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STANDARD 10326-1

Second edition

Mechanical vibration — Laboratory

method for evaluating vehicle seat
vibration —
Part 1:
Basic requirements
Vibrations mécaniques — Méthode en laboratoire pour l’évaluation
des vibrations du siège de véhicule —
Partie 1: Exigences de base

Reference number
ISO 10326-1:2016(E)

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ISO 10326-1:2016(E)


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Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
5 Instrumentation..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.1 Acceleration transducers................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5.2 Transducer mounting......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.2.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.2.2 Transducer mounting on the platform.......................................................................................................... 3
5.2.3 Transducer mounting on the seat pan and/or backrest................................................................. 3
5.3 Frequency weighting.......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.4 Calibration................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6 Vibration equipment......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.1 Physical characteristics.................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.2 Control system......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7 Safety requirements.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
8 Test conditions........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
8.1 Test seat......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
8.1.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
8.1.2 Run-in periods for suspension seats............................................................................................................... 5
8.1.3 Measurement of suspension travel and adjustment to weight of test person............. 6
8.1.4 Inclination of backrest................................................................................................................................................. 7
8.2 Test persons and posture................................................................................................................................................................ 7
8.3 Other possibilities................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
9 Test input vibration............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
9.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
9.2 Simulated input vibration test.................................................................................................................................................... 9
9.3 Tolerances on input vibration.................................................................................................................................................. 10
9.4 Transfer function with sinusoidal vibration input................................................................................................. 10
9.5 Damping test........................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
9.5.1 Suspension seats............................................................................................................................................................ 10
9.5.2 Other seats.......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
10 Test procedure......................................................................................................................................................................................................11
10.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
10.2 Simulated input vibration test................................................................................................................................................. 11
10.3 Damping test........................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
11 Acceptance................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
12 Test report................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Annex A (informative) Test method for assessing the ability of a seat suspension to control
the effects of impacts caused by over-travel..........................................................................................................................14
Annex B (informative) Example of a simulated input test signal specified by the PSD.................................20
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22

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ISO 10326-1:2016(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 108, Mechanical vibration, shock and condition
monitoring, Subcommittee SC 4, Human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO  10326-1:1992), which has been
technically revised. It also incorporates the amendments ISO  10326-1:1992/Amd  1:2007 and
ISO 10326-1:1992/Amd 2:2011.
A list of all parts in the ISO 10326 series can be found on the ISO website.

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Drivers, staff and passengers of vehicles (land, air or water) and mobile machinery are exposed
to mechanical vibration which interferes with their comfort, working efficiency and, in some
circumstances, safety and health. Such vehicles and mobile machines are often fitted with seats that are
designed and made in accordance with current state-of-the-art with regard to their capacity to control
or reduce transmitted whole-body vibration.
To assist in the development of such seats, specific test codes have been, or are being, produced to
evaluate the performance of seats. The following basic requirements have therefore been developed
to give guidance for the specification of laboratory testing of vibration transmission through a vehicle
seat to the occupant and for the evaluation of the ability of a seat to control the shock arising from over-
travel of the suspension.
The seat constitutes the last stage of suspension before the driver. To be efficient at attenuating the
vibration, the suspension seat should be chosen according to the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle.
Any performance criteria provided should be set in accordance with what is attainable using best design
practice. Such criteria do not necessarily ensure the complete protection of the operator against risks
associated with exposure to vibration and shock which are generally believed to be risk of spinal injury.

