Assignment #5 CE05L (PCEIT-02-401P) (Delos Santos, Gerald)

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RIZAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. Eusebio Avenue, Pasig City, Metro Manila College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. CE0SL CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS &TESTING LABORATORY ‘Assignment/Project No. _© TESTING AWD SHSPECTON OF EGUTPMENT TITLE DATE PERFORMED: Maxt\y 20, 202 NAME: Qeoc Salus Gerald 2. SUBJECT/TIME: (EQ5\._ 15:00 PM - 7:00 DATE SUBMITTED: hyeil 3,701.2 GROUP NO. N SECTION: QCESA- cn -Y\ P Prof, Zorahayda V. Concepcion PROFESSOR TESTING AND INSPECTION OF EQUIPMENT JECTIVE: To survey the major types of testing and inspection equipment and their method of use. DISCUSSION: Testing Versus Inspection : ‘The terms * testing” and “inspection” are operations that sometimes overlap, but which have generally different objectives. a Te fing refers to the performance of tests to determine numerical values for Properties, tespection usually deals with examining parts or materials for possible flaws, defects or undesirable qualities, For example, a tensite test may be Used to find the strangth of a casting, white tay inspection may be used to check internal voids or defects, IATERIAL TESTING Test have been develop for Measuring ail of the common properties of Dhysleal aoe Taenals listed in the previous assignment, such as optical, chomcan Physical and mechanical properties. In engineering materials, however, mechanical apes are the most important. The earliest tests were concemed vith strength, and the term “testing machine’ if not further qualified, has {for applying loads (a strength tester) A Universal Testing Machine” refers to a type of versatile machine apply compression and tensile loads to variety of specimens. It ls the mee used. With suitable accessories, it can measure tension, compression, shear, flexure, Modulus of Elastiiy and havonece Hardness Test Hardness is a very important physical characteristic red im machinabiity wear resistance, impact \s Involved in incicate some other property or characteristics of material. In this way, hardness values have a great number of uses, as shown in the following example 1, Hardness of rubber materials indicates stretching capability, wear resistance, friction coefficient. 2. Hardness of steal indicates is tensile strength and ductility 3. Hardness can indicate relative wear of many materials, including metals and pon-metals. + Hardness can indicate composition, such as carbon content in grey iron casting. 5. Hardness can indicate machinabitity ‘he Moh Scale has been devised as a means of rating the hardness of mineral ‘Raters It is, scratch test, based on ranking minerals in order where each material in {he scale will make a scraich in one below it in hardness. In this scale, talc fs number one. and diamond is number 10, with other selected minerals in between. It is not used in rating materials, The file test is a practical application of a scraich test for detennining approximate hardness. It is often used as a fast means of testing for hardness steal, ‘One pass of the file is made over each piece. If material is very hard, the fle wil skde ‘over, but if itis softer than file, it will bite in. this test cannot make fine distinction in hardness, but skilled operator can use it effectively for many purposes, Indentation hardness tests are the most common type used for metals. These. 'nclude Brinelt and Rockwell tests. Each of these employs a hard blunt or pointed object onto the specimen with a known load. The depth of penetration is used to obtain hardness number. The Rockwell test usually employs a 1/6 Inch diameter available for softer materials. A weight and lever to specimen is placed in an indenter, a small (minor) load is applied Into the material. Then greater (major) load is applied. A dial of the combinations of loads and indenters may be used range. A small conical diamond indenter is used for very ‘combination is to be read different scale; so Rockwell hardness numbers must; include letter, such as B or C, designing the range. The Rockwell test is usable for materials from the very cemented carbides to ‘soft bearing materials. behavior under static ioads. Several types of testing machine have developed to apply shock loads to specimen and to measure the energy required to break the specimen, Fatt sting Parts that are subject to repeated loads May fail at loads much lower than that required causing failure with a simple application. The reason fro “fatigue” failure is complicated and not easily understood. However, it iS partially due to structure of metals causing a gradual weakening to develop crystals. After sufficient number of cycles, failure occurs between adjacent crystals, If loads are low, failure may start as a small crack and gradually spread across the entire section. Fatigue occurs hetween crystal grains, and the exposed surface appears crystalline. This gwves rise to the common faise idea that it failed because it crystallized, even if the structure was originally crystalline, Fatigue specimens are often made as short section of shaft, necked down slightly in the center and polished. The specimen is clamped in a machine that rotates the specimen and applies a vending load. For every each point on the specimen is subject both to tension and to compression. The ren will fail at a number of revolutions that is influenced by the applied load. To fatigue properties of materials, a number of specimens are run to failure at different load, and the curve is then plotted showing stress and the number of cycles: to failure. tT n rials that are under lead for a tong period of time wll not return to their original length when the foad is released, even though the stress is much oalow the yield stress. This behavior cecurs in many plastic materials at room temperature, and it is known as “cold flow". Most metals do not do this except at elevated temperatures, 3nd it is called “creep”. Creep is important in metal parts that carry loads at high temperatures. Turbine blades are an examples. Excessive creep causes the blade to grow, and eventually to rub on the housing, Creep test are commonly performed in a tensite machine fitted with an electric furnace for heating specimen. An extensometer is fitted to the specimen, to record the ‘change in length. The specimen is heated at selected temperature, and the load applied. Specimen length is precisoly measured at that time, and at successive time interval. From this' data, a plot of creep versus time can be made for that load and temperature, Additional tests at other load and temperature combinations are necessary to provide full creep information about the metal. radioactive material, Either method of radiographic examination is relatively costly and time consuming: so, this is used only where sounds material is necessary. Penetrant Tests Surface defects may be detected by a variety of liquid-penetration tests. In the oldest method, penetrating oil, such as kerosene, is applied to the surface and then rubbed dry and coated with whiting. The kerosene held in any cracks or the whiting, causing a visible line showing the crack outline, will dbsorb pores. One improved method uses a penetrant known as “Zyglo” that glows when viewed under ultraviolet or “black light” Pores show up as bright dots, cracks as vivid lines. Magnetic-Particle Tests ‘These tests are based on principle that if an object is magnetized, any flaws in or near the surface will cause a focal disturbance in the lines of magnetic flux. If a fine magnetic powder is sifted over the part, grains will collect the defects, The part to be inspected can be magnetized by placing it inside a current-carrying coil, or by passing @ high current through the parts itself. This method referred to as magnaflux, can detect some shailow subsurface defects; but it is only usable with iron, steel, or other magnetize able materials. An improved form of magnetic-particl. examination named “Magnaglow” uses particles preoared with a fluorescent coating, which makes defects easily visible when viewed ultra-violet light Ultrasonic Tests Utrasonic vibrations can be used to locate minute flaws in both ferrous and non- ferrous metals, and also many non-metallic materials. in a typical ultrasonic test, a crystal probe is placed against the material, and is vibrated for a few cycles. This transmits a vibration through the piece that is reflected from the opposite end and from any internal defects. An oscilloscope is used to display the reflected signal, and tne relative time required for its return. The screen shows a pip for the front and rears surfaces of the part and smaller pip for any defect. The location on the screen on the pip from the defects shows its relative location in the part. QUESTIONS: oi rot et a Eom 8 I 4. Do parts fait by crystallization? Explain 5. vinati s erece nur nd so abe 8. Name two inspection methods that can find defects deep in a part. Yen txont “Wes

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