Bing - Unit 1-3 Answer

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Hallowen Rewrite the description using a compound adjective
3. A shirt with short sleeves SHORT-SLEEVED SHIRT
Halloween (also referred to as All Hollows' Eve) is a holiday that's celebrated 4. A coat which comes down to your ankles ANKLE-LENGTH COATS
in America on 31 October of each year, regardless of what day of the week this date
falls on. Although it is rooted in religion, Halloween today is enjoyed mainly because of 5. A pair of shoes with high heels HIGH-HEELED SHOES
its decorations, costumes, candy, treats, and general excitement, and furthermore, it is 6. A dress which comes down to your knees KNEE-LENGTH DRESS
enjoyed by most everyone.
Before Halloween, many individuals carve a design into an orange-colored 7. A shirt with long sleeves LONG-SLEEVED SHIRT
pumpkin, or a solid, durable vegetable. Once a personally satisfying design is carved, a 8. A scarf in bright colours BRIGTH-COLOURED SCARF
lit candle is typically put inside a pumpkin, thereby making it a Jack-O-Lantern. At
night, this design lights up against the darkness.
Besides carving pumpkins, some celebrate Halloween by putting decorations Rewrite the sentences using compound adjectives.
up. Supernatural (referring in this case to non-natural creatures that're typically based in
e.g : I’ve met a boy with blue eyes.
fiction) figures, including vampires, ghosts, werewolves, zombies, and more, generally
I’ve met a blue-eyed boy.
account for most of these decorations. Bugs, spiders, cobwebs, gravestones, and
anything else that can be considered creepy (or unusual and possibly scary) can also be
found on Halloween, in decoration form. 9. This drink is as cold as ice.
Only some adults celebrate Halloween, and they generally do so by attending This is an _____________ drink. ICE-COLD
parties. Inversely, the vast majority of children dress in costume (Halloween costumes
can be based upon anything, from the mentioned supernatural creatures to the stars of 10. This movie lasts two hours.
today's films) and walk from door to door in search of candy—a practice known as trick This is a _____________ movie. TWO-HOURS
or treat—on Halloween. After knocking on a door (houses that participate in Halloween
usually leave a light on), one says, "Trick or Treat" and a piece (or pieces!) of candy is
given to him or her. Complete the sentences with the suitable compound adjectives from the box.

1. What decorations some people do before Halloween?

11. To be a translator you need to be ________________ about linguistics.
12. Don’t expect him to invite you for dinner. He is ________________.
2. How do most children celebrate Halloween?

Choose the correct answer
13. ____ were ill so they stayed at home instead of going to school.
14. - I didn't like ____ of the choices. Fill the blank with the suitable Determiners (both (of), either/ neither of or each
both other).
either 23. _________ John and Mike were having fun while they were flying kite. BOTH
neither 24. _________ the two students had books with them so the teacher got very angry
15. - I couldn't decide between them - I liked them ____.
either 25. The tennis game was fantastic. __________ players were great. BOTH
neither 26. The tennis game was boring. __________ players played well. NEITHER
16. _____ Yuko nor Hiromi turned up today.
Both 27. __________ them could take me to station, so I had to take a taxi NEITHER OF
Either 28. We must help ____________________ to win this match EACH OTHER
Neither 29. ______them have cleaned their room. Their looks very clearn now BOTH OF
17. You can take ____ the 38 bus or the 341 to get to town.
both 30. Andi : There are two keys here. Which will open the office?
either Budi : I believe ______key works. EITHER
18. I don't think much of ____ of the candidates.
D. Reported speech
Report the following sentences below. Use the suitable verb.
31. Grace: “I think you should go to the dentist” Grace said to Ben .
Grace (advise) __________________________________________
19. I called ___ of them and left messages as they didn't answer. Grace advised Ben to go to the dentist
either 32. Daniel : “I will return your book tomorrow”
neither Daniel (promise) __________________________________________
20. Would you like red or white wine? DANIEL PROMISED TO RETURN MY BOOK TOMORROW
Both will do for me.
Either will do for me. 33. Eka : “I wont close the window”
Eka (refuse) __________________________________________
Complete the sentences below with suitable determiners (both (of) / either of or Eka refused to close the window
neither of.
34. Grace: “I think you should go to the dentist” Grace said to Ben.
21. The tennis game was fantastic. __________ players were great. Grace (advise) __________________________________________
BOTH Grace advised Ben to go to the dentist
22. ______them could take me to station, so I had to take a taxi.
NEITHER OF 35. Julie: “It’s a great idea to go to the beach,” said Maria.
Julie (recommend) _______________________________________
Julie recommended going to the beach

36. Julie: “It’s a great idea to go to the beach,” said Maria.

Julie (suggest) _______________________________________
Julie suggested going to the beach
4. I wish our neighbours wouldn’t play music every day. They
37. Mery : “congratulations on winning the race”
Mery(congratulate) _______________________________________
Mery congratulated me on winning the race Our neighbours are always playign music

38. “I’m sorry I break the plate” F. MODALS

The child (apologise)_____________________________________ Complete the sentences with “must have, might have or can’t have” using the
The child apologised for breaking the plate verbs in brackets.
1. He ______________ hard for his exam because his results were very good.
39. “I didn’t phone you because my brother broke my phone” (study)
Pam (blame)_________________________________________ MUST HAVE STUDIED
Pam blamed his brother for breakin his phone
2. She ____________________ home last night because she was very tired this
E. Present continuous morning. (got) CANT HAVE GOT
Rewrite the following sentence into English in present continuous tense 3. The jacket you bought is very good quality. It ______________ been very
1. Ayah sedang memperbaiki mobilnya di garasi expensive
(+) Must have
4. They ________ left early because of the holiday traffic. I am not sure
(?) 5. Don passed the exam without studying for it. The exam ______________
been difficult
2. Mereka sedang mempersiapkan pesta BBQ nanti malam CANT HAVE
(+) 6. I've lost one of my gloves. I ______________ dropped it somewehre
(-) 7. Sarah looks really pleased with herself. She______________ passed her
driving test this morning.
(?) Must have
8. I can't believe Jim hasn't arrived yet. He______________ caught the wrong
Complete what these people are saying with present continuous with always to express train.
1. You have moved house three times in one year. You
9. I don't know where they went on holiday but they bought Euros before they
____________________________ left so they ______________ gone to France or Germany.
You are always moving house MIGHT HAVE
10. It ______________ been Mickey I saw at the party. He didn't recognise me
2. I’ve lost my mobile phone again. I _________________________________ at all.
I am always losing your phone CANT HAVE
3. Has she bought another new pair of shoes. She ________________________
She is always buying a new pair of shoes

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