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Mechanical vibration — Laboratory method for evaluating

vehicle seat vibration —
Part 1:
Basic requirements

1 Scope
This document specifies basic requirements for the laboratory testing of vibration transmission
through a vehicle seat to the occupant. These methods for measurement and analysis make it possible
to compare test results from different laboratories for equivalent seats.
It specifies the test method, the instrumentation requirements, the measuring assessment method and
the way to report the test result.
This document applies to specific laboratory seat tests which evaluate vibration transmission to the
occupants of any type of seat used in vehicles and mobile off-road machinery.
Application standards for specific vehicles refer to this document when defining the test input vibration
that is typical for the vibration characteristics of the type or class of vehicle or machinery in which the
seat is to be fitted.
NOTE Examples of application standards are given in the bibliography.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2631-1, Mechanical vibration and shock — Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration —
Part 1: General requirements
ISO 5347 (all parts), Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups
ISO 8041, Human response to vibration — Measuring instrumentation
ISO 13090-1, Mechanical vibration and shock — Guidance on safety aspects of tests and experiments with
people — Part 1: Exposure to whole-body mechanical vibration and repeated shock
ISO 16063 (all parts), Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers

3 Terms and definitions

No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at

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4 General
The measurement and assessment methods given in this document comply with the present practice
standardized in ISO  2631-1. The measuring equipment and the frequency weightings shall be in
accordance with ISO 8041.
The primary test for the vibration characteristics of the seat involves measurements under conditions
which simulate the range of actual uses of a vehicle or machine. For applications where occasional
severe shocks or transient vibration can be expected (and in particular for seats whose suspension
travel is short, such as those intended for use on industrial trucks or off-road vehicles), in addition to
the damping test, a secondary test is required to ensure that the seat responds acceptably. Machinery-
specific standards shall give guidance on the need for this secondary test which comprises a method
for assessing the accelerations associated with impact with the suspension end-stops when over-travel
occurs. The test is described in Annex A.

5 Instrumentation

5.1 Acceleration transducers

The measuring systems selected for the evaluation of vibration at the seat mounting base or platform
of the vibration simulator and that selected for the evaluation of vibration transmitted to the seat
occupant, or to an inert mass when used, shall have similar characteristics.
The characteristics of the vibration measuring system, accelerometers, signal conditioning and data
acquisition equipment, including recording devices, shall be specified in the relevant application
standard, especially the dynamic range, sensitivity, accuracy, linearity and overload capacity.

5.2 Transducer mounting

5.2.1 General

One accelerometer for each required test direction shall be located on the platform (P) at the place
of the vibration transmission to the seat. The other accelerometer(s) shall be located at the interface
between the human body and the seat, at either the seat pan (S) and/or the backrest (B) (see Figure 1).

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Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 1 — Location of the accelerometers on the platform (P), on the seat pan (S) and on the
backrest (B)

5.2.2 Transducer mounting on the platform

The accelerometer(s) on the platform shall be located within a circle with a diameter of 200 mm
centred directly below the seat accelerometer(s). The measuring directions shall be aligned parallel to
the movement of the platform.

5.2.3 Transducer mounting on the seat pan and/or backrest

The accelerometers on the seat pan shall be attached in the centre of a mounting disc with a total
diameter of 250 mm ± 50 mm. The disc shall be as thin as possible (see Figure 2). The height shall
not be more than 12  mm. This semi-rigid mounting disc of approximately 80 durometer to 90
durometer units (A-scale) moulded rubber or plastics material shall have a centre cavity in which to
place the accelerometers. The accelerometers shall be attached to a thin metal disc with a thickness of
1,5 mm ± 0,2 mm and a diameter of 75 mm ± 5 mm.
The mounting disc shall be placed on the surface of the seat pan and taped to the cushion in such a way
that the accelerometers are located midway between the ischial tuberosities of the seat occupant with a
tolerance to be defined in the relevant application standards. Alternative positioning of the disc may be
recommended for certain applications. Any variation from the position here defined shall be specified
in application standards.
When tests are performed without a person sitting on the seat, e.g. during damping tests, the disc shall
be placed in the same position as if a person were seated in the seat.
If measurements are made on the backrest, the accelerometers shall be (horizontally) located in the
vertical longitudinal plane through the centre-line of the seat. The relevant application standards shall
specify the vertical position of the accelerometers. The measurement axes shall be aligned parallel to
the basicentric coordinate system.
Besides the semi-rigid mounting disc recommended for soft or highly contoured cushions, a rigid disc
with a generally flat surface or an individual-form design may be used. Such discs may be, for instance,
required for testing rail vehicle passenger seats. The transducer mounting should be made of low-mass

