Stabilization of Expansive Soils Using F

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A dissertation submitted by

Manmay Kumar Mohanty


In partial fulfilment of the requirements

For the award of the degree of

Master of Technology (Dual Degree)

Civil Engineering
(Geotechnical Engineering)

Department of Civil Engineering

National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
Odisha – 769008, India
May 2015

A dissertation submitted by

Manmay Kumar Mohanty


In partial fulfilment of the requirements

For the award of the degree of

Master of Technology (Dual Degree)

Civil Engineering
(Geotechnical Engineering)

Under the supervision of

Dr. N. Roy

Department of Civil Engineering

National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
Odisha – 769008, India
May 2015
Dedicated to my uncle,
Late Sri. Rajendra Kumar Mohanty,
who will always be in my memories.



This is to certify that the thesis entitled, “Stabilization of Expansive Soils Using Fly Ash” is

submitted by MANMAY KUMAR MOHANTY, bearing Roll No. 710CE1160 in partial

fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Technology (dual degree) in Civil

Engineering with specialization in “Geotechnical Engineering”, during 2010-2015 session at

the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela is an authentic work carried out by him under

my supervision and guidance.

To the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in the thesis has not been submitted to any

other University/Institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Date: Dr. N. Roy

Place: NIT, Rourkela, Odisha Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology,


Without the unconditional support of many people, this thesis wouldn’t have seen light of the


To begin with, I would like to assert my heartfelt indebtedness and innate veneration for my

supervisor, Dr. N. Roy for his constructive input throughout the course of my work. His

instructions and motivation has been inspiring.

I would also like to seize this opportunity to convey my earnest thankfulness to all the faculty

members of the Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Rourkela, for their share of wisdom,

experiences, and knowledge throughout my tenure in this university.

Resourceful discussions regarding various subjects, be it based on this project work, or

something relative, with my fellow branch-mates has been greatly helpful, and as such I would

like to extend my appreciations towards them.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family – my parents who stood by me as pillars

of support, and my younger brother who consistently delivered much needed confidence in me.




Nearly 51.8 million hectares of land area in India are covered with Expansive soil (mainly

Black Cotton soil). The property of these expansive soils, in general, is that they are very hard

when in dry state, but they lose all of their strength when in wet state. In light of this property

of expansive soils, these soils pose problems worldwide that serve as challenge to overcome

for the Geotechnical engineers. One of the most important aspects for construction purposes is

soil stabilization, which is used widely in foundation and road pavement constructions; this is

because such a stabilization regime improves engineering properties of the soil, such as volume

stability, strength and durability. In this process, removal or replacing of the problematic soil

is done; replacement is done by a better quality material, or the soil is treated with an additive.

In the present study, using fly ash obtained from Sesa Sterlite, Jharsuguda, Odisha, stabilization

of black cotton soil obtained from Nagpur is attempted. With various proportions of this

additive i.e. 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% & 50%, expansive soils is stabilized. Owing to the fact that

fly ash possess no plastic property, plasticity index (P.I.) of clay-fly ash mixes show a decrease

in value with increasing fly ash content. In conclusion, addition of fly ash results in decrease

in plasticity of the expansive soil, and increase in workability by changing its grain size and

colloidal reaction. Tested under both soaked and un-soaked conditions, the CBR values of clay

with fly ash mixes were observed. Analysis of the formerly found result exposes the potential

of fly ash as an additive that could be used for improving the engineering properties of

expansive soils.


Certificate ii

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract iv

List of figures vii

List of tables viii

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Expansive soil 2

1.2 Fly ash 4

1.2.1 Generation and Disposal 6

1.2.2 Classification of fly ash 7

1.2.3 Utilization of fly ash 9

1.3 Reaction mechanism of fly ash and expansive soil 11

1.4 Justification of research 11

1.5 Objective of research 12

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Origin and occurrence of expansive soil 14

2.2 Nature of expansive soil 14

2.3 Clay Mineralogy 15

2.3.1 Kaolinite group 15

2.3.2 Montmorillonite group 16

2.3.3 Illite group 17

2.4 Identification and classification of expansive soils 18

2.5 Methods of recognizing expansive soils 19

2.6 Causes of swelling 19

2.7 Swell pressures 20

2.8 Factors affecting swelling 20

2.9 Problems associated with expansive soil 21

2.10 Stabilization using fly ash 22

Chapter 3 Materials and Methodology

3.1 Materials 27

3.1.1 Expansive soil 27

3.1.2 Fly ash 27

3.2 Methodology adopted 28

Chapter 4 Results and Discussions

4.1 Standard proctor test for soil – fly ash mixture 30

4.2 Unconfined compressive strength test for soil – fly ash mixture 33

4.3 Un-soaked California bearing ratio test for soil – fly ash mixture 40

4.4 Soaked California bearing ratio test for soil – fly ash mixture 47

4.5 Changes in plasticity index and free swell ratio for soil – fly ash
mixture 53

4.6 Discussions 55

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Conclusions 57

5.2 Scope for future study 58

References 59


Figure 1 Major Soil Types in India 4

Figure 2 Atomic structure of kaolinite 15

Figure 3 Atomic structure of montmorillonite 16

Figure 4 Atomic structure of Illite 17

Figure 5 Variation of MDD values with different fly ash content in expansive soil 32

Figure 6 Variation of OMC values with different fly ash content in expansive soil 32

Figure 7 Comparison of UCS test readings in expansive soil, with varying fly ash content 39

Figure 8 Variation of UCS values of expansive soil with different fly ash content 39

Figure 9 Variation of Un-soaked CBR values of expansive soil with varying fly ash content46

Figure 10 Variation of soaked CBR values of expansive soil with varying fly ash content 53

Figure 11 Variation of plasticity index values of expansive soil with varying fly ash content


Figure 12 Variation of free swell ratio values of expansive soil with varying fly ash content 54


Table 1 Chemical requirement of class C and class F fly ashes 9

Table 2 Production & Utilization of fly ashes in different countries 10

Table 3 Utilization of fly ash for different purposes 11

Table 4 Swelling potential vs. Plasticity Index 18

Table 5 Geotechnical properties of expansive soil 27

Table 6 Standard proctor test for expansive soil only 30

Table 7 Standard proctor test for expansive soil + 10% fly ash mixture 30

Table 8 Standard proctor test for expansive soil + 20% fly ash mixture 30

Table 9 Standard proctor test for expansive soil + 30% fly ash mixture 31
Table 10 Standard proctor test for expansive soil + 40% fly ash mixture 31

Table 11 Standard proctor test for expansive soil + 50% fly ash mixture 31

Table 12 UCS test for expansive soil only 33

Table 13 UCS test for expansive soil + 10% fly ash mixture 34

Table 14 UCS test for expansive soil + 20% fly ash mixture 35

Table 15 UCS test for expansive soil + 30% fly ash mixture 36

Table 16 UCS test for expansive soil + 40% fly ash mixture 37

Table 17 UCS test for expansive soil + 50% fly ash mixture 38

Table 18 Un-soaked CBR test for expansive soil only 40

Table 19 Un-soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 10% fly ash mixture 41

Table 20 Un-soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 20% fly ash mixture 42

Table 21 Un-soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 30% fly ash mixture 43

Table 22 Un-soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 40% fly ash mixture 44

Table 23 Un-soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 50% fly ash mixture 45

Table 24 Soaked CBR test for expansive soil only 47

Table 25 Soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 10% fly ash mixture 48

Table 26 Soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 20% fly ash mixture 49

Table 27 Soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 30% fly ash mixture 50

Table 28 Soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 40% fly ash mixture 51

Table 29 Soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 50% fly ash mixture 52

Table 30 Variation of plasticity index and free swell ratio with fly ash content in expansive
soil 53

Chapter 1

1.1 Expansive soil

Expansive soils, which are also called as swell-shrink soil, have the tendency to shrink and

swell with variation in moisture content. As a result of this variation in the soil, significant

distress occurs in the soil, which is subsequently followed by damage to the overlying

structures. During periods of greater moisture, like monsoons, these soils imbibe the water, and

swell; subsequently, they become soft and their water holding capacity diminishes. As opposed

to this, in drier seasons, like summers, these soils lose the moisture held in them due to

evaporation, resulting in their becoming harder. Generally found in semi-arid and arid regions

of the globe, these type of soils are regarded as potential natural hazard – if not treated, these

can cause extensive damage to the structures built upon them, as well causing loss in human

life. Soils whose composition includes presence of montmorillonite, in general, display these

kind of properties. Tallied in billions of dollars annually worldwide, these soils have caused

extensive damage to civil engineering structures.

