C V Raman

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About the Author'

Dr A. Jayaraman was closely associated with Prof.
C. V. Raman at the Raman Research Institute,
Bangalore, for about 11 years since its inception,
and was a collaborator of Raman in his research on
the Physics of Gems and Minerals and Diamond.
He left RRI on a post-doctoral fellowship to the
Institute of Geophysics in UCLA in 1960 to work
with Prof. George Kennedy, who initiated him into
High-Pressure Research. In 1963 Dr Jayaraman
joined the Bell Telephone Laboratories in the
Physics Research Division, and retired in 1990. He
spent a sabbatical year (1970) in Bangalore to set
up facilities for High-Pressure Research in India for
the first time, and then a 15-month term (1991-92)
in the Physics Department at the Indian Institute of
Science, to set up facilities to do High-Pressure
Raman Spectroscopy work, using the Diamond
Anvil Cell.
In June 1992, he joined the Hawaii Institute of
Geophysics and Planetology of the University of
Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, and held a Research
Professorship for 5 years. Upon return from Hawaii
he was associated with the Geophysical Lab of the
Carnegie Institution of Washington in Washington,
DC, for two years (1997 to 2000), before taking
complete retirement from active scientific
research. He now lives in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Continued on back cover flap

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A line sketch of Raman by Homi Bhabha, 1949.
Chandrasekhara Venkata


A. Jayaraman

Indian Academy of Sciences

Bengaluru 560 080
Published by :
Indian Academy of Sciences,
C.V. Raman Avenue, Sadashivanagar,
Bengaluru 560 080, India.
Tel: 91+80 22661200
Website: http: //www. ias. ac. in

©2017 A. Jayaraman

Second edition : 2017

Price: ^200.00

First Edition Published in 1989 by : Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd. G-I/16,
Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi 110 002, 5, General Patters Road, Madras
600 002, 35-36, Greames Road, Madras 600 006, 100, Bima Nagar (LIC Colony),
Hyderabad 500 380, 5, Lavelle Road, Sixth Cross, Bengaluru 560 001.

Typeset by : Sriranga Digital Software Tech. Pvt. Ltd., Srirangapatna.

Printed at: Lotus Printers Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru.

Foreword — A. Jayaraman. xi
Foreword — A.K. Ramdas.xiii
Preface. xv

Chapter I

Prelude . 1
The scientific climate in India and British rule. 3
Family and education. 4
Entry into the Financial Civil Service. 8
The Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science ... 9
Palit Professor. 11
First trip abroad and entry into light scattering. 14
Visit to Pasadena. 16
Discovery of the Raman Effect. 22
Sommerfeld’s visit to Calcutta. 33
Stockholm and the Nobel ceremony . 36
Civic honour by the Calcutta Corporation. 45

Chapter II

To Bangalore and the Indian Institute of Science. 51

The Raman Research Institute . 57
The colours of minerals, gemstones and crystals. 73
Love of diamonds. 77
The physics of diamond. 82
The Physiology of Vision’. 82
Butterflies. 85
Raman and the bees. 86
Back to the starting point. 87
The founder’s wish. 91
The last years. 94

Chapter III

Visitors, associates and others.101

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru .128
Max Born.134
C. Rajagopalachari.142
Mahatma Gandhi.143

Chapter IV

Honours and Awards.149

Raman’s wide interests.151
The Raman spirit and his traits.162
Thrill of quick publication .167
Raman as a teacher.168
Raman lectures.170
Some reflections on Raman’s personality.174
Personal views and ways.180
The IIT Convocation Address.184
Raman’s contributions to Science in India.200

Chapter V

Lady Raman.209
V. Radhakrishnan.213
Raman’s interest in music and musical instruments .... 219
The Raman Effect.222
A new radiation.223
Davisson on Raman.234
Some important dates in the life of C. V. Raman.244

Index 249-253


I am very happy that this book about Professor C. V. Raman, who

founded the Indian Academy of Sciences in 1934, is being reprinted
and republished by the Academy this year. The first edition of this
book was published in 1988 by the Affiliated East-West Press and is
now out of print. This edition has been entirely retyped and refor¬
matted to take advantage of the changes in publishing methods in the
past thirty years. I would like to record my sincere thanks to the Pres¬
ident and the Staff of the Indian Academy of Sciences for taking a
keen interest in reprinting this book. I am grateful to Mrs Dominique
Radhakrishnan and the Raman Research Institute for permission to
reproduce some of the new photographs that have been included in
this edition, and to Dr Mohan Narayanan and Dr Vinodh Narayanan
for their help.
The Indian Academy of Sciences is the right conduit to propagate
the spirit in which this book has been written: I hope that it will im¬
press upon young minds (in India and elsewhere) that great discover¬
ies are the results of a keen observation of Nature and the persistent
pursuit to find the truth. Raman used very simple equipment to make
several significant discoveries using sunlight, including the Raman
Effect itself. After the advent of lasers a Raman spectrum can be
simply recorded in a matter of minutes, but it was a major challenge
in Raman’s time. During his Calcutta years he turned to sunlight to
carry out the light scattering experiments which culminated in the
discovery of the Raman effect. Using a set of complementary dye
filters, he isolated narrow regions of the Sun’s spectrum and visually

Xll C. V. Raman — A Memoir

observed the very weak scattered light that had undergone a change
in the frequency by interacting with molecules. Having seen with his
own eyes that a very weak glow was separated by a dark band from
the strong incident light, he employed a mercury arc lamp to confirm
the nature of the very weak scattered light, namely that it consists
of narrow lines, modified by the vibrating molecules. He has said
many times that the cost of the equipment to make the discovery was
a mere 500 Rupees of those times. I don’t think many realize this -
as well as the fact that it was scattered sunlight that gave him the first
During the early years at the Raman Research Institute we did not
have electricity for a long time - it took eighteen months to complete
electrification after my joining, when I went to work with Raman.
Undeterred by this disadvantage Raman asked me to direct a beam of
sunlight reflected by a mirror from outside to do some beautiful work
on optical phenomena exhibited by a class of mineral samples that
he had collected for display in his Museum as well as for research.
I did not realize at that time that the Raman effect was discovered
using sunlight until one day he demonstrated it to me while we were
doing other experiments.
Raman’s was a very inspiring and colourful personality, and his
contributions to science in India will last forever. I hope that this
book captures these different aspects of Raman - the man and the

A. Jayaraman
Phoenix, February 2017

The lives of men and women who achieve great distinction in sci¬
ence, literature or art hold a great fascination for the general public.
A creative accomplishment standing well above even superior excel¬
lence is awe-inspiring. Even great discoverers reach the height of
creativity only a few times during their career; the intense emotion
then felt by them is best illustrated by the story of Archimedes run¬
ning through the streets of Syracuse shouting “Eureka!”.
The contemporary style of scientific reporting, as it has evolved,
however, leaves out much of the drama — the initial inspiration,
the feverish pursuit, the false trails and frustrations, and, finally, the
ecstasy of discovery. Even the presentation of scientific controversies
in the professional journals is subdued, thanks to alert editors! The
excitement of scientific research, the colourful persons who populate
the scientific community, the clash of personalities — all of these are
carefully excluded from published literature, only to become a part
of scientific folklore. Biographies of great personalities in science
are, therefore, all the more precious documents. When written by
their contemporaries, especially if by one of their close associates,
they are invaluable.
Sir C. V. Raman, the discoverer of the Raman effect, made
numerous innovative and original contributions to modern physics,
optics and acoustics during the first half of this century. By his
scientific accomplishments and by his unique scientific leadership
in modern India, he made a profound impact. Dr A. Jayaraman, a
condensed matter physicist internationally known for his pioneering

XIV C. V. Raman — A Memoir

contributions to the physics of matter subjected to ultra-high pres¬

sures, was closely associated with Raman when he founded the
Raman Research Institute in 1949 and developed it into a great centre
of research.
For over eleven years, Jayaraman had the opportunity to inter¬
act with Raman on almost a daily basis and observe his scientific
style, philosophy and motivations. We thus have here an authoritative
biography of the most unique scientific personality of modern India,
written with genuine understanding and admiration but with critical
judgment and honesty which do not avoid the discussion of the all
too human limitations of a great man. The result is an authentic
narration from a person who knows his subject. Jayaraman has
enriched the history of science by writing this biography.

A. K. Ramdas
Professor of Physics
Purdue University

7 February 1989
West Lafayette, IN 47907

Professor C. V. Raman was the most outstanding scientist that India

gave the world. He not only became famous for his work but put
India on the scientific map. He was a very colourful personality and
a brilliant spokesman for science in India. Despite great disadvan¬
tages, namely the lack of a tradition for research in the country, the
very little encouragement he received for pursuing a scientific career,
and the meagre equipment available, Raman rose to the pinnacle of
science and eminence. He gave up a lucrative Government job, to
take up a Professorship that offered a fraction of the salary, only to
advance his career as a scientist. His reward was the Nobel Prize
for physics that was awarded to him in 1930 for his discovery of the
light-scattering effect named after him.
He was a towering and dynamic scientific leader who inspired
generations of students he trained in the methodology of research.
He created the school of physics in Calcutta first, and then in Ban¬
galore. His disciples came from all parts of India. He kindled their
scientific interest and curiosity, and communicated to them the sci¬
entific spirit and the joy of scientific research. Many of his students
and associates became in their lifetimes leaders of science and, in
turn, created their own schools of research.
Raman was a brilliant and powerful speaker and his lectures,
often with demonstrations, were a treat to listen to. A listener could
never forget the exciting way in which he expounded a subject and
the enthusiasm he generated. He wrote his scientific papers with
meticulous care and often used Latin expressions to emphasise a

XVI C. V. Raman — A Memoir

point. His flow and style of English were extraordinarily lucid; read¬
ing his scientific memoirs is like reading a piece of literary exposi¬
He founded several scientific journals and nurtured them with
care, for he believed that the quality of work and the quality of a jour¬
nal go together. He published most of his scientific papers in these
journals and encouraged his students and coworkers to do the same.
He founded a Science Academy in Bangalore to serve as a forum for
discussing scientific results and disseminating scientific knowledge
through meetings, lectures and publications, by the Fellows of the
Academy and their associates. He took a keen interest in the affairs
of the Academy and got promising young scientists elected to the
Fellowship of the Academy, long before they reached the peaks in
their career. He could recognise talent and merit instinctively.
After his formal retirement from the Indian Institute of Science
he founded the Raman Research Institute to pursue his scientific in¬
terests, for retirement from scientific work was inconceivable for
Raman. The pursuit of Science was the most joyous experience for
him; it was the breath of his life. His scientific interests spanned sub¬
jects ranging from physics to biology and he could be truly called
a Natural Philosopher, a vanishing breed in these days of extreme
Raman was fiercely independent in thought and action and fear¬
less in expressing his views. He was respected and honoured by
Maharajas, princes, politicians and the general public. The men¬
tion of the name Sir C.V. Raman evoked respect and admiration
everywhere in India.
Raman had a finely honed aesthetic sense and loved Nature. He
loved colour, wherever it was found, in trees, gardens, flowers, sun¬
sets, mountains and lakes. He was very curious about Nature and
natural phenomena. If a subject interested him, he went into it deeply
without any preconceived ideas. He would question all previously
held views and reject them if they proved contrary to his experience.
He had the gift of being able to reduce complex problems to sim¬
ple and fundamental propositions. He often used to remark that a
Preface XV ll

researcher should get to the wood and not be lost in the foliage.
Raman was an experimentalist par excellence. In the understanding
of physical phenomena, his physical intuition often leaped several
steps over mathematics.
Raman was kind and generous to his associates and students.
He was quick to express appreciation of good work and also to give
tremendous encouragement at the right time. But he was also a man
of strong emotions and could get violently angry, when provoked.
In life he had fought many battles, both scientific and nonscientific.
He had to face very difficult situations, but he never gave up hope,
rejuvenating himself by immersion in scientific work.
What motivated Raman to do the extraordinary things he did
against all odds? What was the secret of his success? These are ques¬
tions to which there can be no simple answers. In fact, there will be
as many answers as there are minds that ponder over such questions.
But the events and course of his life are there, as facts, to examine,
to marvel at, and, perhaps, to provide a glimpse of understanding.
I had the greatest good fortune to be associated with him for
eleven years, from 1949 to 1960, and moved closely with him, on
a day to day basis. He was very kind and generous to me and trusted
me very much. In fact, he treated me like his son, sharing his views,
his ideas and his dreams. For me, this was a period of great education
and experience and I owe my whole scientific career to him.
There are only a few biographical sketches on Raman — very
few in fact — including a recent one by G. Venkataraman. I thought
a first-hand account of Raman and his life would be of interest to and,
perhaps, inspire some young aspirants to a career in Science. My
account is, therefore, highly personalised, contains a lot of anecdotes
and has been written with a lay reader (with some interest in Science)
in mind. I have tried to cover the entire life of Raman to make this
memoir complete. But because of my association with Raman in
the later period, it may seem that I have devoted more pages to this
period. My justification is that you get a more complete view of a
person only from the vantage point of proximity. I, however, did not
keep any diary and, hence, most of this account is from memory.
xviii C. V. Raman — A Memoir

In writing this memoir, I have used material from the following:

(1) An extraordinarily interesting and lucid account of Raman by the
late Dr L. A. Ramdas in two articles published in the Indian Jour¬
nal of Physics Education in 1971; (2) A concise but authentic and
accurate biographical sketch of Raman by Prof. S. Bhagavantam,
published by the Andhra Pradesh Academy of Sciences, Hyderabad;
(3) Extracts from the Indian Academy of Sciences’ publication in
1984 entitled The First Fifty Years; (4) Extracts from Prof.
S. Ramaseshan’s articles and lecture, ‘C. V. Raman Memorial Lec¬
ture’ given at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and from
C. V. Raman and the German Connection, an article written on the oc¬
casion of the Silver Jubilee of the Max Mueller Bhavan; (5) Extracts
from the Calcutta Municipal Gazette dated July 4, 1931;
(6) Extracts from the article on Sommerfeld’s meeting with Raman
in Calcutta in 1928, published by Dr G. Torkar in the Journal of
Raman Spectroscopy, 1986; (7) Extracts from the article Golden
Jubilee of the Discovery of the Raman Effect, February 28, 1978,
by the late Prof. K. R. Ramanathan published by the Andhra Pradesh
Academy of Sciences, Hyderabad; (8) Extracts from Bhavan s Jour¬
nal, December 1970; (9) Extracts from the Pasadena Star, very kindly
supplied by Paula Agranat Hurwitz of the California Institute of Tech¬
nology Archives, Robert A. Millikan Memorial Library; and (10)
Prof. B. S. Ramakrishna’s articles on Indian Musical Drums and on
Raman in Science Today, 1970. All these sources have been invalu¬
able to me and I wish to record my deep sense of gratitude to the
authors of these articles and their publishers. My grateful thanks are
also due to Professor S. Chandrasekhar for permission to quote some
of his statements.
I am very indebted to Prof. A. K. Ramdas in many ways. He
patiently read the manuscript and made illuminating comments and
suggestions. He agreed to write a foreword and made available to
me much interesting material concerning Raman from his father’s
writings and collection.
My associate Ralph G. Maines has been extremely helpful in the
course of the preparation of the manuscript and I wish to record my
Preface xix

thanks to him. I am very indebted to Mrs Alyne E. Bonnell in our

text processing centre, for the enthusiasm and readiness with which
she did the typing and the keen interest she took in the work. My
wife Kamala has been a constant source of encouragement to me
throughout my scientific life. She read the manuscript of this mem¬
oir and made interesting comments from the point of view of a non-
scientific reader, for which I wish to record my sincere thanks to her.
This work would not have been possible without the support and en¬
couragement of AT&T Bell Laboratories, my employer for the last
quarter century.

A. Jayaraman
18 May 1989
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Murray Hill, NJ-07974
Chapter I


Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (C. V. Raman) startled the scientific

world in 1928 when he announced his discovery of the light scatter¬
ing effect named after him. The discovery was the culmination of
seven years of dedicated work on the subject of light scattering by
Raman and his band of devoted students and co-workers.
Very soon after the discovery, R. W. Wood, then Professor of
Physics at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA, sent a ca¬
ble to Nature which read: “Professor Raman’s brilliant and surpris¬
ing discovery that transparent substances illuminated by very intense
monochromatic light scatter radiations of modified wavelength and
that frequency difference between the emitted radiation and the one
exciting the medium is identical with the frequency of the infra-red
absorption bands, opens up a wholly new field of study of molecu¬
lar structure. I have verified this discovery in every particular... It
appears to me that this very beautiful discovery, which resulted from
Prof. Raman’s long and patient study of the phenomenon of light
scattering, is one of the most convincing proofs of the quantum the¬
ory of light which we have at the present time.”
It is of particular significance that the equipment which Raman
employed for the discovery were very simple and cost only Rs. 500
at the time. Very few scientists have made such a profound discovery
with such simple equipment.

2 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

In 1931, C.J. Davisson, who shared the 1937 Nobel Prize for
physics with G. P. Thomson, commenting on ‘Sir Chandrasekhara
Venkata Raman, Nobel Laureate’ in the April 1931 issue of Bell
Laboratories Record, had this to say: “It was remarked earlier on
that the Raman experiment is a rather simple one which might have
been made with equipment available in any physical laboratory at
any time in recent decades. It was no accident, however, that this
particular discovery was made by Raman rather than someone else.
Important discoveries in physics, even quite simple ones, are usu¬
ally made only by investigators who have cultivated intensively the
particular held concerned, and this is strikingly true in the present
In the same article, Davisson comments: “It speaks well for the
development of science in India that Professor Raman apparently
owes little or nothing of his eminence to direct contact with physi¬
cists in other countries. His formal training was received entirely in
India, and, except for a single year, he has worked only in his native
land. In 1924 he attended the Toronto meeting of the British Associ¬
ation and afterward carried on his researches for some months at the
California Institute of Technology.”
Raman was a native genius who put India on the scientific map by
his own efforts. For almost six decades, Raman’s personality made
its deep impression on the Indian scientific scene. The story of his
success has few parallels, at least in the Indian context. His achieve¬
ment can only be attributed to the singular nature of his personality,
and the energy and vigour with which he pursued his goals. Max
Born has said of Raman: “There is no Indian physicist of the rank of
Raman. No man can compare with regard to his vigour or intensity.
This European intensity which Raman exhibits to a marked degree
would make an average Indian scientist suspicious of him.”
Raman showed an uncommon ability for independent thinking
right from the beginning. When he took to scientific research, he
was supremely confident of outstanding achievement. He used to
remark that he would bring the Nobel Prize for physics east of Suez.
Rabindranath Tagore had won a Nobel Prize for literature in 1913,
The scientific climate in India and British rule 3

but Raman was the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize in a scientific
field. Viewed from the times in which he was born and raised, it
was a statement no one lesser than Raman in determination could
have made.
Raman was born on November 7, 1888, in South India and died
on November 21, 1970. He was active as a scientist almost to the
very end. 1988 marked both the birth centenary of Raman as well as
the diamond jubilee of the Raman Effect.

The scientific climate in India and British rule

India is a land of ancient civilisation and, through the ages, has
produced great savants, scholars and religious preceptors. Ancient
India’s contributions to medicine and mathematics have been signi¬
ficant and well documented. However, modern Science, which over¬
took Europe during the age of Renaissance, did not come to India
until much later. This was partly due to its religious attitude and
partly due to its political history.
The British introduced modern education in India around the
middle of the 19th century. Three universities were set up in Calcutta,
Madras and Bombay in 1857 patterned after the London University.
By the end of the 19th century there were about 200 colleges. Most
Indians who received modern education in these universities and col¬
leges sought government jobs. The best of the crop went into the
Indian Civil Service and the Financial Civil Service, the two most
prestigious services under British rule. Only a few took to Science,
for the pursuit of Science offered very little scope for advancement
to the young and the talented.
A small number of individuals who took to Science went to
Europe for higher studies and research and returned to India with
doctorate degrees, before pursuing scientific and teaching careers.
This trickle produced some outstanding scientists and by the dawn of
the 20th century, there were, at least in Bengal, one or two
scientific societies and a few well known Indian scientists. The names
of Sir J. C. Bose, the physicist-cum-botanist, and Sir P. C. Ray, the
chemist, were well known. Thus, Science in India at the time was
4 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

largely the effort of a few individuals; there were no great

laboratories, except a few fledgling scientific institutions. However,
the early pioneers gave a valuable start and the English professors
teaching in the colleges seem to have, by and large, encouraged the
brighter students. It was in this scientific milieu that Raman blos¬

Family and education

Raman was born the second child in a family of eight children, in a
village near Trichinopoly in South India, where his father,
Chandrasekhara Iyer, was a teacher in a local high school.
Chandrasekhara Iyer was the first person in the family to receive an
‘English’ education, getting his B.A. degree in Trichinopoly, while
working as a teacher.
The family had only modest means, but this did not stop the
progressive Chandrasekhara Iyer from giving his sons an ‘English’
education. Iyer also seems to have had artistic inclinations, for he
learned the violin and apparently played it exceedingly well. This is
significant because, later, Raman, during his scientific career, stud¬
ied the physics of the violin. Raman’s elder brother, Subrahmanya
Ayyar, was also an expert musicologist who had mastered the vio¬
lin. Not much information is available on Raman’s mother, Parvathi
Ammal, except that she was a gentle and tolerant lady, firmly rooted
in the home and family life. When a correspondent asked Raman
much later in life if he came from a wealthy background, Raman
seems to have heartily laughed and replied: “I was born with a cop¬
per spoon in my mouth. At my birth my father was earning the mag¬
nificent salary of ten rupees per month!”
When Raman was four years old (1892), his father accepted a
post of lecturer in mathematics and physics in the coastal town of
Visakhapatnam in what is now Andhra Pradesh and moved there.
Raman spent the next ten years of his life in Visakhapatnam, going
through primary and secondary schools and two years of college.
In January 1903 he won a scholarship and joined Presidency Col¬
lege in Madras for his undergraduate studies. This institution had
Family and education 5

been set up by the British Government to provide higher and quality

education for aspiring students in South India. In those days, it was
staffed mainly by English professors. The college had also acquired
a great reputation at that time because of the illustrious men it had
produced. Its alumni rose to high ranks in Government Service, or
became judges and lawyers. It also produced outstanding scientists,
of whom C. V. Raman and S. Chandrasekhar became recipients of
Nobel Prizes for Physics. Unfortunately, after India’s independence,
Presidency College is no more the citadel of higher education in
South India it once was.
Raman entered the portals of Presidency College as a young lad
of 14 and when he went into his English class for the first time he
apparently created a mild sensation. The English Professor turned
to him and asked if he belonged to the B.A. class, to which Raman
replied, “Yes, Sir”. Referring to this incident, Raman later wrote:

“Some of my pleasantest recollections of the four years I spent at

the Presidency College in Madras are of extraordinary kindness and
consideration which I received from the European members of staff.
Their attitude seems all the more surprising when I look at the undis¬
tinguished and diminutive figure of myself thirty-five years ago, as
it appears in the college photographs of those days. Wearing a linen
cloth in the cylindrical style of boyhood and a home-knitted cap of
wool of no particular shape, I could readily have been mistaken for
a high school lad who had by accident got mixed up with a college
crowd. Indeed, in the first English class I attended, Professor E.H.
Elliot addressing me asked if I really belonged to the junior B.A. class,
and I had to answer in the affirmative. He then proceeded to inquire
how old I was.”

Raman passed the B.A. degree examination in 1904, at the age

of 15, winning first place and gold medals in English and Physics.
Although Raman possessed a superior intellectual and mental ca¬
pacity, his health was not equal to them. He appeared physically
frail and was considered rather a weakling. When he passed his B.A.
examination, his teachers suggested that he should go to England
6 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

for higher studies. However, the Civil Surgeon of Madras, to whom

he was sent for a medical check, declared that Raman was unfit to
withstand the rigours of the English climate. Therefore, all ideas of
sending him abroad had to be abandoned. Much later Raman appears
to have said, “I shall ever be grateful to this man”. In retrospect, what
happened to Raman was a great blessing in disguise. It enabled him
to chalk out his own path for a future in research. He went ahead
and took his M.A. degree in 1907 at the age of 18, again topping the
class with record marks.
It is said that when he was in middle school he used to read books
on Science at a level far in advance of his age and expectation, and
performed experiments with improvised apparatus at home and in
school. This absorption and fascination for physics were noted by
his mentors in Presidency College and his professors exempted him
from attending all Science classes, as they felt that he had nothing
new to learn from their lectures. Some of the certificates that his
teachers gave speak for Raman’s interest in English literature and for
the independence and strength of character he possessed even as a
young student: “The best student I have had in thirty years”; “Has
an unusual appreciation for English literature”; “Possesses a remark¬
able facility for idiomatic expression”; “Possessing great alertness of
mind and strong intellectual grasp”.
Research in the modern sciences was quite unknown in India in
those days, but young Raman, at the age of 16 and while still a stu¬
dent in the M.A. class, published a paper in that prestigious journal,
the Philosophical Magazine (London), in November 1906, entitled
Unsymmetrical diffraction bands due to a rectangular aperture ob¬
served when light is reflected very obliquely at the face of a prism.
This was evidently a routine class experiment in optics during which
Raman discovered these bands. This observation formed the first re¬
search publication of Raman and was followed by a note in the same
journal on a new experimental method for measuring surface tension.
These papers were communicated by the author himself and contain
no acknowledgement of help received from anyone, indicating that
they were based on totally independent work by Raman.
Family and education 7

It is important to note that Presidency College was primarily a

teaching institution at that time and had no tradition at all for re¬
search. It was therefore unusual for a young student to produce re¬
search publications and have the courage to publish them promptly
in the most prestigious journal at that time. It was clear even from the
beginning that Raman was cut out for independent thinking. Further,
his urge to put experimental observations in print as expeditiously as
possible was a trait which was crucial to his career as a physicist. In¬
deed, this helped him to establish his priority in the biggest discovery
he was to make much later in his career.
Even as a student he was apparently familiar with Lord
Rayleigh’s scientific papers and his treatise on sound as well as with
the works of Helmholtz. Much later in life Raman spoke of Helmholtz

“Speaking of the modern world the supremest [sic] figure, in my

judgement, is that of Hermann von Helmholtz. In the range and the
depth of his knowledge, in the clearness and the profundity of his sci¬
entific vision, he easily transcended all other names I could mention,
even including Isaac Newton. Rightly he has been described as the
intellectual colossus of the nineteenth century. It was my great good
fortune, while still a student at college, to have possessed a copy of
an English translation of his great work The Sensations of Tone. As
is well known, this was one of Helmholtz’s masterpieces. It treats
the subject of music and musical instruments not only with profound
knowledge and insight, but also with extreme clarity of language and
expression. I discovered the book myself and read it with the keen¬
est interest and attention. It can be said without exaggeration that it
profoundly influenced my intellectual outlook. For the first time I un¬
derstood, from its perusal, what scientific research really meant, and
how it could be undertaken. 1 also gathered from it a variety of prob¬
lems which were later to occupy my attention and keep me busy for
many years.”
8 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Entry into the Financial Civil Service

In those days the highest career open to bright students was entry
into the Indian Civil Service. Since entry into the ICS. involved
some degree of training in England, this was ruled out for Raman,
but he was encouraged to appear for the Financial Civil Service.
Raman appeared for the competitive examination for the FCS. held
in February 1907. Fie secured the first place and was selected. His
elder brother, C. Subrahmanya Ayyar, had already entered this ser¬
Just before this turn of events and immediately after graduat¬
ing from the M.A. class, Raman married Fokasundari, daughter of
S. Krishnaswami Iyer, who held the post of Superintendent of Sea
Customs at Madras. There was a slight hitch with regard to this mar¬
riage, for Raman and Fokasundari Ammal belonged to two different
subcastes. In those days, marrying out of the subcaste was tanta¬
mount to a serious transgression of the social code. The father of the
girl was apparently not a willing party to the alliance, but the mother,
Rukmani Ammal, found young Raman quite acceptable.
The story goes that on the first occasion Raman saw Fokasundari,
she was playing on the veena the famous Tyagaraja composition,
Rama ni samanam evaro, which means ‘Who is equal to you, Rama?’.
Fokasundari must have hit the right chords not only on the veena but
in her future husband to be, for Raman firmly resolved to take her as
his partner after the meeting. Referring to this incident later, Fady
Raman would often say that she did not know if Raman fell for her
and the music, or for the extra allowance of Rs. 150 which the Fi¬
nance Department gave its married officers. The wedding took place
in Madras in 1907.
Raman, along with his wife, arrived in Calcutta later in 1907
to join the Finance Department as an Assistant Accountant General.
He was only 18'/2 years old. The Ramans rented a house in Scot’s
Fane, off Bowbazar Street, and it looked as if the die was cast, that
Raman would have a long career in the Finance Department of the
Government of India and progress up the ladder with the years. But
The Indian Association for Cultivation of Science 9

Raman’s real interest was rooted in physics and an inner urge drove
him to seek an opportunity to satisfy this inner calling. He then dis¬
covered the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science located
at 210 Bowbazar Street, only a few blocks away from where he lived.

The Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science

The Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science had been in
existence since 1876, founded by a leading medical practitioner in
Calcutta, one Dr Mahendra Lai Sircar. He had an abiding interest
in Science and foresaw the great role Science was destined to play
in India. He wanted to create an Association combining the features
of the Royal Institution of London and the British Association and
had devoted a good part of his life to collecting funds from several
princes and prominent citizens for founding the Association of his
dream, where young aspirants could devote their lives to the pursuit
of science. The Association building had several large halls for labo¬
ratory purposes and an excellent lecture theatre that could accommo¬
date a large audience. During the lifetime of Mahendra Lai Sircar,
he organised lecture courses for students, himself lecturing and get¬
ting others to give popular Science lectures. However, the dream
of a research institution remained unfulfilled during Mahendra Lai
Sircar’s time.
In those times, scientific research in India was non-existent and
the institution decayed in 25 years, to dusty rooms and unused labo¬
ratories. In desperation, Mahendra Lai Sircar seems to have declared:
“I don’t know how to account for the apathy of our people towards
the cultivation of Science. Younger men must come and step into my
place and make this a great institution.” That prophetic wish was to
be fulfilled by Raman.
Mahendra Lai Sircar died in 1904 rather a disappointed man.
His son, Dr Amrit Lai Sircar, succeeded him as the Honorary Sec¬
retary of the Association and was guiding the affairs of the Associ¬
ation at the time Raman’s attention was drawn to it. Soon after his
arrival in Calcutta, Raman one day noticed the Association’s sign¬
board while returning home from work in a tram car. He immediately
10 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

alighted from the car and knocked on the doors of the Association,
full of excitement and enthusiasm. Admitted inside by a person
called Asutosh Dey, who was later to become Raman’s most devoted
assistant, Raman met Amrit Lai Sircar and asked him if he could
conduct research at the Association during his spare time. The story
goes that Amrit Lai Sircar embraced Raman, exclaiming that they
had been waiting for a person like him all these years, and how happy
his father would have been to witness the entry of such a person into
the Association.
The Association premises consisted of a dusty lecture hall and a
large laboratory with dustier equipment, most of it meant for demon¬
stration. However, Raman set to work with enthusiasm and very
soon started producing research papers. From 1907 to 1917, except
for short absences from Calcutta on transfer to Rangoon and Nagpur,
Raman spent all his leisure time, which meant the evenings and very
late into the night daily, conducting experiments at the Association.
At that time, Raman’s research was directed to the acoustics of Indian
musical instruments and he published his findings in foreign journals
as well as in the Proceedings and bulletins of the Association.
All the facilities of the Association were at his disposal and he
also had the devoted and loyal assistance of Asutosh Dey, known to
everyone in the Association as Ashu Babu. Raman soon turned the
Association into a beehive of activity. His devotion and dedication
to research attracted many young students, teachers and professors
from local colleges and the universities, who joined him to partici¬
pate in the scientific excitement he generated.
All this meant a different story for Lokasundari Raman, a young
bride thrust into the hands of a strange young man with a consuming
passion for science. Lokasundari Raman once described the routine
of Raman thus: At 5.30 a.m. Raman goes to the Association, returns
at 9.45 a.m., bathes, gulps his food in haste, leaves for his office,
invariably by taxi to be on time for work; at 5 p.m. he goes directly
to the Association on his way back from office and comes home at
9.30 or 10 p.m., after spending the evening at the laboratories of
Pal it Professor 11

the Association; Sundays are spent entirely at the Association. How

could a wife tolerate such a situation!
It is remarkable that Lokasundari Raman went along with Raman
in this quest for scientific knowledge. She stood by him devotedly
throughout his life and endeared herself to all who associated them¬
selves with her husband. She once related, with a smile, how dif¬
ficult it was to turn Raman’s attention from scientific pursuits to
the obligations of matrimony. Two sons were born to the Ramans
— Chandrasekhar in 1921 and Radhakrishnan in 1929 — and that,
Lokasundari declared, was a miracle, for Science was his first love.

Palit Professor
Raman made such a profound impression on the leading education¬
ists and citizens of Calcutta that Sir Asutosh Mookerjee, the Vice-
Chancellor of the Calcutta University, offered him the Sir Tarakanath
Palit Professorship of Physics at the University College of Science,
Calcutta. The appointment to the chair, however, required that the
candidate should have received training abroad. Raman refused to
comply with this condition. The Vice-Chancellor eventually changed
the provisions and Raman took the chair in 1917. His resignation
from the FCS meant giving up a lucrative job in exchange for one
with five times less emoluments.
When announcing his plans for filling the chair, Asutosh
Mookerjee stated:

“For the chair of Physics created by Sir Tarakanath Palit, we have

been fortunate enough to secure the services of Mr Chandrasekhara
Venkata Raman, who has greatly distinguished himself and acquired
a European fame by his brilliant researches in the domain of Physical
Science, assiduously carried on under the most adverse circumstances
and amidst the distraction of pressing official duties.

“I shall fail in my duty if I were to restrain myself in my expres¬

sion of the genuine admiration I feel for the courage and spirit of
self-sacrifice with which Mr Raman has decided to exchange a lu¬
crative official appointment for a University Professorship, which,
72 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

I regret to say, does not carry even liberal emoluments. This one
instance encourages me to entertain the hope that there will be no
lack of seekers after truth in the Temple of Knowledge which it is our
ambition to erect.”
The encomiums paid to Raman on this occasion were well deser¬
ved. The remarks made by Asutosh Mookerjee, as well as the manner
in which Raman made his decision, have a deeper significance than
what is apparent, in the context of the situation in the country at the
time. Scientific research as a whole-time career was not heard of
in those days in India and most of the top students of the time, like
Raman, drifted from college into Government Service almost as a
matter of routine. However, the fact that Raman showed scant regard
for material prospects and did not hesitate to exchange the position
he was enjoying with an academic appointment, at the first available
opportunity, is unique. This decision of his was one of considerable
significance. Very few persons would have had the courage to do so.
The surrender of what might be called the preferments of office
in favour of the pursuit of knowledge, especially when a person is
well settled in life, as Raman was at that time, is certainly an act of
great courage. But it is interesting to note that Raman is reported to
have remarked on one occasion, in a mood of introspection, that Sir
Asutosh’s offer of the professorship to an unknown government
official was an act of great courage, whereas his own acceptance
of it without demur was just a case of following his inclinations.
Events that followed have more than justified the hopes entertained
by Asutosh Mookerjee in offering the professorship to Raman and
the ambitions that impelled the latter to accept it.
Prof. Raman’s residence at Calcutta used to be just behind the
Association. He had, therefore, provided himself a back door en¬
trance by which he could enter the Association at any time of the day
or night, for he never worked according to the clock. Asutosh Dey
(Ashu Babu), the Assistant Secretary, resided on the premises and
was ever ready to assist Raman whenever he wished to carry out his
experiments at the Association’s laboratories. Raman often used to
work far into the night and, when exhausted, sleep on a table until the
Palit Professor 13

astonished Ashu Babu awakened him next morning! On most morn¬

ings he would come in informal dress to the Association and carry
on experiments until 9.30 a.m., when he would remember his lecture
engagement at the University College of Science four miles away. A
quick return home, a few strategic sweeps of his razor, a quick bath,
a hurried dressing up that included arranging the inevitable Madras
turban, and he would shout at the top of his powerful voice, “Ashu
Babu — taxi”, evoking an equally loud response from Ashu Babu!
Snatching his breakfast on the run, he would rush into the Associa¬
tion with a sheaf of his lecture notes for the day, jump into the wait¬
ing taxi with his laboratory attendant Shivnandan and, after a hectic
drive, reach the Science College just in time to start his lecture. Such
was the course and tempo of his life throughout practically his whole
stay in Calcutta.
This was the time of the non-violent, non-cooperation move¬
ment. Sometimes bands of students, who had given up their studies
at the call of Mahatma Gandhi, used to squat in front of the Science
College in Upper Circular Road, barring entry to professors and stu¬
dents alike. On most of such occasions, by cajolement, entreaty or
otherwise, ‘Raman Saheb’, as he used to be affectionately called in
those days, would break the cordon and rush into the classroom. Cal¬
cutta was a most exciting city in those days, but the watchword of the
demonstrators used to be ‘non-violence’ at any cost!
The laboratories of the physics department of the College of
Science, particularly the many large halls reserved for the M.Sc.
scholars for their practicals, had, in 1920, a rather empty look. The
equipment for many important experiments to be performed by the
students had to be improvised. The students had ample scope for rig¬
ging up many of the gadgets needed for the prescribed experiments.
This atmosphere of improvisation was indeed very stimulating, as
it made demands for considerable skill on the part of the scholars
as well as their guides. The experiments so set up by one batch of
students were available to the next years’ batch and so on, so that
in a few years’ time the laboratories were more or less filled with
all the essential experimental arrangements for the M.Sc. courses in
14 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

the various branches of Physics. These were later supplemented by

standard equipment ordered from abroad.

First trip abroad and entry into light scattering

Raman’s first trip abroad was to the UK, to attend the Congress of
Universities of the British Empire held in the summer of 1921 at
Oxford. He represented the University of Calcutta at the Congress.
This visit gave him an excellent opportunity to meet the leading sci¬
entists of the British Empire, who knew about Raman and admired
his researches at Calcutta. His lecture at the Physical Society of Lon¬
don on his latest researches in Optics and Acoustics, with experi¬
mental demonstrations, drew a large number of physicists and was
immensely appreciated.
About this time, Raman was getting deeply interested in Mod¬
ern Physics. Before long, in fact during the return voyage, he laid
the foundations for what were to be some of his most outstanding
researches for the next few decades. An intense love of Nature, of
the beauty of natural phenomena and of colour in scenery was one
of the most prominent traits of Raman. Now, during this voyage, he
became fascinated with the deep blue colour of the sea.
The late Lord Rayleigh had some years earlier explained another
natural phenomenon, viz. that the blue of the sky was due to the scat¬
tering of sunlight by the molecules constituting the atmosphere. Such
an authority like Lord Rayleigh also arrived at the questionable con¬
clusion that the blue of the sea was due to the reflection of the sky
blue by the ocean’s surface!
Raman’s marvellous intuition led him to examine the colour of
the ocean very critically during the voyage. He used the simplest
of equipment, viz. just a Nicol prism, to help him. His wonderful
imagination now led him to eliminate the sky-light reflected by the
sea surface at the Brewsterian angle by observing the sea surface in
the crossed position of the Nicol prism. He was dismayed to find the
colour of the sea persisting as a much richer blue than that of the sky!
Even on those occasions when the sea was disturbed by waves,
he found that the deep blue of the sea itself came out unmistakably,
First trip abroad and entry into light-scattering 15

on quenching with the crossed Nicol prism the polarised light of the
sky reflected by one side of the waves. By the time he got back
to Calcutta, he was quite convinced that the blue colour of the sea
was due to the scattering of the incident sunlight by the molecules
of liquid water and that Lord Rayleigh’s earlier suggestion was not
altogether correct.
Immediately after arriving in Calcutta, Raman started critical
laboratory experiments with samples of water kept in clean rectan¬
gular glass vessels and illuminated laterally with a strong parallel
beam of light. He observed the track of the beam in a perpendicular
direction. During the next three or four weeks he carried out several
crucial experiments with water. The disturbing effect of dust was
eliminated by using distilled water kept at rest for many weeks, thus
allowing most of the motes time to settle down. The lateral scattering
now came out as a feeble blue track that was very highly polarised.
The intensity of scattering by water, as observed and as calculated
from the Einstein-Smoluchowski formula (originally worked out to
explain the very strong critical opalescence of liquids at their critical
temperature), was shown to be just 160 times stronger than in pure
dust-free air.
Raman wrote his classic paper The Molecular Scattering of Light
in Water and the Colour of the Sea within a month of his return to
India and it was published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of
London (Vol. A. 101, 1921, pp. 64-80). Only after sending away
this paper for publication did he travel down to South India to meet
his wife.
Soon after his return from South India, Raman started writing out
his memoir entitled The Molecular Diffraction of Light. In its chap¬
ters, besides discussing results already obtained, he outlined plans
for the many further experimental researches to be undertaken ur¬
gently to investigate the molecular diffraction of light by matter in
the gaseous, liquid and solid states, during its transitions from the
gaseous to the liquid and from the liquid to the solid states, in liquid
mixtures, in solutions and in relation to chemical constitution. In this
16 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

remarkable and prophetic memoir, Raman even discussed the possi¬

ble implications of the quantum theory in one chapter. This memoir
was published by the Calcutta University Press in February 1922,
indeed as expeditiously as it was written by the author.
This is the only book Raman wrote until he published his Physi¬
ology of Vision in the Sixties. To the question why he had not written
books, he would reply: “When I start to write something, I get so
many new ideas it becomes impossible to proceed further. Then I go
to the laboratory to work on the new ideas.” From 1921 onwards,
the subject of light scattering became the main theme of the Calcutta
group led by Raman, which culminated in the discovery of the
Raman Effect.
By 1924, Raman’s outstanding researches had won for him world¬
wide recognition and the Royal Society of London conferred on him
the high distinction of ‘Fellow of the Royal Society: (F.R.S.)’, at the
young age of 36. This was universally hailed with enthusiasm in
India as recognition of native scientific endeavour.

Visit to Pasadena
Very soon after he became FRS, Raman was invited by the British
Association for the Advancement of Science to inaugurate the dis¬
cussion on The Scattering of Light at its session in Toronto in Canada
in June 1924. After opening the discussion at Toronto, he travelled
with the Association across Canada, and then visited Toronto again
to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians, as a repre¬
sentative of the Calcutta University. He then proceeded to Philadel¬
phia, USA, to attend the Centenary of the famous Franklin Institute.
Also attending this Centenary was the leading American physicist,
R. A. Millikan, who invited Raman to spend some months as Vis¬
iting Professor at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena.
During the fall and winter of 1924, Raman delivered a regular course
of lectures on thermodynamics to a group of American physicists
and senior scholars at the Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics,
Visit to Pasadena 17

R.A. Millikan and C. V. Raman, Bangalore 1940. (Photo courtesy of

California Institute of Technology Archives, Pasadena, California)

Commenting on two special lectures delivered by Raman before

an enthusiastic audience at the California Institute of Technology,
the local newspaper, Pasadena Star News, referred to them as partic¬
ularly fine speeches, understandable even to nonspecialists. It com¬
plimented Raman on his ability to expound on a subject with clarity
and eloquence combined with a rare sense of humour.
The speech given at the monthly dinner of the University Club on
the evening of November 18, 1924, was reported by the paper in its
November 19, 1924, issue under the heading ‘Famed Indian Scholar
is Speaker’. A Game of Chance was Raman’s subject. The paper
stated: “As Professor of Thermodynamics in the University of Cal¬
cutta, India, Dr Raman is known as one of the foremost authorities
on natural science in Asia. He is in Pasadena as a special lecturer on
physics at California Institute of Technology.’’
18 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Introducing Dr Raman, Clinton K. Judy, President of the Uni¬

versity Club, emphasised the privilege enjoyed by the organisation
in listening to a scientific scholar from the Orient. “Most Hindus
coming to this country talk on philosophy and the occult, and it is
a distinct novelty to have one who is more in accord with Western
scholarship” said Professor Judy.
Dr Raman proved himself an entertaining speaker, displaying
a delightful strain of humour. He began by stating that games of
chance had always held a deep fascination for the human mind. In
support of this, he recalled several legends from the ancient Sanskrit,
according to which humans played at dice with the Gods.
Drawing interesting analogies between games of chance and the
issues of life, Dr Raman said there really was no such thing as chance,
because everything happened for definite reasons. But those for
which the causes were not known were characterised as chance.
In the course of his remarks, Dr Raman described some of the
experiments that famous mathematicians had conducted to work out
the details of the law of probabilities, recalling battles that many Uni¬
versity Club members themselves had fought with sequences, choice
and chance in their college days. Fascinating, too, were his remarks
on the law of irreversibility, something which, he said, few people
ever thought about.
It was an evening of mental gymnastics, which Dr Raman con¬
cluded by saying, “The greatest game of chance of all is Nature” —
thus adding a touch of the mystical and giving the audience some¬
thing more to think about.
The Pasadena Star News dated December 19, 1924, reported an¬
other lecture by Raman under the heading: ‘Fine Lecture Offered
By Indian, Prof. C. V. Raman of India Speaks on Light Theories,
Demonstrates Talk With Many Experiments of Keen Interest’. It then
went on to say:

“Prof. C.V. Raman, noted Indian scientist, and professor of physics at

the University of Calcutta, India, yesterday addressed an enthusiastic
audience of more than 300 teachers, students and graduates of the
Visit to Pasadena 19

California Institute of Technology on the subject of The Scattering of

Light and Its Relation to Atomic and Molecular Structure.

The noted scientist, who has come to the Southland from Toronto,
Canada, where he recently arrived from India, received a splendid
tribute from his interested audience at the close of his address.

Both the physicist and the chemist, Dr Raman believes, have left a
neutral space between their theories as to the construction of the atom,
especially as those theories apply to light, and his mission was to give
each food for thought, so that the two great sciences might be brought
closer together.

Dr Raman first developed the theory of the ‘scattering’ of light on a

trip in the Mediterranean Sea. The deep blue of that great body of
water was a puzzle to him, and he finally solved the mystery, at least
to his own satisfaction, by proving with hundreds of experiments, that
the scattering of sunlight itself was responsible.

His lecture was illustrated with many experiments, given in such a

simple and direct manner that they could be easily understood by a
less scientific audience than that present.

One piece of apparatus which he has invented for the study of light¬
scattering in gases and vapour, is a huge black box, seven feet in
height, in which an observer may station himself, and in which an
apparatus contains the gas, air, or vapour, to be studied. Dr Raman,
with rare humor has named this ‘The Black Hole of Calcutta’.

In one demonstration, the scientist gave a remarkable view of the set¬

ting sun, which he obtained by using a liquid encased in a square glass
receptacle in the receptor of a projector, instead of a slide.

Dr Raman is a graduate of the University of Madras in Southern India,

and is among the most noted teachers in the world of science. This is
his first visit to the United States and to California and he was enthu¬
siastic about the Southland. Interest in his subject here surprised him;
attendance at scientific lectures in India he said being one of the much
desired conditions that is sadly lacking.”
20 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Raman’s visit to Pasadena enabled him to develop a lifelong

friendship with Millikan and other leading American physicists. The
admiration of Millikan for Raman is reflected in the announcement
of a lecture at California Institute of Technology. This announce¬
ment, dated December 9, 1924, was evidently prepared by Millikan

“The Friday Evening Demonstration Lecture this week at the Cali¬

fornia Institute of Technology will be one of unusual interest, both
because of the personality of the speaker, and because of his subject.
Dr C. V. Raman, Professor of Physics at the University of Calcutta,
India, will be the speaker and his subject is The Study of Musical

Dr Raman stands out as one of the most productive scientists of the

Orient. He has already done a surprising amount of high grade
scientific work himself and has stimulated a great deal more among
students. His publications on the mechanical theory of stringed in¬
struments have made him an internationally known authority, upon
the subject about which he is speaking. This in itself is enough to
make the lecture one of great interest, but Dr Raman has in addition
so much personal enthusiasm for his subject, so fine a command of
the English language, and so great an ability to present a subject in an
entertaining and clear manner that he is an exceptionally interesting
speaker. He has been lecturing this fall at the Institute upon the subject
of ‘Thermodynamics,’ but has consented to speak at this time upon his
work on stringed instruments because of its greater popular interest.
He will illustrate his lecture with a number of unusual experiments on
stringed instruments of various sorts.

The lecture will be given in the lecture hall of the Norman Bridge
Laboratory of Physics from seven to eight o’clock, Friday evening,
December 12th. It is open to the public without charge.”

Raman returned to Calcutta in February 1925 after visiting en

route several countries of Western Europe to meet some of the great
Visit to Pasadena 21

leaders in physics, such as Niels Bohr, Max Planck, Charles Fabry,

Kai Siegbahn and others.
Raman’s first two visits abroad and the contacts he made with
many scientific men and institutions during these visits brought about
a very wholesome change in his habits and methods of work. Previ¬
ously, he used to work for very long spells, without regard to day or
night, oblivious to his needs of food, rest etc. After his foreign expe¬
riences, the pattern of his working became more regular and system¬
atic. He developed more business-like habits in getting through his
very heavy work-load of scientific research as well as direction of his
many pupils. Regular hours for meals and short spells of relaxation
in the evenings must have been a great relief to Lady Raman.
After Raman became FRS, the authorities of the Calcutta Univer¬
sity were pleased to augment his salary. According to L. A. Ramdas,
he acquired a horse and carriage about 1924, thus freeing himself
from dependence on taxis. The carriage was black, the horse was
chestnut brown and there was a syce to take care of both and also act
as driver. It was a very presentable set-up. Often, while taking his
evening drive, and if Lady Raman was not accompanying him, he
would invite one of his senior scholars to keep him company.
Ramdas describes the experience of an outing with Raman so:

“The evening drive usually led to the Calcutta Maidan, stopping some¬
where near the statue of Lord Kitchner or Lord Roberts. Getting
down. Prof. Raman would take a brisk walk towards Fort William
and then take some quick jerks of ‘Kasrat’ and ‘Dand’ for exercise.
He would then walk back to his carriage and drive home. On the oc¬
casion when I was with him, while walking back to the carriage at a
distance of half-a-mile, he suddenly asked for the exact time. I said
7.20 p.m. He asked me if I had a watch. I said ‘No’ but pointed at the
distant tower clock of Whiteaway and Laidlaw. He said that it takes
him exactly 12 minutes to cover the distance and would check if I was
right. To my great relief the time was 7.32 when we reached the car¬
riage! He complimented me on what he called my excellent eye-sight.
On the return drive we had a very interesting discussion on our current
22 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

researches at the Association, during which many fresh lines of inves¬

tigation cropped up. I did not know how the time passed. We arrived
at the Association by 8 p.m. My home being close to Prof. Raman’s,
we both went home by the famous back-gate for which I was one of
the privileged few to possess the freedom of the key.”

Discovery of the Raman Effect

In 1923, a detailed study of the scattering of light in water was taken
up by K. R. Ramanathan, one of the research scholars who worked
under Raman. Sunlight was focussed on the liquid contained in a
flask, and the scattered light was observed as a track in the trans¬
verse direction. By the use of complementary filters, in the incident
and scattered directions, a residual intensity was observed, which
Ramanathan described as a ‘weak fluorescence’ due to the presence
of impurities in the fluid. However, even after repeated distillation of
the liquids, the ‘weak fluorescence’ persisted undiminished. Raman
was not satisfied with the explanation and felt it might be something
analogous to the Compton effect in X-ray scattering which had just
then been discovered.
Two years later, K. S. Krishnan, another research scholar under
Raman, observed the same phenomenon while studying the scatter¬
ing of light in 65 different carefully purified liquids. He also made
another important observation, that the new radiation was partially
polarised, unlike ordinary fluorescence, which is unpolarised. The
technique used for observing the new phenomenon made use of a
beam of sunlight, a condensing lens of large aperture, a flask con¬
taining the liquid and a set of complementary filters, i.e. a violet-blue
filter in the path of the incident beam and a greenish-yellow filter in
the path of the transversely scattered light.
S. Venkateswaran, a part-time research worker at the Associa¬
tion, continued the work of K. S. Krishnan in the summer of 1925.
He attempted to photograph the spectrum of the scattered light us¬
ing sunlight passed through coloured filters, but was unable to report
any decisive results. Raman, under whose guidance all this work was
conducted, was not at all satisfied with the explanation that the feeble
Discovery of the Raman Effect 23

residual scattering was due to fluorescence appearing in the spectrum

in a region different from that of the incident beam. He suspected it
was an entirely new type of secondary radiation, quite distinct from
the usual fluorescence which was normally of high intensity and un¬
The award of the Nobel Prize to Compton in 1927 acted as a
great impetus to Raman to seek an analogous effect with light. One
of Raman’s pupils during the Calcutta days, B. N. Sreenivasiah, gives
this eyewitness account of what he saw and heard at the Association
one day towards the end of 1927:

“On a November evening in 1927, while I was at Calcutta after an

examination and interview at Delhi, I visited the Association at Cal¬
cutta to pay my respects to Prof. Raman. His elder brother, Shri
C. Subrahmanya Ayyar (father of the famous Astrophysicist, Prof. S.
Chandrasekhar), was also with Prof. Raman when I entered his of¬
fice. Soon after I went in, Dr K. S. Krishnan rushed in and excitedly
informed Professor of the announcement in the evening papers that
Prof. A. H. Compton had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics
for his discovery of the Compton Effect in X-Rays. On hearing this
news, Prof. Raman beamed with delight and burst out in his charac¬
teristic fashion: ‘Excellent news.... very nice indeed. But look here,
Krishnan. If this is true of X-Rays, it must be true of light too. I have
always thought so. There must be an optical analogue to the Compton
Effect. We must pursue it and we are on the right lines. It must and
shall be found. The Nobel Prize must be won’.”

