Core Java - Selenium

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Core Java – Selenium tool Course content

Core Java:

Basics of Programming:

 Java Components – jvm, jre and jdk

 Data Types and Variables.
 Methods
 Basic Programming
1. Decision Statements
2. Looping Statements

OOPS in Java:

 Members Of Class
 Class and Object
 Constructors
 Has-A and Is-A Relatonship
 Constructor Chaining
 this and super statement
 Overloading and Overriding
 Abstract class and Interface
 Type Castng
 Abstracton
 Polymorphism
 Generalizaton and Specializaton
 Access specifers
 Encapsulaton

Java Library:

 Object Class
 String Class
 Wrapper Class
 Java Bean Class
 System Class and its members
 Scanner class
 Singleton Design patern
 Arrays and problems on arrays
 Collecton Frameworks
 Excepton Handling

File Programming

Selenium Tool
Introduction to Automation

 What is Automaton
 Advantages & Disadvantage of Automaton
 When do we go for Automaton

Introduction to Selenium

 What is Selenium?
 Languages & Platorm supported by Selenium

Basic Browser Handling

 Launching Browser (Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari…)

 Handling Browser Navigaton


 What is locator?
 Locator types(tagName,id,name,className,linkText,partalLinkText,css,xapth)


 About Script Synchronizaton

 Implicit wait
 Explicit wait
 Custom wait

Handling WebElement

 Different ways to perform actons on elements

 Using geters and seters for validaton
 Handling Multple Elements

Handling Mouse events

 Performing mouse hover acton

 Handling Drop down Menu
 Performing Drag and Drop acton

Handling ListBox

 Selectng optons using different methods

 Handling Mult select list box
 Sortng the content of list box
 Searching the list box

Handling Popups

 Introducton to types of popup

 Techniques identfy popup type
 Handling different types of popup

Page Object Model

 Introducton to Page Object Model

 Handling Elements (declaraton, initalizaton and utlizaton)
 @FindBy (annotaton)
 Page Decoraton using Page Factory
 Advantages of POM


 TestNG annotatons
 TestNG reportng
 TestNG Asserton
 TestNG suite
 Parallel executon
 Parameter

Automation Framework

 What is Automaton Frame Work

 Why Frame work
 Types of Frame work
 Designing Frame work
 Implementaton of Frame Work
 Executon of Frame Work

Automation Project

 Implementng Frame work on Web Project

 Automaton workspace management using SVN
 Challenges faced in Automaton Project and Handling it

Automaton Life Cycle

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