B Tech (Biotechnology With Specialized Subjects in Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning) W e F 2020-21 Admitted Batch

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B.Tech (Biotechnology with specialized subjects in Artificial

Intelligence & Machine Learning )

(w.e.f 2020-21 admitted batch)


A University Committed to Excellence


1.1 Admission into B. Tech. Biotechnology with specialized subjects in Artificial Intelligence &
Machine Learning program of GITAM (Deemed to be University) is governed by GITAM
admission regulations.


2.1 A first class in 10+2 or equivalent examination approved by GITAM (Deemed to be

University) with subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

2.2 Admission into B.Tech. will be based on an All India Entrance Test (GITAM Admission Test -
GAT) conducted by GITAM/Specified rank holders of JEE mains/EAMCET (AP & TS) and
the rules of reservation of statutory bodies, wherever applicable, will be followed.


3.1 Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) was introduced with effect from the academic year of
2015-16 admitted batch and revised in 2019-20 academic year, based on guidelines of the
statutory bodies in order to promote:

o Activity based learning

o Student centered learning

o Cafeteria approach

o Students to choose courses of their choice

o Learning at their own pace

o Interdisciplinary learning

3.2 Course Objectives, Learning Outcomes and Course Outcomes are specified, focusing on
what a student should be able to do at the end of the course and program.


4.1 The Program consists of humanities and social sciences, basic sciences, basic engineering,
program core, program electives, open electives, interdisciplinary electives, industry
internship, laboratory, mandatory courses and project work.

S. Broad Course Course
Course Description
No. Classification Group/Category
1 Foundation Basic Sciences Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Life
Courses Sciences
Engineering Fundamental Engineering courses
Humanities and Related to English, Humanities, Social
social Sciences Sciences and Management
2 Core Courses Program Core Branch specific and mandatory core
3 Elective Courses Program Electives Supportive to the discipline with expanded
scope in a chosen track of specialization or
cross track courses.
Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary exposure to nurture the
Electives interest of a student in other department
Open Electives Common to all disciplines that nurtures
general interest of a student
4 Core Activities Project Work University or Industry
Internship Training in industry or research
5 Mandatory courses Non-credit mandatory courses on
environment, constitution and ethical

4.2 Each course is assigned a certain number of credits depending upon the number of
contact hours (lectures/tutorials/practical) per week.

4.3 In general, credits are assigned to the courses based on the following contact hours per
week per semester.

• One credit for each Lecture/Tutorial hour per week.

• One credit for two hours of Practical per week.

The curriculum of the eight semesters B.Tech. program is designed to have a total of 160
credits for the award of B.Tech. degree.


The medium of instruction (including examinations and project reports) shall be English.


Every student has to register himself/herself for the courses in each semester individually
at the time as specified in academic calendar.


7.1 A student whose attendance is less than 75% in all the courses put together in any
semester will not be permitted to attend the end - semester examination and he/she will
not be allowed to register for subsequent semester of study. He/she has to repeat the
semester along with his/her juniors.
7.2 However, the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Principal / Director of the
Institute/School may condone the shortage of attendance of the students whose
attendance is between 65% and 74% on genuine medical grounds and on payment of
prescribed fee.


8.1 The assessment of the candidate’s performance in a theory course shall be based on two
components: Continuous Evaluation (40 marks) and Semester-end Examination (60

8.2 A candidate has to secure an aggregate of 40% in the course in the two components put
together to be declared to have passed the course, subject to the condition that the
candidate must have secured a minimum of 24 marks out of 60 marks (i.e. 40%) in the
theory component at the semester-end examination.

8.3 Practical courses are assessed under Continuous Evaluation for a maximum of 100 marks,
and a candidate has to obtain a minimum of 40% to secure pass grade.

8.4 The courses having theory and practical combined, 70% of the weightage will be given for
theory component and 30% weightage for practical component. The candidate has to
acquire 40% in the semester end theory examination. However, candidate must have
secured overall 40% (Theory + Practical) to secure pass grade.

8.5 Project Work/ Industrial internship courses are assessed under continuous evaluation for
a maximum of 100 marks, and a candidate has to obtain a minimum of 40% to secure pass

8.6 Mandatory Courses are assessed for PASS or FAIL only. No grade will be assigned to these
courses. If a candidate secures more than 40 out of 100 marks, he / she will be declared

8.7 Mandatory courses NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA are assessed for satisfactory or not satisfactory
only. No grade will be assigned. A candidate has to undergo two hours training per week
in any one of the above in both 1st and 2nd semesters.

Details of Assessment Procedure are furnished in Table 1.

Table 1: Assessment Procedure

S.No Component Types of Marks Scheme of Evaluation

of Assessment Assessment Allotted
1 Theory courses Continuous 40 (i) Thirty (30) marks for mid semester
Evaluation examinations. Three mid examinations
shall be conducted for 15 marks each;
performance in best two shall be taken
into consideration.
ii) Ten (10) marks for Quizzes,
Assignments and Presentations.

Semester End Sixty (60) marks for semester-end

Examination 60 Examinations.

Total 100
2 Practical Continuous 100 (i) Fifty (50) marks for regularity and
courses Evaluation performance, records and oral
presentations in the laboratory.
Weightage for each component shall be
announced at the beginning of the
ii) Ten (10) marks for case studies.
iii) Forty (40) marks for two tests of 20
marks each (one at the mid-term and
the other towards the end of the
semester) conducted by the
concerned lab teacher.
3 Theory and (a) Theory 100 70% of the weightage will be given for
Practical component: theory component. Evaluation for
combined continuous theory component will be same as S. No
courses evaluation 1 as above.
and semester
30% weightage for practical
(b) Practical 100 components. Evaluation for practical

component: component will be same as S. No 2 as
continuous above
Total 200

4 Project work Continuous 100 i) Forty (40) marks for periodic evaluation
(VII & VIII Evaluation on originality, innovation, sincerity and
Semesters) progress of the work assessed by the
project supervisor.
ii) Thirty (25) marks for mid-term
evaluation for defending the project
before a panel of examiners.
iii) Thirty (35) marks for final Report
presentation and Viva-voce by a panel
of examiners.
5 Industrial Continuous 100 i) Thirty (30) marks for Project
Internship Evaluation performance, assessed by the
(VII Semester) Supervisor of the host Industry/
Organization. Submission of Project
Completion Certificate from host
organization is mandatory.
ii) Forty (40) marks for Report and Seminar
presentation on the training,
assessed by the Teacher Coordinator.
iii) Thirty (30) marks for presentation on the
training, before a panel of examiners.
6 Mandatory Continuous 100 (i) Sixty (60) marks for mid semester
Courses Evaluation Examinations. Three mid examinations
shall be conducted for 30 marks each;
performance in best two shall be taken
into consideration
(ii) Forty (40) marks for Quizzes,
Assignments and Presentations


9.1 Retotaling of the theory answer script of the semester-end examination is permitted on
request by the candidate by paying the prescribed fee within one week after the
announcement of the results.

9.2 Revaluation of the theory answer scripts of the semester-end examination is permitted on
request by the student by paying the prescribed fee within one week after the
announcement of the result.

9.3 A candidate who has secured ‘F’ grade in a theory course shall have to reappear at the
subsequent examination held in that course. A candidate who has secured ‘F’ grade can
improve continuous evaluation marks upto a maximum of 50% by attending special
instruction classes held during summer.

9.4 A candidate who has secured ‘F’ grade in a practical course shall have to attend Special
Instruction classes held during summer.

9.5 A candidate who has secured ‘F’ grade in a combined (theory and practical) course shall
have to reappear for theory component at the subsequent examination held in that
course. A candidate who has secured ‘F’ grade can improve continuous evaluation marks
upto a maximum of 50% by attending special instruction classes held during summer.

9.6 A candidate who has secured ‘F’ Grade in project work / Industrial Training shall be
permitted to submit the report only after satisfactory completion of the work and viva-
voce examination.


10.1 If a candidate is not satisfied with his/her grade after revaluation, the candidate can
apply for, answer book verification on payment of prescribed fee for each course within
one week after announcement of revaluation results.

10.2 After verification, if a candidate is not satisfied with revaluation marks/grade awarded,
he/she can apply for challenge valuation within one week after announcement of answer
book verification result/ two weeks after the announcement of revaluation results, which
will be valued by the two examiners i.e., one Internal and one External examiner in the
presence of the candidate on payment of prescribed fee. The challenge valuation fee will
be returned, if the candidate is succeeded in the appeal with a change for a better grade.


11.1 The odd semester supplementary examinations will be conducted on daily basis after

conducting regular even semester examinations during April/May.

11.2 The even semester supplementary examinations will be conducted on daily basis after
conducting regular odd semester examinations during October/November.

11.3 A candidate who has completed his/her period of study and still has “F” grade in final
semester courses is eligible to appear for Special Examination normally held during
summer vacation.


12.1 A student shall be promoted to the next academic year only if he/she completes the
academic requirements of 50% of the credits till the previous academic year.

12.2 Whenever there is a change in syllabus or curriculum he/she has to continue the course
with new regulations after detention as per the equivalency established by the BoS to
continue his/her further studies.


Greater flexibility to choose variety of courses is provided through Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs) during the period of study. Students without any backlog courses upto
fourth semester are permitted to register for MOOCs from fifth semester onwards up to a
maximum of 15 credits from program elective/ interdisciplinary elective/ open elective
courses. However the Departmental Committee (DC) of the respective campuses has to
approve the courses under MOOCs. The grade equivalency will be decided by the
respective Board of Studies (BoS).


14.1 A student who has secured only a pass or second class and desires to improve his/her class
can appear for betterment examinations only in eight theory courses of any semester of
his/her choice, conducted in summer vacation along with the Special Examinations.

14.2 Betterment of Grades is permitted ‘only once’, immediately after completion of the
program of study.


A student who secured 8 CGPA or above up to IV semester is eligible to register for B.

Tech (Honors) degree. The student has to complete additional 20 credits (six theory
courses + seminar) as approved by the respective Departmental Committee (DC) to secure
B. Tech (Honors). The courses will be approved by DC of respective campuses.


16.1 Based on the student performance during a given semester, a final letter grade will be
awarded at the end of the semester in each course. The letter grades and the
corresponding grade points are as given in Table 2.

Table 2: Grades and Grade Points

S.No. Grade Grade Points Absolute Marks
1 O (Outstanding) 10 90 and above
2 A+ (Excellent) 9 80 to 89
3 A (Very Good) 8 70 to 79
4 B+ (Good) 7 60 to 69

5 B (Above Average) 6 50 to 59

6 C (Average) 5 45 to 49
7 P (Pass) 4 40 to 44
8 F (Fail) 0 Less than 40
9 Ab. (Absent) 0 -

16.2 A student who earns a minimum of 4 grade points (P grade) in a course is declared to
have successfully completed the course, subject to securing an average GPA of 5.0
(average of all GPAs in all semesters) at the end of the program to declare pass in the


17.1 A Grade Point Average (GPA) for the semester will be calculated according to the
Σ[ C* G ]

GPA = ——————
where, C = number of credits for the course.

G =grade points obtained by the student in the course.

17.2 To arrive at Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), a similar formula is used considering
the student’s performance in all the courses taken, in all the semesters up to that
particular semester.

17.3 CGPA required for classification of class after the successful completion of the program is
shown in Table 3.

Table 3: CGPA required for award of Class

Class CGPA Required

First Class with Distinction > 8.0*

First Class > 6.5

Second Class > 5.5

Pass Class > 5.0

* In addition to the required CGPA of 8.0 or more, the student must have necessarily
passed all the courses of every semester in first attempt.


18.1 Duration of the program: A student is ordinarily expected to complete the B.Tech.
program in eight semesters of four years. However, a student may complete the program
in not more than eight years including study period.

18.2 However, the above regulation may be relaxed by the Vice-Chancellor in individual cases
for cogent and sufficient reasons.

18.3 A student shall be eligible for award of the B.Tech. Degree if he / she fulfills all the
following conditions:

i) Registered and successfully completed all the courses and projects.

ii) Successfully acquired the minimum required credits as specified in the

curriculum in the branch of his/her study within the stipulated time.

iii) Has no dues to the Institute, hostels, Libraries, NCC/NSS etc, and no disciplinary
action is pending against him/ her.


Notwithstanding anything contained in the above sections, the Vice-Chancellor may review all
exceptional cases, and give his decision, which will be final and binding.

B.Tech. Biotechnology with specialized subjects in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
(w.e.f. 2020-21 admitted batch)
Semester I
S. Course Course Title Categor L T P A C Remarks
No Code y
Mathematics for Biotechnology-
I(Partial fractions, Trigonometry
1. 19EMA103/ and Calculus)/Introduction to
19EBT101 Biotechnology BS 3 0 0 3
2. GEL131 Communicative English HS 2 0 2 3 Common to all
3. 19ECY135 Chemistry for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5
19EID131/ Problem Solving And
19EEE131 Programming with Python / Basic Common to all
Electrical and Electronics
Engineering ES 3 1 3 5.5
19EME121/ Common to all
5. 19EME131
Workshop/ Engineering Graphics ES 0/1 0 3 1.5/2.5
19EMC181A/ Common to all

Semester II
S. Course Course Title Catego L T P A C Remarks
No Code ry
Mathematics for Biotechnology-II
1. (Matrices, Integration & Co-
19EMA106 ordinate Geometry) BS 3 0 0 3
2. Design Thinking & Product Common to all
Innovation/ Artificial Intelligence
19EID132/1 Tools, Techniques and
9EID134 Applications ES 2 0 2 3

3. 19EPH 135 Physics for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5

4. 19EEE131/ Basic Electrical and Electronics Common to all
19EID131 Engineering / Problem Solving
and Programming ES 3 1 3 5.5
19EME131/ 0.0/
5. 19EME121 Engineering Graphics/ Workshop ES 1.0 0 3 2.5/1.5
6. 19EBT122 Biotechnology Workshop PC-1 0 0 3 1.5
7. 19EMC181A Common to all
8. Skill Development/ PW
19EBT121 Activity Based Learning -2 0 0 0 3 1
Total 21/20

Semester III
S. Course Course Title Category L T P A C Remarks
No Code
Mathematics for
Biotechnology-III (Algebra
1. and Differential equations) BS
19EMA207 3 0 0 3
Design thinking and Product Common to
2. Innovation / Artificial all
19EID132/19EI Intelligence Tools, Techniques ES
D134 and Applications 2 0 2 3
3. Green Biotechnology and
19EBT201 Pollution Abetment 2 0 0 2
4. 19EBT231 Biochemistry BS 3 0 2 4
5. Microbiology BS
19EBT233 2 0 2 3
6. 19EBT235 Fluid Mechanics and
Mechanical operations PC-3 2 0 2 3
7. Genetics and Molecular Biology BS
19EBT205 2 1 0 3
8. 19EMC281/ Constitution of India / Mandatory
19EMC283 Environmental Sciences MC 3 0 0 0 Course
9. 19EBT232 Skill Development Activity
based Learning 3 PW
0 0 0 3 1
Total 22

Semester IV
S. Course Course Title Categor L T P A C Remarks
No Code y
1. 19EMA208 Mathematics for Branch
Biotechnology-IV (Complex specific
BS 3 0 0 3
Functions and Laplace
Internet of Things Common
2. 19EID232 ES 2 0 2 3 to all
3. 19EBT232 Heat and Mass Transfer PC-4 3 0 2 4
4. 19EBT234 rDNA Technology PC-5 3 0 3 4.5
5 19EBT202 Analytical Techniques PC-6 2 0 0 2
6 19EBT204 Biochemical Thermodynamics PC-7 3 0 0 3
7. Data structures & Algorithms PC-8 2 0 0 2
19EMC283/ Environmental Science / Mandatory
3 0 0 0
8. 19EMC281 Constitution of India MC Course
9. 19EBT243 Skill Development/ Activity PW 0 0 0 3 1
based Learning -4
Total 22.5

Semester V

S. Course Course Title Categ L T P A C Remarks

No Code ory
1. 20EBT301 Data Analysis and PC-9
Simulations 3 0 0
2. Bioprocess Engineering PC-10 4
19EBT331 3 0 2
3. Immunology & PC-11
19EBT303 Immunotechnology 3 0 0
4. 19EBT333 Metabolic Engineering PC-12 3
2 0 2
5. 20EBT305 Artificial Neural Networks PC-13 3 0 0 3 Common to all
6. 19EOE3XX Open Elective I OE 3 0 0 3
7. 19EID3XX Interdisciplinary Elective I ID 3
2 0 2
8. 19EBT354 Skill Development /Activity PW
based Learning -5 0 0 0 3
Total 23

Semester VI

S. Course Course Title Categor L T P A C Remarks

No Code y
Bioinformatics &
1. 19EBT332 Computational Biology PC-14 2 0 2 3
2. Process dynamics and PC-15 4
19EBT334 control 3 0 2
3 Bioseparation PC-16 2
19EBT302 Engineering 2 0 0
4. 20EBT3XX Program Elective I PE 2 0 2 3
5. 20EBT3XX Program Elective II PE 2 0 2 3
6. 19EOE3XX Open Elective II OE 3 0 0 3
19EHS302 Engineering Economics
7. and Management HS 3 0 0 3
8. 19EMC382 Engineering Ethics MC 0 Mandatory
3 0 0 Course
9. 19EBT365 Skill Development / PW
Activity based Learning
-6 0 0 0 3 1
Total 22

Semester VII

S. Course Course Title Category L T P A C Remarks

No Code
1. Plant and Animal
PC-17 4
19EBT431 Biotechnology 3 0 2
2. 20EBT4XX Program Elective III PE 2 0 2 3
3. 20EBT4XX Program Elective IV PE 2 0 2 3
4. Good Manufacturing and
PC-18 3
20EBT401 Laboratory Practice 3 0 0
5. Project Management and
HS 3
19EHS407 Entrepreneurship 3 0 0
6. 19EBT493 Project Phase I PW 0 0 2 1
7. 19EBT491 Internship* PW 1
8. Skill Development /Activity
PW 1
19EBT476 based Learning -7 0 0 0 3
Total 19
* Industrial Training / Research Projects in National Laboratories /
Academic Institutions

Semester VIII
S. Course Course Title Categor L T P C Remarks
No Code y
1. Interdisciplinary ID 3
2 0 2
19EID4XX Elective II
2. Program Elective V PE 3
2 0 2
3. Gandhi for the 21st
HS 1 0 0 1
GSS115 Century
4. 19EBT494 Project Phase II PW 0 0 12 6
Total 13

Total Number of Credits

Semester I II III IV V VI VII VIII Total

Credits 19.5/ 21/20 22 22.5 23 22 19 13 162

Category and Credits
Category Category Courses Credits suggested
Humanities & Communicative English
Social Sciences HS1 and HS2 (elective)
HS 12 12
Gandhi for the 21st Century
Venture Discovery
Physics for Biotechnology
Basic Sciences Chemistry for Biotechnology
Mathematics (4 Courses)
BS Biochemistry 31 25
Genetics and Molecular
Problem Solving And
Programming With Python
Basic Electrical and
Electronics Engineering
Engineering ES Artificial Intelligence Tools,
Sciences Techniques and Applications 24 24
Engineering Graphics
Design Thinking and
Product Innovation
Internet of Things
Open Electives OE OE1, OE2 6
Electives ID ID1 – ID2 6 18
Program Electives PE PE1 – PE5 15 18

Program Core PC PC1 – PC17 54 48

Project PW Skill Development 15
Project Phase I
Project Phase II
Environmental Science,
Mandatory MC Constitution of India, -
Engineering Ethics
Total 162 160

Engineering Physics
S.No Course Course Title Category L T P C Remarks
Engineering Physics Offered to ECE,
1. BS 3 0 3 4.5 CSE, EEE and IT
Applied Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered to AE,
2. CE and ME
3. Physics for BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered to BT
4 Physics of BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered to ECE
Semiconductor Devices

Engineering Chemistry
S. Course Course Title Category L T P C Remarks
No Code
Engineering Offered to ECE, CSE,
1. Chemistry BS 3 0 3 4.5 EEE and IT
Chemistry of Offered to AE, CE
2. Materials BS 3 0 3 4.5 and ME
3. Chemistry for BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered to BT
4. Fundamentals of BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered to ECE
VLSI Device

Open Elective I

S. Course Course Title Category L T P C

No. Code
1 19EOE301 Japanese for Beginners OE 3 0 0 3
2 19EOE303 French for Beginners OE 3 0 0 3
3 19EOE305 Biotechnology and Society OE 3 0 0 3
4 19EOE307 Contemporary Relevance of OE 3 0 0 3
Indian Epics
5 19EOE309 Indian National Movement OE 3 0 0 3
6 19EOE311 Engineering for Community OE 3 0 0 3
7 19MOE303 Introduction to International OE 3 0 0 3
8 19EOE319 Introduction to Music OE 3 0 0 3

9 19EOE321 Environment and Ecology OE 3 0 0 3
10 19EOE323 Indian History OE 3 0 0 3
11 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 3
12 EOE224 Virtual Reality

Open Elective II

S. Course Course Title Category L T P C

No. Code
1 19EOE302 German for Beginners OE 3 0 0 3
2 19EOE304 Chinese for Beginners OE 3 0 0 3
3 19EOE306 Analytical Essay Writing OE 3 0 0 3
4 19EOE308 Indian Economy OE 3 0 0 3
5 19EOE310 Public Administration OE 3 0 0 3
6 19EOE312 Environmental Management OE 3 0 0 3
7 19EOE315 Telecommunications for OE 3 0 0 3
8 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 3
9 19MOE301 Basics of Finance OE 3 0 0 3
10 19LOE301 Fundamentals of Cyber Law OE 3 0 0 3
11 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 3
12 19MOE305 Basics of Marketing OE 3 0 0 3

Interdisciplinary Elective- I

S. No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Offered
Optimization Methods in
1 19EME3XX ID 3 0 0 3 ME


2 19EEC3XX Industrial Automation ID 3 0 0 3 ECE

Chemical Aspects of
3 Biomolecules




4 19EIT3XX DBMS ID 3 0 0 3 IT

5 19EIT3XX OOP with C++ ID 3 0 0 3 IT

6 Managemen 19ECE3XX Disaster Management ID 3 0 0 3 ME

t Courses
7 19EME3XX Total Quality Management ID 3 0 0 3 ME

Interdisciplinary Elective-II

S. Course
Stream Course Title Category L T P C Offered
No. Code
al Courses

1 19EEC4XX 3D Printing ID 3 0 0 3 ME

2 19EEC4XX Sensors & Technology ID 3 0 0 3 ECE

3 19ECS4XX Operating systems ID 3 0 0 3 CSE

4 19EIT4XX Cloud computing ID 3 0 0 3 IT
Logistics and Supply chain

5 19EME4XX ID 3 0 0 3 ME
t Courses

Quantitative techniques
6 19EME4XX ID 3 0 0 3 ME
for management

Program Elective- I
Course Remarks
S. No. Stream Course Title Category L T P C
1 19EBT342 Fermentation PE 2 0 2 3
Cellular and molecular
2 19EBT344 Advanced Cell Biology PE 3 0 0 3
Food science and
3 Food Biotechnology 19EBT346 PE 3 0 0 3
Medical and
4 Pharmaceutical 19EBT348 PE 3 0 0 3
Applications of AI/ML Data mining in
5 20EBT350 PE 3 0 0 3
in Biotechnology Biotechnology

Program Elective-II
S. Course Remarks
Stream Course Title Category L T P C
No. Code
1 19EBT352 Synthetic Biology PE 3 0 0 3
Cellular and molecular Genomics and
2 19EBT354 PE 3 0 0 3
Biotechnology Proteomics
Biotechnology of
3 Food Biotechnology 19EBT356 PE 2 0 2 3
fermented foods
Medical and
4 Pharmaceutical 19EBT358 Nanobiotechnology PE 3 0 0 3
Applications of AI/ML
5 20EBT360 Computational models PE 3 0 0 3
in Biotechnology

Program Elective- III

S. No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks
Industrial Machine Learning In
1 19EBT441 PE 2 0 2 3
Biotechnology Biotechnology
Cellular and
2 molecular 19EBT443 Systems Biology PE 3 0 0 3
Food processing
3 Food Biotechnology 19EBT445 PE 3 0 0 3
Medical and
Molecular modeling
4 Pharmaceutical 19EBT447 PE 2 0 2 3
and drug design
Applications of
Pattern Recognition
5 AI/ML in 20EBT449 PE 3 0 0 3
for Biotechnology

Program Elective- IV
S. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks
1 19EBT451 Bioreactor Design PE 3 0 0 3
Cellular and
Stem cells and tissue
2 molecular 19EBT453 PE 3 0 0 3
Food handling,
3 Food Biotechnology 19EBT455 PE 3 0 0 3
packaging and storage
Medical and
4 Pharmaceutical 19EBT457 Molecular Diagnostics PE 3 0 0 3

Applications of
Biological Image
5 AI/ML in 20EBT459 PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective- V

S. Course Remark
Stream Course Title Category L T P C
No. Code s
Industrial Bioprocess equipment
1 19EBT442 PE 3 0 0 3
Biotechnology design
Cellular and molecular
2 19EBT444 Metabolic engineering PE 3 0 0 3
Food safety and quality
3 Food Biotechnology 19EBT446 PE 3 0 0 3
Medical and Chemoinformatics &
4 Pharmaceutical 20EBT448 Medicinal PE 3 0 0 3
Biotechnology Chemistry
Applications of AI/ML Bioprocess Modelling
5 20EBT460 PE 2 0 2 3
in Biotechnology and optimisation

(Partial fractions, Trigonometry and Calculus)
3 0 0 3

This course is exclusively designed for the students of Biotechnology as a bridge course to gain
knowledge on splitting to partial fractions, basic concepts of Trigonometry and Calculus.

Course Objectives:

 To teach the concepts of partial fractions techniques.

 To explain the concepts of Trigonometry.
 To familiarize with the complex numbers and their properties.
 To teach the concepts of permutations and combinations.
 To familiarize with the basic concepts of limits, continuity and differentiation.

Unit I: Partial Fractions 8 hr

f (x)
Introduction, resolving g(x) into partial fractions when g(x) contains non repeated linear
factors, repeated linear factors, repeated and non-repeated irreducible quadratic factors.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 find a fractional function and resolve it into partial fractions (L3)
 make use of resolving techniques of repeated and non repeated linear factors (L3)
 apply this technique in evaluation of integrals (L3)

Unit II: Trigonometry 8 hr

Trigonometric functions, periodicity, trigonometric ratio of compound angles, multiple and sub
multiple angles, transformations, brief introduction of inverse trigonometric, hyperbolic and
inverse hyperbolic functions.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 identify trigonometric functions and their properties (L3)
 apply the trigonometric ratio techniques of compound angles, multiple and sub
multiple angles in calculations (L3)
 find inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions (L3)

Unit III: Complex Numbers 8 hr

Complex number as an ordered pair of real numbers, representation of z  (a, b) in the form (a 
ib), conjugate complex numbers, modulus and amplitude of a complex number, geometrical
representation of a complex number, Argand plane, Argand diagram.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 solve the problems in complex numbers (L3)
 find conjugate units and amplitude of complex number (L3)
 demonstrate complex number and Argand plane (L3)

Unit IV: Permutations 8 hr

Definition of linear and circular permutations, number of permutations of n dissimilar things taken
r at a time, number of permutations on dissimilar things taken r at a time when repetition of things
is allowed any number of times, number of circular permutations of different things taken all at a
time, number of permutations of n things taken all at a time when some of them are alike and the
rest are dissimilar number of combinations of n dissimilar things taken r at a time.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 find the number of permutations of n dissimilar things (L3)
 apply the techniques of repetition of things in permutations. (L3)
 solve the dissimilar number of combinations of n dissimilar things (L3)

Unit V: Differential Calculus 10 hr

Limits and Continuity: Definition of right hand limit, left hand limit and limit, limits of f  g ,
g , fog (without proof), standard limits
lim xn  an lim sin lim  1 1  n lim e x 1
 
xa xa  0  n0 n x0 x
1) 2) 3)   4)
lim a 1

5) x  0 x (without proofs), definition of continuity and simple illustrations.

Differentiation: Introduction, definition, differentiation of a function at a point and on an interval,
derivative of a function, differentiation of sum, difference, product and quotient of functions,
differentiation of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic functions, composite, implicit,
parametric, hyperbolic, inverse hyperbolic functions, logarithmic differentiation, derivative of a

function with respect to another function, derivatives of first and second order

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 find derivative of sum, difference, product and quotient of functions (L3)
 apply differentiation techniques in different forms of functions (L3)

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to
 analyze partial fractions of a fractional function (L4)
 solve trigonometric ratios (L3)
 analyze complex units and amplitude of a complex number (L4)
 illustrate permutations of n dissimilar things (L3)
 calculate the derivative of any function (L4)

Text Books:
1. Text book for Intermediate Mathematics, Board of Intermediate Education, AP,
Volumes IA, IB & IIA, 2018.
2. NCERT class XI and XII (part 1) Mathematics text books.

1. V. Venkateswara Rao, N. Krishna Murthy, B.V.S. Sharma, Intermediate
Mathematics, S.Chand & Company Ltd., Volume I & II.
2. Chandrika Prasad, A first Course in Mathematics.
3. Text book for Intermediate Mathematics, Deepti Publications.

3 0 0 3

This course is designed to impart basic biotechnology concepts and techniques at the entry level, and to
introduce the students to a wide range of biotechnology applications.

Course Objectives:

 Acquire fundamental knowledge about the applications of modern biotechnology.

 Develop basic concepts of genetics and inheritance.
 Explore the applications of recombinant DNA technology to plants, animals and microbes.
 Describe the applications of biotechnology in medicine and industry.
 Introduce the concepts of patents and bioethics.

Unit I 8h

Biotechnology: Concept, scope and importance. Origin of life-theories. Structure of bacterial,

plant and animal cells-functions of cell organelles, mechanism of cell division. Biomolecules-
their significance in biological systems.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 summarize the basis of life. (L2)
 differentiate prokaryotes from eukaryotes. (L3)
 distinguish the mechanism of mitosis and meiosis. (L2)
 explain the role of biomolecules in regulation of biological systems . (L2)

Unit II 8h
Fundamentals of genetics (Mendel's laws only). The central dogma of molecular biology. Concepts
of genetic engineering. Polymerase Chain Reaction. Introduction to bioinformatics and biological

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 define Mendel‟s laws. (L1)

 identify DNA as a genetic material in the molecular basis of information transfer. (L2)
 outline the principles of genetic engineering. (L2)
 appreciate the potential of polymerase chain reaction in DNA polymorphism and
diagnosis .(L2)
 summarizing the importance of bioinformatics in gene sequence analysis (L2)

Unit III 8h
Plant Biotechnology: Strategies for engineering stress tolerance, transgenic plants. Micropropagation
of novel varieties. Production of secondary metabolites and their importance. Molecular pharming.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 apply the principles of recombinant DNA technology to generate transgenic plants. (L2)
 summarize the principles of micropropagation in development of novel varieties. (L2)
 demonstrate the significance of secondary metabolites and their production. (L2)

 outline the applications of molecular pharming in development of pharmaceutical

substances (L3)

Unit IV 8h
Animal Biotechnology: Applications in animal husbandry, medicine and live stock improvement.
Transgenic animals. Gene therapy and genetic counseling. Bioethics.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 summarize the applications of biotechnology in animal husbandry (L1)
 apply the principles of genetic engineering in development of transgenic animals (L2)
 explain the importance of gene therapy in identification of genetic disorders (L3)
 demonstrate the ethical issues involved biotechnology. (L2)

Unit V 8h
Industrial and Microbial biotechnology: Overview of industrial fermentation process and products.
Fermentation technology for production of Penicillin. Introduction to patents. Biotech industry in
India and abroad.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 explain the applications of fermentation in industry (L2)

 summarize the applications of antibiotics in industry. (L2)
 outline the concepts of patents and their significance (L2)
 evaluate the status of biotech industry in abroad and India(L3)

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to

 acquire knowledge of microbes, plants and animals, relevant to biotechnology

 apply the basic concepts of genetics and genetic engineering for biotechnology related problems
 evaluate the applications of biotechnology related to agriculture, industry and medicine
 acquire knowledge of intellectual property rights including patents and trade secrets

Text Book(s)
 J.M. Walker and R. Rapley, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, 5/e, Royal society
of chemistry, 2009.
 W. Godbey, An Introduction to Biotechnology, The Science, Technology and Medical
Applications, 1/e, Woodhead Publishing, 2014.


• H. Lodish, A. Berk, C. A. Kaiser, M. Krieger, A. Bretscher, H. Ploegh, Amon and M. P.

Scott, Molecular Cell biology, 7/e, W.H Freeman and Company, 2014.
• R.C. Dubey, Text book of Biotechnology, 5/e, S. Chand Publishing, 2014.
• P.K. Gupta, Biotechnology and genomics, Rastogi publications, 2004.
• B. Albert’s, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, D. Morgan, M. Raff, K. Roberts and P. Walter,
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 6/e, Garland Publishers, 2014.
• P.K. Gupta, Elements of Biotechnology, 2/e, Rastogi Publications, 2014.

(Common to all)
2 0 2 3

The course is a unified approach to enhance language skills of learners with an aim to hone their
social skills and to increase their employability. The course is designed to acquaint the learners
with the necessary LSRW (Listening/ Speaking / Reading/ Writing) skills needed either for
recruitment or further studies abroad for which they attempt international exams like TOEFL,
IELTS and GRE. It enables the learners improve their communication skills which are crucial in
an academic environment as well as professional and personal lives.
Course Objectives

⮚ To enable learners to develop listening skills for better comprehension of academic

presentations, lectures and speeches.

⮚ To hone the speaking skills of learners by engaging them in various activities such as just
a minute (JAM), group discussions, oral presentations, and role plays.

⮚ To expose learners to key Reading techniques such as Skimming and Scanning for
comprehension of different texts.

⮚ To acquaint the learners with effective strategies of paragraph and essay writing, and
formal correspondence such as email, letters and resume.

⮚ To provide learners with the critical impetus necessary to forge a path in an academic
environment, in the professional life and in an increasingly complex, interdependent

LISTENING: Listening for gist and specific information
SPEAKING: Introducing self and others; Developing fluency through JAM
READING: Skimming for gist and Scanning for specific information
WRITING: Paragraph writing-writing coherent and cohesive paragraph (narrative and
descriptive); use of appropriate Punctuation.
GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY: Articles & Prepositions;
Word Families (Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs; Prefixes
and Suffixes)

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the learners will be able to

⮚ Apply the requisite listening skills and comprehend at local and global level. (L4 and
L2) (L5)
⮚ Introduce themselves with accurate structure in diverse social and professional contexts.
⮚ Apply relevant reading strategies for comprehension of any given text(L3)
⮚ Write a paragraph using cohesive devices maintaining coherence (L3)
⮚ Understand the Use of Articles and Prepositions, and apply appropriately for meaningful
communication (L3)
Understand the relevance of various categories in word family and apply them meaningfully in
context (L3)

LISTENING: Listening for Note taking and Summarizing

SPEAKING: Role plays and Oral Presentations.
READING: Intensive Reading-Reading for implicit meaning
WRITING: Note making and summarizing
GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY: Verb forms-Tenses; synonyms to avoid repetition in speech
and writing.
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the learners will be able to

⮚ Employ note taking and summarizing strategies to comprehend the listening text (L2)
⮚ Use strategies for successful and relevant oral presentation (L3, L4)
⮚ Demonstrate effective communication skills by applying turn-taking and role distribution
techniques for meaningful and contextual Speaking (L3 and L4)
⮚ Apply various reading strategies imbibing inferential and extrapolative comprehension of
any given text. (L2, L3)
⮚ Apply various note-making techniques while comprehending the reading text to present
a complete and concise set of structured notes (, L3, L4, L5)
⮚ Apply the notes to draft a summary (L3)
⮚ Use correct tense forms and appropriate structures in speech and written communication
⮚ Context specific use of Prefixes and Suffixes for meaningful communication (L3)

LISTENING: Listening for presentation strategies: introducing the topic, organization of ideas,
SPEAKING: Aided presentations
READING: Inferring using textual clues
WRITING: Formal Letter and Email writing
GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY: Active and Passive Voice; linkers and discourse markers.
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the learners will be able to
⮚ Notice and understand effective listening strategies to identify discourse markers in
presentations. (L1, L2)
⮚ Make formal oral presentations using effective strategies such as audio – visual aids (L3)
⮚ Infer meaning and inter – relatedness of ideas (L4)
⮚ Understand relevant structures and draft formal letters in suitable format (L3, L4)
⮚ Construct relevant sentences in active and passive voice for meaningful communication
(L2, L3)
⮚ Comprehend and apply available vocabulary items relevant to the context (L1, L2, L3)

LISTENING: Listening for labeling-maps, graphs, tables, illustrations
SPEAKING: Aided group presentation using charts, graphs etc.
READING: Reading for identification of facts and opinions
WRITING: Information transfer (writing a brief report based on information from
GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY: Subject-verb agreement; language for comparison and
contrast; Antonyms
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the learners will be able to

■ Match visual and auditory inputs and use the information comprehensively and will
adequately demonstrate important relationships or patterns between data points (L2)
■ choose and coordinate resources appropriate to context and speak intelligibly (L3, L4)
■ Develop advanced reading skills for analytical and extrapolative comprehension (L4,
■ Make decisions on arrangement of ideas and transfer them from visual to verbal form
using context appropriate structure. (L3, L4)

■ Demonstrate ability to use task specific grammatically correct structures (L3)

Comprehend and use expressions for negation/contradiction ((L2, L3)

LISTENING: Listening to discussions for opinions
SPEAKING: Group Discussion
READING: Reading for inferences

WRITING: Coursera Course-Essay Writing-Getting Started with Essay Writing (UCI Division
of Continuing Education) 24 hours

GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY: Editing short texts: correcting common errors in grammar and
usage; Action verbs for fluency and effective writing.
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the learners will be able to
⮚ Apply analytical and problem-solving strategies to identify and interpret facts and
opinions from a dialogue. (L3)
⮚ Able to administer group dynamics to contribute valid ideas to a discussion with clarity
and precision (L3)
⮚ Demonstrate techniques to analyze contextual clues(L4)
⮚ Compare and correlate ideas and facts to produce an organized essay with adequate
supporting evidences (L4, L5)
⮚ Organize the available structural/grammatical knowledge and apply them in a real time
context (L3)

⮚ Comprehend meaning for new words/phrases used and apply them in a new context. (L2,

Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, the learners will be able to:
⮚ Think critically, analytically, creatively and communicate confidently in English in social
and professional contexts with improved skills of fluency and accuracy.
⮚ Write grammatically correct sentences employing appropriate vocabulary suitable to
different contexts.