And Sreenivasiah goes on to record how only a few months later

he attended an address Prof. Raman delivered in Bangalore on The
New Radiation.
For some years these studies seem to have been kept in the back¬
ground, while Krishnan engaged himself in some theoretical prob¬
lems. In the winter of 1927, Raman went on a vacation to Waltair,
the university town on the coast of what is now Andhra Pradesh.
He had the Compton Effect on his mind and started working on it
in Waltair. He derived a formula for the Compton scattering using
24 C. V Raman — A Memoir

the classical theory and this helped him to realise that the "weak
fluorescence’ might be the incoherent scattering with a change of
wavelength, analogous to the Compton scattered radiation. Back
from vacation and with new insights, Raman decided to find a sat¬
isfactory solution to the problem and asked Krishnan to stop his
work on theoretical problems and start more intensive experimental
studies on the anomalous scattering in liquids and vapours. He put
Venkateswaran and Krishnan on purifying the liquids and got them
to repeat the observations. In January 1928 the former found that in
pure glycerine the scattered light was greenish in colour instead of
the usual blue, and that the radiation was strongly polarised. This
gave them a fresh impetus to attack the problem.
Raman and Krishnan set up a better scattering set-up to exam¬
ine the scattered intensity. They used a powerful beam of sunlight,
focussed by an 18 cm telescope objective lens combined with a short
focus lens. This was passed through a blue-violet filter and then
through the liquid (contained in a sealed flask) purified by repeated
double distillation in vacuo. When a second filter of green glass,
which was complementary in colour to the blue-violet filter, was
placed in the path of the incident beam, no track of the scattered
light was visible in the transverse direction. When the same was
placed between the bulb and the observer, the track within the liquid
continued to be visible, though less brightly.
Krishnan confirmed on February 7, 1928, the presence of ‘weak
fluorescence’ observed by Ramanathan earlier in a number of organic
liquids and vapours. Nearly 80 different aromatic, aliphatic and in¬
organic liquids were examined and the effect was seen in all cases,
indicating thereby the universal character of the phenomenon. It was
shown to be distinctly different from the usual fluorescence, because
of its feebleness and strong polarisation which was nearly the same
as that of the unmodified scattered light.
Raman personally verified all these observations and was very
excited. Krishnan noted in his diary, that on the night of Febru¬
ary 7th, Professor Raman rushed to Krishnan’s residence to tell him
that the observations they had made that morning were related to the
Discovery of the Ramon Effect 25

Kramers-Heisenberg process for which they had been looking all

these years. They christened the effect ‘modified scattering’.
Two days later, Raman and Krishnan detected the new radia¬
tion in vapours of ether and amylene. They soon realized that they
were dealing with a new phenomenon of a fundamental character
and communicated their conclusions by cable to Nature on Febru¬
ary 16, 1928. In a letter entitled ‘A New Type of Secondary Radi¬
ation’, which was published on March 31, 1928, they repeated the
arguments used in Raman’s classical derivation of the Compton ef¬
fect and suggested that the modified radiation could arise from the
fluctuations of the molecules from the normal state. Raman and
Krishnan succeeded in detecting the new radiation and in observing
its partial polarisation in a number of organic vapours as well as in
the gases CO2 and N2O. The modified scattering was easily detected
in vapours such as ether and pentane at higher temperatures and con¬
sequent higher vapour pressures. Its polarisation was quite strong
and was comparable with the polarisation of ordinary scattering.
While continuing further studies on the subject, Raman and
Krishnan, on the afternoon of February 28, 1928, examined the in¬
fluence of the wavelength of the incident light on the phenomenon.
Using incident radiation of a narrower range of wavelengths brought
about by a combination of blue-violet filter and a piece of uranium
glass, they examined the scattered track through a direct vision spec¬
troscope. To their great surprise they found that the modified scatter¬
ing was separated from the scattering corresponding to the incident
light by a dark space. Still, the experiments were performed with
Further work carried out on that day was described by Raman
himself in an address given on March 16th that same year in Banga¬
lore. He said:

“This encouraged me”, “to take up observations with a monochro¬

matic source of light. A quartz mercury lamp, with a filter which
completely cuts out all the visible lines of wavelength longer than the
indigo line 4358 A.U., was found to be very effective. When the light
26 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

from such a lamp was passed through the bulb containing a dust-free
liquid, and the spectrum of the scattered light was observed through a
direct vision spectroscope, it was found to exhibit two or more sharp
bright lines in the blue and green regions of the spectrum. These
lines were not present in the spectrum of the incident light or in the
unfiltered light of the mercury arc and are thus manufactured by the
molecules of the liquid.”

Krishnan and Venkateswaran were working with Raman at the

time of the discovery and thus had the distinction of knowing about
the discovery first. Most of the other scholars in the laboratory subse¬
quently had the opportunity of seeing this phenomenon on that day.
By this observation, the discovery of the new effect was complete.
Raman’s student Ramdas first called the phenomenon the ‘Raman
Effect’ in his paper, The Raman Effect and the Spectrum of the Zodi¬
acal Light, published in Nature, Vol. 122, p. 57, July 1928.
Prof. Raman once told me that he first saw the effect in benzene
through the direct vision spectroscope. He demonstrated this to me
one day at the Raman Research Institute. He also said that the viewer
should be in the dark room for a while and rest the eyes to see the
effect. And surely it was there in benzene. I could see the Raman
line in diamond also.
The following extract from Krishnan’s diary conveys the intense
excitement that prevailed at the time the discovery was made and
shows how closely Raman followed the experiments that uncovered
the mystery:

“5th February, 1928: For the last 3 or 4 days, I have been devoting
all my time to fluorescence. The subject promises to open out a wide
field for research, since, at present, there is no theory of fluorescence
which could explain even the outstanding facts.

Studied anthracene Vapour. It exhibits strong fluorescence which does

not show any polarisation when viewed through a double image prism.
Professor has been working with me all the time.
Discovery of the Raman Effect 27

Recently, Professor has also been working with Mr. Venkateswaran

on the fluorescence exhibited by many aromatic liquids in the near
ultra-violet region present in sunlight and the fluorescence of some of
the liquids are found to be strongly polarised. However, in view of
the fact that the fluorescence of anthracene vapour does not show any
polarisation, Professor has asked me to verify again his observations
on the polarisation of liquids.

7th February, Tuesday: Tried to verify the polarisation of the fluores¬

cence exhibited by some of the aromatic liquids in the near ultra-violet
region. Incidentally, discovered that all pure liquids show a fairly in¬
tense fluorescence also in the visible region, and what is much more
interesting, all of them are strongly polarised; the polarisation being
greater for the aliphatics than for the aromatics. In fact, the polarisa¬
tion of the fluorescent light seems in general to run parallel with the
polarisation of the scattered light, i.e., the polarisation of the fluores¬
cent light is greater the smaller the optical anisotropy of the molecule.

When I told Professor about the results, he would not believe that
all liquids can show polarised fluorescence and in the visible region.
When he came into the room, I had a bulb of pentane in the tank,
a blue filter in the path of the incident light, and when he observed
the track with a combination of green and yellow filters he remarked,
“You do not mean to suggest, Krishnan, that all that is fluorescence”.
However, when he transferred the green yellow combination also in to
the path of the incident light, he could not detect a trace of the track.
He was very much excited and repeated several times that it was an
amazing result. One after another, the whole series of liquids was
examined and every one of them showed the phenomenon without
exception. He wondered how we missed all that five years ago.

In the afternoon, took some measurements on the polarisation of flu¬


After meals at night, Venkateswaran and myself were chatting to¬

gether in our room when Professor suddenly came to the house (at
about 9.00 p.m.) and called for me. When we went down, we found
25 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

he was much excited and had come to tell me that what we had ob¬
served that morning must be Kramers-Heisenberg Effect we had been
looking for all these days. We were talking in front of our house for
more than a quarter of an hour when he repeatedly emphasised the
exciting nature of the discovery.

8th February, Wednesday. Took some preliminary measurements of

the polarisation of the modified scattering by some typical liquids.

9th February, Thursday. Set up this morning the long telescope and
made preliminary arrangements for observing the effect with vapours.
Before the arrangements were completed, Professor left for the Col¬
lege for his lecture.

In the afternoon, tried ether vapour and it was surprising that the mod¬
ified radiation was very conspicuous. Tried a number of others in
quick succession without however the same success.

When Professor came from the College at about three, I announced to

him the result; and there was still enough sunlight to see for himself.
He ran about the place shouting all the time, that it was a first-rate
discovery, that he was feeling miserable during the lecture because he
had to leave the experiment, and that, however, he was fully confident
that I would not let the grass grow under my feet till I discovered
the phenomenon in gases. He asked me to ‘Call in everybody in the
place to see the Effect’ and immediately arranged in a most dramatic
manner, with the mechanics, to make arrangements for examining the
vapours at high temperatures.

Evening was busy, and when Professor returned after his walk he told
me that I ought to tackle big problems like that and asked me to take
up the problem of the experimental evidence for the spinning electron
after this work was over.

10th February to 15th February. Studied a number of vapours, though

a number of them showed the Effect, nothing definite could be said
regarding the polarisation of the modified scattering.

16th February, Thursday. Studied today pentane vapour at high tem¬

perature and it showed a conspicuous polarisation in the modified
Discovery of the Raman Effect 29

scattering. We sent a note today to Nature on the subject under the

title “A New Type of Secondary Radiation”.

17th February, Friday: Professor confirmed the polarisation of flu¬

orescence in pentane vapour. I am having some trouble with my left
eye. Professor has promised to make all observations himself for some
time to come.

19th February to 26th February: Studied a number of other vapours.

27th February, Monday. Religious ceremony in the house. Did not go

to the Association.

28th February, Tuesday. Went to the Association only in the


Professor was there and we proceeded to examine the influence of the

wavelength of the incident-light on the phenomenon. Used the usual
blue violet filter coupled with a uranium glass, the range of wave¬
lengths transmitted by the combination being much narrower than that
transmitted by the blue violet filter alone. On examining the track with
a direct vision spectroscope we found to our great surprise the modi¬
fied scattering was separated from the scattering corresponding to the
incident-light by a dark region.

This encouraged us to use monochromatic incident-light. Using the

mercury arc as source we got a number of sharp lines in the scattered
light which were not present in the spectrum of the incident-light.”

The announcement of the discovery was made to the Associated

Press the following day. Krishnan photographed the first Raman
spectrum with a Hilger Baby Quartz Spectrograph in which both
the Stokes and anti-Stokes components were recorded. The note
sent to Nature on March 8th by Raman and Krishnan announcing
the discovery was rejected by a referee, but the editor, Sir Richard
Gregory, published it in the April 21st issue, accepting the responsi¬
bility. Raman gave a full account of the discovery in public, in an ad¬
dress delivered before the South Indian Science Association at Ban¬
galore on March 16, 1928. This address, entitled A New Radiation,
30 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

was written immediately on his return to Calcutta, printed overnight,

and one thousand reprints were posted the same day to scientists all
over the world. Raman and Krishnan quickly realised the nature of
the phenomenon and left out the analogy with the Compton effect
in subsequent publications. Soon the scientific world got on to the
discovery and the Raman Effect became an active field of research.
Professor Chandrasekhar of the University of Chicago, a nephew
of Raman and at that time a student in the first year physics honours
at Presidency College, Madras, recalls Raman’s visit to their home
in Madras on his way to Bangalore to announce the discovery. “I
remember very well Raman visiting us en route to Bangalore, where
he was to announce the discovery of his effect in an address entitled
A New Radiation, before the South Indian Science Association on
March 16, 1928. He was clearly in great form and he showed us the
first spectra of the effect. He was obviously enthralled that he had
discovered the optical analogue of the Compton effect for which dis¬
covery Compton had received the Nobel Prize in 1927. I remember
someone asking him what could have happened if Raman had dis¬
covered his effect a year earlier. His immediate response was, ‘Then
I should have shared the Nobel Prize with Compton and I should not
have liked that; I would rather receive the whole of it’.
Prof. Chandrasekhar spent April, May and June, 1928, in Cal¬
cutta as well as April and May 1929. He records that he became
good friends with many of Raman’s associates and especially with
Krishnan. “The one dominating impression which was made on me
at that time and which has remained with me is the exhilarating one
of being with a group of physicists in the joy of what everyone recog¬
nised as a great discovery”, he remembers.
It is of interest to note here that almost at the same time as Raman
was carrying out his crucial experiments, work on similar lines was
going on in France and Russia. Rocard in France had anticipated,
from his theoretical work, a change of wavelength in light scattering
due to atomic vibrations of molecules, and Cabannes and Rocard
were looking for the effect in the light scattered by gases. Gases are
poor scatterers and hence they failed to observe the effect, whereas
Discovery of the Raman Effect 31

Raman’s work was done with liquids which turned out to be strong
scatterers. When Raman’s first two papers were seen by the French
group they immediately recognized the nature of the phenomenon
and quickly realised its importance to chemical physics.
Quite independently, Landsberg and Mandel’shtam had
been working on light scattering in crystalline quartz and, within
a short time of Raman’s announcement of the discovery, these two
Russian physicists came out with their announcement of having ob¬
served a modified line in the scattered spectrum. Raman, however,
had clearly established his priority. From the very beginning he held
the view that scientific results should find prompt publication and he
practised this throughout his life. It was precisely for this reason that
he created the Indian Journal of Physics in Calcutta and started the
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences when he shifted to

Raman with his experimental apparatus used in the discovery of the Raman
32 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

A modern laser Raman spectrometer.

First Raman spectrum of benzene, recorded with mercury arc.

Sommerfeld's visit to Calcutta 33

The apparatus used by Raman for his discovery consisted of a

mirror for deflecting sunlight, a condensing lens, a pair of comple¬
mentary glass filters, a flask containing benzene and a pocket spec¬
troscope, the total cost of which would not have been more than
Rs. 500. It could also be inferred from the account narrated above
that the discovery was not the result of an accident, but was the cul¬
mination of seven years of systematic and sustained work carried out
with devotion by Raman and his band of students. The achievement
is all the more creditable when it is realised that the support for sci¬
entific research in India in those times was so meagre.
The history of the discovery of the Raman Effect also has many
lessons for the aspirants of Science. It is not very expensive equip¬
ment that is important for making a capital discovery but the calibre
of the scientists, sustained effort and single-mindedness. Hardly any
discovery appears right away in its clear and final form. Nature re¬
veals its secrets bit by bit. Great discoveries appear incredibly simple
only after someone has made them and explained them.

Sommerfeld’s visit to Calcutta

Arnold Sommerfeld’s visit to India in the latter half of 1928 was very
significant as he was the first physicist of immense stature to come
to Raman’s laboratory and see a demonstration of the new discovery.
There were some who expressed doubts as to whether Raman could
have observed such a weak effect. Sommerfeld came in October
1928 and Raman demonstrated to him the light-scattering effect he
had discovered. Sommerfeld was tremendously impressed by the
experimental demonstration and the seriousness and dedication with
which Raman had been pursuing his researches.
When Arnold Sommerfeld accepted the invitation to spend the
first few months of 1929 as a guest professor in the United States of
America, he was firmly resolved “not to take the ordinary way but
the extraordinary one via the far East”. He was specially attracted to
India, for he had heard about its wonders, its ancient civilisation and
its lofty religious and philosophical system. Sommerfeld was also
impressed with the strong shoots of modern physics emerging from
34 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

Arnold Sommerfeld with C. V. Raman (right) and K. S. Krishnan (left). Pic¬

ture taken at Calcutta in 1928. (Photo courtesy of Deutsches Museum,
Munich, supplied very kindly by Dr G. Torkar of Ludwig-Maximilians Uni-
versitat, Munich)

this part of the world; he had in mind the emergence of Raman as a

world-class scientist on the verge of discovering the light-scattering
effect. So Sommerfeld planned his detour to India; and this was
before Raman had actually performed the decisive experiment.
Raman had wired Sommerfeld on February 11, 1928: “Calcutta
University inviting you, lecture honorarium thousand rupees, kindly
wire date arrival India.” When boarding the steam-boat in Genoa
on August 21, 1928, Sommerfeld earned numerous invitations, to
lecture on Modern Atomic Physics at Indian universities, as well as
an itinerary prepared by Meghnad Saha. As soon as he arrived in
India he was taken ill and had to be hospitalised in Bangalore for
two weeks. He arrived in Calcutta, his main destination in India, on
October 4, 1928. Several entries in his diary of the tour speak of his
time in Calcutta.

“October 4\ Grand reception at Howrah Station. Raman, Bose, Krish¬

nan, Sen, Gosh., Mitra...also the German vice-consul Eberl at whose
Somme rfeld’s visit to Calcutta 35

place I stay...3 beautiful rooms with bathroom...hibiscus flowers in

blossom up to the first floor...then Bose takes me to Raman’s insti¬
tute...(he) shows me papers on diffraction...

October 6: 8 o’clock in the morning, first special lecture on Kepler

problems, discussion until 10’clock...eventually the Raman effect vi¬
sually: blue filter and compl. screen, now put in front of the incident
light, then in front of the scattered light: difference...

October 7: Sunday...Wonderful lecture by Raman (also the rotations

of the molecules can be seen unresolved as modified rad.)...

October 8-13: Lectures daily from 8-10 with lively discussions... I

saw scattering blue-green on an iceblock in the institute, obvious mod¬
ified scattering. Everything in the institute is very good, but bathroom

Sommerfeld’s interest in India was not restricted to physics. He

was deeply interested in its art as well as the life and the customs of
its people. He left Calcutta on October 14, 1928, to visit a few other
places in Northern India, such as Benares and Agra. He preferred
a trip to Shantiniketan to a sight-seeing tour through Delhi, follow¬
ing the “kind” invitation by the poet and philosopher Rabindranath
Tagore, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. With Tagore, whom
he put on a par with Goethe (Sommerfeld, a humanist, was an ardent
admirer of Goethe), he enjoyed a day of peace, “the peace of an
Indian autumn”. On October 26th, Sommerfeld left India from Cal¬
cutta: “With two cars to the harbour. Again a garland of Krishnan
and flowers from the X-ray man...”
During the voyage, he put down the conversation he had with
Raman, on the eve of his departure, and his own experiences. It is a
record in which he comments critically upon India’s economic and
political conditions and her difficult relations with Great Britain. He
left India “in deepest affection for the highly-gifted, unhappy nation”
and “with sincere gratitude for the many acts of friendliness and hon¬
ourings”. As a sign of his special gratitude, he proposed Raman as
a candidate for the Nobel Prize. Raman, who learned this, thanked
Sommerfeld effusively: “I do not know how to express adequately
36 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

my gratitude for this act of kindness. The literature of the new effect
is growing at a great pace. I hope the Nobel Committee may give a
favourable decision in December next if my name is put before them
on the occasion also.”
After receiving the Nobel Prize, Raman visited Sommerfeld in
Munich. He was received with great joy: “We welcome our guest
not only as a successful scientist and discoverer but also as a rep¬
resentative of the age-old and now rejuvenated culture of the Orient
which trustfully cooperates with the Occidental culture and strives
for the same ends.”
Raman was proposed for the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1929 by
N. Bohr and C. Fabry and in 1930 by E. Bloch, N. Bohr, L. and M.
deBroglie, O. Khvolson, J. Perrin, R. Pfeiffer, E. Rutherford, J. Stark
and C. T. R. Wilson. Sommerfeld’s name does not appear in the list
of nominators. However, it is likely that he wrote to the Committee
and the recommendation did not get into the official records. Raman
was awarded the Prize in 1930 and news of the award was hailed uni¬
versally. Raman, accompanied by Lady Raman, left for Stockholm,
to receive the Nobel Prize, on December 10, 1930. He was 42 years
The meetings of the Nobel Committee are held in the highest se¬
crecy and the awards announced in November, only about a month
before the prize-giving ceremony in mid-December. Given the time
it would have taken to reach Europe by steamship in those days, it
would have been surprising if Raman could have reached Stockholm
in time for the ceremony if he had arranged for passage only after re¬
ceiving the telegram. It is now a historical fact, however, that Raman
had, in anticipation, booked tickets for himself and his wife in July
that year and it was this that enabled them to reach Stockholm in
early December!

Stockholm and the Nobel ceremony

A vivid eyewitness account of this visit and the Nobel ceremony in
Stockholm was published in the ‘Raman Number’ of the Calcutta
Municipal Gazette when the Calcutta Corporation presented an Ad-
Stockholm and the Nobel ceremony 37

dress to Prof. Raman in 1931. This fascinating article, entitled ‘A

week in Stockholm’, was written by Lady Raman and in it she said:

“The week we stayed in Sweden was one long festival. If garlanding

were as much part of a ceremonial function in Sweden as in India, the
garlands we would have collected would have been innumerable. But
the more common thing there is photographing. Newspaper reporters
were at us even on the boat taking us to Sweden across the Baltic. I
do not know in what manner the rest of the world looks on the Nobel
Laureates, but the Swedish certainly focus their eyes on them. Parties
and gatherings to meet the Nobel Prizemen are held without intermis¬
sion. In India, hospitality is considered to be a religious duty, but it is
in Sweden that I saw what hospitality can be.
Our stay in Stockholm extended for a week from the 9th to 16th
December, 1930. We arrived by train at Stockholm, the capital city of
Sweden, at 8 o’clock in the morning of the 9th December. The plat¬
form was crowded with people waiting to receive the guests. There
were at least ten cameras ready for exposure. In northern latitudes in
winter, sunlight is a rare phenomenon, but days and nights are made
equally bright by thousands of electric lights. Everybody who spoke
to us expressed sorrow that it being winter, their country was not look¬
ing its best but was dark and bleak, and that we should see it in spring
shining in sunshine. As their sun never rises high up in the skies,
one can well understand their fondness for sunshine, but if they had
enjoyed the Indian sun of April and May, I am sure their partiality
for the sun would get moderated. Owing to the low actinic value of
electric light they always use flash-light for taking photographs. The
suddenness and attendant noise as of a cracker startle newcomers, but
we soon got used to it. Not being white-skinned, we could not mix
with the natives of the country without being recognised; moreover
our multi-coloured Indian dress was making us conspicuous to every

The Scandinavian is of great height and size, and I was somewhat shy
of my comparatively short stature.
Even after reaching the hotel, the stream of photographers and news¬
paper reporters continued to show us their attention. Indians are rare
phenomena in Scandinavia and our photographs were published ad
nauseam. It was very difficult to get rid of the newspaper men. They
38 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

must hear about Indian politics; my husband talked about educational

matters, but what was I to talk about? I could only speak on the habits,
customs and beliefs of our country. It certainly interested them and
they were surprised about the Hindu ways of living, as I was about
their sunless days.”
After referring to the tea at the British Embassy and the dinner
at the Swedish Academy of Sciences, to which Professor and Lady
Raman were escorted by Dr E. Nobel, a relative of Alfred Nobel,
Lady Raman described the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony:

“The award of the Nobel Prizes took place on the 10th December be¬
tween 4 and 7 p.m. If I shut my eyes, I can still see as in a dream
the great concert hall of Stockholm, decorated with flowers and flags,
filled with more than 4,000 people, the King and Queen of Sweden
and the Royal family occupying the first seats. The Nobel Laureates
then entered the Hall, each accompanied by a Professor in his own
subject and followed by such Nobel Laureates of previous years as
were present in Stockholm and the members of the Academy. As the
procession entered, the whole audience stood up and remained stand¬
ing until the Laureates took their seats amidst a fanfare of trumpets.
The Laureates of the year were seated on one side of the dais and
their introducers on the opposite side. The Secretary of the Academy
of Sciences read a report and gave a brief account of Nobel’s life. Dr
Pleijel, Professor of Electro-Technics in the University of Stockholm,
then rose and spoke for twenty minutes on my husband’s investiga¬
tions on the scattering of light and the new effect that had been dis¬
covered by him. (Note: This speech is given in its entirety at the end
of this section.) He then addressed my husband and said,

‘Sir Venkata Raman, The Royal Academy of Sciences has awar¬

ded you the Nobel Prize in Physics for your eminent researches
on the diffusion of gases and for your discovery of the effect that
bears your name. The Raman effect has opened new routes to
our knowledge of the structure of matter and has already given
most important results.’
‘I now ask you to receive the prize from the hands of His Majesty.’

On Sir Chandrasekhara rising to receive the Prize, the whole audience,

including the King, stood up and the British flag was held aloft. The
Stockholm and the Nobel ceremony 39

Laureate then approached the Royal Seat and bowed before the King,
who took him by the hand and presented him the Nobel Medal, Prize
and Diploma. This was attended with loud cheering and was followed
by orchestral music for about fifteen minutes.
Then followed in succession the addresses on the work of the other
Laureates and the award of the medal, prize and diploma to each of
The whole ceremony took about 3 hours and was followed by the
Nobel banquet which took place at the Mela, a beautiful building pic¬
turesquely situated by the side of the Malar lake. The banqueting hall
can accommodate about 400 guests. The Nobel Laureates sat at the
Royal Table. The dinner was of the most lavish scale. Wine flowed
freely. A few vegetarian dishes had been considerately provided for
us. When it came to the drinking of health, we had our cups filled
with water. In replying to the toast, Sir Raman spoke of the glories
of ancient India. He spoke of the great renunciation of Buddha, the
Royal ascetic and world teacher, and of his message of non-violence
and love which embraced all living creation. It was nearly twelve
when the party broke up.
Next day, the Nobel lectures were delivered at the University. Each
prize-winner spoke on his own work. These lectures are later collected
in the form of a book. In the evening, there was a reception by the
King and Queen at the Palace. After dinner, the guests were shown
round the library and art collections and time passed pleasantly in
conversation with various members of the Royal family. We met there
a grandson of Tolstoy who kindly took us to various places of interest.
The 12th December was a very cold day. A chill wind was blowing.
In the night we witnessed an interesting popular festival called Lucia-
light. There was a procession led by a young maid with a crown of
lighted candles on her head. The legend was that she was heralding the
advent of snow and was bringing light for the dark winter days ahead.
Strangely enough, when we woke up next morning, there was a sheet
of white snow all over the city, greatly enhancing its beauty. Next
to Venice, Stockholm is considered to be the most beautiful city in
Europe, with its large clear fresh-water lake in its centre, magnificent
buildings on the shores of the lake and its clean, broad streets.
As we had few further social engagements, we walked that morning
some distance out of the city to enjoy the beauty of the snow scenery.
40 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

The snow had transformed, as if by magic, the dark artificially lit city
and surroundings into a scene of ethereal beauty.

Next day (14th December) we were invited to dinner at the house of

the President of the Swedish Academy, Dr Petterson. It appears that
when the poet Rabindranath Tagore was there, he sang some Indian
songs and the memory of it was still fresh in their minds. Somehow,
they induced my husband to sing! After one more day of leisured
sight-seeing we left for Upsala on the 16th, where we were the guests
of Prof. Siegbahn and his lady.”

After his return to India from the Nobel ceremony in Stockholm,

Prof. Raman had to face vast crowds of admirers, anxious to see and
hear the great Nobel Prize-winner. He became such a popular figure
in India that, wherever he went, he often had to address several meet¬
ings of citizens and students on his latest researches and on science
in general. This rush of speeches and public engagements pursued
him all through his long life.
The Nobel Presentation Speech by Professor H. Pleijel, Chair¬
man of the Nobel Committee for Physics of the Royal Swedish Aca¬
demy of Sciences:

“Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen.

The Academy of Sciences has resolved to award the Nobel Prize in

Physics for 1930 to Sir Venkata Raman for his work on the scattering
of light and for the discovery of the effect named after him.

The diffusion of light is an optical phenomenon, which has been

known for a long time. A ray of light is not perceptible unless it
strikes the eye directly. If, however, a bundle of rays of light traverses
a medium in which extremely fine dust is present, the ray of light will
scatter to the sides and the path of the ray through the medium will
be discernible from the side. We can represent the course of events
in this way; the small particles of dust begin to oscillate owing to
electric influence from the ray of light, and they form centres from
which light is disseminated in all directions. The wavelength, or the
Stockholm and the Nobel ceremony 41

number of oscillations per second, in the light thus diffused is here

the same as in the original ray of light. But this effect has different
degrees of strength for light with different wavelengths. It is stronger
for the short wavelengths than for the long ones, and consequently
it is stronger for the blue part of the spectrum than for the red part.
Hence if a ray of light containing all the colours of the spectrum passes
through a medium, the yellow and the red rays will pass through the
medium without appreciable scattering, whereas the blue rays will
be scattered to the sides. This effect has received the name of the
‘Tyndall effect’.

Lord Rayleigh, who has made a study of this effect, has put forward
the hypothesis that the blue colours of the sky and the reddish colour¬
ing that is observed at sunrise and sunset is caused by the diffusion of
light owing to the fine dust or the particles of water in the atmosphere.
The blue light from the sky would thus be light scattered to the sides,
while the reddish light would be light that passes through the lower
layers of the atmosphere and which has become impoverished in blue
rays owing to scattering. Later, in 1899, Rayleigh threw out the sug¬
gestion that the phenomenon in question might be due to the fact that
the molecules of air themselves exercised a scattering effect on the
rays of light.

In 1914 Cabannes succeeded in showing experimentally that pure and

dustless gases also have the capacity of scattering rays of light.

But a closer examination of scattering in different substances in solid,

liquid, or gaseous form showed that the scattered light did not in cer¬
tain respects exactly follow the laws which, according to calculation,
should hold good for the Tyndall effect. The hypothesis which formed
the basis of this effect would seem to involve, amongst other things,
that the rays scattered to the sides were polarised. This, however, did
not prove to be exactly the case.

This divergence from what was to be expected was made the starting-
point of a searching study of the nature of scattered light, in which
study Raman was one of those who took an active part. Raman sought
42 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

to find the explanation of the anomalies in asymmetry observed in

the molecules. During these studies of his in the phenomenon of
scattering, Raman made, in 1928, the unexpected and highly surpris¬
ing discovery that the scattered light showed not only the radiation
that derived from the primary light but also a radiation that contained
other wavelengths, which were foreign to the primary light.

In order to study more closely the properties of the new rays, the pri¬
mary light that was emitted from a powerful mercury lamp was fil¬
tered in such a way as to yield a primary light of one single wave¬
length. The light scattered from that ray in a medium was watched in
a spectrograph, in which every wavelength or frequency produces a
line. Here he found that, in addition to the mercury line chosen, there
was obtained a spectrum of new sharp lines, which appeared in the
spectrograph on either side of the original line. When another mer¬
cury line was employed, the same extra spectrum showed itself round
it. Thus, when the primary light was moved, the new spectrum fol¬
lowed, in such a way that the frequency distance between the primary
line and the new lines always remained the same.

Raman investigated the universal character of the phenomenon by us¬

ing a large number of substances as a scattering medium, and every¬
where found the same effect.

The explanation of this phenomenon, which has received the name of

the ‘Raman Effect’ after its discoverer, has been found by Raman him¬
self, with the help of the modern conception of the nature of light. Ac¬
cording to that conception, light cannot be emitted from or absorbed
by material otherwise than in the form of definite amounts of energy
or what are known as ‘light quanta’. Thus the energy of light would
possess a kind of atomic character. A quantum of light is proportion¬
ate to the frequency of rays of light, so that in the case of a frequency
twice as great, the quanta of the rays of light will also be twice as

In order to illustrate the conditions when an atom emits or absorbs

light energy, we can, according to Bohr, picture to ourselves the atom
Stockholm and the Nobel ceremony 43

as consisting of a nucleus, charged with positive electricity round

which negative electrons rotate in circular paths at various distances
from the centre. The path of every such electron possesses a certain
energy, which is different from different distances from the central

Only certain paths are stable. When the electron moves in such a
path, no energy is emitted. When, on the other hand, an electron falls
from a path with higher energy to one with lower energy — that is
to say, from an outer path to an inner path — light is emitted with a
frequency that is characteristic of these two paths, and the energy of
radiation consists of a quantum of light. Thus the atom can give rise
to as many frequencies as the number of different transitions between
the stable paths. There is a line in the spectrum corresponding to each

An incoming radiation cannot be absorbed by the atom unless its light

quantum is identical with one of the light quanta that the atom can

Now the Raman Effect seems to conflict with this law. The positions
of the Raman-lines in the spectrum do not correspond, in point of fact,
with the frequencies of the atom itself, and they move with the acti¬
vating ray. Raman has explained this apparent contradiction and the
coming into existence of the lines by the effect of combination be¬
tween the quantum of light coming from without and the quanta of
light that are released or bound in the atom. If the atom, at the same
time as it receives from without a quantum of light, emits a quantum
of light of a different magnitude, and if the difference between these
two quanta is identical with the quantum of light which is bound or
released when an electron passes from one path to another, the quan¬
tum of light coming from without is absorbed. In that case the atom
will emit an extra frequency, which either will be the sum of or the
difference between the activating ray and a frequency in the atom it¬
self. In this case these new lines group themselves round the incom¬
ing primary frequency on either side of it, and the distance between
the activating frequency and the nearest Raman-lines will be identical
44 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

with the lowest oscillation frequencies of the atom or with its ultra-red
spectrum. What has been said as to the atom and its oscillations also
holds good of the molecule.

In this way we get the ultra-red spectrum moved up to the spectral line
of the activating light. The discovery of the Raman-line has proved
to be of extraordinarily great importance for our knowledge of the
structure of molecules.

So far, indeed, there have been all but insuperable difficulties in the
way of studying these ultra-red oscillations, because that part of the
spectrum lies so far away from the region where the photographic
plate is sensitive. Raman’s discovery has now overcome these diffi¬
culties, and the way has been opened for the investigation of the os¬
cillations of the nucleus of the molecules. We choose the primary ray
within that range of frequency where the photographic plate is sensi¬
tive. The ultra-red spectrum, in the form of the Raman-lines, is moved
up to that region and, in consequence of that, exact measurements of
its lines can be effected.

In the same way, the ultra-violet spectrum can be investigated with the
help of the Raman Effect. Thus we have obtained a simple and exact
method for the investigation of the entire sphere of oscillation of the

Raman himself and his fellow-workers have, during the years that
have elapsed since the discovery was made, investigated the frequen¬
cies in a large number of substances in a solid, liquid and gaseous
state. Investigations have been made as to whether different con¬
ditions of aggregation affect atoms and molecules, and the molecu¬
lar conditions in electrolytic dissociation and the ultra-red absorption
spectrum of crystals have been studied.

Thus the Raman Effect has already yielded important results concern¬
ing the chemical constitution of substances; and it is to foresee that
the extremely valuable tool that the Raman Effect has placed in our
hands will in the immediate future bring with it a deepening of our
knowledge of the structure of matter.”
Civic honour by the Calcutta Corporation 45

Civic honour by the Calcutta Corporation

Among the warm tributes paid to him on his return, that of the Cal¬
cutta Corporation is noteworthy.
The Corporation Address was presented to Sir Chandrasekhara
Venkata Raman on Friday, June 26, 1931, at a brilliant function in
the historic Town Hall of Calcutta. The hall was elegantly decorated
and illuminated, and a distinguished gathering, composed of some of
the foremost citizens, was present when the city fathers, representing
the public, acclaimed the Nobel Laureate.
At the head of the staircase, Prof. Raman, accompanied by Lady
Raman, was received by the Aldermen, Councillors and the principal
officers of the Corporation. As he entered the Hall at the head of
the procession, the whole assembly stood up and greeted him with
On reaching the dais, the Mayor garlanded Sir Chandrasekhara,
amid applause. As Prof. Raman took his seat, there was a shower of
flowers upon him from an ingenious overhead contrivance.
To Prof. Raman’s right sat the Mayor, while to his left was seated
the Deputy Mayor. Distinguished guests, Aldermen, Councillors and
the principal officers of the Corporation occupied other seats on the
dais. The Mayor then read the Address, which was printed on Khad-
dar with gold embroidery, and presented it to Sir Chandrasekhara on
an engraved silver tray. The Address was received with applause by
the assembly.
Sir Chandrasekhara, who on rising received an ovation,
made a striking speech in the course of which he paid a tribute to
Calcutta, which, he said, has been “the intellectual metropolis not
only of Bengal, or of India, but of the whole of Asia, from which has
gone forth a living stream of knowledge in many branches of study”.
At the end of the function, the Mayor presented the Aldermen
and Councillors of the Corporation to Sir Chandrasekhara.
The Corporation offices and schools remained closed on Thurs¬
day, July 2nd, in honour of the presentation of the Corporation Ad¬
dress to Sir C. V. Raman. This Address read:
46 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

“Sir, We, the Aldermen and Councillors of the Corporation of Cal¬

cutta, beg to offer you our respectful congratulations on your great
achievements in the domain of Science. The recent awards to you
of the Nobel Prize, of the Royal Society’s Medal and the Matteucci
Medal, are, in each case, the first distinctions of the kind to be gained
by an Asiatic man of Science, and bear unequivocal testimony to the
high esteem and regard in which your contributions to knowledge are
held in the world of Science. Working in an Indian laboratory, with a
purely Indian training, you have achieved results of the highest value,
thus demonstrating the high level of efficiency attained by this country
in the matter of scientific research.

Your single-minded devotion to the cause of Science and your bold

idealism will ever remain a perennial source of inspiration to your
countrymen. The highest academic degrees and the lucrative position
in Government service, which you won at the early age of 18, would
have satisfied most ambitions. But the passion for research, which had
manifested itself even at that age, impelled you to seek opportunities
for its further expression and led you to give up a lucrative career for
the sake of Science. Your noble ideal and example have inspired the
work of your pupils, and the Indian Journal of Physics, of which you
are the founder, is the recognised organ for recording and stimulating
research in Physical Science in this country.

It is not for us to narrate the long list of your contributions to Science,

but we may be pardoned for mentioning the Raman Effect by the dis¬
covery of which you have secured a permanent place in the history
of modern Science. New scientific truths, basing themselves on your
epoch-making discovery, are emanating from the laboratories of every
civilised country and continue to glorify your name.

As a great teacher of the youth of our country, you have exhibited in

a remarkable degree a wide range of intellectual interests and a gift of
exposition often touching the heights of humour and eloquence.

We recall with pride and pleasure that it was through one of our em¬
inent fellow citizens that the creative genius of the East received the
Civic honour by the Calcutta Corporation 47

homage of the West when the Nobel Prize was attracted for the first
time to Asia by the immortal works of our great national poet. We
rejoice to think that by unravelling the deep mysteries of Nature, a
most distinguished savant of this city has now brought to the East for
the first time the highest award of the West in the held of Science.

Installed in the Palit Chair of Physics in the University of Calcutta,

you have, by your success in extending the bounds of human knowl¬
edge, supplied some of the most enduring cornerstones of the Citys
Temple of Learning. May you, by your continued efforts, shed fur¬
ther lustre on this City and bring greater glory to our Motherland, this
ancient home of learning and knowledge.

We beg to subscribe ourselves, Sir, Yours in the service of the Mother¬

land, The Aldermen and Councillors of the Corporation of Calcutta:
by Bidhan Chandra Roy

Sir C.V. Raman replied:

“Mr. Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors of the Calcutta Corporation,

Ladies and Gentlemen:

There are occasions when even the most cold-blooded of men finds
himself deeply moved by emotion. It is possible that the ideal man of
science should be just a perfect thinking machine with no sentiment or
emotion in his make-up. That I am indeed far from approaching this
ideal was evident on a certain occasion in Stockholm last December
when the people of the coldest country in Europe tendered to a man of
science from the tropic East the highest distinction in their gift. On the
present occasion as well, I have difficulty in finding words in which
to convey my feelings. Permit me, Sir, to express my gratitude to you
and your Fellow-Councillors for what must be regarded as a supreme
honour by every citizen of Calcutta.

You, Sir, have referred to my early career. It is not often that the ide¬
alism of student days finds adequate opportunity for expression in the
later life of manhood. It will soon be 25 years from the date of pub¬
lication of my first research work. That the scientific aspirations kin¬
dled by that early work did not suffer extinction has been due entirely
48 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

to the opportunities provided for me by the great city ot Calcutta. To

two men, especially, I owe a debt ot gratitude that can never be repaid.

It was the late Dr Mahendra Lai Sircar, who, by founding the Indian
Association for Cultivation of Science, made it possible for the sci¬
entific aspirations of my early years to continue burning brightly. Dr
Sircar devoted a life-time of labour to the institution which he created
and equipped in the hope that it would some day be utilised tor the
advancement of science in India. Its doors were open, awaiting the
arrival of someone who could utilise the resources it offered. That
arrival happened to be myself. Dr Mahendra Lai Sircar did not, alas,
live to see his aims accomplished. He sowed that others might reap.

To another great citizen of Calcutta, a man who was most farseeing,

profoundly gifted and inspired by the highest ideals, I mean the late
Sir Asutosh Mookerjee, I am also under a deep debt of gratitude. Sir
Asutosh ventured to ask a young and unknown Government official to
throw aside the preferments of office, and devote himself to the pursuit
of knowledge, under the aegis of the Calcutta University. This, on
his part, was an act of great courage, whereas on mine it was just a
case of following my own inclinations. But for the action which Sir
Asutosh took, my scientific career would long ago have suffered an
abrupt termination.

I desire to take this opportunity of expressing my gratitude also to my

many friends in the city of Calcutta who have helped my work and
made my task easier. Amongst them, I wish particularly to single out
my distinguished friend, Sir Prafulla Chandra Ray, whom I am glad
to see here today. I have always thought it a great privilege to have
as my colleague in the Palit Chair of Chemistry such a distinguished
pioneer in scientific research and education in Bengal as Sir Prafulla
Ray. It has been invariably my experience that I could count on his
co-operation and sympathy in every matter concerning my scientific
Civic honour by the Calcutta Corporation 49

It has been my good fortune to have had during the past 15 years a long
succession of highly gifted collaborators. To them, also, I am under a
deep debt of obligation, for it is their assistance that has made possible
much of the work that has emerged from my laboratory. It is generally
believed that it is the students who derive benefit by working under
the guidance of a Professor. In reality, the Professor benefits equally
by his association with gifted students working under him. From the
very first, I have acted under the firm conviction that a Professor who
succeeds in attracting and inspiring a group of co-workers was also
benefiting himself and rendering to the cause of Science far greater
service than he could ever hope to offer in splendid isolation.

You, Sir, have referred to the fact that I never had any training in
foreign laboratories or Universities. I believe myself that this was a
fortunate circumstance, for it is my firm conviction that the highest
inspiration for scientific work is that which comes from within one¬
self. It is my earnest hope that it will be possible in the near future to
create opportunities in our own country for students to do the highest
type of creative scientific work. In saying this, I do not for a moment
suggest that we have nothing to learn from Europe or America, but
surely it is better that we learn to accomplish whatever we can within
our own borders.

You, Sir, have said that you desire my association with Calcutta to be a
permanent one. Let me say at once that this is also my earnest desire. I
consider it my great good fortune to have been a citizen of Calcutta for
nearly 25 years. Some have said that research work cannot be carried
on successfully except in cool climates, such as those of Bangalore or
Dehra Dun. A hot day in June is not an opportune moment to enter
upon praise of the physical climate of Calcutta. But from the point
of view of research, there is something more important than physical
climate, and that is the intellectual climate of the environment. For a
hundred years, Calcutta has been the intellectual metropolis not only
of Bengal, or of India, but of the whole of Asia. From Calcutta has
gone forth a living stream of knowledge in many branches of study. It
is inspiring to think of the long succession of scholars, both Indian and
50 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

European, who have lived in this city, made it their own, and given it
of their best. It must be a profound privilege to be able to work and
live in such an environment.

Of recent years I have had occasions to visit numerous laboratories

abroad. Many of them are being rebuilt or re-organised, in order better
to cope with the problems of science. The Rockefeller Foundation has
played the part of a fairy godmother to many a scientist in Europe and
America in the realisation of his scientific aims and aspirations. It is
the Indian Association for Cultivation of Science which first afforded
me opportunities for scientific work at Calcutta, and which has been
the scene of the labours of many of my most gifted collaborators. It
is my earnest desire that its laboratory and library should be re-built
and re-equipped so as to make their resources comparable with those
of leading institutions abroad. If that desire were accomplished, not
all the appointments in India joined together and offered to me as one
gift would induce me to leave this great city.

Allow me to thank you once again for the great honour you have done
Chapter II

To Bangalore and the Indian Institute of Science

In 1933, Raman was offered the Directorship of the Indian Institute

of Science (IISc) founded by J. N. Tata. He accepted it with some
hesitation. But after 25 years of living in Calcutta, Raman was natu¬
rally attracted to Bangalore for the welcome change it offered, both
from the point of view of the climate and the beautiful environment.
He fell in love with Bangalore so much, he made it his permanent
The Indian Institute of Science was set up in 1909 to conduct
original research and provide advanced training in science and en¬
gineering for Indian students. To J. N. Tata, the visionary, the in¬
stitution was to be the primary base for the intellectual rejuvenation
and modernisation of India. But to Lord Curzon, the then Viceroy
of India, this would be a seditious step against the British Raj and
so he opposed its establishment. Nevertheless, five years after Tata’s
death, the Institute was established, and Bangalore became its home
because of the farsightedness of the Maharaja and the Government
of Mysore who offered it about 150 hectares of land and many other
The Directors of the Institute (till Raman’s appointment) were
always British; so were most of the early faculty. Some felt that
under the tutelage of the British Resident of Mysore State, the Insti¬
tute was subserving the interests of Great Britain. Even the starting

52 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

of the General Chemistry and Electrical Technology Departments

was associated, by those who held this view, with the running of the
British-owned Kolar Gold Fields. The effect of research and educa¬
tion ‘appearing’ at the IISc. had a tremendous effect on the country,
but nationalists however were dissatisfied with the ‘performance’ of
the Institute. They felt that, in spite of large sums of money being
spent, the Institute neither catalysed industrial growth nor produced
any outstanding scientific discoveries of which India could be proud.
Raman, however, felt strongly that research and advanced edu¬
cation could be the foundation for any economic advancement only
if there was excellence of the highest order. Therefore he tried many
strategies to bring about change at the Indian Institute of Science.
Being a great lover of Nature, he first sought to improve the sur¬
roundings by planting beautiful flowering trees. In this he was aided
by Sir Mirza Ismail, the Dewan of Mysore, and Mr Krumbeigel, the
Chief Horticulturist of Lalbagh, Bangalore’s botanical garden. Even
today, the campus of the Institute remains a lovely garden, though
somewhat spoiled by the addition of so many buildings.
Around the time Raman moved to Bangalore, many famous sci¬
entists were fleeing Germany. Raman wanted to attract them. He felt
that by inviting some of these outstanding men of science and offer¬
ing them permanent positions, a great scientific movement could be
created in India. He invited Max Born and nearly succeeded in ap¬
pointing him to an Extraordinary Chair of Physics he created at the
Institute. Raman also made an offer to Schrodinger, but he was too
late, for the latter had already accepted an offer from Dublin. Many
others were on his list, but before he could pursue his quest further,
his strong personality and management style resulted in serious dif¬
ficulties with the governing body of the Institute and he was forced
to resign from the Directorship. He, however, continued as Professor
of Physics until his retirement in 1948, pursuing with undiminished
enthusiasm new avenues of research.
Raman developed the Department of Physics at the Institute and,
with characteristic energy, turned it into an active centre for physics
research. He took a large number of students and trained them as
To Bangalore and the Indian Institute of Science 53

first-class physicists, shaping their careers and destinies. He started

research in diverse fields, viz. ultrasonics, Brillouin scattering, X-
ray scattering, physics of the diamond and lattice dynamics. Light¬
scattering studies continued as a regular programme in his laboratory.
One of his outstanding contributions during his 15 years at the
Institute concerns the diffraction of light by high-frequency sound
waves. The phenomenon of ultrasonic diffraction was first discov¬
ered in 1932, by Debye and Sears in America and, simultaneously
and independently, by Lucas and Biquard in France. Raman ex¬
plained this phenomenon in a beautiful way. He also published
several papers with Nagendra Nath as his collaborator. The so-called
Raman-Nath theory not only fully explained the observed effects but
indicated several interesting new ideas.
How Raman’s brilliant suggestions led to the Raman-Nath the¬
ory has been described by Nagendra Nath himself:

“One day, Parthasarathy was to give an account of the determination

of the velocity of sound in organic liquids by the method of diffraction
of light by ultrasonic waves. Hardly had he finished the description
of the experimental set-up, than Professor raised the query — What is
the number of diffraction orders expected on the basis of Brillouin’s
theory? — The reply was two first orders of weak intensity. What
was the fact, was the next query. A number of diffraction orders not
in agreement with the theory. Professor went to the board and said
that the theory should be developed in a different way. A sound wave
creates compressions and rarefactions. A light beam would be slowed
in the region of compressions and it would move faster in the region
of rarefactions, and so a plane wavefront would become a corrugated
wavefront like a zinc sheet used for building purposes. Professor said
that an analysis of this corrugated wavefront would explain the unex¬
plained results. When I went to him next day giving an explanation
of the results on the basis of his ideas, he said it was all correct and
that started a series of papers by him and myself which has come to
be known in literature as the Raman-Nath Theory.”
54 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Though Raman’s outlook was essentially that of an experimen¬

tal physicist, he would insist on the physical significance of every
theoretical result. He had a stock in trade of certain physical results
and he would liberally draw on them to explain results in a differ¬
ent subject altogether. Once, Max Born exclaimed, “He leaps over
It was in the field of lattice dynamics that Raman got involved
in a bitter controversy with Born, Debye and others by strongly op¬
posing their theories. Raman was incorrect, but he was convinced
that he was right in his approach. This attitude made him highly
emotional and irrational when it came to lattice dynamics. Further, it
also proved counter-productive for him and he got side-tracked into
an area which was not his forte. What he was, was an experimentalist
par excellence, possessing an unusual insight when it came to optics.
Raman had a lively and life-long interest in diamonds and built
up an outstanding collection. He made many scientific studies on the
diamond, but unfortunately got into a controversy again.
These controversies do not diminish Raman’s fine contribution
made to optics, spectroscopy and crystal physics during these years.
Raman and Nedungadi were the first to observe the soft mode be¬
haviour associated with the phase transition in the a to J3 quartz trans¬
formation. This was almost two decades before Cochran came out
with the soft mode theory for phase transitions, a theory now well
known. Raman and his students also made outstanding contributions
to crystal optics, viz. conical refraction, optical activity and other
crystal optical phenomena.
During his tenure as Professor at the Indian Institute of Science,
the Department of Physics was intensely active in diverse areas of
physics, with Raman as its moving spirit. It was during this period
that R. S. Krishnan carried out pioneering Raman scattering studies
using the so-called Rasetti technique which employed the mercury

resonance radiation A = 2537A coming out of a water-cooled quartz

mercury lamp placed between the poles of a magnet. This technique
worked so well for substances transparent to the above ultra-violet
radiation that even second-order Raman spectra could be obtained.
To Bangalore and the Indian Institute of Science 55

The second-order spectrum is a thousand times weaker compared

to the first-order Raman scattering. The substances investigated in¬
cluded diamond, quartz, rock salt, magnesium oxide, etc. It was this
work that set Raman on his new lattice dynamics. After Raman’s
retirement, Krishnan became Professor of Physics and continued the
tradition of Raman spectroscopy with his students and co-workers.
Raman’s career at the Indian Institute of Science was not alto¬
gether a happy experience for him. His forced resignation from the
Directorship and all the unpleasant incidents preceding it made him
very bitter. He often expressed his bitterness to visitors. Why did
Raman fail miserably? What really happened that led to his resig¬
nation from the Directorship? These are questions without any real
answers. S. Ramaseshan, a former Director of the IISc, has cited
some of the views expressed in this connection: Raman came to the
Institute with the idea of making it a centre of science of international
standard. What he found was a quiet sleepy place where little work
was done by a number of well-paid people.... Raman’s speeding up
of the entire pace of the Institute was bound to look like criticism of
the former management. He made the mistake of not waiting for a
year or two before starting actual reforms (Born).
Raman was obviously surrounded by people, both British and
Indian, who largely looked upon IISc as a source of sinecure posi¬
tions. Some of the English faculty resented working under Raman
— an Indian — an experience they had never had before. These fac¬
ulty members had gained the ear of the colonial Government which
agreed to put pressure on the Tata family. The Tata representatives on
the Council were particularly sensitive to the colonial Government’s
wishes, as the House of Tatas was very dependent on Government
protection. Born has stated: “There is no Indian physicist of the
rank of Raman. No man can compare with him in regard to vigour
or intensity. This European intensity which Raman exhibited to a
marked degree seemed to make many Indians suspicious of him.”
All changes made by Raman provoked resentment. Many even felt
that physics was in the process of becoming a dominant feature of
56 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

the Institute. Raman, far too conscious of his own superiority, made
other people feel small in his presence. His acute mind and sharp
tongue seemed to constantly provoke resentment and tension around
All these could have been contributing factors. For one thing, a
man of success in India is an object of great envy and he often finds
himself in situations full of intrigues and plotting. In fact, Raman’s
leaving Calcutta appears to have been the result of intrigues and
backbiting created by jealous colleagues. The Indian Institute of Sci¬
ence was a much bigger institution even in those times, with a num¬
ber of scientists and engineers with widely different backgrounds and
loyalties. Such being the case, it would have been a difficult task for
even a very tactful person to run the place smoothly. Unfortunately,
Raman was a person who had no patience, was far from tactful, and
did not have much tolerance for different viewpoints. He was eas¬
ily excitable and said what he thought of people and their actions
straight to their faces. Further, his style of administration was highly
personalised revealing his strong likes and dislikes. All these quali¬
ties made him easy prey and, in less than three years, many, including
several senior faculty members, turned against him.
In the matter of the appointment of Max Born to a permanent
Chair and in inviting other scientists from abroad, Raman had appar¬
ently not taken permission of the management, the Governing Coun¬
cil of the Indian Institute of Science. Some of the other charges lev¬
elled against him were that he developed the Physics Department at
the expense of other departments, that he wasted money on beautify¬
ing the Institute grounds, and so forth.
While Raman could admittedly be a difficult person, there is rea¬
son to wonder whether it was not just the ‘scientific politics’ of the
times that brought about his demotion. It is a pity that a scientist of
his stature had to suffer indignities which left an indelible bitterness
in him. An institution which is governed by consensus and which
is bureaucratic by nature was totally at odds with Raman’s way of
thinking. It is out of this realisation that he decided to create a re¬
search institute of his own, where his will and wishes would prevail.
The Raman Research Institute 57

