November 2022 Civil Engineering Board Exam: Review Innovations

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November 2022 Civil Engineering Board Exam Review Innovations


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.
Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the
letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES

NOTE: A times B is represented by A × B or A*B. A raised to the power n is

expressed as A^n. All problems are 1 point each.

1. In triangle ABC, c = 30, a = 36 and b = 18. Find the radius of the circle
tangent to the side c and escribe outside the triangle.
A. 22.45 C. 18.17
B. 20.12 D. 23.65

2. If x + y = 900, what is the value of (sin x tan y)/(sin y tan x)?

A. sin x C. csc x
B. tan x D. cot x

3. Two sides of a triangle are 50m and 60m long. The angle included between
these sides is 300. What is the interior angle opposite the longest side?
A. 83.710 C. 85.380
B. 92.740 D. 93.750

4. Triangle ABC has side AB = 160 cm, BC = 190 cm, and CA = 190 cm. Point D is
along side AB and AD = 100 cm. Point E is along side CA. Determine the
length of AE if the area of triangle ADE is 3/5 the area of triangle ABC.
A. 182.4 cm C. 185.7 cm
B. 176.3 cm D. 175.4 cm

5. A flagpole 3m high stands at the top of a pedestal 2m high located at one

side of a pathway. At the opposite side of the pathway directly facing the
flagpole, the flagpole subtends the same angle as the pedestal. What is the
width of the pathway?
A. 5.29 m C. 4.47 m
B. 6.12 m D. 5.39 m

6. Two runners A and B started from the same point on a circular track 20m in
radius and ran at the same rate of 2 m/s ; A running towards the center and
B along the circumference. How far apart are they after 8 seconds?
A. 17.45 m C. 15.57 m
B. 14.75 m D. 16.12 m

7. A mercury barometer at the base of a mountain reads 736 mm. At the same
time, another barometer at the top of the mountain reads 590 mm. Assuming
air weighs 12 N/m3, the height of the mountain is nearest to:
A. 1849 m C. 1623 m
B. 2708 m D. 2017 m

8. A capillary tube of a uniform bore is dipped vertically in water which rises

7 cm in the tube. Find the radius of the capillary, in mm, if the surface
tension is 0.07 N/m.
A. 0.4 C. 0.6
B. 0.2 D. 0.8
9. Determine the unit weight (N/m3) of dry air at 6°C and at 93 kPa absolute.
R = 287 J/kg•K.
A. 1.16 C. 12
B. 11.38 D. 9.81

Situation 1. A vertical triangular plate with base horizontal and 3.6 m

high is submerged in water. The distance between the center of gravity
and the center of pressure is 20 cm.

10. How deep is the water from the tip of the triangle, in meter(s)?
A. 1.2 C. 1.8
B. 3.6 D. 0.6

Manila: Davao:

November 2022 Civil Engineering Board Exam Review Innovations

11. If the total force acting on one side of the triangle is 79.46 kN, find the
base width of the triangle, in meter(s)?
A. 1.25 C. 2.50
B. 3.75 D. 7.50

12. Find the depth of water to the center of pressure, in meter(s).

A. 4.4 C. 6.2
B. 3.8 D. 3.2

Situation 2. Data of a beam section is given below.

Beam width = 300 mm
Effective depth = 435 mm
Concrete fc’ = 35 MPa
Steel fyl = 420 MPa
Bar diameter = 20 mm

13. Based on the given dimensions and properties of materials, the code requires
to provide a tension steel area (mm2) of at least?
A. 435 C. 590
B. 385 D. 460

14. For the beam to be singly-reinforced, tension-controlled, the tension area

(mm2) must not exceed?
A. 3,169 C. 2,773
B. 3,367 D. 2,946

15. If the factored bending moment is 190 kN-m, determine the required number
of tension bars.
A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 5

Situation 3. A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 250 mm and a total

depth of 550 mm. Effective cover to centroid of tension bars is 60mm.
Compressive reinforcement (if required) will be placed at d’ = 60mm. f’c
= 21 MPa and fy = 415 MPa. Follow 2010/2015 NSCP provision and use 𝜙 =
0.90 for flexure.

16. Which of the following most nearly gives the required area of steel
reinforcement, As (mm2), if the beam carries a factored moment of 60 kN-m.
A. 340 C. 464
B. 414 D. 512

17. Which of the following most nearly gives the required area of steel
reinforcement, As (mm2), if the beam carries a factored moment of 179 kN-m?
A. 414 C. 1,091
B. 828 D. 1,224

18. Which of the following most nearly gives the required area of steel
reinforcement, As (mm2), if the beam carries a factored moment of 264 kN-m?
A. 1,370 C. 1,843
B. 1,680 D. 1,715

Situation 4. A cover plated steel simple beam spans over a length of 10m
and to carry a total uniform load of 7.5 kN/m. Fb = 138 MPa.

Properties of WF 300
A = 12,700 mm2 mm 12 mm
d = 415 mm
bf = 260 mm
tw = 10 mm
Ix = 398 x 106 mm4

12 mm

19. Find the moment of inertia of the section in mm4.

A. 613.6 x 106 C. 802.7 x 106

Manila: Davao:

November 2022 Civil Engineering Board Exam Review Innovations

B. 703.6 x 106 D. 726.3 x 106

20. Compute the allowable moment in kN-m.

A. 681.1 C. 456.6
B. 265.4 D. 542.3

21. Determine the allowable concentrated load that could be applied at the
midspan in kN.
A. 145 C. 157
B. 201 D. 264

Situation 5. A wide flange section has the following properties:

bf = 150 mm tw = 9 mm
tf = 12 mm d = 350 mm
Fy = 250 MPa

22. Determine the safe uniform load that the section could carry if length of
the beam is 10 m based on shear if Fv = 0.4Fy.
A. 77.1 kN/m C. 67.3 kN/m
B. 99.6 kN/m D. 63.0 kN/m

23. Determine the moment capacity of the section if Fb = 0.6Fy.

A. 188 kN-m C. 110 kN-m
B. 123 kN-m D. 92.5 kN-m

24. Determine the shear flow of the portion of the flange 25 mm from the edge
if V = 267840 N.
A. 105 N/mm C. 133 N/mm
B. 152 N/mm D. 128 N/mm

Situation 6. The cable shown carries the uniformly distributed load w0 =

80 N/m, where the distance is measured along the horizontal. If the cable
tension does not exceed 10 000 N,

25. Determine the slope at B (in degrees).

A. 62.98° C. 57.36°
B. 31.49° D. 28.68°

26. Determine the length of the shortest cable.

A. 253.1 m C. 307.1 m
B. 334.1 m D. 280.1 m

27. Determine the corresponding vertical distance H.

A. 68.4 m C. 109.2 m
B. 90.8 m D. 131.6 m

Manila: Davao:

November 2022 Civil Engineering Board Exam Review Innovations

Situation 7. The center diagonals of the truss in the figure can support
tension only.

B D F 300 lb


20’ 20’ E 15’ G 15’

200 lb 600 lb 600 lb

28. Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction at H?

A. 460 lb C. 550 lb
B. 40 lb D. 990 lb

29. In space BCDE, find which diagonal is acting and the force in it.
A. BE, 1050 lb C. BE, 198 lb
B. CD, 1050 lb D. CD, 198 lb

30. In space DEFG, find which diagonal is acting and the force in it.
A. DG, 233 lb C. DG, 175 lb
B. EF, 233 lb D. EF, 175 lb

Manila: Davao:

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