⮚ Comprehend and analyze different academic texts.

⮚ Make notes effectively and handle academic writing tasks such as Paragraph writing and
Essay writing.

⮚ Effectively handle formal correspondence like e-mail drafting and letter writing.

Reference Books:

1.Arosteguy, K.O. and Bright, A. and Rinard, B.J. and Poe, M. A Student's Guide to Academic
and Professional Writing in Education, UK, Teachers College Press,2019

2.Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for
Intermediate Learners of English : Cambridge University Press;2019

3.Peter Watkins, Teaching and Developing Reading Skills: UK, CUP, 2018

4.Deeptha Achar et al. Basic of Academic Writing. (1and 2) parts New Delhi: Orient
BlackSwan. (2012& 2013).

5.Kumar S and Lata P, Communication Skills: New Delhi Oxford University Press, 2015

3 0 3 4.5
This course enables the students to gain knowledge on various aspects of chemical bonding,
analytical & electro chemistry, carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, peptides and stereo chemistry.

Course Objectives

 To familiarize the students with different types of chemical bonding.

 To introduce fundamental approaches to molecular orbital diagrams
 To create awareness on the principles of analytical & electrochemistry.
 To acquaint with the principles of Stereochemistry.
 To familiarize with the classification of carbohydrates.
 To impart knowledge on types of Amino acids, Peptides, Proteins

Unit I 8 hr
Chemical Bonding
Types of bonds, VSEPR theory , Molecular orbital theory – shapes and sign convention of atomic
orbital, modes of overlapping, criteria for forming molecular orbital from atomic orbital, LCAO
Concept, Types of molecular orbitals – bonding, anti-bonding and non-bonding. Molecular orbital
treatment for, N2, O2, NO and CO.
Coordination Compounds: Werner‟s theory – Sidgwick‟s theory, valence bond theory,–
effective atomic number (EAN).

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the Unit I, the student will be able to
 define various types of chemical bonding. (L-1)
 list the types of theories. (L-1)
 classify bonding in molecular orbital theory. (L-2)
 explain MO diagrams of N2 ,CO molecules. (L-2)

Unit II 8 hr
Analytical Chemistry & Electrochemistry
Analytical Chemistry: Titrimetric analysis, Classification of reactions in titrimetric analysis –
Accuracy and Precision, Errors - classification of errors. Determinate and Indeterminate errors,
absolute and relative error. Minimization of errors, significant figures –average, mean and
standard deviation-Percent RSD [relative standard deviation].
Electrochemistry: Single electrode potential - Reference Electrodes – Normal Hydrogen electrode
and Calomel electrode. Conductance – Molar and equivalent conductivities - Kohlraush‟s Law.

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the Unit II, the student will be able to
 list the types of titrations. (L-1)
 define accuracy, precision, errors, mean and standard deviation. (L-1)
 explain the principle of reference electrodes. (L-2)
 identify the conductivities of various solutions. (L-3)

Unit III: 8 hr
Stereoisomerism, E & Z notation for geometrical isomers, chiral center & optical activity, the
polarimeter, specific rotation, enantiomers & enantiomerism, racemic modification. Configuration,
R & S notation, Cahn - Ingold - Prelog's sequence rules. Diastereomers & Diasteriomerism.

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the Unit III, the student will be able to
 define stereoisomerism, optical activity. (L-1)
 list the sequence rules. (L-1)
 label the chiral centers by sequence rules. (L-1)
 classify enantiomers & diastereomers. (L-2)

Unit IV 9 hr
Introduction – Classification of carbohydrates- D- and L- Sugars; Relative configurations of
sugars- examples. D-(+)- Glucose- Reactions to support open chain structure and cyclic structure
of Glucose; Killiani Fischer‟s synthesis- Ruff degradation. D-(-)- Fructose: Structure of fructose
– open chain and cyclic structure of fructose. Sucrose and its structure.

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the Unit IV, the student will be able to
 define carbohydrates. (L-1)
 label the configuration of carbohydrates. (L-1)
 classify carbohydrates. (L-2)
 identify the structures of glucose and fructose. (L-3)

Unit V 9 hr
Amino acids, Peptides & Proteins
Amino acids: Introduction-Classification of amino acids based on the chemical nature and based on
nutritional importance-Zwitter ions and isoelectric point.
Synthesis of amino acids- Gabriel phthalimide synthesis.
Peptides: Introduction- Classification of Peptides- Merrifield solid phase poly peptide synthesis.
Proteins: Introduction- Structure of proteins. Classification - fibrous and globular proteins-
Denaturation of proteins.

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the Unit V, the student will be able to
 classify Amino acids & Proteins. (L-2)
 explain the synthesis of amino acids. (L-2)
 identify the structure and bonding of peptides. (L-3)
 analyze Merrifield synthesis of poly peptides. (L-4)

Course Outcomes:
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to
 define various types of chemical bonding. (L-1)
 explain the principles of analytical and electrochemistry.(L2)
 classify enantiomers & diastereomers. (L-2)
 identify the structures of glucose and fructose. (L-3)
 analyze Merrifield synthesis of poly peptides. (L-4)

Text Books:
1. B.R.Puri, L.R.Sharma, K.C.Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, 33/e, Milestone
Publishers & Distributors, (2017).
2. P.W.Atkins, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 3/e, Oxford University press,
3. B.Mehta and M. Mehta, Organic Chemistry, PHI, (2005).

1. L.G. Wade, Organic Chemistry, 6/e, Pearson education, (2005)
2. F.A. Carey, Organic Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill, (2008).

(For Biotechnology)

This course enables the students to gain knowledge on various methods in identification of
functional groups by qualitative analysis and preparation of organic compounds and estimation of
substances by volumetric analysis and determination of physical properties of liquids.

Course Objectives:

 To familiarize the functional groups of organic compounds.

 To demonstrate the identification of functional groups by qualitative analysis.
 To train the students for the preparation of simple organic compounds.
 To acquaint with the estimation of substances by volumetric analysis.
 To impart knowledge on the determination of physical properties of liquids like
surface tension and viscosity


After completing this unit, the student will be able to
1. Estimation of Sodium Hydroxide using Hydrochloric acid
2. Estimation of Mohr's salt using potassium permanganate
3. Estimation of Hydrogen Peroxide using potassium permanganate
4. Estimation of potassium dichromate using sodium thiosulphate
5. Estimation of copper using sodium thiosulphate

6. pH metric titration - Estimation of Sodium Hydroxide using Hydrochloric acid.
7. Potentiometric titration - Estimation of Ferrous Iron using Potassium dichromate.
8. Determination of Viscosity of a Liquid.
9. Determination of Surface Tension of a Liquid.
10. Preparation of TLC

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of Part-I, the student will be able to
 list the types of titrations in volumetric analysis. (L-1)
 classify volumetric titrations. (L-2)
 explain the estimation of substances in titrametry. (L-2)
 demonstrate the surface tension and viscosity. (L-2)

Identification of the following functional groups in at least SIX organic compounds by adopting a
systematic qualitative analysis:
a) Carboxylic acids
b) Phenols
c) Aldehydes and Ketones
d) Esters
e) Carbohydrates
f) Hydrocarbons and Ethers
g) Primary, Secondary and Tertiary amines
h) Amides and imides
i) Nitro groups


Preparation of a minimum of three simple organic compounds involving the following Reactions:

a) Acetylation : Acetanilide from aniline and aspirin from salicylic acid

b) Benzoylation : Benzanilide from aniline
c) Nittration : p – nitroacetanilide from acetanilide
d) Methylation : β - naphthyl methyl ether from β -naphthol
e) Sulphonation : Sulphanilic acid from aniline
f) Oxidation : p-benzoquinone from hydroquinone

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of Part-II, the student will be able to
 explain the preparation of simple organic compounds. (L-2)
 identify the functional groups of organic compounds. (L-3)
 apply theoretical knowledge to do practical‟s in the laboratory. (L-3)

Course Outcomes:
After the completion of Part-I and Part-II, the student will be able to
 list the types of titrations in volumetric analysis. (L-1)
 classify volumetric titrations. (L-2)

 explain the estimation of substances in titrametry. (L-2)
 identify the functional groups of organic compounds. (L-3)
 apply theoretical knowledge to do practical‟s in the laboratory. (L-3)

Text Books:
1. A. I. Vogel, Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry: Qualitative Organic Analysis, Part 2, 2/e,
Pearson Education, (2010).

1. G. Svehla, Vogel's Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, 7/e, PEI, (2008).


3 1 3 5.5

This course focuses on problem solving using visual programming and flowchart tools. Python
being simple and easy to learn syntax, it is used as an introductory coding platform to translate
flow charts into programs. The course introduces fundamental programming concepts. Python
language is used to present concepts including control structures, functions, data structures
followed by important Python packages that will be useful in data analysis.

Course Objectives:

To introduce programming through Visual programming tool - Scratch

To teach problem solving through Flow charting tool - Raptor

To elucidate problem solving through python programming language

To introduce function-oriented programming paradigm through python

To train in development of solutions using modular concepts

To teach practical Pythonic solution patterns

Unit I: Computational Thinking and Visual Programming Concepts

Introduction to computational thinking. Visual programming concepts. Scratch environment:

sprites -- appearance and motion, angles and directions, repetition and variation, changing
costumes, adding background. Input/Output, variables and operators.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of this unit the student will be able to

develop a program, controlled by a loop. (L3)

experiment with “costumes” to change the appearance of sprites. (L3)

perform Input, Output Operations using scratch. (L3)

perform computation using common mathematical formulas. (L3)

develop programs by passing messages between sprites. (L3)

Unit II: Algorithms and Flowchart design through Raptor

Introduction to the idea of an algorithm. Pseudo code and Flow charts. Flow chart symbols,
Input/Output, Assignment, operators, conditional if, repetition, procedure and sub charts.

Example problems – Finding maximum of 3 numbers, Unit converters, Interest calculators,

multiplication tables, GCD of 2 numbers

Example problems--Fibonacci number generation, prime number generation. Minimum,

Maximum and average of n numbers, Linear search, Binary Search.

Learning outcomes:

After completion of this unit the student will be able to

select flowchart symbols for solving problems. (L1)

develop basic flowcharts for performing Input, Output and Computations (L3)
solve numerical problems using Raptor (L3)
analyze problems by modular approach using Raptor (L4)

Unit III: Introduction to Python

Python – Numbers, Strings, Variables, operators, expressions, statements, String operations,

Math function calls, Input/Output statements, Conditional If, while and for loops, User defined
Functions, parameters to functions, recursive functions, Turtle Graphics.

Learning outcomes:

After completion of this unit the student will be able to

interpret numbers, strings, variables, operators, expressions and math functions using
Python Interactive Mode. (L2)

solve simple problems using control structures, input and output statements. (L3)

develop user defined functions (recursive and non-recursive). (L3)

build Python programs for section 1 raptor flowcharts. (L3)

develop Python programs for creating various graphical shapes using turtle graphics. (L3)

Unit IV: Data Structures and Idiomatic Programming in Python

Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, Strings, Files and their libraries. Beautiful Idiomatic approach to
solve programming problems.

Learning outcomes:

After completion of this unit the student will be able to

summarize the features of lists, tuples, dictionaries, strings and files. (L2)
demonstrate best practices of “Beautiful Idiomatic Python”. (L2)
build Python programs for section 2 raptor flowcharts. (L3).

Unit V : Packages

Numpy -- Create, reshape, slicing, operations such as min, max, sum , search, sort, math
functions etc.

Pandas -- Read/write from csv, excel, json files, add/ drop columns/rows, aggregations, applying

Matplotlib -- Visualizing data with different plots, use of subplots.

User defined packages, define test cases and perform unit testing

Learning outcomes:

After completion of this unit the student will be able to

read data from files of different formats and perform operations like slicing, insert, delete,
update (L3)
visualize the data (L4)

ability to define packages (L2)

define test cases (L1)

Laboratory Experiments

1. Design a script in Scratch to make a sprite to draw geometrical shapes such as Circle,
Triangle, Square, Pentagon.

2. Design a script in Scratch to make a sprite to ask the user to enter two different numbers
and an arithmetic operator and then calculate and display the result.
3. Design a Memory Game in Scratch which allows the user to identify positions of similar
objects in a 3 x 3 matrix.

4. Construct flowcharts to

a. calculate the maximum, minimum and average of N numbers

b. develop a calculator to convert time, distance, area, volume and temperature from
one unit to another.

5. Construct flowcharts with separate procedures to

a. calculate simple and compound interest for various parameters specified by the

b. calculate the greatest common divisor using iteration and recursion for two
numbers as specified by the user

6. Construct flowcharts with procedures to

a. generate first N numbers in the Fibonacci series

b. generate N Prime numbers

7. Design a flowchart to perform Linear search on list of N unsorted numbers (Iterative and
8. Design a flowchart to perform Binary search on list of N sorted numbers (Iterative and
9. Design a flowchart to determine the number of characters and lines in a text file specified
by the user

10. Design a Python script to convert a Binary number to Decimal number and verify if it is a
Perfect number.

11. Design a Python script to determine if a given string is a Palindrome using recursion

12. Design a Python script to sort numbers specified in a text file using lists.

13. Design a Python script to determine the difference in date for given two dates in
YYYY:MM:DD format (0 <= YYYY <= 9999, 1 <= MM <= 12, 1 <= DD <= 31)
following the leap year rules.

14. Design a Python Script to determine the Square Root of a given number without using
inbuilt functions in Python.

15. Design a Python Script to determine the time difference between two given times in
HH:MM: SS format. (0 <= HH <= 23, 0 <= MM <= 59, 0 <= SS <= 59)

16. Design a Python Script to find the value of (Sine, Cosine, Log, PI, e) of a given number
using infinite series of the function.

17. Design a Python Script to convert a given number to words

18. Design a Python Script to convert a given number to roman number.

19. Design a Python Script to generate the frequency count of words in a text file.

20. Design a Python Script to print a spiral pattern for a 2 dimensional matrix.

21. Design a Python Script to implement Gaussian Elimination method.

22. Design a Python script to generate statistical reports (Minimum, Maximum, Count,
Average, Sum etc) on public datasets.

23. Design a Python script using the Turtle graphics library to construct a turtle bar chart
representing the grades obtained by N students read from a file categorizing them into
distinction, first class, second class, third class and failed.

Text Book(s):

1. Weingart, Dr. Troy, Brown, Dr. Wayne, An introduction to programming and algorithmic
reasoning using raptor.
2.T R Padmanabhan, Programming with python, Springer.
3. Reema Thareja, Python Programming: Using Problem Solving Approach, Oxford
University Press.
4.Wes McKinney , Python for Data Analysis, O.Reilly.

Course outcomes:

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to

create interactive visual programs using Scratch. (L3)

develop flowcharts using raptor to solve the given problems. (L3)
build Python programs for numerical and text based problems (L3)
develop graphics and event based programming using Python (L3)
build Python programs using beautiful Pythonic idiomatic practices (L3)

(Common to all branches)
3 1 3 5.5

This course introduces the student, to the fundamental principles and building blocks of electrical
and electronics engineering. The first three units cover the electric circuit laws, theorems and
principles of electrical machines. The last two units cover semiconductor devices and their
Course Objectives

 To familiarize the basic DC and AC networks used in electrical and electronic

 To explain the concepts of electrical machines and their characteristics.
 To introduce the importance of transformers in transmission and distribution of
electric power.
 To impart the knowledge about the characteristics, working principles and
applications of semiconductor diodes, metal Oxide semiconductor field effect
transistors (MOSFETs).
 To expose basic concepts and applications of Operational Amplifier and

Unit I 10L + 6P
Basic laws and Theorems: Ohm‟s law, Kirchoff's Laws, series and parallel circuits, source
transformations, delta-wye conversion. Mesh analysis, nodal analysis. Linearity and superposition
theorem, Thevenin's and Norton's theorem with simple examples, maximum power transfer
theorem with simple examples.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to
 state Ohm‟s law and Kirchhoff‟s Laws (L1)
 identify and analyze series and parallel connections in a circuit (L1)
 predict the behavior of an electrical circuit (L2)
 determine the current, voltage and power in the given electrical circuit (L4)
 apply various techniques to analyze an electric circuit (L3)

Unit II 10L + 6P
DC Machines: Constructional features, induced EMF and torque expressions, different types of
excitation, performance characteristics of different types of DC machines, Starters: 2-point, 3-
point starters, losses and efficiency, efficiency by direct loading.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to
 describe the constructional features of DC machines(L1)
 analyze EMF and torque expressions of DC machine(L4)
 demonstrate the performance characteristics of different types of dc machines (L3)
 explain types of starters used for starting of dc motors (L2)
 estimate losses and efficiency of electrical machine(L2)

Unit III: 12L + 9P

Transformers: Constructional details, EMF equation, voltage regulation, losses and efficiency,
open/short- circuit tests and determination of efficiency. Three Phase Induction Motors:
Construction, working principle of three phase induction motor, Torque and Torque-Slip

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to
 describe the constructional details of transformers (L1)
 demonstrate voltage regulation of transformer (L3)
 discuss about open and short- circuit tests of transformer(L2)
 explain the working principle of three phase induction motor(L5)
 describe torque and torque slip characteristics (L1)
 estimate losses and efficiency of three Phase Induction Motors(L2)

Unit IV 12L + 9P
Semiconductor Devices: p-n Junction diode - Basic operating principle, current-voltage
characteristics, rectifier circuits (half-wave, full-wave, rectifier with filter capacitor), Zener diode
as Voltage Regulator; Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET): Operation of
NMOS and PMOS FETs, MOSFET as an amplifier and switch.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to
 describe the device structure and physical operation of a diode (L1)
 discuss V-I characteristics of diodes (L2)
 explain the use of diode as switch and in electronic circuits(L2)
 describe the construction and operation of n-channel and p-channel MOSFETs (L1)
 explain the use of MOSFET as an amplifier and bidirectional switch (L2)

Unit V 10L + 6P
Operational Amplifiers: The Ideal Op-Amp, The Inverting Configuration, The closed loop gain,
Effect of Finite open-loop gain, The Noninverting Configuration, The closed loop gain,
Characteristics of Non Inverting Configuration, Effect of finite open loop gain, the voltage
follower, Difference amplifiers, A Single Op-amp difference amplifier

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the unit, the student will be able to
 list the characteristics of an ideal Op-Amp (L1)
 explain the Inverting and Noninverting configurations of Op-Amp (L2)
 construct a single Op-amp difference amplifier (L3)

List of Laboratory Experiments
1. Verification of Kirchhoff‟s Laws KVL and KCL.
2. Verification of DC Superposition Theorem.
3. Verification of Thevenin's Theorem and Norton's Theorem.
4. OCC and External characteristics of separately excited DC generators.
5. Swinburne's test on a DC shunt motor.
6. OC and SC Tests on single phase transformer.
7. Brake Test on DC shunt motor.
8. Current Voltage Characteristics of a p-n Junction Diode/LED.
9. Diode Rectifier Circuits.
10. Voltage Regulation with Zener Diodes.
11. Design of a MOSFET amplifier and MOSFET inverter/NOR gate
12. Inverting and Non-inverting Amplifier Design with Op-amps.
13. Simulation experiments using PSPICE
(a) Diode and Transistor Circuit Analysis.
(b) MOSFET Amplifier design.
(c) Inverting and Noninverting Amplifier Design with Op-amps.

Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to
 predict and analyze the behavior of an electrical circuit (L3)
 analyze the performance quantities such as losses, efficiency and identify applications
of DC machines(L4)
 explain the use of transformers in transmission and distribution of electric power and
other applications (L2)
 demonistratethe operation and applications of various electronic devices (L2)
 construct Inverting and Noninverting configurations of Op-Amp (L3)

Text Books:
1. D.P.Kothari, I.J.Nagrath, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1/e, McGraw
Hill Education (India) Private Limited,2017.
2. B.L.Theraja, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, 1/e, S.Chand
Publishing,New Delhi, 2006.
3. Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits 6/e, Oxford University
Press, 2014

1. S.K. Bhattacharya, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Pearson Education,
2. Dharma Raj Cheruku, B T Krishna, Electronic Devices and Circuits, 2/e, Pearson
Education, 2008.
3. R.K.Rajput, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University Science Press,
New Delhi,2012

(Common to all branches)
0 0 3 1.5

The objective of this course is to exposure students common tools in engineering. The course
enables the students to gain hands on experience and skills necessary to perform basic operations
such as carpentry, sheet metal working and fitting. It also familiarizes the students with basic
electrical house wiring concepts

Course Objectives

 Explain different tools used in carpentry.

 Impart the skills to do some carpentry operations.
 Demonstrate different types of tools used in fitting, soldering and braze.
 Train fitting, soldering and brazing jobs.
 Familiarize different types of basic electric circuit connections

Wood Working:
Familiarity with different types of woods and tools used in wood working and make following joints
a) Half – Lap joint.
b) Mortise and Tenon joint.
c) Corner Dovetail joint or Bridle joint.

Sheet Metal Working:

Familiarity with different types of tools used in sheet metal working, Developments of following
sheet metal job from GI sheets
a) Tapered tray b) Conical funnel c) Elbow pipe d) Brazing

Familiarity with different types of tools used in fitting and do the following fitting exercises
a) V-fit b) Dovetail fit c) Semi-circular fit
d) Bicycle tire puncture and change of two wheeler tire

Electrical Wiring:
Familiarities with different types of basic electrical circuits and make the following connections
a) Parallel and series b) Two way switch c) Godown lighting
d) Tube light e) Three phase motor f) Soldering of wires

Course Outcomes:
After completion of this lab the student will be able to
 summarize various carpentry operation required to create a product in real time
applications. (L2)
 develop different parts with metal sheet in real time applications. (L3)
 demonstrate fitting operations in various applications. (L3)
 preform soldering and brazing operations. (L3)
 select different types of electric circuits in practical applications (L3)


1 0 3 2.5

The course enables the students to convey the ideas and information graphically that come across
in engineering. This course includes projections of lines, planes, solids sectional views,
and utility of drafting and modeling packages in orthographic and isometric drawings.

Course Objectives

 Create awareness of the engineering drawing as the language of engineers.

 Familiarize how industry communicates, practices for accuracy in presenting the
technical information.
 Develop the engineering imagination essential for successful design.
 Demonstrate utility of drafting and modeling packages in orthographic and isometric
 Train the usage of 2D and 3D modeling softwares.
 Impart graphical representation of simple components

Manual Drawing: 7 hr
Introduction to Engineering graphics: Principles of Engineering Graphics and their significance-
Conventions in drawing-lettering - BIS conventions.
a) Conic sections - general method only,
b) Cycloid, epicycloids and hypocycloid
c) Involutes
Projection of points, lines and planes: Projection of points in different quadrants, lines inclined
to one and both the planes, finding true lengths and angles made by line. Projections of regular
plane surfaces.
Projections of solids: Projections of regular solids inclined to one and both the reference planes.
Sections of solids: Section planes and sectional view of right regular solids- prism, cylinder, pyramid
and cone. True shapes of the sections

Development of surfaces: Development of surfaces of right regular solids-prism, cylinder, pyramid,

cone and their sectional parts.

Computer Aided Drafting: 6hr

Introduction to AutoCAD: Basic drawing and editing commands: line, circle, rectangle, erase,
view, undo, redo, snap, object editing, moving, copying, rotating, scaling, mirroring, layers,
templates, polylines, trimming, extending, stretching, fillets, arrays, dimensions. Dimensioning
principles and conventional representations.
Orthographic Projections: Systems of projections, conventions and application to orthographic
Isometric Projections: Principles of isometric projection- Isometric scale; Isometric views: lines,
planes, figures, simple and compound solids.

Course Outcomes:
After completing the course, the student will be able to
 utilize Engineering Graphics as Language of Engineers. (L3)
 prepare drawings as per standards (BIS).(L3)
 identify various engineering curves.(L3)
 solve geometrical problems in plane geometry involving lines and
 plane figures (L3)
 represent solids and sections graphically. (L3)
 develop the surfaces of solids. (L3)
 draw isometric and orthographic drawings using CAD packages. (L3)

Text Books:
1. K.L. Narayana & P. Kannaiah, Engineering Drawing, 3/e, Scitech Publishers, 2012.
2. N.D. Bhatt, Engineering Drawing, 53/e, Charotar Publishers, 2016.

1. Dhanajay A Jolhe, Engineering Drawing, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009.
2. Shah and Rana, Engineering Drawing, 2/e, Pearson Education, 2009.
3. Venugopal, Engineering Drawing and Graphics, 3/e, New Age Publishers, 2000.
4. K.C. John, Engineering Graphics, 2/e, PHI, 2013.
5. Basant Agarwal and C.M. Agarwal, Engineering Drawing, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.

00 2 0

Unit I 5 bours
Aims and objectives of NCC: Organization and training, ncc song, incentives for cadets.
national integration and awareness: religion, culture, traditions and customs of india, national
integration – importance and necessity, freedom struggle and nationalist movement in india,
national interests, objectives, threats and opportunities, problems/ challenges of national
integration, national integration and awareness, unity and diversity, national integration council,
images/ slogans for national integration, contribution of youth in nation building

Unit II 5 bours
Drill Attention, stand at ease and stand easy, turning and inclining at the at the halt, ceremonial
drill-guard mounting, guard of honour, platoon / company drill, instructional practice, weapon
training stripping, assembling, care and cleaning and sight setting of .22 rifle, the lying position,
holding and aiming, trigger control and firing a shot, short range firing, aiming – alteration of

Unit III 5 bours

Personality development: Introduction to personality development, factors influencing / shaping
personality – physical , social, psychological and philosophical self awareness – know yourself /
insight, change your mindset, interpersonal relationship and communication communication
skills – group discussion / lecturettes, leadership traits, types of leadership, attitude –
assertiveness and negotiation, time management, personality development, effects of leadership
with historical examples, stress management skills, interview skills, conflict motives –
resolution, importance of group – team work, influencing skills, body language, sociability:
social skills, values / code of ethics Disaster Management: Civil defence organization and its
duties – ndma, types of emergencies / natural disasters, fire service and fire fighting, traffic
control during disaster under police supervision, essential services and their maintenance,
assistance during natural / other calamities / floods / cyclone / earth quake / accident, setting up
of relief camp during disaster management, collection and distribution of aid material

Unit IV 5 hours
Social awareness and community development: Basics of social service, weaker sections of
our society and their needs, social/ rural development projects – menrega , sgsy , nsap etc, ngos :
role and contribution, contribution of youth towards social welfare, family planning, drug abuse
and trafficking, civil responsibilities, causes and prevention of hiv/ aids role of youth, counter
terrorism, corruption, social evils – dowry / female foeticide / child abuse and trafficking, rti and
rte, traffic control organization and anti drunken driving, provision of protection of children from
sexual harassment act 2012.

Unit V: 5 hours
Health and Hygiene: Structure and functioning of the human body, hygiene and sanitation
(personal and food hygiene), physical and mental health, infectious and contagious diseases and
its prevention, basic of home nursing and first aid in common medical emergencies, wounds and
fractures, introduction to yoga and exercises. Adventure training: Para sailing, slithering, rock
climbing, cycling / trekking, environment awareness and conservation natural resources
conservation and management, water conservation and rain water harvesting, waste
management, pollution control, water , air, noise and soil, energy conservation,. wildlife
conservation – projects in india. obstacle training, obstacle course, practical training

Text Books
1. Cadet Hand Book (Common Subjects), published by DG NCC.
2. Cadet Hand Book (Specialized Subjects), published by DG NCC.

Reference Books
1. Grooming Tomorrow’s Leaders, published by DG, NCC.
2. Youth in Action, published by DG, NCC.
3. The Cadet, Annual Journal of the NCC.


Preamble: National Service scheme is a public service program encouraged by Ministry of Youth
Affairs[1] and Sports of the Government of India. NSS is a voluntary association of young people in
Colleges, Universities and at +2 level working for a campus-community linkage. The objective of this
course is to expose the students to the activities of National Service Scheme, concept of social Service and
principles of health, hygiene and sanitation.

Unit I 2Hours
Introduction and Basic concepts of NSS: History. Philosophy, aims and Objectives of NSS, Emblem,
Flag, Motto, Song, Badge etc.:Organizational structure, role and responsibilities of various NSS

Unit II 2Hours
Regular activities: College campus activities, NS.S, activities in Urban and Rural areas, NSS Annual
Activities Calendar, Suggestive List of Activities, Role of Non-Government Organisation (NGO) in
social Reforms i) Red Cross ii) Rotary

Unit III 2Hours

Special Camp activities: Nature and its objectives: Selection of camp site -Identification of community
problems- physical arrangement- Organization of N.S.S.camp through various committees and discipline
in the camp- adaption of village-planning for pre -camp during and post campaigning. Activities-
Activities to be undertaken during the N.S.S. camp- Use of the mass media in the
N.S.S activities.

Unit IV 4hours
Health, Hygiene and Sanitation: Definition, needs and scope of health education, food and Nutrition,
Safe drinking water, Sanitation, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Disaster Management: Introduction to
Disaster Management, Classification of Disasters. Role of Youth in Diasters Management, Home nursing,
First Aid. Civil Self Defense: Civil Defense services, aims and objectives of civil defense, Need for self
defence training

Unit V 10hours
Social Project: Problems Identification - Data Collection- Preparation of a Questionnaire-Observation-
Schedule Interview-Qualitative Research-Quantities Research-Major Findings-Suggestions-Conclusion-
Report Writing.

Text Books:

1) National Service Scheme Manual (Revised) 2006, Government of India, Ministry of Youth
Affairs and Sports, New Delhi
2) NSS Diaries
3) Sanjay Bhattachaya, Social Work Interventions and Management-Deep and Deep
Publications, New Delhi

19EMC181C: National Sports Organization (Common to all)

0 0 2 0

National Sports Organisation is intended by the Government of India to promote the development of
athletics and sporting activities of the nation's youth. This activity enables physical fitness, teamwork and
mental health within the students. This course teaches the rules and skills of below sports and games to
the students. Each student shall be made proficient in one of the chosen sport from the below list

1. Cricket

2. Volley Ball

3. Table Tennis

4. Foot Ball

5. Throw Ball (Only for Women)

6. Basket Ball

7. Athletics -100 Meters Run, Long Jump, Shot Put

8. Chess

9. Lawn Tennis

10. Kabaddi

11. Aerobics

12. Badminton

Text Books:

1. Myles Schrag, The Sport Rules Book, 4/e, Human Kinetics, 2018
Dhama Prakash Jyoti, Rules. Of. Games. And. Sports, Laxmi Book Publication, 2018

19EMC181D: YOGA (Common to all)

0 0 2 0

The course is designed to enable the student to know about yoga an ancient Indian tradition. It embodies
unity of mind and body; thought and action; harmony between human and nature and a holistic approach
to health and well-being. It is not only exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with ourselves, the
world and nature. The student will be able to learn about Yoga and practice different Yoga asana which
influences his lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help a student to deal with health issues and
climate change.

Course Objectives:

• Familiarize the student with YOGA and ancient Indian tradition.

• Enable the student to know the different asana their advantages and disadvantages.
• Explain with the features of different Yoga asana.
• Demonstrate and perform Yoga asana.

• Enable the student to perform pranayama and meditation.

 Introduction to Yoga:Evolution of Yoga and Schools of Yoga, Origin of Yoga, History and
Development of Yoga; Etymology and Definitions, Misconceptions, Nature and Principles of
 Guidelines to yoga practice: Prayer, warmup exercises/ loosening exercises
 Yoga Theory: Therapeutic Benefits of Yoga – primitive, preventive and curative aspects of Yoga
 Application of Yoga to students, Suryanamaskaras, Tadasan, Natarajasan, Vrikshasan,
Padahasthasan, Ardhachakrasan, Trikonasan, Bramari pranayama.
 Yoga for allround fitness, Bhadrasan, Vajrasan, ArdhaUstrasan, Nadishuddhi pranayama,
Navasan, Janusirasan, Paschimotthanasan, Shashankasan, Vakrasan, Bhujangasan, Kapalabhati..
 Meditative Postures: Sukhasan, Ardha Padmasan, Padmasan and Siddhasan,Meditation
 Yoga Practice: Makarasan, Sethubandhasan, Pavanmuktasan, Sarvangasan, Matsyasan, Halasan.

Text Book(s):

1. Swami MuktibodhandaSaraswathi Shay G.S., Hatha yoga Pradipika, Bihar School of yoga
publications, Munger, 2000.
2. Hatha Yoga Pradeepika of Svatmarama, MDNY Publication, 2013
3. Svatmarama, Swami, The Hatha yoga Pradipika/ the original Sanskrit [by] Svatmarama; an
English translation [by] Brian Dana Akers. Woodstock, NY:YogaVidya.com, 2002.


1. Bharati, Swami Veda Reddy Venkata: Philosophy of Hatha Yoga (Englis), Himalayan,
Pensylvania, Hatha Ratnavali.
2. Swami Satyananda Saraswathi - Asana, Pranayama, Mudra & Bandha. Bihar School of Yoga,
3. B.KS.Iyenger - The Illustrated Light on Yoga. Harper Collins, New Deli

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course the student will be able to

• understand history and evolution of Yoga (L2).

• list different schools of yoga (L2).

• interpret the aim and objectives of yoga to students (L2).

• perform yoga asana, pranayama, and meditation (L2).

1 0 2 2

India as part of its Make in India initiative has been focusing on creating incubation centers
within educational institutions, with an aim to generate successful start-ups. These start-ups will
become employment creators than employment seekers, which is the need of the hour for our
This common course for all the disciplines is a foundation on venture development. It is an
experiential course that lets students venture and find out what is a business, financial and
operating models of a business are. How to design and prototype a solutions that meets their
customers’ needs and generate revenue for the business.

 Discover who you are – Values, Skills, and Contribution to Society.

 Gain experience in actually going through the innovation process.
 Conduct field research to test or validate innovation concepts with target customers.
 Understand innovation outcomes: issues around business models, financing for start-ups,
intellectual property, technology licensing, corporate ventures, and product line or service
COURSE Outcome
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Understand conceptual framework of the foundation of a venture
Understand the concept of purpose, mission and value-add service offered by a venture
Analyze design and positioning of the product
Demonstrate prototyping
Analyze business, revenue and operating models
Unit I (6 sessions)
Personal Values: Defining your personal values, Excite & Excel, Build a Team, Define purpose
for a venture. Four stages: Personal Discovery, Solution Discovery, Business Model Discovery,
Discovery Integration.
Unit II (6 sessions)
Solution Discovery: Craft and mission statement, Experience design, Gaining user insight,
Concept design and positioning, Product line strategy, Ideation & Impact.

Unit III (6 sessions)
Business Model Discovery: Prototyping solutions, Reality Checks, Understand your industry,
Types of business models, Define Revenue Models, Define Operating Models
Unit IV (6 sessions)
Discovery Integration: Illustrate business models, Validate business models, Define company
Unit V (6 sessions)
Tell a Story: Can you make money, Tell your venture story.

Assessment methods
Task Task type Task mode Weightage (%)

A1. Assignments Individual Report/Presentation 20

A2. Case / Groups* or

Presentations/Report/Assignment 40
Project/Assignment Individual

A3. Project Individual/Group Report/Pitch 40

Transferrable and Employability Skills

Outcomes Assessment
1 Know how to use online learning resources: G-Learn, online journals, A1 & A2
2 Communicate effectively using a range of media A1 & A2
3 Apply teamwork and leadership skills A2
4 Find, evaluate, synthesize & use information A1 & A2
5 Analyze real world situation critically A3
6 Reflect on their own professional development A3
7 Demonstrate professionalism & ethical awareness A2
8 Apply multidisciplinary approach to the context A2

Learning and teaching activities
Mixed pedagogy approach is adopted throughout the course. Classroom based face to face teaching,
directed study, independent study via G-Learn, case studies, projects and practical activities (individual
& group)

Teaching and learning resources

Soft copies of teaching notes/cases etc. will be uploaded onto the G-learn. Wherever necessary,
printouts, handouts etc. will be distributed in the class. Prescribed text book will be provided to all.
However you should not limit yourself to this book and should explore other sources on your own. You
need to read different books and journal papers to master certain relevant concepts to analyze cases
and evaluate projects. Some of these reference books given below will be available in our library.

Prescribed Units:

Access to NU-IDEA online units will be provided.

Referential text books and journal papers:

Personal Discovery Through Entrereneurship, Marc H. Meyer and Chaewon Lee, The Institute of
Enterprise Growth, LLC Boston, MA.
Suggested journals:
Vikalpa, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Journal of General Management, Mercury House Business Publications, Limited
Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business School Publishing Co. USA

(Matrices, Integration & Co-ordinate Geometry)
3 0 0 3

This course is exclusively designed for the students of Bio-Technology as a bridge course to gain
knowledge on theory of matrices, integration and straight lines and circles in co-ordinate geometry.