The Raman Research Institute

Raman had visions of a private institute in which he could continue
his scientific research after he retired from the Indian Institute of
Science. He had planned for this while still a Professor at the IISc,
collecting money for such an eventuality. The Maharaja of Mysore
had earlier gifted for this purpose a lovely piece of land, 11 acres in
extent, in one of the prime localities in Bangalore. Raman arranged
to build his institute on this land and, by the time he retired from the
IISc, in 1948, the building for his new institute was nearing comple¬
The Raman Research Institute is situated on a piece of land adja¬
cent to that of Kempegowda tower which defines the northern limit
of Bangalore. (The four Kempegowda towers were erected in the
19th century to mark the limits beyond which the city should not
be extended without ill-luck descending on it, but in recent years
Bangalore has outgrown these limits and has had to contend with
congestion, lack of water and pollution.) The land on which Raman
built sloped gently towards the north and its soil was lateritic. The
Kempegowda tower stands to the southeast on a lateritic hillock and
the Sun used to light it up in blazing red. From this tower, you could
see the Nandi Hills 30 miles to the north. To the south lay Banga¬
lore, cradled in a shallow valley. The adjoining area in those days
was occupied by the beautiful palace gardens and lush agricultural
fields. In recent times, the gardens and open fields have given way to
housing developments, and the area has become heavily built up.
Raman loved the property, every inch of it was sacred to him.
One of the first tasks undertaken by him was to erect a barbed-wire
fencing around it. He then implemented an afforestation scheme,
planting the barren land with flowering trees, shrubbery, bushes and
fast-growing trees for shade and greenery. The first building that was
erected was a two-storey one of neatly dressed, light grey granite
blocks. The building was essentially designed by Raman with the
help of some architects. Raman believed in large rooms with high
ceilings and sumptuous ventilation. It was a ‘n’ - shaped building
58 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

facing the north, the long side laid out in the east-west direction, with
the east and west wings at the ends. A protruding portico near the
western end served as the main entrance to the building. There were
pillared verandahs all round, both on the ground floor and the first
floor. A large granite staircase faced the entrance. It had a landing
platform at the half-way point, where it turned 180° to lead up to
the first floor. These steps were beautifully dressed rectangular slabs
of granite cantilevered from the adjacent wall. Raman used to point
out this feature to visitors and remark that he could take a full-grown
elephant up them to the first floor. The steps had dressed granite
On reaching the first floor, a pillared porch right on top of the
portico invited one’s attention. This was a favourite spot of Raman.
From this portico there was a panoramic view of the northern side,
and on a clear day the distant Nandi Hills could be clearly seen, their
well-defined outline resembling that of a reposing bull. Further de¬
tails on the hills could be seen with the help of a telescope. The fore¬
ground was somewhat bereft of vegetation, but the overall picture
was of a vista exhilarating to the mind and a feast to the eye. Raman
hardly ever failed to give a visitor the experience of this sight, his
commentary adding another dimension to the view.
To the west of the building was the majestic tower of the Indian
Institute of Science, with the Institute complex in the foreground.
This sight however did not please Raman. So he planted a eucalyp¬
tus grove to block the view. He never forgot the unpleasant events
connected with his tenure as Director of the Indian Institute of Sci¬
ence. These had left a deep scar on him. Sometimes Raman used
to make pungent remarks about the Institute. He, however, would
quickly change the subject and talk about eucalyptus, saying how
much he enjoyed the scent wafted by a favourable wind from that
When Raman shifted his activities in 1949 to the Raman Re¬
search Institute, the building was barely completed. There was no
electricity and the plumbing was just being laid. In November 1949,1
joined Raman as his research assistant. He appointed J. Padmanabhan
The Raman Research Institute 59

as his technical assistant about the same time. A stenotypist was ap¬
pointed just a little before us. The three of us were the nuclear staff
of the Raman Research Institute.
Raman recruited his staff in his own way. He was fed up with
rules and regulations followed in big institutions such as the IISc.
He applied the criteria of ability and proven merit rather than paper
qualifications and evaluated candidates in his own way. Once, there
was a query from the Government as to the basis on which he re¬
cruited his staff. Raman wrote back saying, “On the basis of proven
The first technical person Raman appointed was Padmanabhan,
who was recommended to him by H. Parameswaran. The latter had
trained Padmanabhan as an optical technologist. Raman had great re¬
gard for Parameswaran who had, at one time, been Professor at Pres¬
idency College, Madras, and had later gone to Trivandrum to serve
as the Director of Industries in Travancore State. Parameswaran was
an expert in optics and had constructed telescopes and other optical
apparatus for research in the subject. Padmanabhan had, therefore,
received excellent training and turned out to be a master optical tech¬
nologist. Raman appreciated very much Padmanabhan’s work and
the excellence he was able to achieve. Padmanabhan had the unique
distinction of staying with Raman for twenty years, until the latter’s
death. He retired from the Raman Institute in 1984, after 35 years
of service. Padmanabhan served Raman with dedication; Raman, in
turn, liked him very much and treated him very kindly.
In my own case, it was a chance meeting with Raman that re¬
sulted in a most happy and productive association with him for eleven
years, from November 1949 to October 1960. After obtaining the
Bachelor’s degree in Science from the University of Madras, I spent
a year-and-a-half in search of a business-related career. Not find¬
ing satisfaction and drawn towards science by a strong inner urge, I
went to the College of Engineering, Guindy, to work as a research
scholar in physical chemistry under a well-known physical chemist
who headed the Science Department there. After a year, I became
a demonstrator with some teaching duties and laboratory work, but
60 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

spent my major time in research. My two-year stay at the Engineer¬

ing College gave me an opportunity for self-education in electrical
and mechanical engineering, which stood me in good stead later in
my career. Finding that the Engineering College was not an appro¬
priate place for growth as a scientist, I decided to leave and knock on
the doors of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, but there was
some hitch. However, shortly afterwards, I had to visit Bangalore,
to investigate a business opportunity in non-ferrous metals. While
there, I made a telephone call , to Raman and inquired if I might see
him later that afternoon. Luck was on my side; Raman was in good
spirits and said “Yes”. I went to the Institute and found him tak¬
ing a walk in the grounds. He welcomed me and talked in general
terms about the Institute he was planning to create. In between, he
asked me what sort of training I had and then directed some gen¬
eral questions at me. I distinctly remember one of them concerning
clouds. He asked what clouds were and why they were visible to
the eye. I must have given the right answer, for he said, “You have
some common sense”. Then he asked me if I knew something about
the practical aspects of electrical engineering. He talked to me about
plants, flowers and about the origin of colours. I had taken a course
in botany and, hence, could respond sensibly.
All this went on for an hour and a half while we took a leisurely
stroll. Then he said, “I want an assistant to help me in my research
and scientific work, but I have to be careful in selecting the right
person”. I responded, “Sir if you will give me a chance I will try
my best to serve you”. Without hesitation, he offered to take me
as a Junior Research Assistant, but on one condition, namely that I
would have to be on probation for six months; if at the end of that
period he was satisfied with my performance, he would confirm me.
He jokingly added, “Maybe you will turn out to be like a Faraday to
Sir Humphrey Davy”. This was a most exhilarating outcome for me
and indeed the turning point in my life. Nothing like this had ever
happened before or after: a contact with one of the greatest scientists
of the century, which was to set me on a course dearer to my heart. In
retrospect, all the disappointments I had endured were for the good.
The Raman Research Institute

The Raman Research Institute circa 1953.

62 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

This meeting took place on November 1, 1949. Raman imme¬

diately dictated a letter of appointment to his typist, signed it and
handed it to me, asking me to report for work in ten days’ time. He
then dropped me at the bus stand. I took the train to Madras that
night and, after spending a week in my village home left for Banga¬
lore to start work. Padmanabhan had already joined and so had the
other staff member, the typist Balakrishnan. It was from this point
that the Raman Institute began functioning.
Raman, meanwhile, went about earnestly building the Institute
and its facilities for research. He had bought several microscopes,
and there was a roomful of electronic equipment (US military and
air force surplus equipment released by DGTD to educational and
research institutions from what the American Armed Forces had left
behind after World War II). These included magnetrons, microwave
generators, oscilloscopes, transmitting equipment, servo systems, ae¬
rial cameras, optical systems, infra-red viewers and detectors. A
large number of machine tools and lathes, and a liquid nitrogen plant,
were also part of this windfall. Radhakrishnan, the younger son of
Raman, was an amateur radio expert and had helped in choosing
most of the electronic equipment. However, most of the items were
not really in working condition, except the optical components and
machine tools. Later, a building was built on the western side of the
main building for the lathes, machines, tools, glass blowing technol¬
ogy, carpentry and a chemical lab.
Another building called the Spectroscopic Laboratory was built
next to the main building on the eastern side.
When it came to buildings, Raman loved to have them built in
dressed granite. He also had very definite ideas about their archi¬
tecture. The main building of the Institute for instance, was almost
entirely conceived by him; he had thought out exactly how each room
should be utilised. In the main building he provided space for lab¬
oratories, library, museums, offices, reading rooms, and bathrooms.
His reading room on the first floor, adjacent to the museum hall, was
magnificent. It was panelled in teakwood and had teakwood and
glass cases for books. There were corner shelves on which were
The Raman Research Institute 63

arranged several spectacular mineral specimens. A large teakwood

table with a black glass top stood in the centre of the room, with com¬
fortable cushioned chairs around it. The Kempegowda tower could
be seen through the eastern windows of this room and the palace gar¬
dens from the southern windows. Altogether this was a lovely room,
tastefully decorated, and with books and journals neatly arranged on
the shelves. Raman used this room to read, write and sometimes re¬
ceive visitors. A small adjacent room contained the Memoirs of the
Institute, all arranged according to number and accessible through a
door from the reading room. Downstairs, in the north-east corner,
was Raman’s private office. This was close to the Institute’s admin¬
istrative office where his stenotypists, clerks and accountants sat. In
his private office room, Raman kept his entire personal collection, in¬
cluding memorabilia, medals, diplomas, doctoral gowns, diamonds
and other crystals. He would answer telephone calls, dictate letters
and transact administrative matters connected with the Institute from
this private office.
Before Raman retired from the Indian Institute of Science he vis¬
ited the United States twice, as a member of the Indian team to the
World Bank. Although the official role he played in these two del¬
egations is not clear, he made use of the opportunity to visit sev¬
eral scientific institutions, including the Bell Laboratories at Murray
Hill. More importantly, he acquired an exquisite collection of min¬
eral and crystal specimens and gem materials from several dealers in
the USA. These had just arrived about the time we joined the Insti¬
tute and one of the more interesting tasks to befall us was to unpack
Raman had a grand plan for crystallographic, mineralogical, gem-
mological, and geological museums at the Institute and had reserved
several rooms on the first floor for this purpose. He immersed him¬
self in the task of designing a suitable display and called in E. K.
Govindraj, a well-known photographic dealer and studio owner in
Bangalore, to help him. Govindraj, who had a fine artistic sense,
suggested the use of teakwood-framed glass cases, with sliding doors
and inside lighting, to display the collection. The shelves in the cases
64 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

were also to be made of plate-glass. The teakwood casings were to

be decorated with a design and fine-polished to bring out the graini¬
ness of the wood. Govindraj engaged carpenters, built the shelves at
the Institute itself and personally supervised their installation. But he
sought Raman’s approval at each stage. If Raman did not like any¬
thing that Govindraj proposed, he told him so, and Raman’s decision
prevailed. Govindraj, however, was a very diplomatic and sharp per¬
son and he learned very quickly the ways of Raman’s thinking.
After the shelves were installed, Raman took great delight in ar¬
ranging the specimens himself. He used to carry the specimens up
to the first floor himself and place them on the shelves. We gave
him all possible help. He would have us around him, then try vari¬
ous positions for a specimen and ask each time, “How does it look
now?” Thus, considerable time was spent on arriving at the right
setting for each specimen, to ensure that it caught the light properly
and its beauty was displayed in full measure. These sessions used
to last for hours and we greatly enjoyed being with Raman on these
occasions, listening to his comments. He did not like labels on the
specimens and hence these were removed, but he carried all the in¬
formation about each specimen in his head. From him, and because
we were with him all the time, Padmanabhan and myself learnt the
details about most of the specimens, how they were acquired, from
which area, and so on.
The most colourful and spectacular crystals were displayed in a
corner room with front and side lighting. The larger mineral spec¬
imens were exhibited with front lighting in a long room called the
Bisseserlal Halwasia Museum. There was a long teakwood case with
a glass top and sliding doors in this room and in it were displayed
most of the synthetic gems and crystals. In a small room adjacent to
the corner room, minerals which exhibited luminescence under ultra¬
violet (UV) excitation were displayed. The bright green willemite,
the red calcites, blue fluorspar and the multicoloured franklinite from
New Jersey were part of a spectacular show. They were displayed in
a darkened room, but came to life when UV lamps were turned on.
Raman loved to show the specimens in white light before turning on
The Raman Research Institute 65

the UV so that visitors could see the contrast. It was like being in
a fairyland, where things took shape in splendid colours, as the UV
lamps warmed up. Raman would explain to his audience what lumi¬
nescence is and why the specimens showed such colours. This was
one of the main attractions of the museum at the Raman Research
Institute and visitors carried away with them a vivid impression of
the show. In the western wing, one room was set apart for geologi¬
cal specimens (rocks and rock-forming minerals) and two rooms for
the display of butterflies, beetles, stuffed birds, iridescent shells and
Raman equipped the Institute with beautiful museums, lecture
hall, library, offices and laboratories and carried on his scientific
work in it with tremendous enthusiasm and fervour. He also took
a few research students, but the Institute was founded primarily for
him to work on his interests.
Raman had aristocratic tastes. He dreamed of a villa with a
sunken garden and a pergola for his residence in the campus of the
Raman Research Institute. He again approached the Maharaja and
asked him to grant him (Raman) four acres of land adjacent to the
southern side of the campus. This was part of the agricultural land.
His request was granted and he was extremely happy about it. Right-
away he fenced the additional property and planted it with a num¬
ber of flowering trees and shrubs. He then built his dream house, a
lovely residence, in the southeast corner of the property. The Direc¬
tor’s house was a long one-storey building in dressed granite, facing
a sunken garden on the southern side and a pergola on the north¬
ern side. The sunken garden was filled with some of the loveliest
rose plants in Bangalore. On the eastern side, Bangalore’s northern
Kempegowda tower stood like a sentinel on the red hill. Raman lo¬
cated his bedroom in such a way that he could see the tower from his
bedroom window. For the pergola he chose a violet and yellow flow¬
ering creeper. A drive-in portico built of granite stood on this side
straddling a circular driveway. On the western side, Raman planted
a variety of flowering shrubs and laid out several walks. All in all, it
was a lovely location and a beautiful home.
66 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Raman did not occupy the house right away and continued to live
in his bungalow in Malleswaram, about two miles from the Institute.
The first occupant of the Director’s quarters was Palmer Craig, a
visiting professor of electrical communications from the USA to the
Indian Institute of Science. This curious occurrence happened this
way. Craig was looking for a house when he met Raman casually one
day and mentioned his predicament. Jokingly Raman said, “I have a
lovely house, but I don’t think you will pay the kind of rent I want for
it”. Craig wanted to know how much the rent was and Raman quoted
Rs 2000 a month. Craig saw the house and immediately agreed to
pay the rent asked. To an American Professor this was nothing very
extravagant and, in any case, it was a lovely location and a well-
appointed bungalow. Raman was caught in a tight corner, but agreed
to let the house to Craig for two years. Maybe he thought it would
bring in a tidy sum of money which he could use for the Institute.
But towards the end of the contract, he was getting impatient, for
he wanted to move into the house very badly. Once or twice he
remarked to me that he had made a mistake in letting the house and
that he should not have succumbed to the high rent.
Raman had arranged to build a hostel and two houses in the cam¬
pus and wanted me to occupy one of the houses. In fact, he wanted
me to design a compact building with all amenities and took a great
interest in the project. He used to remark: “You must live in comfort.
Have a nice Western toilet and a geyser in the bathroom.” He was
very considerate to me and gave me the house free of rent. Living in
the campus had advantages as far as scientific work was concerned,
but in those days the Raman Institute campus seemed so far away
from civilisation. The air, however, was pure and the surroundings
lovely. The research students, my family and the family of Venkat-
achar, the manager of the Indian Academy of Sciences, lived in these
quarters as one large family, sharing the troubles and enjoying the
Before Raman moved into the Director’s house at the Raman
Institute campus, he lived in his own palatial house in the Malleswa¬
ram section of Bangalore. This house was known as Panchavati
The Raman Research Institute 67

(Hermitage), appropriate indeed for his name, and had extensive

grounds with neem, mango, jack and other trees. It was an old house
which Raman had bought for a bargain price. The story goes that the
house had the reputation of being haunted and hence did not attract
buyers. When Raman was considering buying the house, he heard
the story and, apparently, remarked that he was a greater ghost than
the resident one and would soon drive it out.
Eight miles west of Bangalore, Raman had a lovely estate of
about 100 acres near a village called Kengeri. The estate had a nice
bungalow in it and consisted of agricultural land as well as exten¬
sive groves of trees. A stream ran along its southwestern perimeter.
Raman used this property mainly for weekend recreation. He loved
to walk there. Usually he left the Institute on Saturday afternoons and
reached the estate before sunset. He would then walk to a particular
point in the estate and watch the sunset. Lady Raman accompanied
him on these trips to Kengeri and attended to his needs. The bunga¬
low was fully equipped and furnished. There were workers to take
care of the agricultural operations and maintain the property. Lady
Raman managed the servants and raised vegetables and other crops.
On Sunday mornings, Raman would take a long walk, enjoying the
scenery. After lunch and some rest, he and Lady Raman would re¬
turn to Bangalore in the late afternoon. Raman wanted to locate a
centre for astronomical research in this estate.
In the late Lifties, Raman got about five acres of land adjacent
to the Institute property on its eastern side. The City Improvement
Trust Board of the Government of Karnataka, which had by then
taken over most of the land belonging to the Maharaja, allotted this
land to the Institute — but at a price; Raman paid about Rs 300,000
for it. This land was part of the lateritic hill sloping towards the main
road, on the northern side of the Kempegowda tower.
Raman had ideas of putting up additional buildings on this prop¬
erty as part of his expansion plans for the Institute. He actually ar¬
ranged to have the foundations laid for a building to house a new li¬
brary. Raman thought that the City Improvement Trust would claim
back the land if it was left unbuilt. In the Seventies, long after his
68 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

death, several new buildings were indeed put up on this land, includ¬
ing a building which houses an impressive radio telescope for mil¬
limetre wave radio astronomy. Raman’s foresight and vision have
proved absolutely correct. The value of the land has multiplied by a
factor of two or three hundred at current prices and had Raman not
acquired this land, it would have been impossible for the Institute to
expand one of its principal activities in such a convenient location.
Raman also acquired a few acres of land in Madras, in a locality
which became one of the nicest residential sections in the city. He
put up a house there and wanted to establish a branch of the Raman
Institute in Madras devoted to mathematical sciences. This property
was, however, sold by him in the Sixties for over a million rupees.

Early Days

For nearly two years after my joining, that is until the end of 1951,
the Raman Research Institute did not have any electricity. We set
up a dark room for photography, and darkened the end room in the
west wing to carry out optical studies with sunlight. A pillar with
a platform was built at a suitable distance outside this room on the
southern side and sunlight was reflected with a hand-operated helio-
stat. A heliostat is a device used to reflect a beam of sunlight at a
constant angle and consists of a mirror mounted on an axis which
points at the Pole Star. It follows the sun and throws the reflected
light beam on the same spot. The device is usually driven by a clock
mechanism, but in the early days of the Institute we used the human
hand to operate our heliostat. One of the laboratory attendants was
stationed outside and he rotated the mirror axis as smoothly as pos¬
sible to keep in step with the sun’s motion. This was a tedious job
and, at times, the beam disappeared when the attendant dozed off.
At other times, the beam was kept in order with a knock on the win¬
dow to give the necessary feedback. Sometimes there was a constant
struggle between the experimenter and the attendant. Amazingly, it
all worked satisfactorily and we got a lot of research accomplished
this way, despite the handicap of not having electricity.
The Raman Research Institute 69

Raman was a great believer in the efficacy of sunlight for light¬

scattering experiments, for it was this technique that provided him
the first clues to the Raman scattering process. Therefore, the lack
of electricity did not deter Raman from carrying out first-class ex¬
periments. Some very fine studies were performed on the optical
phenomena exhibited by iridescent feldspars, viz. labradorite, moon¬
stones and opals. Filtered sunlight, using a Wood’s glass filter, proved
to be excellent for exciting the fluorescence of diamond, and in par¬
ticular to photograph the luminescence patterns exhibited by dia¬
mond cleavage plates. We used to sit for hours in a darkened room,
with a beam of sunlight, to probe the optical phenomena exhibited
by gems, and come out with illuminating findings.
Whether it was the luminescence of diamonds, the multicoloured
spectrum of opal, the labradorescence of feldspars, or the Schiller ef¬
fect in moonstones, Raman’s wonder and amazement knew no boun¬
ds. Raman thought aloud when making observations and it was an
unforgettable experience to listen to him. The scene at such times
would be something like this:
He would be looking at a sample with the sunlight shining on it
and remark: “I say, you won’t believe what I see. It is a beautiful
effect.” Then, after a while, he would say, “I think I see it, but you
know it comes and goes”. The standard response of the bystander
would be “Yes, sir”. His next statement, after a few more obser¬
vations, would be: “I don’t think I was right in thinking that way.
Now I don’t see it. I think I was very foolish to have mistaken that
spurious effect as the real one.” It would then be awkward for the
bystander to say “Yes”, in case Raman was offended by the confirm¬
ing “Yes”. However, he need not have worried because Raman was
only thinking aloud and usually what a bystander said was irrelevant
to him at such times. He only wanted the onlooker to share his own
In 1950, Raman recruited seven research scholars, T. K. Srini-
vasan, a geologist with an M.Sc. in geology from Mysore Univer¬
sity, K. S. Viswanathan with a Master’s degree in mathematics from
70 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

Madras University, D. Krishnamurti with a B.Sc. (Hons.) degree

in physics, also from Madras University, S. Chandrasekhar with an
M.Sc. in physics from Nagpur, A. K. Ramdas and M. R. Bhat with
B.Sc. (Hons.) in physics from Poona University and S. Venkateswa-
ran with a B.Sc. (Hons.) in physics from Madras University and a
professional certificate in communication engineering. S. Pancharat-
nam joined in 1954; he had taken an M.Sc. in physics from Nagpur.
The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of the Governa-
ment of India also granted several senior and junior research schol¬
arships and some research scholars were appointed on these.
Raman wanted a geologist because of his interest in the physics
of minerals. Srinivasan was sent on several expeditions to collect
rocks and minerals and, as a result, the geological collection at the
Institute grew rapidly. Raman asked Srinivasan to work on the op¬
tical properties of minerals and then on the magnetic properties of
rocks, but Srinivasan’s studies never took off the ground. Somewhat
disheartened, he left the Institute after three years to take up a job
with the Associated Cement Company as a geologist. Venkateswaran
also left after a brief stay.
In general, the scholars who were experimentally inclined be¬
came very dispirited because there was no electricity for two years
and they could not carry out any experimental studies. Those who
took to theoretical studies, like Viswanathan and Chandrasekhar,
were active in research. Because of this situation, the research schol¬
ars were asked to attend the theoretical physics lectures given by
B. S. Madhava Rao and K. Subbaramiah at Central College, Banga¬
lore. Krishnamurti was assigned to a theoretical problem, to calcu¬
late the elastic constants of diamond from its vibrational spectrum,
and he made a success of it. Chandrasekhar took to theoretical for¬
mulation of the optical activity in crystals, while Viswanathan went
into lattice dynamical theories. Although the lecture programmes
gave a good theoretical grounding, lack of experimental contact had
a deleterious effect on the experimentally inclined scholars. The only
experimental research programme was the personal programme of
Raman in which I had an active role assisting him. Srinivasan joined
The Raman Research Institute 71

in one project, namely the study of moonstones, and subsequently

co-authored one of the papers.
Towards the end of 1951 the electrification of the Institute was
completed and I had a major role to play in it. The day electricity was
switched on from the main power line there was jubilation among
everyone. Raman was particularly pleased. One of the first things
he did was to run upstairs, switch on the ultra-violet lamp in the
luminescent mineral room and enjoy the spectacular display of the
fluorescent colours. By the end of 1952 we had spectrometers, X-ray
units, and a workshop with full-fledged mechanics. I set up most of
this equipment and X-ray diffraction studies were now entrusted to
me completely.
As various facilities were added, Raman recruited technicians,
machinists, carpenters and a librarian to man them. He was very par¬
ticular to recruit a book-binder to ensure that journals received in the
Library were bound attractively in leather, with their titles printed in
gold. Most of the technical people he recruited stayed on at the In¬
stitute and made it their career. Among them, a young glass-blower
by name Balakrishnan, who joined the Institute around 1952, was
particularly well liked by Raman, for he turned out to be a person
with all-round skills. He was an expert glass-blower, but could also
operate a wide variety of electrical and electronic instruments. Ra¬
man valued ability and skill and spontaneously appreciated good and
efficient work.
Raman was very prompt in his correspondence, being quite busi¬
ness-like. If a letter needed reply, he would send back one right
away. Decisions were taken by him quickly and he was easily acces¬
sible to everyone. There were no formalities and you did not have
to go through a secretary. Even the gardener could go in and talk
to him. In fact, the gardener received special treatment. Any mat¬
ter connected with trees or shrubs received Raman’s immediate and
personal attention.
Raman had a driver by name Parthasarathy who had been with
him for a long time. He was quite a character, but was a good and
careful driver. Raman had absolute trust in Parthasarathy and would
72 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

believe whatever he had to say about the car, its health and its per¬
formance. Parthasarathy was also Raman’s time-keeper. Raman had
many wrist watches, but he either forgot to wear them, or even if
he had one on his wrist it would not be showing the proper time,
for he would not have wound it. Driver Parthasarathy had an old
wrist watch, perhaps a quarter-century old, with only the hour hand
on it. Raman always asked him what the time was before he started
on an outing. And Parthasarathy would quite correctly estimate the
time from the position of the hour hand and announce it. Then the
command would come from Raman: “Let us go. It is getting late.”
Raman had an old Willys sedan of light grey colour which gave ex¬
cellent service. In 1951, or thereabouts, he bought a new Studebaker,
a large car two-tone in colour, grey and green.
Raman was an early riser and was always ready for work at 6
a.m. or even earlier. Some days he used to walk the two miles to
the Institute early in the morning, cutting across Malleswaram and
taking the short cut through Sankey Tank Road. Lady Raman would
later send the car with his breakfast, usually a piece of toast, banana
and coffee. One day, Raman told us that he would like to become
independent of the driver. So he bought a new bicycle. For two
days, Raman, Padmanabhan and myself used to ride our bicycles to
the Institute. This, however, did not work out, for Raman became
very tired pedalling the bicycle up the gradient, all the way from the
Institute of Science Circle to Hebbal. Further, Raman did not pay
much attention to traffic on the road and often strayed to the wrong
side. This proved dangerous and Lady Raman forbade him from
cycling to the Institute. He then gave his cycle to Padmanabhan. It
was strange the way Raman would get on his bicycle. He would put
one foot on the fork and climb on, take a few hops with the other foot
and then settle on the seat. I presume that is the old way of doing
it, but it was amusing to watch a 61-year-old Nobel Prize-winning
scientist hopping on to his bicycle seat in this fashion, before riding
alongside two of his assistants. Raman, however, did not usually pay
much attention to what others might say.
The colours of minerals, gemstones and crystals 73

There was another occasion when he hurt his toe and could not
wear shoes. For nearly a month he went about his business bare¬
footed. He would of course be fully dressed, but there would be no
shoes on his feet! It was funny to watch Raman walking barefoot,
unmindful of what others might think of him.
On the first of every month it was almost a religious duty with
him to go to the Central Bank of India in the city and return with
crisp new currency notes for the disbursement of salaries. If he was
ill and could not go, either Lady Raman went or he would ask me to
go. He loved to see the salaries paid promptly on the first of every
month and the employees kept happy and satisfied.
Raman instantly appreciated a job well done, whether it was sci¬
entific research, technical work or any other kind of activity. Pad-
manabhan used to make glass and quartz spheres of various sizes for
Raman and had evolved a clever technique to make them. They came
out beautifully. There is a magical quality to a large sphere of quartz;
they are fascinating to look at. Raman used to go into raptures when¬
ever Padmanabhan finished a sphere and placed it in his hands. He
would look at it and say: “Oh, is it not lovely? Padmanabhan, this
is beautiful! This is fantastic!” He would place the quartz sphere
between crossed polarisers and admire the concentric coloured rings
that appeared when viewed along the C-axis of the quartz crystal.
Balakrishnan had a lovely hand and Raman often asked him to
draw on the blackboard, using coloured chalk, pictures and equations
for his lectures. In those days, there were no Vugraph machines,
but Raman invented his own Vugraph by having the relevant things
drawn beautifully on the board. Raman appreciated Balakrishnan’s
artistic work on the blackboard very much and used to shower praise
on him. Such was his nature.

The colours of minerals, gemstones and crystals

Raman was deeply interested in the colours exhibited by rocks, min¬
erals and crystals. He carried out several important investigations on
them, in which some of us collaborated. He was proud of the fact that
his museum collection served as the source material for this research.
74 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

He told visitors: “I collect these items not just for display. They are
the source material for my research.” He had a lovely collection of
what are known as iridescent feldspars, which are naturally occur¬
ring silicate minerals that exhibit very colourful optical effects. Ra¬
man was deeply attracted by these feldspars known in mineralogical
literature as labradorite, peresterite, murchisonite, amazonite, moon¬
stone and sunstone.
While the labradorite and peresterite specimens were large, with
flat, polished surfaces, the moonstone, murchisonite and sunstone
were cut and polished as cabochons or hemispheres. There were
also uncut crystals of these in the collection, with crystallographic
cleavages. Among these, the iridescence of labradorite is most spec¬
tacular; it is in the nature of a brilliantly coloured metallic reflection
coming from the depth of the crystal when the specimen is held prop¬
erly, with respect to the incident light, and viewed. Further, the dark
background of the labradorite accentuates the colours, which change
hue when the angle of observation and incidence of light are changed
by tilting the specimen. A properly sectioned and polished speci¬
men of labradorite is gorgeous to look at and immediately arrests the
viewer’s attention.
The optical phenomenon exhibited by moonstone is in the na¬
ture of a diffuse reflection and the colour varies from a deep blue
to bluish-white to a silvery-white sheen. Most of the gem-quality
moonstones originate from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) or Korea and the blue
diffusion observed in them is sky blue in colour. There were some
very fine specimens of Ceylon and Korean moonstones in Raman’s
One of the very first research projects undertaken by Raman at
the Raman Research Institute was the study of iridescent feldspars, in
which I assisted him. As remarked earlier, there was no electricity in
the Institute at the time, so Raman used sunlight to study the optical
phenomena. In fact, this proved to be the best way, for a narrow
beam of sunlight incident upon the surface of a sample immersed
in a suitable fluid medium revealed rich details of the optical effect
exhibited by the stone. Thus, if the optical effect was in the nature of
The colours of minerals, gemstones and crystals 75

a reflection, coloured reflections were observed on a white card held

at the appropriate distance from the sample surface. In the case of
moonstone, a diffuse reflection was observed spreading out into an
elliptic halo, blue or whitish in colour, depending on the moonstone.
In the case of sunstone, a golden-coloured halo appeared on the white
All these details gave clues about the optical effect in question
and, with Raman’s intuitive understanding of optical phenomena,
scattering of light and diffraction effects, the underlying cause of the
observed effects crystallised. For us it was the greatest opportunity
to learn physics, sitting with Raman during an experimental obser¬
vation session. We obtained an intuitive understanding of optical
principles just listening to his comments during these experiments.
Such fast understanding could not have come from searching a dozen
From all these studies it became clear that the optical effects ex¬
hibited by iridescent feldspars in general originated from the optical
heterogeneities in the mineral. The size and shape of the heterogene¬
ity determined the character of the optical effect. Thus, in labradorite,
the brilliant iridescent colours were due to the presence of one of the
component feldspars in the form of thin lamellae inside the speci¬
men, distributed more or less uniformly over large areas. Because
of the differences in the refractive properties between the lamellae
and the matrix feldspar, the light was diffracted or reflected from in¬
side the matrix crystal, the colours depending on the thickness of the
lamellae, the angle of incidence, and the reflection of the light. De¬
tailed optical studies on moonstones revealed that the blue or silvery
diffuse reflections were because of the presence of the finely segre¬
gated component feldspar (soda feldspar) with dimensions close to
the wavelength of light inside the moonstone. Further, these segre¬
gations, or the optical heterogeneity, had a cigar-like shape, all ar¬
ranged more or less in parallel orientation in the matrix crystal of
potash feldspar.
76 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Raman got interested in opal, a well-known, naturally occur¬

ring form of silica. The so-called precious opals are highly val¬
ued as a gemstone. He had a fine collection of opals originating
from Australia, Hungary and Mexico. Some of them were beauti¬
ful specimens. A very detailed study of the optical characteristics
of the reflections were made along with some X-ray structural stud¬
ies. From these, the conclusion was drawn that opaline material was
basically amorphous and possessed two different types of local struc¬
ture, namely cristobalite-like and quartz-like. The studies suggested
that the difference in refractive index gave rise to the optical het¬
erogeneity. However, a more recent electron microscopic study of
the reflecting lamellae in opals has shown that there is a periodic
structure in them, with regularly spaced air inclusions in the opaline
matter, which are believed to be the cause of the bright-coloured re¬
flections emanating from the stones. Opals have recently been made
synthetically and these are known as ‘Slochum stones’.
Raman conducted extensive optical studies on pearls, amethysts,
iridescent agate, jade and several other forms of silica. In each case,
it was the colour or the optical effect that attracted his attention and
he had novel explanations for every effect. Two other systems in
which Raman got very interested were iridescent potassium chlo¬
rate and calcite. Krishnamurti was involved in the study of irides¬
cent potassium chlorate and obtained some beautiful spectra of the
monochromatic reflections from potassium chlorate crystals. The iri¬
descence of potassium chlorate is an optical effect arising out of mul¬
tiple twinning of the crystal on a fine scale, repeated with amazing
precision. When white light is incident on such a twinned crystal,
brilliant monochromatic reflections are observed. The reflection is
analogous to a Bragg reflection of an X-ray beam by a crystal lattice.
In the case of potassium chlorate, the spacings are of the order of
a wavelength of light and, hence, give rise to Bragg-like reflection
of the light. Krishnamurti studied this phenomenon in great detail.
Raman and Krishnamurti published a series of perceptive papers elu¬
cidating the origin of the effect.
Love of diamonds 77

Another beautiful optical study, in which Ramdas collaborated

with Raman, concerned iridescence in calcite. In calcite, the irides¬
cent colour was again shown to be due to twinning, but in this case
even a simple twinning gave rise to a bright-coloured reflection at the
twin boundary. This was shown to be due to the large magnitude of
the difference in refraction and dispersion associated with the twin
All these studies were published in the Proceedings of the Indian
Academy of Sciences and Raman had them reprinted under the title
Memoirs of the Raman Research Institute. Raman spent consider¬
able time in writing his papers and paid great attention to English,
grammar and style. He often used Latin terms in his papers to make
a point more emphatic. Papers written by Raman were like a piece
of literature, a delight to read.
Raman immensely enjoyed his investigations on gems and min¬
erals. This body of work reflected Raman’s taste for aesthetics in
physics. He loved to demonstrate his findings to visitors and he
would explain to them in simple language some of the more esoteric
optical phenomena. Maharaja, prime ministers, politicians, officials,
students and laymen all came to visit the Institute and see Raman.
They went away enthralled as much by his vast collection of gems
and minerals as his inspiring tales.

Love of diamonds
Raman’s love of diamonds is well known. Describing diamond as the
‘king of solids’, he carried out extensive studies on it. The first light¬
scattering measurement on diamond was initiated by Raman and he
assigned the task to his brother, C. Ramaswamy. The story goes
that when Ramaswamy got married, just prior to joining Raman in
Calcutta to work with him, his father-in-law had presented him with a
diamond ring, as was customary in those days. When Raman noticed
the stone, he was apparently fascinated by its sparkle and clarity and
suggested that Ramaswamy record the spectrum of the scattered light
from that very diamond. In this study, the strong vibrational line
characteristic of the diamond lattice was recorded for the first time.
78 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

It was also discovered that the diamond exhibited a blue fluorescence

when excited with ultra-violet light. A scientific paper was written
on this phenomenon and, thus, diamond entered Raman’s life.
Raman had a collection of about 600 diamonds of different kinds
and origins. These were from various sources, sometimes received
as gifts and sometimes bought. He used them all in his studies, clas¬
sified them according to their properties and boxed them beautifully.
He gave special names to them and had a fund of stories about each.
Raman was decorated by the Maharaja of Mysore with a pen¬
dant studded with 63 diamonds at the time (1935) he was honoured
with the title Rajasabhabhushana. This beautiful piece of jewellery
promptly entered scientific literature, for Raman studied the lumi¬
nescence characteristics of the diamonds set in the pendant and drew
several interesting conclusions about the nature and intensity of lumi¬
nescence exhibited by diamonds when excited by ultra-violet light.
Raman and his collaborators took to the study of diamonds inten¬
sively in the Forties; they published a series of articles on the subject
in the Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences.
The diamond collection was kept under lock and key, being
shown only to chosen visitors. A fortunate few saw the splendid
luminescence of some of his brilliant fluorescing diamonds, a phe¬
nomenon best seen with a beam of condensed and filtered sunlight
in a darkened room. The filter was made of Wood’s glass, which
excluded the visible rays and admitted only the ultra-violet. The tab¬
ular diamond Raman had christened as ‘my Kohinoor’ exhibited a
brilliant blue fluorescence, almost lighting up the room when placed
in the filtered and condensed beam of sunlight. Another gem-cut di¬
amond named ‘green diamond’ shone with a dazzling green colour
when thus illuminated. There were other stones in the collection as
well, whose luminescence varied from bluish white to red, with in¬
termediate colours along the line. When these diamonds came to life
with their brilliant fluorescence, Raman’s eyes would light up and
his expression “Isn’t it beautiful?” was contagious. Anyone who
saw this display could never forget either the diamonds or Raman’s
way of communicating the aesthetic experience.
Love of diamonds 79

In the early days at the Raman Institute, Raman used to impress

visitors by showing them the luminescence in diamond and explain¬
ing to them how diamonds should be tested before buying. The so
called ‘blue jaggers’ were the favoured type in the Indian jewellery
market. In strong white light, a ‘blue jagger’ shows a light bluishness
in its body, apart from the usual fire and brilliance of the diamond.
This blueness actually comes from the blue luminescence of the di¬
amond. A ‘blue jagger’ under ultraviolet light exhibits a strong blue
luminescence; this is a simple test to make. Further, diamonds can
have minute defects which are only observable under a magnifying
lens or a microscope. There can be black spots due to graphitic car¬
bon, or fine cracks. The presence of these defects reduces the value
of the diamond. Similarly, the body colour can vary from pure white
to yellow to green to brown, and black in the worst case.
Anyone buying a diamond should watch for the three C’s as the
trade calls it: colour, clarity and cut. A gem diamond should be ex¬
amined at least with a lOx lens for black spots and cracks inside, and
for fracture and quality of the cut outside. With the proliferation of
simulated diamonds, a very quick test for diamond would be to take
the Raman spectrum with a laser. A real diamond shows a character¬
istic Raman line at 1332 cm-1 displaced from the laser line. Such a
test can be made in a matter of minutes with modern instrumentation.
Now and then, someone would come to the Raman Institute car¬
rying a bag with a stone in it, believing it was diamond. Raman could
tell by inspection whether it was diamond or not, but he always tested
for luminescence, to be certain. Sometimes he would test the mate¬
rial for hardness and birefringence, the latter with crossed polarisers.
The stone invariably would turn out to be a lump of quartz at best,
to the utter diappointment of the seeker after riches. Others used to
seek Raman’s advice before buying diamonds for earrings, pendants
or other jewellery. In the early days, Raman would amuse himself by
looking at them if he was in a good mood, and the visitor was known
to him or Lady Raman. In later days, he used to delegate this task
to me or to Padmanabhan. After I left the Institute, Padmanabhan
turned his expertise into a small but lucrative side-business.
80 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Raman’s collection also included a large number of plates which

are called ‘mackels’ in the diamond trade. ‘Mackels’ can be bought
in sizes ranging from a few millimetres in linear dimensions, and 1 to
2 mm in thickness. These are natural cleavage plates. Although di¬
amond is a very hard substance, in fact the hardest substance known
to science, it can be cleaved very easily with a sharp knife-edge by
the experienced cutter. To achieve this, the diamond has to be held
suitably, with the knife-edge positioned along the proper crystallo¬
graphic direction, usually along the so-called octahedral plane. If
everything is right, a sharp knock on the knife will split the diamond
perfectly along the desired direction. Diamond is so hard that only
diamond can be used to grind or polish diamond. Diamond-cutting,
shaping, grinding and polishing is an old art, but modern technology
has brought some innovations into the trade.
These cleavage plates were very useful for certain types of study,
particularly for observing the perfection and the state of strain in
them. The majority of cleavage plates exhibit luminescence patterns
when illuminated by UV light, which is to say that the luminescent
areas are not uniform but showed geometric patterns. Filtered sun¬
light is one of the most effective ways of revealing these patterns
and for photographing them. I have photographed scores of these
luminescence patterns for Raman. These plates also exhibit what
is known as birefringence patterns when examined between crossed
polarisers. These patterns bear a strong resemblance to the lumines¬
cence patterns. Evidently the two have a common origin and Raman
held the view that they were connected with the fundamental struc¬
tural properties of the diamond.
Raman was well aware that India was the original home of some
of the best-known diamonds in the world, several of which had found
their way to other parts of the world from India and helped to spread
the fame of this gemstone. He had in his collection a number of
diamonds collected from Panna in what is now the state of Madhya
Pradesh. Writing about the Panna diamonds in his collection, he
Love of diamonds 81

“At the present time, diamonds are still forthcoming at and near Panna
in Central India. Two visits to Panna made by the author many years
ago gave him the opportunity of inspecting numerous specimens of
the diamonds found in that area in their original form as crystals. Par¬
ticular mention should be made of the magnificent set of 52 uncut
diamonds ranging in size from 25 carats down to 2 carats strung to¬
gether into a necklace by a predecessor of the Maharajah of Panna.
The beauty of the necklace arises from the lustre and shapeliness of
the gemstones. The two visits to Panna also enabled the author to
acquire for his collection a set of specimens for a more detailed study.

The external features exhibited by the Panna diamonds in the collec¬

tion are highly instructive. They are of very varied sizes and shapes.
Two of them present a close resemblance to octahedra in their general
shape. But the octahedral edges are not seen and indeed there is not
the slightest indication of their presence. On the other hand, the edges
along which the diagonal planes of symmetry meet the curved surface
of the diamond are conspicuously visible. The six points where these
planes intersect in pairs are located at the six vertices of the pseudo-
octahedral form of the crystal, while the eight points at each of which
three planes intersect appear at the centres of its eight curved faces.
These features indicate that while the diamond has the inner symme¬
try of the tetrahedral class, its external form which mimics octahedral
symmetry is the result of the interpenetration of oppositely directed
tetrahedral forms within the diamond.

In some of the Panna diamonds, the lower or tetrahedral symmetry

is much more obviously exhibited in the externally observed forms of
the diamond than in others. There are also several specimens in which
the external shape of the diamond resembles neither an octahedron
nor a tetrahedron but is almost spherical in form. But in all cases the
curved surfaces clearly exhibit the ridges where they are intersected
by the six diagonal planes of symmetry of the tetrahedron.”
82 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

The physics of diamond

Raman had a passionate interest in the physics of diamond and came
back to the subject several times during his lifetime. First he was in¬
terested in understanding its vibrational spectrum, which led him to
formulate his theory of lattice dynamics. Then he proposed that there
existed two forms of diamonds, a theory he based on certain charac¬
teristic properties diamonds showed. From a study of the diffraction
of X-rays by diamond, Raman proposed a new kind of X-ray reflec¬
tion which he chose to call ‘quantum X-ray reflections’. He filled the
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences with his memoirs.
According to Raman, carbon atoms, which have s-p bonding,
form a crystalline solid in diamond with tetrahedral symmetry (Td).
This form, lacking in centre of inversion, is ultra-violet- and infra¬
red-absorbing, blue luminescent, etc. The other form of diamond
has full octahedral symmetry (Oh) and is ultra-violet- and infra-red-
transparent and is usually nonluminescent. Raman described the
birefringence and luminescence patterns, X-ray topographs and other
properties of diamond in terms of these two forms of diamonds. He
proposed that these properties owed their origin to the interpenetra¬
tion of the two forms.
Although these ideas appeared to be consistent, some crucial ex¬
periments around 1958 established that the difference in the physical
properties of diamond were correlated with the presence of nitro¬
gen as a substitutional impurity in diamonds and had nothing to do
with its fundamental character. Diamond crystallises only in one
form, namely (Oh) symmetry, having the full symmetry of the cu¬
bic system. Further, the non-Bragg X-ray reflections exhibited by
certain diamonds, which Raman believed originated from the inter¬
action of the lattice vibration with the Bragg planes, were precisely
those with nitrogen impurities, the nitrogens having formed platelets,
which gave rise to non-Bragg spots.

‘The Physiology of Vision’

In the Sixties, Raman got very interested in the physiology of vision.
He educated himself very thoroughly on the anatomy and physiology
‘The Physiology of Vision’ 83

of the eye and how it functioned as the visual apparatus par excel¬
lence. He used to talk to visitors about rod vision, cone vision, colour
blindness and acuity of vision. He carried out very simple experi¬
ments with colour filters, using himself and others as guinea pigs.
The culmination of this work was the publication of a treatise enti¬
tled The Physiology of Vision.
Raman came to the conclusion, as stated in his own words, that
there is no reason to believe that the ideas regarding the nature of
vision and of visual processes inherited from the 19th century would
be sustainable at the present time, either on theoretical grounds or
even as purely empirical descriptions or interpretations of the ob¬
served phenomena. This conclusion was based on many observa¬
tions he made in regard to matters like the colours exhibited by nat¬
ural objects such as the night sky, the foliage and flowers, the birds
and butterflies, and so on. His book has the stated purpose of set¬
ting out in a systematic manner the procedures he adopted and the
results he obtained in carrying out several experiments relating to vi¬
sion and colour. He wrote that his was an independent study without
being influenced by ideas and beliefs inherited from the past. He
used to remark, half jokingly and half seriously, “I may get another
Nobel Prize for this work”. The topic was indeed very interesting
and timely and, in fact, a Nobel Prize was shared by Ragnar Granit,
Keffer Hartline and George Wald in 1967 for their discoveries con¬
cerning the primary physiological and chemical visual processes in
the eye.
It is interesting to note that the topics dealt with in the book are
as diverse as flowers, gemstones, and the structure and functioning
of the retina. While writing about flowers, Raman talks of asters,
orchids, roses and so on. While writing about gemstones, he talks
of emeralds, the red rubies of Burma, and the blue sapphires of Cey¬
lon. While writing about the retina, he describes his own technique
and methods of observation which enable us to view the living retina
and thereby gain some understanding of its structure and functioning.
These are topics which unquestionably cover a very wide range and
give us some insight into Raman’s interests and into his thinking in
84 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

the last years of his life. In fact, during the years when he was work¬
ing on problems of vision, he used to lead many of his visitors into a
darkened room, telling them with enthusiasm that he would let each
one see his own retina, by adopting a novel procedure discovered by
Raman himself. The following is a description of this procedure:

“The technique employed is the use of a colour filter which freely

transmits light over the entire range of the visible spectrum except
over a limited and well-defined region which it completely absorbs.
With suitable dye-stuffs in appropriate concentrations it is possible to
prepare colour filters of gelatine films on glass, exhibiting the spec¬
troscopic behaviour described. Holding such a colour filter before
his eye, the observer views a brilliantly illuminated screen for a brief
interval of time and then suddenly removes the filter while continu¬
ing to view the screen with his attention fixed at a particular point
on it. He then observes on the screen a picture in colours, which is
the chromatic response of the retina to the light of the colour previ¬
ously absorbed by the filter and which impinges on it when the filter
is removed. Actually, as will become clearer presently, what the ob¬
server sees is a highly enlarged view of his own retina projected on the
screen and displaying the response of the retina in its different areas
produced by the incidence of the light of the selected wavelengths.
By using a whole series of colour filters whose characteristic absorp¬
tions range from one end of the visible spectrum to the other, we are
enabled to explore the behaviour of the retina over an extensive re¬
gion under excitation by light of different wave-lengths which in the
aggregate cover the entire visible spectrum.”

His observations on a few other topics dealt with in this trea¬

tise, such as the dyes used in textiles and night-blindness, are quite
original. In fact, the treatise is a remarkable piece of work in that it
presents a new approach to the whole subject of the physiology of
Butterflies 85


The museum of the Raman Research Institute contains a beautiful

collection of beetles and butterflies. Raman was fascinated with the
colours of these insects, the most colourful of which were the butter¬
flies called Morpho Brazilius and certain Himalayan varieties. These
large-winged butterflies, exhibiting a beautiful blue iridescent colour,
are spectacular when their wings are spread out.
The origin of the colour in beetles and butterflies interested Ra¬
man and he wrote a paper on the subject, showing that a regular
periodic structure in their wings produced the beautiful colours, due
to the diffraction of light. The colour depended upon the angle of
observation and was a brilliant metallic blue or bluish-green.
In the world of butterflies, the wings getting their colour due to
the absorption of light by pigments is more common. Pigments se¬
lectively absorb certain colours from the white light and this endows
the specimen with the complementary colour. Thus, red colour re¬
sults whenever green and blue are strongly absorbed.
Raman was also fascinated with colours due to pigments in but¬
terflies, and wanted to enlarge his collection by adding these species
of butterflies. Man of action that he was, he resorted to catching but¬
terflies. For this purpose, he would go to his country estate in Ken-
geri and there, with a net bag attached to a long pole, he would run
after the butterflies as they flitted from one branch to another. Bag¬
ging them is quite an easy operation, but for a 65-year-old person to
run after butterflies and bag them is something unusual, at least in
India. Raman was perhaps the only Nobel Prize-winning physicist
who chased butterflies! He carried out this operation with great en¬
thusiasm for several weeks, often assisted by Padmanabhan. It seems
to have amused Lady Raman very much, for she often jested about
her husband running after butterflies. The specimens were put in a
jar and brought to the Institute where Padmanabhan treated them and
mounted them in glass cases, as directed by Raman.
86 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Raman and the bees

Since the Raman Research Institute is situated on a hillock and, in
the old days, was surrounded by agricultural land, the palace orchard
and the palace gardens, it was a haven for honey bees. You could
find beehives on the eastern side of the building, beneath the roof
hanging. Such beehives are to be seen even today on the tower of
the Indian Institute of Science. These were wild bees, deadly when
To the east of the main building, Raman had built his Spectro¬
scopic Laboratory. This was a stone building with a high roof and
had a dome structure built on it for a telescope. It was Raman’s idea
to have an astronomical telescope, for he also had a strong interest
in astronomy. No telescope was installed there during Raman’s time.
A back entrance and a staircase provided access to the domed part
of the building. The domed structure also had a door which opened
out onto an open terrace which was actually the roof of the Spectro¬
scopic Laboratory. The beehives on the main building roof were at
the same level as this open terrace and only a short distance away.
One day, Raman was taking round an American visitor who had
been brought to the Institute by a Mr Venkateswaran who was the
head of Associated Cements in Bangalore and known to Raman.
The three of them climbed to the open terrace above the Spectro¬
scopic Laboratory and Raman was apparently pointing out the bee¬
hives some 100 ft away when, suddenly, a swarm of bees began to
attack the party. They ran through the door leading to the stairs, but,
in the confusion, did not close the door behind them. The angry bees
pursued them and delivered their stings without mercy. The Ameri¬
can gentleman, in confusion and pain, must have shaken his arm so
violently, an expensive Rolex gold watch flew from his wrist some¬
where along the route. The three of them, including Raman, kept
running for their lives, shrieking and uttering cries of pain, while the
bees continued to swarm around them. Venkateswaran sought pro¬
tection in the parked car near the portico and shut himself in. The
servants of the Institute, who witnessed the spectacle, ran for their
Back to the starting point 87

lives as the bees began to attack everyone around. A few of those

attacked ran to the water storage tanks located in the garden and sub¬
merged themselves in the water to avoid the bees.
At the time, I was in the photographic dark room developing
some negatives. Raman sought refuge there, entering the room tur¬
banless and crying in pain. Evidently he had lost his turban in the
commotion and this only made matters worse, for the bees ven¬
omously attacked his head. However, the bees left Raman alone
once he entered the dark room, for they could not see in the dark.
But when I went out momentarily, I was stung a few times; it was
only then that I realised what had happened. After a brief rest in the
dark room, I took Raman to another large room for fresh air. Seating
him in a comfortable chair, I examined him. I pulled out half a dozen
bees from his ears with a forceps and several stings from his head,
face and hands. Raman was exhausted; he was panting breathlessly
and perspiring profusely. I gave him some water, rested him and then
had him taken home.
As for the American gentleman, the attack was a disaster for him.
Every exposed part of his body had swelled up and turned black and
blue. He fell unconscious on the lawn and had to be hospitalised.
Venkateswaran, meanwhile, took off in the car and disappeared from
the scene for a while. The next day, Raman was back to normal and
came to the Institute declaring, “The bee bite has made me stronger”.
He was then about 66 or close to it, and it is amazing how quickly he
recovered. He had a robust constitution and was tough.
After this incident, Raman declared war on the bees and forth¬
with ordered their extermination. Padmanabhan was put in charge
of this operation and he used chemicals and fire to destroy the bee¬
hives. The bees, however, were persistent and returned to the same
place after some time. But Padmanabhan took necessary steps again
to deal with them. It was a continuous battle.