Also called as Black Cotton soils or Regur soils, expansive soils in the Indian subcontinent are

mainly found over the Deccan trap (Deccan lava tract), which includes Maharashtra, Andhra

Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and some scattered places in Odisha. These soils are also

found in the river valley of Narmada, Tapi, Godavari and Krishna. The depth of black cotton

soil is very large in the upper parts of Godavari and Krishna, and the north-western part of

Deccan Plateau. Basically, after the chemical decomposition of rocks such as basalt by various

decomposing agents, these are the residual soils left behind at the place of such an event.

Cooling of volcanic eruption (lava) and weathering another kind of rock – igneous rocks – are

also processes of formation of these type of soils. Rich in lime, alumina, magnesia, and iron,

these soils lack in nitrogen, phosphorus and organic content.

Consisting of high percentage of clay sized particles, the colour of this soil varies from black

to chestnut brown. 20% of the total land area, on an average, of this country is roofed by

expansive soils. These soils are suitable for dry farming and for the growth of crops like cotton,

rice, jowar, wheat, cereal, tobacco, sugarcane, oilseeds, citrus fruits and vegetables; the reason

behind it is owed to the moisture retentive capacity of expansive soils, which is high.

In the semi-arid regions, just in the last couple of decades, damages due to the swelling-

shrinking action of expansive soils have been observed prominently in form of cracking and

break-up of roadways, channel and reservoir linings, pavements, building foundations, water

lines, irrigation systems, sewer lines, and slab-on-grade members.

Figure 1 Major Soil Types in India

1.2 Fly Ash

A waste material extracted from the gases emanating from coal fired furnaces, generally of a

thermal power plant, is called fly ash. One of the chief usages of volcanic ashes in the ancient

ages were the use of it as hydraulic cements, and fly ash bears close resemblance to these

volcanic ashes. These ashes were believed to be one of the best pozzolans (binding agent) used

in and around the globe.

The demand of power supply has exponentially heightened these days due to increasing

urbanization and industrialization phenomena. Subsequently, this growth has resulted in the

increase in number of power supplying thermal power plants that use coal as a burning fuel to

produce electricity. The mineral residue that is left behind after the burning of coal is the fly

ash. The Electro Static Precipitator (ESP) of the power plants collect these fly ashes.

Production of fly ash comes with two major concerns – safe disposal and management of fly

ash. Because of the possession of complex characteristics of wasters which are generated from

the industries, and their hazardous nature, these wastes pose a necessity of being disposed in a

safe and effective way, so as to not disturb the ecological system, and not causing any sort of

catastrophe to human life and nature. Environmental pollution is imminent unless these

industrial wastes are pre-treated before their disposal or storage.

Essentially consisting of alumina, silica and iron, fly ashes are micro-sized particles. Fly ash

particles are generally spherical in size, and this property makes it easy for them to blend and

flow, to make a suitable concoction. Both amorphous and crystalline nature of minerals are the

content of fly ash generated. Its content varies with the change in nature of the coal used for

the burning process, but it basically is a non-plastic silt. For waste liners, fly ash is a potential

material that can be employed; and in combination with certain minerals (lime and bentonite),

fly ash can be used as a barrier material. In present scenario, the generation of this waste

material in picture (fly ash) is far more than its current utilization. In other words, we are

producing more of fly ash than we can spend.

1.2.1 Generation and Disposal

Usage of coal in thermal power plants for the generation of steam is a common practice. A

method that was proved to be non-energy efficient was used in the past, where coal in form of

lumps were expended in the furnaces of the boilers to generate the evaporated content: steam.

Thus, in order to optimize the production of energy from coal mass, the thermal power plants

began to use pulverized coal mass instead of the aforementioned content. In this process, firstly,

this pulverized coal is infused into the combustion chamber, where the instant but efficient

burning of fuel happens. The ash formed as a result of this is called the fly ash, and this fly ash

contains molten minerals. The steam around this molten mass, when the coal ash travels with

the flue gases, results in the spherical shape of the fly ash particle. Next, the employment of

the economizer recovers the heat from the steam gases and fly ash. As a result of this process,

the temperature of the fly ash shows a sudden reduction in value. If this temperature fall is

rapid, then the resulting structure of the fly ash material is amorphous. However, if the

temperature drop during this cooling process is gradual, then the fly ash assumes a more

crystalline in nature. This shows the implementation of the economizer, and how it improves

the reactivity process.

In the process where fly ash is not subjected to the economizer, it forms a 4.3% soluble matter,

and its pozzolanic activity index clocks to 94%. Whereas, during the process where the fly ash

exposed to the economizer, its pozzolanic activity clocks to 103% and it forms a 8.8% soluble

matter. In conclusion, fly ashes are separated from the flue gases by a mechanical dust collector,

which is commonly referred to as Electro Static Precipitator (ESP), or scrubbers. Free of fly

ashes, the rest of the flue gases are liberated into the atmosphere via the chimney.

With about 90%-98%, the efficiency of ESPs for the separation of finer and lighter fly ash

particles is high. In general, the fly ash consists of four to six hoppers, named as field. The

fineness of the fly ash particles collected are thus proportional to the number of fields available

in an ESP. Therefore, the fly ashes that are collected from the first hopper have a specific

surface area of about 2800 𝑐𝑚2 /gm, whereas the fly ash collected from the last hopper exhibit

a greater specific surface area, that is, 8200 𝑐𝑚2 /gm. With the scorching of pulverized coal,

the resulting ash content forming during the process are either collected as fly ash or bottom

ash. 80% of coal ashes that are removed from the flue gases are recovered as fly ash, whereas

the remaining 20%, that are generally coarser in size, are collected at the bottom of the furnace

as bottom ash. Either in dry form, or its collection from a water-filled hopper, bottom ash is

taken from the bottom of the furnace. When there is a sufficient amount of bottom ash in the

water-filled hopper, beyond which its disposal becomes imminent before moving on to the next

process, the transference can occur by water jets or water sluice to a disposal pond which. This

disposed waste is then called as pond ash. The below figure gives an idea of disposal of coal

ash in a thermal power plant where coal is a fuel.

1.2.2 Classification of fly ash

The extracted ash from the flue gases via an Electro Static Precipitator, after the process of

pulverization, is called fly ash. It is the finest of particles among bottom ash, pond ash and fly

ash. With some unburned carbon, the fly ash chiefly consists of non-combustible particulate

matter. These generally consists of silt-sized particles. On the basis of a lime reactivity test, fly

ashes have been classified into four different types, as given:

 Cementitious fly ash

 Cementitious and pozzolanic fly ash

 Pozzolanic fly ash

 Non-pozzolanic fly ash

With free lime content and negligible reactive silica, this fly ash is called as cementitious. As

opposed to this, with negligible free lime content, and chiefly reactive silica, this fly ash is

called pozzolanic fly ash. Both reactive silica and free lime are predominant in cementitious

and pozzolanic fly ash. Neither free lime, nor reactive silica are present in non-pozzolanic fly

ash. The distinguishable difference between cementitious fly ash and pozzolanic fly ash is that

the cementitious fly ash hardens when it comes in connexion with water, whereas the

pozzolanic fly ash hardens only after the activated lime reacts with water. Cementitious &

Pozzolanic Fly Ash and Pozzolanic Fly Ash are the types that are found widely.

Based on the chemical composition of fly ash, fly ash has been categorized into two categories,

as given:

 Class C fly ash

 Class F fly ash

Burning of sub-bituminous type of coal and lignite, which contains more than 20% Calcium

Oxide, gives the Class C fly ash. By ignition of anthracite and bituminous type of coal, Class

F fly ash comes into the picture. This fly ash contains less than 20% Calcium Oxide.

The chemical configuration of Class C and Class F fly ashes are as follows, in the given table:

Table 1 Chemical requirement of class C and class F fly ashes (data source: ASTM C618-94a)

Fly ash
Class F Class C

𝑺𝒊𝑶𝟐 + 𝑨𝒍𝟐 𝑶𝟑 + 𝑭𝒆𝟐 𝑶𝟑 % minimum 70.0 50.0

𝑺𝑶𝟐 % maximum 5.0 5.0

𝑴𝑪 % maximum 3.0 3.0

𝑳𝑶𝑰 % maximum 6.0 6.0

1.2.3 Utilization of Fly Ash

The utilization of fly ash can be largely grouped into following three classes:

 The Low Value Utilizations, which includes back filling, structural fills, road

construction, soil stabilization, embankment & dam construction, ash dykes, etc.