Course Objectives

 To familiarize the students with basic concepts of matrices

 To explain the fundamental concepts of probability.
 To teach the evaluation of definite and indefinite integrals.
 To explain the concepts of straight lines and circles

Unit I: Matrices 8 hr
Matrices, determinants, definition, types of matrices, algebra of matrices, properties of
determinants of 2 X 2, 3 X 3 matrices, inverse of a matrix, solving simultaneous linear equations
in two and three variables using matrix inverse method, Cramer‟s rule and Gauss Jordan method.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 find determinants of matrices (L3)
 apply crammer‟s rule for solving linear equations (L3)
 find inverse of a matrix (L3)

Unit II: Probability 8 hr

Introduction, random experiments, events, classical definition of probability, Axiomatic approach,
addition theorem of probability, independent, dependent events, conditional probability,
multiplication theorem and Baye‟s theorem.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 identify dependent and independent events(L3)
 apply multiplication theorem and Baye‟s theorem (L3)

Unit III: Indefinite Integrals 8 hr

Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, standard forms, properties of integrals,

integration by the method of substitution covering algebraic, trigonometric, exponential functions,
integration by parts, logarithmic functions, inverse trigonometric functions.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 solve simple integrals (L3)
 apply substitution and by parts techniques in evaluation of integrals (L3)
 find logarithmic, inverse trigonometric functions (L3)

Unit IV: Integrals of Special Types and Definite Integrals 8 hr

Integrals of the following types of functions:
1 1 1 1
, , , , x2  a2 , a2  x2
x a
2 2
a x
2 2
x2  a2 a2  x2
and integration of rational functions using partial fractions.
Definite Integrals: Definition of a definite integral and its properties (without proof), formulae
 /2  /2 /2

 Sin  d , cos  d cos n  Sinm d

n n

of 0 0 and 0 (without proofs).

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 find integrals of special functions (L3)
 apply partial fractions technique on evaluation of integrals of rational functions (L3)
 solve definite integrals in trigonometric functions (L3)

Unit V: Co-ordinate Geometry 10 hr

Straight lines: Recapitulation of general equation of a straight line, forms of equation of a straight
line: slope intercept form, intercept form, point -slope form, two point form, normal form x cos 
y sin   p , point of intersection of two straight lines, line passing through the point of intersection
of two given lines, condition for concurrency of three straight lines, angle between two intersecting
lines, condition for perpendicularity and parallelism, length of the perpendicular from a point to a
straight line, distance between two parallel lines (without proofs).
Circles: Equation of a circle, standard form, centre and radius, equation of a circle with a given
line segment as diameter, equation of a circle through three non collinear points, parametric
equations of a circle, position of a straight line in the plane of the circle.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 identify the equation to straight line in different forms(L3)

 find the length of permutation from a point to a straight line(L3)
 find the equation of a circle passing through three non collinear points(L3)

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to
 identify the properties of matrices (L3)
 solve problems on multiplication theorem and Baye’s theorem (L3)
 make use of integration techniques (L3)
 examine the value of definite integral (L3)
 illustrate the straight line and circle properties(L3)

Text Books:
1. Text book for Intermediate Mathematics, Board of Intermediate Education, AP,
Volumes IB, IIA & IIB, 2018.
2. NCERT class XI and XII (part 1 & 2) Mathematics text books.

1. V. Venkateswara Rao, N. Krishna Murthy, B.V.S. Sharma, Intermediate
Mathematics, S. Chand & Company Ltd., Volume I & II.
2. Chandrika Prasad, A first Course in Mathematics.
3. Text book for Intermediate Mathematics, Deepti Publications.

19EID132: Artificial Intelligence Tools, Techniques and Applications

2 0 2 3

Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to
● Introduce fundamental concepts in AI
● Demonstrate the capability to create simple AI applications using Natural Language Processing,
Audio engineering & Speech, Computer Vision, pattern recognition and machine learning.
● Present various modeling and formulation techniques to solve problems using AI techniques.
● Introduce state-of-art AI tools and techniques to solve various problems faced by Engineers in
design and analysis.

Unit I: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Basics of AI. Applications of AI. Advanced search, Constraint satisfaction problems, Knowledge
representation & reasoning, Non-standard logics, Uncertain and probabilistic reasoning
Conceptual introduction to Machine Learning: Introduction to Neural Networks, Supervised, Unsupervised,
and Semi-Supervised Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Linear Regression.
Conceptual introduction to Natural Language Processing: Natural language Understanding, Sentiment
Analysis, Segmentation and recognition.
Conceptual introduction to Speech Recognition & Synthesis: Speech Fundamentals, Speech Analysis,
Speech Modeling, Speech Recognition, Speech Synthesis, Text-to-Speech
Conceptual introduction to Image Processing & Computer Vision: Introduction to Image processing,
Image Noise, Removal of Noise from Images, Color Enhancement,Segmentation, Edge Detection, Optical
Character Recognition, Feature Detection & Recognition

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit the student will be able to
● Understand the importance of AI. (L2)
● Explain the concepts of Natural Language Processing. (L2)
● Understand concepts of Machine Learning algorithms and their limitations. (L2)
● Compare different Machine Learning Algorithms (L2).
● Summarize applications of Speech Recognition and Synthesis.(L2)
● Explain the applications of,Computer Vision and Image Processing. (L2)

● Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig,Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach

Unit II: BOT Technologies and Virtual Assistants:
Chatbots: Introduction to a Chatbot, Architecture of a Chatbot. NLP in the cloud, NL Interface, How to
Build a Chatbot, Transformative user experience of chatbots, Designing elements of a chatbot, Best
practices for chatbot development. NLP components. NLP wrapper to chatbots. Audiobots and Musicbots.
Virtual Assistants: Architecture of a Virtual Assistant.
Learning Outcomes:
● Explain the best practices for Chatbot development (L2)
● Develop Chatbots based on the requirements. (L4)
● Explain NLP components (L2)
● Develop bots, chatbots, audiobots, music bots. (L4)
● Build an AI Assistant with Wolfram Alpha and Wikipedia in Python (L3)

● Build an AI Assistant with Wolfram Alpha and Wikipedia in Python.
● Tom Markiewicz & Josh Zheng,Getting started with Artificial Intelligence,Published by O’Reilly

Unit III: Image Processing & Computer Vision :

Image - Definition and Tagging. Classification of images. Tagging. Image formation, Deep Learning
algorithms for Object detection & Recognition. Face recognition, Instance recognition, Feature detection
and matching, Segmentation, Recognition Databases and test sets Applications -- Feature extraction,
Shape identification. Fane detection,.
Applications: Automation, Agriculture[Crop and Soil Monitoring, Grading farm produce, Predictive
Analytics], Retail and Retail Security[Amazon Go], Autonomous vehicles,
Learning Outcomes:
● Build different applications using Image Processing & Computer Vision. (L3)
● Apply various algorithms for digital image processing and computer vision. (L3)
● Manage image databases using detection tools for classification. (L3)
● Analyse complex problems involving image processing, such as quality control, visual surveillance,
multimodal human-machine interfaces, and image compression. (L4)

● Joseph Howse, Prateek Joshi, Michael Beyeler - Opencv_ Computer Vision Projects with Python-
Packt Publishing (2016)
● Tom Markiewicz & Josh Zheng,Getting started with Artificial Intelligence,Published by O’Reilly
● Curated Datasets on Kaggle https://www.kaggle.com/datasets

Unit IV: Reinforcement Learning
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning, Game Playing [ Deep Blue in Chess, IBM Watson in Jeopardy,
Google’s DeepMind in AlphaGo ], Agents and Environment, Action-Value Function, Deep Reinforced
Applications : Robotics, Gaming, Diagnostic systems, Virtual Assistants

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to :
● explain the applications of Reinforcement Learning (L2)
● calculate the Action-Value function for an agent in an environment (L3)

● Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach

Unit V: Smart Applications

Smart Manufacturing, Smart Agriculture, Smart Healthcare, Smart Education, Smart Grids, Smart
Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles, Smart Homes, Smart Cities.
Learning Outcomes:
● Understand smart solutions for various domains (L2)

1. Tom Markiewicz & Josh Zheng,Getting started with Artificial Intelligence,Published by O’Reilly
2. Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig,Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach
Reference Books:
1. Aurélien Géron,Hands on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow [Concepts, Tools,
and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems], Published by O’Reilly Media,2017

Practical Experiments:
1. Supervisely - Perform Data Labelling for various images using object recognition
2. Lobe.ai - Build custom models using the visual tool for Object recognition and sentiment
analysis that can convert facial expressions into emoticons
3. Teachable Machine - In Browser Object Recognition through Brain.JS
4. Liv.ai - App for Speech recognition and Synthesis through APIs
5. Building a Chatbot using AWS Lex, Pandora bots
6. Configure an existing Neural Network by manipulating various parameters involved
7. Build a virtual assistant for Wikipedia using Wolfram Alpha and Python
8. Build a Convolutional Neural Network for Cat vs Dog Image Classification

Online Resources:





Deep Learning.Ai:


Course Outcomes:
● Understand the importance of AI. (L2)
● Understand concepts of Machine Learning algorithms and their limitations. (L2)
● Develop Chatbots based on the requirements. (L4)
● Analyse complex problems involving image processing, such as quality control, visual surveillance,
multimodal human-machine interfaces, and image compression. (L4)
● Understand the application of Reinforcement Learning (L2)
● Understand smart solutions for various domains (L2)


2 0 2 3

Design is a realization of a concept or idea into a configuration, drawing or a product. Design

thinking is cognitive and practical processes by which design concepts are developed by designers.
Innovation is a new idea or a new concept. Product innovation is the creation of a new or different
product that offers new benefits to the end user. This course introduces the design thinking in
product innovation.
Course Objectives

 To bring awareness on innovative design and new product development.

 To explain the basics of design thinking.
 To familiarize the role of reverse engineering in product development.
 To train how to identify the needs of society and convert into demand.
 To introduce product planning and product development process.

Unit I
Science to Engineering: Job of engineers, engineering units and measurement, elements of
engineering analysis, forces and motion, energy, kinematics and motion, conversion of linear
motion to rotary and vice versa, motion transmission.
Physics to Engineering: Application of Newton laws, Pascal‟s law, Bouncy, Bernoulli‟s theorem,
Ohm‟s law, electrical induction in engineering products.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this Unit, the student will be able to
 relate the principles of science to engineering (L2)
 explain simple mechanics motion and force transmission (L2)
 identify the laws of physics applied to engineering products (L3)

Unit II
Historical Development: Invention wheel, early mechanics in design, mechanical advantages,
industrial revolution, steam and petrol for mobility. Innovations in Electrical and Electronics:
Electrical energy generation, electrical bulb, electrical equipment, electronics and automation,
computing for early days to present, innovations in communications.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this Unit, the student will be able to

 identify innovation in early mechanical designs (L2)
 explain development of electrical equipment (L2)
 list out the developments in computing machines (L4)
 summarize innovations in communication systems (L2)

Unit III
Systematic approach to product development: Design Thinking, Innovation, Empathize Design
Thinking as a systematic approach to Innovation, brainstorming, visual thinking, deep thinking,
design challenges, innovation, art of Innovation, strategies for idea generation, creativity, teams for
innovation. Solution finding methods: Conventional, intuitive, discursive, methods for combining
solution, decision making for new design.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this Unit, the student will be able to
 explain the steps in the design process (L2)
 apply systematic approach in design (L3)
 develop strategies for new product development (L3)

Unit IV
Reverse engineering in product development: Reversing engineering methods, identifying the bad
features in a product, reduction in size and weight, usage of new materials, 3D printing, study of
introducing electrical and electronic controls to the old products, importance of ergonomics in
product development, environmental considerations in design, safety considerations in design.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this Unit, the student will be able to
 understand reverse engineering methods in product development (L2)
 use new materials to improve the product (L2)
 apply electronic controls to improve the product acceptability (L3)
 summarize the safety and environmental factors in new product design (L2)
 understand 3D printing in manufacturing (L2)

Unit V
Study of Product Development- Agriculture, development of machines for separation of corn
seeds, peeling of groundnut shells, husk removing from paddy. Electrical: Design of burglar alarm,
speedometer, water level indicator, smart gates, smart lights. Design of electrical
vehicles, unmanned vehicles, design principles in drones.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this Unit, the student will be able to
 identify the needs for new product development in agriculture (L3)
 develop simple electrical gadgets (L3)
 explain the principles in design electrical vehicles and drones (L2)

Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the student will be able to
 summarize the importance of basic sciences in product development (L2)
 explain the historical developments in mechanical, electrical, communications and
computational engineering (L3)
 apply systematic approach to innovative designs (L3)
 identify new materials and manufacturing methods in design (L3)
 utilize design principles to develop new equipment (L3)

Text Books:

1. Philip Kosky, Robert T. Balmer, William D. Keat, George Wise, Exploring Engineering:
An Introduction to Engineering and Design, 4/e, Elsevier, 2016
2. David Ralzman, History of Modern Design, 2/e, Laurence King Publishing Ltd., 2010
3. An AVA Book, Design Thinking, AVA Publishing, 2010
4. G. Pahl, W.Beitz, J. Feldhusen, KH Grote, Engineering Design: A Systematic
Approach, 3/e, Springer, 2007.
5. Tom Kelley, Jonathan Littman, Ten Faces in Innovation, Currency Books, 2006.

3 0 0 3

This course designed for students of Biotechnology to impart fundamentals of electromagnetism

and optics in understanding the use in spectroscopy. It also introduces fundamentals of thermal
properties – the essentials for understanding the behavior of materials. Principles of Newtonian
mechanics will help the students in understanding the oscillatory behavior of materials. An
introduction to sensors will be useful for all the branches as an application of modern technology.

Course Objectives
 To introduce principles to estimate forces, fields and waves in electrostatics and
magnetoststics (L2).
 To use principles of interference, diffraction and polarization. (L3)
 To estimate the thermal properties of materials and their use in some applications.
 To apply Newtonian laws of motion to macroscopic systems. (L3)
 To outline the principles and working of few common sensing devices. (L1)

Unit I: Basics of Electromagnetics 9 hr

Electrostatic Field: Coulombs law and Gauss law, derivation of Coulombs law from Gauss law,
applications of Gauss law (line charge, thin sheet of charge and solid charged sphere), Gauss law
of electrostatics in dielectric medium, divergence and curl of electric fields (qualitative only),
electric potential, relation between potential and force.
Magnetostatic Field: Biot–Savart law, divergence and curl of magnetic fields (qualitative only),
Faraday‟s and Ampere‟s laws in integral and differential form, displacement current, Maxwell‟s

Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to
 apply Coulomb‟s and Gauss‟ laws to electric field configurations from charge
distributions (L3)
 apply the Biot-Savart law to derive magnetostatic field distributions (L3)
 relate the law of conservation of charge to continuity equation (L3)
 evaluate the Maxwell‟s equations, Maxwell‟s displacement current and correction of
Ampere‟s law (L2)

Unit II : Optics 10 hr
Interference: Introduction, interference in thin films due to reflected light: interference in parallel-
sided film and wedge shaped film, Newton‟s rings.
Diffraction: Introduction; Fraunhoffer diffraction at single slit (qualitative only), diffraction due
to N-slits (diffraction grating) (qualitative only), determination of wavelength of light with a plane
transmission grating.
Polarisation: Introduction; Double refraction – double refraction in calcite crystal, negative and
positive crystals, Nicol‟s prism, Retarders (quarter and half­wave plates).

Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to
 apply the principle of interference to thin film configurations (L3)
 infer the diffraction intensity profiles for single slit and transmission grating (L2)
 use the principle of polarization to understand birefringence (L3)

Unit III: Thermal Properties 10 hr

Transfer of heat energy; Thermal expansion of solids and liquids; Expansion joints - bimetallic
strips; Thermal conduction, convection and radiation and their fundamental laws; Heat conductions
in solids; Thermal conductivity - Forbe‟s and Lee‟s disc method: theory and experiment;
Applications (qualitative only): heat exchangers, refrigerators, ovens and solar water heaters.

Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to
 explain the process of thermal expansion in solids and liquids (L3).
 distinguish fundamental laws related to conduction, convection and radiation of heat
 determine the thermal conductivity of a material by Forbes and Lee‟s disc method
 summarize the working of heat exchangers, refrigerators, ovens and solar water
heaters (L2).

Unit IV: Mechanics 10 hr

Basic laws of vectors and scalars; Rotational frames; Conservative and non-conservative forces; F
= - grad V; Central forces; Elliptical, parabolic and hyperbolic orbits; Noninertial frames of
reference; Centripetal acceleration; Harmonic oscillator; Damped harmonic motion; Forced
oscillations and resonance. Degrees of freedom.

Learning Outcomes:

The students will be able to
 explain forces and moments in mechanical systems using scalar and vector techniques
 interpret the equation of motion of a rigid rotating body (torque on a rigid body) (L3)
 apply the Newton‟s second law for inertial and non inertial frame of reference (L3)
 assess harmonic motion in undamped, damped and forced oscillations (L5)

Unit V: Sensors 8 hr
Sensors (qualitative description only); Different types of sensors and applications; Strain and
pressure sensors - Piezoelectric, magnetostrictive sensors; Fibre optic methods of pressure sensing;
Temperature sensor - bimetallic strip, pyroelectric detectors; Hall-effect sensor; Smoke and fire

Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to
 describe the principle of strain and pressure sensors (L1)
 explain the principle and working of magnetostrictive and piezoelectric sensors (L3)
 illustrate the fibre optic methods of pressure sensing (L3)
 infer the functioning of temperature sensors like bimetallic strip and pyroelectric
detectors (L2)
 outline the principle and working of Hall-effect sensor, smoke and fire detectors (L2)

Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course the student will be able to
 estimate forces, fields and waves in electrostatics and magnetoststics (L2).
 use principles of interference, diffraction and polarization. (L3)
 calculate the thermal properties of materials. (L4)
 apply Newtonian laws of motion to macroscopic systems. (L3)
 choose from common sensing devices. (L3)

Text Books:
1. David J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics”- 4/e, Pearson Education, 2014
2. A Textbook of Engineering Physics, Volume-I (For 1st Year of Anna University) By
M.N. Avadhanulu & T.V.S. Arun Murthy S Chand
3. Ian R Sinclair, Sensor and Transducers 3rd eds, 2001, Elsevier (Newnes).


1. M.N. Avadhanulu, P.G.Kshirsagar “A Text book of Engineering Physics”, 11th ed S.
Chand Publications, 2019.
2. M K Varma “Introduction to Mechanics”-Universities Press,2015.
3. Prithwiraj Purkait, Budhaditya Biswas and Chiranjib Koley, Chapter 11 Sensors and
Transducers, Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, 1st eds.,
2013 McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited.

Physics laboratory for Biotechnology

Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to
 determine
a. thickness of thin material (L5)
b. radius of curvature of planoconvex lens (L5)
c. refractive indices of o and e rays of bi refringent material (L5)
d. thermal conductivity of bad and good conductors (L5)
 apply resonance to
e. estimate the frequency of a tuning fork (L3, L5).
f. examine the relation between frequency and volume of a cavity (L3, L4).
g. an LCR circuit (L3).
 demonstrate diffraction of light and calculate wavelengths of diffracted lights (L2,
 evaluate the acceptance angle and determine numerical aperture and bending loss of
an optical fiber (L5).
 identify the type of semiconductor i.e., n-type or p-type using Hall effect (L3)
 relate damping and quality factor for simple pendulum (L4)
 determine resonant frequency of tuning fork using a sonometer (L5)
 understand damping using oscillating disc in different media (L2).

List of experiments
1. To determine thickness of a paper strip – wedge method.
2. To determine radius of curvature of a plano convex lens.
3. To calculate wavelengths of prominent lines using diffraction grating normal
4. To determine refractive indices (o and e) of a bi refringent material (Prism).
5. To determine the thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee‟s disc method
6. To determine thermal conductivity of good conductors (Forbe‟s Apparatus)
7. To determine the frequency of electrically maintained tuning fork by Melde‟s method
8. To verify the relation between the volume of the air in the resonator and the
frequency of the note.
9. To determine coefficient of damping and quality factor for damped simple harmonic
motion of a simple pendulum
10. To Study of resonance in a LCR circuit.
11. To determine resonance frequency using a sonometer.
12. To study damping of an oscillating disc in air and water.

1. S. Balasubramanian , M.N. Srinivasan “A Text book of Practical Physics” - S Chand Publishers,


0 0 3 1.5

Preamble: This laboratory course provides hands on training to the students in basic experiments
of engineering biotechnology. The student will be familiarised with the usage of scientific
calculator, calibration of pH meter & rotameter, concepts of rate and mass transfer, retrieving
biological data, growth and division of cells.

Course Objectives
This workshop aims to
 provide fundamental concepts of microbiology, fermentation, bioinformatics, mass
transfer and reaction engineering
 demonstrate bioreactor and flow cytometer
 understand and visualise different phases of mitosis
1. Applications of scientific calculator
After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to use the calculator for all
mathematical and scientific calculations.
2. Determination of rate constant of a reaction by integral method
After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to determine the rate constant for any
chemical or biochemical reaction
3. Measurement of oxygen diffused in water
After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to measure the amount of oxygen
present in water.
4. Mitosis cell division in onion root tips
After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to observe mitotic cell division in
onion root tips.
5. Estimation of sugar content by Brix meter
After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to estimate the sugar content in any
liquid sample.
6. Calibration of pH meter and pH measurement.
After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to calibrate the pH meter for measuring
pH of any given liquid sample.
7. Biological databases and information resources
After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to retrieve the required data from
biological databases and information resources.

8. Batch growth of yeast cells
After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to prepare the media and grow the
yeast cells in a conical flask.
9. Biological production of Wine
After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to prepare wine using cells and raw
10. Calibration of rotameter and measurement of flow rate.
After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to calibrate rotameter for flow
11. Demonstration of bioreactor operation and its control
After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to understand the operation and control
of Bioreactor.
12. Demonstration of flow cytometry for animal cell counting
After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to understand the principle of Flow
cytometry and its usefulness in counting animal cells.

Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to:
 use the scientific calculator and microscope
 measure flow, pH, sugar content
 retrieve data
 observe cell division
 grow yeast cells
 produce and analyse wine
 explain the operation and control of bioreactors

(Linear Algebra, Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations)
3 0 0 3

This course is designed to provide the foundation for matrix algebra, first order and higher order
differential equations and partial differential equations. This foundation in Mathematics will be
utilized in understanding the system stability and control of industrial bioprocesses.
Course Objectives

 To explain the theory of matrices in linear algebra

 To familiarize with the first order differential equations and their applications
 To inculcate the basic concepts of Linear differential equations
 To impart the knowledge on partial differentiation and partial differential equations

Unit I: Linear Algebra 8 hr

Rank of a matrix, elementary transformations, consistency of linear system of equations, system of
homogeneous equations, eigen values and eigenvectors of matrices, Cayley Hamilton theorem
(without proof), inverse and powers of matrix by Cayley Hamilton theorem.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 solve system of linear equations using technology to facilitate rows reduction
 determine the rank, eigen values and eigenvectors of a matrix (L3)
 calculate the inverse and power of a matrix using Cayley-Hamilton theorem (L3)

Unit II: Differential Equations of First Order and Applications 8 hr

Formation of differential equations, equations of first order and first degree-variables separable,
homogeneous equations, linear equations, Bernoulli‟s equation and Newton‟s law of cooling.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 construct a differential equation (L3)
 solve homogeneous, linear and Bernoulli‟s equations (L3)
 apply these techniques in Newton‟s law of cooling (L3)

Unit III: Linear Differential Equations 8 hr

Definition, operator D, rules for finding complementary function, inverse operator, rules for

finding particular integral, method of variation of parameters.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 analyze complementary function and particular integral (L3)
 apply method of variation of parameters technique (L3)
 interpret inverse operator function (L2)

Unit IV: Partial Differentiation 8 hr

Introduction, Euler‟s theorem, total derivative, differentiation of implicit functions, change of
variables, Jacobians, tangent plane and normal to a surface.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 solve the partial fraction using Euler‟s theorem (L3)
 determine the total derivative of implicit functions (L3)
 apply partial differentiation techniques (L3)

Unit V: Partial Differential Equations 10 hr

Formation of partial differential equations, solutions of partial differential equations, Lagrange’s
homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients, rules for finding the complementary
function, rules for finding the particular integral.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 formulate partial differential equations
 apply Lagrange’s method for solving partial differential equations (L3)
 find complementary function and particular integral (L3)

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to
 apply properties of matrices for solving system of equations (L3)
 develop the solution of first order differential equations (L3)
 Analyze the complete solution of a linear differential equations (L4)
 make use of partial differentiation technique for finding Jacobian (L3)
 solve a partial differential equations (L3)

Text Books:
1. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 44/e, Khanna Publishers, 2017.
2. R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 3/e, Alpha
Science International Ltd., 2002.

1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, Wiley Eastern
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2018.
2. N. P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A Textbook of Engineering Mathematics, 9th edition,
Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2014..


2 0 2 3
Measurement of human induced changes to the environment and their remediation are essential
for long term sustenance. Biotechnology based methods are useful for monitoring pollution and
environmental remediation. This course describes the applications of biotechnology for
pollution monitoring, methods for waste treatment and the applications of genetically engineered
microbes for bioremediation.\

Course Objectives

The objectives of the course are to

 describe the relation between biodiversity and environmental pollution (L1)

 describe sources of pollution (L1)
 describe methods for biomonitoring of pollution (L1)
 describe applications of biotechnology for environmental remediation (L1)
 explain potential of genetically engineering microbes for bioremediation (L2)

Issues and Scope of Environmental Biotechnology: Introduction to Biodiversity, environmental
pollution, chemical pesticides and their effects, metal pollution, bioaccumulation of toxicants,
Biotechnological methods for measurement of pollution. Biomonitoring of air and water
pollution, remediation of pollutants.
Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 describe the relation between biodiversity and environmental pollution (L1)

 describe sources of pollution (L1)
 describe methods for biomonitoring of pollution (L1)

Biological Treatment of waste water: Aerobic suspended and attached growth system- activated
sludge process, trickling filters, Rotating biological contractors (RBC). Anaerobic suspended and
attached growth systems- anaerobic digestion, anaerobic filter process, UASB. Removal of
biological nitrogen and phosphorus.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 describe equipment for biological treatment of waste water (L1)

 describe aerobic and anaerobic processes for treatment of waste water (L1)
 describe removal of biological nitrogen and phosphorus (L1)

Treatment of waste water of food processing industries: Starch, Dairy, Fruit & Vegetable,
Confectionary, Beverages, meat and vegetable oil .
Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 describe process for treatment of waste water from food processing industries (L1)

Solid waste management- Sources, preliminary operations, sludge thickening, sludge
stabilization, conditioning of sludge, dewatering, heat drying, disposal of sludge, Composting,
Vermicomposting, Biofertilizers.
Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 describe methods for solid waste management (L1)

 compare advantage of disadvantages of biofertilizers (L3)

Biodegradation and bioremediation- In situ and ex situ bioremediation, biodegradation of
hydrocarbons, pesticides, herbicides and xenobiotics. Bioremediation of contaminated soil,
Genetically engineered microorganisms in bioremediation. Phytoremediation.
Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 describe principles and applications of biodegradation (L1)

 describe principles and applications of bioremediation (L1)
 explain potential of genetically engineering microbes for bioremediation (L2)

Course Outcomes

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 describe methods for biomonitoring of pollution (L1)

 describe principles and methods for biological treatment of waste water (L1)
 describe methods for solid waste management (L1)
 describe principles and applications of biodegradation and bioremediation (L1)
 explain potential of genetically engineering microbes for bioremediation (L2)


1. M.H. Fulekhar, Environmental biotechnology, 2017, CRC publishers

2. U. Satyanarayana, Biotechnology, 1st Edition, Books and Allied (P) Ltd, 2005

Reference books:

1. Bruce E. Rittmann and Perry L. Mc Carty, Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and

applications, Mc Graw Hill Company, 2012.
2. Martin Alexander, Biodegradation & Bioremediation, 2 nd Edition, Academic press, 2012

3 0 2 4
All living beings consist of assemblies of molecules. Few of these molecules serve as structural
elements, others are responsible for production, storage and transfer of energy, encoding and
decoding of genetic information. This course provides an introduction to the structure,
properties and function of molecules that are the constituents of biological systems. This course
is prerequisite for molecular biology and biochemical engineering.

Course Objectives:
 Introduce the biochemical basis of life from biomolecules.
 Impart knowledge of enzymes and kinetics
 Summarize structure and properties of biomolecules
 Explain the metabolic pathways with significance.
 Discuss the biological importance of lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and hormones.

Unit- I 8 hours
Introduction to Biochemistry: Organisation of life, Chemical foundations of biology, non
covalent bonds
Amino acids and peptides: Structure and properties of amino acids, Classification of amino
acids, peptide bond structure.
Proteins: Structure and classification of proteins, Structural organization of protein: primary
structure of proteins, secondary structure of proteins – helix and pleated sheets, tertiary structure
of protein. Structure and functions of haemoglobin.
Enzymes and Enzyme kinetics: Nomenclature, classification of enzymes, active site,
Michaelis Menten approach to enzyme kinetics, Mechanism of enzyme action, Kinetics

Learning Outcomes:
After completion this unit, the student will be able to
 explain organisation of life and chemical bonds in biological system (L2).
 explain the structure and properties of amino acids. (L2).

 outline the nomenclature and classification of enzymes (L1).
 explain enzyme kinetics and mechanism of enzyme action (L2).
 analyze the structure of proteins with one example (L3).
Unit-II 8 hours
Carbohydrates: Classification, structure and functions of monosaccharide (ribose, glucose),
disaccharides (sucrose and lactose), polysaccharides (starch, cellulose and glycogen). Metabolic
pathways: Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis, glycolysis and TCA cycle, HMP shunt pathway,
Electron transport chain and Oxidative phoshorylation.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion this unit, the student will be able to
 recall the classification of structure of carbohydrates (L1).
 explain the structure and functions mono, di and polysaccharides. (L2).
 explain metabolic pathways in synthesis and degradation of carbohydrates (L2).
 interpret the energy channelling to ATP through Electron transport chain (L3).

Unit-III 8 hours
Lipids: Classification, structure and physiological functions of triglycerides, fatty acids,
phospholipids, cerebrosides, gangliosides and cholesterol. Digestion and absorption of fats.
Synthesis and degradation of fatty acids.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 recall the classification of lipids (L1).
 summarize the biological properties and functions of lipids (L2).
 explain the digestion, synthesis and degradation of fatty acids (L2).

Unit-IV 6 hours
Nucleic acids: Structure of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), structure and functions of purines,
pyrimidines, nucleotides, Types of DNA and RNA. Biosynthesis and degradation of purine and
pyrimidine nucleotides. Urea cycle.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 list the types of nucleic acids (L1)
 relate the structure and conformation of nucleic acids (L1)
 explain the synthesis and degradation of purines and pyramidines (L2)

Unit V 8 hours
Inborn errors of metabolism (amino acids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids), Classification of
hormones and their functions. Nutritional aspects of proteins and fatty acids.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 explain the genetic disorders of metabolic pathways (L2).
 summarise the hormones and their functions in human (L2).
 explain nutritional aspects of proteins and fatty acids (L2).

Text Book(s)
1. D. Voet, C. W. P r at t and J.G. Voet, Biochemistry, 5/e, John Wiley, 2018.
2. David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox, Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 6/e, W. H.
Freeman, 2012
1. R.K. Murray, D.A Bender, K.M. Botham , P.J. Kennelly, V.W. Rodwell , P. Anthony
Weil, Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 28/e. McGraw-Hill’s, 2009.
2. J.M. Berg, J.L. Tymoczko , L. Stryer , Biochemistry, 7/e, W.H. Freeman, 2011.

Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the student will be able to
 describe the structure and properties of common biomolecules (L1).
 describe standard metabolic pathways (L1).
 explain the functional properties of enzymes (L3)
 explain role of hormones in human body (L2).
 explain nutritional aspects of proteins and fatty acids (L2).

3 0 2 4
This laboratory course provides knowledge and hands on experience in qualitative and
quantitative experiments of biochemistry to the students. The student will be able to learn
preparation of buffers, identification and quantification of biomolecules, assay of enzymes,
enzyme kinetics, and chromatography and electrophoresis techniques.
Course Objectives:
This laboratory aims to
provide concepts in preparation of buffers, tests for identification of bio molecules,
quantification methods, enzyme assay, and enzyme kinetic parameters.
understand the separation of bio molecules by various chromatography techniques; visualize
bio molecules in electrophoresis techniques.
demonstrate absorption spectra of proteins and nucleic acids.

1. Preparation of buffers: Acetate, Phosphate and Citrate buffers

After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to prepare different buffers and
calibrate the pH meter.
2. Qualitative analysis of mono and disaccharides

After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to identify mono and disaccharides
with various qualitative tests
3. Qualitative analysis of amino acids

After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to identify amino acids with
various qualitative tests
4. Estimation of total carbohydrates by Anthrone method

After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to measure the carbohydrate by
colorimetric method
5. Estimation of proteins by Biuret method

After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to measure the proteins by
colorimetric method
6. D e t er m i na t io n o f I o d ine va l u e o f l ip i d s

After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to determine iodine value of fats
7. Assay of amylase and determination of kinetic parameters

After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to assay enzyme and learn enzyme
8. Separation amino acids by paper chromatographic t e c hniq u e

After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to separate amino acids by paper
9. Separation of sugars / amino acids by thin layer chromatographic t e c hn i q u e

After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to separate sugars / amino acids by
thin layer chromatography
10. Separation of proteins by Gel filtration

After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to separate proteins by gel
11. Absorption spectra of proteins a nd nu c le ic a c id s

After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to learn absorption spectra for
proteins and nucleic acids
12. D e mo ns t r at io n o f S DS - P AGE

After completion of this experiment, the student will be able to understand principle of SDS-
PAGE and application of these techniques for identification of bio molecules

C o u rs e O u t co m e s :

T he st u de nt w i l l be a b le t o :
 p r ep ar e bu f fe r so lu t io ns
 e st i ma t e ca r bo hyd r at e s, a m i no a c id s , p r o t e ins a nd l ip id s
 p e r fo r m a bs o r pt io n s pe ct r a fo r bio mo le c u le s
 s e p a r at e a m ino a c id s , s ug a r s a nd pr o t e ins b y c hr o mat o gr ap h y
 s e p a r at e p r o t e ins b y e le c t r o p ho r e s is
Text Book(s)
1. D.T. Plummer, Introduction to Practical Biochemistry, 3/e, Tata-McGraw Hill,

2. S. K. Sawhney and Randhir Singh, Introductory Practical Biochemistry,
2/e, Alpha Science International, 2005.
2. B. Shashidhar Rao and Vijay Deshpande, Experimental Biochemistry. I.K.
International Publishing House, 2005.

2 0 2 3

Microbes are a diverse group of organisms that are too small to be seen by the human eye. Some
microbes possess unique physiological and biochemical properties that can be utilized for
industrial production. Other microbes are responsible for human, agricultural and veterinary
diseases. This course describes the applications of microbiology in food, agriculture and
environmental technology.

Course Objectives
 Impart knowledge of history, salient developments and key contributors in
 Describe the morphological structure of Viruses, Yeast, Molds and Bacteria.
 Explore the effect of various parameters on microbial growth.
 Explain the role of microbes in industrial fermentation techniques.
 Describe the microbial decontamination techniques.

Unit I 8 hr
History and development of Microbiology, Contributions of Nobel Laureates in Microbiology
(Robert Koch, Emil, A. Von Behring, Ronald Ross and Barry Marshall). Microbial Taxonomy and
diversity of Bacteria, Archea, Molecular approaches to Microbial Taxonomy. Physiology and
significance of extremophiles (Thermophiles, Psychropiles, Halophiles and Methanogens).

Learning Outcomes:
Successful completion of this unit the learner will be able to:
 Summarize the advancement of microbiological techniques over time (L1).
 Identify, group and classify the microorganism (L2).
 Understand the importance of extremophiles (L2)

Unit II 8 hr
Morphology of Microbes, Viruses: Morphology of Viruses ; size, shape, symmetry, replication of
viruses- lytic and lysogenic cycle, Bacteria: Ultra structure of Bacteria, cell wall, cell membrane,
flagella, pili, capsule, endospore, and cell inclusions, differences between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cell. Bacterial growth kinetics.
Yeasts and Molds: life cycle, economic importance of Yeast and Aspergillus.
Learning Outcomes:

Successful completion of this unit will leads to:
 Understand the cellular details of various groups of microorganism.
 Analyze and prepare the model for microbial growth kinetics.
 Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Unit III 8 hr
Microbial nutrition: Nutrition requirements, nutritional types of bacteria, uptake of nutrients by
cell. Microbial metabolism: Respiration, Photosynthesis and Nitrogen fixation.

Learning Outcomes:
Successful completion of this unit will leads to:
 Classify microbes on the basis of nutrition
 Understand the role of symbiotic bacteria
 Apply the knowledge of metabolisms in growth and perpetuation in bacteria

Unit IV 8 hr
Control of microorganisms: Sterilization and Disinfection, effect of physical (moist and dry heat,
radiation and filtration) and chemical agents. Antibiotics: classification, mode of action and
Applied Microbiology: Water, Food and Milk borne contamination and remedy. Basic microbial
genetics - conjugation, transformation and transduction. Strain improvement of microbes of
industrial importance.

Learning Outcomes:
Successful completion of this unit will leads to:
 Differentiate disinfection and sterilization (L2)
 Explain control of microbial infections in humans (L2)
 Apply the knowledge of microbial genetics for the development of novel strains (L3)

Unit V 8 hr
Fermentation technology for production of alcohol, wine and beer. Role of microbes in bread
making and bakery products, Production of enzymes (amylases and cellulases), Oil eating bacteria,
Microbes in agriculture.