Back to the starting point

In the course of the 1950s, all the students who had worked with Ra¬
man obtained their Doctorates. Chandrasekhar was selected for the
88 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

1851 Exhibition scholarship and left for Cambridge in 1954. Later,

Bhat left for the USA under a Fulbright grant and took his Ph.D. in
physics at Ohio State University. In 1956, Ramdas left to take up a
post-doctoral position at Purdue University in the USA. Soon after
Ramdas left, Krishnamurti, Viswanathan, Pancharatnam and myself
were all appointed as Assistant Professors at the Raman Research
Institute, on a pay scale of 600-50-1000. With free housing, it was
not a bad situation. We all continued with our work, which involved
helping Raman whenever he wanted us to and, during the rest of the
time, pursuing those of our studies approved as worthwhile by Ra¬
Some time in the early part of 1960, the Vice-Chancellor of
Mysore University requested Raman to recommend a few physicists
for the physics faculty in the newly created postgraduate centre at
Mysore. Raman felt that he should only recommend the very best
men, especially those in whom he had the highest confidence. Ac¬
cordingly, he considered recommending Krishnamurti, Viswanathan
and Chandrasekhar who was by then getting ready to return from
England. He mentioned all this to me and said: “I could also recom¬
mend you, but I want to have you as well as Pancharatnam with me.
This is a good opportunity for the rest of them.”
I left the Raman Research Institute in October 1960 for the Uni¬
versity of California, Los Angeles, USA, to work at the Institute of
Geophysics there with Prof. George C. Kennedy in the field of High
Pressure research. Raman was very unhappy over my decision to
leave his Institute and was very upset that I wrote to Kennedy with¬
out his knowledge. Unfortunately, I had to do this in a sneaky fash¬
ion because I knew how Raman would have reacted if I had told him
about it beforehand.
For many years he had been telling me that he was sick of people
taking a Ph.D. and using it as a passport to go abroad. 1 had ap¬
proached him many times for his permission to submit some of my
studies towards a Ph.D. degree. He would always remark: “Look
here, I don’t attach any importance to degrees and you see I never
took a Ph.D. in my life. Why do you want a Ph.D.? Whether you
Back to the starting point 89

have a Ph.D. or not, it does not make any difference to my estimation

of you.” Usually, after this argument from him, I would not press
my point. On one occasion, he further elaborated what was in his
mind. He said, “You see you will get a Ph.D. and then leave me,
to go to some laboratory abroad”. I perfectly understood his view¬
point; he did not want this scenario to happen in my case. Both of us
got on extremely well and, in some sense, I had become somewhat
indispensable to him in his mind. My affection, loyalty and respect
for him were something extraordinary and I don’t remember doing
anything that displeased him in any way.
At some point early in 1960 Raman finally agreed that I could
submit a Ph.D. thesis if I was so keen about it. I was by then get¬
ting a little bit restless at the Institute and, having spent more than a
decade there, I wanted a change. It was marvellous to be associated
with a great scientist and be under his protection. However, I began
to feel that I should go out and make it on my own. Hence I wrote to
a friend, Dr Sourirajan, who was at that time working in Kennedy’s
laboratory at UCLA. I had read some of Bridgman’s papers and had
developed some interest in the field of High Pressure research. Souri¬
rajan encouraged me to write to George Kennedy and I acted on his
suggestion. Within a fortnight I had an offer of a post-doctoral re¬
search fellowship, with the title Assistant Research Geophysicist, to
work in Kennedy’s laboratory, even though I had not yet obtained
my Ph.D.
Kennedy had suggested in his letter that I could get a Ph.D. at
UCLA while working on my research assignment. This was the let¬
ter I showed to Raman. He got very upset and angry with me. I
explained to him that I would like to have a different experience and
see a little bit of the world, that this desire prompted me to write to
Kennedy. I told him that after spending two years in California, I
would return to the Institute. He said: “No such thing. If you leave,
you don’t come back to my Institute.” I told him, “Sir, if that is your
decision I feel myself very unfortunate, but I have decided to go.”
Then he read and reread Kennedy’s letter and said: “All right, you
90 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

submit your Ph.D. thesis and then go. But you see, you can’t come
back here and I don’t know what you will do when you return.” I
really felt miserable that I would be leaving the Institute forever and
that too after having earned the displeasure of my mentor and revered
In the next few months I wrote my Ph.D. dissertation and sub¬
mitted it to the University of Madras. I left Bangalore on October
12, 1960, for California. The fact that I might be becoming one of
those stereotypes he had talked about bothered me very much. But
the time had come for us to part company and, with a heavy heart
and tears in my eyes, I took leave of my beloved Professor. For
eleven years I had been a close companion and confidant to him and
he had, in turn, treated me with utmost kindness and consideration.
He made me a research scientist and a physicist. I learned from him
how to appreciate nature, see loveliness and beauty in things, and the
methodology of research. Many times he had told me: “If you are
interested in a subject, start your own study on it. You will definitely
find something new that others have missed. It is the application of a
keen and observant mind that is important. You can do the literature
survey later.” This has proved to be so true for me in many of my
After I left in October 1960 he was very upset and recommended
all his research team, including Pancharatnam, to the Mysore faculty.
Apparently he offered Pancharatnam a Professorship at the Raman
Institute which, I was told later, Pancharatnam declined to accept.
They were all appointed by the Mysore University, but later there was
a court case connected with the appointments when some aggrieved
party alleged favouritism. I believe Raman had to appear in court
and give evidence. Finally, everything turned out all right, but this
turn of events was very unfortunate because Raman wanted to do the
best for the University and got hurt in the process. All the persons
involved represented the best men with him at the time and there was
no question of any favouritism.
After all this, Raman became very cynical in his attitude and
refused to take anyone into the Institute. With the assistance of
The founder's wish 91

Padmanabhan and Balakrishnan he continued to pursue his scientific

interests until his death in 1970.
I visited India in 1964 and called on Raman. I could feel that he
was still upset with me for having left him, but I walked with him
in the garden for some time and told him about my work in High
Pressure research. He had grown weaker, but his health was still
good for his age.
Raman maintained his health remarkably well until a few months
before his death. His walks, dietary habits and means of relaxation
helped him to keep good health. When I joined him in 1949 he was
61 years old and was in very good shape. He had evidently devel¬
oped hernia some years before and used to wear a belt for this, but
around 1952 the condition bothered him so much he had to undergo
surgery for it. Lady Raman took him to Vellore American Mission
Hospital and had the surgery performed by the well-known American
surgeon Dr Sommervel, who was at that time serving at the Mission
Hospital. Raman was a difficult patient. Lady Raman told us that
she had a tough time keeping him in bed while recuperating and had
to report the matter to Sommervel. The doctor apparently had to ad¬
monish Raman, telling him that if he did not follow his instructions,
he (Raman) would croak and he (Sommervel) wouldn’t be able to do
anything. Raman seems to have followed instructions after that and,
after a ten-day stay in the hospital, returned to Bangalore. The hernia
problem disappeared after the surgery and Raman kept good health
thereafter, except for minor illnesses.
Lady Raman used to bring a Dr Subba Rao, the resident doctor at
the Indian Institute of Science, to treat Raman for any minor illness.
Raman liked Subba Rao very much, for the latter would go along
with his wishes.

The founder’s wish

Raman had bequeathed all his personal wealth to his Research In¬
stitute and desired a bright future for it. He was very much against
accepting grants from the Government, for he feared that would de¬
stroy the freedom necessary for carrying out fundamental research.
92 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

When the Education Minister, M. C. Chagla, once offered the Gov¬

ernment of India’s support, Raman said: “Sir, I want this Institute
to be an oasis in the desert, free from government interference and
the application of its rules and regulations. That would destroy my
Institute. Thank you for your offer.”
Raman had very definite ideas about how a research institute
should come into existence, how it should be managed and what kind
of persons should work therein. During his lifetime, he expressed his
views about such matters on several occasions, but what he stated
only a few days before his death is worth reproducing here. This,
almost in his own words, was recorded by one of his associates:

“The Raman Research Institute was created by me in 1948 to provide

a place in which I could continue my studies in an atmosphere more
conducive to pure research than that found in most scientific institu¬
tions. To me the pursuit of science has been an aesthetic and joyous
experience. The Institute has been to me a haven where I could carry
on my highly personal research work. This personal character of the
Raman Research Institute should obviously change after me. It must
blossom into a great centre of learning, embracing many branches of
science. Scientists from different parts of India and from all over the
world must be attracted to it. The foundations of such a centre have
already been laid. With its beautiful gardens, large libraries and ex¬
tensive museums, I feel that the Institute offers a perfect nucleus for
the growth of a centre of higher learning.

I have always felt that science can only flower when there is an inter¬
nal urge. It cannot thrive under external pressures. I strongly believe
that fundamental science cannot be driven by instructional, industrial,
Governmental or military pressures. This was the reason why I de¬
cided, as far as possible, not to accept money from Government. I am
a very practical man and I am practical enough to see that it would not
be possible for others to run or grow a good institution without funds.
I have bequeathed all my property to the Institute. Unfortunately, this
may not be sufficient for the growth of this centre of learning. I, there¬
fore, will not put it as a condition that no Governmental funds should
be accepted by the Institute; I would, however, strongly urge taking
only funds that have no strings attached.
The founder's wish 93

The full potential of this centre of learning can only be achieved by

exceptional leadership. Among the many qualities called for in a per¬
son who assumes this responsibility are scientific integrity, vision, re¬
ceptiveness to new ideas and an enlightened outlook, to let younger
people grow unhindered to their full height. If these qualities can
also be combined with the scientific reputation acquired by signifi¬
cant personal contributions in a chosen field of endeavour, one has
a leader who is likely to succeed in developing the Institute and in¬
cidentally rendering the nation a service. Any person who assumes
the responsibility of running the Institute must have full control of the
laboratories, libraries, workshops and other facilities. He must be em¬
powered to acquire and dispense money in the name of the Institute.
He must have powers to appoint or terminate the services of person¬
nel required for the running of the Institute. Nothing is so detrimental
to the growth of Science in an institution than the existence of dead-
wood floating aimlessly, unable to participate in the scientific growth
of an Institute.”

It is quite apparent that, in his own mind, Raman regarded the

Institute as a place for his work during his lifetime and, after that, as
a legacy to the succeeding generations of scientists in India. On one
occasion, when he was provoked by a news reporter, he said, pointing
towards his laboratory: “This Institute is a monument to my egotism.
I am an egotist, and just as the Egyptian Kings used to build pyramids
before their death, so is this Institute my pyramid.” Although this
statement, taken out of context, appears to give prominence to the
ego in Raman, it is no more than an expression of the uncommon
degree of self-confidence which Raman always displayed in his own
methods of work. On the same occasion, he went on to say: “You
know I was in the Indian Institute of Science and was due to retire
at 60. So, two years before my retirement, I started building this
Institute so that on the day I retired I took my bag and walked into
this Institute. I cannot remain idle for a single day.” That was the
main purpose for which the Raman Research Institute was built by
Raman and, indeed, it served the purpose so fully and so admirably
94 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

that it enabled Raman to work there almost every day of the twenty-
and-odd years that he lived after retirement from his formal position
at the Indian Institute of Science.
Raman was appointed as National Professor for life (the first such
appointment) by the Government of India, after his retirement from
the Indian Institute of Science, to enable him to pursue his interests at
his new Institute. There is a story that a feeler was sent to him to find
out if he would accept the Vice-Presidency of India. He is reported
to have had a hearty laugh and said, “What would I do with it?”.
Raman was never a member of many committees and he resigned
in later years from even the few he was connected with. He even
resigned his Fellowship of the Royal Society. All that mattered to
him in the last two years was the pursuit of his scientific interest and
the future of the Raman Research Institute.

The last years

Isolation from other scientists in India, arising partly from his dis¬
appointment with the trends that the growth of Science in India was
showing, and partly from his desire to devote himself wholly to his
chosen lines of work, was a noticeable feature of the last few years
of Raman’s life. He was generally critical of post-Independence sci¬
entific developments in India and became more strongly so as time
went on. He bitterly complained against the growing dependence
of Indian scientists on foreign institutions for their equipment and
support and even for their ideas. He disapproved of young men go¬
ing out of India to build scientific careers. However, during the last
two decades of his life, the times were such that the so-called ‘brain
drain’ was gaining momentum in India as in other developing coun¬
He disapproved of organisations spending large sums of
money on equipment and often said that where there is creativity
of mind, the magnitude of external tools does not matter. But the
expansion in independent India was such that large sums of money
came to be invested on National Laboratories and other Government-
controlled scientific institutions. Thus, the widening gap between his
The last years 95

approach to Science and the way India’s scientific development was

going alienated him from the mainstream and he became somewhat
cynical in his attitude. When the late Jawaharlal Nehru, then Prime
Minister of India, admonished India’s scientists and asked them to
come out of the ivory towers in which they had confined themselves,
Raman reacted in typically sharp manner and said: “The men who
matter are those who sit in ivory towers. They are the salt of the earth
and it is to them that humanity owes its existence and progress.”
Many persons used to write to him and ask him for his views
on matters of general interest. During the last years of his life, only
rarely could a comment be elicited from him on a topic which was
not related in some way or the other to Science, at least in its wider
perspective. To one such query from an Indian scientist working in
the United States, Raman gave a reply in a letter dated June 16, 1964,
in the following words: “My personal philosophy of life about which
you wish me to write is sufficiently indicated by the facts of my ca¬
reer. My first scientific paper was published in the Philosophical
Magazine of London in November 1906 when I was just 18 years of
age. I am now over 75 years and do not recollect any time during
this long period when I took my mind off from my scientific inter¬
ests. Today I am as active as ever.” This reply contains statements
which are typical of Raman’s attitude to life.
To celebrate Raman’s 80th birthday, the late Vikram Sarabhai or¬
ganised the annual meeting of the Indian Academy of Sciences in
1968 at the Physical Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad. The meet¬
ing was held early in December. I specially came to India from the
USA on this occasion, to see Raman and to felicitate him. Raman
was in excellent spirits and moved freely with the scientists gath¬
ered there, joking and laughing with them. I presented Raman with
a collection of synthetically grown crystals from Bell Labs and syn¬
thetic diamonds grown at General Electric Research Laboratories,
Schenectady. F. P. Bundy and W. H. Wentorf, who had kindly given
the diamonds to me, had arranged them on a base to look like the
letter R and had set a plastic lens over them, so that the letter could
be seen with the naked eye. When I presented the collection to him,
96 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

with some appropriate remarks, Raman was visibly moved. Later,

during the conference, he seems to have remarked to someone: “Ja-
yaraman knows how to touch my heart. Unfortunately I am unable
to do anything for him in return that is good enough to attract him
back to the country”.
There was an evening dinner on the lawns of the Physical Re¬
search Laboratory to felicitate Raman. Seated with him at the centre
table were a galaxy of Indian scientists, both Raman’s old students
as well as other distinguished scientists. At the end of the dinner,
there were speeches in which a number of scientists paid tributes to
Raman, highlighting his achievements and the important role he had
played, directly or indirectly, in moulding their scientific careers. I
remember distinctly that when G.N. Ramachandran tried to speak, he
was so overcome by emotion he broke down and could not proceed
beyond one or two opening sentences, before sitting down. Finally,
it was Raman’s turn to reply.

C.V. Raman and Vikram Sarabhai during the Indian Academy of Sciences
annual meeting held in Ahmedabad in December 1968. The Academy hon¬
oured Raman on his 80th birthday at this meeting.
The last years

Group photo taken at the 1968 Annual Meeting oflASc in Ahmedabad. Celebrating Raman \s 80th birthday.
98 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

He started by saying: “You know, people may be wondering why

I wear a turban in this day and age. I will tell you why. The tur¬
ban is a bandage to prevent my getting a swollen head after hearing
such speeches....” He looked at the sky, the stars and the lovely trees
around. He started talking about the wonder of Nature, the excite¬
ment which comes from a search for truth and the humility that a
true scientific pursuit instils in one. He remarked that there was so
much to be studied and understood that he felt that he had not ac¬
complished anything worthwhile in his life. He referred to Pascal’s
saying, “Knowledge is like a sphere in space; the greater its vol¬
ume, the greater is its contact with the unknown”. He went on: “You
have all spoken in praise of my work and achievements, but I am not
satisfied with what I have done. What am I, compared to great sci¬
entists like Einstein!” Raman referred to the enormous opportunities
which modern biological research had opened up for an understand¬
ing of the meaning and mechanism of life processes. The impromptu
remarks he made after dinner on that occasion left an indelible im¬
pression on everyone present.
Towards the end, he became an institution in himself and, as
loneliness surrounded him, work became all that mattered to him
in life. When he fell ill, and was confined to bed, the end coming
nearer and nearer, be told his doctors, “I do not want to survive my
illness if it means anything less than a hundred per cent active and
productive life”. Less than a couple of months before his death, he
went up to the first floor of the Raman Research Institute, seemingly
as active as a young schoolboy, and delivered the Gandhi Memorial
lecture on October 2, 1970. It was the last lecture he gave in his life
and consisted of a masterly exposition of his ideas about the theory
of hearing, once again illustrating his breadth of interests. This in¬
cident is more than proof that he not only believed in work, but also
practised what he believed in, by keeping himself active till the very
In October 1970 I arrived in Bangalore to spend a sabbatical year
and to set up facilities for High Pressure research in India. My first
duty was to pay my respects to my guru. In December 1968, when I
The last years 99

saw him in Ahmedabad, he became tired very easily. In the interven¬

ing period, between January 1969 and October 1970, he had suffered
setbacks in health and was not his old self. I saw him in his bungalow
briefly and he got out of bed to talk to me, in spite of Lady Raman’s
protests that he should not do so. That was, unfortunately, to be my
last conversation with him. In a few days he went into hospital after
a heart attack. His condition appeared to improve at first, but within
a few weeks he died. He passed away in the early hours of the morn¬
ing of Saturday, November 21, 1970. By a special arrangement, his
mortal remains were cremated in the grounds of the Raman Research
Institute. Thousands of people, schoolchildren, students and others
from all walks of life thronged the Institute precincts to pay homage
to the memory of a great man.
Death is inevitable, but you don’t want it to come to someone
who changed your life and made it worthwhile. I was in silent tears
that my revered guru had passed away, but it was some consolation
that I could be present when his soul was consigned to eternal peace.
I would have felt very badly had I missed paying my homage and last
respects to Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, that legendary figure of
Science in modern India.
After Raman passed away, his younger son, V. Radhakrishnan,
an eminent Radio Astronomer, took over as the Director of the Insti¬
tute. In the last 16 years, the Institute has grown beyond recognition
and is bustling with research activity in liquid crystals, astrophysics
and radio astronomy. The budget has grown beyond anything Raman
would have imagined and the Institute is now largely supported by
grants from the Government of India.
Chapter III

Visitors, associates and others

Raman loved to talk about his Institute, his research and about him¬
self. When he was in a good mood, you could not meet a person
more inspiring and lovable than him. In the event he was in a bad
mood, it was prudent to stay away from him. Princes and politicians,
statesmen and scientists, students and teachers regularly visited the
Institute to see Raman and talk to him. He gave them an enthusiastic
welcome and took them round the museums, lecture theatres and on
to the verandas or the portico for a view of the distant vista and the
surrounding gardens. He talked to them about his current activities
and sometimes took them into the laboratory for a first-hand experi¬
ence of the phenomenon he was studying.
To some he showed his memorabilia, the medals, the honorary
doctoral gowns and the precious gifts he had received. Among these
the Nobel Diploma and the Nobel Medal figured prominently. The
Diploma was of exquisite calligraphy in a tastefully decorated for¬
mat. The heavy gold medal with Alfred Nobel in relief on it was
something everyone wanted to touch and feel. The honorary doctoral
gown of the University of Paris was a very impressive and colourful
piece of dress with cap to match. Raman would have looked majes¬
tic when he walked down the aisle, along with the academics of the
University of Paris, to receive the honorary doctorate conferred on
him. He once told me that he had earned only a Master’s degree in

102 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

physics; all the doctorates were honoris causa. Raman kept all his
memorabilia locked in steel almirahs in his downstairs room and the
keys to these secured in a steel safe.
He had an elaborate system of locks and keys to the laboratories
and steel cabinets. In the beginning, only he would open the safe and
give the keys to the museums, or to any other room to be opened.
As time went on, he gained confidence in me and Padmanabhan and
allowed us access to the heavy steel safe. Each bunch of keys to the
rooms and cabinets had its allotted place in the safe and we were
instructed to strictly adhere to the arrangement. It was a sight to see
Raman walking with a bunch of keys and opening the rooms himself
for visitors. We received a duplicate set of keys to our laboratory
rooms. In respect of keys, he treated me with special consideration
and trusted me with the master key to the safe, whenever he went
out of town for any length of time. The reason for all the safety
and precaution was understandable in view of the precious nature of
things he kept.
In the early days of the Institute, Raman was quite generous in
admitting visitors and taking them round himself. Sometimes he
would ask me or Padmanabhan to show visitors around. Later, he
found visitors a great impediment to his work and for the peace and
quiet he needed. So he began to discourage visitors, except the very
important ones. He even installed a notice board at the entrance to
the Institute, “No Admission to Visitors”.
Among the eminent scientists who visited Raman, the following
come to mind: J. D. Bernal, H.J. Bhabha, E. C. Bullard, S. Chan¬
drasekhar, C. G. Darwin, P. A. M. Dirac, J. B. S. Haldane, Linus Paul¬
ing, C. F. Powell, Norbert Wiener and G. Wentzel. The annual In¬
dian Science Congress, usually held every January, used to sponsor
the visits of foreign scientists for its meetings. Most of these sci¬
entists would come to Bangalore, for it was not only an important
centre for science but India’s most distinguished scientist also lived
and worked there. In addition, Bangalore is a lovely city with many
attractions for the visitors and is the gateway to Mysore — one of the
most colourful cities in India, famed for its Maharaja's palace, the
Visitors, associates and others 103

Krishnaraja Sagar reservoir and for the nearby Bandipur game sanc¬
tuary. The Indian Institute of Science and Raman Research Institute
would be on the itinerary of every visiting scientist.
The Russian scientific delegation used to be the largest of all
the scientist groups in those days and was quite visible at every Sci¬
ence Congress. These delegations would have someone at the level
of an Academician as the leader and a number of younger scien¬
tists accompanying him. The Russian scientists without exception
came to visit Raman. At one time, Raman was out of town and
we had to take care of one such Russian delegation. Academician
N. V. Belov, a well-known Russian crystallographer, was the leader.
There were also a number of young scientists with him. They were
so disappointed with Raman’s absence that they had their itinerary
rearranged so that they could visit the Institute again, a week or so
later, when Raman was back.
Apart from these invitees to the Science Congress, other eminent
scientists from abroad came as special invitees of the Government of
India and Bangalore was always on their itinerary. Therefore Raman
had visitors the year round. He generally showed great enthusiasm
in receiving them and taking them around. He lectured to them on
his latest findings. At other times he tried to convince them of his
views. One of his favourite topics was his lattice dynamical theory;
he was severely critical of the viewpoint of Max Born on this subject.
Although Raman had invited Max Born to Bangalore in the Thirties
and had deep regard for Born as a physicist, he was totally opposed to
Born on the theory of lattice dynamics. Some of the visits of promi¬
nent scientists to the Raman Institute during the period between 1950
and 1960 are described below and in the following pages.

J. D. Bernal
Bernal was one of the earliest distinguished visitors to the Raman
Institute. I think it was the 1950 Science Congress for which he was
invited and he came to Bangalore after participating in it. Raman
took Bernal round the Institute with great enthusiasm and showed
him some of the experiments that we were doing at the time using
104 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

sunlight. Bernal was a brilliant X-ray physicist, crystallographer,

crystal physicist and crystal chemist, all rolled in one. He had a keen
mind and a very scholarly look.
Bernal was, at the time, a Professor at Birkbeck College, Lon¬
don. He knew of Raman’s work on lattice dynamics and the rag¬
ing controversy between Raman and Max Born. He was even more
conversant with the controversy over diamond in which Raman and
Kathleen Lonsdale were involved. This related to the X-ray diffrac¬
tion effects in diamond (the so-called extra reflections). Whenever
Raman talked about these things, Bernal smiled enigmatically, but
his remarks were measured and he did not endorse the explanations
that Raman offered or his views.
One afternoon, Raman offered to take him round Bangalore in
his Willys sedan. Raman’s younger son, Radhakrishnan, and I also
went with them. After visiting Cubbon Park and Lalbagh, we ended
up at the Bull Temple in Basavanagudi. One of the most impressive
sights in this temple is the gigantic stone bull at the entrance. Raman
explained to Bernal the role of the bull in a Siva temple. Then we
went near the sanctum sanctorum and there was this Trident — the
famous weapon of Siva — just outside the inner chamber. Bernal
asked about the significance of the Trident and its purpose and Ra¬
man explained it to him. It was a very pleasant outing, which we all
enjoyed very much.

H. J. Bhabha
Bhabha was one of the most eminent physicists of India. He was
mainly responsible for founding India’s Nuclear Energy programme.
He was born in 1909 in Bombay and was connected to that well-
known industrial family, the Tatas. He initially enrolled in Gonville
and Caius College in Cambridge in 1927 to study mechanical engi¬
neering, but switched to theoretical physics and took a B.A. degree in
1930. Paul Dirac was, apparently, one of his tutors. Bhabha received
his Ph.D. in 1935 for his research on cosmic-ray-produced electron
showers at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge. He stayed on in
Cambridge until 1939.
Visitors, associates and others 105

During this period he spent time with Fermi’s group in Rome,

Pauli’s group in Zurich and Niels Bohr’s Institute in Copenhagen.
Bhabha’s work with Heitler in 1937, on cosmic ray showers pro¬
duced by muons, and other work in the field earned him a lasting
reputation in theoretical physics. He returned to India in 1939 at the
outbreak of World War II for a vacation and, fortunately for India,
could not return to Cambridge.
He joined the Indian Institute of Science as Professor of cosmic
ray physics. Raman was at the time heading the Physics Depart¬
ment and encouraged Bhabha. With Raman’s support, and through
his own Tata connections, Bhabha was able to create a new Institute
particularly devoted to research on cosmic rays and nuclear physics.
The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research was founded in Ban¬
galore in June 1945 with Bhabha as its Director. It later moved to
Bombay. When the Indian Atomic Energy Commission was estab¬
lished in 1948, Bhabha was made its Chairman. The Commission
conducted most of its early research and development work at the
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
Bhabha was a frequent visitor to Bangalore in the early Fifties,
coming there to supervise the balloon flight experiments carried out
by the cosmic ray research unit of the Tata Institute of Fundamen¬
tal Research. Bhabha was actively involved in cosmic ray studies in
those days and was regarded as a front-ranking scientist in the field.
Raman and Bhabha were on very friendly terms and, during his Ban¬
galore trips, Bhabha used to come to the Raman Research Institute
to see Raman. On one occasion, he even brought his mother to the
Bhabha was very interested in art and himself painted. He drew
a line sketch of Raman in 1949, a reasonably successful portrayal.
In the mid-Fifties Bhabha got deeply involved in India’s atomic
energy development project. He did an excellent job organising the
Agency, the laboratories and the atomic energy programmes. He
received considerable encouragement from Government and had di¬
rect access to Prime Minister Nehru. Consequently, his power and
prestige increased enormously and he became the most influential
106 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

scientific administrator in India. He became the first Chairman of

India’s Atomic Energy Commission and held the post until his pre¬
mature death in an airplane crash in the Swiss Alps on January 24,
Bhabha simultaneously held three important positions in India,
namely, the chairmanship of the AEC, Secretary to the Government
in the Department of Atomic Energy, and Director of the Tata Insti¬
tute of Fundamental Research. Bhabha was a superb organiser and
was able to function efficiently in all three capacities. However, he
gave up active science himself to emerge as the most powerful sci¬
entific administrator in the country.
Raman hated big organisations and felt a big bureaucracy only
wasted money. He began to feel uncomfortable with Bhabha and
gradually the two drifted apart. Bhabha never visited Raman after
1954 and I think this upset Raman very much. He used to open up
the latest research volumes and ask visitors: “Do you find the name
of Bhabha anywhere in the scientific literature nowadays? He has
quit Science.”

E. C. Bullard
Bullard was Director of the National Physical Laboratory in Eng¬
land at the time he visited India and called on Raman in Bangalore.
Bullard immensely enjoyed Raman’s conducted tour of the Institute.
On this occasion, Raman showed him all his personal memorabilia,
including the Nobel Medal, the Nobel Diploma, the Hughes Medal
of the Royal Society, the Franklin Medal and the Matteucci Medal.
Several colourful doctoral gowns worn by Raman during the award
of Honorary Doctorates were also shown to Bullard. Bullard was
particularly interested in Raman’s relationship with Rutherford. Ra¬
man had a great regard for Rutherford and spoke highly of him and
his majestic personality. Rutherford strongly endorsed Raman’s can¬
didacy for the Nobel Prize and supported him on several occasions.
Raman and Rutherford had many similarities. Both were very power¬
ful, domineering personalities, and led very active schools of physics
in their respective countries.
Visitors, associates and others 107

S. Chandrasekhar
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, the distinguished Professor of the Uni¬
versity of Chicago, was Raman’s nephew. He won the Nobel Prize
for Physics in 1982 for contributions he had made to astrophysics
almost fifty years earlier.
Chandrasekhar was born in 1910 in Lahore and took his B.Sc.
Hons, degree in physics in 1930 from Presidency College, Madras,
the same college that Raman had gone to some 25 years earlier.
When Chandrasekhar was finishing his B.Sc. Hons, degree, Raman
had just then won the Nobel Prize for Physics. Therefore the in¬
fluence of Raman’s life on young Chandrasekhar must have been
strong. The bright young physicist set the highest goals for himself
and left for Cambridge to pursue higher studies in physics.
He turned to theoretical astrophysics, inspired by a book by
Eddington that he had received as a prize. Even as a student at Pres¬
idency College, Madras, he had given thought to fundamental astro-
physical problems and some of the important ideas concerning the
fate of a dying star crystallised in his mind on the voyage to England.
While in Cambridge, he came into contact with the celebrated astro¬
physicist Eddington himself and discussed astrophysics on a day-to-
day basis with him. Chandrasekhar’s work in Cambridge led to a
rigorous solution to the puzzle concerning the fate of a star which
had gone through its nuclear burning cycles and begun cooling. On
January 11, 1935, at a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society
in London he presented a paper on the subject, in the presence of
Eddington. Immediately after Chandrasekhar’s presentation, Edding¬
ton got up and vehemently criticised Chandrasekhar’s theory.
According to the ideas prevailing then, a cooling star would un¬
dergo gravitational collapse, and become a dense ball called a white
dwarf. Chandrasekhar studied this collapse when the gravitational
force was sufficient to overcome the counteracting electronic pres¬
sure of the compressed dense gas arising from the operation of the
Pauli exclusion principle. Chandrasekhar proved conclusively that
a star with a mass greater than 1.4 solar mass would collapse into
108 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

dense matter in which the electrons have velocities close to that of

light — a state called relativistic degeneracy. This would cause the
star to go on collapsing beyond the white dwarf stage, losing energy
through radiation until it becomes so dense that light is trapped and
the star vanishes. Such a situation is now known as a black hole,
but at that time examples of white dwarfs, neutron stars — a dense
star consisting of only neutrons — or black holes were unknown to
observational astronomy.
Chandrasekhar’s theory had far-reaching consequences, and mod¬
ern astronomy and astrophysics have vindicated his conclusions. Ed¬
dington, however, did not like to believe in such an ignominious fate
for a stellar object and, hence, opposed Chandrasekhar’s brilliant and
fundamental contribution. The latter felt undermined by this and was
deeply disappointed with Eddington’s attitude.
In 1936, Chandrasekhar migrated to Chicago to accept a profes¬
sorship at the University of Chicago and remained there since. He
changed his subject to radiative transfer, stellar structure and mag¬
netohydrodynamics, but in later years worked on black holes again.
He then got interested in general relativity. In each of these areas
he made monumental contributions. Finally, due recognition for his
original contribution came in 1982 when he was awarded the Nobel
Prize for physics, which he shared with William A. Fowler of the
California Institute of Technology. Chandrasekhar’s books on mag¬
netohydrodynamics and black holes are classics.
Chandrasekhar visited Bangalore in 1951. This, I believe, was
his first visit to India after he moved to Chicago in 1937. He was then
near 40. The Chandrasekhars stayed with Raman. Raman’s remark
on meeting Chandrasekhar is noteworthy. Commenting on the fact
that Chandrasekhar had not been back in a long time, he said, “You
are visiting India like Halley’s comet”. Raman was quick-witted and
would say the most unexpected things.
When Chandrasekhar visited the Raman Institute, we had no
electricity, but a lot of light-scattering experiments were going on
with sunlight. We were studying the diffusion of light in moonstone
at the time. Raman had shown that the geometry of the observed
Visitors, associates and others 109

halo and its dimensions contained information about the size and
shape of the particles responsible for the optical heterogenety and we
had worked out that these could be estimated using a simple optical
diffraction theory. Raman demonstrated the effect to Chandrasekhar
and the latter was quite impressed by the optical phenomena and the
explanation offered by Raman. He suggested that Mie’s theory of
scattering could be applied to the situation. However, Raman’s sim¬
ple approach and the explanation he advanced was an intuitive jump
over any mathematical theory. Chandrasekhar was shown some of
the other experiments that were going on at the time, using sunlight.
One of them was the luminescence of diamond, which always im¬
pressed visitors.
Raman was very proud of Chandrasekhar’s achievements and
proposed him for the Nobel Prize as early as the Fifties. During
that visit to Bangalore, Chandrasekhar gave a lecture on The Po¬
larisation of the Sunlit Sky’ at the Indian Institute of Science before
a huge audience. Raman, who sat in the front row, appreciated the
masterly presentation very much.

C. G. Darwin
Darwin, a famous X-ray physicist from England, came to Bangalore
to meet Raman. A visit to the Raman Institute and a dinner at Ra¬
man’s home later in the evening had been planned. Darwin came to
the Institute in the morning and Raman, as was customary, took him
round the laboratories and the museums. Then he talked about his
lattice dynamical theory with a view to gaining approval of his ideas.
He gave a well-prepared lecture for 45 minutes. Darwin listened to
it and then responded, “I don’t agree with your ideas”.
Raman was infuriated. Very upset, he said: “I wasted my time.
You are all prejudiced. I should have known that this business of
trying to convince a British physicist is as bad as trying to unbend a
dog’s tail”. Darwin was no younger than Raman and he was taken
aback by these remarks. Suddenly the warmth and enthusiasm that
Raman had shown Darwin evaporated. When taking leave of Ra¬
man later that morning, Darwin actually doubted whether the dinner
110 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

engagement was still on. He asked Raman, “Are we meeting for

dinner?”. Raman replied, “Yes, yes — we are having dinner at my
house in the evening”. But Raman continued to feel that the whole
British School of Physicists was influenced strongly by Max Born
and, hence, opposed to his views.

P. A. M. Dirac
Dirac’s visit to the Raman Research Institute in 1954 was a very
pleasant affair, with Raman very happy throughout. In fact, Raman
had planned a three-day visit to Bangalore for Dirac and had filled it
with so many engagements that he left very little time for Dirac even
to visit the Indian Institute of Science. However, these plans got
altered when Dirac arrived as the guest of the IISc. Nevertheless, he
came to the Raman Institute and spent quite some time with Raman.
The next day, Raman took him in his car to visit his country home
and a nearby water reservoir called Thippagondanahalli.
When Dirac came to the Institute, Raman took him round enthu¬
siastically and showed him everything that was to be seen there. He
gave a talk on his lattice dynamics at the lecture theatre; this was at¬
tended by a few others as well. After the 45-minute presentation, Ra¬
man wanted to know Dirac’s opinion about his theory. Dirac began
to respond rather slowly. He started saying “What you presented ap¬
pears reasonable”, but before anything further was said Raman took
Dirac’s hand and warmly shook it, saying: “I know you will see my
point of view. You are one of the greatest physicists for whom I have
a great regard.” Dirac could not, and did not, make any further com¬
ments. Raman was certainly under the delusion that Dirac agreed
with him.

J. B. S. Haldane
Haldane was an eminent British biologist who fell in love with India
and settled there in his later years. After he settled in India, he even
wore dhotis in the Bengali fashion and thus identified himself with
the country totally. He made Bhubaneswar in Orissa state his home
and carried on research in biology, agriculture and statistics applied
to biology.
Visitors, associates and others 111

Haldane was one of those rare individuals who had a broad inter¬
est in Science. He knew mathematics, physics, chemistry and biol¬
ogy* He was a tall, hefty figure and had a commanding personality.
His trip to the Raman Institute was memorable. He gave a talk
at the Indian Institute of Science in the morning and was to visit the
Raman Institute after the talk. He refused the car that was arranged
to take him to the Raman Institute and walked the one mile at a brisk
pace. A lot of admirers walked with him; it was like a Padayatra
(pilgrimage on foot) to the Raman Institute.
Raman received him at the portico and conducted him through
the Institute. His first remark was: “Prof. Haldane, why did they
make you walk? I would have sent my car.” To this Haldane replied
that he preferred to walk and enjoyed the exercise very much. Raman
took Haldane round his museum and proudly showed him his bird
and mollusc collection to impress him that his interest in biology
was a match for Haldane’s.

Mark Oiiphant
Sir Mark Oiiphant, a distinguished Australian nuclear physicist who
had worked under Rutherford, came to India in 1956 to deliver the
Rutherford Memorial lecture. Alladi Ramakrishnan, the Director of
the Mathematical Sciences Institute, Madras, had invited Oiiphant to
deliver the lecture in Madras. Oiiphant had a written lecture and was
planning to deliver the same lecture in both Madras and Bangalore.
It was arranged that the lecture in Bangalore would be chaired by
Ramakrishnan narrates how a reporter from the Madras daily,
The Hindu, interviewed Oiiphant and planned to publish the gist of
the lecture. But as the reporter left, Oiiphant inadvertently handed
him the entire transcript of the lecture. The next morning, The Hindu
carried the lecture verbatim over four columns, as a tribute to the
great scientist Ernest Rutherford. Raman read the speech in The
Hindu and promptly called Oiiphant, who had just arrived in Ban¬
galore and was staying at the West End Hotel, to say that he had read
the lecture given in Madras and that he had enjoyed it very much.
112 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Oliphant, it seems, was quite embarrassed about it, since he could

not give the same speech again, especially with Raman in the chair.
Fortunately he had another version, which he delivered and thereby
avoided any amusing comments from Raman.
The lecture by Oliphant was given at the Sir Puttannachetty Hall
in Bangalore before a distinguished audience of scientists, students
and general public. I was in the audience and heard Raman speak in
glorious terms about the lecture and about Rutherford.

Linus Pauling
Pauling'visited Bangalore in 1954 and came to see Raman. Raman
took him round with great enthusiasm and showed him his exquisite
collection of gems, minerals and crystals. He also gave a short talk
on his lattice dynamics and waited for Pauling’s comments. Pauling,
however, did not commit himself and merely said, “I will have to
think about it more deeply”.
Pauling had been awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry shortly
before he visited India. In the upper portico of the Raman Institute
quite a few scientists had assembled on the day of Pauling’s visit and
someone remarked that Pauling had been awarded the Nobel Prize
for chemistry. Raman promptly said: “I elected him to the honorary
fellowship of the Indian Academy of Sciences years ago, knowing
his worth. The Nobel Committee has recognised his greatness only
now.” Raman was evidently quite happy with himself for the remark
and Pauling responded with a smile.
Raman had taken a little more time than was allotted for the visit.
Pai, who was the Registrar of the Indian Institute of Science and
who had been accompanying Pauling, made some rude remarks to
Raman about his delaying his visitor. Pauling had to rush to the
Indian Institute of Science to deliver a lecture on ‘Sickle Cell Anemia
and its Molecular Biological Basis’. It was strange that Raman let the
remarks pass. We all felt that a nonscientist like the Registrar had no
business to talk to Raman in that fashion.
Visitors, associates and others 113

C. F. Powell
Powell was a distinguished cosmic ray physicist from Bristol who
came to India in 1956 at the invitation of H. J. Bhabha. Powell pio¬
neered the use of the photographic emulsion technique for recording
cosmic ray encounters as tracks in the plate, and discovered several
new particles from the cosmic-ray-produced tracks on photographic
plates. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1950. M. G. K. Menon,
a well-known Indian scientist turned scientific administrator, worked
under Powell and participated in some of the experiments conducted
in the early Fifties.
Powell visited Bangalore during his trip and called on Raman.
The latter wanted to trace the origin of the use of the photographic
emulsion technique in recording cosmic ray encounters and I remem¬
ber him going to the Indian Institute of Science Library to investigate.
After much searching Raman found that Blau and Wambacher had
in 1907 discovered the photographic emulsion technique whose use
Powell had pioneered. Raman triumphantly talked about his find¬
ings to Powell and the latter was amazed by Raman’s curiosity and
Those were great days for cosmic ray physics and cosmic ray
physicists. Powell gave a scintillating talk and Raman enjoyed the
lecture very much.

S. Bhagavantam
Bhagavantam joined Raman as a research scholar in Calcutta at the
comparatively young age of 18 and Raman intuitively recognised the
great potential and precocity of the young scientist. Bhagavantam
commenced his research career with investigations on the optical and
magnetic anisotropy in aromatic and aliphatic series of compounds
and established the relationship between the magnetic behaviour of
organic crystals and their molecular form and crystal structure. Soon
after the discovery of the Raman Effect in 1928, Bhagavantam took
up the study of the Raman spectra of gases. His pioneering work
on the effect of pressure on the Raman spectra of gases helped in
114 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

elucidating the influence of intermolecular collisions and viscosity

on the rotational structure of the Raman bands in gases.
In 1932, Bhagavantam joined the Andhra University, Waltair,
where he remained for sixteen years, becoming successively Pro¬
fessor, Head of the Department of Physics, and then Principal of the
University Colleges. During this period, besides continuing his in¬
vestigations on the Raman Effect, he established an active school of
experimental research in ultrasonics and developed new techniques
for the measurement of the elastic constants of crystals. His two
books published during this period, namely Scattering of Light and
Raman Effect and Theory of Groups and its Applications to Physical
Problems, are still among the best books that any research worker can
find on the respective topics. The second book, with Venkatarayudu
as co-author, is perhaps one of the most important contributions to
the understanding of the Raman spectra of crystals. Through the use
of group theory, Bhagavantam and Venkatarayudu established the
role of crystal symmetry in splitting the degenerate vibrational lev¬
els of molecules and molecular groups when they go into crystals to
occupy positions of symmetry.
Bhagavantam possessed the rare combination of scientific emi¬
nence and administrative ability and consequently held a variety of
important positions during his career. He was chosen as the first
scientific liaison officer of independent India in the UK. On his re¬
turn, he went to Hyderabad as Professor of Physics and started an
active research school at the Osmania University. Later, he became
the Vice-Chancellor of Osmania University. During this period, he
initiated work in cosmic ray research, studies on high polymers and
solid state physics, and published his third valuable book, Crystal
Symmetry and Physical Properties. He also took steps to rejuvenate
astronomical studies and research in Hyderabad.
From 1957 to 1962, he served as Director of the Indian Institute
of Science, Bangalore. Later at the invitation of the then Defence
Minister, V. K. Krishna Menon, with whom he had become friends
during his London days, Bhagavantam became scientific adviser to
the Ministry of Defence, Government of India. He also held many
Visitors, associates and others 115

other important professional positions and his career was one of laud¬
able achievements.
Bhagavantam remained a loyal friend of Raman throughout and
the latter had a special affection for Bhagavantam. He used to treat
Bhagavantam very warmly and the latter, in turn, had a deep regard
for Raman. I have seen them together on innumerable occasions,
engrossed in discussion. Bhagavantam never failed to attend the
Executive Council meetings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, of
which I was a member, by virtue of my position as the Treasurer
of the Academy, from 1956 to 1961. Bhagavantam hosted several
annual meetings of the Academy while he was in Hyderabad and at
Andhra University. In fact, the first Academy meeting I went to was
in December 1950; it was hosted by Osmania University where Bha¬
gavantam was the Director and Professor at the Physical Research
Raman used to enjoy Bhagavantam’s lectures, which were no¬
table for their precision, clarity and thoroughness. Bhagavantam died
in February 1989 at the age of 80. When I visited him in the first
week of December 1988, he recalled his Calcutta days and talked
about Raman.

K. S. Krishnan
K.S. Krishnan joined Raman in Calcutta as a research scholar in
1923. Krishnan was a very capable experimenter and worked on sev¬
eral problems in optics and magnetic and electric double refraction
in anisotropic molecules. Raman and Krishnan discussed, in a series
of papers, the magnetic double refraction in liquids and the electric
double refraction in relation to the polarity and optical anisotropy of
Krishnan’s outstanding record of research won for him first the
M.Sc. and, later, the D.Sc. degree of the Madras University. He as¬
sisted Raman in the light-scattering experiments at those very crucial
stages which led to the discovery of the Raman Effect. The first few
publications relating to the discovery, and the subsequent detailed
papers, were published jointly by Raman and Krishnan. His col-
116 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

laboration with Raman continued up to 1930 when he accepted the

Readership in Physics at Dacca University.
Krishnan continued in Dacca, with a band of dedicated scholars
and post-graduate workers, his remarkable series of studies on the
magnetic susceptibility of many organic and inorganic compounds.
He returned to the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science,
as the first Mahendralal Sircar Professor in 1933, when Raman left
Calcutta to take up the Directorship of the Indian Institute of Science
in Bangalore. A few years later, Krishnan was elected as a Fellow
of the Royal Society, London. He moved to Allahabad University as
Professor of Physics in 1942. There, he became attracted to theoret¬
ical physics, influenced by A. B. Bhatia, a brilliant mathematician,
who had joined him as a research student. Krishnan continued in
Allahabad until 1947, carrying on an excellent research tradition.
The British Government conferred upon him the knighthood in
recognition of his outstanding scientific work in Allahabad. Soon
after, he accepted the invitation to become the first Director of the
National Physical Laboratory in New Delhi, a position he held until
his death in 1961. Krishnan received many honours and distinctions
during his lifetime.
Krishnan had wide interests and was a noted scholar in Tamil.
He was a very good speaker with a subtle sense of humour and was
an excellent conversationalist. It appears that Prime Minister Nehru
liked Krishnan very much and enjoyed a chat with him whenever he
had some free time.
I first saw Raman and Krishnan together in Delhi in 1951, at
the time the Indian Academy of Sciences’ annual session was held
there. Raman used to be the chairman of a committee called the
Physical Research Committee instituted by the Council of Scientific
and Industrial Research and Krishnan was a member of this commit¬
tee. Consequently, Krishnan used to come to Bangalore periodically
for these meetings and Raman and Krishnan were on very friendly
terms. But after 1953, their relationship deteriorated and was com¬
pletely destroyed.
Visitors, associates and others 117

It is difficult to fathom how this happened. Many versions were

current at the time. In 1953, which was the Silver Jubilee year of the
discovery of the Raman Effect, feeble voices were heard whispering
that Krishnan had played a significant role in the discovery. These
reached Raman’s ears and, lacking the patience to verify the veracity
of these stories and their source, he jumped to the conclusion that Kr¬
ishnan entertained such ideas. Tie felt humiliated and let down, and
began to regard Krishnan unfavourably. Friends and well-wishers of
both were helpless in this drama. Raman’s feelings were so strong,
they caused much anxiety in the minds of many. This was a very
unpleasant episode in the life of Raman and Krishnan.
Unfortunately such views still find expression. For instance,
Sankar Chakraborty states in the Calcutta Municipal Gazette of No¬
vember 2, 1988: “In the discovery of the Raman Effect, K. S. Krish¬
nan played a very significant role. Many have felt that K. S. Krishnan
should have been acknowledged as the co-discoverer of the effect
now bearing Raman’s name exclusively.” You go into the history
of the discovery of the Raman Effect, it is very clear that the light¬
scattering programme was initiated and led by Raman in Calcutta,
soon after he returned from his first European trip in 1921. During
the years 1921 to 1928, Raman had several collaborators working
with him on the subject, and they included K. R. Ramanathan, K. Se-
shagiri Rao, S. Venkateswaran, K. S. Krishnan and a few others. Of
this team, Krishnan undoubtedly was involved very much in the fi¬
nal phase of the discovery and there was therefore a very close and
intense collaboration between Raman and Krishnan. In such a col¬
laboration, only the two participants can speak about their roles and
it would be impossible for outsiders to assign credit. Further, the
Nobel Committee goes thoroughly into these matters and they seem
to have had no difficulty in identifying Raman’s leading role in the
light-scattering programme in Calcutta, which culminated in the dis¬
covery of the Effect which his scientific peers in the field at that time
named as the ‘Raman Effect’. It is to be noted that the Nobel citation
for Raman reads “for his investigations on the scattering of light and
118 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

the discovery of the effect known after him”. It is not just for the
final discovery alone.
Raman has generously acknowledged the assistance of Krishnan
in the discovery, as well as the contributions of his other collabora¬
tors. Further, most of the papers relating to the new discovery bear
the names of Raman and Krishnan. More importantly, Krishnan had
never claimed in public that his contributions to the discovery were
suppressed. An unbiased chronicler would have no difficulty in iden¬
tifying the leading role played by Raman in the light-scattering work
and would probably also conclude that Raman would have discov¬
ered the Effect without the assistance of anyone. However, it must be
said that it was one of the most effective collaborations in the history
of science; it certainly helped to bring the subject to a quick culmina¬
tion at a time when the time element was very important. Otherwise,
full credit for the discovery would probably have been lost, in light
of the events that followed, namely the independent observation of
the light-scattering effect by the Russian scientists Landsberg and
Mandel’shtam, who were behind only by a few months.
To me it all sounds so sad and utterly futile to make an issue of
this monumental contribution to Science by one of the most illustri¬
ous sons of India.