 The Medium Value Utilizations, which includes grouting, cellular cement, pozzolana

cement, bricks/blocks, soil amendment agents, prefabricated building blocks, fly ash

concrete, weight aggregate, etc.

 The High Value Utilizations, which includes, fly ash paints, ceramic industry,

extraction of magnetite, distempers, metal recovery, acid refractory bricks, floor and

wall tiles, etc.

After these, there is still a large wastage of fly ash material observed; however, this has led

to evolution of large number of technologies for the management of fly ashes. Thanks to

this, the utilization of fly ash has increased to 73 MT by the year 2012. Years 2010-2012

saw a wide acceptance of fly ash as a product that can be used in various purposes.

Presently, the production of fly ashes in India is about 130 MT/year, and this is expected

to rise by 400 MT by the year 2016-2017, as stated by 2nd annual international summit for

fly ash utilization 2012, scheduled on 17th-18th of January, 2013 at NDCC II convention

centre, NDMC Complex, New Delhi, India.

Table 2 Production & Utilization of fly ashes in different countries

Ref: Alam and Akhtar, International Journal of emerging trends in engineering and development,
Vol.1 [2] (2011)

Annual Ash Production

Country Ash Utilization in %
India 131 56
China 100 45
Germany 40 85
Australia 10 85
France 3 85
Italy 2 100
USA 75 65
UK 15 50
Canada 6 75
Denmark 2 100
Netherland 2 100

As a palpable conclusion from the previous table, the fly ash utilization in India is about

56%, as in 2010-2012, which leads to the fact that the rest 44% are waste material,

dumped/disposed chiefly out in the open, and considering the adverse effect of this waste

material on our environment, it is of necessity to utilize all of the fly ash produced by coal

based thermal power plants. An increase of efforts have to be observed if we were to

achieve a 100% utilization of this waste product. If we were to execute the usage of fly ash

properly in low value applications, more than 60% utilization of fly ash we currently

produce can be seen. In present scenario, India is 65%-70% dependent on production of

energy by coal based thermal power plants, which tallies the fly ash production of the

country, as stated earlier, up to 130 MT/year.

Table 3 Utilization of fly ash for different purposes. Data source: Ministry of Environment & Forests

Mode of Fly ash applications % Utilization

Dykes 35

Cement 30

Land development 15

Building 15

Others 5

1.3 Reaction mechanism of Fly ash and expansive soil

By itself, fly ash has little cementitious value, however, this changes in presence of

moisture, with which it reacts chemically, and forms cementitious compounds. These

compounds attributes to the improvement of compressibility and strength characteristics of

a soil. Both classes of Fly ash (C & F) are pozzolans i.e. they contain siliceous and

aluminous materials. Fly ash can thus produce an assortment of divalent and trivalent

cations (𝐶𝑎2+ , 𝐹𝑒 3+ , 𝐴𝑙 3+ etc.) under conditions that are ionized in nature, which in return

can encourage flocculation of dispersed clay particles. Expansive soils can thus be

theoretically stabilized in an effective manner by cationic exchange with fly ash.

1.4 Justification of research

Almost 20% of land in India is roofed by expansive soils. With the rapid growth in

industrialization and urbanization, land scarcity appears to be an imminent threat.

Construction of civil engineering structures on expansive soils, however, pose a major risk

to the structure in itself, because of the greater degree of instability in these kinds of soil.

Tallied in billions of dollars per year is the loss in property every year globally owing to

the instability in the expansive soils. On the other hand, disposal of fly ash has become a

growing issue. India, as a developing country, is highly dependent on coal based thermal

power plants for production energy, and this dependency isn’t going to falter anytime soon.

Pulverization of coal in these power plants produces many waste materials, including fly

ash. As of 2012, the generation of fly ash rose to 130 MT/year. However, only 56% of this

generated fly ash waste were only utilized. The residual fly ash is disposed off in places,

and this poses threat to health, and also the reduction in land area that can be otherwise

utilized for purposes other than the disposal of fly ash.

Keeping both the issues in mind, this research of stabilizing expansive soil using fly ash is


1.5 Objective of Research

 To check the ambit of reducing expansiveness and improving bearing capacity

value by adding additives.

 Also to establish the usage of Fly Ash as an additive, thereby helping utilize it which

otherwise always lays as fine waste product from thermal power plants.

Chapter 2

2.1 Origin and occurrence of expansive soil

Clay mineral is the key element which divulges the swelling characteristics to any ordinary

non-swelling/non-shrinking soil. Montmorillonite, out of several types of clay minerals has the

maximum amount of swelling potential. In-situ formation of chief clay minerals occurs under

alkaline conditions, or sub-aqueous decomposition of blast rocks can be seen the origin of such

soil – expansive soil. These type of soil can also be formed due to weathering under alkaline

environments, and under adequate supply of magnesium or ferric or ferrous oxides. Given

there’s a good availability of alumina and silica, the formation of Montmorillonite is favoured.

2.2 Nature of expansive soil

Swelling in clays can be sub-categorized into two distinctive types, namely:

 Elastic rebound in the compressed soil mass due to reduction in compressive force.

 Imbibing of water resulting in expansion of water-sensitive clays.

Swelling clays are the clays that exhibit latter type of swelling, where the clay minerals with

largely inflating lattice are present. One of the fundamental characteristics of clayey soil is that

they display little cohesion and strength when wet, but they become hard when devoid of water.

However, all of them do not swell due to wetting action. Decrease in ultimate bearing capacity

at saturation, and large differential settlement due to this occurs. Thus, clayey soils exhibit

foundation problems.

2.3 Clay Mineralogy

On the basis of their crystalline arrangement, clay minerals can be categorized into three

general groups, namely:

 Kaolinite group

 Montmorillonite group

 Illite group

2.3.1 Kaolinite group

A clay mineral which has a chemical composition 𝐴𝑙2 𝑆𝑖2 05 (𝑂𝐻)4 is called Kaolinite. This

type of clay mineral has a layered silicate, with linkage to one octahedral sheet of alumina

through oxygen atoms. China clay or Kaolin is the name given to rocks that are rich in this

mineral. A thickness of 7Å is exhibited by the stacked layers of kaolinite; as a result of this,

kaolin group of minerals are seen to be the most stable, which is also because of the fact that

water cannot enter between the sheets to inflate that unit cell.

Figure 2 Atomic structure of kaolinite

2.3.2 Montmorillonite group

Two silica tetrahedral sheets combined with a central alumina octahedral sheet comprise the

structural arrangement of Montmorillonite. The bond between crystal links is weak here. Thus,

the soil containing higher percentage of Montmorillonite minerals demonstrate high shrinkage

and swelling characteristics, depending on the nature of exchangeable cation present. The

common layer of a Montmorillonite unit is formed by one of the hydroxyl layers of the

octahedral sheet and the tips of the tetrahedrons from each silica sheet. Atoms which are

common to both silica and gibbsite layers never participate in the process of swelling. During

weak bond between the crystal forms, water can penetrate, breaking the structures to 10Å

structural units.

Figure 3 Atomic structure of montmorillonite

2.3.3 Illite group

As far as structural arrangement is concerned, Illite minerals fall between Montmorillonite and

Kaolinite group. As in case of Montmorillonite unit structure, two silica tetrahedral sheets

combined with a central alumina octahedral sheet comprise the structural arrangement of Illite.

The spacing between the elementary silica-gibbsite-silica sheets depend largely upon the

availability of water to occupy the space. Owing to this reason, Montmorillonite is believed to

have an expanding lattice. However, in presence of excess water, Illite can split up into

individual layers of 10Å thick.