Learning Outcomes:
Successful completion of this unit will leads to:
 Illustrate the production of alcohol and fuel (L2)
 Apply microbial technologies for the production of fermented foods and enzymes

 Utilize microorganisms for bioremediation and yield improvement (L3).

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course, students will be able to
 Isolate and identify the microorganisms.
 Define, describe and utilize microbial growth in fermentation and biological process.
 Perform sterilization techniques.
 Assess the quality of milk, water and biological samples.

Text Books:
1. Pelczar, M.J.Jr., Chan, E.C.S. and Krieg, N.R. Microbiology: Application Based
Approaches. Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2009.
2. Lansing M Prescott, Donald A Klein and John P Harley, Microbiology, 7/e,
McGraw Hill, 2008.
3. Ananthanarayan and Paniker's Textbook of Microbiology Tenth edition with booklet June

1. Michael J Pelczar, JR. ECS Chan, Noel R, Krieg, Microbiology, 5/e , Tata Mc Graw
Hill, 2007.
2. Stanier RY, Ingraham JL, Wheelis ML, Painter P, General Microbiology,5/e, The
MacMillan Press Ltd, 2003.
3. Madigan MT, Martinko JM, Parker, Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 10/e, Prentice
Hall, 2003.
4. Bergey‟s Manual of systematic Bacteriology, Volumes 1-5, Springer, 2012.

This laboratory experiments aims to understand the concepts of microbial cell’s nature and
variation, culturing in laboratory conditions. Also able to perform the techniques for isolation,
variation in structure and biochemical assays for finding the nature of microorganism. In total
twelve experiments have been designed to train students.

Course objectives
 To prepare the media components and to study their effect on bacterial and fungal growth
 To understand the role of various media constituents.
 To handle to laboratory equipment
 To differentiate various types of bacterial groups
 To use the biochemical assays for bacterial identification
 To isolate bacteria from various sources
 To plan and execute production of bacterial metabolites

List of experiments
 Preparation of nutrient broth, nutrient agar and inoculation of bacteria.
After completion of this experiment, students will be able to prepare the solid and liquid media and
their utilization for growing bacteria and fungi.
 Isolation of pure cultures.
After completion of this experiment, students will be able to isolate different microbes from natural
 Staining of microbes- simple staining, Gram staining, negative staining, capsule staining
and spore staining.
After completion of this experiment, students will be able to use stains for differentiating
different types of bacteria.
 Motility of microbes.
After completion of this experiment, students will be able to distinguish motile and non motile
 Morphology of fungi (Aspergillus niger)
After completion of this experiment, students will be able to understand the eukaryotic nature of
 Morphology of yeast (Saccharomyces cerivisiae)
After completion of this experiment, students will be able to understand the differences between
bacteria and yeast cells.
 Biochemical tests - IMViC test, Amylase test, Hydrogen Sulphide production test.
After completion of this experiment, students will be able to perform the biochemical tests for
microbial identification.
 Testing of microbiological quality of milk.

After completion of this experiment, students will be able to test the quality of milk for its suitability.
 Testing of microbiological quality of water.
After completion of this experiment, students will be able to test the quality of water for its
suitability to drinking.
 Microbial assay of antibiotics.
After completion of this experiment, students will be able to analyze the efficacy of antibiotics
against bacterial and fungal infections.
 Evaluation of disinfectant.
After completion of this experiment, students will be able to evaluate different types of disinfecting
agents used for surface sterilization.
 Production of alcohol.
After completion of this experiment, students will be able to produce alcohol using biochemical
methods and quantify the produced alcohol.
Demonstration experiments
 Bright field microscopy.
After completion of this demonstration, students will be able to use microscopes for viewing
microorganisms and can calculate magnification power of microscope.
 Fluorescent microscopy.
After completion of this demonstration, students will be able to use Fluorescent microscopes for
observing plant and animal cells.
 Flow cytometric Technique for quantification and differentiation of bacteria in milk.
After completion of this demonstration, students will be able to use Flow cytometry for estimating
bacterial toxins.
Text Book(s):
1. James G Cappuccino and Natalie Sherman, Microbiology, A laboratory manual, 10/e,
Benjamin Cummings, 2013.
2. Aneja KR, Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology, 4/e,
New Age International, 2013.
Course Outcomes:
After completing this laboratory course, students will be able to
 prepare the media and use for bacterial and fungal growth
 understand the role of various media constituents.
 handle to laboratory equipment
 differentiate various types of bacterial groups
 perform biochemical assays for bacterial identification
 isolate bacteria from various natural sources
 plan and execute production of bacterial metabolites


2 0 2 3

Fluid mechanics explains the relationships between force, pressure and fluid movement. Fluid
mechanics can be used to understand the flow of fluids in pipes and mixing in bioreactors.
Mechanical operations are applied in down-stream processing. This course introduces the
principles of fluid mechanics and mechanical operations that are relevant for industrial
biotechnology. The instruments used for measurement and control of fluid flow are also described.

Course Objectives

 explain basic concepts of fluid flow

 Describe the devices for measurement of fluid flow
 Discuss the application of fluid mechanics to bioprocess industries
 Explain principles of mechanical operations
 Discuss construction and working of equipment for mechanical operations..

Unit I 8 hr
Units and dimensions, types of fluids, hydrostatic pressure, pressure distribution in static fluids,
pressure measuring devices, introduction to fluids in motion, concept of stream lines, stream tubes,
viscosity, rheological properties of fluids.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Outline the basic principles of fluid mechanics (L1)
 Describe fluid Mechanics from a rational and fundamental point of view. (L2)
 Analyze pipe flow and fluid machinery. (Lf4)
 Examine the properties of equations of motion in fluids (L2)
 Describe the properties of non-Newtonian flow. (L2)

Unit II 8 hr
Boundary layer formation and growth in tubes and on plates, Boundary layer separation and wake
formation; Basic equations of fluid flow: continuity equation, momentum balance equation
(concept of Navier-Stokes equation) and mechanical energy equation (Bernoulli equation).

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Analyze fluid flow problems with the application of the momentum and energy
equations (L4)
 Understand fluid particle systems and equipment (L2)
 Derive the conservation equations for flow of fluids (L2)

Unit III 8 hr
Flow of incompressible fluids in pipes: relation between skin friction and wall shear, laminar flow
in pipes: Hagen-Poiseulle equation, friction factor, friction from changes in velocity or direction.
Drag, drag coefficient, flow through beds of solids, fluidization, mechanism of fluidization,
applications of fluidization.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand fluid flow through packed and fluidized bed (L2)
 Outline an approach for solving Fluid Mechanical problems.(L2)
 Explain the role of friction in fluid flow (L2)
 Understand fluidization techniques (L2)

Unit IV 8 hr
Transportation and metering of fluids: reciprocating, rotary, peristaltic and centrifugal pumps; flow
measuring devices: venturi meter, orifice meter, rotameter, turbine meter and pitot tube.
Mechanical Separations: Screening, differential and cumulative screen analysis, capacity and
effectiveness of screens; screening equipment: grizzly, gyratory and vibratory screens.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Identify suitable devices for flow measurement (L2)
 Use of pumps for fluid transportation (L2)
 Definition of particle and powder characteristics (L2)
 Select optimum solid-solid separation method (L2)
 Perform basic design calculations for screening operations (L2)

Unit V 8 hr
Characteristics of solid particles, principles of comminution: laws of crushing (Rittinger‟s,
Bond‟s, Kick‟s laws); description and working of size reduction equipment: jaw, gyratory crusher,
roll crushers, ball mill, hammer mill, and fluid energy mill.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Discuss the mechanical properties of particles (L2)
 Select suitable size reduction equipment (L5)
 Identify microscopic mechanisms involved in particle processing (L2)

Course Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Identify the types of non-Newtonian fluids (L2)
 Characterize and describe fluid-particle systems in terms of their basic physical
properties. (L2)
 Impart the f concepts of fluid statics, pressure distribution and dimensional
 Learn basic principles of particle preparation and their characterization (L2)
 Study and understand the principles of various size reduction (L4)
 Perform basic design calculations and analyses of typical fluid-particle operations.

Text Books:
1. W.L. McCabe, J.C. Smith, and P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7/e,
McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2005.

1. J.M. Coulson, and J.F. Richardson, Chemical Engineering-Volume One, 6/e, The
English Language Book Society and Permagon Press, 1999.
2. G.G. Brown, Unit Operations, CBS Publishers, 2005.


List of experiments

 Calibration of Rotameter.
 Determination of orifice coefficient.
 Determination of venturi coefficient.
 Verification of Bernoulli's equation.
 Friction losses in fluid flow in pipes 
Determination of pressure drops in a packed bed for different fluid velocities.
 Determination of pressure drop and void fraction in a fluidized bed.
 Determination of centrifugal pump efficiency
 Sampling of materials (Riffle sampling and cone quartering sampling).
 Determination of energy consumption in size reduction using roll crusher.
 Determination of energy consumption in size reduction using ball mill.
 Determination of effectiveness of a given screen.

1. B. Majumdar, Fluid Mechanics with Laboratory Manual, PHI, 2013.
2. V.P. Gupta, K. Chandra, and K.S. Gupta, Laboratory Manual of Fluid Mechanics and
Machines, CBS, 2009.


2 1 0 3

Genetics explains the transmission of characters from one generation to the next. Molecular
biology explains the molecular basis for the transmission of this information. In addition,
molecular biology also describes how genetic information is decoded by cellular machines made of
molecular assemblies and how this information is utilized in biological systems. This course is
prerequisite for genetic engineering.
Course Objectives

 Describe the principles of genetics in inheritance of characters

 Provide knowledge in prokaryotic, eukaryotic cells and their organelles
 Describe Gene structure, function, cell cycle and signaling
 Describe DNA replication, gene expression and regulation at different levels
 Introduce the molecular basis of Mutations, DNA repair and genomics.

Unit I 8 hr
Principles of Inheritance: Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance, linkage and crossing over,
mapping of genes and cytoplasmic inheritance.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Explain the segregation of chromosomes during meiosis (L2)
 Relate inheritance patterns and position on chromosomes. (L2)
 correlate the frequency of recombinant gametes with the frequency of crossfing-over.
 Map genes based on linkage groups (L3)

Unit II 8 hr
Structure of cell membrane, cellular organelles and their structure and functions, organization of
the chromosome, euchromatin and heterochromatin; nucleosome, cell division, cell cycle and its
regulation; CDC mutants, protein kinases, cyclins; biochemistry of meiosis.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Explain the importance of cell membrane and cell organelles (L2)

 distinguish the level of organization in prokaryotes and eukaryotes (L4)
 demonstrate the stages of cell cycle and its importance (L2)
 understand meiosis (L2)

Unit III 8 hr
DNA structure and topology; enzymology and mechanism of replication in prokaryotes and
eukaryotes, models of replication, nucleotide sequence composition; unique, middle and highly
repetitive DNA, redundant DNA; genetic recombination, transposons; molecular basis of
mutations, DNA repair mechanisms.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 explain DNA structure and its topological constraints (L2)
 explain the mechanism of replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes (L2)
 summarize models of replication (L2)
 understand role of transposons in genetic recombination (L2)
 understand the molecular basis of mutations and repair (L2)

Unit IV 8 hr
Principles of transcription: Structure and function of prokaryotic RNA polymerase, mechanism of
transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, post transcriptional processing. Operon concept,
regulation of gene expression in E.coli. Biochemical control of gene expression in eukaryotes.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 describe the role of protein:DNA interactions in regulating transcription initiation
 Discuss the mechanism of transcription (L2)
 describe the process and significance of RNA processing in eukaryotes (L2)
 identify the similarities and differences in gene regulation in prokaryotes and
eukaryotes (L3)

Unit V 8 hr
General features of genetic code, structure and function of translation machinery in prokaryotic
and eukaryotic systems, protein targeting and processing. Signal sequences, signal receptor protein
and signal hypothesis.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 outline the features of genetic code
 understand its significance in central dogma (L2)
 describe the mechanism of protein synthesis (L2)
 explain the mechanisms of Protein targeting (L2)

Course Outcomes:
After studying the course, the student will be able to:
 explain the concepts of gene structure and its function (L2)
 summarize the inheritance of characters by mendelian and non-mendelian genetics
 explain the molecular basis of mutations and DNA repair (L2)
 explain the mechanism of gene regulation (L2)
 summarize the importance of genetic code and central dogma (L2)

Text Books:
1. J. D. Watson, T. A. Baker, S. P. Bell, A. Gann, M. Levine and R. Losick, Molecular
Biology of the Gene, 7/e, Pearson, 2014.
2. Robert Brooker, Genetics: Analysis and Principles, 5/e, McGraw-Hill Science
Publishers, 2014.

1. B. Albert‟s, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, D. Morgan, M. Raff, K. Roberts and P. Walter,
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 6/e, Garland Publishers, 2014.
2. EDP De Robertis, Cell and Molecular Biology, 8/e, Lippincott, Williams‟s and
Wilkins Publishers, 2010.


3 0 0 0

Unit I 10 hr
Introduction to Indian Constitution: Constitutional history, constituent assembly, salient features
of the constitution, significance of preamble, amending process of the constitution

Unit II 8 hr
Rights and Duties: Citizenship, fundamental rights and directive principles, fundamental duties.

Unit III 8 hr
Union Government: President and vice president, election, removal andpowers, prime minister and
council of ministers, parliament, supreme court, union, state relations, emergency provisions.

Unit IV 8 hr
State and Local Governments: Governor, state legislature, assembly andcouncil, chief minister
and council of ministers, high court, rural and urban local governments with special reference to
73rd and 74th constitutional amendment acts.

Unit V 8 hr
Other Constitutional and Statutory Bodies: Comptroller and auditor general, election
commission, finance commission, attorney general and advocate general, union public service
commission (UPSC), state public service commissions (SPSCs), tribunals, national human rights
commission (NHRC).

Text Books:
1. J. C. Johari, Indian Government and Politics, Vishal Publications, Delhi, 2009.
2. M. V. Pylee, Introduction to the Constitution of India, 5/e, Vikas Publishing House,
Mumbai, 2007.

1. D.D. Basu, Introduction to the Indian Constitution, 21/e, Lexis Nexis, Gurgaon, India,
2. Subhas C. Kashyap, Our Constitution, 2/e, National Book Trust India, New Delhi,


3 0 0 0

The course enables the students to adapt eco-centric thinking and actions rather than human-
centric thinking on natural resources, their utilization and conservation. The course also focuses on
the importance of ecosystems, biodiversity and their degradation leads to pollution, finding
solutions through application of control measures to combat pollution and legal measures to
achieve sustainable development.
Course Objectives

 To familiarize the students about the importance of the environmental studies.

 To acquaint with different natural resources and their associated problems.
 To introduce various ecosystems, values of biodiversity and their conservation.
 To expose to today‟s pollution levels and their impacts.
 To create awareness on different social issues such as conservation of water, green
building concept.
 To impart knowledge on present population scenario, its impacts and role of
informational technology on environment and human health.

Unit I 10 hr
Introduction to environment and natural resources: Introduction to environment: Definition,
scope and importance, multidisciplinary nature of environment, need for public awareness. Natural
Resources: Renewable and non-renewable resources, natural resources and associated problems.
Forest resources: Uses, Reasons for over-exploitation, deforestation effects, timber extraction, case
studies. Water resources: Use and over – utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought,
conflicts over water, dams- benefits and problems. Mineral resources: Uses, environmental effects
of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies. Food resources: World food problems,
Impacts of overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging,
salinity, case studies. Energy resources: Growing energy needs, use of renewable and non
renewable energy sources, case studies. Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this unit the student will be able to
 list different renewable and non-renewable resources (L1).
 learn how the over-exploitation of natural resources impact human life (L1).
 demonstrate the role of an individual in the conservation of natural resources (L1).

 explain the equitable use of natural resources for sustainable lifestyles (L2).

Unit II 9 hr
Ecosystems and biodiversity: Structure components of ecosystem: Biotic and Abiotic
components. Functional components of an ecosystem: Food chains, Food webs, Ecological
pyramids, Energy flow in the ecosystem (10% law), Ecological succession. Biogeochemical cycle:
(Nitrogen, carbon, Phosphorus cycle). Introduction, types, structure and function of the following
ecosystem:- Forest ecosystem. Grassland ecosystem. Desert ecosystem. Aquatic ecosystems
(ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries). Biodiversity: Definition, Levels of biodiversity:
genetic, species and ecosystem diversity. Biogeographical classification of India, Values of
biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and optional values. India
as a mega – diversity nation. Hot-spots of biodiversity. Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss,
poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts. Conservation of biodiversity: In – situ and Ex-situ
conservation of biodiversity

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this unit the student will be able to
 learn how ecosystem functions (L1).
 explain the structure and function of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (L2).
 illustrate the values and threats to biodiversity (L2).
 explain the importance of conservation of biodiversity (L2).

Unit III 8 hr
Environmental pollution and control: Environmental Pollution: Definition, causes, effects and
control measures: Air Pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Thermal
pollution, Nuclear hazards, Solid waste Management, e-waste, Hazardous waste management. Role
of an individual in prevention of pollution. Pollution case studies. Disaster Management: floods,
earthquake, cyclone and landslides.

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this unit the student will be able to
 list causes, effects and control measures of pollution (air, water & soil) (L1).
 classify different types of pollutants (L2).
 explain disaster management of floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides (L2).
 identify the pollution related case studies (L3).
 demonstrate the role of an individual in prevention of pollution (L3).

Unit IV 9 hr
Social issues and global environment problems and efforts: From unsustainable to Sustainable
development. Urban problems related to energy. Water conservation, rain water harvesting,

watershed management, Remote sensing and GIS methods. Resettlement and rehabilitation of
people: its problems and concerns. Case Studies, Environmental ethics: Issues and possible
solutions. Green building concept, Environmental Impact Assessment (Checklists, matrix
methods), Environmental Management Plan, Climate change: global warming, acid rain, ozone
layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust.
Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this unit the student will be able to
 explain different water conservation methods (L2).
 compare remote sensing and GIS methods (L2).
 apply green building concept (L3).
 demonstrate the consequences of global warming, acid rains and ozone layer
depletion (L3).
 analyze environmental impact assessment and management plan (L4).

Unit V 6 hr
Human population and environment legislation: Population growth, variation among nations.
Family Welfare programme. Environment and human health. HIV/AIDS, Human rights. Value
Education. Women and Child Welfare. Role of Information Technology in Environment and
human health. Environment Legislation. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. Wildlife Protection Act. Forest Conservation Act.
Environmental Protection Act, Pollution prevention act. Issues involved in enforcement of
environmental legislation. Public awareness. Project Work.

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this unit the student will be able to
 compare population growth and variation among nations (L2).
 apply value education (L3).
 classify women and child welfare (L3).
 distinguish different environmental legislation acts and issues involved in
enforcement of legislation (L4).
 analyze the role of information technology in environment and human health (L4).

Course Outcomes:
After the completion of this course, the student will be able to
 explain about environment and natural resources (L2).
 illustrate the values and threats to biodiversity (L2).
 identify the pollution related case studies (L3).
 demonstrate the consequences of global warming, acid rains and ozone layer

depletion (L3).
 analyze the role of information technology in environment and human health (L4).

Text Books:
1. Anubha Kaushik and C.P. Kaushik, Text book of environmental studies New Age
International Publisher (2014).
2. Erach Barucha, Text book of environmental studies for undergraduates courses,
published by – University Grants Commission, University Press (2005)
3. Anindita Basak, Environmental Studies. Pearson (2009).

1. D.K. Asthana and Meera Asthana, A Text book of Environmental Studies, S. Chand
2. P.M Cherry Solid and Hazardous waste Management, CBS Publisher (2016).
3. Charles H. Ecclestion, Environmental Impact Assessment, CRC Press (2011).
4. K.K. Singh, Natural Resources Conservation and Management, MD Publications
5. J. Jeffrey Peirce, Ruth F. Weiner and P. Aarne Vesilind, Environmental Pollution and
Control, Butterworth-Heinemann (1998).
6. James Maclaurin and Kim Sterelny, What is Biodiversity, The University of Chicago
Press (2008).
7. R.B. Mandal, Introductory Methods in Population Analysis, Concept Publishing Co,

Comprehensive Skill Development

Course Objectives:
 To encourage the all round development of students by focusing on soft skills, Coding &
domain skills.
 To make the engineering students aware of the importance, the role and the content of
soft skills, Coding and domain skills through instruction, knowledge acquisition,
demonstration and practice.
 To develop and nurture the soft skills, coding and domain skills of the students through
individual and group activities.
 To expose students to right attitudinal and behavioral aspects and to build the same
through activities

Course Outcomes:
 On completion of the course, student will be able to– Effectively communicate through
verbal/oral communication and improve the listening skills
 Write precise briefs or reports and technical documents, actively participate in group
discussion / meetings / interviews and prepare & deliver presentations. Become more
effective individual through goal/target setting, self motivation and practicing creative
 Student will be able to understand the problems and develop his competitive coding
 Apply the skills in various domains and will be able to solve complex problems faced by
the industry.
 Function effectively in multi-disciplinary and heterogeneous teams through the
knowledge of team work, Inter-personal relationships, conflict management and
leadership quality

Semester –II

Stream Course Course Title Category L T P C

Comprehensive Skill Soft Skills And Quant 1 2 1
Development tative Aptitude
Coding 3
Total number of hrs per 6

A. Verbal and Soft Skills
Self Awareness and Motivation, Goal Setting and Time Management, Interpersonal Skills, Team

B. Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning

Puzzles, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Data Sufficiency, Analytical Reasoning,

Coding: GitHub – Accepting assignments pull and push the code or resource, GitHub
Visual Studio code – Configuring, integrating Git for assignment submission
Online competitive coding platforms – Introduction to online coding platforms to get prepared
for competitive coding.
Problem Solving with Python: Collections, Techniques for manipulating Strings, Recursion,
Searching, Sorting, Stacks and Queues.
Problem Solving with C: Memory, C Syntax, Conditions and Loops, Functions and Recursion,
Arrays, Techniques for manipulating Strings, Searching, Sorting, Stacks and Queues, Structures.

Semester –III

Strea Course Course Title Category L T P C

m Code
Comprehensive Skill Soft Skills And Quanti- 1 2 1
Development tative Aptitude
Coding 3
Total number of hrs per 6

A. Verbal and Soft Skills:
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Decision Making and Problem-Solving, Group
B. Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning
Puzzles, Numbers, Arithmetic, Data Interpretation.
Coding: Complex problem solving using Data Structures in terms of improving efficiency:
Time Complexity and Space Complexity, Linked List, Stacks and Queues using Linked List,
Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, Trie, Representation of graphs, Breadth First Search, Depth
First Search, Dynamic Programming.

Semester –IV

Strea Course Course Title Category L T P C

m Code
Comprehensive Skill Soft Skills And Quant 1 2 1
Development itative Aptitude
Coding 3
Total number of hrs per 6

A. Verbal and Soft Skills:
Vocabulary Builder, Reading Comprehension, Fill-in-the-Blanks, General Usage
B. Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning
Puzzles, Arithmetic, Geometry, Mensuration.
Coding:- Medium Level problem solving techniques:
Permutations and Combination, Probability, Hash Tables, Heap, Greedy Method, Backtracking

(Complex variables, Fourier series, Laplace Transforms and Vector Calculus)
3 0 0 3
This course is designed to familiarize the students with complex analysis, nature of a series
Laplace transforms of single valued functions and vector calculus.

Course Objectives:
 To familiarize with the basic concepts of complex valued functions.
 To impart the knowledge on series expansion of functions.
 To explain the basic concepts of Fourier series.
 To teach the concept of Laplace Transforms of elementary functions.
 To familiarize with the concepts of Vector differentiation and Integration.

Unit I: Calculus of Complex Functions 10 h

Functions of a Complex variable: Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, harmonic
functions, applications to flow problems.
Complex Integration: Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Cauchy Residue theorem,
calculation of residues (without proofs).
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 make use of Cauchy-Riemann equations (L3)
 apply Cauchy’s theorem and Cauchy’s integral formula for evaluating integrals (L3)
 find residues and apply residue theorem to evaluate integrals (L3)

Unit II: Infinite Series 8h

Introduction, sequences, series, series of positive terms, integral test, comparison test,
D’ Alembert’s ratio test, Cauchy’s root test and alternating series: Leibnitz’s test.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 inspect whether a given series converges or diverges.(L4)

Unit III: Fourier Series 8h

Periodic functions, Fourier series, conditions for a Fourier expansion, functions of any period,
even and odd functions, half-range expansions.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 construct fourier series expansion for a given periodic function.(L3)

Unit IV: Laplace Transforms 10 h

Transforms of elementary functions, properties of Laplace transforms, existence conditions -
transforms of derivatives, transforms of integrals, multiplication by t n , division by t , inverse
Laplace transforms, convolution theorem.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 apply Laplace transforms to elementary functions (L3)
 find transforms of derivatives, integrals, multiplication and division (L3)
 find inverse of a transformed function using Convolution theorem (L3)

Unit V: Vector Calculus 10 h

Vector Differentiation: Scalar and vector fields, gradient, directional derivative, divergence,
curl, vector identities, irrotational and solenodial fields.
Vector Integration: Line integral, surface integral, Green’s theorem in plane, Stoke’s theorem
and Gauss divergence theorem (without proofs).
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Calculae the normal to a given surface, directional derivative and divergence, curl to
given vector point functions.(L3)
 evaluate line and surface integrals.(L3)

Text Books:
1 B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 44/e, Khanna Publishers, 2017.
2 R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 3/e, Alpha Science
International Ltd., 2002.
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, Wiley Eastern Pvt.
Ltd. New Delhi, 2013.
2. N. P. Bali and Manish Goyal, Textbook of Engineering Mathematics, 8 th edition, Laxmi
Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to
 develop analytic function and Cauchy-Riemann equations. (L3)
 examine complex integral. (L3)
 apply Laplace transform to derivatives and integrals. (L3)
 construct half range expansion. (L3)
 apply Z transform of discrete function. (L3)


2 0 2 3

Course Objectives:
Students will understand the concepts of Internet of Things and apply to various field

Unit- I: Introduction to IoT

Defining IoT and Characteristics of IoT, Physical design of IoT: Things in IoT, protocols, Logical
design of IoT: IoT Functional blocks, Communication models, and APIs, IoT Enabling
Technology : Wireless sensor networks, cloud computing, Big data analytics, communication
protocols, Embedded systems, IoT Levels and development templates: IoT Level 1 to Level 6.

Unit- II: IoT & M2M

Need for IoT system management, simple network management protocols, Network Machine to
Machine, Network operator requirements, Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF), Yet
Another Next Generation (YANG), IoT system management with NETCONF - YANG,
Difference between IoT and M2M, Software define Network, IoT design methodology.

Unit- III: Network & Communication aspects

Wireless medium access issues- Challenges and Constraints, MAC protocol survey- Contention-
Free Medium Access, Contention-Based Medium Access, Characteristics of MAC Protocols in
Sensor Networks, Contention-Free MAC Protocols, Contention-Based MAC Protocols, Survey
routing protocols, Sensor deployment & Node discovery, Data aggregation & dissemination.

Unit- IV: Challenges in IoT

Design challenges, Development challenges, IoT Physical devices and end point, introduction to
cloud storage model and communication APIS, Web application messaging protocol (WAMP) -
Auto bahm for IoTs, Xively cloud for IoT, Connectivity, Power, Ecosystem, Standards,
Integration, Multiple Connectivity and Data Management, IoT Security, Governance and Ethics.

Unit- V: Domain specific applications of IoT

Home automation, Smart cities, Environment, Energy, Retail Management, Logistics, Agriculture,
Industry applications, Oil and gas, Big data, Health and Lifestyle Surveillance applications, Green

Developing IoT
Introduction to Python, Introduction to different IoT tools, Developing applications through IoT
tools, Developing sensor based application through embedded system platform, Implementing IoT
concepts with python

Course Outcomes:

 Understand the concepts of Internet of Things

 Analyze basic protocols in wireless sensor network
 Design IoT applications in different domain and be able to analyze their performance
 Implement basic IoT applications on embedded platform

1. Vijay Madisetti and Arshdeep Bahga, “Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach”
Published by Arshdeep Bahga publishers,2014
2. Waltenegus Dargie and Christian Poellabauer, "Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor
Networks: Theory and Practice" Wiley and Sons publications,2010.


3 0 2 4

Many industrial processes in biotechnology involve heating and cooling. Although

thermodynamics determines the direction of the flow of heat, knowledge of the modes of heat
transfer enables us to estimate the time required for achieving the target temperature. This is
critical for many biological processes that are highly sensitive to small changes in temperature.
Mass transfer involves concentration changes due to transfer of molecules from one phase to
another. Mass transfer principles are used in biological processes and industrial biotechnology.
This course is a prerequisite for bioprocess engineering and bioreactor design.

Course Objectives:

 To understand the physical phenomena associated with conduction and convection,

Newton’s law of cooling, and the significance of non dimensional parameters in
convection heat transfer.
 To use empirical correlations to analyze external and internal, forced and free
convection problems.
 Analyze theories to correlate interphase mass transfer
 Analyze continuous steady state distillation processes
 Analyze single and multistage extraction operations

Unit- I 8 hrs
Introduction: Modes of heat transfer. Basic laws of heat transfer. Analogy between heat flow and
electrical flow. Conduction: The Fourier heat conduction equation. Steady state and one
dimensional heat conduction through plane wall, cylindrical wall, spherical wall and composite
structures. Heat transfer from extended surfaces. Three dimensional heat conduction equation.
Unsteady state conduction: simplified case for systems with negligible internal resistance, basic
equation, equation for different geometries.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Apply law of conservation of mass and energy to a control volume or control
 Understand the origin of Fourier’s law
 Build a mathematical model based on boundary conditions
 Solve the general heat diffusion equation for one-dimensional steady-state problems
 Analyze transient problems using the lumped capacitance method

Unit- II 8 hrs
Convection: The convective heat transfer coefficient. Introduction to thermal boundary layer.
Dimensionless numbers in heat transfer and their significance. Dimensional analysis. Forced
convection: heat transfer by forced convection in laminar flow, turbulent flow, heat transfer in
transition region between laminar and turbulent flow. Analogy between momentum and
heat transfer. Reynolds, Colburn and Prandtl analogies. Natural convection: natural convection
from vertical and horizontal surfaces. Grashoff number.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 explain convection and Newton’s law of cooling
 Understand the significance of dimensionless parameters in convection heat transfer
 Apply dimensional analysis to determine heat transfer in forced and natural
 Apply empirical correlations to analyze external and internal, forced and free
convection problems
Unit- III 8 hrs
Introduction: Mass transfer operations, molecular diffusion in fluids, binary solutions, Fick's law,
equation of continuity, steady state equimolal counter current diffusion, Stefan's diffusion,
estimation of diffusivity of gases and liquids, theories of mass transfer,. Interphase mass transfer:
concept of equilibrium, diffusion between phases, material balances in steady state co-current and
counter-current stage processes.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Explain the concept of mass transfer
 Solve problems of mass transfer in diffusion, chemical reaction, and convection
 Explain the equations for the calculation of diffusional flux
 Analyze theories of interphase mass transfer.
Unit- IV 8 hrs
Distillation: Principles of VLE for binary systems, phase diagrams, relative volatility, ideal
solutions, enthalpy concentration diagrams, flash vaporization, differential distillation (Rayleigh
equation), steam distillation, continuous distillation, McCabe-Thiele method.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Analyze continuous steady state distillation processes

 Explain pressure-composition diagrams for ideal solutions
 Explain enthalpy concentration diagrams
 Analyze material balance for distillation of binary mixtures
 Explain graphical procedure for calculating number of theoretical plates

Unit- V 8 hrs
Liquid-liquid Extraction: Liquid-liquid equilibria, choice of solvent for extraction, analytical and
graphical solutions for single and multistage operations, continuous counter current operation.
Equipment: Mixer settler cascades, Scheibel extractor, Centrifugal extractor plate and frame heat
exchanger, shell and tube heat exchanger,

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Explain separation of the constituents of a liquid solution by contact with another
insoluble liquid
 Analyze Liquid-liquid equilibrium
 Explain concepts of single and multistage operations
 Select suitable equipments for extraction and heat exchange

Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the student will be able to
 Analyze Modes of heat transfer. Basic laws of heat transfer and unsteady state heat transfer
 Analyze Heat transfer by forced and free convection
 Analyze Mass transfer operations ,molecular diffusion in fluids and interphase mass
 Analyze continuous steady state distillation processes
 Explain Concept about single and multistage operations and different types of
equipments used in extraction

Text Books:
1. Warren L. McCabe, Julian C.Smith and Peter Harriott, Unit Operations Of Chemical
Engineering, 7/e, McGraw Hill, 2005.
2. D.Q.Kern, Process Heat Transfer, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2001,
3. R.E. Treybal, Mass Transfer Operations, 3/e, McGraw Hill International Editions,
4. B.K. Dutta, Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, Prentice Hall of
India, 2007.

1. J.M. Coulson and J.F. Richardson, Chemical Engineering Volume-1, 4/e, The
English Language book society and Permagon Press, Oxford, 2005.
2. William McAdams, Heat Transmission, 3/e, McGrawHill, 1985.


This laboratory course will reinforce the students’ understanding of the analysis of applications
pertaining to Heat and Mass Transfer through suitably designed experiments. These experiments
will demonstrate the operation and the design of unit operations that incorporate heat and mass
transfer phenomena.

List of Experiments:
1. Determination of Thermal conductivity of metal rod (steady state conduction).
After completing this experiment the student will be familiar with the development of the
general heat diffusion equation based on Fourier’s law and the principle of conservation of

2. Calculation of thermal conductance in a unsteady state heat exchange unit.

[After completing the experiment the student is able to analyze transient problems]

3. Calculation of film and overall heat transfer coefficients in double pipe heat exchanger
[After completing the experiment the student is able to determine the effectiveness of double
pipe heat exchanger]
4. Calculation of film and overall heat transfer coefficients in shell and tube heat exchanger
[After completing the experiment the student is able to determine the effectiveness of Shell and
tube heat exchanger]
5. Heat transfer through composite walls
[After completing the experiment the student is able to determine the thermal conductivity of
composite wall]
6. Unsteady state heat transfer unit
[After completing the experiment the student is able to determine the heat transfer coefficient in
unsteady state heat transfer]

7. Ternary liquid –liquid system

[After completing the experiment the student is able to determine the saturation isotherm
(binodal curve) for the given system]

6. Liquid-liquid equilibrium system

[After completing the experiment the student is able to determine the equilibrium data for the

given Liquid-Liquid system]
7. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium experiment
[After completing the experiment the student is able to analyze the vapor-liquid equilibrium
8. Steam distillation
[After completing the experiment the student is able to determine the efficiency of steam
9. Differential distillation
[After completing the experiment the student is able to verify Rayleighs equation]
10 Arnolds cell
[After completing the experiment the student is able to determine the diffusion coefficient of
vapor through air film]
11. Liquid-liquid diffusion
[After completing the experiment the student is Able to determine the diffusion coefficient of
HCL in water]
12. Solid Liquid equilibrium experiment
[After completing the experiment the student is able to determine the equilibrium distribution
data for the given solid-liquid system]

Text Book(s)
1. N.S. Srinivas, Heat Transfer Laboratory Manual for Chemical Engineering
Graduates, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2014.
2. Abdul Matheen, Heat Transfer Laboratory Manual, 2/e, Laxmi Publications,
3. Awais Ali, Heat and Mass Transfer Lab Manual, 2014.

Laboratory outcomes:
Students will learn to.
1. Utilize and operate measurement techniques and devices respectively to measure
concentrations and temperatures.
2. Measure different variables of interest in unit operations involving heat and mass transfer.
3. Estimate heat and mass transfer coefficients for the unit operations involved.

19EBT234: rDNA Technology
3 0 3 4.5

Genetic engineering consists of a set of techniques for manipulating the genes, which constitute the
basis of inheritance. The basic paradigm of genetic engineering namely recombinant DNA
technology involves cutting segments of DNA from one organism and pasting it into a vector,
which is then transferred to the organism to be modified. This process enables transfer of genes and
traits from one organism to another. Genetic engineering is applicable to microbes as well as
higher level organisms such as plants, animals and human beings. The principles and techniques of
genetic engineering as well as applications of genetic engineering in agriculture, medicine and
industry are described in this course.