K. R. Ramanathan
Ramanathan was one of the earliest associates of Raman. He was
born in Kalpathi, Palghat, in South India on February 28, 1893, about
five years after Raman. He had his early education in Victoria Col¬
lege, Palghat, and took his Bachelor’s degree in physics from the
Presidency College, Madras. Then he joined Maharaja s College
in Trivandrum and served there as a lecturer for seven years. He
joined Raman in Calcutta as a University of Madras research scholar
towards the end of 1921 and collaborated with him in the studies
of the molecular scattering of light and X-ray diffraction in liquids,
gases and mixtures. Within a period of one year he had published
ten papers and was awarded the D.Sc. degree of the University of
Madras for his thesis based on this work. He then accepted a teach-
Visitors, associates and others 119

ing appointment in Rangoon in 1922, but continued to visit Raman’s

laboratory in Calcutta during the vacations.
During these periods, he conducted intensive examination of the
molecular diffraction of light by water. Using sunlight and comple¬
mentary filters, Ramanathan detected a weak residual light, which
was dismissed as 'weak fluorescence’ due to impurities. However,
in later years, Raman pursued this very ‘weak fluorescence’ system¬
atically and this pursuit led to the discovery of the Raman Effect in
In 1925 Ramanathan joined the India Meteorological Depart¬
ment and retired as its Deputy Director General in 1948. After his
retirement he took up the Directorship of the Physical Research Lab¬
oratory at Ahmedabad and set up, for the first time in India, a group
to investigate the physics of the upper atmosphere. He retired from
the Directorship in 1966, but continued to work as Emeritus Profes¬
He also helped Dr Vikram Sarabhai organise space physics re¬
search in its initial stages in India. Ramanathan was held in high
regard by the Sarabhai family and was truly a friend, philosopher
and guide to the young Sarabhai. He passed away in Ahmedabad on
December 31,1984, at the age of 91.
Raman had great affection and regard for Ramanathan. Since the
latter was only five years younger, Raman treated him as a colleague.
Ramanathan served the Meteorological Department with distinction
for 23 years and there he established high scientific standards. He
brought physics into meteorology and built up the department with
outstanding physicists, who were mostly Raman’s students. In those
days, the only two avocations open to young physicists in India were
teaching and as meteorologists in the Meteorological Department.
Raman chose Ramanathan to high offices in the Indian Academy of
Sciences. At the annual meetings of the Indian Academy of Sciences,
Raman loved to hear Ramanathan expound on subjects connected
with the upper atmosphere and atmospheric physics and enlisted him
for public lectures at these meetings.
120 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

I have seen at close quarters the genuine mutual affection that ex¬
isted between Raman and Ramanathan. To Ramanathan, Raman was
a great hero and his beloved professor. To Raman, Ramanathan was
a symbol of devotion and loyalty. Love and affection dominated their
relationship. Only once was this relationship disturbed for a brief pe¬
riod. That was in 1953, when the Silver Jubilee of the discovery of
the Raman Effect was being celebrated.
It was a minor incident in Bombay that strained this intimate re¬
lationship. Ramanathan inadvertently made a remark, during a pub¬
lic meeting connected with the celebration in Bombay, that Raman
used the mercury arc by accident to discover the Raman Effect; that
since it was a rainy day Raman had decided to use the meicury arc.
Within a few days, a visitor from Bombay to the Raman Institute
mentioned this to Raman, without realising the impact it would have
on him. Raman was infuriated beyond control and totally lost his
bearings. That was Raman’s character when he was hurt. We did not
understand at first why he was so upset, but the story soon unfolded.
Raman sent a telegram to Ramanathan asking him to come and
explain to him why he had made such a statement. Ramanathan took
the next plane and arrived in Bangalore to face Raman. Raman and
Ramanathan were closeted in the former’s office for a long time and
then the two came out. Ramanathan issued a statement to the Press
retracting what he had said and profusely apologised for the mistake
he had made. After that, the relationship between Raman and Ra¬
manathan returned to normalcy and the unpleasant episode was soon

L. A. Ramdas
Ramdas joined Raman in Calcutta, in 1923, as a Palit Research Scho¬
lar and conducted experiments on the scattering of light by mercury
and other pure liquid surfaces. Besides this, he investigated the op¬
tical properties of monomolecular films spread on water surfaces
and the movement of surface-active substances like camphor on wa¬
ter. After obtaining his Ph.D. in Calcutta under Raman, he joined
the India Meteorological Service in 1926, but continued to visit the
Visitors, associates and others 121

Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science in Calcutta dur¬

ing his vacations to actively work with Raman. It was Ramdas who
named the light-scattering effect discovered by Raman as the ‘Raman
His work in the Meteorological Department was mainly involved
with research problems connected with meteorology. He established
and developed the new Division of Agricultural Meteorology in Pune,
which specialised in the physics of the earth-atmosphere boundary
layers. He pioneered research in this area. After retirement, Ramdas
continued his researches in physics and atmospheric physics at the
National Physical Laboratory in New Delhi.
Ramdas, who had a deep respect and admiration for Raman, was
a frequent visitor to the Raman Research Institute in Bangalore. An¬
other attraction for him in Bangalore was his son, A. K. Ramdas, who
worked as a research scholar under Raman.
Ramdas had a fine sense of humour and it was a delight for us
to listen to his stories about Raman’s Calcutta days and about his
own experiences with people. Ramdas wrote two very fine articles
on Raman in the Indian Journal of Physics Education in 1971 and
1973. In these articles, he has given an authentic and accurate picture
of Raman’s Calcutta days, for he was a part of those days. He has
thrown much light on this period of Raman’s life and his description
of Raman as a teacher is perhaps the only one of its kind available. I
have used quite a bit of material from these two articles in this work,
for which I am indebted to him very much. Ramdas had planned a
third article. Unfortunately, this did not materialise and much rich
material of the Calcutta days has been lost.

Vikram Sarabhai
Vikram Sarabhai admired Raman and had the highest regard and re¬
spect for him. In fact, he spent some time as a disciple under Raman,
at the start of his research career. He was a frequent visitor to Ban¬
The Sarabhai family are wealthy mill owners in Ahmedabad and
the whole family was very attached to Raman, who had, on several
122 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

occasions, been their guest at their home in Ahmedabad. They helped

him in his efforts to collect money for building the Raman Research
Institute, donating generously themselves, and influencing their
friends to contribute substantially to the cause.
Vikram Sarabhai was the only one in the family who took to
Science. He started his scientific career as a cosmic ray researcher
and became a well-known contributor in the field. Subsequently, he
moved on to organising the Space Science effort in India. This has
now grown into a huge, Government-sponsored research organisa¬
tion. After Bhabha’s death in the air crash, the Chairmanship of In¬
dia’s Atomic Energy Commission fell on Sarabhai’s shoulders. Thus,
he had the awesome responsibility, at one and the same time, of two
large Government Departments, each employing thousands of scien¬
tists and engineers. Sarabhai had such fine human qualities and a
superb managerial capacity that he was liked by everyone who came
into contact with him, enabling him to smoothly run both organisa¬
Raman was very fond of Vikram Sarabhai and encouraged him
in his research. He also gave him several opportunities to conduct
symposia on cosmic ray research during the annual meetings of the
Indian Academy of Sciences. I distinctly remember the 1953 annual
meeting held in Ahmedabad when Sarabhai and his group presented
talk after talk at a symposium on cosmic ray studies in India.
Fifteen years later (1968), the Academy met in Ahmedabad to
celebrate the 80th birthday of Raman. This was a happy occasion in
which many Fellows participated and paid their tributes to the doyen
of Indian Science. Sarabhai actively participated in this meeting and
was, in fact, its principal architect. Despite his very busy schedule,
he was present throughout the conference.
One afternoon, Sarabhai and Raman were seated and chatting
on the lawns adjacent to the Physical Research Faboratory where
the meetings were being held. I had just joined them when Ra¬
man asked Sarabhai how he was able to manage three jobs, shuttling
between Delhi, Ahmedabad, Bombay and Trivandrum and oversee¬
ing the work of several huge organisations. Sarabhai explained his
Visitors, associates and others 123

schedule. Raman bluntly said: “Vikram, this is too much for any
person. One of these days you will croak in the plane. Don’t do this.
I sincerely advise you.” Vikram laughed it off, but what Raman said
came true. Sarabhai suddenly passed away in the hotel where he was
staying in Trivandrum on December 30, 1971. He was in Trivandrum
on an official visit to the Space Science organisation. His death was
apparently due to a severe heart attack.

S. Venkateswaran
Venkateswaran is an outstanding example of a part-time worker who,
after a gruelling full-time routine in a Government job, out-did many
whole-time researchers by working on research for more than a
decade in the evenings and late into the night, on holidays and dur¬
ing leave periods. It was an extraordinary display of dedication and
devotion to research.
He joined the Association in Calcutta as an overtime worker in
1923 and began a series of remarkable investigations on the hitherto
unexplored problem of molecular scattering of light in aqueous so¬
lutions of acids and other compounds, and, later, in pure liquids. He
won the M.Sc. and, later, the D.Sc. of the Madras University, sub¬
mitting dissertations covering his many important research papers.
He played an important part in the discovery of the Raman Effect by
bringing to the notice of Raman the rather conspicuous ‘so-called flu¬
orescence’ exhibited by pure, dry, distilled glycerine. This study cre¬
ated the urgent need to explain this ‘feeble fluorescence’ and, shortly
afterwards, led Raman to the discovery of the Raman Effect.
Amidst his researches, this indefatigable worker found time to
take his Bachelor’s degree in Law. He later joined the Patents Of¬
fice in Calcutta. The creation and development of the Trade Marks
Registry in India was entirely due to Venkateswaran’s imagination
and drive. Towards the closing years of his career in government ser¬
vice, he not only organised the Trade Marks Registry on an all-India
basis, but also took charge of both the Patents and Trade Marks Of¬
fices. Venkateswaran’s example of assiduous striving and achieving
against the greatest odds is indeed an inspiring one.
124 C. V. Raman —/l Memoir

Raman and Venkateswaran kept in touch with each other long af¬
ter the Calcutta years and the latter visited the Raman Institute a few
times. Raman used to stay with Venkateswaran during his sojourns
in Bombay, in his flat in Tulsi Vihar, in the fashionable Marine Drive
area. Raman used to talk in glowing terms about Venkateswaran’s
scientific and other abilities and the latter, in turn, had a profound
respect for Raman.

K. Hanumanthayya
Hanumanthayya, who succeeded K. C. Reddy as the Chief Minister
of the State of Karnataka, was a colourful personality in the political
arena of the state. Hanumanthayya, who had grand designs to beau¬
tify Bangalore, contributed substantially to the development of Ban¬
galore City. The building which houses the Legislature at present,
the Vidhana Soudha, is a monument to his genius.
He was very fond of Raman and the two used to meet quite of¬
ten in those days. One such occasion was when Raman sought his
help in connection with what was called the Gopal Rao Trust. The
Gopal Rao affair is well known to Bangaloreans. Gopal Rao shot into
fame as a banker and a great philanthropist during the War years. He
had acquired tremendous wealth by attracting unaccounted money
into his bank, for which he paid out phenomenal interest. Many
prominent citizens of Mysore fell into the net and put their monies in
Gopal Rao’s trust, lured by the attractive interest. The Trust rapidly
swelled to several crores1 of rupees. Gopal Rao handed out huge
sums of money for charities and acquired a great reputation as a phi¬
lanthropist, the like of which Mysore had not known before. The
Maharaja conferred upon him the title of Dharmaratnakara (Chari¬
table). Raman was also attracted by the investment opportunity pre¬
sented by the Gopal Rao Trust and invested Rs 200,000 in it; this was
part of his Nobel Prize award.
Gopal Rao initially paid the promised interests, but soon ran into
deep waters. The bubble burst one day and Gopal Rao went into

One crore=Ten million

Visitors, associates and others 125

bankruptcy, the investors losing all their money. It is narrated that

when it became known that Raman too had lost money, a reporter
approached him for his comments and got this priceless one: “That
man deserved the Nobel Prize for cheating!”
The Government later intervened and froze the left-over assets
for equitable distribution among the creditors. This dragged on for
years. Hanumanthayya, who entered the picture as the Chief Minis¬
ter of Mysore, had a say in the distribution of these assets. Raman
approached him to get back the full amount of the money he had de¬
posited with Gopal Rao, suggesting it be given as a donation to the
Raman Institute from the frozen assets. Hanumanthayya was able
to arrange this and Raman recovered the lost amount, but only as a
donation to the Institute. The day this good news came, Raman was
very elated and spoke very highly of Hanumanthayya. Later, Hanu¬
manthayya visited the Institute regularly and Raman and he became
good friends.

Prime Minister Nehru and C. V. Raman, with K. Hanumanthayya, Chief

Minister of Karnataka, in the centre. Picture taken at the Residency in
Bangalore circa 1957.
126 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

Mirza M. Ismail
Raman had many admirers, some enemies and a few friends at his
level. Sir Mirza was a friend and well-wisher who helped Raman in
many ways. Raman had deep regard for Mirza Ismail and admired
his taste and abilities. The latter visited the Raman Institute only
once, but Raman was so happy to have him on that occasion.
Mirza Ismail was Dewan2 of the princely state of Mysore at the
time Raman was having a trying time with the governing council of
the Indian Institute of Science. That body wanted to remove Raman
from the Institute, but this was avoided by the intervention of a few
influential people. According to one version, Mirza Ismail got the
Maharaja of Mysore to convince the Viceroy to stop the extreme
action that the council was planning against Raman. As result of
this, Raman was allowed to continue as Professor of Physics, though
he was relieved of his post as Director.
Mirza Ismail liked Raman’s forthrightness and saw in him a gen¬
uine scientist endowed with a colourful personality. Mirza Ismail
himself was a strong and decisive personality like Raman; his love
of Nature and his aesthetic sense were well known. He was behind
the beautification of Bangalore and Mysore, both known today as
garden cities. No one could fail to notice the grandeur of the gar¬
dens, the majestic buildings and the numerous parks and fountains in
these two cities in Karnataka.
Mirza Ismail had a regal bearing and fine tastes and Raman mat¬
ched them with his colourful personality, ready wit and keen aes¬
thetic sense. Naturally the two men became very fond of each other
and remained good friends throughout their lives. Mirza Ismail’s
only connection with science, however, was when he inaugurated
the Indian Academy of Sciences in 1934.
Yehudi Menuhin
Menuhin, the famous violinist, was a frequent visitor to India as he
had a great liking for Indian music. He had been a child prodigy who
was acclaimed a genius by Albert Einstein.
2Prime Minister
Visitors, associates and others 127

Menuhin came to Bangalore and called on Raman. I distinctly

remember this visit; for Raman wanted the violin he had kept in his
office to be taken out and given a thorough cleaning. He wanted the
instrument in a presentable condition in case he was able to persuade
Menuhin to play it.
Menuhin arrived and was shown round the Institute by Raman.
He knew about Raman’s research on the violin and they talked about
it. Raman asked Menuhin if he would like to play on the violin and
said that he had kept the instrument ready. Menuhin however, was
not inclined to play and smoothly evaded the issue. Nevertheless, it
was a memorable visit, Raman enjoying Menuhin’s company.

G. D. Naidu
G. D. Naidu, a famous industrialist from Coimbatore, was a great
admirer of Raman. The admiration was mutual. Naidu was a genius;
though not a formally trained engineer, he was a superb designer
of machinery. He had a great fascination for Germany and German
things. The story goes that he visited Germany several times and
some companies he visited there were so impressed with his often
brilliant suggestions that they incorporated them in their products.
Naidu was a self-made man, very clever, known for his tenacity
as well as for his eccentricities. He loved playing practical jokes,
particularly on Income Tax officials. He made razor blades ‘to last
a lifetime’ and distributed them for testing. I have seen, in the In¬
stitute, some of these blades presented to Raman by Naidu. They
apparently were testimonials to his word, but the idea did not prove
to be a commercial success. Naidu used to experiment in plant breed¬
ing and evolved a papaya which yielded extra-large and very sweet
fruit. Naidu and Raman had a great liking for each other and Ra¬
man always spent time with Naidu whenever he visited Coimbatore.
Naidu came just once to the Institute and Raman proudly showed
him his collections.
G. D. Naidu presented Raman a steel wire recorder for recording
speech and music. This machine was the precursor of the modern
tape recorder. The machine worked well and I used it once to record
128 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

the talk given by Raman to the Science Congress Session in Banga¬

lore in 1952. This particular talk was on Raman’s theory of lattice dy¬
namics and was delivered in front of a huge audience, which included
such distinguished physicists as Rudolf Peierls and G. Wentzel, the
foreign invitees to the Congress that year.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

The visit of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1957 was a memo¬
rable occasion for all of us. The Prime Minister had come to Banga¬
lore, accompanied by his daughter, Indira Gandhi, and his two grand¬
sons. Mrs Gandhi came to visit the Raman Institute and Raman gave
her the conducted tour. She must have been under 40 at the time and
looked very beautiful and charming in her saree. Raman was in high
spirits and a jovial mood as he explained to her the beauty of crystals,
luminescent minerals and the gems in his collection. After the visit
to the museums, he took Mrs Gandhi to the first floor portico and
showed her the distant Nandi Hills and the panoramic view in front.
In parting, he said: “You must be tired now, after this walk up and
down. You better return to the Residency and have some rest.” Then,
as an afterthought, he added, “Tell your Papa about what you saw
and ask him to visit my Institute”. That same afternoon there was a
call from Government House and the Prime Minister’s secretary told
Raman that Nehru would like to visit the Raman Institute the next
morning if it suited Raman. The latter enthusiastically agreed and
everything was prepared for the reception. At the appointed time,
Prime Minister Nehru, immaculately dressed in a long brown coat
and a white achkan, arrived with his entourage. Raman gave Nehru
a warm handshake and welcomed him. My daughter Geetha, eight
years old at the time, presented Nehru with a bouquet of roses and the
Prime Minister beamed his appreciation. Raman gave him a beau¬
tiful rose, which Nehru fixed in the buttonhole of his coat; Nehru
loved wearing a fresh rose in his buttonhole. He looked absolutely
charming and relaxed and made inquiries about Raman as well as
Lady Raman who was standing nearby. Then Raman conducted the
party upstairs and showed Nehru the museums, the library and the
Visitors, associates and others 129

lecture theatre. At the library, Raman introduced all of us to the

Prime Minister who warmly shook hands with each of us.
At the lecture theatre, Raman delivered a fifteen minute lecture to
the Prime Minister about the necessity of having an endowed chair
to ensure the future of the Institute; he suggested the Government
of India could help in this by instituting a special endowment fund
of Rs 1 million. After Raman finished, Nehru got up, faced Raman
and said: “Raman, why do you worry about the future of your In¬
stitute? The Government will gladly take care of it.” To this Raman
replied: “Sir, who can predict the fate of politicians and what they
say? I want an unconditional commitment from you now. I certainly
don’t want this Institute to become another Government laboratory.”
Nehru smiled and moved on without further comments. The rest of
the visit went off very well and they parted company cordially.
Raman was somewhat disappointed, for he thought that his ap¬
peal to the Prime Minister would produce results then and there. He
knew, of course, that even the Prime Minister could not make such
commitments, for he was answerable to Parliament. Raman asked
me if his remarks to the Prime Minister were too strong. I felt they
were and told him so, although Nehru did not take them amiss. Ra¬
man said later that he was not afraid of anyone, not even the Prime
Minister, and that he had meant one hundred per cent what he had
said. Raman was a fearless soul and when something close to his
heart was at stake he could be far from diplomatic. This was a trait
he could never overcome and it caused him nearly all his problems.
Nehru later sent a note to Raman stating how invigorating it had
been to visit Raman and how much he had enjoyed the visit.

Sri Prakasa
Sri Prakasa, Governor of Madras State for several years, came from
an illustrious family of scholars from Uttar Pradesh. His father, Sri
Bhagwan Das, was a scholar of repute who had been conferred the
title Bharat Ratna, the highest award that can be conferred upon a
citizen of India.
130 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

During a visit to Bangalore, Sri Prakasa called on Raman. The

Institute had just then started functioning and essential supplies, such
as water, had barely arrived. The Governor’s party drove into the
Institute in all its pomp to be warmly received by Raman.
After conducting the Governor round the museums, Raman was
about to show his memorabilia to Sri Prakasa when the Governor
wanted to use the toilet. Raman led him into the private bathroom
attached to his office. After using the toilet, the Governor found to
his consternation that there was neither water nor toilet tissue in the
bathroom. Bangalore water supply in those days was notorious for
its unreliability and inadequacy, and even after 40 years the situa¬
tion still remains the same. An overhead tank was under construc¬
tion at the Institute to take care of the situation. The poor Governor
frantically appealed to anyone outside to pass him some water. For¬
tunately, Raman was resting in his office and heard the Governor’s
appeal. He was quite agitated about the Governor’s predicament and
sought our help. The ADC to the Governor was running here and
there, but could do little in a place unfamiliar to him. However, Ra¬
man thought of a solution; he decided to pass in the mud pot usually
kept in his office with drinking water. Raman called out to the Gov¬
ernor and said: “I say, Sri Prakasa, I have kept a pot of water just
outside the door. Help yourself to it.” The Governor took in the pot
quickly and, after a few minutes, came out smiling. Raman contin¬
ued with the rest of his plans, before giving the Governor a hearty
send off.
After this incident, the contractor who was installing the over¬
head tank was called in immediately and asked to instal it as expedi¬
tiously as possible.

M. Visvesvarayya
Sir M. Visvesvarayya was an eminent engineer from Karnataka. He
was responsible for starting many industrial projects in the old, prin¬
cely Mysore State. The Bhadravathi steel project and hydroelectric
projects in the state were his creations.
Visitors, associates and others 131

Both a visionary and a man of action, he served as Dewan in

Mysore State under the Maharaja. He lived to be a centenarian and
led a disciplined life till the very end. He was always dressed im¬
maculately, in a three-piece suit and a Jari turban.
Raman and Visvesvarayya must have seen each other often when
the latter was in active service, but during my days in the Raman In¬
stitute he came only once to visit the Institute and that too towards the
end of his life. He had become so frail, he had to be literally carried
by two people. He wore formal dress and was in excellent posses¬
sion of his mental faculties. Raman received him and talked to him
about the Institute and his interests at that time. Visvesvarayya com¬
mented: “Raman, you should also do something useful to society.
Your scientific research should benefit people at large.” This state¬
ment was, of course, not relished by Raman, but he did not counter it.
Later, however, he told me that “that decrepit old man need not have
come all the way to tell me this”. Soon after this visit, Visvesvarayya
passed away. Mysore lost an illustrious son who had done so much
for the industrialisation of the state.

The Maharaja of Mysore, Jayachamarajendra Wodeyar

Raman had a special liking for the Maharaja of Mysore. The Ma¬
haraja, who had supported Raman in many ways, had a great af¬
fection for him and appreciated his achievements. It was he who
donated eleven acres of land for building the Raman Research In¬
stitute, when Raman approached him with his dream of a research
institute. He again donated another four acres of valuable land ad¬
joining the Institute, when Raman wanted space to build a residence
for the Director of the Institute.
Raman valued real estate highly and invested quite a bit in it. He
always came out on the right side, and the richer for them, in his real
estate dealings. He had once bought several acres of land in Alwar-
pet, Madras, at a time when the value was low. This property had
appreciated a thousand-fold when he sold it, bringing nearly a mil¬
lion rupees to his Institute. The Maharaja s land gifts gave Raman
what he most valued and prized.
132 C. V Raman —A Memoir

Raman was an individual honoured by the Maharaja and, there¬

fore, had a place in the Court of Mysore. When Mysore was a
princely state, during Dasara, a special Durbar was a regular fea¬
ture and Raman was always an invitee. He had to present himself in
Durbar dress and pay homage to the Maharaja.
After independence, the princely states vanished and Mysore
became Karnataka state with a popular elected Government. Jay-
achamarajendra Wodeyar accepted the Governorship of Madras and
served as its Governor for over five years. It was during this term that
he once came to visit Raman at the Institute. Raman spread the red
carpet and accorded a very warm welcome to the former Maharaja.
The Maharaja, a very impressive figure, looked majestic in his tur¬
ban and long coat. He was also a scholar of repute and his interests
spanned a range from philosophy to music. Raman had tremendous
regard for His Highness and I think it saddened him to see the pass¬
ing away of an era in Indian history which had been so colourful and
supportive of culture.

Marshal Bulganin and Nikita Khrushchev

Many foreign dignitaries used to visit the Raman Institute. One of
these visits arranged for 1955 did not take place. Marshal Bulganin
and Khrushchev, President and General Secretary of the USSR re¬
spectively, were scheduled to visit the Raman Institute, but the plane
carrying them was delayed for some reason and this necessitated can¬
cellation of some of the engagements.
Raman had a natural aversion for communism and communist
philosophy but agreed to the visit, perhaps out of consideration for
the Chief Minister of Karnataka who had requested him to make
arrangements for it. He said: “After all, they are leaders from a
great country and we should welcome them”. Accordingly, welcome
festoons were hung on the road leading to the Institute and Raman
awaited the visitors with his retinue. Just half an hour prior to the
appointed time there was a telephone call from the Residency, to the
effect that the visit had to be regretfully cancelled due to the late ar¬
rival of the dignitaries. Raman was furious and his spirits drooped.
Visitors, associates and others 133

He ordered the festoons removed, saying: “Tear down the festoons.

It is good anyway we don’t have to welcome the arch communists
into my Institute.”
Years later, Raman was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize and went
to Moscow to receive the award. The prize involved a substantial
sum of money. Raman did not relish accepting the award, but he
argued that the Rs 150,000 that came with it would be useful to the
Institute. Raman had decided to give the prize money to the Institute.
How Raman got involved in this is not quite clear, but a retired Major
General, Sokhey, had something to do with it. The General, who
had been an earlier recipient of the Peace Prize, had once visited the
Raman Institute. This visit, I believe, set the ball rolling; the General
might have obtained Raman’s tacit approval to go ahead with his
proposal to nominate Raman. The award was announced soon after,
and Raman went to Moscow as an honoured guest of the Russian
Government. On his way, he visited Hungary and met Heyrovsky,
the famous electrochemist, in Budapest. Raman spoke very highly
of the scientist who invented polarography and enjoyed the visit to
his laboratory.

Raman and Lady Raman with Dr Zdenek Nejedly, Minister of Culture and
Education of Czechoslovakia, Prague, 1958. (Photo Courtesy of The
134 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

The award ceremony in Moscow appears to have gone off all

right, but Raman was not happy with the visit. Apparently, some
remarks concerning the discovery of the Raman Effect were made
during the award ceremony, suggesting that the Russian scientists
Landsberg and Mandel’shtam had made the discovery simultane¬
ously and should have received equal credit. Raman resented this
and remarked later, “I should not have accepted the award”. How¬
ever, all was soon forgotten and he dismissed the episode from his

Max Born
Max Bom figured in a very significant way in both the scientific and
personal life of Raman. I have already mentioned Max Born’s visit to
Bangalore in 1935 and his return to England in six months, after his
permanent appointment to a Chair at the Indian Institute of Science
was aborted. Here, I would like to add some details about Max Born,
his experiences in India, and the scientific controversy which later
cropped up between him and Raman, all of which happened while
Raman was still at the Indian Institute of Science.
Max Bom was born in Breslau in Germany on December 11,
1882, and he died on January 5, 1970, at the age of 88, in Gottingen,
the town which, forty years before, had become the Mecca of Mod¬
ern Physics through his work. He was the father of a whole gen¬
eration of physicists and was held in deep veneration by his pupils.
Five Nobel Prize-winners were nurtured by him: Werner Heisen¬
berg, Wolfgang Pauli, Enrico Fermi, Paul Dirac and Maria Goeppert
Born’s father was an anatomist and embryologist. Born himself,
though conscious of both an inclination and talent for mathematics
at an early age, first studied law, philosophy and astronomy before
turning to physics. Gottingen, Zurich, Cambridge and his home town
of Breslau were milestones in his scientific life. In 1907, he secured
his doctorate at Gottingen with a thesis on The Stability of Elas¬
tic Strips and Wires’, a paper which received a special award from
the faculty. Two years later, he became qualified to lecture, with a
Visitors, associates and others 135

paper on The Relativistic Electron’. In 1912, he went to Chicago to

give lectures on the theory of relativity. He went to Berlin in 1914
in response to an offer by Max Planck and was appointed Assistant
Professor of Theoretical Physics there in 1915. He became a Profes¬
sor in Frankfurt-on-Main in 1919, before moving on to Gottingen in
In Berlin, he was a close friend of Planck and Albert Einstein.
Gottingen was a great centre for theoretical physics in those days,
with Born the central figure. At that time, he believed that so mathe¬
matical a science as theoretical physics could really be pursued only
for the sake of pure knowledge and his interest was, therefore, de¬
voted “constantly more to the philosophical background of science
than to specific results”. He did not fail, however, to produce over
300 papers and 20 books in his lifetime and established himself,
along with Einstein and Planck, as the most prolific interpreter of
newly discovered physical phenomena that were only just then being
perceived in outline.
To Born we owe the realisation that the components of the atom,
the protons and electrons, do not move — contrary to all previ¬
ously known natural laws — in precise, mathematically predictable
courses, with the obvious statistical consequences. This was admit¬
tedly a shock for the classical physicists and their notions. Even his
friend Einstein commented sceptically, “God doesn’t throw dice”,
but Born was proved right. In 1926, together with Heisenberg (his
former assistant) and Jordan, he succeeded in marshalling a number
of Heisenberg’s previous results to form a comprehensive theory of
atomic phenomena in the science of quantum mechanics. He was
fascinated by the structural configuration of the atoms in crystals.
In 1933, at the age of 50, he was placed ‘temporarily’ on the
retired list by the Nazis, on account of his Jewish ancestry. Two
weeks later, he left Germany. He went to England, then spent a short
time in Bangalore, in India, before finally receiving a professorship
in Edinburgh, where he lectured until his retirement in 1953 — “a
congenial assignment in Darwin’s footsteps” was his own comment.
In 1954, he returned to Germany — to the Federal Republic — and
136 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

in the same year, was awarded the Nobel Prize. He was content to
remark somewhat coolly about this news: “I haven’t really made any
specific discovery of immediate economic use, like nylon or neon
lighting. I have only evolved a pattern for thinking.” He was not
quite so cool in his assessment of the actual and potential role of
Science in human life. He issued a public warning, for instance,
against nuclear armament, and his scepticism continued to increase.
The development of the atom bomb horrified him. He once said:

“Although deeply devoted to Science, I cannot help feeling that it is

a force so contrary to historical evolution and tradition that it can be
absorbed by our progressive civilisation. The political and military
cataclysms and the total collapse of ethics that I have witnessed in the
course of my life are by no means symptoms of a temporary social re¬
verse; they are the logical consequence of the ascendancy of Science,
which is actually one of the greatest achievements of human intellect.
If this is so, it is the end of Man’s career as a free, responsible being.”

On space travel, his final judgement was: “A triumph of the hu¬

man brain, but a tragic failure of reason.” He even went to the length
of saying: “It would appear that Nature has failed in her attempt to
bring forth a thinking being on this planet.” Such dicta were intended
not only to express doubt concerning the proper use of Science in hu¬
man hands — and competent hands at that — but were also uttered
as food for thought. Although Max Born believed that scientists did
not “differentiate sufficiently between enthusiasm for their work and
the latter’s usefulness to mankind”, he hoped to the last that he might
be mistaken.
He based his ideas on the ‘luxury of conscience’ (as one of his
books was entitled), and was prepared to believe that, in spite of the
nuclear bomb, the science of physics furnished a suitable model for
the peaceful settlement of conflicts. He said: “The world, which is so
keen on using the achievements of physics for the purpose of mass
destruction, would be better to study the reasoning methods used
in physics, which have repeatedly served to elucidate and reconcile
apparently irreconcilable theses.”
Visitors, associates and others 137

Raman wrote to Max Born asking him to suggest the name of a

young theoretical physicist for appointment at the Indian Institute of
Science, but later invited Born himself to spend six months lecturing
in Bangalore.
Born and his wife arrived in Bangalore in the autumn of 1935.
Born later remembered: “In Bangalore we were received by Lady
Raman, who took us to our ‘bungalow’, which was actually a big
two-storey house with numerous rooms. We had a large garden with
beautiful trees and flowers. The Raman family lived in a similar
house just across the road.”
“We liked Lady Raman right from the beginning. Her husband
was absent and appeared a few days later. We were fascinated by
his appearance and talk. Hedi said he looked in his Indian dress and
turban like a prince from the Arabian Nights.”
Max Born gave a series of lectures, which were attended by Ra¬
man and his staff, by the heads and assistants of some related de¬
partments, and by a few post-graduate students. These lectures were
about the theory of crystal lattices, crystal optics and the Raman Ef¬
fect. B. S. Madhava Rao, a well-known mathematical physicist of
Bangalore who interacted with Born, has spoken in glowing terms
about Bom’s scientific mind and his depth of mathematical under¬
standing. Born, for his part, was struck by the scholarly enthusiasm
of a pupil of Raman, Nagendra Nath. Born later recalled: “I had
innumerable discussions with Raman and his collaborators on their
experimental work, mostly optical problems connected with the Ra¬
man Effect. There were also several violent disputes between Raman
and me about his theoretical ideas. But, on the whole, we were on
friendly terms.”
In general, the Borns, particularly Born’s wife Hedi, seem to
have enjoyed their sojourn in Bangalore. Born said: “Life in In¬
dia was very pleasant for us. Hedi enjoyed it even more than myself.
She met a Swami of the Ramakrishna order, and they became great
friends. He told her that she had been an Indian woman in an earlier
incarnation, because she understood Indian spiritual life so well.”
138 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

Raman decided to initiate the offer of a permanent position to

Max Born at the Indian Institute of Science and Hedi seems to have
pressed her husband to agree to it. Born “had no other job”. So he
was willing to accept Raman’s offer, if he could obtain the consent
of the Council of the Institute. This is where Raman ran into deep
trouble, the whole episode ending in a fiasco. Born felt that Raman
had not been tactful, and in his enthusiasm to get his appointment
through, had taken several inappropriate steps. Further, an English
Professor on the faculty had made several unpleasant remarks about
him, and the humiliating thing about it was that Born had to listen
to them. Raman had apparently insisted that Born should also attend
this faculty meeting, thinking that everything would go according to
his plan. Raman evidently did not expect such an unpleasant turn of
events at the meeting.
After this, the Borns decided against staying in India and began
preparing to return to England. Born thought that the aftermath of
this unpleasant episode led to Raman’s resignation from the Direc¬
torship of the Institute. He also added: “I presume that this regret¬
table result of my visit rankled in his (Raman’s) mind, for later a dif¬
ference of opinion about scientific questions developed between us.
Otherwise, the bitterness of his attacks against me and his personal
behaviour are hard to understand.” The scientific dispute concerned
lattice dynamics and deserves describing in some detail.

The Lattice Dynamics of Raman and Born

Lattice dynamics is a topic in theoretical solid state physics con¬
cerned with the vibrations of the atoms in a crystal lattice. A crys¬
tal is an ordered assembly of atoms or molecules held together by
interatomic forces. The atoms in a crystal lattice are constantly vi¬
brating about their mean positions, very much like the vibrations of a
stretched string, and these vibrations are governed by the symmetry
properties of the crystal and the number of atoms in the unit cell. The
unit cell is the smallest repetitive entity of the crystal. These atomic
vibrations can be determined by Raman spectroscopy.
Visitors, associates and others 139

If a crystal such as diamond is placed in a laser beam and the

scattered light is analysed by a spectrometer, a sharp Raman peak
down-shifted in frequency by 1332 wavenumbers from the exciting
laser line is observed. Such a simple Raman spectrum is because of
the high symmetry of the diamond lattice which has only two carbon
atoms per unit cell. In crystals of low symmetry with many atoms in
the unit cell, there will be a multitude of Raman peaks. According to
a simple rule, the number of vibrational modes is equal to the num¬
ber of atoms p in the unit cell multiplied by the 3 degrees of freedom
allowed for each atom, minus the 3 pure translational degrees of free¬
dom of the unit cell, which gives (3/7-3) vibrational modes. For the
case of diamond, p = 2. Therefore, three vibrational modes are got
from the above equation and it turns out that these three modes have
the same frequency in diamond.
In modern solid state physics terminology, these vibrational mod¬
es would be described as zone-centre optical phonons because they
have an infinite wavelength. However, in a crystal, the zone-centre
modes are not the only vibrational modes and, in order to obtain the
whole frequency spectrum, all the normal modes of the crystal lattice
have to be taken into account. The controversy between Raman and
Born had to do with the enumeration of these modes and, in particu¬
lar, the definition of a normal mode.
Raman took the view that normal modes are only those in which
equivalent atoms in adjacent unit cells have the same amplitude, and
must either vibrate in phase or out of phase. To enumerate these
modes, Raman considered a part of the crystal called the supercell,
which he obtained by doubling the unit cell along their edges. This
supercell is eight times larger than the unit cell and hence will have
8p atoms. Raman proposed that this supercell would have 24p de¬
grees of freedom associated with it, three of which would represent
the translational degrees of freedom of the supercell as a whole,
giving 24/7-3 normal modes. Because of the crystal symmetry,
modes can become degenerate in frequency and reduce to less than
the above number. For the case of diamond, with p = 2 atoms,
Raman’s theory gives 45 normal modes which reduce to nine distinct
140 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

frequencies because of the high crystal symmetry. Raman showed

that these are associated with the vibrations of the octahedral and cu¬
bic planes of the crystal. However, this view, that the normal modes
consist only of a small number of discrete frequencies, is in disagree¬
ment with the widely held Born-von Karman theory of lattice dy¬
According to the Born-von Karman theory, the normal modes
are almost infinite in number in a finite crystal and have a wave-like
feature, giving a frequency spectrum that is quasi-continuous. The
theory uses a boundary condition known as the cyclic postulate. The
neutron dispersion relations in crystals strongly supported the Born-
von Karman theory. Yet, Raman violently disagreed with the Born-
von Karman theory and never reconciled himself to it even when the
whole world was against his theory.
Raman’s conviction was based on light-scattering spectroscopy
conducted in his laboratory at the Indian Institute of Science, which
only revealed those components that appeared with strong intensity
in the Raman spectrum. He took only these strong features and built
a lattice dynamical theory. On the other hand, the more powerful in¬
elastic neutron-scattering measurements have clearly established the
quasi-continuous nature of the vibrational spectrum. Indeed, recent
laser Raman scattering experiments on diamond itself have revealed
that the peaks identified by Raman and his collaborators as discrete
frequencies are superimposed on a continuum of frequencies, again
supporting Born’s theory.
In the latter theory, the normal modes are visualised in terms
of waves, the distinct wavevectors possible being distributed inside
the Brillouin zone. Of these, waves associated with zone bound¬
aries would have vanishing group velocity and would, in fact, corre¬
spond to the vibrations of the type Raman visualised. In other words,
out of the large number of wave-like normal modes permitted in the
Born theory, Raman’s theory focussed attention on a selected sub¬
set, which are primarily characterised by vanishing group velocity.
Born pointed out very clearly the fallacies in the theory proposed by
Visitors, associates and others 141

Raman came back to this subject again and again, emphasising

that his was the correct view. He severely criticised Born, Debye
and others in published papers and in talks. I remember his talk on
lattice dynamics delivered before a large audience during the Sci¬
ence Congress in Bangalore in 1952. Raman spoke for an hour and
forty-five minutes and denounced Born in strong language. Peierls,
who was in the audience, was very upset about Raman’s remarks and
wanted to question him. He was, however, not given adequate time
to say much and the meeting ended rather abruptly, on an unpleasant
note. Raman lost his temper and thereafter did not come to any of
the sessions.
Born mentions two meetings with Raman after this controversy.
The first of these meetings was in Bordeaux in 1948, the second in
Lindau. Born wrote:

“He (Raman) received an honorary doctor’s degree, but the same de¬
gree was also conferred upon me. I am sure the French colleagues
did this to demonstrate that in the dispute about lattice vibrations, not
Raman, but I was right. At the first reception in Bordeaux we greeted
each other very cordially and had a lively talk.
Then Raman abused some theoretical physicist because he had done
experiments which Raman regarded as poor. I replied, ‘But, my dear
Raman, what about the other way round, when experimentalists ven¬
ture to make theories?’ or something like that. Though he first re¬
mained quite friendly, he later became furious and said to Hedi, his
neighbour at the banquet, that I had given him deadly offense and that
he would leave the conference. She had great trouble in appeasing
him, but during the whole congress he was nervous, excitable and

The second time, we met Raman at one of the Lindau meetings of

Nobel Laureates. He was sitting at the next table in the dining room of
the Schachen Hotel, greeted us in a very friendly manner and talked in
his lively manner, moving from one table to the next. But the next day
his attitude had changed. He avoided us and went out of the way when
we met in the house or garden. He must have suddenly remembered
that I was his ‘enemy’.
142 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

Actually I never was. I still admire his fascinating personality, his de¬
votion to science and research. It makes me sad to think that by invit¬
ing me to India and trying to keep me there permanently, he brought
himself into a precarious situation, and had to give up his leading po¬
sition at the Institute of Science. But I cannot see that I am to blame
for this misfortune. Nor can I accept a scientific theory which I regard
as wrong. Hedi and I regret all this and particularly the split between
us and Lady Raman, whom we loved dearly.”

Raman and Max Born were great scientists in their respective

fields.and were strong personalities. They started off as good friends,
but once they got involved in a controversy, egotism overpowered
all rational behaviour. All this goes to show that scientists are also
human beings and prone to err as much as the common man. On
Raman’s part it needed tremendous courage and conviction to oppose
Born in theoretical physics. Raman was, of course, proved incorrect,
but the point is he honestly believed that his spectroscopic results
could not be explained otherwise. In any case, the controversy made
lattice dynamics a lively subject for a decade and with the advent of
neutron spectroscopy it acquired a new experimental flavour.
It is interesting to note how similar the attitudes of Raman and
Max Born were on the question of the misuse of Science for mass
destruction and space travel. (Compare Raman’s IIT Convocation
Address given later and Born’s attitudes mentioned in this section.)

C. Rajagopalachari
Rajagopalachari (C.R.) and Raman were contemporaries in the
Indian scene, but they pursued different interests in life. C.R. was
an astute politician who rose to become the first Governor General
of India, after Lord Louis Mountbatten stepped down. Raman rose to
the pinnacle of physics and was the most colourful personality in In¬
dian Science. Different motivations drove these two illustrious sons
of India to greatness, but they were the products of a common culture
which nurtured excellence and intellectual pursuits. C.R. in later life
took to writing and made a great contribution to religious literature
Visitors, associates and others 143

in Tamil. C.R.’s writings had a special quality in them, for he used

simple language and used appealing paradigms to make the greatest
truths understandable to the common man.
Raman and C.R. were forthright in their views and expressed
them clearly. While C.R. was quite subtle, Raman often used pow¬
erful language. On one occasion, C.R. had this to say of Raman:
“Raman is like a brilliant cut diamond. If you rub it on the wrong
side, it will cut your finger.” Such was C.R.’s subtlety.
The language issue in India has given rise to some of the bitter¬
est controversies, and the issue rears its ugly head even today. In
the Fifties, it was a hot issue and Prime Minister Nehru appointed a
commission, with Dr Kher as its Chairman, to elicit public opinion
on the issue from all sections of the society, including prominent in¬
dividuals. When the Kher Commission came to Bangalore, Raman
was invited for his comments. In no uncertain terms, Raman told the
commission about the disadvantages of replacing English with Hindi
as the national and official language of India. Raman said, “Sir, you
will be putting the country 100 years behind by adopting Hindi”. He
added with a bit of sarcasm, “If you want to give up English, I would
vote for Sanskrit, which is our ancient language”. This statement of
Raman appeared in the newspapers. The next day Raman received
a postcard from C. R., which said: “Raman, I congratulate you for
your forthright views on the language issue to the Kher Commis¬
sion. Well said.” Raman was elated at receiving this acclaim from
this distinguished son of India.

Mahatma Gandhi
In 1936, Mahatma Gandhi visited the Indian Institute of Science and
met Raman. Gandhiji was accompanied by Sardar Patel, Kasturba
Gandhi and Mahadev Desai. Raman took them round the Depart¬
ment of Physics, explaining in his unique, inimitable style, studded
with good humour and jokes, the scientific work going on at the time.
It is interesting to note the reactions of a distinguished scientist
like Raman on issues that have no direct relation to Science and in
144 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

regard to so eminent a person as Gandhi. On one occasion, when

Raman was requested to write about Gandhi, he wrote thus:

“Politics and Science are as poles apart and as I never attend political
meetings or make political speeches, the chances of my ever having
met Gandhi might seem to have been infinitesimal. Nevertheless there
have been quite a few occasions on which I have met and spoken with
him. These occasions remain vividly impressed on my memory, and
some of them may be worthy of being put on record.

One such was in the year 1945 when I was staying at Bombay in the
residence of the Sarabhai family in Nepean Sea Road and was being
helped by Vikram Sarabhai to collect funds for the construction of
my Research Institute at Bangalore. One evening, Vikram suggested
that I might call on Gandhiji who was conducting a prayer meeting on
the beach sands. I waited on the outskirts of the crowd till the meet¬
ing was over and then moved forward to meet him. To my surprise, he
immediately recognised me, made enquiries about me and about Lady
Raman. Then he proceeded to recall his visit to my laboratory at Ban¬
galore several years earlier and specially mentioned the demonstra¬
tions of the harmonic modes of vibration of the Indian musical drum,
which I had shown him, and which had evidently impressed him.

Another occasion was when he was recuperating in the hill station of

Nandi, some thirty miles from Bangalore. I walked up to the hill¬
top in company with a Swiss scientist, who was studying the tiny
organisms known as Tardigrada, which survived even when held at
very low temperatures, and who specially desired to be introduced to
Gandhi. We found the latter seated on the floor with several others on
either side. To test Gandhi’s reactions, I introduced the Swiss scientist
as a famous biologist, who was investigating forms of life that could
live without food and without water for twelve years! The retort came
swiftly: ‘When the investigations are completed, I should like to have
a copy of the paper describing their results!’

When Gandhi fell by the hand of the assassin, and the nation heard the
news with shock and horror, I was one of those asked to record what
I felt. In a few short sentences, I summed up Gandhiji’s life. The sub¬
stance of my comment was that he was a great humanist, interested,
above all things, in the welfare of his fellow-beings.”
Visitors, associates and others 145

During the meeting with the Swiss scientist (Dr Rahm), the latter
apparently talked to Gandhiji about conflict in the world, warring
creeds and atheism.
Raman interjected: “I shall answer your question. If there is a
God we must look for him in the Universe. If he is not there, he is
not worth looking for. I am being looked upon in various quarters
as an atheist, but I am not. The growing discoveries in the science
of astronomy and physics seem to be further and further revelations
of God. Mahatmaji, religions cannot unite. Science offers the best
opportunity for a complete fellowship. All men of Science are broth¬
ers.” Gandhiji said: “What about the converse? All who are not men
of Science are not brothers?” The distinguished physicist saw the
joke and said, “But all can become men of Science”.
“Science” said Raman “is nothing but a research for truth — truth
not only in the physical world, but in the world of logic, psychology,
behaviour, and so on. The virtue of a truly scientific frame of mind
is the readiness to reject what is false and untrue. It proclaims from
the house tops that there is no virtue in sticking to untruth. I think
the latest biological discovery is that there is no fundamental cleav¬
age between the life of man and the life of lower creation and that
salvation lies in the perfection of the biological instinct for the per¬
petuation of race — the instinct to sacrifice the individual for the
sake of the species.” (Harijan, 30.5.36)
146 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Sir John Anderson, C. V. Raman, V. K. Krishna Menon and Sir Charles

Darwin at a reception in honour of Raman by the High Commissioner in
London, May 11, 1948. (Photo courtesy of The Hindu)

President Rajendra Prasad inaugurates the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of

the Indian Academy of Sciences on December 27, 1951, in Delhi. Raman
is seated on the left. (Photo courtesy of The Hindu)
Visitors, associates and others 147

Raman in the company of Nobel Prize men at the conference in Lindau

in 1956. Wolfgang Pauli singing in a jovial mood. Max Born, wearing a
dotted tie, is seen on the left, first in the second row. (Photo courtesy of The
Chapter IV

Honours and Awards

The awards and honours that Raman received during his lifetime
were numerous. Among the earliest, his election in 1924 as a Fellow
of the Royal Society, London, was significant both for his scientific
career and his public image.
In September 1925, just six months after his return from Amer¬
ica, Raman proceeded to Leningrad and Moscow to represent the
Calcutta University at the bi-centenary of the Russian Academy of
Sciences. He was welcomed with great enthusiasm at the centenary
functions and later toured extensively, visiting the Caucusus region,
Georgia and the Caspian shores. Returning to Leningrad, he visited
Germany via the Baltic and later saw the lakes of Italy before return¬
ing to India.
Raman was knighted in June 1929. He was awarded the Mat-
teucci Medal by the Societa Italiana della Scienza of Rome in 1928.
In 1930, the Royal Society of London presented him the Hughes
Medal for his distinguished work on optics. During the award-giving
ceremony, Lord Rutherford read the following citation:

“Sir Venkata Raman is one of the leading authorities in Optics, in

particular on the phenomenon of the scattering of light. In this con¬
nection. about three years ago, he discovered that the light’s colour
could be changed by scattering. This had been predicted some time
before, but in spite of search, the change had not been found. The

150 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

RAMAN EFFECT must rank among the best three or four discover¬
ies in Experimental Physics in the last decade. It has proved, and will
prove, an instrument of great power in the study of the theory of solids.
In addition to important contributions in many fields of knowledge, he
has developed an active school of research in Physical Science in the
University of Calcutta.”

In 1942, the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia awarded him the

Franklin Medal. The citation on that occasion said, amongst other
things, that the award to Sir C. V. Raman was in recognition of his
many brilliant contributions to Physical Science and of his leadership
in the renaissance of scientific work and scientific education that has
occurred in India. The Soviet Union honoured him with the Interna¬
tional Lenin Peace Prize in 1957.
Several Indian universities, amongst them the universities of Cal¬
cutta, Bombay, Madras, Benares, Dacca (at that time in India), Al¬
lahabad, Patna, Lucknow, Osmania, Mysore, Delhi, Kanpur and Sri
Venkateswara, conferred Honorary Doctorates on him. Amongst the
universities outside India, mention may be made of the University
of Freiburg which conferred on him the Hon. Ph.D. degree and the
University of Glasgow which conferred the Hon. LL.D. in 1930. He
also received the degree of Hon. Sc.D. of the University of Paris in
He was an Honorary Member of the Deutsche Akademie of Mu¬
nich, of the Zurich Physical Society, the Royal Philosophical So¬
ciety of Glasgow, the Royal Irish Academy and of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences. He was an Honorary Member of Indian Sci¬
ence Congress Association as well as of several other Indian sci¬
ence organisations. He was General President of the Indian Science
Congress in 1929 and was President of the Indian Academy of Sci¬
ences from its foundation in 1934 till his death. He was a Foreign
Associate of the Academy of Sciences, Paris, and a Foreign Member
of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He was an Honorary Fel¬
low of the Optical Society of America and the Mineralogical Society
of America; an Honorary Member of the Academy of the Socialist
Raman’s wide interests 151

Republic of Rumania and of the Catgut Acoustical Society of Amer¬

ica; and a Member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. In
1961, Pope John appointed him a member of the Pontifical Academy
of Sciences.
During the Indian freedom struggle, and towards the end of
British rule in India, most persons who had been knighted gave up
their titles in protest against the British suppression of the freedom
movement. Raman did not follow suit. His argument was that he
did not get the honour for political reasons or through influence; it
was given to him for his scientific achievements and there was no
need for him to give it back. After India became independent, the
British-conferred titles and honours had no significance. But Raman
was always referred to as Sir C.V. Raman.
Amongst the many Indian distinctions he received, special men¬
tion must be made of the title Rajasabha Bhushana conferred by the
Maharaja of Mysore in 1935. This title, when literally translated,
would read as ‘The Jewel of the King’s Court’. In 1954, the Govern¬
ment of India instituted the title of Bharat Ratna (Jewel of India), the
highest honour of the land, and conferred it on Raman. He is the only
scientist to have been thus honoured up to the date of publication of
this book.
During my stay at the Raman Institute, Raman went abroad twice.
Once, I think it was in 1956, he was invited to the Lindau Conference
of Nobel Prizemen in Physics, at Lake Constance in Germany. After
the conference, Raman went to a few places in Germany. Overall he
enjoyed the trip very much. In 1958 he went to Russia to receive the
International Lenin Peace Prize. This time Lady Raman went with
him. At some point, Radhakrishnan, his younger son, joined them
and the three travelled together. Raman was away for over a month
and he asked me to take care of the affairs of the Institute during that
period and deal with all matters including correspondence.

Raman’s wide interests

Raman was keenly interested in geology. His knowledge of rocks
and rock-forming minerals would surprise even a seasoned geologist.
152 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

He had in his museum a lovely collection of different types of gran¬

ites, all of them polished to expose their structure, colour and con¬
stituent minerals. Likewise, he had specimens of limestone from all
over the world. Several of these had been polished to reveal their
colours and patterns. He very proudly used to show visitors polished
Carrara marble slabs from Italy and Rentachintala limestone from
what is now Andhra Pradesh, India. He had specimens representing
sedimentary rocks, slates and sandstone. He could give a learned talk
on rock-forming minerals, fossils and the age of rocks.
L. Rama Rao, a well-known professor of geology at the Univer¬
sity of Mysore and a paleontologist, speaks of Raman so: “Any ge¬
ologist who had opportunities of meeting C. V. Raman and talking to
him about recent developments in any aspect of geology — as for in¬
stance, micropaleontology, which is so far removed from physics —
was soon struck by his amazing capacity to follow with clear insight
all that you said and he would soon follow up by putting a number of
questions of a fundamental character in the held, which were most
thought-provoking and immediately opened out an altogether new
outlook in your approach.”
A couple of years before his death, he spent a lot of time study¬
ing the geography and the geology of the Krishna Valley (in Andhra
Pradesh, India) and the rivers in the region. It was known that at
one time this had been an active diamond-mining area and Raman
believed that there might still be more diamonds to be mined here.
He wrote:
“The river Krishna and its principal tributary, the Tungabhadra, flow¬
ing respectively in south-easterly and easterly directions, enter the
area shown in the geological maps as the Kurnool formations. Fur¬
ther on, they meet and join up near a place known appropriately as
Sangameswaram. The united stream then flows eastwards through
the area known geologically as the Cuddapah formations. The actual
course of the river in these formations is very tortuous. The stream ex¬
hibits a conspicuous double bend in the vicinity of the famous shrine
of Srisailam. Further on, it turns sharply northwards and its path lies
outside the Cuddapah formations for a short length. But the river soon
returns to the area of those formations and follows a course roughly
Raman’s wide interests 153

parallel to their crescent-shaped outline. Towards the end of its course

in the area, it curves round and then meets obstacles to its flow in the
form of hills of considerable height and extension. As a result, the
river takes a north-easterly direction in the endeavour to by-pass these
obstacles and finds a gap through which the waters can flow again
southwards. After passing through this gap, the Krishna flows al¬
most due south. It then widens out as it approaches Vijayawada and,
passing through another gap between high hills, flows down into the
alluvial plains beyond and then to the sea.