Figure 4 Atomic structure of Illite

2.4 Identification and classification of expansive soils

Some laboratory tests are available for the identification purposes of swelling soils. By

differential thermal analysis, Microscopic examination, and X-ray diffraction. The presence of

Montmorillonite in clay minerals allows the judgement of the expansiveness of the soil. This

aspect is however very technical in nature. A simple aspect, as opposed to the aforementioned

methods, is the free-swell test, that’s done in the laboratory. This test is conducted by adding

10 gm of dry soil, passing through a 425 μ sieve into two separate 100 cc graduated jar – one

filled with water, and the other with kerosene. Swelling occurs in the jar containing water. The

swelled volume of the soil is then noted (after 24 hours period), and subsequently, the free

swell index values, in percentage, are calculated. IS: 2720-II was followed for free swell index


(𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒−𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒)

Free swell value [𝐼𝑛 ] (in %age) = 𝑥 100
𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒

Good grade, high swelling, commercial Bentonite has been reported to have free swell values

varying from 1200% to 2000%. In general, the swelling potential of a soil is related to plasticity

index. With corresponding range of plasticity index, various degrees of swelling capacities are

as indicated through the following table:

Table 4 Swelling potential vs. Plasticity Index

Swelling potential Plasticity Index

Low 0-15
Medium 15-24
High 24-46
Very High >46

Several factors participate in deciding whether or not a soil with high swelling potential exhibit

swelling characteristics. One of these factors, that occupy greatest importance, is the difference

between soil moisture content at the time of construction, and final (equilibrium) moisture

content finally achieved under various conditions allied with the complicated structure. The

soil has a high swelling capacity if the equilibrium moisture content is higher than the soil

moisture content. Large swelling pressure may develop as a result of the upheaving of the soil

or structure, causing swelling.

2.5 Methods of recognizing expansive soils

Grouped into three categories, following are the methods of recognizing expansive soils:

 Mineralogical identification

 Indirect methods, such as soil suction, activity and index properties

 Direct measurement.

Impractical and uneconomical in practice, methods of mineralogical identification still hold

importance in exploring basic properties of clay minerals. Direct measurement, out of the

remaining two categories, offers the most useful data.

By their shattered or fissured condition, or obvious structural damage to existing buildings

caused by such soils, potentially expansive soils are usually identified in the field. To classify

expansive soil, potential swell, or potential expansion, or the degree of expansion is a favoured

term used; from this, geotechnical engineers establish how good or bad the expansive soils are.

2.6 Causes of swelling

There are different theories, but the mechanism of swelling is still unclear. No conclusion to

the mechanism have been reached. Soil consisting high percentage of clay or colloid, with

Montmorillonite mineral present as the chief mineral is one of the most universally accepted

reasons for the swelling of soils.

2.7 Swell Pressures

The pressure exerted by expansive soil when they swell, owing to their contact with water, is

called swell pressure. The estimation of this swell pressure and likely becomes a very important

task for designing a structure on such soils, or building the core of a dam, or constructing a

road embankment, or taking a canal through such soils.

2.8 Factors affecting swelling

Initial moisture content, or the molding water in case of a re-molded sample is the most

influencing factor. “The behaviour of re-molded clays is much as undisturbed clays”, as per

Holts’ and Gibbs’ findings. For a given dry density, the value of initial water content will be a

key factor in determining the water affinity of a given sample, as well as its swell pressure. A

minimum moisture content (𝑤𝑛 ) required by a clay for swelling to begin beneath a pre-paved

sub-grade is given by:

𝑤𝑛 (%) = 0.2𝑤1 + g

Where, 𝑤1 = liquid limit

The factors that affect the swelling aspect of a soil largely depend on the soil’s environmental

conditions. With the intake of water, swelling is more in a soil element which is close to the

surface, but if below the surface, the same soil exhibit negligible swelling because the

overburden pressure neutralizes the developing swelling pressure of the dry soil.

Generally responsible for swelling are the following factors:

 Location of the soil sample from the ground surface

 Thickness, as well as shape of the sample

 Change in volume

 Temperature

 Nature of pore fluid

 Time

 Stress history

 Unit weight of the sample taken, etc.

2.9 Problems associated with the expansive soil

Generation of problems for all kinds of construction over expansive soils is common, leading

us to believe that such types of soil are not suitable for these purposes. However, given the

placement of these kinds of soil over the country, it leaves engineers no other choice but to

develop different structures on the soil, well aware of the risk. These structures chiefly are a

part of irrigation projects. Buildings, and other kinds of structures constructed over these soils

are subjected to differential deflections. These deflections cause distressing, and in turn leads

to damage of the structure.

Moreover, the reduction in moisture content due to the evaporation of water in soil causes

shrinkage, and heaving of soil occurs when there is a disproportionate increase in moisture

content. The level of ground water table also has a significant impact on the moisture content

of these soils, which in return affect the shrinkage-swelling cycles. In seasons which are dry in

nature, the surface of clayey soil shrinks, however, little evaporation is there on the clayey soil

on which the building stands. This causes differential settlement at plinth level, posing danger

to the structure.

If the construction of a building on such type of soil is done in its dry season, the base of the

structure’s foundation would experience swelling pressures when the partially saturated soil

underneath starts imbibing water in the wet season, developing swelling pressures. When the

pressure imposed by the structure on the foundation is less than the swelling pressure

developed, upliftment of such a structure occurs, which would lead to formation of cracks. The

imposed bearing pressure if the building is constructed in the wet season should be within the

permissible limits of bearing pressure for the soil. A better practice is to construct a building

during dry season, and completing it before the onset of wet seasons.

One of the methods of treatment of expansive soil to make them fit for the construction

purposes is called stabilization. According to Petry (2002), assortment of stabilizers can be

grouped into:

 By-product stabilizers (Quarry dust, Fly ash, Slag, Phosphor-gypsum, etc.)

 Traditional stabilizers (Cement, Lime, etc.)

 Non-traditional stabilizers (Sulfonated oils, Potassium compounds, Polymer, Enzymes,


Lots of geo-environmental problems are a result of industrial by-products whose disposal as

fills in disposal sites adjacent to the industries demand large chunks of land, which can

otherwise be utilized for construction, growing of vegetation, etc. purposes. Various attempts

by different researchers and organizations have been made to utilize these by-products.

Stabilization of expansive soil is one of the ways of fulfilling such a thing.

2.10 Stabilization using fly ash

Sharma et al. (1992), using mixtures of fly ash, blast furnace slag and gypsum, studied

stabilization. He found that when fly ash, gypsum and blast furnace slag are used in proportions

of 6:12:18, the swelling pressure decreases from 248 KN/𝑚2 to 17 KN/𝑚2 , whereas an increase

by 300% was observed in case of unconfined compressive strength.

Srivastava et al. (1997) studied the microscopic changes in the fabric and micro-structure of

the expansive soil due to the addition of lime sludge and fly ash using SEM photography. He

found that there were changes in the micro-structure and fabric of the expansive soil when 16%

lime sludge and 16% fly ash were both added. Srivastava et al. (1999) have also stated that the
best stabilizing effect of the swelling and consolidation behaviour in an expansive soil mixed

with fly ash and lime sludge was obtained when 16% lime sludge and 16% fly ash were added.

Cokca (2001) found out that swelling pressure decreased by 75% after 7 day curing, and 79%

after 28 day curing when soil specimens were treated with 25% Class C Fly ash (18.98% of


Pandian et al. (2001) made an effort towards stabilization of expansive soil by using Class F

Fly ash. He found that fly ash can make for an effective additive when he saw that with 20%

fly ash content, the CBR value of Black cotton soil improved (about 200%) significantly.

Turker et al. (2004) employed sand along with Class C & Class F fly ash for stabilization of

expansive soil. Without any contradiction of belief, Class C fly ash was more effective in

stabilization, and decrease in free swell with curing period was observed. The percentage

content of soil, Class C fly ash and sand that gave the best result was 75%, 15% and 10%


Satyanarayana et al. (2004) aimed to study the mutual effect of addition of lime and fly ash on

the engineering properties of the expansive soil. He found out that 70%, 26% and 4% were the

optimum percent mixture of the ingredients for the construction of roads and embankments.

Phani Kumar et al. (2004) saw that the hydraulic conductivity, swelling properties and

plasticity of expansive soil-fly ash mixture decreased, whereas the strength and dry unit weight

increased with the increase of fly ash content in the mix. For a given water content, the

resistance to penetration also increased with the increase in fly ash content.

Baytar (2005) contemplated the stabilization of expansive soils using desulphogypsum and fly

ash acquired from a thermal power plant by 0 to 30%. A variable percentage of lime (0 to 8%)

was appended into the expansive soil-desulphogypsum-fly ash mixture. The samples, thus

formed, were cure for a period of 7 days and 28 days. It was observed that swelling percentage

decrease, and there was an increase in rate of swell with increasing percentage of the stabilizer

in the mixture. The curing process reduced the swelling percentage further; and with the

addition of 30% desulphogypsum and 25% fly ash, reduction in swelling percentage were to

such levels that stood comparable with the one where lime was only used as stabilizing

compound for the expansive soil.