Course Objectives:

 Explain principles of recombinant DNA technology

 Discuss the methods, tools and techniques for gene cloning and genome analysis.
 Describe methods for production of recombinant proteins.
 Describe the molecular techniques and their applications.
 List applications of rDNA technology in medicine, agriculture, industry and animal

Unit- I: Basics of rDNA technology 8 hrs

Isolation and purification of nucleic acids. Manipulation of DNA – Restriction and modification
enzymes (nucleases, polymerases, ligases and topoisomerases). Characteristics of cloning and
expression vectors based plasmid and bacteriophage. Vectors for plant, yeast, insect and
mammalian systems. Restriction mapping.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Describe DNA isolation, purification and manipulation (L2).
 Describe characteristics of cloning vectors (L2).
 Summarize use of restriction maps (L2)

Unit- II 8 hrs
Prokaryotic and expression host systems. Cloning strategies: construction of recombinant
vectors. Introduction DNA into host systems (gene transfer methods for bacteria, plants and
animals). Molecular techniques involved in study of expression of genes: Southern, Northern,
Western, Dot and Slot blots, In-situ hybridization.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Select expression systems (L3).
 Describe strategies for construction of recombinant vectors (L1)
 Describe strategies for cloning of recombinant vectors (L1).
 Describe molecular techniques to analyze expression of genes (L1)
Unit- III 8 hrs
Construction of genomic and cDNA libraries. Artificial chromosomes BACs and YACS.
Screening of DNA libraries using probes and antisera. Preparation of labeled probes and primers.
Maxam Gilbert, Sanger Coulson’s, automated methods of DNA sequencing and Next Generation
sequencing methods.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Construct and evaluate DNA libraries (L4 and L5).
 Describe preparation of probes and primers (L2).
 Apply molecular techniques for DNA sequencing (L3).
Unit- IV 8 hrs
Techniques for nucleic acid amplification and analysis: PCR, Nested PCR, inverse PCR, RT-
PCR, Hot start PCR, Real time PCR, qPCR, Molecular beacons, DNA finger printing, RAPD,
RFLP and AFLP. Site directed mutagenesis.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Describe methods for amplification of DNA and RNA (L2).
 Apply molecular techniques to understand gene expression profiling (L3)
 Describe the principles and applications of DNA finger printing(L1)
Unit- V 8 hrs
RNA silencing: design and applications of siRNA and anti-sense RNA. Applications of genetic
engineering in medicine, agriculture, animal husbandry, environmental management and
industry. Achievements, limitations and negative aspects of genetic engineering.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Illustrate RNA silencing methods (L2).
 Describe applications of rDNA technology in medicine, agriculture, animal

husbandry and Industry (L2)
 Discuss limitations and negative aspects of genetic engineering.(L1)

Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the student will be able to
 Summarize the common methods of isolation of nucleic acids and enzymes used in
molecular biology(L2)
 Explain the applications of genome sequencing methods(L2)
 Select best biological hosts for optimum production of a protein.(L3)
 Explain the principles of modern gene therapy(L2)
 Describe the applications of rDNA technology(L1)

Text Books:
1. T.A. Brown, Gene cloning and DNA analysis: an introduction, 6/e, Wiley-
Blackwell, 2010.
2. D. S.T. Nicholl, An introduction to genetic engineering, 3/e, Cambridge University
press, 2008.

1. J.D. Watson, R.M. Meyers, A.A. Caudy and J.A. Witkowski, Recombinant DNA:
genes and genomes - A short course, 3/e, W.H. Freeman and Co, 2007.
2. S.B. Primrose, R. Twyman, B. Old, Principles of gene manipulation, 6/e, Wiley-
Blackwell, 2001.


Genetic Engineering Laboratory comprises of a series of techniques involved in the transfer

genetic material from one organism to another. The primary objective the laboratory is to train
the students in recombinant DNA Technology. For efficient learning lab course, students should
have a basic knowledge on genetics and molecular biology

At least 10 of the following experiments:

Expt.1. Isolation of genomic DNA from plants
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to isolate genomic DNA from plants
Expt.2. Determination of plant genomic DNA concentration and purity
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to assess the purity of the isolated DNA
Expt.3. Separation of plant genomic DNA on agarose gel electrophoresis
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to separate the DNA and visualize it
Expt.4. Isolation of plasmid DNA from E.coli culture
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to isolate plasmid DNA from bacterial culture
Expt.5. Separation of plasmid DNA on agarose gel electrophoresis

At the end of his experiment, student will be able to separate the plasmid DNA and visualize it
Expt.6. Restriction digestion of  phage DNA
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to cut the DNA using enzymes
Expt.7. Ligation of the DNA digested by restriction endonucleases
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to join two DNA fragments and clone them
into a vector
Expt.8. Preparation of competent E.coli cells
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to prepare the competent E.coli cells for
Expt.9. Transformation of competent E.coli cells with ligated plasmid and selection of
positive colonies through Blue-white screening method
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to perform transformation and screen the
positive colonies
Expt.10. Studying the expression of cloned genes (GFP)
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to study the expression of cloned genes
Expt.11. PCR amplification of DNA using gene specific primers
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to amplify the DNA using PCR
Expt.12. Southern blotting of plant genomic DNA
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to transfer the DNA from gel onto a membrane
for performing the hybridization
Expt.13. DNA finger printing through RFLP and RAPD
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to study the polymorphisms among organisms
Expt.14. Regulation of gene expression
At the end of his experiment, student will be able to study how a gene can be regulated by using
reporter genes

1. J.F. Sambrook and D.W. Russell, eds. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 3rd ed., Vols
1,2 and 3. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2001.

2. K.V.Chaitanya. Cell and Molecular Biology: A Lab Manual. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, India,

2 0 0 2
Instrumental methods of analysis are extensions of the human senses for perceiving the world.
Some of these methods enable us to observe the organization of biological systems at a much
higher level of resolution than the human eye, whereas others provide information for which there
is no human equivalent sense, such as information regarding identity, purity and composition. The
objective of this course is to describe the principles of instrumental methods for quantitative and
qualitative analysis in biotechnology with examples related to quality control, process monitoring,
biomolecular system characterization and diagnostic applications.

Course Objectives:

 summarize methods for quantitative and qualitative analysis of biomolecules and

biomolecular systems (L2)
 compare methods for determination of molecular mass and particle size distribution
 explain the principles of the methods for determination of molecular structure (L2)
 list methods for studies of biomolecular interactions (L1)
 identify methods for high throughput analysis (L3)

Unit- I 6 hrs
Overview of applications of instrumental methods of Qualitative and Quantitative analysis in
Atomic absorption and flame emission spectroscopy. UV-Visible and vibrational spectroscopy.
Polarimetry and Circular Dichroism. Determination of particle number and particle size from
light scattering data. Structure determination of biomolecules and biomolecular assemblies from
X-ray diffraction data.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 list methods used for quality control of biotechnology products (L1)
 explain the principles of light scattering and X-ray diffraction (L2)
 summarize principles of methods for determination of particle size (L2)

Unit- II 6 hrs
Geometric optics of simple and compound light microscope. Resolution of compound light
microscope. Fluorescence microscopy. Confocal light microscope. Transmission electron
microscope. Scanning electron microscope and Scanning Tunneling electron microscope. Cryo-

electron microscopy. Atomic force microscope

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 relate the principles and resolution limits of microscopes (L2)
 compare the principles and applications of electron microscopic techniques (L2)
 explain the principles and applications of AFM (L2)

Unit- III 6 hrs

Mass spectrometry:
Principles and components of mass spectrometers. Ionization methods. Determination of empirical
formula. Determination of structure of small organic molecules. Mass spectral databases for
spectral fingerprinting. Oligonucleotide sequencing. Peptide and protein sequencing.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 summarize principles of mass spectrometry (L2)
 identify optimum method of ionization for given analyte (L3)
 calculate molecular mass and empirical formula from mass spectral data (L3)
 utilize mass spectral databases for spectral fingerprinting (L3)
 determine peptide sequence from electrospray ionization mass spectrometric data
Unit- IV 6 hrs
NMR spectroscopy:
Principles of Fourier Transform NMR spectroscopy. Chemical shift, coupling constants and peak
areas. Structure determination of small organic compounds using NMR spectroscopic data. NMR
spectral fingerprinting. Principles of multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Application of
solution NMR spectroscopy for protein structure determination. MRI.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 summarize the principles of FT NMR spectroscopy (L2)
 apply NMR spectroscopic data for structure determination of small organic
molecules (L3)
 list multidimensional NMR spectroscopic methods for biomolecular structure
determination (L1)
Unit- V 6 hrs

Introduction to high throughput and mini/microscale analytical devices in biotechnology.
Biosensors. Microarray fabrication. Detectors for microarrays. Data analysis tools for
Fabrication of Micro Electro Mechanical systems. Principles and components of Microfluidic
systems. Lab-on-a-chip devices. Point of care devices for diagnostic applications..

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 apply microarray data analysis tools (L3)
 design protocols for fabrication of MEMs (L6)
 explain the power of high throughput workflow in biotechnology (L2)

Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the student will be able to
 compare methods for determination of mass and particle size (L2)
 determine the sequence of proteins from mass spectrometry data (L5)
 analyze data from NMR spectroscopy (L4)
 select optimum instrumental method for monitoring quality of biotechnology
products (L3)
 list the applications of high-throughput and miniaturized devices in biotechnology

Text Books:
1. Robert M. Silverstein, Francis X. Webster, David J. Kiemle, David L. Bryce.
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds. Wiley. 2014
2. Andreas Manz, Petra S Dittrich, Nicole Pamme, Dimitri Iossifidis. Bioanalytical
Chemistry: Second Edition. World Scientific. 2015.

1. David A. Wells. High Throughput Bioanalytical Sample Preparation: Methods and
Automation Strategies. 2nd ed. Elsevier, 2020.
2. Xiujun James Li, Yu Zhou. Microfluidic Devices for Biomedical Applications.
Woodhead Publishing. Elsevier, 2013.
3. Jaime Castillo-León, Winnie E. Svendsen. Lab-on-a-Chip Devices and Micro-Total
Analysis Systems: A Practical Guide. Springer, 2014.

3 0 0 3

Thermodynamics is useful to understand the factors that affect the stability of a system at
equilibrium. This course explains the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and introduces the
concepts necessary to predict the feasibility of a process. These concepts are applied to explain
conformational equilibria of biomolecules and energy storage & utilization in biological systems.

Course Objectives:

 Explain thermodynamic properties and laws

 Estimate free energies of various biochemical reactions
 Derive fundamental property relations using state variables
 Explain phase equilibrium and chemical reaction equilibrium
 Apply laws of thermodynamics to biological systems

Unit- I 8 hrs
Zeroth law of thermodynamics, The first law of thermodynamics and other basic concepts: Joule's
experiments, internal energy, the first law of thermodynamics, energy balance for closed systems,
thermodynamic state and state functions, equilibrium, the phase rule, the reversible process,
constant volume and constant pressure processes, enthalpy, heat capacity.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 understand the importance of thermodynamics in biotechnology. (L1)
 determine the energy requirement of a process (L3)
 explain thermodynamic properties and thermodynamic laws (L1)

Unit- II 8 hrs
The second law of thermodynamics: Statement of the second law, heat engines, thermodynamic
temperature scales, entropy, entropy changes of an ideal gas, mathematical statement of the
second law. The third law of thermodynamics.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 understand the importance of thermodynamic temperature scales. (L1)
 understand entropy and its changes. (L1)
 estimate the entropy change associated with a process (L3)

Unit- III 8 hrs
Thermodynamic properties: PVT behavior of pure substances, thermodynamic property relations
for homogeneous phases. Solution thermodynamics: fundamental property relation, chemical
potential and phase equilibria, fugacity and fugacity coefficient.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 understand various ways of presenting thermodynamics data. (L1)
 determine the thermodynamic properties from available data. (L3)
 relate thermodynamic properties from other properties. (L2)
 understand the concepts of fugacity. (L1)
 understand phase equilibria. (L1)
Unit- IV 8 hrs
Chemical reaction equilibria: The reaction coordinate, application of equilibrium criteria to
chemical reactions, the standard Gibbs energy change and the equilibrium constant, effect of
temperature on the equilibrium constant, relation of equilibrium constants to composition,
equilibrium conversions for single reactions, phase rule and Duhem's theorem for reacting

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 explain Chemical reaction equilibria. (L1)
 understand the importance of Gibbs energy. (L1)
 determine the effect of physical parameters on chemical reactions. (L3)
Unit- V 8 hrs
Biochemical applications of thermodynamics: Factors affecting stability of double stranded DNA,
statistical thermodynamics of monomer-dimer equilibrium for DNA. The helix-coil transition in
polypeptides, ligand-receptor binding equilibria. ATP-ADP energy storage and utilization.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 explain importance of thermodynamics in biology. (L1)
 understand the reasons for stability of DNA. (L1)
 interpret ligand receptor binding equilibrium data. (L2)

Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the student will be able to
 apply the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics to engineering applications (L3)
 estimate thermodynamic properties of substances in gas and liquid states. (L3)
 determine thermodynamic efficiency of a process. (L3)
 Analyze chemical reaction equilibrium data (L3)
 Comprehend the thermodynamic basis of biological phenomena (L2)

Text Books:
1. JM. Smith, HC Van Ness, MM Abbott, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 6/e,
Tata McGra-Hill Edition, 2008.
2. I Tinoco, K Sauer, J C Wang, J D Puglisi, G. Harbison and D Rovnyak, Physical
Chemistry: Principles and Applications in Biological Sciences, Pearson, 2013.

1. S.I. Sandler, Chemical, Biochemical and Engineering Thermodynamics, 5/e, Wiley,
2. K. Dill and S Bromberg, Molecular driving forces: statistical thermodynamics in
biology, chemistry, physics and nanoscience, 2/e Garland science, 2012
3. J.M. Smith, H.C. van Ness, and M.M. Abbott, Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics, 6/e, McGraw-Hill, 2003.

2 0 0 2

A few types of data structures can represent many different types of information. Representation
of the problem of interest using a standard data structure enables us to utilize efficient algorithms
for manipulation and analysis of data. Common data structures, applicable algorithms and an
overview of their time and space requirements will be introduced in this course.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course are to:

1. introduce data structures for knowledge representation

2. evaluate time and space requirements of algorithms
3. describe the algorithms for operating on commonly encountered data structures
4. explain the effect of choice of algorithm on efficiency of operation on selected data structures
5. exemplify the relation between choice of algorithm and problem to be solved

Elementary data structures: Linear lists, stacks and queues. Linked lists. Hash tables and Hash
functions. Operations on stacks. Operations on Queues. Array based representation and
operations. Introduction to Sorting: Insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort, merge sort, quick

Learning outcomes

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

1. describe elementary data structures for knowledge representation (L1)

2. apply operations on elementary data structures (L3)
3. identify optimal type of sorting based on problem description (L4)

Advanced data structures: Data structures for disjoint sets. Disjoint set operations. Linked list
representations of disjoint operations. Representations of polynomials. Representations for graphs.
Definition, properties and representation of binary trees. Binary search trees. B-trees. Basic
operations on B-trees.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

1. classify graphs and trees (L2)

2. define and describe properties of binary trees (L1)
3. evaluate properties of binary trees (L5)

Introduction to terminology for specifying time and space requirements of algorithms. Greedy
algorithms. Divide and Conquer algorithms. Dynamic programming. Optimal binary search trees.
Elementary graph algorithms: Breadth first search. Depth first search. Topological sort. Suffix
trees for searching sequence databases.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

4. classify algorithms based on time and space requirements (L2)

5. understand the merits and demerits of elementary graph algorithms (L2)
6. identify optimal graph algorithm based on problem description (L4)

Kruskals algorithm for minimum spanning tree. Prims algorithm for minimum spanning tree.
Bellman-Ford algorithm for shortest path. Dijkstra’s algorithm for shortest path. Ford-Fulkerson
method for maximum flow. Maximum bipartite matching. Vertex cover problem.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

1. describe algorithms for spanning tree and shortest paths (L1)

2. understand the merits and demerits of algorithms for shortest paths (L2)
3. apply algorithms for spanning tree and shortest path to solve simple problems (L3)

String matching: Boyer-Moore algorithm for string matching. Robin-Karp algorithm for string
matching. Knuth-Morris-Platt algorithm for string matching. Common substring of two strings.
Common substring of multiple strings. Repetitive structures in molecular strings.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

1. describe algorithms for string matching (L1)

2. understand the merits and demerits of algorithms for string matching (L2)
3. apply string matching algorithms to identify common substrings (L3)

Course outcomes:

At the end of this course the student should be able to:

1. describe standard data structures (L1)

2. classify algorithms for operating on data structures (L2)
3. apply standard algorithms to operate on standard data structures (L3)
4. analyze a problem and identify optimal algorithm for its solution (L4)
5. evaluate a problem description and predict optimal data structure for its representation
and an algorithm for its solution (L5)

Text Book(s)

1. T. H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson , R.L. Rivest , C.Stein. Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd

Edition. The MIT Press. 2009.


1. D. Gusfield. Algorithms on strings, trees and sequences. Computer science and

Computational Biology. Cambridge University Press. 1997.
2. N. Karumanchi. Data structures and algorithms made easy. 5th ed. CareerMonk. 2017.
3. M. T. Goodrich, R.Tamassia, M.H. Goldwasser. Data Structures and Algorithms in
Python. Wiley. 2013

Activity Based Learning Exercises

Instructor may use any programming language, however, use of python is recommended:

1. Sort a list of molecules based on their molecular mass.

2. Search a list of molecules by name
3. Construct a graph based representation of a protein molecule.
4. Search a phylogenetic tree for a specified organism.
5. Construct a tree representation of a metabolic pathway.
6. Search a genomic sequence string for a specified transcriptor factor binding site.

Comprehensive Skill Development

Course Objectives:
 To encourage the all round development of students by focusing on soft skills, Coding &
domain skills.
 To make the engineering students aware of the importance, the role and the content of
soft skills, Coding and domain skills through instruction, knowledge acquisition,
demonstration and practice.
 To develop and nurture the soft skills, coding and domain skills of the students through
individual and group activities.
 To expose students to right attitudinal and behavioral aspects and to build the same
through activities

Course Outcomes:
 On completion of the course, student will be able to– Effectively communicate through
verbal/oral communication and improve the listening skills
 Write precise briefs or reports and technical documents, actively participate in group
discussion / meetings / interviews and prepare & deliver presentations. Become more
effective individual through goal/target setting, self motivation and practicing creative
 Student will be able to understand the problems and develop his competitive coding
 Apply the skills in various domains and will be able to solve complex problems faced by
the industry.
 Function effectively in multi-disciplinary and heterogeneous teams through the
knowledge of team work, Inter-personal relationships, conflict management and
leadership quality

Semester –II

Stream Course Course Title Category L T P C

Comprehensive Skill Soft Skills And Quant 1 2 1
Development tative Aptitude
Coding 3
Total number of hrs per 6

A. Verbal and Soft Skills
Self Awareness and Motivation, Goal Setting and Time Management, Interpersonal Skills, Team

B. Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning

Puzzles, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Data Sufficiency, Analytical Reasoning,

Coding: GitHub – Accepting assignments pull and push the code or resource, GitHub
Visual Studio code – Configuring, integrating Git for assignment submission
Online competitive coding platforms – Introduction to online coding platforms to get prepared
for competitive coding.
Problem Solving with Python: Collections, Techniques for manipulating Strings, Recursion,
Searching, Sorting, Stacks and Queues.
Problem Solving with C: Memory, C Syntax, Conditions and Loops, Functions and Recursion,
Arrays, Techniques for manipulating Strings, Searching, Sorting, Stacks and Queues, Structures.

Semester –III

Strea Course Course Title Category L T P C

m Code
Comprehensive Skill Soft Skills And Quanti- 1 2 1
Development tative Aptitude
Coding 3
Total number of hrs per 6

A. Verbal and Soft Skills:
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Decision Making and Problem-Solving, Group
B. Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning
Puzzles, Numbers, Arithmetic, Data Interpretation.
Coding: Complex problem solving using Data Structures in terms of improving efficiency:
Time Complexity and Space Complexity, Linked List, Stacks and Queues using Linked List,
Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, Trie, Representation of graphs, Breadth First Search, Depth
First Search, Dynamic Programming.

Semester –IV

Strea Course Course Title Category L T P C

m Code
Comprehensive Skill Soft Skills And Quant 1 2 1
Development itative Aptitude
Coding 3
Total number of hrs per 6

A. Verbal and Soft Skills:
Vocabulary Builder, Reading Comprehension, Fill-in-the-Blanks, General Usage
B. Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning
Puzzles, Arithmetic, Geometry, Mensuration.
Coding:- Medium Level problem solving techniques:
Permutations and Combination, Probability, Hash Tables, Heap, Greedy Method, Backtracking

3 0 0 3

Data preprocessing and visualization: Types of data, dealing with missing data, data
visualization: Scatter Plot, histogram, group plots, box plots etc., dimensionality reduction.

Data analysis: Statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, significance of p-value, chi-square, T-test,
ANOVA, Bayesian Probability.

Mining Frequent Patterns: Associations and Correlations, Classification.

Machine learning: Supervised, unsupervised, logistic regression, SVMs, decision trees,

clustering and model evaluation.

Artificial neural networks: Types of ANN, case studies for the application of deep learning in
biology and health care research.

Text Books/References:
1. Introduction to Machine Learning using Python, Jeeva Jose, Khanna Publishing
House, 2019.
2. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques by Jiawei Han, Jian Pei, Micheline Kamber,
Elsevier; Third edition 2007.
3. Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, MIT Press 2017.
4. Data Visualization – A Practical Introduction by Kieran Healy, Princeton University
Press 2019.
5. Deep Learning – Rajiv Chopra, Khanna Publishing House, 2019.

Industrial scale production of bioproducts involves optimization of media, operational
conditions, selection of bioreactor type and method for control of operational parameters
at the optimum values. Models of microbial growth are utilized to estimate the time
requirements and process efficiency. This course describes the methods for optimization
of media, aeration rate, process parameters and bioreactor type.

Course Objectives

 Identify differences between chemical processes and bioprocesses

 Explain principles of media design and optimization
 Explain principles of microbial growth kinetics
 Describe selection and operation of bioreactors
 Describe fermenter design

UNIT-I 8 hours

Definition and scope of bioprocess engineering. Bioprocess verses chemical processing:

advantages and disadvantages. Substrates for bioconversions. Choice of microbes. Media
design and optimization.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Define bioprocess engineering (L2)

 Compare chemical processes and bioprocesses (L3)
 Explain principles of media design and optimization (L2 )

UNIT-II 8 hours
Aeration and agitation in bioreactors: Oxygen transfer in microbial systems, oxygen demand
mass transfer theories, oxygen consumption and heat evolution in aerobic cultures,
thermodynamic efficiency of growth. Measurement of volumetric mass transfer coefficient,
power requirement in gassed and ungassed bioreactors, mixing and heat transfer in dispersed
systems, biorheology.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Explain role of aeration and agitation in bioreactors (L2)

 Relate oxygen consumption to heat evolution in aerobic cultures (L3)

 Calculate power requirement of bioreactors (L5 )

UNIT-III 8 hours
Kinetics for batch growth- unstructured non-segregated models, models for transient behavior in
batch reactor. Batch and continuous bioreactors, growth in ideal chemostat, chemostat with
recycle, multistage chemostat, fed-batch growth. Immobilized cell systems.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Explain kinetics of batch growth (L2)

 Model bioreactors (L5)
 Describe principles and applications of immobilized cell systems (L1)

UNIT-IV 8 hours
Selection and operation of bioreactors. Bioreactor instrumentation and control, Scale-up of
bioreactors: Introduction, criteria of scale-up, similarity criteria, scale-up methods
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Select bioreactors (L3)

 Describe instrumentation for bioreactor operation and control (L1)
 Utilize scale up methods (L3 )

UNIT-V 18 hours
Design of a fermenter: Basic functions of a fermenter for microbial or animal cell culture.
Aseptic operation and containment, body construction: construction material, temperature
control, aeration and agitation, foam control system, factors affecting antifoam requirements,
antifoam addition system. Regulatory constraints

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Explain requirements for design of a fermenter (L2)

 Explain choice of materials for fermenters (L2)
 Explain control of operating conditions in a fermenter (L2)
 Describe regulatory constraints (L1 )

Course Outcomes
After studying the course, the student will be able to:
 Explain requirements for design of a bioreactor (L2)
 Calculate power requirements of a bioreactor (L3)
 Explain kinetics of microbial growth (L2)
 Explain control of operating conditions in a fermenter (L2)
 Describe regulatory constraints (L1 )

Text Book(s)

1. M. L. Shuler, F. Kargi, Bioprocess Engineering Basic Concepts, 2/e, Prentice Hall,


1. Pauline M Doran, Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Elsevier, 2005.

2. P.F.A. Stanbury, A. Whitaker, S.J. Hall, Principles of Fermentation Technology, 2/e,
Pergamon, 1995.



2 0 2 3

Metabolomic studies are used to characterize the complete set of metabolites in a cell, tissue,
organ or organism. Comparative metabolomic studies are useful for identification of
biomarkers for diagnostic applications, for elucidation of metabolic pathways and to identify
targets for drug design. Metabolic engineering can be utilized for optimizing the yield of desired
metabolites in industrial biotechnology. This course introduces the methods for characterization
of the metabolome and the methods and applications of metabolic engineering.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to:

 Provide information regarding databases of metabolomic data

 Describe methods useful for obtaining metabolomic data
 Introduce methods for analysis of metabolomic data
 Describe the principles of metabolic engineering
 Describe the applications of metabolic engineering

Unit I 8 hours

Introduction to metabolomics. Metabolite identification and quantification by mass spectrometry

and NMR spectroscopy. Mass spectral databases. Metabolic flux determination by time
dependent changes in concentration. Metabolic flux determination by isotope labeling: Analysis
of mass spectral data. Analysis of NMR spectral data.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. describe methods for metabolite identification (L1)

2. compare methods for metabolite quantification (L3)
3. describe methods for metabolic flux determination (L1)

4. interpret metabolomic data (L2)

Unit II 8 hours

Stoichiometry of cellular reactions, mathematical formulation of rate laws. Metabolic network

reconstruction. Introduction to Metabolic flux analysis. Steady state analysis and sensitivity
analysis (Linear systems only).

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. calculate stoichiometric coefficients (L3)

2. explain the concepts of metabolic flux analysis (L4)

3. analyze metabolic flux analysis data (L4)

4. describe the methods for metabolic network reconstruction (L1)

Unit III 8 hours

Metabolic control analysis: Fundamentals of metabolic control analysis, control coefficients and
the summation theorems, determination of flux control coefficients. MCA of linear and branched
pathways. Case studies.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. understand the concepts of Metabolic control analysis (L2)

2. describe methods for determination of flux control coefficients (L1)
3. analyze linear and branched pathways (L4)

Unit IV 8 hours

Metabolic engineering and metabolic pathway engineering. Regulation of metabolic pathways.

Regulation of metabolic networks. Metabolic engineering by gene amplification, gene
disruption, and strain improvement. Synthetic biology for metabolic engineering.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. summarize mechanisms of regulation of metabolic pathways and networks (L2)

2. describe methods of metabolic engineering based on gene manipulation (L1)

3. describe application of synthetic biology for metabolic engineering (L1)

Unit V 8 hours

Calculation of theoretical yield. Amino acid production by glutamic acid bacteria, metabolic
engineering of lactic acid bacteria, riboflavin production by Bacillus subtilis, metabolic
engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. list metabolomic databases (L1)

2. calculate theoretical yield of a reaction (L3)
3. apply metabolic control analysis (L2)
4. describe application of metabolic engineering in bacteria (L1)
5. describe application of metabolic engineering in eukaryotes (L1)

Course Outcomes

After studying the course, the student will be able to:

1. describe methods for identification and quantification of metabolites (L1)

2. summarize methods for control of metabolic pathways (L2)

3. calculate flux control coefficients and theoretical yeilds (L3)

4. explain the principles of metabolic engineering (L4)

5. describe the applications of metabolic engineering (L1)

Text books:

1. Eberhard Voit. A First Course in Systems Biology. Edition 2. Garland Science, 2017.
2. G.N. Stephanopoulos, A.A. Aristidou, J. Neilsen, Metabolic engineering. Principles and
Methodologies, Academic Press, Elsevier, 1998.

Reference Books:

1. C .Wittman, S.Y.Lee (ed.), Systems metabolic engineering, Springer, 2012.

2. B.N. Kholodenko, H.V. Westerhoff (ed.), Metabolic engineering in the post-genomic era,
Horizon bioscience, 2004.


3 0 0 3

The immune system is designed to prevent foreign organisms from causing harm to the
body. Immunotechnology utilizes the components of the immune system for therapeutic
and analytical applications. This course describes the components of the immune system,
the mechanisms of immune response and application of this knowledge for selection of
transplants and for the production of vaccines.

Course Objectives

 Introduce the concepts of immunology

 Describe the structure and functions of immunoglobulins and complement proteins
 Introduce various immunological techniques
 Introduce hypersensitivity reactions and transplantation immunology.
 Describe models of immune deficiency


History of immunology; Types of immunity: Innate and adaptive. Cells of the immune system, T
and B lymphocytes – Origin, activation, differentiation, characteristics and functions. Nature of
T and B cell surface receptors. Macrophages phagocytosis, Primary and secondary lymphoid
organs: Structure and function. Antigens, immunogen, Hapten, Adjuvant, Epitope. Super
antigens. Major Histocompatibility Complex, Human Leukocyte antigens (HLA), Antigen
presenting cells, Processing and presentation of antigens. Necrosis & Apoptosis.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Recall the history of immunology (L1)

 Summarize the basis of immune cell production. (L2)
 Distinguish structure and function of primary and secondary lymphoid organs. (L4)
 Explain the biological functions of antigens. (L2)
 Describe processing of antigens and mechanism of cell death. (L1)


Structure of immunoglobulin, Immunoglobulin classes and biological activities. Isotypes,

Allotypes, Idiotypes. Immunoglobulin genes and antibody diversity, Class switching, Humoral
and cell-mediated immune responses, Cytokines-Interleukins, Interferons, TNF. The
Complement, pathways and consequences of complement activation.Tumor immunology:
Definition, tumor antigens, immune response to cancer.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Outline the importance of immunoglobulins (L2)

 Explain the relationship between the cell and humoral immunity. (L2)
 Interpret the relationship of immunoglobulin genes and antibody diversity. (L2)
 Summarize the functions of cytokines. (L2)
 Explain the biological consequences of complement proteins. (L2)


Antigen-antibody interactions: Antibody affinity and avidity, Precipitation reactions –

Immunodiffusion, Radial immunodiffusion, double immunodiffusion, immunoelectrophoresis,
Rocket immunoelectrophoresis, Agglutination reactions- Hemeagglutination and complement
fixation, Immunoflourescence, RIA, ELISA, Immunoblotting, Flow Cytometry and
Fluorescence, Hybridoma technology - Production of monoclonal antibodies and their
applications. Catalytic antibodies.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Apply immunological techniques to diagnose various diseases. (L3)

 Explain the principles of Ag-Ab interactions. (L2)
 Describe the production of monoclonal antibodies (L1).


Hypersensitivity: Immediate (type I, type II, type III) and delayed hypersensitivity reactions,
Autoimmunity - organ specific (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) and systemic (Rheumatoid arthritis)
diseases. Transplantation Immunology- auto, allo, iso and xenograft, Bone marrow and Kidney
transplants, Graft rejection (Graft versus host rejection and host versus graft rejection
mechanisms), Co stimulatory pathways, Immuno suppressive agents. Immunodeficiencies -

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 List the hypersensitivity reactions and auto immune diseases and their types. (L1)
 understand the basics of transplantation immunology. (L2)
 understand the kidney and bone marrow transplantation. (L2)
 Describe immunosuppressive drugs and immunodeficiency disorders (L1)


Vaccines: Types of vaccines, Development, Production of peptide and DNA vaccines, Knockout
mice, Transgenic mice as models of immune system diseases-Nude mice and SCID mice.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 outline the principles of vaccine development. (L2)

 explain the potential of transgenic mice (L2)
analyse the models for SCID (L4)

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course, the student will be able to

 describe the molecular basis of the immune response (L1)

 understand the basics of transplantation immunology. (L2)
 Describe immunosuppressive drugs and immunodeficiency disorders (L1)
 outline the principles of vaccine development. (L2)
 explain the potential of transgenic mice (L2)

1. Thomas J. Kindt, Barbara, A. Osbarne, Richard A. Goldsby, Kuby Immunology,
8th Edition, W.H Freeman, 2018.
2. P.M. Lydyard, A. Whelan & M.W Fanger, Instant notes in Immunology,
1st Edition, Viva publishers, 2008.

References books:
1. William E. Paul, Fundamentals of Immunology, 7 th Edition, Lippincott and
Wilkins, 2012.
2. Peter J. Delves, Seamus J. Martin, Dennis R. Burton, Ivan M. Roit, Roitt’s
Essential Immunology,12th edition, Wiley Black well, 2011.


3 0 0 3

Neural Networks can assist in the analysis, interpretation and utilization of large amounts of
highly complex structured and unstructured data. Neural Network based decision support
systems have been deployed in agricultural, biomedical, biometric, economic and legal
applications. Neural Networks can be utilized as components of advanced robots and control
systems for industrial automation. Neural Networks can also be utilized in engineering design.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course are to:

1. introduce a variety of Neural Network architectures

2. evaluate merits and demerits of learning models used by Artificial Neural Networks

3. describe the algorithms for training of Neural Networks

4. explain the effect of choice of parameters on training efficiency

5. exemplify the relation between problem type and Neural Network type


Introduction to Neural Networks: Architecture based classification of Neural Networks.

Classification of Neural Networks based on learning methods. Activation functions and Loss
functions. Factors to be considered for choice of type of Neural Network. Introduction to
hardware requirements for implementation of Neural Networks.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

1. classify Neural Networks based on type of architecture (L2)

2. classify Neural Networks based on type of learning (L2)

3. identify optimal type of Neural Network based on problem description (L4)


Rosenblatt's perceptron model. Rosenblatt's perceptron convergence theorem. Back Propagation

Method. Back propagation learning algorithm for multilayer feed forward Neural Network.
Factors affecting back propagation based training of a Neural Network.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

1. prove convergence for Rosenblatt's perceptron model (L2)

2. calculate output of a small feed forward Neural Network with one hidden layer for
specified values of architectural parameters and weights using a handheld calculator (L5)

3. predict the effect of parameters on training efficiency using the backpropagation learning
algorithm (L4)


Radial basis function networks. Generalized regularization theory. Neural Network models with
Hebbian learning. Introduction to Hopfield networks. Recurrent Neural Network models.
Universal approximation theorem. Backpropagation through time. Real time recurrent learning.
Long short term memory.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

1. understand concepts of hebbian learning models (L2)

2. describe recurrent Neural Networks and their applications (L1)

3. evaluate a problem and identify the optimal training algorithm (L5)


Convolutional Neural Networks. Variants of the basic convolution function. Convolution

algorithms. Recursive Neural Networks. Greedy layer-wise pretraining. Transfer learning.
Structured probabilistic models for deep learning. Convolutional boltzmann machines.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

1. identify advantages and disadvantages of deep learning (L2)

2. describe concepts of convolutional Neural Networks (L1)

3. compare merits and demerits of deep learning (L4)


Model based calculation of reward in Reinforcement learning. Markov decision process.

Bellman's optimality criteria. Policy iteration. Value iteration. Q-learning. Model free
Reinforcement learning. Deep reinforcement learning. Generative adversarial networks.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

1. understand the concepts of reinforcement learning (L2)

2. analyze a problem and identify optimal algorithms for its solution (L4)

3. evaluate reward for specified model and policy function for training a Neural Network by
using reinforcement learning (L5)

Open Elective-1


3 0 0 3

This course exposes the evaluation of the best possible solution for various engineering planning
and design problems. The aim of the course is to train the students to develop a mathematical
model and to solve the model by applying an appropriate mathematical programming
technique. This course also covers advanced optimization techniques to solve dynamic and
integer programming problems.

Course Objectives:

1. To illustrate the importance of optimization techniques in theory and practice.

2. To formulate and solve engineering design problems in the industry for optimal results
3. To test the analytical skills in solving real engineering problems by applying appropriate
optimization technique.
4. To demonstrate various advanced optimization techniques being developed in recent times.
5. To develop and promote research interest in problems of Engineering and Technology

UNIT I 8 Hrs
Introduction to optimization: Introduction, engineering applications of optimization, statement
of an optimization problem-design vector, design constraints, constraint surface, objective
function, classification of optimization problems, optimization techniques.
Optimization techniques: Introduction, single variable optimization, multi variable optimization
with no constraints, multi variable optimization with equality and inequality constraints-Kuhn-
tucker conditions, constraint qualification.
Learning outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 describe the need and origin of the optimization methods [L1]
 classify design points, constraints and optimization problems [L2]
 choose the method needed to solve the particular type of optimization problem [L3]

UNIT II 10 Hrs
Non-linear programming I: One Dimensional Minimization Methods: Introduction, unimodal
function, elimination methods- unrestricted search, exhaustive search, interval halving method,
Fibonacci method, golden section method, interpolation method, cubic interpolation method,
direct root method-Newton method, secant method.

Learning outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 apply elimination methods to find the narrowest region in which optimum point lies [L3]
 solve one dimensional minimization problems using interpolation and direct root methods


Non-linear programming II: Introduction, classification of unconstrained minimization
methods, random search methods, univariate method, Hooke and Jeeves method, Powell’s
method, indirect search methods- steepest descent method (Cauchy’s method)
Learning outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 apply random search methods to solve unconstrained multi-variable optimization
problems [L3]
 employ pattern directions to find the optimal solution [L3]

Dynamic Programming: Multistage decision processes, Concepts of sub optimization,
computational procedure in dynamic programming calculus method and tabular methods,
Linear programming as a case of D.P and Continuous D.P.
Learning outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 formulate the given linear/non-linear programming problem as a dynamic programming

 evaluate the optimal solution to dynamic programming problems using multi-stage
decision process [L4]

UNIT V 8 Hrs
Integer Programming: Introduction, Graphical Representation, Gomory’s cutting plane method,
Balas algorithm for zero-one programming, Branch-and- bound method, Penalty Function
method; Basic approaches of Interior and Exterior penalty function methods
Learning outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 formulate the integer and/or binary programming problem [L3]

 evaluate the optimal solution to integer and/or binary programming problem [L4]

Course outcomes:

 classify optimization problems and apply classical optimization techniques to solve NLPPs
having differentiable functions [L2&L3]
 apply the concept of uni-modal function to solve one dimensional minimization
problems [L3]
 solve any multi variable optimization problems
 solve any complex optimization problem as a dynamic programming problem and analyze
its solution [L3&L4]
 recognize the significance of integer and/or binary solutions and apply a suitable
algorithm for better decision making [L1&L3]

Text books:
1. S.S.Rao, Engineering optimization theory and practice, 3rd Edition, New age
1. H.A.Taha, Operations Research, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
2. F.S.Hillier, and G.J.Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, 7th Edition, TMH,


3 0 0 3

To provide students with required knowledge in the field of automation and to introduce the
advanced automation techniques like PLC, SCADA and DCS systems and Instrument protocols
which are presently used in different Industries for Automation.