The distance between Sangameswaram and Vijayawada by a straight

flight is 178 miles. But measured along the actual path of the river
it is no less than 276 miles, the difference arising from the several
deviations from a straight path already mentioned. In cutting its way
through the Amrabad plateau, composed of rocks of the Cuddapah
system, the river passes through a great gorge about one hundred miles

The three rivers Godavari, Krishna and Pennar have built up in the
course of ages an extensive coastal area of deposited material extend¬
ing all the way from Kakinada to Nellore. This area, which is shown
in the geological maps as a recent formation, exhibits a curious feature
in the shape of a tongue with lateral extensions protruding towards the
interior behind Vijayawada and with the river Krishna flowing through
it. This feature has evidently resulted as a consequence of the flow of
the Krishna towards the sea being arrested by the presence of high
ground in the shape of rock formations of the Khondalite series. It is
in the material thus deposited by the river before it passes Vijayawada
that the diamonds carried down by it were sought for and found in
past years.

The first volume of the Journal of the Hyderabad Geological Sur¬

vey published in the year 1929 contains a compilation of all avail¬
able information on the ancient diamond mines in the area. The maps
appearing in this publication indicate the locations not far from the
present course of the Krishna river where the diamonds were taken
out. All of them were on the northern side of the river, namely Partial,
Atkur, Munnaluru, Mogaluru, Koduvatkallu and Ustapalli, with one
very significant exception, namely, Kollur. This last was on the right
bank of the river where it takes a sharp turn to the north-east by reason
of the presence of a range of hills blocking its flow eastwards. Kollur
154 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

appears to have been a highly productive locality. It was visited by

Tavernier who described the surface workings and stated that some
60,000 people were engaged in the mining operations at the time of
his visit.

An intensive and prolonged exploration of any particular locality for

diamonds might be expected to result in its ceasing to be productive,
sooner or later. This is indeed the actual situation, and the fabulous
wealth these mines produced is now only a memory. It is of course
possible that several less promising locations were left unexplored,
and it is also possible that methods of mining which go down to deeper
levels might produce results. An inspection of the maps suggests that
the course of the river Krishna above Vijayawada has shifted progres¬
sively southwards as the result of the deposition of the material which
it brought down, and hence the exploration of areas further removed
from its present course, and especially of the areas silted over by the
streams flowing into it laterally, might conceivably prove to be prof¬
itable. But the chief interest attaching to the subject of the diamonds
found in the past in the Krishna valley is in the problem of locating
the original source of diamonds and exploiting these original sources
to the fullest practicable extent.

The long and tortuous course pursued by the river between Sanga-
meswaram and Vijayawada lies for the most part in what are recog¬
nised geologically as the upper Cuddapah formations, and only a small
part of the same lies within the formations of lesser age known as the
Kurnools. The actual facts of the case suggest that the diamonds de¬
posited in the lower reaches of the river were a part (and naturally only
a very small part) of the material scooped out by the flood waters from
the floor and walls of the gorges excavated by them and deposited
where the flow was arrested. Whether this action was confined to any
particular stretch or stretches of the length of the river or whether it
extended over the whole or a greater part of its entire course can only
be surmised and must await determination by a careful examination
of the exposed areas of the river gorges.

It should be emphasised that the Krishna valley lies much further

north than the areas bounded on the west by Lattavaram and Gun-
takal and on the east by Dhone and Gooty and including especially the
well-known locality of Vajrakarur, where there were diamond work¬
ings in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The geological maps
Raman’s wide interests 155

show that the areas mentioned he outside the Cuddapah formations,

and there is therefore no reason for assuming that the circumstances
which led to diamonds being found in these areas at or near the surface
of the earth have any bearing on the problem of the original source of
the diamonds found in the Krishna Valley. Further, in view of the great
age of the Cuddapah formations and the absence of any evidence of
volcanic activity in the regions traversed by the Krishna river, there
is nothing to suggest that the diamonds in the valley were thrown up
and made accessible to erosion by the flow of the river by any such
activity in the ages subsequent to the laying down of those formations.

The whole purpose of this article is to indicate that the history of di¬
amonds in the Krishna valley need not be treated as a closed chapter
having only a historic interest and that, on the other hand, it may well
prove to be a subject of practical importance at the present time if
pursued vigorously but with the necessary circumspection.”

It is unbelievable that a physicist could have written so candidly

and knowledgeably about the geology of a particular region of India!
The lectures which Raman delivered before he wrote this article
were received with great interest in Andhra State and it was evident
to many who listened to him that he had worked on the subject with
great concentration and with deep personal involvement. It is a typi¬
cal illustration of the intensely devoted manner with which he always
tackled whatever subject he chose to study. He was never content
with a superficial examination, but always raised doubts in regard to
basic assumptions which others did not dare question.
Raman had a lively interest in meteorology and during the Indian
Academy of Sciences’ annual meetings he organised many symposia
and lectures on various aspects of meteorology. I remember very
well the symposium on the ‘Physics of Thunderstorms’ that was held
during the Academy’s Annual Session in Delhi in December 1951.
The so-called “nor’westers”, the thunderstorms that lash the coastal
Bengal area, was one of the interesting topics discussed. Raman took
a lively interest in the lectures and asked several penetrating ques¬
tions to obtain a deeper understanding of the atmospheric physics
behind thunderstorms.
156 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

In the Annual Sessions held in Waltair in December 1956, ‘Jet

Streams in Upper Air’ was the subject of a talk given by Dr C.
Ramaswamy, Raman’s younger brother. I remember this talk very
well and can still picture Ramaswamy on the dais. He always felt
nervous giving a talk before Raman, although he was a fine speaker
once he overcame his initial fright. Raman evinced a keen interest
in the lecture and asked many questions. He absorbed the account
given by Ramaswamy and, almost a decade later, wrote two scien¬
tific papers about the origin of jet streams and the general circulation
of the atmosphere. Many of the concepts discussed by Raman were
well known, but he brought them all together to offer a simple expla¬
nation of the mean westerly jet streams in the upper troposphere and
the zonal winds.
What impresses the reader about these papers is his remarkable
freshness and simplicity of approach. For instance, he starts with the
simple concept of the rotating earth and ends with the most important
results in modern meteorology, all in a seven-page paper. Raman
wrote these papers on meteorology when he was 80 years of age!
He chose ‘Weather and Atmospheric Circulation’ as his lecture topic
for the Gandhi Memorial Lecture delivered on October 2, 1967; it
was later published as an article titled ‘Zonal Winds and Jet Streams
in the Atmosphere’ in the issue of Current Science dated November
20, 1967. It was also the theme of his presidential address at the
Annual Session of the Indian Academy of Sciences held at Madras
on December 19, 1967.
Raman had the unique capacity to examine a problem de novo
in a fundamental way. He approached meteorology as a classical
physicist and often made brilliant suggestions. His students filled
the India Meteorology Department and several of them acquired in¬
ternational reputation as meteorologists. On the lighter side of me¬
teorology and meteorologists, Raman used to remark, “Meteorology
has something common with astrology, for I cannot find a meteo¬
rologist who can predict the weather correctly”. This used to evoke
loud laughter from the audience, to the chagrin of some of the mete¬
orologists present in the assembly. The person who was particularly
Raman’s wide interests 157

sensitive to such remarks was Raman’s brother Ramaswamy, who

used to defend the profession and the science whenever Raman was
beyond the range of hearing. But seasoned meteorologists like K. R.
Ramanathan and L. A. Ramdas enjoyed the joke with as much relish
as Raman intended it to be.
Raman’s deep interest in astronomy goes back to his early days.
When he visited the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
in 1924 as a visiting professor he had occasion to spend some time
at the Mount Wilson Observatory, which was then at its peak. Ap¬
parently he spent a couple of nights in the mountains taking in the
heavenly sights at night and exploring the surroundings during the
day. The great 100-inch telescope had gone into operation and in
the hands of Hubble had yielded some spectacular results, revising
Man’s concepts of distances in the universe. Raman too viewed the
distant stars and gaseous nebulosities through this telescope and the
experience stayed fresh in his memory, inspiring his vision of astron¬
Raman used to often talk about the 200-inch telescope at Mount
Palomar with wonder and amazement, saying what a technological
marvel it was, scanning the sky with the precision of a Swiss watch.
Mount Palomar dominated astronomical research for several decades
and its telescope still remains the most powerful optical telescope in
the world (see Raman’s Convocation Address later in this chapter).
Raman had a strong desire to install a telescope in the dome of
the Spectroscopy Laboratory at the Raman Research Institute, but he
never got around to it. He had acquired a few large-diameter (one
foot or so) reflecting mirrors from one of his friends, H. P. Waran
(Parameswaran), and had dreamed of astronomy with them. He used
to talk to Padmanabhan about making larger-diameter reflecting mir¬
rors for a telescope and would ask if he could grind one of large-
diameter. Padmanabhan the optimist would shake his head in the
affirmative. Raman had a great appreciation of the science and tech¬
nology of optics and believed that progress in astronomical science
in a country depended on the existence in it of skilled opticians who
158 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

could grind, polish and figure great lenses and mirrors to the most
exacting requirements.
Raman had filled the Raman Institute grounds with spectacular
flowering trees, shrubs and lovely roses. All the best roses that the
Bangalore nurseries could supply were planted in his rose garden
under his supervision and he would admire them like a child with
a new toy. He knew the botanical names of most of the trees and
shrubs in the grounds of the Institute and had them planted carefully
to maximise the effect of their floral display. He would go around his
garden twice a day, to enjoy it, to relax in it and to think of Science.
Many a. time he would discuss physics with his research students
while taking a stroll in the grounds. Almost every evening, weather
permitting, he would go to Cubbon Park for a walk and on several
occasions I accompanied him. It was a delight to walk with him,
for he kept constantly talking about Science, Nature and other topics
uppermost in his mind. He would look at the trees and admire their
foliage and flowers.
Recalling an encounter with Raman in Cubbon Park, Ramakr-
ishna, formerly a professor in IISc’s Electrical Communications De¬
partment, says: “Dr Dhawan and I were walking in Cubbon Park and
we saw Prof. Raman searching for something under a lamp post in
the dusk. We asked him if we could be of any help and he told us to
pick up some of the wings of the insects that come in thousands to a
bright light on a suicidal mission, after a heavy shower in the sum¬
mer months, and lose their wings. We did not have the courage to
ask why he wanted them, but respectfully collected a matchbox-full
of wings and took it to him. ‘Now you can come with me’, he told
us and took us near a mercury vapour lamp on the roadside and held
a wing against the light, and, lo and behold, the beautiful diffraction
colours from the skeletal structure of the wings appeared in front.
Only a naturalist like Raman can see how science permeates all life.”
Sometimes he would pick up fallen seeds and admire their shapes,
colours and polish. At times he would fill his pockets with them for a
more thorough look at them in the Institute. Lady Raman would of¬
ten find strange-looking seeds in his coat pockets and wonder about
Raman's wide interests 159

them. When he reached a wide open space he would look at the stars
and point out their names and character.
He would not miss the annual Horticultural Shows in the Lalbagh
gardens, a lovely botanical garden near the south Kempegowda tower
in Bangalore. Majestic trees of all sorts, rows of flowering trees,
flower beds and a glass house are some of the features of this lovely
garden. An admirer of Raman who happened to go to the flower
show one year remembers: “The crowd had melted away. One lone
figure was standing amidst the flowers with a magnifying glass in one
hand and a beautiful Begonia in the other. He was studying the colour
pattern through the glass. When I and some friends approached him,
he looked at us. There was a far-away, dreamy look in his eyes which
showed that his curious intellect had grappled with the colour scheme
of the flower, which baffled him. Slowly he came back to earth and
talked to us about the new research on which he was engaged.”
Raman would run into everyone at the Institute at least once dur¬
ing the day to discuss work or exchange a few words. It was not the
custom, however, for us to exchange any formal greetings. Many a
time on his birthday we wanted to wish him, but none of us did so.
Perhaps we felt that being insiders it was not proper for us to do so;
perhaps it was the age difference which prevented us from commu¬
nicating our sentiments. I forget the exact year. It must have been
one year in the mid-Fifties when we all decided that we would wish
him on his birthday. We got the Institute gardener to make a rose
bouquet and I was chosen as the person to present the bouquet to
Raman. I accepted the assignment on one condition, that the others
would follow me. We all stood in the veranda in front of Raman’s
room and when he came out I promptly stuck the rose bouquet in his
hand and all of us said, “We greet you on your birthday”. Raman
was taken aback for a moment by this act of ours, but was deeply
moved. In those days he would not show any emotion outwardly.
He took a sniff at the roses and said: “I say, these are lovely roses,
where did you get them? I suppose they are not from my own gar¬
den?” We could not lie about the roses and admitted that they were
160 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

from the Institute garden. Then he said: “You should have left them
on the plants. They would have looked more gorgeous there than in
the bouquet. Anyhow, I thank you all.” That was our first and last
attempt to formally wish him.
Raman was fascinated by the Alps and the Alpine scenery. He
had seen it from different points. Once he told me: “If ever you
go to Europe, don’t fail to go to Innsbruck and take a look at the
mountains. This is one of the most spectacular sights.” I did go
to Innsbruck some ten years later and Raman’s words rang in my
ears when I saw the spectacular scenery before me. During his Cal¬
cutta days, Raman used to go to Darjeeling for vacations, and he
would always afterwards talk about the sunrise, sunset and the ma¬
jestic snow-covered peaks that could be seen from there. Mountains,
lakes, forests, he loved them all and drank deeply of Nature when¬
ever he had the opportunity. His absorption in Nature and Science
could never be separated. He derived scientific inspiration from Na¬
ture and natural phenomena. He was a modern man in his scientific
outlook, but was not distracted by mundane modernism.
For instance, he would never go to a movie for entertainment.
Only once have I seen him going to a cinema house and that was
to see a short documentary on the Raman Research Institute that the
government Films Division had made. He took Padmanabhan and
myself along with him to a movie house in South Parade in the Can¬
tonment section of Bangalore to see this film. The manager of the
movie house saw Raman coming and received us. Raman insisted
that he would pay the admission charge and handed over ten rupees
or so for three seats in the box section. The movie running on that
day was Anna and the King of Siam . The documentaries are usually
shown first in Indian cinema halls and we watched the short pre¬
sentation on the Raman Research Institute in which Raman figured
prominently. Raman was quite satisfied with the production and ex¬
changed some comments with us. We then got up thinking that he
would not like to sit and watch the movie. But he said: “I say, let us
stay for awhile and see what this cinema is all about. After all, we
Raman’s wide interests 161

have paid for it.” We sat for another ten minutes, watching Yul Bryn-
ner as the King of Siam. After a little while, Raman became restless
and said: “Let us go. What is all this nonsense that they portray the
King of Siam as a bald-headed savage. I don’t like all this.” We got
up, left the cinema hall and drove home.
Clouds were another favourite lecture topic with Raman. Cloud
patterns in the sky and the brilliant colours they displayed at sunset
fascinated him. He was never tired of looking at the sky and shar¬
ing his excitement with anyone around. I once accompanied him
and Lady Raman to the Air Force Officers Club in Jalahalli, a sub¬
urb of Bangalore, where Raman had been invited to give an after-
dinner speech. He spoke about clouds! It was a fascinating lecture in
which he explained how clouds form and how they assume various
shapes. He spoke about cumulus and cumulo-nimbus, stratus and
nimbo-stratus, and iridescent clouds. He explained how the beauti¬
ful diffraction haloes sometimes seen around the moon were caused
by ice crystals at very high altitudes. The lecture was a thrilling ex¬
perience and Raman was enthusiastically applauded for it. He was
in great spirits that evening.
The Raman Research Institute museum possessed a collection of
stuffed birds, beetles, shells of all kinds and other marine life. He
had chosen these specimens mostly for their colour, or for the inter¬
esting structures they often exhibited. Among the birds were blue
jays, golden orioles, pheasants. The beetles were either iridescent or
exhibited some interesting pattern of colour. He derived tremendous
pleasure looking at them periodically and talking to visitors about
He once bought from a taxidermist in Calcutta two beautiful
stuffed Himalayan pheasants for the museum. We left these pheas¬
ants in an open almirah and forgot to lock the door of the room. As
ill luck would have it, two mongrels got wind of the stuffed birds.
They gained entry into the room at night and destroyed one of the
pheasants beyond recognition. The next morning, when we came in
and saw the spectacle, it was a shock. We knew that Professor would
get very upset with us for not locking the room, so something had to
162 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

be done to cover up the catastrophe. We quickly ordered the servants

to clean up the place and bury the remnants of the pheasants in a far
off place.
When Raman came, he went straight to the museum room. Not
finding one of the pheasants, he wanted to know what had happened
to it. We had decided to maintain that there had been only one pheas¬
ant. Professor repeatedly said that he had definitely bought two and
kept scratching his head wondering how one could have disappeared.
Since we continued to maintain that there had been only one pheas¬
ant, he finally convinced himself that although he had paid for two,
only one specimen had actually been sent to Bangalore. Then he
went for a walk in the gardens, satisfied with his reasoning.
Twenty minutes or so later, he returned with a feather in his hand;
it was obviously the feather of the same pheasant which the mongrels
had torn to pieces. The man who had taken the remnants must have
dropped a feather on the way. It was difficult to maintain our cover-
up story, but we managed to convince Professor that some other bird
must have dropped a feather on its flight. Raman must have won¬
dered about it all, but did not ask any further questions. We felt very
bad about having hidden the truth from him. But since we had just
joined, we did not want to run the risk of being sent away by reveal¬
ing what had actually happened.

The Raman spirit and his traits

Raman was an intense person who became engrossed in whatever
subject interested him. Whether it was in the field of Science or
outside it, he was never content with a superficial examination. When
he was in the Financial Civil Service, he paid meticulous attention to
his official duties and was lauded by his superiors for his prompt and
intelligent way of handling anything connected with them.
There is a story, recalled by a citizen of Nagpur, whose collection
of a few hundred-rupee notes was nearly burnt by a fire. The per¬
turbed individual went to the Accountant-General’s Office and pre¬
sented the half-burnt bundle there, but with little hope of receiving
any satisfaction. Any other officer would probably have shown him
The Raman spirit and his traits 163

the door, but Raman, who was then in the office of the Accountant-
General, took the trouble to scrutinise the notes one by one, using a
magnifying glass, and then instructed the treasurer to give the peti¬
tioner fresh notes. Raman argued that the numbers on the half-burnt
notes were visible and it was, therefore, a genuine case. This incident
is characteristic of the thoroughness with which Raman tackled all
problems he faced. Between 1907 and 1917, the leadership Raman
offered and the tremendous enthusiasm he whipped up for scientific
research in Calcutta were reflected in his address at the Science Con¬
vention for 1917 held in the presence of Sir Asutosh Mookerjee. He

“The ten years, from July 1907 to June 1917, which preceded my join¬
ing the University of Calcutta as Palit Professor of Physics, afforded
me numerous opportunities for studying, as an impartial and disinter¬
ested observer, the efforts made during the period in this University
towards fostering higher studies and research in physics. Looking
back over these years, one cannot fail to be struck with the genuine
progress that has been achieved and with the fact that, today, the Cal¬
cutta University can claim to possess a real School of Physics, the
like of which certainly does not exist in any other Indian university,
and which, even now, will not compare very unfavourably with those
existing in European and American universities. What has impressed
me most is the rapidity of the progress, the position now being very
different from what it was ten years ago, and this is obviously a most
hopeful sign for the future.

My own work at Calcutta commenced in 1907 and was made possible

by the special facilities put at my disposal by the present Honorary
Secretary, Dr A. L. Sircar, who had the Laboratory kept open at very
unusual hours in order that I might carry on research in the intervals
of my duties as an officer of the Indian Finance Department. Gradu¬
ally others were drawn in to take part in the revived activities of the
Association. The success which has attended these efforts is indicated
by the fact that during these ten years the Association has issued as
its own publications, fourteen special Bulletins, and three volumes of
164 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Proceedings, besides publishing its Annual Reports. These publica¬

tions have been warmly received abroad, and the Association is now
in exchange relations with about fifty learned societies and institutions
in various parts of the world.”

Raman went on to add:

“A wide range of subjects is at present attracting the attention of the

Calcutta School of Physics. General Physics, Acoustics, Optics, Elec¬
tromagnetic Theory, Electric discharge, Spectroscopy, X-Rays and
Resonance Radiation and Radio-activity have all come in for a share
of attention, and this wide range of interest will become even more
manifest when our equipment is more complete, and I have had time
to take on a large number of research workers and train them.
Perhaps the most significant tributes to the fact that we have now a
real scientific atmosphere at Calcutta are the numerous requests that
have been received from teachers and scholars in various parts of In¬
dia and Burma to be permitted to work in my laboratory and to carry
on research.”

In the closing section of his report, Raman stressed the need for
(i) strengthening the equipment of the Department of Physics of the
Calcutta University, (ii) provision of residential accommodation in
the premises of the College of Science to enable the professors and
staff to devote all their time to work in the laboratory, and (iii) en¬
largement of the careers open to workers. He concluded his remark¬
able address with the statement that “to most men, the knowledge of
the degree of recognition that awaits successful work is a stimulus
not to be despised”.
His physical energy was as extraordinary as his mental output.
An outstanding characteristic of Raman was that, unlike other per¬
sons, he seldom relaxed. He was always keyed up to fever pitch by
the continuous thrill or excitement that the challenges and the ever-
expanding avenues of scientific research provided his mind. He was
capable of tremendous concentration on intellectual work, as the fol¬
lowing incident will show. Once, in Calcutta, when he was in his
The Raman spirit and his traits 165

office at the Association, drafting a rather tough paper for publica¬

tion, a Swamiji visited him. He welcomed him courteously, asked
him to take a seat and said that as soon as he finished the work
he was busy with, he would be glad to spend some time with the
Swamiji. Then, for the next couple of hours, he was completely
oblivious of the Swamiji. When he completed the task on hand, he
suddenly looked up and found the Swamiji still waiting. Raman told
him that as he had only five minutes now left before he had to at¬
tend another pressing engagement, would the Swamiji be brief. The
Swamiji was equal to the occasion. He told Raman that deep con¬
centration was what a spiritual person had to practise. And Raman
already possessed this, as was demonstrated by the fact that he had
been oblivious of all else for the past two hours while he worked.
A donation the Swamiji then requested for a charitable cause was
instantaneously given by Raman.
The period between 1920 and 1928 may be said to have been the
golden period in the scientific life of Raman. Given the combined
control of the Association and the University laboratories, he main¬
tained a hectic schedule. L. A. Ramdas has described his activity at
this time thus:

“The daily activities at the laboratories of the ‘Association’ usually

started by 7 a.m. Having started an experiment, one would go on
working until 1 p.m. After a quick lunch, the scholars would be back
by 2 p.m. and work on far into the evening and often until 9 or 10
p.m., until the job on hand had reached a satisfactory stage. Working
at this furious rate, it is no wonder that many of the pupils could work
through five or six major investigations each year. Those who could
not cope with such a fast tempo of work would automatically drop off.

By 1920, Prof. Raman had gathered round him an increasing num¬

ber of extremely bright and capable pupils so that, more and more,
he could get his research programme executed rapidly by them. He
inspired his scholars to use their own initiative and ingenuity to the
fullest extent. He would see what was going on and discuss results at
intervals. At any given time, however, he would concentrate his atten-
166 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

tion on the particular scholar who was then entering the most critical
phase of his research. Interpretation of results, fruitful suggestions to
carry the investigation several stages further and quick discussion of
results already obtained resulted in immediate publication from this
effective type of collaboration between the Professor and the pupil.
Each of his pupils had his opportunity for such exhilarating collabo¬
ration at the developing phase of his investigation. All the time, the
pupils enjoyed the fullest freedom to think, work and improvise for
themselves. Spoon-feeding of any kind was absolutely taboo. A spirit
of perfect understanding and goodwill pervaded the entire ‘Associa¬
tion’, with Ashu Babu, the Assistant Secretary, ever ready to help us
with any material or facility that we needed, the scholars themselves
helping each other spontaneously.”

Raman maintained this mode of working and dealing with stu¬

dents throughout his career. Anyone who wished to work under Pro¬
fessor Raman as a regular student had to undergo a searching oral ex¬
amination in which the candidate’s knowledge of fundamentals and
capacity for original thinking would be severely tested. Although he
attached importance to academic records, Raman always made a per¬
sonal assessment. Once selected, the students felt at ease, for Raman
was kind and large-hearted with them. Raman had his own way of
developing self-confidence and self-reliance in students. He would
treat them as his equals, while discussing scientific matters. It was
his habit to go round the laboratory every morning, meeting each stu¬
dent and discussing the progress of his work, often suggesting new
ideas. He would give free expression to his joy when a new result was
brought to his notice. Nagendra Nath recalls: “One day, when I told
him that I had found the explanation of the Raman line in diamond,
which had been mentioned by him as an outstanding problem in his
Nobel address, he asked me what it was. I said that the Raman line
was to be attributed to the mutual vibration of the two face-centred
lattices composing the diamond lattice. He simply yelled out, ‘You
are right, you are right’, and insisted that the research paper should
be immediately written up. He was in ecstasy over this work. I found
Thrill of quick publication 167

myself elected to the Fellowship of the Indian Academy of Sciences,

at the age of 23, without an inkling being given to me by Professor.”
To criticism that he was partial to students from Madras Univer¬
sity, Raman answered, “They teach very little physics and hence I
get very good raw material to work with”. I don’t think the crit¬
icism levelled against Raman was fair, for Raman’s students came
from all over India and he did not practise narrow parochialism. He
chose them on the basis of merit and shaped them into scientists who
went out to carry on the tradition of research wherever they went and
worked in their subsequent career. Throughout his life, he had a very
warm corner in his heart for his many pupils and they, in turn, knew
they could always turn to him for any help that they needed.
In his public lectures, Raman would often refer to his students by
name and talk about their work. All this was a thrilling experience
to young students and a powerful incentive for hard work. A unique
rapport was, thus, established between him and his students.

Thrill of quick publication

From the very beginning, Raman held the view that scientific results
should find prompt publication. He practised this throughout his life.
According to L. A. Ramdas, hardly a week passed in the Association
at Calcutta without a detailed paper, and, often, shorter notes, being
dispatched to foreign journals or to the Calcutta University Press,
which published the Proceedings of the Indian Association for the
Cultivation of Science. He was so very critical in composing and
editing scientific papers, whether his own or of his pupils, that often
it would get too late to post the paper to the publishers in the ordinary
manner. So he would hail a taxi and rush to the General Post Office,
pay the late fee and get the paper despatched in the nick of time.
After many an adventure of this nature, he would share his joy, over
sending away in time an important paper for publication, by treating
the anxiously waiting group of pupils to a solid feast of sandesh and
rosogolla that he would send for from famed ‘Bhim Nag’ of College
Street, remembers Ramdas.
168 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

By securing such quick publication of the results of the researches

carried out by himself and his scholars, Raman never allowed scien¬
tists elsewhere to anticipate his results. Invariably, a good scholar
would have enough published papers to his credit so that, within a
couple of years, and, occasionally, even within a year, he would be
in a position to submit his doctoral thesis.
Raman encouraged his scholars to take up independent positions
in scientific departments or in the universities quickly, for his policy
was that his laboratory should be a ‘source’, not a ‘sink’ of young
scientific talent. These brilliant pupils very soon carried the ‘Raman
tradition’ of original research wherever they went and worked in their
subsequent careers.

Raman as a teacher
I quote from L. A. Ramdas’s article on Raman as a teacher:

“Prof. Raman, as a Palit Professor, had no teaching responsibilities,

but he enthusiastically took part in M.Sc. teaching. He held the view
that when a leading research worker takes on some special teaching
course, he brings to his teaching the freshness of research and the
questioning attitude which makes all the difference between dull ped¬
agogy and inspired teaching. To some of us who had joined the M.Sc.
course at Calcutta (both myself and the late Dr K. S. Krishnan had
joined the M.Sc. course in physics at Calcutta by 1920) Prof. Raman
once made the side remark that the best way for him to master or re¬
vise any subject in physics was indeed to lecture on it to the M.Sc.

The M.Sc. teaching used to be naturally shared by the various pro¬

fessors and lecturers. Prof. Raman took “Electricity and Magnetism”
in the year 1920-21 and “Physical Optics” in 1921-22. Both sets of
M.Sc. students felt that they were indeed listening to a type of in¬
spired teaching to which was brought all the original flavour and ex¬
citement of the great giants of the past who had built up the subject
under treatment. In listening spell-bound to Prof. Raman’s lectures in
“Electricity and Magnetism”, covering a series of nearly 30 lectures,
Raman as a teacher 169

we had shared with him much of the excitement and superb thrill that
Benjamin Franklin, Oersted, Arago, Gauss, Faraday, Maxwell, Hertz,
Lord Kelvin and many others must have felt while they were making
their actual discoveries. This was indeed no routine text-book learn¬
ing, but reliving the actual past history of the subject.

Almost regularly, Prof. Raman, with his genius for the subject, his
extraordinary eloquence, imagery and fullness of precise expression,
used to forget himself as well as the time and used to lecture for far
more than the prescribed one hour, while the next lecturer was po¬
litely (and perhaps with a sense of relief) retiring from the scene after
seeing Prof. Raman still at his lecture! Often he used to take the entire
forenoon, for more than two and sometimes even three hours — such
was his tremendous love of teaching. The mathematics was worked
through often with his own improvised simplifications and fully il¬
lustrated with physical analogies. Any question or point raised by a
student would start him olf towards uncharted grounds, not touched
upon in any textbook. His ready wit and sparkling intellect were a
treat to the classes. And after each lecture we used spontaneously to
look up original papers and classical treatises like Maxwell’s “Elec¬
tricity and Magnetism”, J. J. Thomson’s “Conduction of Electricity”,
Faraday’s “Experimental Researches”, Lord Rayleigh’s and Kelvin’s
“Collected Papers” and so forth. The lecture in which he worked out
Maxwell’s field equations and showed that light waves are only elec¬
tromagnetic waves and the thrill he communicated to the class are still
fresh memories.

In “Physical Optics”, a topic on which he himself was conducting

several investigations at the time, the students were introduced to all
the topics coming, as it were, hot from the ‘Lab’, and the lecturer’s
flair for dipping straight into the great masters like Huygens, Fres¬
nel, Mascart, Schuster, Wood, Rayleigh, and others of the late 19th
and the early 20th centuries, imbued the students with a real love and
enthusiasm for what they learned at Prof. Raman’s feet, as it were.
Whether the subject was “Thermodynamics,” or the “Kinetic Theory
of Gases” or “Modern Physics”, Prof. Raman’s treatment of the topic
170 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

at hand was original and inspiring and left a permanent impression in

the student’s mind.

“Now let me record a few reminiscences. As an M.Sc. student having

direct and free access to Prof. Raman’s own personal library, I was
astounded to discover that in each and every text book which he had
learned from in his own student’s career, there were marginal criti¬
cisms or appreciations of the author. There was no book in which
every example and question had not been worked out by Raman.
Some questions had the side remark “excellent”, while not a few were
apostrophised as “elementary” or “silly”! I had no doubt that Prof.
Raman had been a most painstaking student and that the definition of
‘genius’ as the ‘capacity to take infinite pains’ is indeed true.”

Raman thus fully participated in teaching and inspired his stu¬

dents with his enthusiastic lectures. M. N. Saha, who later became fa¬
mous for the ‘Ionisation equation’ named after him, and S. N. Bose,
discoverer of ‘Bose statistics’, were some of the other lecturers at the
University College in 1917.

Raman lectures
Raman excelled in public speaking and could give a lecture on, for
instance, Egyptian History, off the cuff. His scientific lectures were
a treat, for he was a superb entertainer. They were delivered in a
high-pitched resonant voice which reached the entire audience, mak¬
ing loudspeakers unnecessary. Rich in imagery and eloquence, and
replete with spontaneous jokes, the lectures were given in so popu¬
lar a style that every listener felt that he understood all the science
that the learned lecturer was discussing. Once, he told me that “the
hallmark of a good speaker is that the audience must be under the
delusion that they have understood everything that was said by the
speaker”. And that is what he used to do, whenever he gave a public
lecture — he would create in the minds of thousands of his listeners
the illusion that they understood everything he spoke about.
Raman’s typical way of giving a lecture has been beautifully de¬
scribed by Kashyap:
Raman lectures 171

Raman as a teacher
(Photo Courtesy : Raman Research Institute)

“A tall, turbaned figure, casting those searching and curious eyes al¬
most with child-like fitfulness, would walk directly to the dais, with
an occasional turn to the right or left, acknowledging a remark or an¬
swering a query by the sponsors of the lecture who were leading him
to the dais. Confidence incarnate was the figure and even before he
started speaking one got the impression that here was a lecturer who
would deliver the goods.
His very presence perhaps cut short the long-winded preambles and
welcomes that often mar the beautiful effect of a nice lecture. Prof.
Raman meant business and a disapproving look would stop a vagrant
introduction. His first words uttered in a characteristically punching
manner would set the pace for the lecture.
He spoke of soap bubbles. And, mind you, for some half an hour
the evanescent soap bubble that hardly lasts for a couple of seconds
blissfully lived!

Raman asked ‘Have you ever thought of keeping the soap bubble alive
for a long time?’ An intriguing question — a question that had never
occurred to many. The problem you know, Raman went on to say, is
to see that the droplet of water does not collect at the bottom. Then he
went on to say how he and other scientists, some in France, managed
172 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

to keep a soap bubble alive for a few days by subjecting the bubble to
an oppositely directed force.

One would never have a dull moment and would not even realise that
the lecture was over. To listen to Raman was something more than
learning physics. He had the knack of using the most appropriate ex¬
pressions, which no textbooks could give. He had the habit of tugging
the lapels of his coat which was a Raman characteristic. He would
invite questions and answer them all with astounding clarity.”

He was forthright when he criticised. During the annual meeting

of theTndian Academy of Sciences in Baroda in 1958, he interrupted
the talk of a high-energy physicist who was filling the blackboard
with mathematical equations, and said: “My dear fellow, please try
to explain what you have done in a few sentences. If you cannot do
this, it is not worth knowing.”
At the annual meeting of the Academy held at Osmania Uni¬
versity, Hyderabad, in the mid-Sixties the then Governor, who was
also the Chancellor of the Osmania University, gave a long welcome
speech. During the course of the speech, the Governor stressed the
importance of scientists stopping ‘ivory tower’ research and divert¬
ing their attention to problems connected with import substitution,
export promotion and defence preparedness. After further advice
along these lines to the Fellows of the Academy, the Governor con¬
cluded: “Now, you will hear the learned address of Prof. Raman who
is going to speak on the ‘Physiology of Vision’. You and I will not
be able to understand what the learned lecturer is going to say, but as
you all know, Prof. Raman is a Nobel Laureate and a great scientist.”
Prof. Raman, well known for the clarity of his speech and sim¬
plicity of his scientific message to a general audience, was obviously
hurt by the Governor’s ‘Welcome Remarks’. He, however, did not
reveal his feelings but went on to deliver a remarkably lucid and
clear enunciation of his findings during the year on the ‘Physiology
of Vision’. Then, before sitting down at the end of the lecture, he
turned to the Governor and said: “Mr Governor, when I received the
Nobel Prize, my illiterate old aunt asked me to explain what exactly
Raman lectures 173

I had done to merit such a prize. When I explained to her the finding
referred to as the ‘Raman Effect’, she remarked that what I had dis¬
covered was so simple that she was surprised that my findings should
have merited such a high international prize. I hope, you, Mr Gov¬
ernor, were able to understand at least some of the things I said.” He
then sat down amidst a prolonged, standing ovation.
Raman’s lectures were painstakingly prepared and illustrated with
colourful slides and diagrams. I often used to prepare these for him
and he would ask me to operate the projector, for he could not stand
an erring projectionist. I once photographed in colour optical effects
exhibited by several gem materials. Colour photography was still an
art in those days and not mechanised and automated as at present.
Raman took the film with him to Bombay and had it processed.
The colour slides turned out to be very good and he was therefore
tremendously happy. He immediately sent an express telegram to
me in Bangalore conveying how pleased he was with the outcome.
Not only would he always express spontaneously his appreciation
and admiration for any good work, but he would also acknowledge
in public how so-and-so had done a marvellous job, had discovered
something nice, or had a good idea.
The excellently lit Raman Institute hall was very well equipped.
It had a fine black ground-glass board covering almost the entire wall
on one side. A long, finely polished teakwood table was positioned
in front of the speaker. One hundred plush, cushioned chairs made
of teak and upholstered in black velvet were arranged neatly in rows,
on an ascending platform. The chairs, wide and with arm-rests were
very comfortable. Raman wanted the most comfortable seating pos¬
sible for the audience in his lecture hall. He used to deliver all his
scientific lectures as well as special lectures here.
Every year, in October, he would give what was called the Gandhi
Memorial Lecture. The Gandhi Peace Foundation had created a
special endowment fund for this lecture. These lectures were well
attended, for it was one occasion when the public could listen to
Raman. The lectures were free, but tickets were issued on a first-
174 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

come, first-served basis. Raman used to take a scientific topic on

which he was working or he would choose one that he had some in¬
terest in and make a masterly presentation of it. On one occasion,
he spoke about the ‘Physiology of Vision’, on other occasions he
talked about ‘Earthquakes’, ‘The Atmosphere’, ‘Voice’ and ‘Speech
and Language’. The last Gandhi Memorial Lecture he gave was on
October 2, 1970.

Some reflections on Raman’s personality

There are some features of Raman’s personality that have been no¬
ticed and admired by those who were close to him as well as by those
who knew him only at a distance. He was richly endowed with a
child-like sense of wonder at the unknown and un-understood facets
of Nature and, throughout his life, he was pushed into exploring these
aspects. Such being the motivation, he was often, and appropriately,
referred to as a Child of Nature; nothing fascinated him more than
Nature itself. Subjects like the origin of colours in minerals, birds
and butterflies, the blue of the ocean, the sky, and other natural phe¬
nomena were his primary concern. On the other hand, he could never
reconcile himself to the fact that large human resources and material
wealth were being put into such programmes as those that dealt with
Space and so on, which did not concern themselves with things on
earth with anything of immediate interest to mankind.
His delicate sense of humour, his ability for biting sarcasm when
needed and, above all, his love of Nature became very evident when¬
ever Professor Raman wrote or spoke about any subject. On one
occasion, while speaking about the countryside and weather, he pref¬
aced his talk with the following remarks:

“To the dweller in the towns, the weather is nothing more than a minor
inconvenience which can be minimised by a little forethought in the
matter of taking an umbrella instead of a walking stick when going
out of the house. I will go so far as to say that the average city dweller
is scarely conscious of the weather except when he is reminded of it in
some particularly unpleasant fashion. The changing panorama of the
skies, the most gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, pass mostly unheeded
Some reflections on Raman’s personality 175

by him, for, alas, the only landscapes that stretch before his eyes are
long rows of tenement houses, and, as for the sky, it is only seen
in little patches here and there, not infrequently cut across by great
bunches of telephone wires. The only stars that he sees at night are
those that shine on the silver screen at the cinema theatre, and as for
the sun and the moon, he knows they are there but does not feel called
upon to take notice of them more than he can help.”

His own attitudes to certain basic issues of Science and its pro¬
gress were often expressed in his public speeches and private con¬
versations. Here is an example of what he thought about discoveries
in science:

“It should be mentioned that the reception given at first to even capital
discoveries by the outer world is not always one of respectful admi¬
ration for the achievement of the discoveries. One of the commonest
ways in which the achievement is sought to be minimised by the un¬
thinking or the envious is by attributing it to accident or a stroke of
luck akin to the winning of a lottery ticket. Such comments are, of
course, deplorable and indeed quite meaningless. The idea that a sci¬
entific discovery can be made by accident is ruled out by the fact that
the accident, if it is one, never occurs except to the right man. The
happy discoverer in Science is invariably a seeker after knowledge
and truth, working in a chosen field of his own and inspired in his
labours by the hope of finding at least a little grain of something new.
The commentators who like to consider discoveries as accidents for¬
get that the most important part of a scientific discovery is the recog¬
nition of its true nature by the observer, and this is scarcely possible
if he does not possess the requisite capacity or knowledge of the sub¬
ject. Rarely indeed are any scientific discoveries made except as the
result of a carefully thought-out programme of work. They come, if
they do come, as the reward of months or years of systematic study
and research in a particular branch of knowledge.”

One of his favourite comments was about Science being a very

particular and difficult mistress. He would say that she would not
176 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

yield if you wooed her for her wealth; she insisted that you love
her for herself and, even then, she would never give herself up com¬
pletely to anyone but would reveal her secrets only in part and only
little by little. As many discerning critics have said, let us not for¬
get, when we discuss and attempt to assess Raman, that he is the
greatest contribution India has made for many centuries to systema¬
tised human knowledge. We should not fall into the trap of regarding
him as just a successful scientist, like we generally regard other suc¬
cessful scientists or successful businessmen or successful politicians.
Men like him are not thrown up every day and, if the rugged con¬
tours and the sharp corners of this giant did not compromise with the
soft-spoken ways of the successful world, we can only describe the
phenomenon by stating that “it is no reproach on Everest that one
cannot play golf on it”.
That Raman had to work amidst disappointments, had to strug¬
gle and survive many difficult situations before reaching the pinnacle
of scientific glory the hard way is not often clear to many. He occa¬
sionally used to slip into a reminiscent mood and say that the more
he looked back on his career, the more he felt that it had been a
long history of frustration, disappointment, struggle and every kind
of tribulation. It sounded incredible but true, although some com¬
fort and self-confidence were forthcoming in the same breath, when
he used to say: “There have been a few gleams of success. It was
poverty and the poor laboratories that gave me the determination to
do the very best that I could”. On one occasion, after reading a glossy
biographical note written by one of his associates, Raman remarked
that the biography tempted him to picture himself as a prince sitting
in a gold chair marching from triumph to triumph, without a tear.
While he wished that the picture were true, he knew that in fact it
was not so.
In the life of great scientists, there have invariably been periods
of distress amidst the joys of scientific successes. Raman’s life was
no exception. He had to face difficult times both in Calcutta and at
the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, causing him severe emo-
Some reflections on Raman’s personality 177

tional drain. The difficulties had nothing to do with Science but with
the politics of Science of the times.
After the discovery of the Raman Effect in 1928, and following
the award of the Nobel Prize in 1930, Raman became a celebrity, his
stature in India and abroad growing to new heights. Raman’s rise to
scientific eminence, power and prestige caused envy in some quar¬
ters and Raman had a trying period. The last few years of his stay
in Calcutta were by no means happy. Some individuals accused him
of not having been fair to young students from Bengal and attributed
motives to the manner in which he selected his colleagues and his
assistants. Although much of this was a parallel growth alongside
his increasing reputation and growing scientific eminence, and was
ignored as such by many discerning persons, it nevertheless assumed
ugly proportions occasionally. His connections with the Indian As¬
sociation for the Cultivation of Science, where undoubtedly his best
scientific work was done, had to be broken off in an unceremonious
manner. He had to defend himself by sharply reacting to public criti¬
cism. At one stage, he made a statement that he could have contented
himself “by creating only a Bengali School of physics and not an all
India school. But, in that case, I am quite certain that the Nobel Prize
in physics would not have come east of Suez”.
One of the leading daily newspapers of Calcutta wrote, in an ed¬
itorial critical of Raman’s methods, that “a scientist is not, however,
necessarily a good administrator, and eminence in science is not al¬
ways a substitute for many of the ordinary virtues which count as
much in public as in private life”. On the other hand, it must be said
to the credit of Calcutta that there were many broadminded persons
with sufficient vision who described him as an uncommon genius
whose methods and outlook on things had to be accepted with re¬
spect, even if they were not similar to those adopted by a common
Again, at the Indian Institute of Science, he had to face a trying
period connected with the position of Director, to which he was ap¬
pointed in 1933. The problem this time was that the policy-making
body of the Indian Institute of Science did not like the way in which
178 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Raman ran the Institute. Everything he tried to do was considered

wrong and he had to resign from the Directorship in an atmosphere
charged with tension. But he retained his Professorship and contin¬
ued his scientific research until his retirement from the Institute in
All this makes one wonder if Raman’s genius would have been
better utilised if he had been given the chance to continue his interests
in a less bureaucratic setup. It is by a miracle that he walked into such
a setup in 1907 when he chanced upon the Indian Association for the
Cultivation of Science, and later in 1917, had offered him, by a far¬
sighted Vice-Chancellor, Sir Asutosh Mookerjee, the Palit chair of
Physics at the Calcutta University. But for this, Raman would have
retired as a “faultless Accountant General”, as C. Rajagopalachari
once put it. It was a stroke of immense luck for India and Indian
Science that the accidental meeting of Raman and the Indian Asso¬
ciation came about. The course of life is often shaped by acciden¬
tal happenings and it is perhaps meaningless to speculate on what
would have happened under some other imaginary conditions. Un¬
der British rule, opportunities for research in India were rare and it
was very fortuitous that Raman came across the rare one, fulfilling
the mission of great scientific achievement to which he was born.
Raman was a rare phenomenon in India, indeed in the world.
Raman was quite a relaxed scientist at his own Institute. The bit¬
ter lessons he had learned in Calcutta and at the IISc, in Bangalore
made him very sensitive to criticism and scared him off bureaucratic
organisations. He, therefore, founded the Raman Institute with pri¬
vate donations. When he went to collect money from the industrial
houses of India, someone made the remark that the greatest scientist
of India should not go begging for money. He replied, “Our greatest
men were beggars; take Buddha, Shankara or even Gandhi”.
It was Raman’s great desire to put the Institute on a firm finan¬
cial foundation and make it one hundred per cent independent from
government or any other controlling interest. He strived very hard all
through his life to achieve this.
Some reflections on Raman's personality 179

Raman heard from knowledgeable sources that in the state of

Andhra Pradesh, near the sites of the old Vijayanagar empire’s cita¬
dels, there were great treasures of gold and coins buried in the earth.
Raman dreamed of unearthing some of these treasures to establish a
sound financial base for the Institute. He talked to me one day about
treasure hunting and suggested that I should look into electronic de¬
vices that could be used for detecting treasures buried underground.
I read some books and constructed a powerful device with an appro¬
priate probe. The device was basically an electronic oscillator whose
frequency would undergo a sizable change, due to a change in its
inductance, when the probe was placed in the vicinity of a metallic
object. We were to carry this oscillator in a vehicle and search for
hidden treasures over a designated area in Andhra Pradesh. For some
reason or the other, the actual operation did not take place. Perhaps
Raman realised that it was a foolish idea.
After Nehru’s visit to the Institute, Raman felt that it was point¬
less to approach Government for endowment money and he decided
to approach the Ford Foundation for funds. He prepared a document
detailing the Institute’s assets, the ongoing programmes and his plans
for the future. This document was richly illustrated. In fact, he asked
me to take a number of photographs of the Institute and of his estate
in Kengeri village, which he intended to gift to the Institute. It was
Raman’s idea to turn his country home and the estate into the nucleus
of an astronomical and astrophysical research centre. We went on a
special trip to Kengeri and took several photographs of the estate.
The whole write-up was quite tastefully done and Raman beautifully
argued his case for funds. The Ford Foundation, however, did not
respond positively and Raman was very disappointed.
The Ford Foundation had funded many projects in India, but they
were mostly in the field of agricultural improvement or sociological
studies and had to do with country’s development projects. Very few
private institutions got funding from them. Being an American or¬
ganisation, and that too a Foundation representing the name of Ford,
Raman thought they would be more responsive to his request.
180 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Raman’s personal wealth grew to a respectable size over the years.

He mainly invested in real estate, and his properties alone were worth
several million rupees. He had also direct interest in two chemical
industries. He bequeathed all his personal wealth to the Institute.
Among the chemical enterprises in which he had interest was
a small company known as Bangalore Chemicals. The main prod¬
uct of this company was the manufacture of mantles for Petromax
lights. Raman encouraged Dr P. Krishnamurti a former student of
his, to start this venture, providing the seed capital. Krishnamurti
was the chemist responsible for the operation and the manufacturing
of the product. The total investment must have been Rs 400,000 or
500,000, of which Raman’s share was about a fourth. The product
was excellent and sold extremely well. The return on capital was
substantial and Raman used to get something like Rs 150,000 annu¬
ally as his share for over a decade. Raman gifted these earnings to
the Institute and held the shares in trust. A good part of the Insti¬
tute’s budget came from this source. He also used this money to put
up additional buildings.
Raman also invested a sizeable amount in another venture called
Travancore Chemicals, for which Krishnamurti was again instrumen¬
tal, being the technical power behind it. The company made fertilis¬
ers, pesticides and other chemicals. Raman used to have the Board
meetings of this company at the Institute and took a keen interest in
the technical as well as the commercial aspects of the company.

Personal views and ways

There have been questions often raised about Raman’s belief in re¬
ligion. During the eleven years of my association with him I gath¬
ered the impression that he was not a religious person, but I also
never heard him proclaim that he was an atheist. On two occasions
I saw him offer worship, in the famous temples of Tirupati and Chi¬
dambaram, when the annual meetings of the Indian Academy of Sci¬
ences were held in those temple towns, in 1957 and 1959 respec¬
tively. Accompanied by many Fellows of the Academy, Raman took
part in the worship at these temples, stripped to the waist and wearing
Personal views and ways 181

the dhoti in the Panchakacham style. On both occasions, Bhagavan-

tam was also present.
Raman was a self-made man with an indomitable will and total
absorption in Science. His dedication to Science, which he practised
during his entire lifetime, was so intense and in tune with the tra¬
ditions of Indian scholarship that it would be justified in describing
him as a real Rishi. Nature was his object of worship. The mys¬
teries of the Universe constituted the goals of his meditation. There
were very few occasions when divinity and God-head meant any¬
thing very different to him, from all that is manifest to Man in the
wonderful world around him. He would not generally let himself be
drawn into conversation about God, but if anyone tried to do so, his
reluctant reaction was that while there was so much to learn about
Man, in fact much more than what one could chew, why worry about
God. In his public utterances, he seldom spoke on religious mat¬
ters. He did, however, say, on one occasion, something about what
he called his own interpretation of Gautama Buddha and Ramakr-
ishna Paramahamsa. This drew critical comments from some who
claimed to be experts on such matters. One of the few instances in
his writings where a reference to divinity is made, is a letter in his
own handwriting reproduced in one of the memorial articles written
after his death. It reads, in part: “It is my earnest desire to bring
into existence a centre of scientific research worthy of our ancient
country where the keenest intellects of our land can probe into the
mysteries of the Universe and by so doing help us to appreciate the
transcendent power that guides its activities. This aim can only be
achieved if, by His Divine Grace, all lovers of our country see their
way to help the cause.”
Raman had a small tuft beneath his turban and used to wear
his sacred thread. I do not think these external forms of orthodox
Hinduism really meant anything to him, but it is interesting that he
did not cast away these symbols. He was certainly not an ortho¬
dox Hindu Brahmin, but he held some conservative views. I give an
instance from personal knowledge. He heard that a young Indian sci¬
entist known to him was going to marry a Westerner and was quite
182 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

upset by the news. He asked me if he should advise the young man

against it. I, however, told him that it was too late for such advice,
and, in any case, it would not reverse the decision. He was quiet
for some time and then said, “It is his look-out; why should I worry
about it?”.
Raman was a teetotaller and a strict vegetarian. He preferred sim¬
ple food, often bread, banana, milk, curd and rice. Commenting on
the deliciousness of rice and curd, he has said, “For the South Indian
there is nothing sweeter than this”. On another occasion he extolled
the virtues of rasam and the South Indian partiality for this dish. At
the annual meeting of the Academy held in Sri Venkateswara Uni¬
versity, Tirupati, there was an excellent lecture by Dr Padmanabhan
on ‘The Present Status of the Rice Diseases and Their Control in
India’. After hearing this lecture and enjoying the delicious South
Indian meals served during the conference, Raman went into an ec¬
static praise of the talk by Padmanabhan. Then he thundered, “It is
rasam, you know, it is the rasam\ Raman must have meant that
rasam generates good thinking!
Once, after a lecture, a well-known German professor, who was
with the Aeronautical Engineering Department at the Indian Insti¬
tute of Science, asked him, “Raman, how do you get such brilliant
ideas?”. Raman replied: “My dear Sir, that is a secret of mine, but
I will tell you. I get up very early in the morning and have a cup of
Brahmin-made coffee prepared by my wife to stimulate the brain.”
On another occasion, he was coughing badly and I suggested that
Waterbury’s compound would do him a lot of good. He said, “Let
us go and get it”. We drove to a nearby pharmacy and I bought a
bottle of Waterbury’s compound for him. In the car, he began reading
the label. He suddenly stopped at the line 75 per cent alcohol by
volume ’ and said: “I say, this thing contains alcohol. I can’t take this
medicine. You can use it, when you suffer from cough next time.” In
spite of my entreaties, that it was only a medicine, he refused to take
it and I ended up with a bottle of Waterbury’s compound.
In this context, there is an incident which took place in Bordeaux
at a banquet in 1948. Raman was the chief guest and a toast was pro-
Personal views and ways 183

posed in honour of his visit. Prof. Cabannes, a famous French physi¬

cist, proposed the toast and everyone present held a glass of sparkling
wine in their hands. Raman, however, picked up a sparkling glass of
water and said amidst laughter, “Sir, I know what my effect on al¬
cohol is, but I certainly don’t want to try the effect of alcohol on
me”. So saying, he drank the glass of water to the toast. Recalling
this incident, Raman seems to have remarked to Dr Balakrishnan, a
nephew of his, that “there was only one person who was not under
the effect of wine, and that was a lone South Indian Brahmin”.
Raman had a tremendous aversion to smoking. His dislike was
so intense that any of his students caught in the act had to face dire
consequences. Dr P. Nilakantan, a favourite student of Raman at
the Indian Institute of Science, told me this. Another smoking story
relates to Prof. Mahadevan, a well-known geologist who worked un¬
der Raman. Narrating what happened during an Indian Academy of
Sciences annual meeting in Pune in December 1944, Dr Lakhanpal
says: “Quite a few delegates were going in an open vehicle from our
place of residence to the venue of a lecture. A car approached from
behind and passed us by. Amongst its occupants was Prof. Raman.
As soon as Prof. Mahadevan, who was sitting with us and enjoying a
cigarette, saw the turbaned face of Prof. Raman, he ducked his head,
like an erring child, to avoid being seen by the great scientist.”
It must have been January 1952 when the Indian Science Con¬
gress was held in Bangalore. There were several foreign invitees
and one of them was Prof. G. Wentzel of the University of Chicago.
He was a cigar smoker and preferred a cigar of the most pungent
variety. He came to visit the Raman Institute and Raman took him
around. Wentzel started his cigar somewhere half way. It was agony
for Raman, but he did not say anything. After Wentzel left, he said
that he would have to put up a ‘No Smoking’ sign and would not
admit anyone into the museum who smoked.
Raman always told people what he felt and in the process hurt
many. The controversies in Science in which he got involved, par¬
ticularly those related to lattice dynamics, also made him a bitter
person. When it came to any kind of discussion of this subject, he
184 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

always insisted he was right and the rest of the world was wrong.
Aside from these sensitive spots, he was a charming person. His
greatest gift was the ability to turn his mind to Nature and revel in it.
Raman’s deep feelings for Nature, his views on education, Sci¬
ence, Science policy, technical progress and the need for self-reliance,
are best reflected in the Convocation Address delivered by him at the
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, on July 30, 1966. This ad¬
dress, so typical of Raman, attests to his seriousness and fearlessness,
clarity and honesty, and should be assimilated by every thinking per¬
son. I reproduce it below with the permission of the Director of the
IIT, Madras.