Amu et al. utilized fly ash and cement mixture for the stabilization purposes of expansive soil.

Three distinct classes of samples: (i) 12% cement, (ii) 9% cement + 3% fly ash, and (iii) natural

clay soil, were taken to be tested for Maximum Dry Densities (MDD), Unconfined

Compressive Strength (UCS), Optimum Moisture Contents (OMC), California Bearing Ratios

(CBR), and the Undrained Triaxial tests. The results of this test indicated that the sample with

9% cement and 3% fly ash showed better results with respect to CBR, OMC, MDD, and

shearing resistance, in comparison to the other two samples. This indicated the value of fly ash

as a stabilizing agent.

Sabat et al. (2005) studied the stabilization of expansive soil using fly ash-marble powder

mixture. He concluded that the optimum proportions of soil, fly ash, and marble powder in the

mixture in percentage by weight to give the best result were 65%, 20% and 15% respectively.

Rajesh et al. (2006) talked about experimental investigation of clay beds stabilized with fly

ash-lime segments and fly ash segments. An observation of swelling in clay beds of 100 mm

thickness strengthened with 30 mm diameter fly ash-lime and fly ash segments. There was a

considerable decrease in heave in both fly ash-lime and fly ash columns. However, lime-fly

ash mixture generated better results.

Wagh (2006) utilized rock flour, lime and fly ash independently, furthermore in diverse extent

to stabilize the black cotton soil from Nagpur Plateau, India. Rock flour or fly ash, or both

together, when added to the black cotton soil showed an improved value of CBR to some

degree, and there was an increase in angle of shearing resistance with the reduction in cohesion

value. CBR values increased significantly with the increase of both frictional resistance and

cohesion where lime, in addition to both fly ash and rock flour, as added into the mixture.

Sharma et al. (2007) contemplated the impact on swelling of highly plastic expansive clay, and

the compressibility of another non-expansive but highly plastic clay when fly ash was

employed. At a given dry unit weight of the mixture, the swelling pressure and swell potential

showed a decrease by nearly 50%. A decrease by 40% at 20% fly ash content in coefficient of

secondary consolidation and compression index of both the samples was observed.

Buhler et al. (2007) considered the usage of lime and Class C fly ash in stabilization of

expansive soils. He observed better results with lime than with Class C fly ash, when the

reduction in linear shrinkage was better when the former was employed. This, however,

established the characteristics of fly ash as a stabilizing material.

Chapter 3

3.1 Materials

3.1.1 Expansive soil

As a part of this investigation, the expansive black cotton soil was acquired from the site Khairi,

Nagpur, Maharashtra. The black cotton soil thus obtained was carried to the laboratory in sacks.

A small amount of soil was taken, sieved through 4.75 mm sieve, weighed, and air-dried before

weighing again to determine the natural moisture content of the same. The various geotechnical

properties of the procured soil are as follows:

Table 5 Geotechnical properties of expansive soil

Sl. No. Properties Code referred Value

1 Specific Gravity IS 2720 (Part 3/Sec 1) - 1980 2.44

2 Maximum Dry Density (MDD) IS 2720 (Part 7) - 1980 1.52 gm/cc

3 Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) IS 2720 (Part 7) - 1980 22.65%

4 Natural Moisture Content IS 2720 (Part 2) - 1973 7.28%

5 Free Swell Index IS 2720 (Part 40) - 1977 105%

6 Liquid Limit IS 2720 (Part 5) - 1985 65%

7 Plastic Limit IS 2720 (Part 5) - 1985 37.08%

8 Shrinkage Limit IS 2720 (Part 6) -: 1972 17.37%

3.1.2 Fly ash

A waste material extracted from the gases emanating from coal fired furnaces, generally of a

thermal power plant, is called fly ash. The mineral residue that is left behind after the burning

of coal is the fly ash. The Electro Static Precipitator (ESP) of the power plants collect these fly

ashes. Essentially consisting of alumina, silica and iron, fly ashes are micro-sized particles. Fly

ash particles are generally spherical in size, and this property makes it easy for them to blend

and flow, to make a suitable concoction. Both amorphous and crystalline nature of minerals

are the content of fly ash generated. Its content varies with the change in nature of the coal used

for the burning process, but it basically is a non-plastic silt. For the purpose of investigations

in this study, fly ash was obtained from Sesa Sterlite, Jharsuguda, Odisha. To separate out the

vegetation and foreign material, this fly ash was screen through a 2 mm sieve. The samples

were dried in the oven for about 24 hours before further usage.

3.2 Methodology Adopted

To evaluate the effect of fly ash as a stabilizing additive in expansive soils, series of tests,

where the content of fly ash in the expansive soil was varied in values of 10% to 50% (multiples

of 10) by weight of the total quantity taken. The Indian Standard codes were followed during

the conduction of the following experiments:

o Standard proctor test – IS : 2720 (Part 7) - 1980

o Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) test – IS : 2720 (Part 10) - 1991

o California bearing ratio (CBR) test – IS : 2720 (Part 16) - 1987

o Free swell index test – IS 2720 (Part 40) - 1977

o Liquid & Plastic limit test – IS 2720 (Part 5) - 1985

Chapter 4

4.1 Standard proctor test for soil – fly ash mixture
Table 6 Standard proctor test for expansive soil only

Weight of Moist unit Dry unit

Volume of Moisture ZAV
soil in mold weight weight
Mold (𝒎𝟑 ) 𝟑
content (%) 𝟑
(g/𝐜𝒎𝟑 )
(kg) (g/𝐜𝒎 ) (g/𝐜𝒎 )
0.00099795 1.56 1.56 17.76 1.32 1.70
0.00099795 1.73 1.73 19.53 1.45 1.65
0.00099795 1.86 1.86 22.65 1.52 1.57
0.00099795 1.87 1.87 24.87 1.50 1.52
0.00099795 1.82 1.82 27.92 1.42 1.45

Table 7 Standard proctor test for expansive soil + 10% fly ash mixture

Weight of Moist unit Dry unit

Volume of Moisture ZAV
soil in mold weight weight
Mold (𝒎𝟑 ) 𝟑
content (%)
(g/𝐜𝒎𝟑 )
(kg) (g/𝐜𝒎 ) (g/𝐜𝒎 )
0.00099795 1.60 1.60 15.18 1.39 1.78
0.00099795 1.76 1.76 19.09 1.48 1.66
0.00099795 1.83 1.83 22.13 1.50 1.58
0.00099795 1.80 1.81 27.96 1.41 1.45
0.00099795 1.77 1.77 32.71 1.33 1.35

Table 8 Standard proctor test for expansive soil + 20% fly ash mixture

Weight of Moist unit Dry unit

Volume of Moisture ZAV
soil in mold weight weight
Mold (𝒎𝟑 ) 𝟑
content (%) 𝟑
(g/𝐜𝒎𝟑 )
(kg) (g/𝐜𝒎 ) (g/𝐜𝒎 )
0.00099795 1.62 1.62 19.6 1.36 1.65
0.00099795 1.72 1.72 20.95 1.42 1.61
0.00099795 1.86 1.86 22.56 1.52 1.57
0.00099795 1.87 1.88 25.21 1.50 1.51
0.00099795 1.82 1.82 29.13 1.41 1.42

Table 9 Standard proctor test for expansive soil + 30% fly ash mixture

Weight of Moist unit Dry unit

Volume of Moisture ZAV
soil in mold weight weight
Mold (𝒎𝟑 ) content (%) (g/𝐜𝒎𝟑 )
(kg) (g/𝐜𝒎𝟑 ) (g/𝐜𝒎𝟑 )
0.00099795 1.64 1.64 15.12 1.43 1.78
0.00099795 1.76 1.76 18.96 1.48 1.67
0.00099795 1.86 1.86 21.27 1.53 1.60
0.00099795 1.87 1.88 24.71 1.50 1.52
0.00099795 1.82 1.82 28.13 1.42 1.44

Table 10 Standard proctor test for expansive soil + 40% fly ash mixture

Weight of Moist unit Dry unit

Volume of Moisture ZAV
soil in mold weight weight
Mold (𝒎𝟑 ) 𝟑
content (%) 𝟑
(g/𝐜𝒎𝟑 )
(kg) (g/𝐜𝒎 ) (g/𝐜𝒎 )
0.00099795 1.59 1.59 16.22 1.37 1.75
0.00099795 1.71 1.71 18.52 1.45 1.68
0.00099795 1.82 1.82 23.57 1.47 1.55
0.00099795 1.84 1.84 26.42 1.46 1.48
0.00099795 1.80 1.80 31.81 1.36 1.37