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ISO 10326-1:2016(E)

materials, so that the resonant frequency of the mounting is at least four times the highest frequency
specified for the test.
For practical reasons, it is usually not possible to align perfectly the accelerometers in the disc
with the axes of motion of the platform. In a tolerance range within 15° of the appropriate axes, the
accelerometers may be considered as aligned parallel to the axes of interest. For deviations greater
than 15°, acceleration should be measured along two axes and the acceleration vector sum along the
axis of interest should be calculated.
Dimensions in millimetres

1 thin metal disc for accelerometer mount and added centre rigidity
2 appropriate cavity for accelerometer(s)

Figure 2 — Semi-rigid mounting disc

5.3 Frequency weighting

Frequency weighting shall be in accordance with ISO 8041.

5.4 Calibration
The instrumentation shall be calibrated in accordance with ISO 16063-1 and, depending on the type of
measuring system used, to the relevant part of ISO 5347 or ISO 16063.
It is recommended to check the whole measuring chain following the specifications given in ISO 8041.
Calibration shall be made before and after each test series.
Where necessary, the output from each accelerometer amplifier shall be zeroed after mounting the
accelerometers in the test position.

6 Vibration equipment

6.1 Physical characteristics

The minimum equipment required is a vibrator capable of driving the platform in the vertical and/or
horizontal directions. Application standards may define situations where it is appropriate to turn the
seat by 90° on the platform to account for excitations in x- and y-axis (as opposed to a combined axes
excitation). The dynamic response of the exciter shall be capable of exciting the seat with the seated
test person and additional equipment, in accordance with the specified test input vibration.
Attributes of performance to be specified include frequency range and displacement capability in each
of the required directions.

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Application standards shall specify the lowest acceptable resonance frequency of the platform, the
acceptable cross-axis motion of the platform and the frequency range for which this applies.
Application standards shall specify requirements for test stand dimensions and equipment to ensure
that these are adequate for each particular application.
It has been observed that the use of certain equipment (e.g. a steering wheel, pedals, etc.) may lower the
repeatability of the results.

6.2 Control system

The frequency response characteristics of the vibration test system shall be compensated for to ensure
that the power spectral density (PSD) and the probability density function (PDF) of the acceleration
amplitudes of the vibration at the seat mounting base comply with the requirements of the specified
test input vibration.

7 Safety requirements
The guidance on safety requirements with regard to tests in which people are exposed to mechanical
vibration and repeated shock as given in ISO 13090-1 shall be followed.
Specific safety requirements shall be considered when the relevant application standard is being

8 Test conditions

8.1 Test seat

8.1.1 General

The seat to be tested shall be representative of actual or intended production models with regard to
design, construction, mechanical and geometrical characteristics, and any other factors which may
affect the vibration test results.
The performance may vary between seats of the same type. Therefore, it is recommended to test more
than one seat.

8.1.2 Run-in periods for suspension seats

Suspension seats require a run-in period prior to exposure to vibration in order to free the moving
parts of the suspension. This period shall be long enough for the seat performance to stabilize.
Any required air, hydraulic or electric power shall be supplied to the seat at the pressure and flow rate,
or voltage, recommended by the seat manufacturer and shall be connected to the seat in the manner
recommended by the seat manufacturer. The test seat shall be loaded with an inert mass of 75 kg ± 1 %
placed on the seat cushion, and the seat shall be adjusted according to the manufacturer’s instructions
for a nominal value of 100 kg operator mass.
NOTE A suitable inert mass consists of lead shot. The lead shot can be contained within thin cushions which
are sewn so as to form a quilt. About 10 such cushions are sufficient to obtain a 75 kg mass.

During the run-in period, the test seat shall be excited by a sinusoidal input vibration at approximately
the natural frequency of the suspension. The amplitude of the applied sinusoidal vibration shall be 75 %
of the full amplitude of the seat suspension.
The damper may overheat during the run-in period. Therefore, use an automatic shutdown and monitor
the temperature of the damper.

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