The IIT Convocation Address

Nature and human life

“I have, in my fairly long life, been at many Convocations, at some

of which I received a degree of some sort or the other. I have never
seen such an assembly or gathering that so impressed me as this one,
which 1 have been privileged, with your kindness, to address.

Just before I came to the Convocation, the Director was taking me on

a ‘joy ride' through your campus. I think I should correctly describe
this as a joy ride. It was just thrilling, thrilling to see the wonderful
old banyan trees or the wild grasses, the thorns here and there and
occasionally a ‘few’ buildings by the way! Well, that is as it ought to
be. Because I always thought that study, examinations, books, lectures
and so on are but a very little part of a man’s or a woman’s, I should
add woman’s also as I should not forget them, education.

I have always said to myself and others that I regard as the greatest
feature of the world Nature herself. She is the supreme artist; she
creates forms of beauty, loveliness and colour, unsurpassable, and this
has been so from the beginning of time. She is the inspiration not
only of artists, painters, sculptors and engineers, but also of men of
Science. When I say this, I remember, many years ago, I was standing
below the pillars of the temple of Luxor. What did I find at the top?
The IIT Convocation Address 185

Raman presenting a diploma to a student at IIT Convocation.

The lotus, papyrus. These forms of beauty of Nature have been the
inspiration of all mankind. Well, I should say that they should also be
the inspiration of all these graduates of the year.
Usually, technology and industry are associated, I don’t say justly,
with squalor, dust, ugliness, smoke and all sorts of abomination. That
ought not to be so. I think your education is imperfect if you do not
realise, my young friends, that life is not merely a question of getting
food, clothes and shelter. Man does not live by bread alone. This has
been realised from ancient times. I think that the finest things in life
are not these, but music, colour, flowers, beauty, aesthetic sense, the
satisfaction derived from those. We in Madras do not have to lament
about music, I think. You are all music-minded. If you are not, I feel
sympathy for you. It is those finer things in life that make life worth

You, by the great kindness of no less than three mighty powers, the
Central Government of India, the local Government of Madras, to say
nothing of that mighty German Republic, have been privileged to live
in this wonderful area, with these magnificent hostels, with these great
186 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

laboratories and, above all, in the midst of these lovely trees and open
air. You at least will not die of tuberculosis. I was privileged to be
shaken by the hand by some of your prize men. I considered it a
privilege to shake hands with them. If I did it with all the graduates,
my hands will not be fit to hold anything. They were hefty young
fellows with plenty of grip in them. That is as it ought to be. What use
are you engineers if you cannot lift up a hammer? Physical strength,
energy are the basis of engineering. So, I find, you have been taken
care of well.

The German gift

It is only right and proper that I should make some reference to the
great country, Germany, which has helped in no small measure to
make it possible for you to receive the education that you have had
during these years. To me, when Germany is mentioned, I do not think
of Germany on the map. Germany brings to my mind the great mas¬
terminds which made Germany what she was. I can mention a score
of names. I just mention two who have been recognised as among the
greatest of philosophers and men of science the world has ever seen.
Hermann Von Helmholtz in the 19th century and Albert Einstein in
the present. I could recite a score of names. Every one of these has
written his name in an imperishable way in the records of Science.
These, and not the country Germany, nor all that happened to Ger¬
many, recall Germany to my mind. It was for many years my earnest
desire to go round and spend a few weeks in Germany, visit these an¬
cient centres of learning, small though they may be in geographical
extent but great in the lustre of their names. Heidelberg, Gottingen,
Marburg and so on. I will never be fortunate enough to spare that time
or get that opportunity.

But ten years ago, I received an invitation to attend a conference at

Lindau and I thought here was the opportunity for me. I went there,
and Lindau is a curious place. How curious it was, I will not mention.
It is a place on the edge of the lake we call Lake Constance, the Ger¬
mans call it Bodensee, whether it is the correct pronunciation, I don’t
The 1IT Convocation Address 187

know. Lovely little place and it was a free city of the Empire. And one
of the freedoms it possessed was to be allowed to run a casino, or a
gambling place. You know it is not a very nice kind of freedom. They
ran it and made and still make money. People think that when you
go to a gambling den you are going to make money. Nothing of the
sort. It is the man who keeps the gambling den who makes the money.
Lindau made a substantial profit every year and the conscience of the
councillors bothered them a little at having this ill-gotten wealth. So
what they did was to compromise with conscience. Every year they
have a Conference to which they invite nobody other than a Nobel
Prize man. A Nobel Prize is the minimum qualification to be invited
to this Conference. Year after year, they hold it in succession. Ten
years ago, I was invited to this Conference. I went there, I was not
sorry I went there, because it is a lovely place. The most beautiful
place, right in the middle of the lake, is an island called the island of
Mainau. Mainau is owned by Count Bernadotte. He comes from the
Swedish Royal family. He was the host of this function.

Afterwards I moved on to that old university, one of the very first

universities which gave an honorary degree, the ancient University of
Freiburg in Breisgau. I was there for a week and then I moved on
to Bonn. And then from Bonn to Munich before I came out of Ger¬
many. I am mentioning this because I was in Bonn for just a week.
I had a wonderful time. You know, at that time, Germany had, even
in 1956, not recovered from the devastations of the War. They were
working very hard to clean up the devastation. I was enormously im¬
pressed by the Museum of Mineralogy which had been set up in Bonn.
It is absolutely incredible how from a devastated country they could
get together such amazing beautiful collections of rare and beautiful
specimens. That is one of my happy experiences. Others I will not

And on that occasion, it so happened — all this is introductory to

my remarks that when I was there, our late Prime Minister, Jawa-
harlal Nehru, was also there. I want you to realise that he was not
there because I was there. Nor was I there because he was there. A
188 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

pure accidental coincidence. Such coincidences always happen, as

you know. I think the Indian Ambassador there thought that this op¬
portunity should not be missed. So I was invited to a lunch in the
President’s house at which the President of the German Republic, Mr.
Nehru, the Indian Ambassador and a few others sat round the table.
One of the curious things that happened at that meeting was the Pres¬
ident made a speech in German which lasted about 5 to 10 minutes.
And then, at the end of it, the interpreter got up and translated word
for word the whole of the 10-minute speech in English. Then Mr.
Nehru got up and made a speech in English. The interpreter got up
and translated the whole speech word for word into German. But I
must confess that I do not remember at this distance of time what ex¬
actly they spoke. But I presume it was the usual declarations of mu¬
tual love and affection which are always made when great dignitaries
meet. Why I am mentioning this is because, it was on that occasion,
I read from your book, that the German Republic promised to give a
gift of this Institute.

Well, just ten years ago, imagine ten years ago. I find it very dif¬
ficult to understand how in the course of ten years a veritable jun¬
gle full of, presumably, snakes and cobras has been transformed into
this beautiful place of learning and how so many buildings and so
much equipment and so many bright young people from all over In¬
dia have gathered together and such a magnificent assembly presented
for my delectation. I enjoy this, particularly because I love colour. As
I have mentioned on many occasions, there is an unwritten law that
men should not wear bright colours as a rule. Women are allowed to
wear colours as you know and they always do. But there are excep¬
tions. And a convocation is one of these exceptions when the men are
allowed to flaunt all the bright colours in the spectrum and a few out¬
side the spectrum as well, for the delectation and admiration of those
round them and specially members of the feminine sex who will be
The IIT Convocation Address 189

Youth and freshness of outlook

Well, as I say, it is a very enjoyable occasion and I think my young

friends are all extremely happy to have had this great occasion. It
must stand out in their memory for a long time to come as the unique
occasion in their life. Well, I remember myself, you see my mind goes
back to a period sixty years ago, fully sixty years ago, I also came out
of a college which is in the same town, with a degree in my pocket
and a few other things, I won’t mention what. Now that occasion
stands out for one reason and I want to mention that reason. Looking
back over the years, I find to my astonishment, to my surprise, that
the experiences which I went through in those four years have left an
indelible impression on my mind, an impression that sixty years of
time and all that has happened since has not succeeded in dimming in
the least. What is even more remarkable is this — it is perfectly true
to say that what I am today, what I have done in the last sixty years,
has all been determined for me with absolute mathematical precision
by what I did in those four years. The opportunities that I had during
those years, made me turn my mind to certain things. I have found
it impossible to turn away from these, because of the force in me of
those youthful days. I was only 14 years of age when I entered the
Presidency College and 18 when I came out with my Master’s degree
and an appointment as an Officer of the Finance Department, and a
published paper as a budding scientist. All these at the age of 18! At
that early age, the mind is so impressionable. And what I did then had
determined my whole career.

I want to stress this because I want you, my young friends, to realise

that in these years, three or four or five years as the case may be, you
have been subjected to the influence of a band of teachers, you have
been subjected to the influence of the old banyan trees around, which
I don’t regard as unimportant. Now these, please do remember that,
in fact, are going to determine your future career. But that is not all.
What you are going to be, my young friends, depends upon what you
are going to do in the next few years to come. Alas! It is often very
true that people get a degree, get a job and perhaps get married, and
190 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

then forget all about what they learned in college. That is hardly the
thing to do. If you are all going to be worth any little at all in the
future, it can be only if you remember what has been laid now as the
foundation in these four or five years. On that foundation you must
You always have to remember a few things, you will permit me to
remind you of them. This most wonderful possession that you all
have, everyone of us has, is this human body. It is our parents who
gave it to us. I have recently turned my attention from physics and
chemistry, mineralogy and mathematics to the study of the human
faculties. Some of them, unfortunately, are hidden away inside the
brain and we have to take them for granted. The mere study of all
these external points of contact has made me realise what an amazing
possession we have.

There is another little thing that we all forget very often. There is a lit¬
tle thing called the ‘heart’. That little machine started working when
you were born, why even before you were born and goes on ticking at
a certain rate and it goes on ticking, ticking, ticking all the time at the
same rate, at nearly the same rate, all the time when you are young and
all the time when you are getting to be an old man, until you are dead.
And when that stops, you are dead. That wonderful machine, my dear
young friends, has to be safeguarded. You often hear of great men
suddenly dropping down, their doctors call it coronary thrombosis or
whatever other names, learned names for this collapse which causes
death. And why is it that this happens? It is because they over-drive
this wonderful machine. They misuse their bodies. They think, now
that I am so young and energetic, I can do anything I please, I can
eat all the chillies I want, go out all night, attend theatres, friendship
parties and so on. And what happens? No doubt the young blood can
stand the strain, but it tells. And what happens then? You are pre¬
maturely aged and then coronary thrombosis comes in and takes you
away. I want you to realise this at the time of youth. This is a lesson
I have learned myself. Please do not think that I am preaching what
I don’t practice. I have always practiced it. I believe not in precept
but in practice. Always, I believe that the greatest influence that a
teacher has is, as they say, by his example and not by his perception
The IIT Convocation Address 191

only. Now is the time when you are still young, when the blood is still
flowing warmly in your veins and arteries, now is the time to improve
on what you learned here.

India has an enormous population. We are all trying to make India

great. But who is going to make it great? It is only the young intel¬
ligentsia of the country. Realise it is up to them to use not only their
hands but use their brains to learn to think. The faculty of indepen¬
dent thinking must be applied to all problems of life. You must be
serious about life. You must not think that hasty pleasures or indul¬
gence in all sorts of loose things are going to help you at all. This is
the lesson that I have learned in these sixty years of life, actively as a
man of Science. There is nothing that makes a man so happy as some
real achievement. It is the achievement of doing something real that
has a permanent value and will be recognized all the world over. The
money bags that you find in the Reserve Bank are nothing when com¬
pared to this achievement. The mere joy of achievement is something
very great. And I think all our young people who come out of our
Universities realise that it is up to them to see how best they can raise
the glory of India and how best they can make themselves happy, how
best they can achieve even material success. It is only by realising this
while they are young, while they have energy, this will be possible.

I am almost inclined to enter into a dissertation on old age versus

youth. I could speak for half an hour on that thesis, ‘Age versus
Youth’. You know that age is credited with wisdom. With all def¬
erence to the people around, I beg to question that proposition. I tell
you what youth brings along with it. If you do not take care of your¬
self, you are left with creaky bones, your teeth drop out, your eyes
become blurred, your ears become half-deaf and, worst of all, you be¬
come cynical, contemptuous of others. You come to think life is not
worth living. And, in fact, you come almost to such a stage that but for
the unfortunate desire we all have to continue to live, the easiest plan
would be to swallow a tube of morphia and be done with it all. We do
not feel like doing it and that is because God has implanted in us an
absolutely unhealthy desire to continue life in spite of these miseries.
I tell you that because it is very, very difficult indeed to summon up.
792 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

as you grow old, those enthusiasms, those fears, desire for, achieve¬
ment, energy and all that. Youth is the most glorious time of all. I
have said elsewhere that most of the great discoveries in Science have
been made by young people. It is not the experience or wisdom that
old age brings, but the freshness of outlook, the indomitable desire to
achieve, which is the characteristic of youth, that makes discoveries
possible. It is this that makes life worthwhile. If only you realise this
and realise that here I am, I am still young, let me see what I can do,
that all discoveries become possible.

Fearlessness and independent thinking

And above all, in my own experience, I have found that one of our
evils is that for centuries we have been trodden under the feet of con¬
querors from abroad. I don’t want to recite all their names. One of the
things that has been bred in us, a very deep and ineradicable defect, is
a kind of inferiority complex which makes us think that we dare not
question what has come to us from abroad. Whatever comes to us in a
textbook must be right, some great man has said something, well, we
must bow to him in fear and trembling and never question him. This
produces a mental inhibition. Now, I do not suggest to you that you
should all become arrogant, contemptuous of all the great men of the
past. Not at all. I am not suggesting that. But I think we should all
learn that no one is infallible. Not even Hermann Von Helmholtz, not
even Einstein. Nobody is infallible. New knowledge may upset what
may have been made in the past, and may completely throw out what
has been done before.

So I think one of the things all Indians should learn is fearless inde¬
pendence of thinking. That is a quality which is very essential and the
absence of which, if I may venture to say so with all deference, is what
stands today in the path of Indian progress. Whenever we want to do
anything, we borrow money from abroad. We all know that every day
we see one hundred million dollars or one billion dollars being bor¬
rowed from somewhere. Our so-called independence freely consists,
if I may say so without entering into politics, in our being ruled by
The IIT Convocation Address 193

a consortium of all the nations in the world, except ourselves. Leave

that alone. Bad enough to borrow money. But what about borrowing
knowledge? What about borrowing experts from abroad? What about
forgetting to think for ourselves? This feeling of helplessness must
be shaken away, shaken out ruthlessly. We must realise that we must
stand on our own legs. It is better to work with the most inefficient
useless equipment of ours than to shine in borrowed feathers, better
to work on problems with our slender resources. We must realise this
and until and unless we realise this, we cannot go on. And I want to
turn to my great industrialist friends who want to buy know-how at
great expense from abroad. Let me assure them that they will never
get on and get very far. You see that the signs are already there. The
rupee has come down, I do not know to how many cents, and Mr.
Masani has said that it will soon come down to five cents. I am not
wishing that his prophesy comes true.

Science and Technology progress

But no country, and as you are all engineers, let me express here
forcibly my conviction that no country can become industrially great
without a foundation of real knowledge. This is what Science teaches.
Science has shown time and again that Science comes first and Tech¬
nology afterwards. Without Science, there is no Technology. Why
has Germany been so great? Because in the 19th century, she had a
galaxy of men of Science in every branch of knowledge, whose name
and fame shone forth. Because they were not technicians, they were
humble professors in the universities. But they sought knowledge and
they made their students seek knowledge. They were springs from
which knowledge came forth, gushed forth and it was that knowledge,
that spring of knowledge, that fertilised all the industries of Germany
and made her great.

It is realised in all countries today, that Science comes first and Tech¬
nology afterwards. If you think you can build a great industrial nation,
make tons of money and pay off all these awful debts by pursuing so-
called Technology alone, you are doomed to complete failure. Let
194 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

me say this without hesitation. It is only when we set our houses in

order and build up powerful schools of thinking in every field, elec¬
tricity, chemistry, metallurgy and so on, only then we will have the
solid basis of knowledge from which can come forth men who will
teach your technologists what to do. I think it is true to say that the
finest instruments, the most sophisticated instruments, are not found
in technological laboratories, but are found in the research laborato¬
ries where men are trying to explore the unknown world and try to
discover things. There is also another thing which is well worth re¬
marking upon and that is, in not a few cases, not only is Science the
fountain-head of technological knowledge. In many cases Science has
set the problems which the technologists had to solve.

You may recall the history of Astronomy of the 19th century. Astron¬
omy is usually regarded as one of the useless subjects. Our ancients
were much concerned about the stars because they thought that the sun
and the stars had something to do with human affairs. So they very
keenly watched the planets and the stars. Though the reasons they
may have done so may be wrong, there is no doubt that the pursuit
of astronomy is of infinite importance to us. The study of astronomy
may look as if it has nothing to do with human affairs, if you do not
believe in astrology, but really it is more from the study of the stars
that you have learned more about the earth we live in, more about
the Sun and more about everything, than from the study of terrestrial
sources of light. The astronomers demanded instruments of the high¬
est precision with which alone they could follow the movement of the
stars, do the time-keeping, note the displacements, aberrations, par¬
allax and so on. The demands of precision instruments, especially by
Germans like Bessel and others, led to the modern development of
precision mechanics. You understand what I mean by precision me¬
chanics. I wish to mention the fact that the great telescope at Palomar,
the 200-inch telescope, that enormous thing, that tremendous, huge,
massive thing, hundreds of tons in weight, has to be moved with the
accuracy and precision of a Swiss watch and nothing less. Nothing
less will satisfy the astronomers. This huge mass has to go round with
The IIT Convocation Address 195

the smoothness and precision of a Swiss watch. I know what the pre¬
cision of a Swiss watch is. I have got here a watch on my wrist which
I wear only on occasions such as this. Well, I want to be reminded
of the time which passes and I wind it only about once a year or so.
But all the time it shows the correct time. Astronomy demands such
precision and it was the demand of the astronomers that led to the de¬
velopment of precision mechanics which, of course, today we use in

You can quote example after example to prove this. The demands of
Science, the botanist, the zoologist who wanted to examine his subtle
structures led to the development of the great firm of Carl Zeiss. It was
Ernst Abbe who took up that problem and made the optical industry
what it is today. What was demanded and made for the needs of Sci¬
ence has benefitted everybody else. The same story is repeated in all
the beautiful instruments that have gone to make this great advance¬
ments of knowledge possible in these sixty years. They were born out
of the brain of men of Science, they were translated into practice and
today they are the tools of study in every branch of knowledge. Every
metallurgist today uses the electron microscope. Who thought of it?
A man of Science who was not interested in its possible applications.
He was interested in it for its own sake.

Now I wind up. I think I have gone on long enough. I must stop. I
know you are all listening to me with great eagerness and interest. I
must put an end to your agonies. I will do so as soon as I can. But this
I would like to say, that the developmemt of knowledge and Science
in the last sixty years, I have seen from the inside. I have not been
inside all the time, but I have been inside most of the time. It has been
something absolutely fantastic.

The nature of scientific advances

Why is it that Science has developed in such an explosive or spec¬

tacular fashion in the last sixty years? There are really three causes.
We can analyse them and put them apart. First and foremost stands
the fact that towards the end of the 19th century, or in the beginning
196 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

of this century, came a succession of epoch-making discoveries in

fundamental knowledge, the discovery of the quantum of action by
Planck, the discovery of Einstein of the corpuscular nature of light
and then the use of this principle by Neils Bohr and others to analyse
the structure of the atom, to explore the chemical molecule. This sort
of explosive development at the beginning of the century made a ter¬
rific advance possible, in the study of the ultimate structure of matter,
and this explosion is still going on.

There is a second and a great stream of scientific knowledge which

has come out in this way. And that is the fact that Science, as we all
know and recognise it, has very definite applications to human wel¬
fare. This is most evident from examples in the field of agriculture,
the knowledge of heredity, the Laws of Mendelism and so on. They
made a great difference to the science of agriculture. So also, one
of the most important advances which has a bearing on the work of
you gentlemen is the discovery of what is known as plastics. The
whole science of micro-electro chemistry as it is called has developed
from the work of a man who was interested simply in studying the big
molecules, Staudinger. Then the subject took on an explosive devel¬
opment. Today we can’t live without plastics. We drink our coffee out
of plastic cups. We wear artificial silks made of nylon and plastics. It
is a typical example of how pure Science has led to the development
of vast industries with the greatest possible importance. Then we have
also examples in medicine. From ancient times, the human body has
been subjected to all kinds of illnesses and the ‘medicine men’ with
their drugs did a roaring practice. The modern expression with regard
to those funny people calls them ‘witch doctors’. From the medicines
of these witch doctors to the modern medicines, the leap has been

But there is a third and a most sinister way in which Science has de¬
veloped in the last sixty years. And that is Science in its applica¬
tions to war, application to defensive war and offensive war. Even in
medicine, much of our knowledge of the human brain has come from
the study of half-dead and half-dying men in war. The examination of
The IIT Convocation Address 197

their bodies has led to a profound advance in medical knowledge. So

war has had that result. I think we can say that a lot of modem Science
has really come directly out of the needs of war. I knew for example,
in the First World War, men like Lord Rutherford, Sir William Bragg
and many other British scientists were all busy trying to combat the
submarine menace by the invention of the subsonic devices that, to¬
day, are being used everywhere. Even in the First World War, the
use of aviation in warfare was already being developed; in the Second
World War it took a tremendous turn.

And not only that, the Second World War, as you all know, brought
the atom bomb into existence. That atom bomb has come directly out
of the consequence of the actual discovery of fission made by Joliot
Curie in the laboratory — he showed it to me when I was there in
Paris, the gist of the discoveries made. That immediately set thinking
minds in action — here is an instrument of dreadful power, if we use
it we can destroy mankind. And fear, the fear that the other man may
use it led to the development of the atom bomb everywhere. Then the
hydrogen bomb came. And ever since, an atmosphere of fear, it is a
horrible thing to see, an atmosphere of fear of mutual recrimination,
progressive deterioration is there, like what happens to a man when
he borrows money. You see the interest goes on adding up. It be¬
comes a colossal figure, which bears no resemblance whatsoever to
the loan which he took at first. This kind of explosive development
of fear complex has produced a psychological, a pathological state of
affairs in the human mind in which all evils thrive and sustain. To¬
day, Science in many countries is simply the hand-maid of the war

Wonderful achievements, rockets sent up and two men jumped out of

it and had a rope tied to their bellies and they walked in space. And
everybody says: ‘Oh! What a great feat!’ Let me tell you, I simply
smile with loathing and contempt. It is with feelings of loathing and
contempt with which I witness this colossal display of lunacy on the
part of mankind. It is nothing less than lunacy, sheer raving lunacy,
to spend billions of dollars. Instead of shooting two men into space
198 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

they could have shot two monkeys and made them walk in space. It is
just a mere pretence. I say this with all sense of responsibility, it is a
mere pretense to say that all these exploits of finding out what exactly
is there on the moon and so on, have any scientific value whatever. I
absolutely deny that. It is nothing but militarism very thinly disguised.
That is what is happening today. It is very sad. Our Science is going
that way. So Science today is misused.

I heard the pledge given by you, that you will not use your knowledge
for unworthy ends. If you had been in one of those countries you
would have to use it for unworthy ends. Otherwise you would lose
your job forthwith. What is the use of giving a pledge which you
would have to break in order to get your daily bread? This is what
is happening today. There are sensitive consciences even in those
countries who revolt from this sort of thing. But it is going on, going
on, this prostitution of Science. Where it will end, I do not know.

Only I want to say this, that we in India to some extent are slaves. We
are part of the machinations of our so-called friends. We are forced
to accept this situation. Our friends in the United States give all the
latest arms to our friends in Pakistan and they want them to use these
against us and they have used these against us and we are forced to
reply in time. The Russians thought that the Chinese were a friendly
nation. They taught Chinese all the arts of war. What China is doing
today is what Russia had taught her to do, and now China is paying
her back in her own coin. This is a horrible situation. I do not know
what to do. As a man of Science, my heart is simply wrung with this
amazing prostitution of Science. We can do nothing about it. In fact,
we have to accept the situation as it is and do what we can. I am sorry
to have had to end on this very unfortunate and depressing note. There
it is.

Self-reliance, the need of the hour

But let me end by saying that we in this country have no future what¬
ever of any sort unless we learn firstly, secondly and lastly to rely on
ourselves for everything that we need. It is better, I think, to go back to
The IIT Convocation Address 199

the Gandhian age and ride an ox-cart, to throw away radio, television
and everything and go back to the land of the ox-cart. We cannot do
it unfortunately. We are tied to the coat-tails of European civilisation,
I include myself also in this. In the first place I put a big query mark
after the word ‘civilisation’ and I must also put another mark after
‘European’. I must also add American, you know the American way
of civilisation. We are tied to their coat-tails. We find that we cannot
be happy unless we have a radio making a lot of noise in the other
room. I never listen to a radio. I simply loathe it. One of the things
that we have been taught from childhood is to admire this wonderful
flicker on the screen. I never go to a cinema, never. For twenty years
I have not stepped inside a cinema theatre. I cannot advise my young
friends to follow my example because I know they won’t follow my
example. We are told that we cannot be happy unless we have a tele¬
vision set to see some lady dancing on the television screen. This is
the trouble.

You see our tastes have been corrupted. We do not want to look at the
banyan trees. We must go and see the cinema screen. Now we must,
I say this with all energy that I can command, we have to eschew
all the evil things which we learn from Europe and America. Let
us not condemn Science for that reason, but we must not subordinate
ourselves to the ideas and ideals which have come to us from the West,
which are simply designed to make us part with our rupees and make
the rupee worth five cents, as Mr. Masani says.

If we cannot do these things ourselves, let us do without them, as I

say, let us walk, let us go in the country carts. If we cannot make our
motor cars, why should we buy them from abroad? Why even import
parts? It is one of those funny things, it is said “Oh! 85 per cent is
‘local made’ and the remaining 15 per cent is imported”. They talk of
electronics. I have tried hard to find out if there is any one place — I
have not yet heard an answer to that — if there is any place in India
where the most important component of all electronic valves is made.
All these depend upon the manufacture of a metallic filament which
will stand the current. If they are being made in India I should like
200 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

to know where they have been made. I have not heard of any. That
is the starting point of the whole electronic industry and do we make
it? Let us wait till we can make it, before we buy a single electronic
valve from outside. If we do that, then I think we would learn, how
to make it. It is this lesson of self-reliance that we have to learn and
until we learn it there is no future for us.”

This address, spoken from the heart, defines Raman’s views on

a wide range of topics and issues. No one in India of his stature
expressed his views so fearlessly as Raman did.
Intensely national, Raman spoke in no uncertain terms of his
abiding faith in the younger generation and this made him feel not
so desperate about the ‘brain drain’ as others. The proper attitude of
Science and scientific research was to him more important than fancy
laboratories. Once he remarked: “The essence of Science is indepen¬
dent thinking, hard work and not equipment. When I got my Nobel
Prize, I had hardly spent Rs 200 on my equipment. See my ‘Physiol¬
ogy of Vision’ research. All the equipment with which I worked for
this book is here in my table drawer, devised by me.” On the occa¬
sion of the opening of a laboratory he asked cryptically: “Where are
the brains to put into this magnificent building? Remember, Radium
was discovered in a tin-shed!”

Raman’s contributions to Science in India

Raman was a great builder of institutions and centres of research. He
revived and revitalised the Indian Association for the Cultivation of
Science and established the Departments of Physics at the University
College of Science in Calcutta and at the Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, and founded the Raman Research Institute, making them
all centres of world renown. He recognised the importance of scien¬
tific journals and started one in Calcutta under the Indian Association
for the Cultivation of Science, which later became the Indian Jour¬
nal of Physics. When he moved to Bangalore, he founded another
journal called the Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences.
He was also actively involved in the starting of Current Science in
1932, which was styled after Nature. He believed strongly that the
Raman’s contributions to Science in India 201

best work done in India should be published in Indian journals, and

set a personal example by publishing all his papers in the journals he
started. Raman’s, as well as the work of his students, fill the pages
of the Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences.
Recognising that a scientific forum was necessary to bring aware¬
ness of Science to the layman and to the Government, he founded in
1934 the Indian Academy of Sciences, to which outstanding scien¬
tists from all over India were elected as Fellows. The Proceedings
that issued from the Academy and its annual meetings were regu¬
lar features. Raman was elected its founder President and he held
the office until his death in 1970. He also served as the editor for
the Proceedings and set the highest standards for the journal. The
Proceedings came out promptly every month in two sections, A and
B, for physical and biological sciences respectively, and were dis¬
patched to all the subscribers in India and abroad. The Proceedings
of the Academy were considered as being among the top journals of
the world.
The lofty ideals with which the Indian Academy of Sciences was
started and the service to the nation which it was expected to render
were eloquently described by Raman himself at its first annual meet¬
ing in Bombay. On that occasion he said:

“I think it would be not inopportune to consider at this stage the na¬

ture of the services which the Academy can render to Science in India.
We live in an era of scientific progress and it is a very gratifying fea¬
ture that India is beginning to pull its weight in this respect. Modern
scientific progress shows side by side two apparently contradictory
features. On the one hand, we have an enormous accumulation of
raw scientific material, the significance of which, in many cases, is
hardly apparent except to specialists in very limited fields of investi¬
gation. On the other hand, we have a great process of scientific syn¬
thesis going on, tending towards the simplification and unification of
the fundamental principles of natural knowledge in all its ramifica¬
tions. It should never be over-looked that Science is in reality a great
impartible estate and that the boundaries drawn across it to divide it
202 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

into restricted fields are in essence artificial. I think the history of Sci¬
ence has shown over and over again, that it is only by boldly cutting
across these artificial boundaries that progress of real significance can
be achieved. It is precisely this feature that lends importance to the ac¬
tivities of such an Academy as ours, where men of Science of widely
different scientific interests come together in a common endeavour
and seek to understand each other’s point of view.

While specialisation is necessary, an excessive narrow outlook de¬

feats the primary purpose of Science, which is to advance our essen¬
tial comprehension of nature as a whole. It is, therefore, one of the
most important functions of our Academy to promote co-operation be¬
tween men who profess knowledge of different branches of Science.
This is effected in various ways. In the Proceedings of the Academy,
the Fellows and, indeed, all scientific men have an opportunity of ob¬
taining at least a general idea of what is being done in India in fields
of knowledge other than their own specialty. In the scientific meetings
of the Academy and especially in the symposia they have a valuable
opportunity of discussing problems of common interest from different
points of view.

I will also say a word about the Academy, in relation to the nation
at large. It is inevitable that the Academy, consisting as it does of
the most active workers in the country who are representatives of the
different parts of India and of different branches of Science, will soon
come to be regarded as the most authoritative body to speak in the
name of India on all matters touching the progress of Science. The
potentialities of such an Academy in the way of national service are
almost unlimited. What it can actually achieve depends on the mea¬
sure of support it receives from the Government of India and from the
general public. I do not think that any calls for service from responsi¬
ble quarters will find us unwilling or unprepared.”

With the passing away of Professor Raman, the Indian Academy

of Sciences and its Proceedings, with their well-established scientific
traditions, have passed into the hands of other Indian scientists as two
of his most valuable legacies to them.
Raman's contributions to Science in India 203

Raman took a personal interest in all the affairs of the Academy;

publication, meetings, elections and actual running of the organisa¬
tion. He had the trusted and loyal assistance of B.S. Venkatachar
in managing the day-to-day affairs of the Academy. The Academy
office was located in the Raman Institute campus and Raman would
walk to the office almost every day to discuss matters concerning the
Academy with Venkatachar. The principal activity of the Academy
was the publication of its journal, the Proceedings. Most of the pa¬
pers published in the Proceedings were scrutinised by Raman him¬
self for scientific merit, importance and presentation. He was very
particular that the journals were brought out promptly at the end of
each month and mailed to the Fellows and subscribers on the first of
every month.
Raman took a very keen interest in the election of Fellows to the
Academy and, in those days, the number of Fellows elected would,
at the most, be half a dozen. Raman personally looked into the nom¬
inations and discussed the merits of the candidates at the Council
meetings which usually made the recommendations to the General
Body. Raman himself proposed candidates if he felt that the persons
concerned were active research scientists showing promise for the
One fine morning in 1954, he came to me and said, “I am propos¬
ing you for election as a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences”.
I was taken aback and told him, “Sir, how do I deserve such an hon¬
our at this point?”. His reply was: “I know how to judge people and
when to honour them and encourage them. I don’t recommend any¬
one who does not deserve the honour.” I was elected that December
as a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences.
In 1956, the Treasurership of the Academy fell vacant and, at Ra¬
man’s suggestion, I was installed as the Treasurer, in which capacity
I served until I left Bangalore. By virtue of this office I was also a
member of the Council of the Indian Academy of Sciences, which
shaped the policies and activities of the Academy under the steward¬
ship of its President, C. V. Raman. During my tenure I had the plea¬
sure of sitting with some of the finest people in the scientific field in
204 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

India, including S. Bhagavantam, who was at that time Director of

the Indian Institute of Science, M. V. Govindaswamy, Director of the
Bangalore mental health hospital and who himself was a clinical psy¬
chiatrist, B. S. Madhava Rao, Principal and Professor of Mathemat¬
ics at Central College, Bangalore, B. K. Narayana Rao, a well-known
ophthalmic specialist in Bangalore, C. S. Pichamuthu, Director of the
Mysore Geological Survey, and L. Rama Rau, a palaontologist and
retired Professor from Central College.
Raman presided over the Council meetings and it was a plea¬
sure as well as a great experience to hear him at these sessions. He
would, of course, dominate the floor at the meetings which were at¬
tended by half a dozen Councillors. Good tiffin and excellent cof¬
fee were served and relished by everyone at these very enjoyable
meetings. Raman got whatever he wanted from the Council and the
meetings always ended on a happy note. At one of these meetings,
Narayana Rao made the suggestion to Raman that younger people
should be brought into the Council. I remember very well Raman’s
remarks. “Dr Narayana Rao, nothing like old shoes. They are very
comfortable and do not bite your toes and cause you trouble. I prefer
wizened, grey and mature heads, preferably wearing a turban.” Both
Raman and Narayana Rao wore turbans. Everyone had a good laugh.
Raman organised the annual meetings of the Academy metic¬
ulously, with scientific programmes and public lectures. The best
work done by the Fellows and their associates were presented at
these meetings at which Raman’s public lectures were usually the
high points. The Academy met at the invitation of a University serv¬
ing as the host, so that young students of Science got exposed to the
scientific body and heard India’s foremost scientists in person.
I attended ten of these meetings. Raman would sit through all the
sessions, covering both physical and biological sciences, and added
lustre and humour to the proceedings. He would ask the most pene¬
trating questions and make very entertaining comments. It was dan¬
gerous to give a talk before him that had no originality, for he called
a spade a spade right in front of everyone. These annual meetings
Raman’s contributions to Science in India 205

were jocularly referred to as ‘Raman’s circus’. He never failed to be

present at these meetings, except once towards the end of his life.
The Indian Academy of Sciences has redoubled its activity and its
publication efforts have multiplied several-fold in the post-Raman
In assessing Raman’s place in Indian Science, the following quote
from a jubilee volume which was published in 1938, to felicitate him
on his 50th birthday, might be considered a pointer. At that time, he
was practically at the peak of his scientific fame, having achieved his
ambition of creating a strong school of modern Science in India.

“He is the outstanding figure in the renaissance of Science which has

been taking place in India during the last quarter of a century, and
indeed with truth he may be designated as the creator and leader of
that renaissance. The progressive enthusiasm for scientific studies and
research which is witnessed on all sides in India today has largely been
inspired by him and encouraged and sustained by his efforts.

The personal example of his dedication to a scientific career, the bril¬

liance and originality of his researches, the international character of
the recognition which his work has received, his success as a teacher
in training investigators who are now themselves guiding schools of
research, his gift of eloquence which has served to stimulate a
widespread interest in Science, his achievements as a scientific admin¬
istrator in creating facilities for research and establishing new schools
of Science, and his success in founding journals for publication of
scientific work in India, are among the factors which have profoundly
influenced the progress of Science in the country.”

This Summary in 1938 about Raman’s contributions to Indian

Science proved even truer in the years that followed.
Towards the end, Raman turned somewhat bitter and cynical ab¬
out politics in Indian Science and scientific development in the coun¬
try. He shunned all the activities of present-day scientists in India.
He did not believe in big scientific organisations and was suspicious
of scientific administrators. He used to say, “For such people, the so-
206 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

called organisation of Science becomes more important than Science

itself, or its values”. But to the very end he never gave up his interest
in pursuing his own scientific activity or of trying to arrange for the
future of his Institute after him.
Prof. Ramaseshan, his nephew, who was at the National Aero¬
nautical Laboratory in Bangalore, became quite close to him during
his last few years and Raman often discussed the future of the Ra¬
man Institute with him. After Raman’s death it was his wish that the
Directorship of the Institute be offered to his son, Radhakrishnan, a
well-known Radio Astronomer. Ramaseshan took a very active role
in carrying out Raman’s wishes.
Raman was a staunch nationalist and was proud of his Indian her¬
itage and its past achievements. He admired Mahatma Gandhi and
Jawaharlal Nehru, although he did not agree with all their policies.
In the matter of scientific research, he insisted that Indian scientists
should not be camp-followers and imitate what was being done in
the West. He often proclaimed that what one did should not only be
original but should also be relevant to India’s needs when it came to
application of research. He was opposed to Indian scientists going
abroad for advanced research and believed that it impeded originality
of thinking. It is difficult to say whether he was right or wrong, but it
is a fact that independent India is yet to produce scientists of Raman’s
calibre, although the money spent on scientific research is enormous
compared to the Raman days. Raman may have had a point.
Raman was a man of emotion and could get violently angry. But
he had an incredible sense of humour and could keep an audience
roaring with laughter merely describing what would have been a
commonplace incident. Above all, he was a very simple man, quite
childlike, sometimes even childish. There was a condolence meeting
in Bangalore when Einstein died. When Raman got up to speak, he
was choked with emotion and sobbed like a child before he could
Anyone who met him could not but be struck by his zest for life.
His exuberance was infectious. Chatting with him for some time was
Raman's contributions to Science in India 207

like taking a tonic. To him, scientific activity was the fulfilment of

an inner need. His approach to Science was one of passion, curiosity
and simplicity. Science was to him a personal endeavour, an aesthetic
pursuit, and, above all, a joyous experience.
No single person has done so much for Indian Science as Ra¬
man. Through personal example of the highest dedication to Sci¬
ence, through his success as a teacher-cum-leader in training gen¬
erations of physicists who in turn have created independent schools
of research, through creating scientific institutions and facilities for
research and founding scientific academies and journals for the dis¬
semination and propagation of Science, and through his gift of elo¬
quence which served to inspire and stimulate a widespread interest
in Science, Raman, as a single individual, tremendously influenced
the progress of Science in India.
He was one of a rare breed of men who are no more, who ranged
freely in all fields of science from physics to chemistry to biology.
Raman stands alone as the greatest scientist that India gave the world.
The poet Valmiki, describing the battle between Rama and Ravana,
said in the great epic, the Ramayana, “The sky is comparable only
to the sky, the ocean only to the ocean and the battle between Rama
and Ravana only to the Rama Ravana yuddham (battle)”. In modern
India, Raman is comparable only to Raman.
Chapter V

Lady Raman
A few remarks about Lokasundari Raman will not be out of place
here. Those who have known her have often admired her devotion
to her husband. On several journeys, she used to travel with him
and look after him. Her principal interest in life was only one and
that was to enable Professor Raman to carry on his scientific work
in an uninterrupted manner. Seldom did she permit the projection
in public of her own personality distinct from that of her husband’s.
This aspect of hers, besides being in accordance with the best of
Indian traditions, was so noticeable on occasions that she drew the
admiration of all concerned.
Lady Raman was of gentle nature. She moved around with grace
and dignity, dressed always in simple sarees and with practically
no jewellery. She spoke several languages; Tamil was her mother
tongue, but she could speak Bengali fluently. She could also con¬
verse in English, Telugu, Kannada and Hindi. She was active in
many social organisations devoted to the causes of women, children,
the depressed and the poor.
There was a discussion (in the early part of 1936) between
Mahatma Gandhi and Lady Raman which reveals her nature and her
interests. Gandhiji is reported to have told Lady Raman that he would
be willing to visit the Institute of Science if Raman would be willing
to show him some magic there! He also said to Lady Raman: “I have

210 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

heard all kinds of good things about you from your husband, but I
have to find out how far they are true. He told me the other day that
whilst he is absorbed in his Science, you find time for all kinds of
humanitarian activities.”
Lady Raman replied: “Not as much as I should be doing. But I
am certainly interested in Khadi and Harijan welfare and social ser¬
vice and things of that kind. You know, Mahatmaji, I have been a
spinner for many years. Some fifteen years ago I sent you a quan¬
tity of my own hand-spun yam to be woven into cloth, and the late
Madanlal Gandhi sent the cloth on to me. But my husband had no
faith in the wheel then. He would put away my wheel, smash it and
break it; but I am glad to tell you that in my own lifetime the day has
come when he no longer ridicules the wheel. He too believes in it.”
Gandhi said: “I am very happy. Well, then, I want you to do
a little work for me. Did you ever meet the late Kamala Nehru?”
Lady Raman replied” “Once or twice, Mahatmaji. But I know the
old Mrs. Nehru very well.” Gandhi said: “But you, of course, know
what a good woman Kamala was. You know how she spent herself
for the country. But when I prize most of her is not her political
contribution, but her great spiritual beauty which I should like every
man and woman to know.”
Lady Raman butted in, “Yes, I know of her services and her
moral beauty”.
To which Gandhiji said, “Then you must help me in collecting
some money for the Memorial we are having for her”.
Lady Raman heartily agreed. As this dialogue was going on,
in came Sir C. V. Raman. She was talking in Hindi as he came in.
“Now, is that Hindi any good?” he asked jocularly, to which Gandhiji
replied, “Certainly as good as your Science”.
“Oh, yes”, said Raman. “She has an amazing capacity for pick¬
ing up languages. She knows Hindi, she knows Bengali better than
Gandhiji put in, “Of course, she has stayed in Calcutta for some
Lady Raman 211

Raman replied: “Not necessarily for that reason. I, too, have

stayed with her. But I know not a word. And now, here, she has
picked up Kannada and talks it.” Raman then began wondering what
language could be the language for the masses of India and seemed
for a moment to incline towards English (Harijan, 6.6.36).
Lady Raman’s main interest was to take care of Raman; serving
him with food at the proper time and compelling him to take suffi¬
cient rest. She managed her home very efficiently and always put her
interests after her duty towards her husband. There was a person to
take care of the kitchen, but Lady Raman was good at cooking and
could very well manage by herself when the occasion demanded.
She always had other persons in the house as well; often relatives
and, quite frequently, someone, especially women, who needed help
and shelter. She had a compassionate heart and took upon herself the
task of helping the poor and the helpless.
Lady Raman was a self-educated person. By association with
Raman and his vast coterie of admirers and students, she picked up
a phenomenal amount of knowledge about various things. She could
deal with almost any situation. Her account of Raman’s trip to Stock¬
holm to receive the Nobel Prize is replete with humour, fine details
and marvellous descriptions. Raman often delegated to her the care
of routine matters connected with the Institute. When it came to
worldly matters, she was Raman’s trusted adviser.
Once, she planned to take some visitors round the museum of the
Raman Institute. I volunteered to accompany them and explain to the
visitors the various scientific aspects of the exhibits, but she did not
accept my offer and told me that she could manage by herself. How¬
ever, I did accompany the party and found myself a silent spectator
listening to Lady Raman doing an excellent job as she explained the
nature of crystals, in particular the nature of diamond, in very simple
language. The visitors were quite impressed with her commentary.
Raman’s total absorption in Science must have been hard on her,
for in later years, she turned somewhat cynical in her attitude. She
could be absolutely charming, very helpful and very warm. But
at other times her attitude would be different. Lady Raman loved
212 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

her two sons very much, but the older son, Chandrasekhar, had left
the house, for his lifestyle and ideas were not consistent with Ra¬
man’s. The second son, Radhakrishnan, also left India a few years
after graduating in Physics from Mysore University, and spent a long
time abroad before he returned to accept the Directorship of the Ra¬
man Research Institute. All these happenings turned Lady Raman
somewhat bitter, but her devotion to Raman was in no way affected.
At the time of Raman’s death, when his body was being removed
from the Hall, she stood by and wept like a child. She said, “I took
care of him for more than sixty years and you are all taking him away
from which he will never return”. It was heart-rending to see the
grand old lady break down like this. She was, of course, a very strong
person with a strong will, and recovered from the shock. When Rad¬
hakrishnan returned to Bangalore to assume the Directorship, she
felt very happy and became her old self. During my visits to India
between 1971 and 1980 I always called on her and she was very cor¬
dial. Lady Raman lived for ten years after Raman’s death and passed
away in May 1980. It was a great satisfaction to her to see her grand¬
son born and Radhakrishnan firmly established in Bangalore as the
head of the Raman Research Institute.

Kausalya Ramaseshan, Lokasundari Raman, Kamala Jayaraman

V. Radhakrishnan 213

Lady Raman playing Veena

(Photo Courtesy : Dominique Radhakrishnan)

V. Radhakrishnan
Radhakrishnan, the second son of the Ramans was known to his
friends simply as Rad. He was born on May 19, 1929, just after Ra¬
man discovered his Effect. My first contact with him was in Novem¬
ber 1949, soon after I joined the RRI in Bangalore. In the large
compound of ‘Panchavati’, Raman’s residence in Malleswaram, Rad
occupied a nice little cottage in the northwest corner, connected to
the main bungalow and the kitchen-dining complex by a covered cor¬
Rad was very interested in electronics and had a lot of books and
journals in the cottage, all neatly arranged, as well as a complete set
of the magazine Amateur Radio. He was still a student at the Central
College in Bangalore doing his B.Sc. (Hons.) course in physics
when I first met him. Rad was very friendly to me and we used to
meet frequently. I learnt a lot of electronics from him, for I was
myself an amateur electronics enthusiast. Further, he introduced me
214 C. V. Raman —/t Memoir

to astronomy and took me out to identify stars and constellations. In

due course we got to know each other very well. After he finished his
studies at the Central College he joined the IISc, Physics Department
that was headed by Prof. R. S. Krishnan at the time.
However, he didn’t stay there long. Around 1953, Prof. Rydbeck
(from the Chalmers Institute of Technology, Sweden) who was doing
important work in radio astronomy visited Bangalore. I remember
his visit to our Institute very well, and he gave an excellent talk.
Radhakrishnan and Rydbeck got to know each other well and out of
that visit Radhakrishnan must have made up his mind to pursue radio
astronomy. I think Rydbeck extended Rad an invitation to join his
group, and one fine day Rad left Bangalore and went off to England.
For a couple of years I lost touch with him. I don’t know when
exactly he joined Rydbeck’s group, but I heard that he had done some
outstanding work concerning radio emissions from Jupiter, a very
significant contribution.
Soon after I joined UCLA, my friend Venkateswaran in the Me¬
teorology Department told me that Rad was in Caltech and living in
Pasadena. I got in touch with him and he was very cordial. He came
to see me and took me to his apartment to spend a weekend. Over
several South Indian meals that I managed to cook in his apartment
with improvised ingredients — Rad loved Indian food — we caught
up on things. During another visit he took me to the radio telescope
facilities at Owens Valley and I spent two days with him when he
showed me the huge dishes and how they collect data. I think he
worked in the group headed by John Bolton, a well-known radio as¬
tronomer from Australia at the Caltech facility. I was fascinated by
what all I saw. Rad also drove me to the neighboring San Gabriel
mountains and for first time in my life I saw so much snow! We
threw snowballs at each other and played like children. He also took
me around Caltech and pointed out some of the famous people of
those times. After my wife Kamala arrived in Los Angeles we used
to invite Rad to our home on Levering Avenue in Westwood. He was
fond of my daughters, and he also loved all the food that Kamala
prepared. We always conversed in Tamil.
V. Radhakrishnan 215

He then moved to New Jersey, to Bell Labs, to learn about mi¬

crowave amplifiers. Derrick Scovil was an expert in the held, and
Bell Labs had decided to help the Caltech group by building a mi¬
crowave amplifier, then a very sophisticated device. I think Rad spent
something like a year in Derrick’s group and learnt all about operat¬
ing the amplifier which he incorporated in the Owens Valley facility.
During his Bell Labs days I visited him, and he helped me meet some
people there. I was fascinated with the laser programme, as well
as the large number of renowned scientists I had heard of. Again,
our stay in his apartment gave us time to talk about my research in
There was a break of seven or eight years before we met again.
I knew that he went to Australia after Caltech and became very well
known in the field of radio astronomy. In the meantime he got mar¬
ried to Dominique and came to the US with her — it must have been
1968 or 1969. They visited us at Murray Hill and were our guests
for a few days. We enjoyed their visit very much except that Rad
smoked a lot and I did not have the heart to tell him not to.
We then met in Bangalore in 1970, soon after the passing away of
his father. I was spending a sabbatical year there at that time, setting
up facilities for high-pressure research in India. Rad talked to me
about the pressure being applied to him to accept the responsibility
of running the Raman Institute. I told him he could do a lot of good
for Indian science by accepting the challenge. He finally made the
decision to move to Bangalore as Director of the RRI, and it flour¬
ished under his leadership for over two decades. Rad encouraged
good research and set high standards for it, and his own scientific
stature rose to new heights both in India and internationally.
Rad’s interests were very varied. He built flying machines and
boats to sail long distances in hostile oceans! During one of our visits
he showed me the flying machine and talked lightly about the near
fatal accident he had and survived. He showed me the features of the
‘catamaran’ sailboat that he was building, and its modern navigation
guidance systems. I was told that he did take it out to Cochin and
216 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

sailed in the Indian Ocean but things did not go well because of a
storm and he had to abandon the trip.
The last time I saw him was in December 2009. He took me to
his home and we had lunch prepared by Dominique. Earlier in his of¬
fice we talked and at one point I became emotional when discussing
Professor Raman, and his words were comforting. I learned with
great sorrow that he passed away in Bangalore on March 3, 2011. I
wrote a note to Dominique and she graciously responded despite her
deep sorrow. She continues to live in Bangalore in the same house,
perpetuating the memory of her great husband, just like Lady Raman
Rad was a chip off the old block in many ways. Fiercely in¬
dependent, he treated people with due respect no matter where in
the ladder they belonged. He listened to grievances of all Institute
employees and was very fair in his dealings. So I have heard, and
knowing his personality, I believe it to be true. He appreciated gifted
individuals no matter whether they had degrees or not. He himself
set an example by not going for any degrees.
Rad earned his status by outstanding accomplishments in his
field. It was a privilege to have known him.
V. Radhcikrishnan 217

V. Radhakrishnan.

Rad with his family.