Table 11 Standard proctor test for expansive soil + 50% fly ash mixture

Weight of Moist unit Dry unit

Volume of Moisture ZAV
soil in mold weight weight
Mold (𝒎𝟑 ) 𝟑
content (%)
(g/𝐜𝒎𝟑 )
(kg) (g/𝐜𝒎 ) (g/𝐜𝒎 )
0.00099795 1.53 1.53 14.11 1.34 1.81
0.00099795 1.61 1.61 17.23 1.37 1.71
0.00099795 1.73 1.73 21.34 1.42 1.60
0.00099795 1.78 1.78 25.76 1.42 1.50
0.00099795 1.76 1.76 31.2 1.34 1.38

Figure 5 Variation of MDD values with different fly ash content in expansive soil

Figure 6 Variation of OMC values with different fly ash content in expansive soil

4.2 Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) test for soil – fly ash mixture

Table 12 UCS test for expansive soil only

Dial Proving Corrected Compressive

Sl. Deformation Load Strain
gauge ring area Strength
No. (𝒎𝒎) (𝒌𝑵) (%)
reading reading (𝒎𝒎𝟐 ) (𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 0 0 0 0 1133.54 0
2 50 0.5 14 0.019 0.6 1141.04 0.017
3 100 1 36 0.052 1.3 1148.65 0.044
4 150 1.5 69 0.098 1.9 1156.36 0.085
5 200 2 101 0.144 2.6 1164.17 0.123
6 250 2.5 111 0.158 3.3 1172.09 0.135
7 300 3 131 0.186 3.9 1180.12 0.158
8 350 3.5 149 0.212 4.6 1188.26 0.178
9 400 4 159 0.226 5.3 1196.51 0.189
10 450 4.5 166 0.236 5.9 1204.88 0.196
11 500 5 168 0.240 6.6 1213.36 0.197
12 550 5.5 169 0.241 7.2 1221.97 0.197
13 600 6 169 0.241 7.9 1230.70 0.196
14 650 6.5 168 0.240 8.5 1239.55 0.193
15 700 7 168 0.240 9.2 1248.53 0.191
16 750 7.5 167 0.238 9.8 1257.65 0.189
17 800 8 165 0.235 10.5 1266.89 0.185
18 850 8.5 165 0.235 11.2 1276.28 0.184
19 900 9 163 0.232 11.8 1285.80 0.180
20 950 9.5 162 0.231 12.5 1295.47 0.178

Table 13 UCS test for expansive soil + 10% fly ash

Dial Proving Corrected Compressive

Sl. Deformation Load Strain
gauge ring area Strength
No. (𝒎𝒎) (𝒌𝑵) (%)
reading reading (𝒎𝒎𝟐 ) (𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 0 0 0 0 1133.54 0
2 50 0.5 10 0.014 0.6 1141.04 0.012
3 100 1 24 0.034 1.3 1148.65 0.029
4 150 1.5 49 0.069 1.9 1156.36 0.060
5 200 2 67 0.095 2.6 1164.17 0.082
6 250 2.5 90 0.128 3.3 1172.09 0.109
7 300 3 101 0.144 3.9 1180.12 0.122
8 350 3.5 119 0.169 4.6 1188.26 0.142
9 400 4 126 0.179 5.3 1196.51 0.150
10 450 4.5 137 0.195 5.9 1204.88 0.162
11 500 5 144 0.205 6.6 1213.36 0.169
12 550 5.5 146 0.208 7.2 1221.97 0.170
13 600 6 169 0.241 7.9 1230.70 0.195
14 650 6.5 168 0.239 8.5 1239.55 0.193
15 700 7 168 0.239 9.2 1248.53 0.191
16 750 7.5 167 0.238 9.8 1257.65 0.189
17 800 8 165 0.235 10.5 1266.89 0.185
18 850 8.5 165 0.235 11.2 1276.28 0.184

Table 14 UCS test for expansive soil + 20% fly ash

Dial Proving Corrected Compressive

Sl. Deformation Load Strain
gauge ring area Strength
No. (𝒎𝒎) (𝒌𝑵) (%)
reading reading (𝒎𝒎𝟐 ) (𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 0 0 0 0 1133.54 0
2 50 0.5 11 0.015 0.6 1141.04 0.013
3 100 1 35 0.049 1.3 1148.65 0.043
4 150 1.5 71 0.101 1.9 1156.36 0.087
5 200 2 98 0.139 2.6 1164.17 0.119
6 250 2.5 109 0.155 3.3 1172.09 0.132
7 300 3 132 0.188 3.9 1180.12 0.159
8 350 3.5 153 0.218 4.6 1188.26 0.183
9 400 4 164 0.233 5.3 1196.51 0.195
10 450 4.5 170 0.242 5.9 1204.88 0.201
11 500 5 173 0.246 6.6 1213.36 0.203
12 550 5.5 177 0.252 7.2 1221.97 0.206
13 600 6 177 0.252 7.9 1230.70 0.204
14 650 6.5 178 0.253 8.5 1239.55 0.204
15 700 7 176 0.250 9.2 1248.53 0.201
16 750 7.5 175 0.249 9.8 1257.65 0.198
17 800 8 175 0.249 10.5 1266.89 0.196
18 850 8.5 174 0.248 11.2 1276.28 0.194
19 900 9 173 0.246 11.8 1285.80 0.191

Table 15 UCS test for expansive soil + 30% fly ash mixture

Dial Proving Strain Corrected Compressive

Sl. Deformation Load
gauge ring (%) area Strength
No. (𝒎𝒎) (𝒌𝑵)
reading reading (𝒎𝒎𝟐 ) (𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 0 0 0 0 1133.54 0
2 50 0.5 6 0.008 0.6 1141.05 0.007
3 100 1 24 0.034 1.3 1148.65 0.029
4 150 1.5 48 0.068 1.9 1156.36 0.059
5 200 2 71 0.101 2.6 1164.17 0.086
6 250 2.5 93 0.132 3.3 1172.09 0.113
7 300 3 107 0.152 3.9 1180.12 0.129
8 350 3.5 128 0.182 4.6 1188.26 0.153
9 400 4 141 0.201 5.3 1196.51 0.168
10 450 4.5 147 0.209 5.9 1204.88 0.174
11 500 5 150 0.213 6.6 1213.36 0.176
12 550 5.5 151 0.215 7.2 1221.97 0.176
13 600 6 151 0.215 7.9 1230.70 0.175
14 650 6.5 150 0.213 8.5 1239.55 0.172
15 700 7 149 0.212 9.2 1248.53 0.170
16 750 7.5 148 0.211 9.8 1257.65 0.167

Table 16 UCS test for expansive soil + 40% fly ash mixture

Dial Proving Strain Corrected Compressive

Sl. Deformation Load
gauge ring (%) area Strength
No. (𝒎𝒎) (𝒌𝑵)
reading reading (𝒎𝒎𝟐 ) (𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 0 0 0 0 1133.54 0
2 50 0.5 8 0.011 0.6 1141.05 0.01
3 100 1 21 0.030 1.3 1148.65 0.026
4 150 1.5 46 0.065 1.9 1156.36 0.057
5 200 2 71 0.101 2.6 1164.17 0.087
6 250 2.5 92 0.131 3.3 1172.09 0.111
7 300 3 114 0.162 3.9 1180.12 0.137
8 350 3.5 132 0.188 4.6 1188.26 0.158
9 400 4 140 0.199 5.3 1196.51 0.166
10 450 4.5 144 0.205 5.9 1204.88 0.170
11 500 5 145 0.206 6.6 1213.36 0.170
12 550 5.5 145 0.206 7.2 1221.97 0.169
13 600 6 145 0.206 7.9 1230.70 0.168
14 650 6.5 144 0.205 8.5 1239.55 0.165
15 700 7 143 0.203 9.2 1248.53 0.163