Course Objectives:

 To familiarize the role of automation in industries

 To explain the architecture and applications of PLC, SCADA and DCS
 To provide an understanding of instrumentation standard protocols
 To describe the concept and applications of DCS.
 To explore the importance and applications of automation in various modern industries.


Control Systems and Automation Principles: Evolution of instrumentation and control, role of
automation in industries, benefits of automation, introduction to automation tools PLC, DCS,
SCADA, hybrid DCS/PLC, automation strategy evolution, control system audit, performance
criteria and safety systems.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

 summarize the importance of instrumentation and control in industry (L2).

 describe various automation tools (L4).
 analyze the performance criteria of the system (L4).


Programmable logic Controllers (PLC): Introduction, architecture, definition of discrete state

process control, PLC Vs PC, PLC Vs DCS, relay diagram, ladder diagram, PLC design,
advanced applications of PLC and SCADA: PLC programming methods, PLC applications for
batch process using SFC, analog control using PLC, PLC interface to SCADA/DCS using
communication links (RS232, RS485) and protocols (Mod bus ASCII/RTU).

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

 explain the architecture of PLC and assemble it with SCADA/DCS (L2).

 distinguish between PLC & PC and PLC & DCS (L2).
 construct the ladder diagrams of PLC(L3).
 identify the advanced applications of PLC and SCADA(L1).
 list out PLC programming methods (L1).


Instrumentation Protocols: HART protocol introduction, frame structure, programming,

implementation examples, benefits, advantages and limitations. Foundation field bus H1
introduction, structure, programming, FDS configuration, implementation examples, benefits,
advantages and limitations, comparison with other field bus standards including device net,
Profibus, control net, CAN, industrial Ethernet etc.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

 explain the hart protocol and its programming (L2).

 list the advantages and limitations of HART protocol (L3).
 demonstrate the foundation field bus H1and its programming (L3).
 compare foundation field bus H1 with other field bus standards (L4).


Distributed Digital Control Systems: DCS introduction, functions, advantages and

limitations, DCS as an automation tool to support enterprise resources planning, DCS
architecture of different makes, specifications, configuration and programming, functions
including database management, reporting, alarm management, communication, third party
interface, control, display etc. enhanced functions viz. advance process control, batch application,
historical data management, OPC support, security and access control etc.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

 describe distributed control system (L2).

 list the advantages and limitations of DCS (L3).
 formulate DCS as an automation tool for various functions (L5).
 illustrate DCS architecture of different makes (L3).


Industrial Applications for Automation:–Power, water treatment, food and beverages, dairy,
cement, steel, pharmaceuticals, automobile and building automation.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

 analyze power plant industry (L4).

 develop water treatment and food &beverages plant using various automated tools (L3).
 explain the process of cement and steel plant automation (L3).
 adapt automated tools for automobile and building automation (L5).


1. Popovik, Bhatkar, Distributed Computer Control for Industrial Automation, Marcel Dekkar
Publications, 1990.
2. Webb and Reis, Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Applications, PHI, 5th
3. S.K.Singh, Computer Aided Process Control, PHI, 2004.


1. Gary Dunning, Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers, Thomson Learning, 3rd

2. N.E.Battikha, The Management of Control System: Justification and Technical Auditing,
ISA, 1992.
3. Krishna Kant, Computer Based Process Control, PHI, 2nd Edition.

Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the students will able to
 explain importance of automation in industries (L2).
 design and develop control systems for various real time industrial applications using PLC,
SCADA and DCS (L5).
 apply different instrumentation protocols for industrial applications (L3).
 use DCS as an automation tool for various functions (L3).
 design and develop advanced Instrumentation systems in Industrial & Automation field (L3).


The course enables the students to gain knowledge on various methods of isolation of natural
products of medicinal importance, their purification and characterization techniques. Exposes the
students to significance of metals in biological systems, latest spectroscopic techniques, isolation
of bioactive compounds from natural source and important pesticides.


 To impart knowledge on the significance of metals in biological systems.

 To demonstrate the biological importance of heterocyclic compounds.
 To study about drugs and pesticides.
 To create awareness on separation techniques such as GC and HPLC.
 To acquaint with the basic principles involved in various spectroscopic techniques such
as IR, UV, NMR and Mass.

Unit- I 8T

Metals in Biological Systems

Introduction- Essential elements and their importance-Bulk elements- Macrominerals – Macro
elements – Important metals in biological systems – Haemoglobin: Structure and physiological
importance – Vitamin B12 : Structure and medical uses – Chlorophyll: Structure and
importance- Metals and their toxicity: Toxicity of Arsenic, Lead and Mercury.
Learning outcomes
After completion of Unit-III, the student will be able to
 explain the importance of elements in biological systems (L-2)
 illustrate different metal containing systems. (L-2)
 list the toxic metals in biological systems. (L-4)

Unit-II 8T
Bioactive heterocyclic compounds
Introduction-Structure-preparation-properties and reactions of Furan, Pyrrole, Thiophene,
Pyridine, Indole – significance of heterocyclic compounds in biological systems.

Learning outcomes
After completion of Unit-II, the student will be able to
 classify heterocyclic compounds (L-2)
 distinguish between various heterocyclic compounds (L-4)
 explain the preparation of heterocyclic compounds (L-2)
 compare the properties and uses of heterocylic compounds (L-2)
 explain the importance of the heterocyclic compounds (L-2)

Unit-III 9T
Drugs and Pesticides
Antibacterial agents-sulfadrugs-sulfanilamide-sulfadiazine-structure and synthesis.
Analgesics: Aspirin-Phenacetin- structure and synthesis.
Anti-malarial drugs: Chloroquine-4,7 dichloroquinoline, Novaldiamine structure and synthesis
Insecticides: Organochlorine and Organophosphorus compounds-DDT, Malathion- structure and
Fungicides: Thiram- structure, their synthesis

Learning outcomes
After completion of Unit-IV, the student will be able to
 explain the structure of sulfa drugs. (L-2)
 illustrate the importance of antibacterial agents, Anti-malarial drugs. (L-2)
 identify the importance of Insecticides and Fungicides. (L-3)
 classify the different class of drugs (L-2)
 apply the basic principles of organic synthesis (L-4)

Unit-IV 8T
Isolation of bioactive natural products
Terpenoids and alkaloids from natural sources: Extraction-Solvent extraction-Purification
methods, isolation of taxol, Azaderichtin, Geraniol, citral, Eugenol; applications of Terpenoids
and alkaloids.

Learning outcomes

After completion of Unit-I, the student will be able to
 explain the importance of isolation of the natural products (L-2)
 identify a suitable chromatographic technique for the desired purification (L-3)
 compare different purification techniques (L-2)
 apply the concepts of extraction and chromatographic techniques (L-3)

Unit-V 9T
Spectroscopy- Applications of UV-Visible, IR, NMR and Mass in the determination of
structures of bioactive Organic Molecules. Problem solving -Examples-ethyl alcohol, benzoic
acid, Taxol, Penicillin etc.

Learning outcomes
After completion of Unit-V, the student will be able to
 list the principles of various instruments. (L-1)
 compare different spectroscopic techniques. (L-2)
 explain the structural elucidation of a given compound. (L-2)
 identify the structure of organic compounds. (L-3)
 distinguish different organic compounds based on the spectral data. (L-4)


After completion of course, the student will be able to

 list the extraction techniques used in the isolation of bioactive natural products (L-1)
 explain identification and purification techniques such as Thin Layer Chromatography,
Column chromatography etc. (L-2)
 identify basic heterocyclic compounds (L-3)
 apply knowledge of presence of metals in biological systems (L-3)
 distinguish spectroscopic techniques such as IR, UV, NMR and Mass (L-4)

Text Book(s)
1. B.Mehta and M. Mehta, Organic Chemistry, 2/e, PHI, (2015).
2. K. Sesha Maheswaramma and Mridula Chugh, Engineering Chemistry, Pearson (2016)

Reference Books:
1. Singh and Mukharjee, Text Book of Organic Chemistry, New Age International Limited
Publishers, (2015)
2. I L Finar, Organic Chemistry, vol.1, 6/e, Pearson (2002)

3. J. March, March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry, 6/e, Wiley (2007)
4. William Kemp, Organic Spectroscopy, 3/e, Palgrave USA (2008)
5. S. Warren and P. Wyatt, Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2/e, Wiley,


3 0 0 3
UNIT I 8 hours

Introduction to DBMS: Overview, file system vs. DBMS, advantages of DBMS, storage
data, queries, transaction management, DBMS Structure.

UNIT II 10 hours
Entity Relationship Model: E-R model entities, attributes and entity sets, relationship and
relationship sets, features of E-R model, conceptual database design with E-R model.

Relational Model: Integrity constraints over relations and enforcement, querying
relational data, logical database design, views, destroying/altering tables and views,
relational algebra and calculus. Relational algebra and calculus.

Structure Query Language: Basic SQL, query, union, interest, except, nested queries,
aggregated operation, null values, embedded SQL, cursors, ODBC and JDBC, triggers
and active database.

Transaction Management, Concurrency Control and Crash Recovery: Transaction
concept, transactions and schedules, concurrent execution of transactions, lock based
concurrency control, crash recovery.

Text Book(s)

1. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, McGraw-

Hill, 2003.
2. H.F.Korth and A.Silberschatz, Data System Concepts, McGraw-Hill, 2011.


1. Ramez Elmasri and S.B.Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Benjamin Cummings,




3 0 0 3

C++ is one of the most popular languages, contains object-orientation, a new
programming concept , is used to create an object, in code, that has certain properties and
methods or Units, the implementation of the Units helps to see the whole world in the form
of objects. This course also helps in developing high quality software like system
application software, drivers, client-server applications and embedded firmware.

Course Objectives:
 To understand the difference between procedure oriented programming and object oriented

 To learn the basic concept , applications of OOPS and practice of object oriented analysis and
design in the construction of robust, maintainable programs which satisfy their requirements;
 To identify and practice the object-oriented programming concepts and techniques, practice the
use of C++ classes and class libraries, modify existing C++ classes, develop C++ classes for
simple applications
 Ability to implement features of object oriented programming to solve real world problems using
Inheritance, data abstraction, encapsulation and Polymorphism.
 To understand the concept of file and handling function to perform file operations like accessing
the data from file and store the data into file.

Unit I 10 hours
Introduction to OOP: Procedure oriented programming, object orientedprogramming, basic
concepts of OOP, simple C++ program, namespace scope, structure of C++ Program, creating,
compiling and linking a file.
Tokens : Keywords, identifiers, constants, basic data types, user defineddata types, derived data
types, dynamic initialization of variables, reference variables, operators in C++, scope resolution
operator, member dereferencing operators, memory management operators.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this Unit, the student will be able to
1. List the difference between procedure and object oriented programming, applications
of OOP.
2. Tell the basic concepts of object oriented programming.
3. Create, compile and run the C++ programs.
4. Choose appropriate datatype and operators in programs.

5. Extend the concepts of C++ in developing efficient programs.

Unit II 9 hours
Control Structures.
Classes and Objects: Specifying a class, defining member functions, C++program with class,
private member functions, arrays within class, memory allocation for objects, static data
members, static member functions, arrays of objects.
Functions in C++: Main function, function prototyping, inline functions, default arguments.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this Unit, the student will be able to
1. Compare and contrast parameter passing techniques of C and C++.

2. Illustrate the concept of classes and objects
3. Develop real world applications by using appropriate concepts.
4. Make use of static members in programming.
5. Compare and contrast inline functions with macros.

Unit III 9 hours

More about Functions: Function overloading, friendly functions: friendfunction, objects as
function arguments.
Constructors & Destructors: Constructors, parameterized constructors,multiple constructors in
a class, copy constructors, dynamic constructors, destructors.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this Unit, the student will be able to
1. Apply function overloading concept whenever required.

2. Explain the need of friend function

3.Extend the concept of parameter passing techniques with objects.
4. Outline the different types of Constructors.
5. Make use of constructor and destructor in programming.

Unit IV 10 hours
Inheritance: Introduction to inheritance, single inheritance, making aprivate member inheritable
(protected member), multi-level inheritance, multiple inheritance, hierarchical inheritance,
hybrid inheritance.
Operator Overloading: Rules for overloading operators, overloading unaryoperators,
overloading binary operators.
Pointers: Introduction to pointers, declaring and initializing pointers,pointers with arrays, arrays
of pointers, 'this' pointer.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this Unit, the student will be able to
1. Explain the need of reusability concept with inheritance.
2. Summarize different types of inheritance.

3. Extend the overloading concept on operators.

4. Recall the basics of pointers from C language and extend to objects.

5. Tell the need of this pointer.

Unit V 9 hours
Polymorphism and Virtual Functions: Compile-time polymorphism, run-time polymorphism,
virtual functions.
Templates: Introduction, function templates, class templates.
Exception Handling: Introduction, exception handling mechanism,throwing mechanism,
catching mechanism.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this Unit, the student will be able to
1. Compare and contrast compile time and run time polymorphism.
2. Make use of virtual functions.
3. Classify the various input and output operators into formatted and unformatted.

4. Apply the concept of templates for generic programming.

5. Demonstrate the handling of run time errors.

Text Book(s)

 E. Balagurusamy, Object Oriented Programming with C++, 6/e, McGraw Hill, 2013.

 SouravSahay, Object Oriented Programming with C++, 2/e, Oxford University Press, 2012.
 Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F. Gilberg, Computer Science : A Structured Approach
Using C++, 2/e, Cengage Learning, 2003.
 Ashok N. Kamthane, Object Oriented Programming with ANSI and Turbo C++, 1/e, Pearson
Education, 2006.
Course Outcomes:

 Able to differentiate between procedure-oriented programming and object-oriented

programming with emphasis on special features of C++ language*
 Differentiate the fundamental concepts of C and C++*
 Identify the differences in C and C++ operators and their usage in C++ applications*
 Examine the working of Control structures in C++ programs*
 Able to define, declare and implement classes and objects
 Able to develop applications with the help of functions, constructors and destructors
 Understand various Inheritance mechanisms, operator overloading ,polymorphism
and apply in applications

 Learn the concepts of Polymorphism, Virtual functions and Exception handling and
be able to develop applications with them
 Construct applications using generic programming concepts (templates)*



3 0 0 3

Quality is the success mantra for the survival of any organization in this competitive global
market. Total Quality Management (TQM) is an enhancement to the traditional way of doing
business. It is a proven technique to guarantee survival in world-class competition. It integrates
fundamental management techniques, existing improvement efforts, and technical tools under a
disciplined approach. At the end of the course the students are expected to recognize the quality
issues in an organization and analyze the ways to solve those using TQM techniques, and
demonstrate skills in using modern TQM tools and software to analyze problems.
Course objectives
 Comprehend the philosophy and fundamental values of TQM.
 Interpret the difference between product centred and customer centred perspectives.
 Decipher quality perspectives through industry related case studies
 Analyze the influence and impact of quality on economic performance and long-term success of
an organization
 Application and evaluation of best practices to obtain total quality
 Conceptualize the importance of implementing basic and modern quality tools to identify analyse
and solve industrial problems

Unit I 8 hours
Quality Pioneers: Deming’s approach, Juran‟s quality trilogy, Crosby and quality treatment,
Imia’s Kaizen, Ishikawa‟s company-wide quality control, and Feigenbaum‟s theory of TQC.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Explain the evolution of quality concepts [L-2]

 Describe the core concepts of Total Quality Management. [L-1]

 explain the TQC principles for entire company[L-2]

Unit II 8 hours
Continuous Improvement: Improvement as problem solving process, Management by process,
WV model of continuous improvement, process control and process improvement, process
versus creativity.
Reactive Improvement: Identifying the problem, standard steps and tools, seven steps, seven
QC tools.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Enumerate the techniques to delight customers through continuous improvement of the quality of
products and services. [L-1]
 evaluate and select the appropriate framework for continuous improvement.[L-5]
 apply the reactive methodologies for problem solving in organizations[L-3]

Unit III 8 hours

Proactive Improvement: Introduction to proactive improvement, standard steps for proactive
improvement, semantics, example-customer visitation, Applying proactive improvement to
develop new products- three stages and nine steps.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 apply the reactive and proactive improvement methodologies for problem solving in
organizations. [L-3]
 understand the need for Quality systems of international standards. [L-2]

Unit IV 8 hours
Total Participation; Teamwork skill, Dual function of work, teams and teamwork, principles
for activating teamwork, creativity in team processes, Initiation strategies, CEO involvement,
Strategies for TQM introduction, Infrastructure for mobilization., Phase-in.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Interpret the importance of team work in problem solving processes. [L-5]

 Implement the Quality Management Systems in a different organization environment [L-3]

Unit V 8 hours
Hoshin Management: Definition, Concepts, Phases in Hoshin Management – overview.

Societal Networking: Networking and societal diffusion, infrastructure for networking. TQM as
learning system, a TQM model for skill development
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 define the business excellence models implemented in various organizations [L-5]

 design & implement TQM projects in organizational situations [L-6]
Course outcomes

 understand the various quality concepts. [L-2]

 apply continuous improvement models to satisfy customers. [L-3]
 apply proactive improvement techniques to improve quality of products. [L-3]
 develop total participation methods among employees to satisfy internal and external customers.
 implementation of societal networking and Hoshin management. [L-3]

Text Books:
1. Shoji Shiba, Alan Graham and David Walden -A New American TQM Four Practical
Revolutions in Management, Productivity Press, Portlans (USA) -2001.
2. N Logothetis-Management for Total Quality, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi - 2002.

1. Roger C Swanson - The Quality Improvement Hand Book, Publisher Vanity Books,
International, New Delhi, 9th Edition, 1995
2. William C Johnson and Richard J Chavla, -Encyclopedia of Total Quality Management, New
Delhi, 1995
3. N.V.R Naidu, K.M.Babu, G. Rajendra - Total Quality Management, New Age International
Publishers-2008 edition,
4. Kesavan R -Total Quality Management, I K International Publishing house Pvt. Ltd,
2ndedition, 2008.

2 0 2 3
Modern high throughput methods generate vast amounts of biological data. Bioinformatics
enables us to validate, store, retrieve and analyze these data sets. This course introduces the
data structures and algorithms that enable us to compare, classify and predict the function of
biological sequences.

Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are to:

 describe nature and type of information available in biological databases (L1)

 explain the principles of sequence alignment (L2)
 analyze the algorithms for phylogenetic analysis (L3)
 explain the principles of protein structure prediction (L2)
 explain the principles of structural and functional genomics (L2)

Unit I 8 hours
Introduction to Biological data types and databases. Brief introduction to information available
in the following databases (details to be covered in practicals): NCBI-Genebank, PIR, PFAM,
PDB, GOLD. Sequence analysis: introduction. Similarity matrices – PAM and BLOSUM.
BLAST Tool for searching sequence databases. Description of the BLAST algorithm.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit the student should be able to:

 summarize the advantages of storing information in databases (L2)

 identify the most appropriate database for each type of biological entity (L5)
 calculate similarity of two aligned sequences (L3)
 summarize the principles of the BLAST algorithm (L2)
 describe the applications of BLAST and its variants (L1)

Unit II 8 hours
Pairwise sequence alignment using dynamic programming. Needleman & Wunsch algorithm for
global alignment. Smith-Waterman algorithm for local alignment. Dynamic programming for
sequence alignment with affine gap penalties. Searching for repeats and partial overlaps using
dynamic programming.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of Unit 2 the student should be able to:

 apply dynamic programming for pairwise sequence alignment algorithms (L3)

 evaluate the score for optimal global alignment of a pair of sequences (L5)
 evaluate the score for optimal local alignment of a pair of sequences (L5)
 evaluate the score for optimal end overlap alignment of a pair of sequences (L5)
 predict the optimal alignment to find repeats of one sequence in another (L2)

Unit III 8 hours

Phylogenetic analysis. Distance based methods: UPGMA and Neighbor joining. Classical
parsimony and weighted parsimony methods. Branch and bound.

Multiple sequence alignment. Multidimensional dynamic programming. Progressive alignment

and profile alignment. Sankoff and Cedergren method for Simultaneous alignment and

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of Unit 3 the student should be able to:

 describe the principles and algorithms used for molecular phylogenetic analysis (L1)
 describe the principles and methods of multiple sequence alignments (L1)
 solve problems in phylogenetic analysis (L3)
 compare the distance based and character based algorithms for phylogenetic analysis (L5)
 compare the available algorithms for multiple sequence analysis (L5)

Unit IV 8 hours
Prediction of transmembrane helices. Prediction of secondary structure from protein sequence –
Chou-Fasman rules, neural networks. Prediction of protein conformation from protein sequence -
Information theoretical methods: Homology and threading. Prediction using Force fields (Basic
concepts only, regarding Energy minimization, molecular dynamics and simulated annealing).
Forces involved in protein-protein, protein-DNA, protein-ligand and DNA-DNA interactions.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of Unit 4 the student should be able to:

 compare the methods for prediction of transmembrane helices and secondary structure
 describe the principles of neural networks (L1)
 describe the concepts related to force fields (L1)
 describe the principles of molecular mechanics (L1)
 compare the information theoretical and force field based methods for protein structure
prediction (L5)

Unit V 8 hours
Computational problems in genome sequencing (concepts). Graph theoretical formulation of the
fragment assembly problem. Hamiltonian path and Eulerian path based algorithms. Gene
prediction - statistical and similarity based approaches. Overview (concepts only) of methods for
gene annotation. K-means and SOM algorithms for analysis of gene expression data.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of Unit 5 the student should be able to:

 understand the computational problems and concepts of structural and functional

genomics (L2)
 compare the algorithms available for structural and functional genomics (L4)
 predict genomic sequence from fragment sequence data by using a Hamiltonian path
based algorithm (L6)
 predict genomic sequence from fragment sequence data by using a Eulerian path based
algorithm (L6)
 predict promoter sites by using genomic sequence data and a position specific score
matrix (L6)

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to:

 list biological databases related to biochemicals, proteins and nucleic acids (L1)
 assess similarity of biological sequences (L5)
 solve problems in phylogenetic analysis (L6)
 predict protein structure based on sequence information and structure of homologs (L6)
 construct genomic sequences from fragments (L6)

1. R. Durbin, S. Eddy, A. Krogh, G. Mitchison, Biological sequence analysis:
Probabilistic models of proteins and nucleic acids, Cambridge University Press. 1998.
2. P. Pevzner and R. Shamir. Bioinformatics for Biologists. Cambridge University
Press. 2011.

1. A. Leach, Molecular modeling: principles and applications, 2/e, Pearson, 2009.
2. Teresa K. Attwood, Stephen R. Pettifer, David Thorne. Bioinformatics Challenges at the
Interface of Biology and Computer Science: Mind the Gap. John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
047003548X, 9780470035481.
3. D. Mount, Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome analysis, 2/e. CBS publishers. 2005.
4. T. Schlick, Molecular modeling and simulation, Springer-Verlag, 2002.


List of Experiments

At least 12 of the following experiments are required:

1. Needleman-Wunsch algorithm for Global alignment.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:

find the optimum global alignment of two protein sequences

2. Smith-Waterman algorithm for Local alignment.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:

find the optimum local alignment of two protein sequences

3. Multiple sequence alignment.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:

find the optimum alignment of a set of protein sequences

4. Prediction of coding regions.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
predict the coding segments in a nucleotide sequence

5. Phylogeny: Parsimony, Neighbor-Joining, Tree display

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:

construct phylogenetic trees and display them

6. Secondary structure prediction.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:

predict the secondary structure of a protein using its amino acid sequence

7. Prediction of transmembrane regions.
At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:

predict the transmembrane segments of a protein using its amino acid

8. Molecular graphics.
At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
utilize molecular graphics to display the structure of a protein
9. Molecular modeling.
At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
build models of small molecules
Use of following databases:
10. Pubmed and PMC.
At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
search literature databases to find documents
11. NCBI-Genbank.
At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:

retrieve nucleotide sequences from the Genbank database

12. PDB.
At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
retrieve protein structural information from PDB

13. KEGG.
At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
retrieve metabolic pathway information from KEGG

Text Book(s)

1. Z. Ghosh, B. Mallick, Bioinformatics principles and applications, Oxford University

Press, 2009.
2. Andreas D. Baxevanis, Francis Ouellette, B.F. Bioinformatics: A practical guide to the
analysis of genes and proteins, 3/e, Wiley-Black Publishers, 2004.


302 4

Bioprocesses are extremely sensitive to variations in temperature, oxygenation level, pH,

ionic strength and shear. The response of a system to changes in external variables is
time dependent. Hence the current state of the system has to be evaluated and the
changes required to restore the system to the desired state have to be calculated. This
course describes the dynamic models and control methods used for maintenance of
reaction conditions.

Course Objectives:
The course objectives are to

 operate a process at the desired operating conditions, safely and efficiently, while
satisfying environmental and product quality requirements.
 develop models of important physical process systems.
 design various control systems.
 apply the control systems in various chemical and biochemical processes.

UNIT-I Linear Open-loop Systems: Response of First-Order Systems, Physical examples of

First-Order systems, Response of First-Order Systems in series, Second-Order Systems,
Transportation Lag.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the importance of modeling and dynamics in process control (L2)

 Distinguish first order and higher order systems. (L4)
 Derive modelling equations for various systems. (L5)
 Predict the responses of systems for common forcing functions. (L6)

UNIT-II Linear Closed-Loop Systems: The control system, Controllers and Final Control
elements, Closed-Loop transfer functions, Routh Stability, Root Locus.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the concept of control systems. (L2)
 Distinguish various controllers. (L4)
 choose the correct type of controller for a given process. (L3)
 Predict the stability of a system. (L6)

UNIT-III Frequency Response: Introduction to frequency response. Control system design by

frequency response.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the concept of frequency response. (L2)

 predict the frequency response of a system. (L6)
 choose the optimum values of controller parameters. (L3)

UNIT-IV Process Applications: Cascade control, Feed forward control, Ratio control, Selective
Controllers, Split Range Controller, Controller tuning, Control valves.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the concepts of advanced controllers used in the industry. (L2)

 determine the stability of the system. (L5)
 choose the suitable controller mechanism. (L3)
 define the controller parameters for satisfactory response. (L1)

UNIT-V Applications of controllers in Bioprocesses: Measurement and control of biochemical

process variables pH, dissolved oxygen, viscosity, temperature, NADH, agitation rate and foam.
Data logging, analysis and computer control of bioreactors.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 list the process variables in fermentation. (L1)

 control process parameters in fermentation. (L3)
 control operation of bioreactors using computers. (L3)

Course outcomes:
At the end of this course the student will be able to

 analyse process controls and their applications (L4)

 assess the dynamics of first and higher order systems. (L4)

 evaluate the stability of controllers used in process industry (L5)
 understand the functioning of different controllers. (L2)
 Apply control systems for bioreactor operation
Text Books:
1. Process Systems Analysis and Control, 3rd Edn. S. E. Leblanc, Donald R.Coughanowr,
McGraw-Hill Inc., 2009.
2. Stanbury, P.F.A., Whitaker & Hall, Principles of Fermentation Technology, 3/e
Elsevier, 2017
Reference Books:
3. Seborg, Edgar, Millichamp, Doyle Process dynamics and control, 3/e John Wiley &
Sons, 2010
4. Biochemical engineering fundamentals, Bailey and Ollis. 2nd Ed. 1986. McGrawHill.


List of Experiments:

1. Calibration of thermocouples.
At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
Learn methodology for calibration of thermocouples

2. Calibration of rotameter with compressible fluid.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
Learn methodology for calibration of a rotameter

3. Response of resistance thermometer

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
measure the response of a resistance thermometer

4. Response of bare mercury in glass thermometer.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
Measure the response of mercury in a glass thermometer

5. Response of bare mercury in glass thermometer with thermal well.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
Measure the response of mercury in glass thermometer with thermal well

6. Response of U-tube manometer.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
Measure the response of a U-tube manometer

7. Response of single-tank liquid-level system
At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
Measure the response of a single-tank liquid-level system

8. Response of two-tank interacting liquid-level system.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:

Measure the response of a single-tank liquid-level system

9. Response of two-tank non-interacting liquid-level system.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
Measure the response of a two-tank interacting liquid-level system

10. Study of ON-OFF control action.

At the end of this experiment the student will be able to:
Demonstrate ON-OFF control action

Text Book(s)
1. D. Mukund, B. Nitin, Process Dynamics Laboratory, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing,
2. D.R. Coughnowr, S.E. LeBlanc, Process Systems Analysis and Control, 3/e, McGraw-



2 0 0 2

Products of interest have to be separated from biomass and remaining constituents of the
media at the end of fermentation. The separation of the desired products is a challenging
task that often accounts for a major part of the cost of an industrial bioprocess. This
course describes the techniques and processes used for separation and purification of

Course Objectives

The objectives of the course are to

 introduce the methods for the separation of bioproducts (L1)

 describe the various methods for the purification of recombinant proteins. (L1)
 explain the mechanism of membrane fouling. (L2)
 create process flow sheet using the unit procedure concept. (L5)
 explain nucleation and growth of crystals (L2)

UNIT-I 10hours

Overview of bioseparation, classification of bioproducts; Recovery of intracellular products: Cell

disruption methods: physical methods (osmotic shock, grinding with abrasives, solid shear,
liquid shear), chemical methods (alkali, detergents), enzymatic methods. Extracellular Products.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 understand the mechanical methods of cell lysis.(L2)

 Understand the chemical methods of cell lysis. (L2)
 Describe Electrokinetic phenomena of cells. (L1)

UNIT II 8hours
Separation of cells and other insolubles from fermented broth:Sedimentation, filtration
(pretreatment, filtration theory, continuous rotary filters), microfiltration, ultrafiltration,
centrifugation (batch, continuous and basket), Precipitation.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 calculate filter efficiency using Darcys law.(L2)

 select appropriate filter media and equipment. (L3)
 explain factors that influence protein solubility. (L2)
 explain Sedimentation and precipitation processes. (L2)

UNIT III 8hours

Extraction: Phase separation and partioning equilibria, liquid-liquid extraction methods,
reciprocating-plate column, centrifugal extractor.
Adsorption: Theory of adsorption, adsorption isotherms, industrial adsorbents, adsorption types.
Chromatography: ion-exchange, column chromatography.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 explain adsorption isotherms. (L2)

 list different unit operations for biochemical product recovery. (L1)
 Describe the extraction of biochemical products
 understand the principles involved in chromatography techniques (L2)

UNIT IV 8hours
Crystallization: Crystallization theory, rate of nucleation and rate of crystal growth, particle size
distribution of crystals, batch crystallizer, model for Mixed-Suspension-Mixed-Product -
Removal (MSMPR) crystallizer.
Drying of bioproducts, methods of drying, equipment for drying, equilibrium moisture content of
bioproducts, rate of drying curves, constant rate drying period, falling rate drying period, freeze

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the principles involved in crystallization and drying operations (L2)

 demonstrate the working of MSMPR crystallizer (L2)
 design dryers and crystallizers for the separation of biomolecules(L6)

UNIT V 8hours
Product recovery: Ethanol, Citric acid, Penicillin, Enzyme, Insulin.
Economics of Bioproducts.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the recovery of primary metabolites (L4)

 Understand the recovery of secondary metabolites (L4)
 Understand the recovery of fungal products (L4)
 Estimate the cost requirements of downstream processing(L5)

Course Outcomes

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 describe the various methods for the purification of recombinant proteins. (L1)
 list unit operations for biochemical product recovery. (L1)
 design equipment for the separation and purification of bioproducts (L6)
 create process flow sheet (L5)
 Estimate the cost requirements of downstream processing(L5)

Text Books:

1. P.A. Belter, E.L. Cussler & Wei-Shou Hu, Bioseparations: Downstream Processing for
Biotechnology, Wiley-Interscience. 2012.

Reference Books
1. R.G. Harrison, P. Todd & S.R. Rudge, Bioseparation Science and Engineering,
Oxford University Press, 2006.
2. McCabe, Smith & Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7th edition
McGraw Hill book company, 2014.
3. J.A. Asenjo. Separation Processes in Biotechnology, CRC Press, 1990.

2 0 2 3

Fermentation is the process that started the era of industrial biotechnology. This technology can be
utilized for the production of biochemicals, fuel and medicines. This course provides an
introduction to the procedures involved in fermentation.

Course Objectives:

 Introduce the concepts of screening, isolation and maintenance of industrially

important microorganisms.
 Describe the production of organic acids and fermented beverages
 Describe the applications of secondary metabolites, antibiotics and enzymes.
 Introduce the commercial aspects of fermented foods.
 Describe the application of recombinant DNA technology for production of

Unit- I 8 hrs
Introduction to Industrial Fermentations: Screening, isolation and maintenance of industrially
important microorganisms. Types of fermentation processes, carbon and nitrogen sources,
conventional and non- conventional raw materials and microbial metabolism..

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand the significance of Industrially important microorganisms (L2)
 Outline different fermentation processes (L2)
 Explain the composition of raw materials (L2)
 Relate microbial metabolism and raw materials (L2)

Unit- II 8 hrs
Production of primary metabolites: Production of organic acids: citric acid, acetic acid and lactic
Production of amino acids: L-glutamic acid and Lysine.
Production industrial solvents and fermented beverages: ethanol, beer and wine.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Describe the production of citric acid, acetic acid and lactic acid. (L2)
 Explain the difference in the production of ethanol, beer and wine. (L2)

 Summarize fermentation processes for industrially important products. (L2)
Unit- III 8 hrs
Production of secondary metabolites: Production of antibiotics: penicillin and streptomycin.
Production of industrial enzymes: amylases, proteases and pectinases.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 List various steps involved in the production of antibiotics.(L1)
 Understand the production of industrial enzymes. (L1)
 Differentiate between antibiotic and enzyme production. (L4)
Unit- IV 8 hrs
Food fermentation: Fermented milk foods: cheese. Fermented vegetable foods: Sauerkraut and
soya sauce.
Production of food and fodder yeast: Baker's yeast, food and fodder yeast.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 explain the production of fermented milk foods.(L2)
 Identify the differences in the production of milk and vegetable fermented foods.
 Analyse the role of microorganisms in production of fermented foods (L4)
Unit- V 8 hrs
Production of recombinant products: Production of recombinant biopolymers. Recombinant
therapeutics: Production human insulin by bacterial and yeast expression systems. Production of
human growth hormone by bacterial expression system.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Apply recombinant DNA technology for production of therapeutics. (L2)
 Summarize bacterial and yeast expression systems (L2)
 Apply recombinant DNA technology for production of biopolymers. (L2)

Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the student will be able to

 understand the scope and importance of fermentation technology (L1)
 distinguish between methods for production of primary and secondary metabolites
 describe applications of recombinant DNA technology for pharmaceutical production

Text Books:
1. A. H. Patel, Industrial Microbiology, 2/e, MacMillan Publishers, 2012.
2. N. Okafor, Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, Science Publishers,

1. E. M. T. El Mansi, C. F. A. Bryce, A. L. Demain, A. R. Allaman, Fermentation
Microbiology and Biotechnology, 3/e, Taylor and Francis, 2011.
2. W. C. Frazier, D. C. Westhoff and N. M. Vanitha, Food Microbiology, 4/e, McGraw
Hill, 2014.
3. A. N. Glazer and H. Nikaido, Microbial Biotechnology: Fundamentals of Applied
Microbiology, 2/e, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
4. G. Reed, Presscott and Dunn's Industrial Microbiology, 4/e, CBS Publishers and
Distributors, 2004.
5. W. Cruger and A. Cruger, Biotechnology: A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology,
Panima Publishing Corporation, 2003.


3 0 0 3

Cells are the basic units of all higher level living organisms. This course describes the basis of
cellular organization, cell-cell communication mechanisms and the molecular basis of cellular
response to environmental signals. This course is useful to pursue advanced research in the fields
of immunology and cancer biology.

Course Objectives:

 Provide a perspective on recent advances in cell biology

 Familiarize the different approaches of cell biology
 Impart the concept of cell signalling cascades
 Introduce the mechanism of cell – cell communication
 Explore the models and case-studies of signal transduction

Unit- I 8 hrs
Introduction to cellular organization and metabolism: Energy trading within the cell: Cellular
energy currencies: reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, nucleoside triphosphates, hydrogen
ion gradient across the mitochondrial membrane, sodium gradient across the plasma membrane,
inter-convertible mechanisms of energy currencies, feedback and feed-forward control of energy

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Demonstrate the energy trading within the cell (L2)
 Explain about ion gradients in membranes (L2)
 Compare feedback and fee-forward control of energy production (L2)

Unit- II 8 hrs
Ions and Voltages: Potassium gradient and the resting voltage, Chloride gradient. Properties of
carriers: sodium–calcium exchanger, calcium ATPase pump. Action potential: calcium action
potential in sea urchin eggs, voltage-gated sodium channel in nerve cells.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Explain ion channels and voltages in cells (L2)
 List voltage-gated channels in cells (L1)

 Explain the concept of action potential (L2)
Unit- III 8 hrs
Intracellular signaling: Calcium, cyclic Adenosine Mono-Phosphate, cyclic Guanosine Mono-
Phosphate, Receptor Tyrosine Kinases and the MAP kinase cascade, Protein Kinase B and the
glucose transporter: working principle of insulin. Crosstalk between signaling pathways.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand the intra-cellular signalling cascades (L2)
 Explain the crosstalk between signaling pathways (L2)
 Explain role of transporters in cell signalling (L2)
Unit- IV 8 hrs
Intercellular Communication: Classifying transmitters and receptors, Intercellular communication
in action: case study of gastrocnemius muscular action. Nitric oxide signaling. Synapses between
neurons: spatial summation, temporal summation, case study of gamma-amino butyric acid
(GABA) neuro-transmitter.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Classify transmitters and receptors (L2)
 Explain intercellular communication (L2)
 Demonstrate synaptic transmission (L2)
Unit- V 8 hrs
Cytoskeletal molecules: Microtubules, Microfilaments, Intermediate filaments, Cell-
Cell junctions, Chemo and durataxis, Cell locomotion, cell migration and homing.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Describe cytoskeletal molecules and their interaction (L2)
 Explain the cell junctions (L2)
 Explain the mechanism of cell locomotion (L2)

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this subject the student will be able to
 Understand the energetics of cell metabolism

 Understand the concepts of Ion gradients and Voltages in cells
 Impart knowledge of inter and intracellular communications
 Describe cellular locomotion

Text Books:
1. Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith
Roberts, and Peter Walter, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 6th Edition, 2014
2. Geoffrey M. Cooper, The Cell: A Molecular Approach 7th Edition, Oxford University
Press; 2015.