218 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Dave and Rad tying up in Sydney in 1966.

Rad with his hand-glider.

(Pages 213, 214 Photos Courtesy : Dominique Radhakrishnan)
Raman’s interest in music and musical instruments 219

Raman’s interest in music and musical instruments

The scientific work of both Helmholtz and Lord Rayleigh profoundly
influenced Raman’s thinking and research. In fact, Raman regarded
Lord Rayleigh as his teacher in a very real sense, although he had
never met him. Both these stalwarts had written marvellous treatises
on sound. These books, which Raman had read in his student days,
inspired him and, in the early days at the Indian Association for the
Cultivation of Science, Raman took to research in acoustics. One
of the aspects of sound he became deeply interested in was Indian
musical instruments.
Music and mathematics have much in common, being essentially
creations of the human mind. However, neither the mathematician
nor the musician has generally cared to understand the world of the
other. It was Pythagoras who felt at home in both spheres and was
able to formulate what made a sound seem musical to the human ear.
He discovered that the musical pitch of a vibrating string increased
by an octave when its length was reduced by half, and from this de¬
veloped his theory of harmony. If the string of an instrument was
plucked, it not only emitted a note having a fundamental frequency,
but also produced higher notes. The effect was musical if these over¬
tones were in the ratios of 1:2:3:... etc. These harmonic contents
were the ones that makes the note sound pleasing to the ear.
Raman began his first serious work in acoustics working on the
theory of bowed string instruments. The vibrations of stretched str¬
ings fascinated mathematicians and physicists alike, not only for the
wealth of the mathematical problems they provided, but also for the
harmony of their tones. When Raman began his studies, the linear
theory of vibrations of ideal strings was well developed, but, despite
the existence of such celebrated violins as those of Stradivarius, there
was little that could be asserted with adequate proof of how the vi¬
brations of the strings of a musical instrument were governed or ex¬
cited. In the course of his work on violins, Raman made fundamental
contributions to the motion of the bowed point and the effect of the
bridge in coupling the motion of the string to the body of the violin.
220 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

The work of Raman on the drums of India is epoch-making. The

drum is amongst the oldest of musical instruments. Drums are to
be found in almost all parts of the world in some form or other.
The tabla and mridangam, two of the better-known percussion in¬
struments of India, are of unknown origin and antiquity. They are
unique among all drums, being the only ones that produce harmonic
overtones, for the percussion group of instruments as a class can
only produce anharmonic overtones and are, therefore, in a sense,
only noise-makers. Raman perceived the musical sounds that em¬
anate from Indian percussion instruments, and this excited him suf¬
ficiently to investigate the physics aspect of it. He showed that both
the tabla and mridangam produced harmonic overtones and that this
was achieved by the partial loading of the drum membrane with a
firmly adherent but flexible paste. The harmonic overtones turned
out to be the different modes of vibrations of a stretched but loaded
membrane, which could be heard when appropriately excited. Ra¬
man was able to excite all these overtone modes by tapping the drum
at the antinodes and restraining the motion of the drumhead by gen¬
tle constraints applied at suitable points with his fingertips. When
he first discovered the harmonic character of these drums, there were
no electronic oscillators or analysers; he had only his keen ear to rely
on. Raman demonstrated the existence of these overtone modes by
dusting the membrane with lycopodium powder and observing the
pattern it produced on the excited membrane.
Decades later, the work on drums was taken up by Professor
B. S. Ramakrishna at the Indian Institute of Science. Investigating
with sophisticated instruments and methods of excitation, Ramakr¬
ishna and his coworkers confirmed all Raman’s earlier observations
and conclusions. They have, since then, presented a comprehensive
treatment of the subject.
The veena and the tanpura are the oldest musical instruments of
India and are revered as gifts of the Gods. Their tonal quality is per¬
haps the most pleasing to the ear. Raman made the discovery that
certain overtones, which, according to acoustical principles, should
be entirely absent, came out with great intensity in these instruments.
Raman’s interest in music and musical instruments 221

He showed that this violation of what is called the Young-Helmholtz

law is due to the curved bridge which the ancient Hindus had discov¬
ered by experimenting and listening. The veena and tanpura could
produce sounds richer in quality. The latter in particular is indispens¬
able for Indian instrumental and vocal music, setting the reference
for the artist; it is known as the background drone.
Raman’s acoustical studies were not confined to Indian musi¬
cal instruments alone; they extended to Western ones as well. We
have already mentioned his work on the violin. His mathematical
theory of how the impact of the hammer produces the exquisite vi¬
brations in a pianoforte, and his demonstration of the peculiar Wolf
note produced by the violin and cello were all classics, accepted and
recognised by experts the world over. In recognition of his outstand¬
ing contributions in this field, he was invited to contribute to those
famous volumes, Handbuch der Physik. In the Sixties, the Catgut
Acoustical Society in America, a society devoted exclusively to the
acoustics of violins, made him an honorary member.
Raman’s interest in music was confined not merely to the strictly
scientific aspects. He was familiar with South Indian classical music
and had learnt to play the violin. Lady Raman was an accomplished
veena player and was very interested in Carnatic Music. I often saw
her at musical concerts in Bangalore and went to a few with her.
However, I never saw Raman at any concerts. Once, we were driving
through a part of Bangalore where the famous South Indian classical
vocalist M. S. Subbulakshmi was singing at a wedding. Raman asked
the driver to stop the car near the pandal so that we could hear her
through the loud speakers installed outside. We listened for about
fifteen minutes and then Raman asked the driver to move on. He
said to me: “I say, Subbulakshmi’s voice has changed now. Did you
notice it?” I replied that it was so and that she had now become
a full-fledged Carnatic vocalist; both her voice and style of singing
were very different from when she sang film music.
In the late Sixties, Raman would occasionally arrange for a vi¬
olinist, Thathachar, to come to his house and play for him. Lady
Raman apparently arranged this at his request.
222 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Raman’s elder brother, C. Subrahmanya Ayyar, was a noted mu¬

sicologist who could play the violin expertly. He had also written a
book called Grammar of South Indian Carnatic Music in which he
analysed the South Indian raga system, in terms of the notes and their
frequency relationships which make up the melodic scale. This is an
excellent monograph on the theory of Carnatic Music. C. S. Ayyar,
as he was known, was an active participant in the technical sessions
of the Madras Music Academy. The Academy holds its annual ses¬
sion during the last two weeks in December every year and the finer
points of classical music are discussed by experts.
A strong interest in music ran in the family and it is no surprise
that Raman became so engrossed in the acoustics of musical instru¬
ments and made such monumental contributions in this field.

The Raman Effect

To explain what the Raman Effect is to a layman is not easy. It is
necessary to be an advanced student of Science to comprehend it.
However, the lecture Raman gave announcing his discovery, under
the title A New Radiation’, is a masterpiece of exposition, set as it is
in as simple a language as possible. This is a very important lecture
historically and I am therefore reproducing it here for the benefit of
There was also once a group of high school students from Tamil
Nadu who came to visit the Raman Institute. There must have been
30 of them, led by two teachers. Raman took them round and, in ex¬
plaining the crystals to them, he often broke into Tamil. The teachers
who accompanied the group requested Professor Raman to explain
to the students in Tamil what the Raman Effect was. Raman seated
them in the lecture hall and explained to them in Tamil the nature of
the Raman Effect. I was listening to the account he gave, for I was
curious how he would go about it. The gist of what he said in Tamil
would translate into something like this:

“Think of a person throwing a tennis ball at a certain speed to a tennis

player who is waving his bat back and forth. If the bat is moving
A new radiation 223

backward when the ball hits the bat, the ball will lose some of its
speed and bounce back with a reduced speed. Similarly, when the ball
hits the bat while the bat is moving forward, the ball will gain speed
from the forward moving bat and bounce back at a higher speed than
the thrower put in.

The Raman Effect has to do with light and molecules. You should
think of the incoming light as the tennis ball thrown and the molecule
as the tennis player who is moving his bat back and forth. The atoms
in a molecule are vibrating constantly about the equilibrium position.
Light also vibrates at a certain frequency (when it is monochromatic),
and when it hits a molecule the frequency of the light is decreased
or increased, depending upon the energy state of the molecule; the
frequency of the light is increased when the molecule gives energy to
the light, or decreased when the molecule takes energy from the light,
like the ball gaining or losing its speed, as I’ve already stated.”

Whether the students understood this analogy or not, it was a

most apt way of putting it.

A new radiation1

I propose this evening to speak to you on a new kind of radiation or

light-emission from atoms and molecules. To make the significance
of the discovery clear, I propose to place before you the history of the
investigations made at Calcutta which led up to it. Before doing so,
however, a few preliminary remarks regarding radiation from atoms
and molecules will not be out of place.

Various ways are known to the physicist by which atoms or mole¬

cules may be caused to emit light, as, for instance, heating a substance
or bombarding it with a stream of electrons. A light thus emitted is
usually characteristic of the atoms or molecules and is referred to as

1 Inaugural Address delivered to the South Indian Science Association on Friday,

March 16, 1928, at Bangalore, and published in the Indian Journal of Physics, 1928,
Volume 2, pp. 387-398.
224 C. V Raman — A Memoir

primary radiation. It is also possible to induce radiation from atoms

and molecules by illuminating them strongly. Such light-emission is
referred to as secondary’ radiation. The familiar diffusion of light by
rough surfaces may be cited as an example of secondary radiation, but,
strictly speaking, it hardly deserves the name, being an effect occur¬
ring at the boundaries between media of different refractive indices
and not a true volume-effect in which all the atoms and molecules
of the substance take part. The first case discovered of secondary
radiation really worthy of the name was the phenomenon of fluores¬
cence whose laws were elucidated by the investigations of Sir George
Stokes. This is a familiar effect which is exhibited in a very conspic¬
uous manner in the visible region of the spectrum by various organic
dye-stuffs. I have here a bottle of water in which an extremely small
quantity of fluorescein is dissolved. You notice that when placed in
the beam of light from the lantern, it shines with a vivid green light,
and that the colour of the emission is not altered, though its brightness
is changed by placing filters of various colours between the bottle and
the lantern. A violet filter excites the green fluorescence strongly,
while a red filter has but little effect.
Another kind of secondary radiation whose existence has been exper¬
imentally recognised more recently is the scattering of light by atoms
and molecules. It is this scattering that gives us the light of the sky,
the blue colour of the deep sea and the delicate opalescence of large
masses of clear ice. I have here a large bottle of a very clear and trans¬
parent liquid, toluene, which, as you notice, contains hardly any dust-
particles, but the track of the beam from the lantern passing through
it is visible as a brilliant blue cone of light. This internal opales¬
cence continues to be visible even after the most careful purification
of the liquid by repeated distillation in vacuo. A similar opalescence
is shown, though much less brightly, by dust-free gases and vapours,
and also by solids. A large clear block of ice shows a blue colour
in the track of the beam when sunlight passes through it. The blue
opalescence of blocks of clear optical glass is also readily demonstra¬
ble. The molecular scattering of light is thus a phenomenon common
to all states of matter.
A new radiation 225

During the past seven years, the scattering of light in transparent me¬
dia has been the subject of intensive experimental and theoretical in¬
vestigation at Calcutta, and it is the researches made on this subject
that have led to the discovery which I shall lay before you this evening.
One important outcome of our researches has been to show that while
light-scattering is in one sense a molecular phenomenon, in another
sense it is a bulk-effect having a thermal origin. It is the thermal
agitation of the molecules which causes them to be distributed and
orientated in space with incomplete regularity, and it is the local fluc¬
tuations in the properties of the medium thus arising which give rise to
optical heterogeneity and consequent diffusion of light. The subject of
light-scattering is thus a meeting ground for thermodynamics, molec¬
ular physics and the wave-theory of radiation. That the combination
of theories in such diverse fields of physics gives us predictions, which
have been experimentally verified, is one of the triumphs of modern

A new phenomenon

While the quantitative investigations made at Calcutta have in the

main substantiated the thermodynamic-wave-optical theory of light¬
scattering, indications appeared even in our earliest studies of a new
phenomenon which refused to fit in with our pre-conceived notions.
Thus, in some observations made by me with the assistance of Mr.
Seshagiri Rao in December 1921, it was found that the depolarisation
of the light transversely scattered by distilled water measured with a
double-image prism and Nicol increased very markedly when a violet
filter was placed in the path of the incident-light. More careful investi¬
gations, made with dust-free liquids in 1922, confirmed this effect and
showed it to exist also in methyl and ethyl alcohols, and, to a lesser
degree, in ether. It was also noticed that the colours of the scattered
light from the different liquids studied did not match perfectly.

An important advance was made when Dr Ramanathan, working at

Calcutta in the summer of 1923, investigated the phenomenon more
226 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

closely and discovered that it was not a true dependence of the depo¬
larisation on the wavelength of the scattering radiation but was due to
the presence in the scattered light of what he described as “a trace of
fluorescence”. This was shown by the fact that the measured depo¬
larisation depended on whether the blue filter used was placed in the
path of the incident-beam or of the scattered light, being smaller in
the latter case. Accepting the explanation of the effect as “weak flu¬
orescence”, it naturally became important to discover whether it was
due to some impurity present in the substance. Dr Ramanathan tested
this by careful chemical purification, followed by repeated slow dis¬
tillation of the liquid at the temperature of melting ice. He found that
the effect persisted undiminished.

The investigation of this species of ‘weak fluorescence’ has, ever since

1923, been on our programme of research at Calcutta. Krishnan, who
investigated 60 liquids for light-scattering in the spring and summer of
1924, made systematic studies of the phenomenon, and found that it
was shown markedly by water, ether, all the monohydric alcohols and
a few other compounds. He pointed out that the liquids which exhibit
the effect have certain family relationships amongst themselves, and
that they are also substances whose molecules are known to be polar.
The chemical importance of the subject led to Mr S. Venkateswaran
attempting to make a fuller study of it in the summer of 1925, but
without any special success. The research was discontinued at the
time but was resumed by him later in the current year (January 1928).
The remarkable observation was made that the visible radiation which
is excited in pure dry glycerine by ultraviolet radiation (sunlight fil¬
tered through Corning glass G. 586) is strongly polarised.

The possibility of a similar effect in gases and vapours was also borne
in mind and repeatedly looked for by the workers at Calcutta. The fee¬
bleness of the scattering in gases and vapours, and the infructuousness
of the earlier efforts in this direction, however discouraged progress.
A new radiation 227

Its universality

Though the phenomenon was described in the paper of Dr Ramanathan

and Mr Krishnan as a “feeble fluorescence”, the impression left on
my mind at the time was that we had here an entirely new type of
secondary radiation distinct from what is usually described as fluo¬
rescence. The publication of the idea was however discouraged by
the belief then entertained that only a few liquids exhibited the effect
and by the supposition that it was unpolarised in the same way as or¬
dinary fluorescence in liquids. Indeed, a chemical critic might even
have asserted that the effect was in each case due to a trace of dis¬
solved fluorescent impurity present in the substance which our efforts
at purification had failed to remove.

Early this year, however, a powerful impetus to further research was

provided when I conceived the idea that the effect was some kind of
optical analogue to the type of X-ray-scattering discovered by Prof.
Compton, for which he recently received the Nobel Prize in Physics. I
immediately undertook an experimental re-examination of the subject
in collaboration with Mr K. S. Krishnan and this has proved very fruit¬
ful in results. The first step taken in the research was to find whether
the effect is shown by all liquids. The method of investigation was
to use a powerful beam of sunlight from a heliostat concentrated by
a 7" telescope objective combined with a short focus lens. This was
passed through a blue-violet filter and then through the liquid under
examination contained in an evacuated bulb and purified by repeated
distillation in vacuo. A second filter of green glass was used which
was complementary in colour to the blue-violet filter. If it were placed
in the track of the incident-light, all illumination disappears, while, if
it be placed between the bulk and the observer’s eye, the opalescent
track within the liquid continued to be visible, though less brightly.

All the liquids examined (and they were some 80 in number) showed
the effect in a striking manner. There was therefore no longer any
doubt that the phenomenon was universal in character; with the bulb
of toluene on the lantern, you see that the effect is readily demonstra-
228 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

ble. The cone of light vanishes when I place the violet and green filters
together, but it appears when I transfer the latter to a place between
my audience and the observation bulb.

Now the test with the complementary filters is precisely that ordinar¬
ily used for detecting fluorescence and indeed was first suggested by
Stokes in his investigations on the subject. You may therefore rightly
ask me the question how does this phenomenon differ from fluores¬
cence?- The answer to the question is, firstly, that it is of an entirely
different order of intensity. A more satisfactory proof was however
forthcoming when Mr Krishnan and myself examined the polarisation
of this new type of radiation and found that it was nearly as strong as
that of the ordinary light-scattering in many cases, and is thus quite
distinct from ordinary fluorescence which is usually unpolarised.

This is shown for the case of toluene in Figs. 1 and 2 in Plate XII.
Fig. 1 is a photograph of the scattering by toluene of sunlight fil¬
tered through a blue-violet glass. It was taken through a double-image
prism of iceland spar with an exposure of 3 seconds. Fig. 2 is a pic¬
ture with an additional complementary filter of green glass interposed
in front of the camera lens. The exposure necessary is now increased
greatly by the insensitiveness of the plate to green light, and had to
be as much as 25 minutes. It will be noticed that the polarisation of
the track as shown by the difference in brightness of the two polarised
images is quite as prominent in Fig. 2 as in Fig. 1.

I may also mention that Mr Krishnan and myself have succeeded in

detecting the new radiation and observing its partial polarisation in
a number of organic vapours and also in the gases C02 and N20.
The problem in these cases is one of securing sufficient intensity of
scattering for the effect to be detectable through the complementary
filter. This can be secured by heating up the substance in a sealed bulb
or by using steel observation-vessels for containing the compressed
gases, so as to obtain sufficient density of the scattering molecules.
The question of the background against which the track is observed is
also of great importance.
A new radiation 229

The new type of secondary radiation is also observable in crystals

such as ice, and in amorphous solids. It is thus a phenomenon whose
universal nature has to be recognised.

Line-spectrum of new radiation

That the secondary radiation passes the complementary filter and yet
is strongly polarised to an extent comparable with the ordinary molec¬
ular scattering, is clear evidence that we have in it an entirely new
type of secondary radiation which is distinct from either the ordi¬
nary scattering or the usual type of fluorescence. A striking and even
startling confirmation of this view is furnished by an examination of
its spectrum. Preliminary observations, with sunlight filtered through
a combination which passes a narrow range of wavelengths, showed
the spectrum of the new radiation to consist mainly of a narrow range
of wavelengths clearly separated from the incident spectrum by a dark
space. This encouraged me to take up observations with a monochro¬
matic source of light.
A quartz mercury lamp with a filter which completely cuts out all
the visible lines of longer wavelength than the indigo line 4,358A.U.
was found to be very effective. When the light from such a lamp
was passed through the bulb containing a dust-free liquid, and the
spectrum of the scattered light was observed through a direct-vision
spectroscope, it was found to exhibit two or more sharp bright lines
in the blue and green regions of the spectrum. These lines are not
present in the spectrum of the incident-light or in the unfiltered light
of the mercury arc and are thus manufactured by the molecules of the
Figures 3(1) and 3(2), and Figs. 4(1) and 4(2) show the phenomenon.
They are spectrograms taken with a small Hilger quartz instrument
of the scattering by liquid benzene. Fig. 3 was taken with the light
from the quartz mercury arc filtered through a blue glass which allows
the wavelengths from about 3,500A.U. to 4,400A.U. to pass through.
Fig. 3(1) represents the incident-spectrum and Fig. 3(2) the scattered-
spectrum. and the latter shows a number of sharp lines not present in
230 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Fig. 3(1). These are indicated in the figure. Figs. 4(1) and (2) simi¬
larly represent the incident and scattered spectra with benzene liquid,
the filter used being a potassium permanganate solution. Here again
the new lines which appear are indicated in the figure. Visual observa¬
tions were also made using a quinine sulphate solution together with
the blue glass as a filter and thus cutting off all the radiations except
4,358A.U. from the incident-spectrum. Some of the modified lines
then disappear, leaving only those of longer wavelength. It is thus
clear that each line in the incident-spectrum gives rise to at least two
lines in the scattered-spectrum, one in the original or unmodified po¬
sition, and a second in a shifted position of longer wavelength. There
is thus a striking analogy with the Compton effect in the X-ray region.
There has, as yet, not been sufficient time for photographing the spec¬
tra from a large number of liquids, or even for measuring the pho¬
tographs already obtained. Visual observations have however been
made with a large number of liquids. There is an astonishing simi¬
larity between the spectra obtained with different liquids. When only
the 4,358 line was used, most liquids showed in the spectrum of the
scattered light, a bright fine in the blue-green region of the spectrum
(about 5,000A.U.), whose position was practically the same for chem¬
ically similar liquids such as pentane, hexane and octane, for instance.
There was, however, a recognisable difference in the position of the
modified line when other liquids such as benzene or water were used.
When the 4,047 line of the mercury arc was let in by removing the
quinine sulphate solution, a second modified line in the blue region of
the spectrum was seen with most liquids.
Photographs obtained so far with benzene and toluene suggest that
there may be several modified lines, and that each modified line may
be a doublet in some cases. In many liquids, the scattered-spectrum
shows in addition to sharp lines an unmistakable continuous spectrum
accompanying it. Carbon disulphide behaves in an exceptional man¬
ner, showing a diffuse band.
Observations already made show that the new lines in the scattered-
spectrum are usually markedly polarised; they also suggest that a con¬
tinuous spectrum, when present, is less markedly polarised.
A new radiation 231

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Fig. 3(1)

Fig. 3(2)

Fig. 4(1)

Fig. 4(2)

Polarisation of Scattering, Fig. 1. Unmodified; Fig. 2. Modified;

Fig. 3(1). Incident Spectrum; Fig. 3(2). Scattered Spectrum; Fig. 4(1).
Incident Spectrum; Fig. 4(2). Scattered Spectrum.

The first Raman spectra demonstrating the line nature of the Raman scat¬
tered radiation (see pages 228 and 229for explanation).
232 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Nature of the new radiation

The discovery set out above naturally opens up an array of problems

for investigation. The most pressing question is, How is the modi¬
fied scattered radiation, as we may call it, generated by the molecules
of the liquid? As a tentative explanation, we may adopt the lan¬
guage of the quantum theory, and say that the incident quantum of
radiation is partially absorbed by the molecule, and that the unab¬
sorbed part is scattered. The suggestion does not seem to be alto¬
gether absurd and indeed such a possibility is already contemplated in
the Kramers-Heisenberg theory of dispersion. If we accept the idea in¬
dicated above, then the difference between the incident and scattered
quanta would correspond to a quantum of absorption by the molecule.
The measurement of the frequencies of the new spectral lines thus
opens a new pathway of research into molecular spectra, particularly
those in the infra-red region.

If a molecule can take up part of the incident quantum of radiation and

scatter the remaining part, then it might also be capable of adding a
quantum of its own characteristic frequency to the incident-radiation
when scattering it. In such a case we should expect a modified line of
increased frequency. Such a result appears to be shown in Fig. 3(2)
of Plate XII, as a solitary line in the extreme left of the photograph.
This result, however, requires to be confirmed by more photographs
and with other liquids. So far it would appear that a degradation of
frequency is more probable than an enhancement. It is too early to
speculate at present on the origin of the continuous radiation observed
in some cases, whether it is due to changes in the molecule itself, or
whether it arises from inelastic collisions of the second kind within
the liquid, resulting in partial transformation of the incident quantum
of radiation into translatory kinetic energy of the molecules. When
further data are obtained, it should be possible to express a definite
opinion of this point, and also on the role played by the solvent in the
explanation of ordinary fluorescence.
A new radiation 233

Relation to thermodynamics

As explained in the introduction, the ordinary scattering of light can

be regarded equally well as a molecular effect and as a bulk effect aris¬
ing from the thermodynamic fluctuations of the whole medium. The
question arises whether the new type of secondary radiation is ex¬
clusively a molecular effect or not, and whether it is related in any
way to thermodynamics. The question is obviously one to be an¬
swered by experiment and theory conjointly. The comparative study
of the effect at different temperatures and in different states of aggre¬
gation of matter is obviously of great importance in this connection.
It has already been remarked that the effect is observable in gases and
vapours and indeed it is found possible to determine its intensity and
polarisation in the gaseous state. It is also of great interest to remark
that the solid crystal ice also shows the sharp modified lines in the
scattered-spectrum in approximately the same positions as pure water.
The only observations made with amorphous solids are with optical
glass. Here the modified scattered-spectrum consists of diffuse bands
and not sharp lines. Whether this is generally true for all amorphous
solids, and whether any changes occur at low and high temperatures
remains to be determined by experiment.

Coherent or non-coherent radiation ?

An important question to be decided in the first instance by experi¬

ment is whether the modified scattered-radiations from the different
molecules are incoherent with each other. One is tempted to assume
that this must be the case, but a somewhat astonishing observation
made with liquid carbon dioxide contained in steel observation vessels
gives us pause here. It was found on blowing off the C02 by open¬
ing a stop-cock, a cloud formed within the vessels which scattered
light strongly in the ordinary way. On viewing the cloud through the
complementary filter, the scattered-radiation of modified frequency
also brightened up greatly. This would suggest that the assumption of
non-coherence is unjustifiable. Further, some qualitative observations
suggest that the modified scattering by a mixture of carbon disulphide
234 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

and methyl alcohol also brightens up notably at the critical solution

temperature. Quantitative observations are necessary to decide the
very fundamental question here raised.

Possible X-Ray analogies

If a quantum of radiation can be absorbed in part and scattered in part

in the optical region of the spectrum, should not similar phenomena
also occur in X-ray-scattering? The type of scattering discovered by
Prof. Compton may possibly be only one of numerous other types of
scattering with modified frequencies, some with a line-spectrum and
some in the nature of continuous radiation. The extreme ultra-violet
region of the spectrum may also furnish us with numerous examples
of the new type of radiation, which clearly occupies a position inter¬
mediate between scattering and fluorescence.


We are obviously only at the fringe of a fascinating new region of

experimental research which promises to throw light on diverse prob¬
lems relating to radiation and wave-theory. X-ray optics, atomic and
molecular spectra, fluorescence and scattering, thermodynamics and
chemistry. It all remains to be worked out.

I have to add in conclusion that I owe much to the valuable co-operation

in this research of Mr. K.S. Krishnan, and the assistance of Mr S. Venka-
teswaran and other workers in my laboratory.

The line-spectrum of the new radiation was first seen on February 28,
1928. The observation was given publicity the following day.

Davisson on Raman
An unusually candid account of Raman’s discovery was written by
C. J. Davisson of Bell Laboratories in 1931. It appeared in the Bell
Laboratories Record just after Raman was honoured by the award of
Davisson on Raman 235

the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930. Five years later, Davisson him¬
self shared a Nobel Prize in Physics with G. R Thomson for demon¬
strating the wave nature of electrons. Very brief extracts from this
are quoted in the beginning of this Memoir. I reproduce here the full

“In awarding the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1930 to Sir C. V. Raman,
the Swedish Academy concurred with physicists the world over in
appraising the discovery of the “Raman Effect” as one of the most
important achievements in physics in recent years.

As on some previous occasions, the award this time is made, nomi¬

nally at any rate, for a single experimental result of striking impor¬
tance. Again as on previous occasions, the particular experiment to
receive this signal recognition is a rather simple one — one which
might have been made with equipment at hand in almost any phys¬
ical laboratory in the world at any time during the last forty or fifty
years. Indeed, within a year of Raman’s announcement of his discov¬
ery, the effect was verified and studied by more than forty investigators
in countries other than India.

In its simplest form the experiment consists in irradiating a transparent

substance with monochromatic light, and observing the spectrum of
the light which the substance scatters. Raman found that the scattered-
light comprises, in addition to a line of the same wavelength as the
incident radiation, a few much fainter lines as well, which additional
lines are in a sense satellites of the primary line, moving with it as
a group through the spectrum when the wavelength of the primary
radiation is altered.

In the first definitive experiment of this kind, Raman photographed

the spectra of the radiation scattered by various organic compounds
when illuminated by a part of the spectrum of a mercury arc. On long
exposure the plates revealed these additional or secondary lines not
present in the primary light. It was found possible to classify these
secondary lines into groups each associated with a single one of the
primary lines; corresponding members of the various groups are dis-
236 C. V. Raman —A Memoir

placed in frequency each by the same amount from its primary. The
different groups may overlap in the spectrum, making the sorting out
difficult but not impossible. A group may extend on both sides of
the primary; as a rule, more and stronger lines are found on the side
of lower frequencies. Such lines as do appear on the high frequency
side are found always to be matched by lines of equal displacement
on the low frequency side. It is as if the scattering material has at
its disposal a small collection of frequencies which it can add to that
of the incident-light or subtract from it, and as if it prefers subtrac¬
tion to addition. These simple numerical relationships distinguish the
Raman Effect from the somewhat similar phenomenon of fluorescence
— these and the fact that the Raman Effect appears to be a universal
phenomenon observable with any transparent medium, gaseous, liq¬
uid or solid, whereas fluorescence is exhibited by a limited class of
materials only.

The simple numerical relationships which have been mentioned as

characteristic of the Raman Effect, and one other which is to be de¬
scribed further on, are easily explained in terms of light quanta and the
known properties of molecules. This is one of the reasons for regard¬
ing the discovery of the Raman Effect as an event of great importance;
it makes an addition to the list of phenomena which are conveniently
interpreted by regarding light as a corpuscular as well as a wave phe¬

Since Einstein in 1906 rehabilitated the corpuscular theory of light

to explain the photoelectric effect, and more especially since the dis¬
covery of the Compton effect in 1924, it has become steadily more
imperative to recognise that light has these two apparently irreconcil¬
able aspects; a beam of light is a flight of particles or a propagation
of trains of waves, depending upon the particular phenomenon which
is to be explained or visualised. In explaining some phenomena it is
even necessary, or at least convenient, to oscillate between the two
views at different stages of the argument. In such cases, translation
from one to the other is made by means of two well-established laws:
the energy of the light particles or photons is strictly proportional to
Davisson on Raman 237

the frequency (waves per second) of the associated undulations, and

similarly the momentum of the photons is strictly proportional to the
wave number (waves per centimetre) of the undulations. The factor of
proportionality is in both cases the so-called Planck constant h.

In the corpuscular explanation, the Raman Effect is due to interchanges

of energy occurring in encounters between photons of the incident
light and molecules of the scattering material. Photons emerge from
these encounters with altered energy; they constitute the scattered-
light of altered frequency and altered wavelength which Raman de¬
tected. Now every kind of molecule or atom has the following pecu¬
liar property; its internal energy is limited to certain definite discrete
values. The molecule is capable of existence only at certain ‘energy
levels’, and can accept or give up energy only in amounts which will
raise or lower it, from the particular level in which it happens to be to
another of its levels.

Thus the photons may give up to the molecules only one or another
of these characteristic amounts of energy, and, in consequence of the
direct proportionality between energy and frequency, the frequency
of the associated waves should be lowered only by corresponding
amounts. It is for this reason that the Raman spectrum is a spec¬
trum of sharp lines. The frequency displacements in the Raman spec¬
trum should correspond to differences between energy levels of the
molecules; and in cases in which these latter are already known, this
relationship is verified.

The Raman lines on the high frequency side of the primary line may
be explained on the general principle that processes of the kind men¬
tioned in the last paragraph are necessarily reversible. If it is possible
for a photon to give up a part of its energy in raising a molecule from
one level to another, it must be possible also for the molecule in pass¬
ing in the opposite direction to impart an equal amount of energy to
a colliding photon. This process is the analogue of what is known
in encounters between electrons and atoms as a ‘collision of the sec¬
ond kind’. The presence of high-frequency components in the Raman
spectrum symmetrical with the low-frequency components is due to
238 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

such encounters. These components are weaker than their compan¬

ions because at ordinary temperatures nearly all of the molecules are
in their state of lowest energy and are incapable therefore of imparting

Thus, the importance of Raman’s discovery is due partly to its reveal¬

ing a previously unknown process in nature, partly to the additional
basis of reality which it affords to the photon, and partly to its supply¬
ing a new and convenient method of investigating the energy level of

It was remarked earlier on that the Raman experiment is a rather sim¬

ple one which might have been made with equipment available in
any physical laboratory at any time in recent decades. It was no ac¬
cident, however, that this particular discovery was made by Raman
rather than by someone else. Important discoveries in physics, even
quite simple ones, are usually made only by investigators who have
cultivated intensively the particular field concerned, and this is strik¬
ingly true in the present instance. No one else in recent years has
been as assiduous in the study of the scattering of light as Professor
Raman. True, in the years just following his graduation from Presi¬
dency College, Madras, in 1907, his interest — if we may judge from
his publications — centred chiefly in the vibrations of mechanical sys¬
tems — stringed musical instruments in particular — and other acous¬
tical problems. But even in these years problems in optics claimed a
part of his attention. About 1920, however — three years after he be¬
came Sir Taraknath Palit Professor of Physics at Calcutta University
— he turned abruptly from studies in acoustics and devoted himself
almost exclusively to optics and particularly to investigations of scat¬
tering, both theoretical and experimental. Of one hundred papers and
notes published by Raman independently, or in collaboration with his
associates and students, since that time, eighty-three deal with prob¬
lems in optics and forty-nine of these with the scattering of light.

It speaks well for the development of Science in India that Profes¬

sor Raman apparently owes little or nothing of his eminence to direct
contact with physicists in other countries. His formal training was re-
Davisson on Raman 239

ceived entirely in India, and, except for a single year, he has worked
only in his native land. In 1924 he attended the Toronto meeting of
the British Association and afterwards carried on his researches for
some months at California Institute of Technology.

His previous honours, which have been numerous, include the gen¬
eral presidency of the Indian Science Congress and fellowship in the
Royal Society. Knighthood was conferred upon him by King George
in 1929. India may well be proud of Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata
Raman, her first Nobel Laureate in Science.”

Raman’s life has been an extraordinary one in many ways. But his
most significant act in that extraordinary life was that he took to the
pursuit of Science, against all conventional wisdom prevalent in his
time. What prompted him to do so is obvious in hindsight. He had an
irresistible passion for physics, and the creative spirit in him drove
him to seek the opportunity to make his dreams in that discipline
come true. However, the destiny of an individual is the result of in¬
teraction between his free will and external circumstances. The latter
are more often opportunities that come by chance, over which the in¬
dividual has no control. In almost every person’s life these elements
play an important role. In Raman’s life, his entry into Government
Service gave him the financial independence to pursue his interest in
physics and his posting to Calcutta gave him the unique opportunity
of discovering a scientific institution suited to his temperament.
At that time, Calcutta had the best intellectual and cultural tradi¬
tions in India. Science had taken root there as an important intellec¬
tual pursuit. On this, Raman has said:

“Whether a great populous city offers the most suitable environment

for the pursuit of scientific research may well be questioned. Many
instances may be cited which seem unfavourable to the supposition.
That the centre of gravity of Science in Great Britain is to be found
at Cambridge and not in London or Edinburgh is probably no acci¬
dent. But Paris is a typical example of a great city which is not only
the political and social but also the intellectual capital of its country.

242 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

Calcutta claims a similar privilege so far as Bengal is concerned, but

an impartial observer would probably also conclude without hesita¬
tion that the proud privilege she once enjoyed of being the Imperial
Capital has not yet disappeared in the sphere of scientific activity. She
owes her prestige and influence in the sphere of learning to her cen¬
turies old tradition of culture and research, to the long line of eminent
scholars, both Indian and European, whom Calcutta had and has in
numbers among her citizens, and not least to the efforts of such men
as the late Dr Mahendra Lai Sircar and Sir Asutosh Mookerjee, who
strove to create the facilities for higher studies and research that others
now enjoy”.

But for this intellectual atmosphere, there would not have been an
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science to provide Raman
with an opportunity to renew his interest in physics. Raman’s dis¬
covery of the existence of the Association was accidental. The open
arms with which he was welcomed into it were the encouragement
he needed. Both were important turning points in his life. Further,
the Association was just the right body for Raman’s personality, be¬
cause he functioned at his best when he had all the independence and
freedom to act and make the decisions.
Raman possessed an indomitable spirit and an abiding love of
Science. He demonstrated by his example that independent thinking,
hard work, self-confidence and utter dedication are absolute necessi¬
ties for scientific achievement. Raman’s scientific intuition guided
him to choose important problems that could be tackled with the
meagre facilities available and he made a mark in whatever area he
chose to investigate with these facilities. From 1907 to 1917 Raman
worked very hard, for his official work, as Assistant Accountant Gen¬
eral, was considerable; he could carry out his scientific studies at
the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science only during his
spare time. Yet he energetically built up laboratory facilities there,
conducted experiments, and published papers.
The success of his research programmes in acoustics and optics
fuelled his enthusiasm and confidence so much that, in ten years,
Epilogue 243

confident of further scientific successes, he was ready to give up his

lucrative position in the Financial Civil Service. With his appointment
to the Palit Professorship, Raman’s transformation to a full-time sci¬
entific Life became complete.
Realising that research in optics and light scattering was the area
in which great discoveries could be made, he switched from acous¬
tics, although his successes in the latter field were spectacular. Of
this he wrote in 1968: “My studies on bowed string instruments rep¬
resent a phase of my earliest activities as a man of Science. They
were mostly carried out between the years 1914 and 1918. My call
to the professorship at the Calcutta University in July 1917 and the
intensification of my interest in optics inevitably called a halt to my
further studies of the violin family instruments.” This was again a
turning point in his scientific interest.
His innate aesthetic approach to Science, and his acceptance of
the older Lord Rayleigh as his model, led him to light-scattering ex¬
periments. These he assiduously conducted with his collaborators for
eight years. With perseverance, critical evaluation, and step-by-step
improvements in the methods of study, he made a profound discov¬
ery that brought him a lasting reputation as a great scientist. What is
amazing is that Raman became an experimentalist par excellence, al¬
though he had received very little training in college. Even today, the
training in Indian universities tends to be more theoretically oriented.
It was more so during Raman’s time.
The scientific spirit is manifested primarily as a curiosity about
Nature and a deep desire to understand natural phenomena. Experi¬
mentation, observation and interpretation constitute the methodology
of Science. Perseverance and dedication are its operational require¬
ments. By his life and work, Raman showed how a true scientist
should think, function and act. Never for a moment did he lose his
interest in Science, despite the disappointments and frustrations he
had to face in his lifetime.
Raman did not have any false modesty. In fact, he was a supreme
egotist, who was susceptible to flattery. At times he exhibited uncon¬
trollable anger and was even very rude in his remarks. He was often
244 C. V. Raman — A Memoir

criticised for these shortcomings. But to persons who knew him well,
his qualities as a great scientist and lover of Nature overshadowed
these shortcomings. His enthusiasm, his simplicity and his direct¬
ness touched anyone who came near him.

Some important dates in the life of C. V. Raman

1888, November 7 Bom at Thiruvanaikkaval near

1892-1902 Early education at Visakhapatnam
1900 Matriculation Examination
1902 F.A. Examination, joins Presidency
College, Madras
1904 B.A., 1st Rank, Gold Medal
1906 First paper published in Philos. Mag.,
1907 M.A.; Financial Civil Service
Examination, 1 st Rank
Married Lokasundari
Posted as Assistant
Accountant-General, Indian Finance
Department, Calcutta
Starts working at the Indian
Association for the Cultivation of
Science (IACS), Calcutta
1907-1917 Officer, Finance Department, at
Calcutta, Rangoon, Nagpur, Calcutta
1917, July Palit Professor of Physics, Calcutta
1919, November Secretary, IACS
1921 First visit abroad (to England)
1924 Elected Fellow of the Royal Society,
1928, February 28 Discovery of the Raman Effect in
Calcutta at the IACS
Some important dates in the life of C. V. Raman 245

1928, March 16 First public lecture on the Raman

Effect before the South Indian Science
Association at Central College,
1929 Knighthood of the British Government
1930 Nobel Prize for Physics
Hughes Medal of the Royal Society
1933, March 31 Director, Indian Institute of Science,
1934 Indian Academy of Sciences started by
1935-36 Raman-Nath Theory: Diffraction of
light by ultrasonic waves
1937 Resigns from the Directorship of IISc,
but continues as Professor and Head,
Department of Physics
1940 Raman-Nedungadi discovery of the
soft mode behaviour in quartz
1942 Franklin Medal
1948, July Retires from IISc.
Raman Research Institute established
Appointed National Research
1954 Bharat Ratna
1957 International Lenin Peace Prize of the
Soviet Union
1961 Member, Pontifical Academy of
Sciences, The Vatican
1970, November 21 Passes away in Bangalore

^3 />v—Ma.

Cd*^*M A^r^idiiSen* **&

C^ <V*v»- ^-w^ojfcVv. ^x. <-»&♦'«-'<^'*-

w* T-^* ^ mM~&~ —■
— u^

^ ^Cr tru.
1. C.V. Raman «v^yur4*n*, W

2. Commemorative stamp released j^a~ <v-4 i£r

by the Indian Postal Department 1^. for C^cr

in 1971.
3. A page from Raman's diary.
yjjT # it 'u/^’-c ^ c*-^r


A Bose, J. C., 3
Abbe, Ernst, 195 Bose, S. N., 170
Allahabad University, 116 Bragg, William, 197
Ammal, Parvathi, 4 Bridgman, 89
Ammal, Rukmani, 8 British Association for the
Andhra University, 114 Advancement of Science, 16
Arago, 169 Buddha, Gautama, 181
Ayyar, Subrahmanya, 4, 8, 23 Bulganin, Marshal, 132-134
Bullard, E.C., 102, 106
Bundy, F. P., 95
Balakrishnan (glass blower), 71, 73
Balakrishnan (typist), 62 c
Bangalore Chemicals, 180 Cabannes, 30, 41, 183
Bell Laboratories, 63 Calcutta Municipal Gazette, 36, 117
Bell Laboratories Record, 2, 234 Calcutta University, 11, 163
Belov, N.V., 103 California Institute of Technology, 17,
Bernal, J. D., 102, 103 20, 108, 157
Bhabha, H.J., 102, 104-106, 113, 122 Catgut Acoustical Society, 221
Bhagavantam, S., 113, 114, 181,204 Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, 104
Bhat, M. R., 70, 88 Central College, Bangalore, 70
Bhatia, A. B., 116 Chagla, M.C.,92
Biquard, 53 Chakraborty, Sankar, 117
Birkbeck College, London, 104 Chandrasekhar, S., 5, 23, 30, 70, 87, 88,
Blau, 113 102, 107-109
Bloch, E., 36 Chandrasekhar, V., 11, 212
Bohr, Niels, 21, 36, 42, 105, 196 Charles Fabry, 21
Bom, Hedi, 137, 141 Cochran, 54
Bom, Max, 2, 52-56, 103, 110, College of Engineering, Guindy, 59
134-142 Compton Effect, 22, 25, 30, 236

250 Index

Compton, A. H., 23, 227, 234 Gonville and Caius College,

Council of Scientific and Industrial Cambridge, 104
Research, 116 Govindaswamy, M. V., 204
Craig, Palmer, 66 Govindraj, E. K., 63
Curie, Joliot, 197 Grammar of South Indian Carnatic
Current Science, 156, 200 Music, 222
Curzon, Lord, 51 Granit, Ragnar, 83
Gregory, Richard, 29
Dacca University, 116 H
Darwin, C. G., 102, 109 Haldane, J.B.S., 102, 110-111
Davisson, C. J., 2, 234-239 Handbuch der Physik, 221
de Broglie, L. and M., 36 Hanumanthayya, K., 124-125
Debye, 53, 54, 141 Heisenberg, Werner, 134
Desai, Mahadev, 143 Helmholtz, Hermann Von, 186, 192,
Dey, Asutosh, 10, 12 219
Dhawan, 158 Helmholtz, Hermann von, 7
Dirac, P. A. M., 102, 104, 110, 134 Hertz, 169
Heyrovsky, 133
E Hubble, 157
Eberl, 34 Huygens, 169
Eddington, 107
Einstein, Albert, 98, 126, 135, 186, 192, I
196, 206, 236 India Meteorological Department,
Elliot, E. H„ 5 119-120
Indian Academy of Sciences, 66, 86,
F 95, 112, 115, 119, 122, 156,
Fabry, C., 36 167, 172, 180, 183, 201,
Faraday, 169 202, 205
Fermi, Enrico, 134 Indian Atomic Energy Commission,
Ford Foundation, 179 105
Fowler W. A., 108 Indian Institute of Science, 51-58, 66,
Franklin Institute, 16 91,93, 103, 105, 110, 112,
Franklin, Benjamin, 169 114, 116, 126, 134, 137,
Fresnel, 169 138, 140, 143, 176, 177,
182, 183,200
G Indian Journal of Physics, 220
Gandhi, Indira, 128 Indian Institute of Technology
Gandhi, Kasturba, 143 Convocation Address,
Gandhi, Madanlal, 210 184-200
Gandhi, Mahatma, 143-145, 206, 209, Indian Journal of Physics, 200
210 Indian Journal of Physics, 31, 46
Gauss, 169 Ismail, Mirza, M., 52, 126

Index 251

Iyer, Chandrasekhara, 4 Menuhin, Yehudi, 126

Iyer, Krishnaswami, 8 Millikan, R. A., 16
Mookerjee, Asutosh, 11, 12,48, 163,
j 178, 242
Johns Hopkins University, 1 Mysore University, 212
Journal of the Hyderabad Geological
Survey, 153 N
Judy, Clinton, K., 18 Naidu, G.D., 127
Narayana Rao, 204
K Narayana Rao, B. K., 204
Kai Siegbahn, 21, 40 Nath, Nagendra, 53, 137, 166
Keffer, Hartline, 83 National Physical Laboratory, England,
Kelvin, 169 106
Kennedy, George, C., 88, 89 National Physical Laboratory, New
Kher, 143 Delhi, 116, 121
Khrushchev, Nikita, 132-134 Nature, 1, 25, 29, 200
Khvolson, O., 36 Nedungadi, 54
Krishna Menon, V. K., 114 Nehru, Jawaharlal, 95, 105, 116,
Krishnamurti, D., 70, 76, 88 128-129, 179, 187
Krishnamurti, P., 180 Nehru, Kamala, 210
Krishnan, K. S., 22-30, 34, 115-118, Nilakantan, P, 183
168, 227, 228, 234 Nobel, E., 38
Krishnan, R. S., 54 Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics,
Krumbeigel, 52 16, 20

L o
Lakhanpal, 183 Oliphant, Mark, 111
Landsberg, 31, 118, 134 Osmania University, 114, 172
Lonsdale, Kathleen, 104
Lucas, 53 P
Padmanabhan, J., 58, 59, 62, 72, 79, 85,
M 87,91, 102, 157, 160
Madhava Rao, B. S., 70, 137, 204 Pancharatnam, S., 70, 88, 90
Madras Music Academy, 222 Paramahamsa, Ramakrishna, 181
Mahadevan (geologist), 183 Parameswaran, H. (H. P. Waran), 59
Mandel’shtam, 31, 118, 134 Parameswaran, H. (H. P. Waran), 157
Masani, 193, 199 Parthasarathy (driver), 71
Mathematical Sciences Institute, 111 Pasadena Star News, 17, 18
Maxwell, 169 Patel, Sardar, 143
Mayer, Maria Goeppert, 134 Pauli, Wolfgang, 134
Memoirs of the Raman Research Pauling, Linus, 102, 112
Institute, 63, 77 Peierls, R, 128, 141
Menon, M. G. K., 113 Perrin, J., 36

252 Index

Petterson, 40 Financial Civil Service, 8-9

Pfeiffer, R., 36 Marriage, 8
Philosophical Magazine, 6, 95 Papers/Publications/Addresses, 6,
Physical Research Laboratory, 119 10, 15, 18, 20, 23, 30,
Pichamuthu, C. S., 204 82-84, 174, 200, 223, 234
Planck, Max, 21, 135, 196 Raman Effect, 1, 22-33, 42, 117,
Pleijel, H„ 38, 40 222, 223
Powell, C.F., 102, 113 Raman, Lokasundari, 8, 10,
Presidency College, 4, 6, 30, 59, 107, 36-38, 67,72, 85,91,99,
118, 238 128, 137, 142, 144, 158,
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of 161,209-212, 221
Sciences, 31, 77, 78, 82, Traits/Interests, 2, 5, 6, 14, 52,
200, 202 54-58, 62, 65,71-73,
Proceedings of the Indian Association 77-82, 85,86, 95, 101, 142,
for the Cultivation of 151,155-160, 162-184,
Science, 9, 164, 167 205, 219-222
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Visits Abroad, 14, 16, 63
London, 15 Ramanathan, K. R., 117-120, 157
Ramaseshan, S., 55
R Ramaswamy, C., 77, 156
Radhakrishnan, V., 11, 62, 99, 104, Ramdas, A. K., 70, 121
151,206,212-216 Ramdas, L. A., 21, 26, 120, 157, 165,
Rahm, 145 168
Rajagopalachari, C., 142, 178 Rao, Gopal, 124
Rama Rao, L., 152 Rao, Seshagiri, 225
Ramachandran, G. N., 96 Rao, Subba, 91
Ramakrishna, B. S., 220 Ray, P. C., 3, 48
Ramakrishnan, Alladi, 111 Rayleigh, Lord, 7, 14, 41, 169, 219, 243
Raman Research Institute, 26, 57-64, Reddy, K.C., 124
66-74, 79, 86, 88, 91-94, Rocard, 30
99, 101-103, 108, 109, 112, Royal Astronomical Society, London,
120, 121, 126, 128, 131, 107
133, 151, 157, 160, 173, Rutherford, 106, 111, 197
178, 183,200, 206,211,222 Rutherford, E., 36
Raman, Chandrasekhara Venkata
Awards/Distinctions, 16, 38-40, s
45-50, 94, 133, 149-151, Saha, Meghnad, 34, 170
239 Sarabhai, Vikram, 95, 119, 121, 122,
Birth, 3, 4 144
Calcutta Days, 9-14 Schrodinger, 52
Death, 3, 99 Schuster, 169
Education, 4-7 Sears, 53
Family, 4, 11 Shivnandan, 13

Index 253

Sircar, Amrit Lai, 163 Travancore Chemicals, 180

Sircar, Mahendra Lai, 9, 48, 242
Sokhey, 133 u
Sommerfeld, Arnold, 33-36 University of California, 88
Sommervel, 91 University of Chicago, 108, 183
Sourirajan, 89 University of Freiburg, 187
Sreenivasiah, B. N., 23 University of Madras, 59, 115, 118,
Sri Prakasa, 129, 130 123, 167
Sri Venkateswara University, 182 University of Paris, 101
Srinivasan, T. K., 69, 70
Stark, J., 36 V
Staudinger, 196 Venkatachar, B. S., 66, 203
Stokes, George, 224 Venkatarayudu, 114
Subbaramiah, K., 70 Venkateswaran, S., 22, 24, 26, 27, 70,
Subbulakshmi, M. S., 221 117, 123, 124, 226, 234
Swedish Academy of Sciences, 38 Victoria College, 118
Visvesvarayya, M., 130
T Viswanathan, K. S., 69, 70, 88
Tagore, Rabindranath, 2, 35, 40
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, w
105, 106 Wald, George, 83
Tata, J. N., 51 Wambacher, 113
The Indian Association for the Wentorf, W. H., 95
Cultivation of Science, Wentzel, G., 102, 128, 183
9-11,48, 50, 116, 121, 177, Wiener, Norbert, 102
200,219, 242 Wilson, C. T. R., 36
Thomson, G. P., 2, 235 Wodeyar, Jayachamarajendra, 131-132
Thomson, J. J., 169 Wood, R.W., 1, 169

i I



Continued from front cover flap

Dr Jayaraman is the recipient of Krishnan Gold

Medal of the Indian Geophysical Union (1968), The
Guggenheim Award from The John Simon
Guggenheim Foundation, New York (1969), The
Humboldt Senior US Scientist Award (1979) to do
research at the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart,
Germany, Distinguished Scientist Award from Bell
Labs in 1983, and the Raman Centenary Medal
(1988). He is a Fellow of the Indian Academy of
Sciences and the American Physical Society.

Back Cover
Top: A specimen of Labradorite
Bottom: The tree Tabebuia donnell-smithii
marks the spot where Raman was cremated
on the lawns of RRI

Cover design
Subhankar Biswas


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