Table 17 UCS test for expansive soil + 50% fly ash mixture

Dial Proving Corrected Compressive

Sl. Deformation Load Strain
gauge ring area Strength
No. (𝒎𝒎) (𝒌𝑵) (%)
reading reading (𝒎𝒎𝟐 ) (𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 0 0 0 0 1133.54 0
2 50 0.5 12 0.017 0.6 1141.05 0.015
3 100 1 36 0.051 1.3 1148.65 0.044
4 150 1.5 69 0.098 1.9 1156.36 0.085
5 200 2 92 0.1311 2.6 1164.17 0.112
6 250 2.5 104 0.148 3.3 1172.09 0.126
7 300 3 124 0.176 3.9 1180.12 0.149
8 350 3.5 130 0.185 4.6 1188.26 0.156
9 400 4 139 0.198 5.2 1196.51 0.165
10 450 4.5 141 0.201 5.9 1204.88 0.166
11 500 5 142 0.202 6.5 1213.36 0.166
12 550 5.5 142 0.202 7.2 1221.97 0.165
13 600 6 140 0.199 7.9 1230.70 0.162
14 650 6.5 140 0.199 8.5 1239.55 0.16
15 700 7 139 0.198 9.2 1248.53 0.158
16 750 7.5 138 0.196 9.8 1257.65 0.156

Figure 7 Comparison of UCS test readings in expansive soil, with varying fly ash content

Figure 8 Variation of UCS values of expansive soil with different fly ash content

4.3 Un-soaked California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test for soil – fly ash mixture

Table 1 Un-soaked CBR test for expansive soil only

Plunger Dial CBR load CBR
Sl. No. penetration gauge stress intensity intensity
load (𝒌𝒈)
(𝒎𝒎) readings (𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 ) (𝒌𝒈/ (% 𝒂𝒈𝒆)
𝒄𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 1 2.47 0.12
2 0.5 6 14.82 0.75
3 1 17 42.01 2.14
4 1.5 24 59.30 3.02
5 2 28 69.19 3.52
6 2.5 32 79.07 4.03 70 5.75
7 3 36 88.95 4.53
8 3.5 40 98.84 5.03
9 4 44 108.72 5.54
10 4.5 47 116.14 5.91
11 5 50 123.55 6.29 105 5.99
12 5.5 52 128.49 6.54
13 6 53 130.96 6.67
14 6.5 54 133.43 6.79
15 7 55 135.90 6.92
16 7.5 57 140.84 7.17 134 5.35
17 8 58 143.32 7.30
18 8.5 58 143.32 7.30

Table 19 Un-soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 10% fly ash mixture

Plunger Dial CBR load CBR
Sl. No. penetration gauge stress intensity intensity
load (𝒌𝒈)
(𝒎𝒎) readings (𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 ) (𝒌𝒈/ (% 𝒂𝒈𝒆)
𝒄𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 4 9.88 0.49
2 0.5 10 24.71 1.23
3 1 28 69.19 3.45
4 1.5 44 108.72 5.43
5 2 52 128.49 6.42
6 2.5 59 145.79 7.28 70 10.40
7 3 66 163.08 8.14
8 3.5 72 177.91 8.88
9 4 78 192.74 9.63
10 4.5 83 205.09 10.24
11 5 90 222.39 11.11 105 10.58
12 5.5 95 234.74 11.72
13 6 98 242.16 12.09
14 6.5 100 247.10 12.34
15 7 101 249.57 12.46
16 7.5 102 252.04 12.59 134 9.39
17 8 102 252.04 12.59

Table 20 Un-soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 20% fly ash mixture

Plunger Dial CBR load CBR
Sl. No. penetration gauge stress intensity intensity
load (𝒌𝒈)
(𝒎𝒎) readings (𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 ) (𝒌𝒈/ (% 𝒂𝒈𝒆)
𝒄𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 8 19.77 1.01
2 0.5 25 61.77 3.15
3 1 42 103.78 5.29
4 1.5 60 148.26 7.55
5 2 73 180.38 9.19
6 2.5 83 205.09 10.45 70 14.93
7 3 96 237.21 12.08
8 3.5 110 271.81 13.85
9 4 122 301.46 15.36
10 4.5 133 328.64 16.74
11 5 139 343.47 17.50 105 16.67
12 5.5 146 360.76 18.38
13 6 153 378.06 19.26
14 6.5 157 387.94 19.76
15 7 159 392.89 20.02
16 7.5 161 397.83 20.27
17 8 163 402.77 20.52 134 15.31
18 8.5 164 405.24 20.65
19 9 165 407.71 20.77
20 9.5 165 407.71 20.77

Table 21 Un-soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 30% fly ash mixture

Plunger Dial CBR load CBR
Sl. No. penetration gauge stress intensity intensity
load (𝒌𝒈)
(𝒎𝒎) readings (𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 ) (𝒌𝒈/ (% 𝒂𝒈𝒆)
𝒄𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 3 7.41 0.37
2 0.5 9 22.24 1.13
3 1 19 46.95 2.39
4 1.5 29 71.66 3.65
5 2 37 91.42 4.66
6 2.5 52 128.49 6.54 70 9.35
7 3 57 140.84 7.17
8 3.5 65 160.61 8.18
9 4 71 175.44 8.94
10 4.5 77 190.26 9.69
11 5 83 205.09 10.45 105 9.95
12 5.5 86 212.50 10.82
13 6 89 219.92 11.20
14 6.5 91 224.86 11.45
15 7 92 227.33 11.58
16 7.5 93 229.80 11.71 134 8.73
17 8 94 232.27 11.83
18 8.5 94 232.27 11.83

Table 22 Un-soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 40% fly ash mixture

Plunger Dial CBR CBR
Applied load
Sl. No. penetration gauge stress intensity
load (𝒌𝒈) intensity
(𝒎𝒎) readings (𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 ) (% 𝒂𝒈𝒆)
(𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 2 4.94 0.25
2 0.5 7 17.30 0.88
3 1 17 42.01 2.13
4 1.5 28 69.19 3.51
5 2 38 93.90 4.77
6 2.5 46 113.67 5.77 70 8.25
7 3 52 128.49 6.53
8 3.5 58 143.32 7.28
9 4 63 155.67 7.91
10 4.5 68 168.03 8.53
11 5 72 177.91 9.04 105 8.61
12 5.5 76 187.80 9.54
13 6 80 197.68 10.04
14 6.5 83 205.09 10.42
15 7 86 212.51 10.79
16 7.5 89 219.92 11.17 134 8.34
17 8 91 224.86 11.42
18 8.5 93 229.80 11.67
19 9 94 232.27 11.80
20 9.5 94 232.27 11.80
21 10 94 232.27 11.80 162 7.28

Table 23 Un-soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 50% fly ash mixture

Plunger Dial CBR CBR
Applied load
Sl. No. penetration gauge stress intensity
load (𝒌𝒈) intensity
(𝒎𝒎) readings (𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 ) (% 𝒂𝒈𝒆)
(𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 2 4.94 0.25
2 0.5 5 12.36 0.63
3 1 14 34.59 1.76
4 1.5 23 56.83 2.90
5 2 33 81.54 4.16
6 2.5 41 101.31 5.16 70 7.37
7 3 48 118.61 6.04
8 3.5 55 135.91 6.93
9 4 61 150.73 7.68
10 4.5 66 163.09 8.31
11 5 71 175.44 8.94 105 8.51
12 5.5 75 185.33 9.44
13 6 79 195.21 9.95
14 6.5 82 202.62 10.32
15 7 86 212.51 10.83
16 7.5 89 219.92 11.21 134 8.36
17 8 90 222.39 11.33
18 8.5 91 224.86 11.46
19 9 91 224.86 11.46

Figure 9 Variation of Un-soaked CBR values of expansive soil with varying fly ash content

4.4 Soaked California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test for soil – fly ash mixture

Table 24 Soaked CBR test for expansive soil

Plunger Dial CBR CBR
Applied load
Sl. No. penetration gauge stress intensity
load (𝒌𝒈) intensity
(𝒎𝒎) readings (𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 ) (% 𝒂𝒈𝒆)
(𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 0 0.00 0.00
2 0.5 3 7.41 0.38
3 1 9 22.24 1.13
4 1.5 15 37.07 1.89
5 2 20 49.42 2.52
6 2.5 23 56.83 2.90 70 4.14
7 3 26 64.25 3.27
8 3.5 30 74.13 3.78
9 4 33 81.54 4.16
10 4.5 35 86.49 4.41
11 5 37 91.43 4.66 105 4.44
12 5.5 38 93.90 4.78
13 6 39 96.37 4.91
14 6.5 39 96.37 4.91
15 7 40 98.84 5.04
16 7.5 40 98.84 5.04 134 3.76
17 8 40 98.84 5.04

