point-to-point lines between each subsequent pair of points.
The standards must be ascending in absorbance. Sample
concentration values are calculated based on the line drawn
between the pair of standards it falls between.

Multipoint %Abs Mode (%ABS key, pictured lower right) is

calculated similarly to the Multipoint Mode, and also determines a
“%A” value, which is the percent of the first (and highest)
calibrator. Calibrator values must be in descending absorbance

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 39
The Rate Mode (RATE key) performs kinetic assays, by calculating using either a factor
(pictured above left) or a standard (pictured above right). By using the AUX key, you may
print extended interval data and the kinetic data plot. Variations available on the Rate
Mode include Batch Mode and Fixed Time Mode (both pictured on the next page).

40 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
In Batch Mode (pictured above left), the user takes an initial reading on all his samples
after the lag time, then takes a final reading after the read time. The change in
absorbance per minute is determined. Since no interval data is read, interval data and
graphing are not available.

In Fixed Time Mode (pictured above right), the change in absorbance is used, not the
change in absorbance per minute. Therefore, the resulting answers (prior to concentration
calculations) are reported in dAbs, not A/min. The concentrations may be calculated
either by factor or by standard.

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 41
The Standard Mode printout pictured above left
is an example test printed without modified line
feeds and without sample blanking. It also
indicates Norms and Linear ranges. “L” or “H” are
printed in the “i” (interpretation) column if the
answer exceeds the normal range Low or High,
and “R” is printed if the sample exceeds the
ranges on either side.

The printout above right shows sample blanking,

in which a blank is requested prior to each
standard and sample. B is printed to indicate each

The printout mid-right shows the linefeeds set (via

the ALT key) to “ALL LINES”. For this, an extra
space occurs after every line, if increased space
in the printout is desired.

The printout lower right shows the line feeds set

(via the ALT key) to “RESULTS ONLY”. An extra
space is printed after each result, if increased
space between results is desired. If Results Only
is selected in the Rate Mode, it will print normally
(without linefeeds).

42 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.

Stat Fax® 1904+ (SN_____) User Test Menu Log page:______

Test No. Analyte Stored By Date Notes

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 43

44 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.
In the unlikelihood that you should ever experience a problem with your instrument,
please consult your dealer first.


If the dealer is unable to resolve the problem, support staff at Awareness Technology is
happy to assist you, and can be reached in the United States by:

• Phone: (772) 283-6540

• Fax: (772) 283-8020

• E-mail: [email protected]

• Mail: Awareness Technology, Inc.

P.O. Box 1679

Palm City, FL 34991
When contacting Awareness Technology, please provide the following:

• the serial number of your instrument

• a description of the problem with as much detail as possible

• printouts, which can be submitted to us by mail, fax or e-mail.

Awareness Technology Inc. Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I 45

46 Stat Fax 1904 Plus Operator’s Manual Rev. I Awareness Technology Inc.

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