Table 25 Soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 10% fly ash mixture

Plunger Dial CBR CBR
Applied load
Sl. No. penetration gauge stress intensity
load (𝒌𝒈) intensity
(𝒎𝒎) readings (𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 ) (% 𝒂𝒈𝒆)
(𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 2.47 0.13 2.47
2 0.5 9.88 0.50 9.88
3 1 19.77 1.01 19.77
4 1.5 29.65 1.51 29.65
5 2 39.54 2.01 39.54
6 2.5 51.89 2.64 70 3.78 51.89
7 3 61.78 3.15 61.78
8 3.5 71.66 3.65 71.66
9 4 79.07 4.03 79.07
10 4.5 84.01 4.28 84.01
11 5 88.96 4.53 105 4.32 88.96
12 5.5 91.43 4.66 91.43
13 6 93.90 4.78 93.90
14 6.5 96.37 4.91 96.37
15 7 96.37 4.91 96.37
16 7.5 96.37 4.91 134 3.66 96.37

Table 26 Soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 20% fly ash mixture

Plunger Dial CBR CBR
Applied load
Sl. No. penetration gauge stress intensity
load (𝒌𝒈) intensity
(𝒎𝒎) readings (𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 ) (% 𝒂𝒈𝒆)
(𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 1 2.47 0.13
2 0.5 8 19.77 1.01
3 1 16 39.54 2.01
4 1.5 21 51.89 2.64
5 2 25 61.78 3.15
6 2.5 29 71.66 3.65 70 5.22
7 3 33 81.54 4.16
8 3.5 37 91.43 4.66
9 4 40 98.84 5.04
10 4.5 42 103.78 5.29
11 5 44 108.72 5.54 105 5.28
12 5.5 46 113.67 5.79
13 6 47 116.14 5.92
14 6.5 48 118.61 6.04
15 7 49 121.08 6.17
16 7.5 50 123.55 6.30 134 4.70
17 8 51 126.02 6.42
18 8.5 51 126.02 6.42

Table 27 Soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 30% fly ash mixture

Plunger Dial CBR CBR
Applied load
Sl. No. penetration gauge stress intensity
load (𝒌𝒈) intensity
(𝒎𝒎) readings (𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 ) (% 𝒂𝒈𝒆)
(𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 1 2.47 0.13
2 0.5 6 14.83 0.76
3 1 13 32.12 1.64
4 1.5 20 49.42 2.52
5 2 26 64.25 3.27
6 2.5 30 74.13 3.78 70 5.40
7 3 36 88.96 4.53
8 3.5 40 98.84 5.04
9 4 42 103.78 5.29
10 4.5 45 111.20 5.67
11 5 46 113.67 5.79 105 5.52
12 5.5 48 118.61 6.04
13 6 50 123.55 6.30
14 6.5 51 126.02 6.42
15 7 52 128.49 6.55
16 7.5 53 130.96 6.67 132 5.06
17 8 54 133.43 6.80
18 8.5 54 133.43 6.80

Table 28 Soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 40% fly ash mixture

Plunger Dial CBR CBR
Applied load
Sl. No. penetration gauge stress intensity
load (𝒌𝒈) intensity
(𝒎𝒎) readings (𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 ) (% 𝒂𝒈𝒆)
(𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 1 2.47 0.13
2 0.5 3 7.41 0.38
3 1 6 14.83 0.76
4 1.5 10 24.71 1.26
5 2 15 37.07 1.89
6 2.5 20 49.42 2.52 70 3.60
7 3 24 59.30 3.02
8 3.5 28 69.19 3.53
9 4 30 74.13 3.78
10 4.5 32 79.07 4.03
11 5 34 84.01 4.28 105 4.08
12 5.5 35 86.49 4.41
13 6 36 88.96 4.53
14 6.5 38 93.90 4.78
15 7 39 96.37 4.91
16 7.5 39 96.37 4.91 134 3.66

Table 29 Soaked CBR test for expansive soil + 50% fly ash mixture

Plunger Dial CBR CBR
Applied load
Sl. No. penetration gauge stress intensity
load (𝒌𝒈) intensity
(𝒎𝒎) readings (𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 ) (% 𝒂𝒈𝒆)
(𝒌𝒈/𝒄𝒎𝟐 )
1 0 0 0.00 0.00
2 0.5 2 4.94 0.25
3 1 6 14.83 0.76
4 1.5 11 27.18 1.39
5 2 15 37.07 1.89
6 2.5 18 44.48 2.27 70 3.24
7 3 21 51.89 2.64
8 3.5 24 59.30 3.02
9 4 26 64.25 3.27
10 4.5 28 69.19 3.53
11 5 29 71.66 3.65 105 3.48
12 5.5 30 74.13 3.78
13 6 32 79.07 4.03
14 6.5 33 81.54 4.16
15 7 34 84.01 4.28
16 7.5 35 86.49 4.41 134 3.29
17 8 36 88.96 4.53
18 8.5 37 91.43 4.66
19 9 37 91.43 4.66

Figure 10 Variation of soaked CBR values of expansive soil with varying fly ash content

4.5 Changes in plasticity index and free swell ratio for soil – fly ash mixture
Table 30 Variation of plasticity index and free swell ratio with fly ash content in expansive soil

Mixture Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity index Free swell ratio
Only soil 65.6 35.8 29.8 2.05
Soil + 10% fly ash 61.2 34.6 26.6 1.92
Soil + 20% fly ash 58.8 33.2 25.6 1.84
Soil + 30% fly ash 56.4 31.5 24.9 1.77
Soil + 40% fly ash 51.8 28.67 23.13 1.63
Soil + 50% fly ash 49.2 26.3 22.9 1.53

Figure 11 Variation of plasticity index values of expansive soil with varying fly ash content

Figure 12 Variation of free swell ratio values of expansive soil with varying fly ash content

4.8 Discussions

 Black cotton soil is combined with altering percentage of fly ash (from 0% to 50%,

intervals in multiples of 10) by weight to observe its effect as an additive on the

expansive soil.

 Maximum Dry Density (MDD) was found to change with varying content of fly. The

highest value observed being at fly ash content of 30% by weight.

 The change in Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of the soil with varying

content of fly ash is observed. The graph shows the variation of UCS with changing fly

ash content. The maximum value of UCS was obtained with the mixture of soil and

20% fly ash content by weight.

 Both un-soaked and soaked California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests are conducted with

varying content of fly ash in the black cotton soil. From the graphical comparison of

these values against the varying fly ash content, it can be observed that 20% fly ash and

30% fly ash content gave the maximum value of CBR intensity in un-soaked and soaked

soil-fly ash mixture respectively.

 The liquid limit and plastic limit of the soil-fly ash mixture varied with the changing

fly ash content. Plasticity index values were computed from these experiments, which

showed a consistent decreasing pattern with the increase of fly ash content.

 From the free swell ratio tests on the soil-fly ash mixture, the value of free swell ratio

decreased with the increasing fly ash content.

Chapter 5

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the results obtained and comparisons made in the present study, the following

conclusions can be drawn:

 The Maximum Dry Density (MDD) value of the black cotton soil initially decreased

with the addition of fly ash. Then, it showed increment with increasing fly ash content

in the soil-fly ash mixture. The maximum value of MDD was observed for a mixture

of soil and 30% of fly ash content by weight. The MDD values consistently decreased


 The Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of the soil with variation of fly ash

content showed similar trend as that of the MDD values, except the fact that the peak

value was observed for a fly ash content of 20% by weight.

 In un-soaked California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests of soil conducted with varying fly

ash content, the CBR increased gradually with the increase in fly ash content till its

valuation was 20% by weight of the total mixture; it decreased thereafter.

 The change in case of soaked California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests of soil with varying

fly ash content was, however, uneven. It decreased with the initial addition of fly ash

(10% by weight of total mixture), and then increased till fly ash content reached 30%

by weight of total mixture. The values decreased thereafter.

 With the increasing fly ash content in the soil-fly ash mixture, the decrease in value of

free swell ratio was remarked. This decrease was also reciprocated by the plasticity

index values. Plasticity index values are directly proportional to percent swell in an

expansive soil, thus affecting the swelling behavior of the soil-fly ash mixture.

 Thus, fly ash as an additive decreases the swelling, and increases the strength of the

black cotton soil.

5.2 Scope for future study

 Fly ash along with another additive like lime, murrum, cement, and other such materials

can be used together, and may be varied in quantity to obtain the best possible

stabilizing mixture.


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