1. Francisco V. Sepiilveda and Francisco Bezanilla, Pumps, Transporters, and Ion
Channels Studies on Their Structure, Function, and Cell Biology, Kluwer Academic
/Plenum Publishers, 2005.
2. P.S. Verma, Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology: Evolution and Ecology,
Chand (S.) & Co Ltd, India 2004.


3 0 0 3

Food science and technology is the application of food science related to chemistry, nutrition,
engineering, biotechnology, quality control and safety management. In this course student will
learn nutritional importance of raw foods, processing of foods, transform into edible products,
preservation processes, quality control and Packaging.

Course Objectives:

 Introduce the Nutritional aspects of foods.

 Describe the importance of thermal and non thermal methods of food processing
 Provide the knowledge food quality and packaging.
 Introduce role of role of nutraceuticals for human health

Unit- I 8 hrs
Nutritive aspects of raw food products: cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables; Introduction
and scope of food processing, Post harvest technology: cleaning, grading, milling,
hydrothermal treatment and conditioning of plant products; Principles and methods of food
processing; preservation method of food products: freezing, heating, dehydration, canning,
additives, fermentation, irradiation, extrusion cooking, dielectric heating; Hurdle technology:
concept of hurdle technology and its application.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 understand the importance of nutritional values of foods (L1)
 explain the food processing and post harvest technologies (L2)
 explain the preservation methods (L2)
 describe the hurdle technologies (L1)

Unit- II 8 hrs
Thermal methods of food processing: Microwave and radio frequency processing: Definition,
Advantages, mechanism of heat generation and application; Application of following
technologies: High intensity light, pulsed electric field, ohmic heating, IR heating, inductive
heating and pulsed X-rays.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 explain the thermal methods for food processing (L2)
 explain the mechanism of heat generation (L2)
 differentiate between thermal methods of food processing technologies (L3)
Unit- III 8 hrs
Non-thermal methods of food processing: Overview of Membrane technology: Micro-
filtration, Ultra filtration (UF), Nano filtration (NF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO), industrial
applications; High Pressure Concept, equipment for HPP treatment, mechanism of microbial
inactivation, its application in food processing; Ultrasonic processing: Properties and application
of ultrasonic processing techniques.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 outline non thermal methods in food processing (L1)
 explain various membrane technologies (L2)
 explain concepts of high pressure treatment (L2)
 summarize the ultrasonic processing techniques (L3)
Unit- IV 8 hrs
Food quality assurance and packaging: Methods of quality assessment of food materials. Concept
of codex Alimentarious / HACCP/ USFDA/ ISO 9000 series. Principles of food packaging: types
of designs for containers, food packaging materials, function and safety of food packaging; Causes
of foodstuff deterioration, control methods; Shelf life of packaged foodstuff, methods to extend shelf
life. Applications of nanotechnology in food packaging.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 understand the methods for quality assessment of foods (L1)
 explain the Concepts of Codex alimentarious (L2)
 understand the principles of food packaging (L1)
 explain food spoilage and control (L3)
Unit- V 8 hrs
Introduction to nutraceuticals. Manufacturing aspects of selected nutraceuticals; lycopene,
isoflavonoids, prebiotics and probiotics, glucosamine, phytosterols. Formulation of functional
foods containing nutraceuticals.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 describe nutraceuticals for disease control (L1)
 describe formulation of nutraceuticals (L1)
 understand the manufacturing aspects of nutraceuticals (L1)

Course Outcomes:
After the completion of the course the student should be able to
 understand the scope and importance of food processing (L1)
 design units for filtration processes in food industry (L5)
 formulate food products based on customer demand (L4)

Text Books:
1. P. Jelen, Introduction to food processing, Prentice Hall, 1985.
2. N. N. Potter, J. H. Hotchkiss, Food Science, 5/e, Springer, 1995

1. P. J. Fellows, Food Processing Technology. Principles and practice, 3/e, Woodhead
Publishing, 2009.
2. M. Maracotte, H. Ramaswamy, Food Processing: Principles and Applications, Taylor
and Francis, 2006.
3. G. V. Barbosa-Canovas, M. Tapia and M. P. Cano, (eds.), Novel Food Processing
Technologies. CRC Press, 2005.
4. J. Shi, (ed.), Functional Food Ingredients and Nutraceuticals: Processing
Technologies, CRC, 2006.
5. J. R. Nesser and B. J. German, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology for Nutraceuticals,
Chapman and Hall, 2004.



3 0 0 3

The science of Pharmaceutical biotechnology is a dynamic science aims at focusing the attention
of students at the manufacture and recovery of biopharmaceuticals and other biological
products, basic knowledge about biological techniques used in production some of biological
drugs and some basic principles and definitions related to Pharmaceutical biotechnology.
Dosage forms, pharmacokinetics, dymanmics and Clinical Trials, case studies on
biopharmaceutical product development which would broaden the knowedge-base of the

Course Objectives:

 Introduce the drug discovery, development regulatory aspects of drugs and cosmetics
 Impart knowledge of drug dosage forms Pharmacokinetics and dynamics.
 Summarize drug delivery methods.
 Explain pharmacology principles, classification of drugs and mechanism.
 Discuss case studies on biopharmaceutical product development

UNIT I 8 hours

Introduction: History of pharmaceutical industry, Drugs discovery and Development phases;

Drugs and Cosmetics Act and regulatory aspects; Definition: Generics and its advantages;
Biogenerics and Biosimilars; The role of patents in the drug industry; Protein-based

Learning Outcomes:

After completion this unit, the student will be able to

 explain history of pharmaceutical industry (L2).

 explain drug discovery and development phases (L2).
 outline the regulatory aspects, drugs and cosmetics Act (L1).

 understand the role of patents in drug industry and protein based drugs (L2).
UNIT II 10 hours

Dosage form: Definition of Dosage forms, Classification of dosage forms (solid unit dosages –
Tablets, capsules; liquids – solutions, lotions, suspension etc; semi-solid – ointments;
Parenterals), Introduction to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic principles (factors
affecting the ADME process).

Learning Outcomes:

After completion this unit, the student will be able to

 define dosage forms (L2).

 explain different classes of dosage forms (L2).
 introduction to concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic principles (L2).
 understand the factors affecting ADME (L2).

UNIT III 9 hours

Drug delivery and characterisation of Biogeneric recombinants: Advanced drug delivery

systems – controlled release, transdermals, liposomes and drug targeting. Approaches to the
characterization of biosimilars; Problems in characterizing biologics (Types of biologic, Peptides,
Non-glycosylated proteins, Glycosylated proteins, Monoclonal antibodies); Equivalence issues;
Post-translational modifications.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion this unit, the student will be able to

 define drug delivery (L2).

 explain the methods of characterizing biogeneric recombinants (L2).
 explain the equivalence issues and Post-translational modifications (L2).
 understand the problems in characterizing biologics (L2).

UNIT IV 10 hours

Pharmacology principles, classification of drugs and mechanism: Understanding principles of
pharmacology, pharmacodynamics Study of a few classes of therapeutics like laxatives, antacids
and drugs used in peptic ulcers, drugs used in coughs and colds, analgesics, contraceptives,
antibiotics (folate inhibitors, protein synthesis inhibitors, DNA inhibitors), hormonal agonists
and antagonists.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion this unit, the student will be able to

 explain principles of pharmacology (L2).

 explain the classification of drugs(L2).
 explain therapeutics: laxatives, antacids, drugs used in peptic ulcer etc. (L2).
 understand the hormonal agonists and antagonists (L2).
UNIT V 9 hours

Case studies on biopharmaceutical product development: Erythropoietin, Insulin,

Somatotropin, Interleukin-2, Interferon Granulocyte- macrophage CSF, Factor VIIa, Factor IX,
Factor VIII, Tissue plasminogen activator and Monoclonal antibodies.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion this unit, the student will be able to

 explain various case studies in biopharmaceutical product development (L2).

 explain the production of erythropoietin, insulin and somatotropin (L2).
 explain the production of interleukins, interferons GMCSF (L2).
 Explain the production of blood clotting factors and monoclonal antibodies (L2).

Text Books

1. Rodney J Y Ho, MILO Gibaldi, Biotechnology & Biopharmaceuticals Transforming

proteins and genes into drugs, 1st Edition, Wiley Liss, 2003.
2. Brahmankar D M, Jaiswal S B, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics A Treatise,
Vallabh Publisher, (1995, reprint 2008)

1. Gareth Thomas. Medicinal Chemistry. An introduction. John Wiley. 2000.

2. Katzung B.G. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, Prentice Hall of Intl. 1995.
3. T.V.Ramabhadran. Pharmaceutical Design And Development : A Molecular Biology
Approach, Ellis Horwood Publishers, New York, 2005
4. Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics,11 th edition, Mc
GrawHill Medical Publishing Division New York, 2006.
5. 5. Sarfaraz K. Niazi, Handbook of Biogeneric Therapeutic Proteins: Regulatory,
Manufacturing, Testing, and Patent Issues, CRC Press, 2006.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to

 describe brief history of pharmaceutical industry and regulatory issues (L1).

 describe different dosage forms (L1).
 explain the different methods of drug delivery systems (L3)
 explain the principles of pharmacology (L2).
 explain the production of biopharmaceuticals with case studies (L2).


2 0 2 3

Data mining techniques are used to analyze the large amounts of biological data obtained from high
throughput biological experiments.

Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are to:
● introduce concepts of data mining
● evaluate measures of data similarity
● describe algorithms for data mining
● explain techniques to improve classification accuracy
● describe applications of data mining in biotechnology and related fields


Concept of interesting patterns. Classification of data mining systems. Data mining task primitives,
integration of a data mining system with a database or data warehouse system. Types of data sets and
attribute values. Measuring data similarity and data quality. Major tasks in data pre-processing, data
reduction, data transformation and data discretization, data cleaning and data integration.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● Describe data mining systems (L1)
● Analyze data to assess similarity (L4)
● Apply data pre-processing methods (L3)


Mining Frequent Patterns. Basic concepts related to Associations and Correlations. Frequent Pattern and
Association Mining: association rules for data mining, apriori algorithm, fp growth algorithm, constraint-
based frequent pattern mining.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

● Distinguish between association and correlation

● Describe association rules for data mining (L1)
● Apply frequency pattern mining (L3)


Classification Analysis: Classification: Basic concepts, decision tree induction, Bayes classification
methods, rule-based classification, model evaluation and selection, classification by neural networks,
techniques to improve classification accuracy, Ensemble methods.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● describe concepts of decision tree induction (L1)
● understand principles of Bayes classification method
● evaluate models and select models (L4)


Cluster Analysis: Basic concepts and methods, clustering structures, major clustering approaches,
partitioning methods, hierarchical methods, density-based methods, model-based clustering, the
expectation-maximization method.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● describe concepts of decision tree induction (L1)
● understand principles of Bayes classification method
● evaluate models and select models


Application of data mining for genome sequence analysis. Application of data mining for microarray
data analysis. Application of data mining for proteomics. Data mining for identification of biomarkers.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● analyze genome sequences (L4)
● apply datamining for microarray array analysis (L3)
● list methods for identification of biomarkers (L1)

Course outcomes:
At the end of this course the student should be able to:
● classify data preprocessing tasks (L2)
● analyze biological data using pattern mining (L4)
● utilize methods for classification analysis (L3)
● apply cluster analysis methods (L3)
● describe applications of data mining in biotechnolgy (L1)

Text Book(s)

1. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Jian Pei , Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 3/e, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 2011.


1. Sumeet Dua, Pradeep Chowriappa. Data Mining for Bioinformatics. CRC Press, 2012.

2. Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining, Addison-Wesley,

Margaret H. Dunham, Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics, Pearson Education, 2006.

20EBT352: Synthetic Biology

3 0 0 3

Introduction to Synthetic Biology: Basic concepts of synthetic biology. Self-replicating systems. RNA
dependent RNA polymerase. Synthetic genetic code. Minimal genetic code. Extended genetic code.
Non-native nucleic bases. Non-native backbone.

Minimal nucleic acid polymerases. Minimal ribosome. Minimal genome. Minimal cell. Minimal microbes
(specific example E.coli and Mycobacteria). Targeted deletion methods.
Semi-synthetic systems. Semi-synthetic microbes.


Genome design. Building blocks and structures. Temporal and spatial engineering. Design tools for
synthetic biology. OPEN and CoDA selection systems.

Genome synthesis strategies. Genome editing tools - Zinc finger nucleases, TALENs, CRISPR-Cas9.
Genome assembly methods. Genome sequencing. Measurement of genetic output.

Microbial cell factories. Potential applications of synthetic biology for production of biomaterials,
biofuels and drugs. Potential applications of synthetic biology in medicine, food production and
bioremediation. Regulation of synthetic biology for safety. Intellectual property rights for synthetic

Text Book(s)
1. C. Smolke, S.Y.Lee, J.Nielsen, G. Stephanopoulos. Synthetic Biology: Parts, Devices and
Applications. (2018). Wiley-VCH.
2. D.N.Nesbeth. Synthetic biology handbook. (2016). CRC Press.

1. Church, G and Regis, E. (2012). Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology will Reinvent Nature and
Ourselves. Basic Books.
2. Pier Luigi Luisi, Cristiano Chiarabelli. Chemical Synthetic Biology. (2011) Wiley & Sons.
3. Gibson, D.G., 2014. Programming biological operating systems: genome design, assembly and
activation. Nature methods, 11(5), pp.521-526.


3 0 0 3
Genomic studies are used to characterize the nucleotide sequences that encode the genetic
information of an organism. Comparative genomic studies are useful for identification of
biomarkers for diagnostic applications, for elucidation of the function of genes and to identify
targets for drug design. This course introduces the methods for characterization of the genome
and the methods and applications of genome engineering.

Course Objectives

 To learn the concepts related to genome organization, epigenomics and comparative genomics
 To learn the genomic organization and sequencing strategies of model organisms
 To learn techniques for genome editing
 To learn methods for molecular cell imaging and transcriptomics
 To understand the concepts of metabolomics

UNIT I 8hours

Organization of genomes. Genome maps. Data mining and sequence acquisition. Polymorphism
and structural variations. Genome wide association studies (GWAS). Epigenomics and
comparative genomics. Genome dynamics and cytogenomics. Ethical aspects and safety of genome
engineering technology.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the organization of the genome (L1)

 learn the concepts related to genomics and applied genomics (L1)
 learn about the genome wide association studies and their importance (L1)
 Understand the applications of genomic engineering (L2)
 Ethical issues related to genome engineering (L5)

UNIT II 8hours

Genome sequence determination and genome analysis of E. coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, C. elegans,
Drosophila melanogaster, Arabidopsis thaliana and Homo sapiens. Applications of genomics in
predictive medicine and forensics. Applications of genome engineering in therapy, synthetic,
developmental biology, human genetics and disease phenotyping,

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Genome sequence, assembly and annotation of model organisms (L2)
 Genetic diversity of model organisms (L1)
 Learn about applications of genome engineering (L5)
 Role of genomic engineering in human genetics (L5)

UNIT III 8hours

Introduction to Genome Editing, DNA repair mechanisms, Methods used in genome editing technology
ZFNs, TALENs, Introduction to CRISPR/ CAS technology and its applications, Transfection
optimization for efficient gene editing Fluorescent tagging of fixed and live cells, CRISPR-based DNA
tagging, Quantitative and high-throughput single-cell image analysis, Chip-seq, RNA-seq, single-cell
transcriptomics, guide RNA.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Learn the concepts of genome editing (L3)

 Techniques to perform genome editing and DNA tagging (L2)
 Concepts related to DNA repair (L3)
 Understand the types of molecular cell imaging
 Learn about Single cell transcriptomics (L3)

UNIT IV 8hours

Expression Proteomics: Proteome characterization by DIGE, Mass spectrometry and High

throughput protein sequencing. Protein chips.

Structural Proteomics: Comparative modeling, Molecular Replacement for X-ray diffraction,

NMR spectroscopy.

Interaction proteomics: Phage display, yeast two hybrid and mass spectroscopy.

Functional proteomics: Predicting function from sequence, structure and interaction data.

 describe the methods for expression proteome characterization (L1)

 explain the benefits and limitations of proteomics (L2)
 describe the methods used in structural proteomics (L1)
 describe methods used in interaction proteomics (L1)
 describe methods used in functional proteomics (L1)
 explain the limitations of benefits of interaction proteomics and functional proteomics
UNIT V 8hours

Proteomics databases: protein sequence identification, protein expression data, protein

structures, protein-protein interactions, protein function.

Applications of proteomics: Biomarkers for diagnosis. Target identification in drug
development. Engineering of DNA polymerase for PCR applications. Engineering of lipases and
cellulases for biofuel production. Antibody engineering. Enzyme engineering for production of
antibiotics. Enzyme engineering for degradation of xenobiotics. Protein engineering for

 describe applications of protein engineering for bioanalytial applications (L1)

 describe applications of protein engineering in environmental biotechnology (L1)
 describe applications of protein engineering for biopharmaceutical applications (L1)
 summarize information available in proteomics databases (L2)
 identify sources of proteomics information (L3)
 describe applications of proteomics (L1)

Course Outcomes

 Be familiar with concepts of genomics and genomic engineering

 Be familiar with the techniques that are available for the genome engineering
 Design CRISPR based editing tools for the target gene of interest
 describe methods for obtaining proteomic data (L1)
 list applications of proteomics (L1)
 summarize the methods used for engineering of proteins (L2)
 describe applications of protein engineering (L1)
Text Book(s)

1. S.B. Primrose and R.M. Twyman, Principles of gene manipulations and genomics,7/e, Blackwell
publishing, Oxford, U.K. 2006.

2. R. Twyman. Principles of proteomics. 2nd edition. Garland Science. 2013.

3. A.Rees M.J.E.Sternberg and R.Wetzel. Protein Engineering. Oxford University Press. 1993.


1. T.A. Brown, Genomes, 3/e, Garland Science, 2006.

2. A.M. Campbell and L.J. Heyer, Discovering Genomic, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 2/e, Benjamin
Cummings, 2006.

1. S.R.Pennington and M.J.Dunn. Proteomics: From Protein Sequence to Function. Garland

Science. 2001.
2. Stefan Lutz, Uwe Theo Bornscheuer. Protein Engineering Handbook. Vol. 3. Wiley.
3. Uwe Theo Bornscheuer and Mathias Hohen. Protein Engineering. Humana Press. 2018




Fermentation is one of the most common and efficient methods for food preservation with flavor,
taste or other nutrients enhancement. This course describes mechanisms of food spoilage and its
control strategy, with methods for production of fermented food and the numerous applications
in food materials quality improvement.

Course Objectives

 To learn the concepts of fermentation processes, foods compositions and its nature and food
quality improvement

 To learn the food conditions for microbial growth

 To understand the spoilage factors of foods and its control

 To learn techniques for fermentation in natural ways and controlled conditions for desired

 To learn the methods for evaluation of food quality improvement after food fermentation

UNIT I 8 hours

Growth of microorganisms in foods: Bacteria, moulds, yeast. Factors affecting growth of

microorganism: Intrinsic and, Extrinsic factors; Physical and chemical methods to control growth
of pathogenic microorganisms, Methods for the examination of microbial contaminants in foods.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to learn

 Growth parameters in foods that promote beneficial microbes (L2)

 Extrinsic or intrinsic conditions in food that promote or inhibit microbial growth (L2)

 Importance of food parameters that control the pathogenic microbial growth (L2)

 Tests for enumeration of microbial contaminants (L1)

UNIT II 8 hours

Microbial spoilage and its factors, mechanisms and effects on food quality: Sources of
contamination, Preservation of foods from spoilages: Milk and milk Products, Fruit and

Vegetable, Meat, fish, egg or poultry, and Canned foods or Beverages, Food borne diseases, and
intoxication, infection and microbial toxin; Principle and use of biosensor in food .

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to learn

 Spoilage mechanism in food that destroy the food quality (L2)

 Contamination sources, types of spoilages and its preservation strategy in foods(L2)

 Importance of different variety and quality of foods in liquid or solid nature (L2)

 Food borne disease or infection mechanism, intoxication and biosensor application (L1)

UNIT III 8 hours

Microbes and food fermentations; pathways for food fermentation, development of fermented
food: sauerkraut, yoghurt, cheese, miso, tempeh or, idli-dosa. Regulatory control and
recommendation on biotechnology of fermented foods,

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to learn

 Concepts of fermentation process to improve the food quality (in nutrients or sensory)

 Techniques to control the fermentation parameters for desired quality (L2)

 Concepts related to sanitation and safety of food (L3)

 Regulatory control of biotechnology processes on food modifications (L4)

UNIT-IV 8 hours

Food Fermentation: Microbial production of metabolites or ingredients: organic acids (vinegar,

lactic acid), alcoholic beverages (beer or wine), single cell proteins, amino acids, vitamins and
glycerol, microbiological quality and safety;

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Learn about microbial culturing techniques (L4)
 Evaluate the tools for strain development and its maintenance (L5)
 Evaluate efficient methods for metabolites synthesis (L5)
 Understand the aging impacts on beverage quality (L5)
 Create tools for microbial quality and safety

UNIT-V 8 hours

Microbial cultures and their maintenance, strain development; Controlled parameters and its
measurement in fermentation, Substrate utilization and product formation rate. Fermenter design
and operation; Aeration and agitation Batch and continuous fermentation, scale up in
fermentation. Microbial production of food flavor, color or enzymes, with its application food
industry; product recovery.
Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the concept on different types of fermentation for metabolite production (L2)

 Understand the microbial production approach for metabolites or food ingredient (L3)

 Evaluate the techniques or approach for enzymes production and its application in
industries purposes (L3)

 Understand the importance of biotechnology approaches for biomolecules development


Course Outcomes:
After the completion of the course the student should be able to

 Create the idea to maintenance natural or controlled fermentation for foods (L4)
 Learn the microbial culturing techniques for metabolites (L3)
 Explain requirements for design of a bioreactor for fermentation (L2)
 Explain kinetics of microbial growth for optimal metabolite formation (L5)
 Explain the control of operating conditions in a fermentation (L2)
 Describe regulatory constraints for sanitation and good manufacturing practices (L1 )

Text Book(s)
Robert W. Hutkins, Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods, 2006, Willey online

Didier Montet, Ramesh C. Ray, Fermented Foods, Part I, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1st
Edition, CRC press



3 0 0 3

Nanomaterials are materials that are restricted to nanoscale size in at least one dimension.
Nanoscience is the study of nanomaterials that have unique physical, chemical or biological
properties due to their size. Nanobiotechnology utilizes the unique properties of nanomaterials
for applications in medicine, agriculture and industry. This course is an introduction to the
fabrication, characterization and biological applications of nanomaterials.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to:

 describe the unique properties of nanomaterials

 describe the methods for synthesis and fabrication of nanomaterials
 describe the methods for characterization of nanomaterials
 create awareness of applications of nanotechnology
 describe the application of nanomaterials in novel biomedical devices and components

Unit I 8 hours

Structure and properties of C60, carbon nanotubes and graphene.

Size dependent properties: Size dependence of sedimentation rate, adsorption effects, scattering
of light, absorption of electromagnetic radiation, magnetic and electrical properties. Cooperative
transitions in biological systems: Zimm-Bragg theory for helix-coil transition in polypeptides.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. list novel allotropes of carbon (L1)

2. understand the relationship between size and properties of nanosystems (L1)
3. calculate the fraction of residues in helical conformation using a simple model (L1)
4. predict potential applications of nanomaterials based on their unique properties (L4)

Unit II 8 hours

Production of nanomaterials: Top down & bottom up strategies.

Green synthesis of nanoparticles.

Self-assembly: Langmuir-Blodgett films. DNA origami.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. describe the methods for production of nanomaterials (L2)

2. compare the strategies for production of nanomaterials (L2)

3. understand the principles of self-assembly (L1)

Unit III 8 hours

BioNanomaterial characterization: Electron microscopy. Scanning probe microscopy. Light

Scattering. Optical tweezers. Surface plasmon resonance. Light scattering. X-ray diffraction.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. describe the methods for chracterization of bionanomaterials (L3)

2. compare the methods for chracterization of bionanomaterials (L3)

Unit IV 8 hours

Vectors for drug delivery: Liposomes, Micelles and viral capsids.

Targeted drug delivery – Nanobioconjugates for receptor targeting and magnetic guidance.
Controlled drug release.

Nanomaterials for Biomedical imaging: Quantum dots, SPIONs


Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. describe the properties nanoscale drug delivery vehicles (L4)

2. compare the advantages and disadvantages of different type of drug delivery vehicles
3. describe nanomaterials used for biomedical imaging (L4)

4. describe the principles and applications of nanomaterials in theranostics (L4)

Unit V 8 hours

Diagnostics and Prognostics: Principles and applications of Nanoarrays and Nanofluidics.

Nanopore sequencing of DNA. BioNanomechanics: NanoBiomotors. Mechanics of cilia and

Nanobioelectronics: Nanowires based on DNA. Molecular transistors. Voltage gated ion


Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. list the unique properties of nanobiomaterials (L1)

2. describe the applications of nanodevices (L5)

3. describe the principles and applications of nanopore sequencing of DNA (L5)

4. describe the structure and function of nanobiomotors (L1)

5. describe nanobioelectronic components (L1)

Text Books:

1. C. M. Niemeyer and C. A. Mirkin. Nanobiotechnology: Concepts, applications and

perspectives. Wiley, 2006.
2. C. A. Mirkin and C. M. Niemeyer, Nanobiotechnology II: More concepts and
applications, Wiley-VCH, 2007.

Reference books:

1. T.Vo-Dinh, Nanobiotechnology in biology and medicine: methods, devices

and applications, CRC, 2007.

2. Y Xie, The nanobiotechnology handbook, CRC, 2012.

3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/118107015



3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course are to:

Natural Computing, mathematical models, bio-inspired models of computation, survey and
mechanisms, Probabilistic and stochastic models, deterministic models

Learning outcomes

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

Graphical modelling with Lindenmayer systems, Cellular automata modelling: Basic concepts,
modelling of simple systems, sampler of rules,

Learning outcomes

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

DNA computing, Foundations, implications, molecular computing machineries- computing
models, DNA memory, splicing model, sticker model.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

Membrane computing, membranes, multisets, evolution rules, membrane computing models,
modelling cell mediated immunity,

Learning outcomes

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

Bioinspired learning and optimisation techniques, neural networks, evolutionary computation, ant
colonies, particle swam optimisation

Learning outcomes

At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:

Course outcomes:

At the end of this course the student should be able to:

Text Book(s)
 Tao
Song (Author, Editor), Pan Zheng (Author, Editor), Mou Ling Dennis Wong (Author,
Editor), Xun Wang (Author, Editor), Bio-Inspired Computing Models and Algorithms, World
Scientific Publishing Company, 2019




3 0 0 3

The manager of a biotechnology organization requires an understanding of the principles of

business organization, and the ability to assess the profitability of a biotechnology venture. The
economic cost for a bioprocess can be estimated for prediction of the profitability of production.
This course describes the principles of business organization and the systematic procedures for
estimating bioprocess costs.

Unit I 8 hours

Economics: Utility, value, wealth, consumption, wants necessaries, comforts and luxuries.
Demand: Law of demand, elasticity of demand, price elasticity of demand, factors affecting
elasticity of demand, simple problems.

Unit II 8 hours

Costing: Cost concepts, elements of cost, methods of distribution of overhead costs, unit costing,
job costing and process costing; Simple problems.

Accounts: Preparation of profit and loss account and balance sheet (outlines only).

Unit III 6 hours

Break-Even Analysis: Assumptions, break-even charts, simple problems.

Depreciation: Depreciation methods - Simple problems.

Unit IV 10 hours

Forms of Business Organization: Single trader, partnership and public limited company.

Principles of Organization: Types of organization; Span of management; Authority, delegation

and decentralization, source of formal authority, difference between authority and power, line
and staff authority, simple case studies.

Unit V 10 hours

Principles of Management: Importance of management, definition of management,

management process, roles of a manager; Management, a science or art - Management, a
profession; Functions of management.

Leadership: Difference between a leader and a manager, characteristics of leadership, functions

of a leader, simple case studies.
Learning outcomes:

Text Book(s):
1. Tara Chand, Engineering Economics, Vol - 1, 13/e, Nem Chand & Bros, 2012
2. O.P Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, 14/e, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 2011.

1. Maheswari, Engineering and Managerial Economics, 19/e, Sultan Chand & Co, 2009 2.
Shukla, Grewal, Cost Accounting, 12/e, S.Chand & Company, 2007
3. L.M.Prasad, Principles and Practice of Management, 8/e, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2012

19EMC382: ENGINEERING ETHICS (Mandatory Course)
3 0 0 0

Unit I 8 hours

Basic Concepts: Terminology, morals, ethics, values, integrity and spiri-tuality, edicts-religious,
social and constitutional edicts, the question of universality, personal and professional ethics,
emotional intelligence, dimensions of ethics.

Unit II 8 hours

Rights and Responsibilities: As citizens, as professionals, concepts ofjustice and fairness,

preservation, production, exchange for mutual fulfilment vs. storage for future use, social
responsibility and individual rights.

Unit III 9 hours

Global Issues in Ethics: Technology and globalization, business ethics, corporate social
responsibility, environmental ethics, media ethics, pro-tecting the common good while
respecting the values and beliefs of nations/ ethnic groups, issues of compliance and governance,
equal opportunities.

Unit IV 8 hours

Ethical Integrity and Attitudes: Integrity as wholeness and consistency of character, beliefs,
actions, methods and principles, core group of values, accountability, prioritization, subjectivity
and objectivity, attitude, com-ponents (cognitive, behavioral and affective), attitude formation
and at-titude change.

Unit V 9 hours

Ethical Living: Needs of life, materialistic and non-materialistic, quali-tative and quantitative,
harmony in living, self (physical and mental well being), family, building trust, sharing of
responsibilities, cultivating sense of security, society, peace, non-violence, diversity,
multiculturalism and oneness, nature, environmental sustainability, reorganizing living condi-
tions, reappraising economic sectors and work practices, developing green technologies, ethical


1. G. Subba Rao, Roy Chowdhury, P.N. Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude: For Civil Services Main
Examination Paper V, Access Publishing, 2013.

2. Singer, Peter. Practical Ethics, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

3. Swami Tathagatananda, Healthy Values of Living, Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata, 2010.

4. M. Frost (Ed), Values and Ethics in the 21st Century, BBVA,

Available at https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Val-ues-and-Ethics-


2 0 2 3

The plant biotechnology course is an essential component of biotechnology program. The

course enables students to explore the skills of basic operations such as media preparation,
plantlet regeneration and acclimatization. The technique expose student for large scale
propagation of plants, their adaptations to climatic changes as well as selection and genetic
modifications for disease resistance, herbicide tolerance, abiotic stress tolerance.

The investigations and interpretations in animal biotechnology had contributed to countless

impact to the world. This course provides an introduction to basic techniques of cell, tissue
and organ culture, isolation and Application of stem cells in medicine, cell culture reactors.
This course is prerequisite for organ culture and tissue engineering, production of transgenic

Course Objectives:
 Explain sterile techniques, nutrient media and different culture techniques.
 Focus on development of protocols for in vitro plant regeneration.
 Explore micropropagation, conservation, variant selection.
 Describe secondary metabolites production using bioreactor.
 Explains production of haploids, hybrid and genetic transformations of plants.
 Examine the cost and economics of plant biotechnology business.
 Introduce the Basic techniques of cell, tissue and organ culture.
 Impart knowledge of stem cells
 Summarize cell culture reactors
 Explain the organ culture and tissue engineering
 Discuss the production of transgenic animals

8 hrs
UNIT-I: Plant tissue culture and biotechnology:

Introduction, significance, history, plant tissue culture media, plant growth regulators,
Principle and pathways of in vitro plant regeneration- totipotency, cell differentiation,
callogenesis, rhizogenesis, organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, Clonal (Micro)
propagation- business and opportunity.

Basic techniques of cell, tissue and organ culture, Primary culture and subculture of cells.
kinetics of cell growth, Properties of normal and transformed cells, Role of carbon-dioxide,
serum and other supplements in cell culture, Different types of culture media- natural media,
BSS, MEM, serum free media, Different methods for the estimation of cell viability and
cytotoxicity, Applications of cell culture.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

 Explain the principles and pathways of plant regeneration (L2)

 Compare organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis for plantlet
regeneration (L3)
 Apply micro-propagate techniques for large scale plants production (L3)
 estimate the cost of regenerated plants (L3)
 explain basic techniques of cell culture (L2).
 explain the role of carbon dioxide and other suppliments in cell culture. (L2).
 outline different types of culture media (L1).
 explain different methods for estimation of cell viability (L2).

UNIT –II: Applications of plant tissue culture technique: 8 hrs

Haploid plant production, Protoplast technology- isolation, culture, somatic hybrids and
cybrids production, Germplasms conservation- cryopreservation, Gene banks, Synthetic seeds
technology, Somaclonal variations- origin, cause and in vitro selection, Virus indexing.
Stem cells – Embryonic and adult stem cells, Isolation and culture of stem cells, Induced
pluripotency of stem cells, Stem cell markers, Stem cell plasticity and differentiation,
Application of stem cells in medicine, Apoptosis- mechanism and significance with reference
to degenerative diseases – Parkinson’s disease, stroke and diabetes.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

 Explain importance and applications of haploids, protoplast, somatic hybrids

in plant improvement (L2)
 Select and regenerate variant and disease free plants (L4)
 Describe germplasms conservation, gene bank and synthetic seed technology
 recall the isolation and culture of stem cells (L1).
 explain the types of stem cells and stem cell markers. (L2).
 explain applications of stem cells (L2).
 Interpret the mechanisms in degenerative diseases (L3).

UNIT –III: Scale-up propagation: 8 hrs

Callus and cell culture system- isolation, culture, growth, viability and applications,
Secondary metabolite production, biotransformation, Bioreactor- design and models for
mass cultivation of plant cells, Hairy root bioreactor for secondary metabolite production,
Automation in plant tissue culture.
Cell culture reactors; Scale-up in suspension; Scale and complexity; Mixing and aeration;
Rotating chambers; Perfused suspension cultures; Fluidized bed reactors for suspension
culture; Scale-up in monolayers; Multisurface propagators; Multiarray disks, spirals and tubes;
Roller culture; Microcarriers; Perfused monolayer cultures.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

 Explain growth kinetics and viability in callus and suspension cultures (L2)
 Compare shake flasks and bioreactor system for plant cell cultures (L3)
 Model and design bioreactors for mass production (L5)
 analyze secondary metabolite production from cells and hairy roots in
bioreactor (L2)
 recall the cell culture reactors (L1).

 summarize the scale-up and complexicity (L2).
 explain the different reactors (L2).

UNIT –IV: Genetic Transformation-basic principles and applications: 8 hrs

Plant genetic transformation technology: chimeric gene construction, Methods of gene

transfer, Vectors of genetic transformation- Ti based vectors, T-DNA, mechanism of
Agrobacterium gene transfer, , viral vectors, Chloroplast transformation, Gene Silencing-
RNA editing, Field techniques for transgenic plants.
Organ culture and tissue engineering: Organ cultures, histotypic cultures, three dimensional
cultures, organotypic cultures. Production of bio-artificial skin, liver and pancreas, Tissue
engineering- cell source and culture, culture of cells, design engineering of tissues, tissue
modelling, Embryonic stem cell engineering.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

 apply basic principles of genetic engineering for transformation of plant cells

 Explain the mechanisms of gene silencing and editing (L2)
 Relate field techniques for containments and cultivation of transgenic plants
 recall the isolation and culture of stem cells (L1).
 explain the types of stem cells and stem cell markers. (L2).
 explain applications of stem cells (L2).
 Interpret the mechanisms in degenerative diseases (L3).
 explain different types of culture (L1)
 relate the tissue engineering with various organs (L1)
 design engineering of tissues (L2)

UNIT –V: Transgenic plants status: 8 hrs

Delayed ripening, Disease resistance-fungal, bacterial, viral, Herbicide resistance, Stress

tolerance, Enhanced nutritional properties- Iron and Vit-A (Golden Rice), Plantibody, Plant
cell chemical factory, Current global status and limitations of transgenic crops, Ethical and

legal issues related to GM crops, Regulation of GM crops in India.
Production of Transgenic Animals -Mouse, cattle and fish by microinjection, retroviral vector
method and embryonic stem cell method. Animal cloning-Somatic cell nuclear transfer and
embryonic stem cell nuclear transfer methods. Biopharming and gene knockout technologies.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

 analyze the genetic improvements of plants for various traits (L3)

 Explain transformed cells as the chemical factory for metabolite production in
plants (L2)
 Describe regulatory constrains, legal and ethical issues of GM crops (L1)
 explain the production various transgenic animals (L2).
 summarise animal clonning (L2).
 explain biopharming and gene knockout technologies (L2).

Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course the learner will be able to:
 apply fundamental knowledge of in vitro plant propagation in laboratory and
industry (L2)
 Develop protocols for large scale micropropagation system, germplasm
conservation, virus elimination (L3)
 Explain screening and selection of haploids, somatic hybrids, and other
variants for biotic and abiotic resistance (L2)
 Improvise secondary metabolites through selection and genetic
transformation (L3)
 calculate the cost of tissue cultured plant and the enterprises (L5)
 Undertake higher education and research as career in Plant Biotechnology
 learn Basic techniques of cell, tissue and organ culture.
 outline cell culture reactors
 Explain the organ culture and tissue engineering
 Discuss the production of transgenic animals

 explain the production various transgenic animals

Text Books:

1. H. S. Chawla, Introduction to Plant Biotechnology, 3/e, CRC Press,

2. A. Slater, N. Scott, M. Fowler, Plant Biotechnology: The Genetic Manipulation of
Plants, 2/e, Oxford University Press, India, 2008.
3. Purohit S.D, Introduction to Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture Paperback – 2012.
4. Ranga M.M. Animal Biotechnology. Agrobios India Limited, 2002
5. Ramadass P, Meera Rani S. Text Book of Animal Biotechnology. Akshara Printers,

Reference Books:

1. L. Pena, (Editor), Trangenic Plant: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular

Biology Series Vol. 286)”, Hanumana PressTotowa, New Jersey, USD, 2005.
2. Agnès E Ricroch, Surinder Chopra, Shelby Fleischer. Plant Biotechnology :
Experience and Future Prospects. Springer International Publishing, pp.XIII, 291,
2014, 978-3-319-06891-6.
3. Functions and Biotechnology of Plant Secondary Metabolites 2nd ed (2010).
Wink, M. Wiley-Blackwell
4. Freshney, R.I., “Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Techniques and
Specialized Applications”, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.

Portner, R., “Animal Cell Biotechnology: Methods and Protocols”, 2nd Edition, Humana Press,
1. Masters J.R.W. Animal Cell Culture: Practical Approach. Oxford University Press.2000.



2 0 2 3

Machine Learning can assist in the analysis, interpretation and utilization of large amounts of
highly complex structured and unstructured data.

Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to:
 introduce a variety of machine learning methods
 evaluate merits and demerits of machine learning models
 describe the algorithms for machine learning
 explain the effect of choice of parameters on efficiency of machine learning
 exemplify the relation between problem type and machine learning methodology

Unit I
Introduction to Machine Learning: Definition of learning. Representation and prior
knowledge. Types of learning. Logical formulation of learning. Knowledge in learning.
Explanation based learning. Learning using relevance information. Inductive logic

Learning outcomes:
At the end of this Unit the student should be able to:
 understand the concept of machine learning (L1)
 classify machine learning methods (L2)
 apply concepts of machine learning (L3)

Unit II
Learning decision trees. Decision tree representation. Inducing decision trees from examples.
Evaluating and choosing the best hypothesis. Model selection. Regularization.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this Unit the student should be able to:
 understand the concept of decision trees (L1)
 understand concepts of model selection (L1)
 evaluate a hypothesis (L5)

Unit III
Learning association, classification and regression. Nonparametric models. Nearest neighbor
models. Find nearest neighbors with k-d trees. Nonparametric regression. Principal component
analysis. Support vector machines. Unsupervised clustering. Self organizing maps.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this Unit the student should be able to:
 understand the concepts of association, classification and regression (L1)
 understand concepts of nearest neighbor models (L1)
 understand concepts of unsupervised learning (L1)

Unit IV
Statistical learning. Maximum likelihood parameter learning. Naive Bayes models. Bayesian
parameter learning. Learning with hidden variables. The expectation-maximization algorithm.
Learning Hidden Markov Models.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this Unit the student should be able to:
 understand the concepts of statistical learning (L2)
 understand concepts of naive Bayes models (L2)
 understand concepts of expectation-maximization methods (L2)

Unit V
Probabilistic models of evolution. Machine learning methods for gene finding. Machine
learning methods for gene function prediction. Hidden Markov Models of protein sequence
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this Unit the student should be able to:
 describe probabilistic models of evolution (L1)
 apply machine learning methods for gene finding (L3)
 analyze protein sequences using Hidden Markov Models (L4)

Course outcomes:
At the end of this course the student should be able to:
 describe major types of machine learning methods (L1)
 classify available machine learning methods (L2)
 apply machine learning to solve simple problems (L3)
 analyze a problem and identify optimal machine learning for its solution (L4)
 evaluate a problem description and predict optimal parameters for its solution (L5)

Text Book(s)
1. P.Baldi, S.Brunak, F.Bach. Bioinformatics: The Machine Learning Approach. 2001.
MIT Press.
2. E. Alpaydin. Introduction to Machine Learning. 3Rd edition. 2014. MIT Press.

1. S.J.Russell and P. Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. 3rd Ed.
Pearson. 2016.
2. S.O.Haykin. Neural Networks & Learning Machines. 3rd Ed. Pearson. 2019

3 0 0 3
Descriptions of biological systems generally begin with a description of the components
of the system followed by details of interactions of each component with other
components of the system. However, this bottom-up view cannot provide a complete
perspective of complex systems such as cells and organisms. Systems biology provides a
top-down perspective of the control mechanisms that are utilized in living beings for
maintenance of homeostasis, development and complex responses to external stimuli.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of the course are to:

1. introduce concepts of network motifs observable in biological systems (L1)

2. explain feed forward loops and their relevance for optimal gene circuit design (L1)
3. explore temporal expression programs by feed forward loops and study of network motifs
in sensory transcription networks (L1)
4. integrate motifs in signal transduction networks and developmental transcription
networks (L3)
5. introduce the principles of robustness in biological systems (L1)

UNIT I 8 hours

Overview of control mechanisms at transcriptional, translational and enzyme level.

Representation of biological networks. Network modeling tools. Modeling and analysis of
metabolic networks. Constraint based modeling of metabolic networks. Flux balance analysis.
Metabolic flux analysis.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this unit the student should be able to:

1. represent biological networks using graphs (L1)

2. describe methods for modeling of networks (L1)
3. understand the principles of metabolic network modeling and analysis (L1)
UNIT II 8hours

Basic concepts of transcription networks: input functions - logic input function,

multidimensional input functions. Dynamics and response time of simple gene regulation.
Optimal gene circuit design: fitness function and optimal expression level under constant
conditions, optimal regulation under variable conditions.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this unit the student should be able to:

1. describe the input functions for transcription networks (L1)

2. build a model for dynamics of simple gene regulation (L5)
3. understand the principles of optimal gene circuit design (L1)

UNIT III 8hours

Network motifs: negative autoregulation, positive autoregulation.

Feed forward loop network motif: structure of the feed forward loop gene circuit. Dynamics of
Coherent type-1 feed forward loop and Incoherent type-1 feed forward loop. Biological
relevance of feed forward loop types. Selection of the feed forward loop network motif.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this unit the student should be able to:

 identify the network motifs in transcriptional regulation (L2)

 compare the advantages and disadvantages of positive and negative autoregulation (L2)
 describe the principles of the feed forward loop network motif (L1)
 model the dynamics of the coherent type-1 feed forward loop (L3)
 model the dynamics of the incoherent type-1 feed forward loop (L3)

UNIT IV 8hours

Single input Unit network motif. Generation of temporal expression programs by single input
Units. FIFO temporal order by multi output feed forward loop. Network motifs in sensory
transcription networks. Network motifs in developmental transcription networks: two node
positive feedback loops for decision making. Network motifs in signal transduction networks.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this unit the student should be able to:

 describe the principles of the single input unit network motif (L1)
 model the dynamics of the single input unit network motif (L3)
 model the FIFO temporal order of feed forward loops (L3)
 describe the network motifs in sensory transcription networks (L1)
 describe the network motifs in signal transduction networks (L1)

UNIT V 8hours

The robustness principle. Robust patterning in development. Self enhanced morphogen

degradation. Adaptation in bacterial chemotaxis. Models for exact adaptation. Information
processing using multi-layer perceptrons. Network motifs in the neuronal network of C. elegans.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this unit the student should be able to:

 describe the biological importance of robustness (L1)

 describe models for patterning in development (L1)
 describe models for adaptation (L1)
 describe the motifs in neuronal networks (L1)

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students should able to

1. recall concepts of network based modeling of biological phenomena (L1)

2. illustrate the types and properties of motifs in transcription networks (L1)
3. define the principles of gene circuit design (L1)
4. identify properties that lead to robust systems (L2)
5. describe examples of adaptive networks (L1)

Text Books:

1. Uri Alon, An introduction to systems biology. Design principles of biological circuits,

CRC Press, 2006.
2. Edda Klipp, Wolfram Liebermeister, Christoph Wierling, Axel Kowald. Systems
Biology: A Textbook. Edition 2. John Wiley & Sons, 2016.


1. Eberhard Voit. A First Course in Systems Biology. Edition 2. Garland Science,

2. Markus W. Covert. Fundamentals of systems biology. CRC Press, 2015.
3. C. J. Meyers, Engineering genetic circuits, CRC Press, 2009.
4. M. Ptashne, A genetic switch: phage [lambda] and higher organisms, Cell Press,


3 0 0 3
The shelf life, texture and taste of most food materials can be improved by application of food
processing technology. This course describes the methods used for food processing and food
quality assessment.

Properties and processing theory of foods, Size reduction theory, Material transfer phenomena of
foods, Effects of processing on nutritional properties and sensory characteristics, scope and
importance of food processing, Theory and equipment of membrane technology: microfiltration,
ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis processes and their application in food

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to:
 Describe the scope of food processing (L1)
 Describe the benefits of processed food (L1)
 Explain the principles and applications of membrane technology for extending shelf-life
of food (L2)

Thermal food processing: Concept and mechanisms of heat transfer, Sources of heat and
methods of application to foods, concept of sterilization, blanching, pasteurization on reduction
of pathogens, concept and principles of microwave and radio frequency heating, Infra- Red (IR),
Ohmic and Inductive heating, and, Effect of heat on nutritional and sensory characteristics,
mechanism of microbial inactivation by thermal processing techniques Prolonging shelf life of

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to:
 Explain the mechanism of MW and RF radiation for food preservation and quality
improvements (L2)
 explain the principles and application heating in food processing (L2)
 Explain principles and applications of Pulse electric field (PEF) in food processing (L2)
 Explain the principles and applications of X-ray irradiation for food processing (L2)

Non-thermal food processing: Concept and principles: Hurdle technology, Processing Theory,
equipment and application of High pressure processing (HP), ultrasonic processing, Irradiation
theory and equipment: high intensity light, pulsed electric field, pulsed X-ray heating,
application of Irradiation, mechanism of microbial inactivation by non-thermal processing,
Concept, principles and application of nanotechnology in food, pharmaceutical or medical

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 describe hurdle technology for food (L1)

 describe principles and applications of High Pressure Processing (HPP) (L1)
 describe principles and applications of ultrasonic processing (L1)
 describe principles and applications of nanotechnology in food processing (L1)

Unit-IV: Food safety, good manufacturing practice and quality assurance, Contaminants and
Food Safety, Quality controls and its detection in foods products: Methods of quality assessment,
Export Quality Control and Inspection Systems, concept and application of Codex Almentarious,
HACCP, USFDA, ISO 9000; Package function and design principles, Controlled- or modified-
atmosphere storage and packaging, Deteriorative changes in foodstuff, Packaging methods for
protection from deterioration Shelf life of packaged foodstuff

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 Describe methods for quality assessment of foods (L1)
 Describe standards for food quality (L1)
 Describe role of packaging (L1)
 Describe the mechanism of food spoilage (L1)
 Describe methods to extend shelf life of food products (L1)

Introduction, important and benefits of nutraceuticals, Dietary Supplements and functional food
products, manufacturing and application of lycopene, isoflavonoids, Prebiotics and probiotics
food, phytosterol and glucosamine, Formulation of functional foods or nutraceuticals

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

 Describe the role of nutraceutical compound/ food (L1)

 Describe the mechanism of action of nutraceuticals (L1)
 Describe the manufacturing methods of nutraceutical (L1)
 distinguish probiotics and prebiotics food (L3)

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
 understand the scope and importance of food processing. (L2)
 understand the application of membrane technology (L2)
 design the filter unit for long stability of filtration process (L5)
 formulate food products based on modern customer demand. (L3)
 understand the benefits of nutraceuticals (L2)

Text Books
1. Zeki Berk, 2009, Food Process Engineering and Technology, International Series. Series
Editor: Steve L. Taylor, First edition,
2. P. Fellows, 2000, Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, Woodhead
Publishing Limited, Cambridge CB1 6AH, England
3. Carl J Schaschke, 2011, Food Processing, Carl J. Schaschke & Ventus Publishing ApS

Reference Books:
1. Fellows, P. & Ellis H.1990 Food Processing Technology. Principles and practice;
2. Macrae R, Roloson R & Sadlu MJ. 1994. Encyclopedia of Food Science & Technology
& Nutrition. VolXVI. Academic Press.
3. Nesser JR & German BJ.2004. Bioprocesses and Biotechnology for Nutraceuticals.
Chapman & Hall.
4. Shi J. (Ed) 2006. Functional Food Ingredients and Nutraceuticals: Processing
Technologies. CRC.
5. Barbosa-Canovas, G.V.,Maria Tapia and M. Pilar Cano, eds. 2005. Novel Food
processing Technologies. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
6. Rajesh K. Srivastava, Food processing, quality analysis and quality assurance, 2018,
Shree publishers and contributions, Delhi
7. Perkins Muredzi, 2013, Food is Medicine – An Introduction to Nutraceuticals, LAP
LAMBERT Academic Publishing, pp.276

3 0 0 3
Quantum mechanics is the foundation for prediction of the stability of molecules. Molecular
mechanics enables us to evaluate the relative energies of different conformations of a molecule.
Molecular mechanics and knowledge based methods can be used to predict the mode of binding
and stability of protein-ligand complexes. This knowledge can be used to design drugs that bind
to selected molecular targets. This course is an introduction to the principles and algorithms
applicable for design of drugs.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course are to:

 introduce the principles of quantum mechanical methods of molecular modeling

 introduce the principles of classical mechanical methods of molecular modeling
 introduce the principles of knowledge based methods of molecular modeling
 introduce the principles of conformational analysis of biomolecules
 describe the benefits and limitations in the application of molecular modeling for drug

Unit-I :

Quantum chemistry for Modeling of small molecules: Postulates of Quantum Mechanics.

Variation method and Time independent Perturbation theory. Ab initio methods for molecules:
Hartree-Fock SCF method. Common basis sets. Semi-empirical methods. Huckel's molecular
orbital theory.

Outcomes: At the end of this course the student should be able to:

 demonstrate knowledge of the postulates of quantum mechanics (L1)

 understand the principles of the basic quantum chemical methods (L2)
 understand the principles of the the ab initio and semi-empirical methods (L2)
 select optimum basis set based on requirements of the application (L5)
 calculate energies and wavefunctions of small molecules using Huckels MO theory (L3)

Unit-II :

Stability of biomolecular systems: The hydrogen bond. Hydrophobic effect. Solvation energy.

Force fields for molecular modeling: Functional form of a type one force field. Parametrization
of a force field. Anharmonicity. Potentials of mean force. Common force fields for

Outcomes: At the end of this unit the student should be able to:

 describe the factors affecting the stability of biomolecular systems (L1)

 describe the functional form of a type one force field (L1)
 understand the limitations of type one force fields (L2)
 understand the methodology used for parametrization of a forcefield (L2)
 select optimum force field based on requirements of the application (L5)


Conformational analysis: Geometry optimization using steepest descent and conjugate gradients.
Molecular dynamics. Simulated annealing.

Conformational analysis of polypeptides: Ramachandran map and rotamer libraries. Comparative

modeling of protein structure. De novo Protein structure prediction.

Conformation and stability of polynucleotides.

Outcomes: At the end of this unit the student should be able to:

 describe the methods for target identification (L1)

 demonstrate knowledge of the desirable properties of small molecule drugs (L1)
 understand the concepts related to quantification of similarity of molecules (L2)
 use quantitative structure property relationships to predict properties of small molecules
 demonstrate knowledge of databases for drug design (L1)


Target identification for drug design. Desired properties of small molecule drugs. Molecular
descriptors. Distance and similarity of molecules. Quantitative structure property relationships.
Introduction to databases for drug design and development.

Outcomes: At the end of this unit the student should be able to:

 describe the methods for target identification (L1)

 demonstrate knowledge of the desirable properties of small molecule drugs (L1)
 understand the concepts related to quantification of similarity of molecules (L2)
 apply quantitative structure property relationships to predict properties of small
molecules (L3)
 demonstrate knowledge of databases for drug design (L1)


Ligand based drug design: Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSAR).

Pharmacophore analysis.

Receptor based drug design: Principles of receptor based de novo ligand design.

Rigid body molecular Docking. Flexible docking.

Scoring functions for predicting ligand-receptor binding.

Case study: Structure based design of non-peptide inhibitors specific for HIV1 protease.

Outcomes: At the end of this unit the student should be able to:

 distinguish between the strategies for ligand based and receptor based drug design (L4)
 predict activity of small molecules using QSARs (L2)
 compare advantages and disadvantages of rigid body docking and flexible docking (L4)
 understand the applications and limitations of scoring functions for ligand receptor
binding (L2)
 describe the progress in design of inhibitors for HIV1 protease (L1)

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student should be able to:

 recall principles of quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics (L1)

 utilize computational methods to model molecules (L3)
 select optimum computational method for binding site prediction (L5)
 apply computational methods for predicting stability of protein-ligand complex (L2)
 design drugs (L6)


1. Andrew Leach. Molecular modeling: principles and applications. 2nd ed. Pearson
Education. 2001.
2. Atkins and Friedman. Molecular quantum mechanics. Oxford University Press. 5 th ed.

Reference books:

1. Tamar Schlick. Molecular modeling and simulation: An interdisciplinary guide. 2nd

Edition. Springer. 2010.
2. Jan H. Jensen. Molecular modeling basics. CRC press. 2010.

20EBT449: Pattern recognition for biotechnology

3 0 0 3

Pattern recognition technology enables analysis and identification of patterns in large amounts of
complex biological data.

The objectives of this course are to:

● introduce concepts of pattern recognition
● evaluate merits and demerits of pattern recognition methods
● describe algorithms for clustering of gene expression data
● explain the methods for network inference
● exemplify alignment free comparison of biological sequence data

Definition of a pattern. Feature extraction. Feature selection. Motif finding algorithms. Graph mining.
Population haplotyping.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● understand the concept of a pattern (L1)
● classify motify finding algorithms (L2)
● apply concepts of population haplotyping (L3)

Pattern recognition for identification of genes in genomes. Pattern recognition for identification of
transcription factor binding sites in genomes. Pattern recognition for translation initiation binding sites.
Identification of motifs for predicting gene function. Alignment free comparison of genomes.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● understand the concepts of gene identification (L1)
● classify pattern recognition methods for identification of transcription factor binding sites (L2)
● apply method for alignment free comparison of genomes (L3)

Maximum likelihood model of multiple sequence alignment. Motif finding algorithms for sequence
families. Gibbs motif finding algorithm. Introduction to structural motif identification and retrieval.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● understand the maximum likelihood model of multiple sequence alignment (L1)
● classify motif finding algorithms for sequence families (L2)
● describe methods for structural motif identification (L1)

Pattern recognition in microarrays. Extraction of differentially expressed genes in microarray.
Clustering for gene expression profile pattern analysis. Classification techniques for gene expression
profile pattern analysis. Mining informative patterns in microarray data. Significance analysis of

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● understand the concept of pattern recognition related to microarray data (L1)
● classify methods for gene expression profile pattern analysis (L2)
● apply method for identification of differentially expressed genes in microarray data (L3)

Biological network inference. Models, notation and evaluation metrics. Discovering causal patterns.
Learning gene regulatory networks. Learning species interaction networks. Regression model of species

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● understand the concept biological network inference (L1)
● classify methods for inference of biological networks (L2)
● apply concepts of gene regulatory networks (L3)

Course outcomes:
At the end of this course the student should be able to:
● describe major types of pattern recognition methods (L1)
● classify available pattern recognition methods (L2)
● apply pattern recognition methods on microarray data (L3)
● implement alignment free sequence comparison methods (L3)
● describe methods to deduce gene regulatory networks (L1)

Text Book(s)

M.Elloumi, C.Iliopoulos, J.T. L. Wang, A.Y. Zomaya. Pattern Recognition in Computational Molecular
Biology: Techniques and Approaches. Wiley. 2015.




UNIT I 8 hours

Design of a fermenter: Basic functions of a fermenter for microbial or animal cell culture. Aseptic
operation and containment, body construction: construction material, temperature control, aeration
and agitation, foam control system, factors affecting antifoam requirements, antifoam addition system.

UNIT II 8 hours

Bioreactor operation: Introduction, common operations of bioreactor, selection and spectrum of basic
bioreactor operations, reactor operation for immobilized systems, operation of animal cell bioreactors,
operation of bioreactors for plant cell culture, reactors for waste management.

UNIT III 8 hours

Types of bioreactors and accessories: Description, working, advantages and limitations of stirred tank,
airlift, packed bed, fluidized bed, photo, trickle bed and flocculated cell bioreactors. Bioreactor
modeling- Lumped and distributed parameter models, complexity of the model, parameter sensitivity.

UNIT IV 8 hours

Mechanical aspects of bioreactor design: Requirements for construction of a bioreactor, guidelines for
bioreactor design, bioreactor vessels, agitator assembly. Description and functions of the following
accessories for bioreactors: Pumps, valves, steam traps.

UNIT V 8 hours

Scale-up of bioreactors: Introduction, challenges in bioreactor scaleup, criteria of scale-up, similarity

criteria, scale-up methods including Hubbard and Ettler’s method, scale down.

Text Book(s)

1. T Panda, Bioreactors: analysis and design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.

2. P.F.A. Stanbury, A. Whitaker and S.J.Hall, Principles of FermentationTechnology, 2/e, Pergamon, 1995.

1. D.G. Rao, Introduction to Biochemical Engineering, 2/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010



3 0 0 3

This course introduces the basics of tissue engineering to the student- giving an overview of all
aspects of TE namely the cells, scaffolds and the signal- biochemical, physiologic and
mechanical cues that direct the cells to grow into tissues that can be implanted. Scaffold
fabrication technologies and methods to increase the scale of production of to meet the growing
needs of regenerative medicine.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to:

 Provide information regarding types, characteristics and significance of stem cells

 Describe the composition and role of ECM in vivo and applications in TE
 Introduce different aspects of cells culture and the milieu responsible for tissue
engineering and also role of scaffolds.
 Appraise different scaffold fabrication technologies for different scaffolds
 Describe the bioreactors, their functions for TE and TE constructs in clinical use

UNITI 8 hours
Basic biology of stem cells: Types and sources of stem cells with characteristics: embryonic,
adult, cancer stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells; signalling mechanisms of stem cell self
renewal and differentiation.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. describe types and sources of stem cells, their characteristice (L1)

2. compare their suitability for use in tissue engineering (L3)
3. describe signalling mechanisms of stem cells (L1)
4. understand the role of signalling mechanisms in cell renewal and differentiation (L2)

UNITII 8 hours
History and scope of tissue engineering. Organization of cells into higher ordered structures.
Composition and diversity of extracellular matrix, receptors for ECM molecules. Matrix
molecules and their ligands. Preparation of ECM, biologic activities of ECM, scaffolds.
Commercially available scaffolds composed of extracellular matrix, cell differentiation and

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

5. find out the history and scope of tissue engineering (L1)

6. explain the process of organization of cells into tissues (L4)
7. analyse the composition, biologic activities, preparation of ECM for use as natural
scaffold (L4)
8. understand the concept of cell differentiation and migration. (L2)

UNITIII 8 hours
Biomaterials in cell culture: harvest, selection, expansion, and differentiation, cell nutrition,
natural polymers in tissue engineering applications, biomaterial scaffold properties. Models as
precursors for prosthetic devices, quantitative aspects, cell tissue mechanics. Mechanochemical
control of cell fate switching.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. understand the different aspects of cell culture(L2)

2. understand biomaterial scaffold properties, pioneering work done and natural polymers in
TE applications, (L2)
3. examine the role of mechanical properties of scaffolds and response of cells(L4)

UNITIV 8 hours
Scaffold design and fabrication: degradable polymers and bioceramics for tissue engineering.
Principles of scaffold design. Scaffold fabrication technologies: foaming, sintered microspheres,
solvent casting, phase separation, electro-spinning. Textile technologies for fibre and fabrics.
Solid free form fabrication.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. List the scaffold materials currently in use for TE (L4)

2. Classify scaffold fabrication technologies (L2)
3. Compare scaffold fabrication technologies (L2)

UNITV 8 hours
Bioreactors for tissue engineering: 2D and 3D cell culture. Key functions of bioreactors in tissue
engineering. Bioreactor design and development. Bioreactors as 3D in vitro model systems,
bioreactors in clinical applications, tissue engineering of skin, bone, cartilage, nervous system,
lung, liver and pancreas.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:

1. Analyse types and functions of bioreactors in tissue engineering (L3)

2. apply criteria for better bioreactor design and development (L2)
3. explain the role of bioreactors in clinical applications (L2)
4. perceive the current TE constructs available for implantation(L5)

Text Book(s)
1. C.A. van Blitterswijk and P. Thomsen, Tissue engineering, Academic Press series in
biomedical engineering, 2008.
2. R.P. Lanza, R. Langer, W.L. Chick, Principles of tissue engineering, 3/e, Elsevier Publishers,
1. Donglu Shi, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Springer publishers, 2003.
2. Peter C. Johnson and Antonios G. Mikos, Advances in Tissue Engineering, Mary Ann Liebert
publishers, 2012.

Course Outcomes

After completing this course, the student will:

1. Acquired knowledge of types, characteristics and significance of stem cells

2. Be able to analyse the composition and role of ECM in vivo and applications in TE.
3. Comprehend different aspects of cells cultured and manipulated for tissue engineering
and also role of biomaterials.
4. Understand principles of scaffold design and fabrication technologies for different
scaffold materials
5. Evaluate bioreactors for TE and TE constructs for clinical use.

3 0 0 3

Being multidisciplinary in nature the biotechnology encompasses a number of biological

sciences and engineering principles and applications. As an essential component of
biotechnology, this course on food handling, packaging and storage introduces the student to the
fundamentals of food materials handling and food packaging technology. The course enables the
students to gain knowledge on various techniques of material handling and selection of
packaging materials and gain the knowledge of self-life study with selection of storage condition
for the various food product

Course Objectives
1. Acquire knowledge of various type of material handling and the type of equipment utilized
2. Understand to designing food packaging materials depends the variety of food products
3. Select the packaging materials and types depending upon the properties and sources of food.
4. ensure the self-life of the packaged food product and adapt appropriate storage condition
5. Describe the national and international acts and rules about food packaging

UNIT I 8 hours
Material Handling: Solids and granular materials handling: elevators, conveyors; Pumps:
centrifugal and positive displacement; Liquid filling machines: open vent, closed vent and
piston fillers.
Learning out come

 Understanding the physical properties of materials

 Basic operational principles of various machinery used to process materials

UNIT II 8 hours
Packaging Materials: Polymer films, metal containers, flexible packages, special packing.
Learning out come

 Understanding of different types of packaging material and its properties

 Designing different type of modern packaging and concept of packaging system
UNIT III 8 hours

Food Packaging: Requirements for cereals, meat, poultry, fish, milk, vegetables, fruits,
plantation crop based products and carbonated beverages.

Learning out come

 Selection of food packaging materials for different types of food product

 Source of food product and it properties of processed and unprocessed food product

UNIT IV 8 hours
Storage Principle and Practice: Storage losses and their estimation: Modified and control
atmosphere storage: Bin and silo storage for cereals and pulses.
Learning out come

 To understanding the appropriate storage condition for processed and unprocessed

food product
 To minimize the food wastage
 To facilitate the incoming and outgoing food product from warehouse

UNIT V 8 hours
Loss in cereal quality: insect and pest control. Design of storage structures and facilities
including cold storage.
Learning out come

 To understanding long term stored and seasonal food product storage and enhance the
shelf life of product
 To understanding pest and rodent control
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, students will be able to
1. Designing various food packaging materials and the equipment’s used in processing of
2. Select the packaging materials based on their properties and usage.
3. Apply principles of food processing for efficient packaging with enhanced self-life with
implementation of various acts and rules
4. Specialized and sustainable (environmentally) packaging for end user satisfaction.

Text Book(s)
1. M.J. Kirwan, McDowell, R.Coles, Food packaging technology. Wiley- Blackwell, 2010.

1. S. Stanley, C.G. Roger, Food Packaging, AVI Publications, 1970.
2. S. Sacharow, R.C. Griffin, Principles of Food Packaging, AVI Publication, 1980.
3. F.A. Painy, A handbook of Food Packaging, App. Sci. Publishers, 1980.

Course Outcomes
After completing this course, students will be able to
5. Designing various food packaging materials and the equipment’s used in processing of
6. Select the packaging materials based on their properties and usage.
7. Apply principles of food processing for efficient packaging with enhanced self-life with
implementation of various acts and rules
8. Specialised and sustainable (environmentally) packaging for end user satisfaction.

3 0 0 3
Biotechnology is a multidisciplinary course with a number of applications in human health and
disorders. One of the main applications is the diagnosis of genetically inherited disorders,
infected diseases and differentiates between them. Molecular diagnostics course explains the
fundamentals of the course, techniques involved in diagnostics of various types of genetically
inherent disorders such as autosomal, single gene and multigene, etc. Further, this course
explains the diagnosis of type studies with a set of disorders such as Cystic fibrosis,
schizophrenia etc. This course also discuss about the quality analysis and quality control of the
clinical labs, quick diagnosis of the diseases.

Course Objectives:

1. To learn methods for isolation and sequencing of nucleic acids

2. To learn molecular techniques useful for molecular diagnosis and prognosis

3. To learn methods for molecular diagnosis of common genetic disorders

4. To learn methods for molecular diagnosis of cancer and infectious diseases

5. To learn quality control and quality assurance for molecular diagnosis

UNIT I 8hours

Isolation of DNA from Buccal swabs, Blood, Urine and Hair. Methods for DNA and cDNA
amplification. Next generation DNA sequencing technology. Lab-on-a-chip approach to molecular

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

1. Learn the selection of the methodology for isolation of DNA (L1)

2. Amplify the DNA (L2)

3. Sequencing the DNA and next generation sequence technologies (L2)

4. Importance of lab on a chip (L2)

UNIT II 8 hours

Molecular techniques: Southern, Northern, Western, Dot and Slot Blots. PCR-RFLP, RT-PCR, multiplex-
PCR, SSCP, CSGE, DGGE, DNA sequencing through mass spectrometry.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

1. Learn the molecular techniques related to the diagnosis

2. DNA sequencing through mass spectrometer
3. Sensitive PCR amplification methods for DNA
4. Separation of DNA by electrophoresis

UNIT III 8 hours

Genetic Disorders and classification of genetic disorders, single gene disorders (Cystic Fibrosis, Marfan's
syndrome), multifactorial disorders (diabetes, Atherosclerosis, Schizophrenia). Molecular basis of cancer:
gene expression analysis for tumor profiling. Molecular diagnostics for hematopoietic disorders.
Molecular diagnosis for cervical cancer.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

1. Learn the genetic disorders (L3)

2. Understand the molecular responses for occurrence of cancer and tumors (L2)

3. Learn about blood disorders (L2)

UNIT IV 8 hours

Disease identification and genetic tests for following disorders: thrombofilia, cystic fibrosis, Huntington
disease, fragile-X syndrome, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease,
hepatitis C virus, cytomegalovirus. Molecular diagnostics for streptococcus and tuberculosis. Molecular
diagnosis for HLA typing.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

1. Learn about the neurdegenrative disorders that are genetical (L2)

2. Learn about the diagnosis of bacterial infections using the molecular methods (L3)

3. Learn about the diagnosis of viral infections using the molecular methods (L3)

4. Matching the donor with patient for organ and bone marrow transplantation (L2)

UNIT V 8 hours

Quality control and quality assurance: identification and standards for molecular diagnosis. Regulatory
issues in molecular diagnostics. Ethical considerations in molecular diagnostics.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

1. Learn about the standards for molecular diagnosis (L2)

2. Learn about the ethical issues (L2)

3. Quality issues related to molecular diagnostics (L3)

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student should be able to:

 describe techniques useful for molecular diagnostics (L1)

 describe the molecular basis for genetic disorders (L1)
 describe molecular methods for testing of genetic diseases (L1)
 describe molecular methods for diagnosis of infectious diseases (L1)
 describe molecular methods to assist diagnosis of cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disorders

Text Book(s)

1. C.A. Burtis, D.E. Bruns Tietz, Fundamentals of clinical chemistry and molecular
diagnostics, 7/e, Saunders, 2014.
2. L. Buckingham, Molecular Diagnostics: fundamentals, methods and clinical applications,
F.A. Davis Company, 2011.

1. G.P. Patrinos, W.J. Ansorge, Molecular Diagnostics, 2/e, Elsevier publications,
2. W.W. Grody, R.M. Nakamura, F.L. Kiechle, C. Storm, Molecular diagnostics:
techniques and applications for the clinical laboratory, 1/e, Academic press, 2009.
3. D.E. Bruns, E.R. Ashwood, C.A. Burtis, Fundamentals of molecular diagnostics,
Elsevier-Saunders. 2007.
4. C.A. Burtis, D.E. Bruns, eds. Tietz Fundamentals of clinical chemistry and molecular
diagnostics, 7/e, Saunders-Elsevier, 2015.

20EBT459: Biological Image Analysis

A wide variety of imaging technologies are utilized for biological images. The raw data has to be
processed and analyzed to obtain useful information. The utility of the information and the quality of the
decisions based on this information are highly sensitive to the image analysis methods and parameters.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to:

● introduce sources of biological images

● evaluate image processing methods
● describe image analysis methods
● explain feature extraction methods
● describe applications of image analysis in biotechnology and related fields

Sources of Biological images. Image acquisition methods. Image formation. Image file formats and Image

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● describe sources of biological images (L1)
● describe concepts image formation (L1)
● describe image file formats (L1)

Image Processing: Point operators. Filtering. Contrast enhancement. Feature detection. Edge detection.
Segmentation. Image compression.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● compare advantages and disadvantages of different methods of filtering and contrast
enhancement (L4)
● compare advantages and disadvantages of different methods of edge detection and
segmentation (L4)
● describe concepts and applications of quantification and compression (L1)

Feature matching. 2D feature based alignment using least squares. Pose estimation. 3D alignment. 3D
reconstruction. Feature recognition.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● compare methods for feature detection and matching (L4)
● understand principles of 2D and 3D feature based alignment (L2)

● understand principles of feature recognition (L2)

Methods for visualization of 2D and 3D data. Visualization of data from Microarrays, Fluorescence
Microscopy, X-ray crystallography and MRI.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● describe methods for visualization of 2D data (L1)
● describe methods for visualization of 3D data (L1)
● identify appropriate visualization method based on data type (L4)

Application of image analysis in Gel electrophoresis and Microarrays. Applications of image analysis in
Biometrics with retinal scans and DNA fingerprinting. Applications of image analysis in industry and
agriculture for quality control.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● describe analysis of images from microscopy and microarrays (L1)
● understand the principles of analysis of images from biometric methods (L2)
● describe applications of image analysis in quality control (L1)

Course outcomes
At the end of this course the student should be able to:
● classify image acquisition methods (L2)
● analyze biological images (L4)
● utilize methods for image processing (L3)
● utilize 2D and 3D visualization methods (L3)
● describe applications of biological images in quality control (L1)

Text Book(s)

1. R. Szeliski. Computer vision. Algorithms and applications. Springer. 2011.

Reference books

1. Simon J. D. Prince. Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference. Cambridge University
Press. 2012.
2. T.M.Deserno. Biomedical Image Processing. Springer. 2011


Introduction to Good Manufacturing and Laboratory Practice, Requirement of GLP and GMP
compliance for regulatory approval, Ethics in manufacturing and control,

Principles of quality by design (QBD) Introduction to the concept of Design of Experiment (DOE)
Application of QBD principles in Biotech product development.

Case studies: Example of QBD and DOE in Process Development, Example of DOE in analytical
development, Introduction to ICH guidelines and their usage,

National and international regulatory authorities and their function, Pharmaceutical

Jurisprudence and Laws related to Product design, Drug Development & Approval Process,

Regulation of Clinical and Preclinical Studies, Good Manufacturing Practices, Formulation

Production Management, Authorization and marketing of drugs.

Text Books/References:

1. cGMP starter guide: Principles in Good Manufacturing Practices for Beginners, Emmet P.
Tobin, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, April 2016.

2. Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals: GMP in Practice, B Cooper,

Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, July 2017.

3. Sarwar Beg and Md Saquib Hasnain, Pharmaceutical Quality by design: Principles and
application, Academic press, March 2019.

4. Ron S. Kenett, Shelemyahu Zacks, Daniele Amberti, Modern Industrial Statistics: with
applications in R, MINITAB and JMP, 2nd Edition, Wiley, January 2014.

5. N Politis S, Colombo P, Colombo G, M Rekkas D.Design of experiments (DoE) in

pharmaceutical development, Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2017 Jun;43(6):889-901. doi:


6. Andrew Teasdale, David Elder, Raymond W. Nims, ICH quality guidelines- An

implementation guide, Dec 2017.

7. Gajendra Singh, Gaurav Agarwal an Vipul Gupta, Drug regulatory affairs, CBS publication,

8. Marc P. Mathieu, New Drug Development: A regulatory overview, Nov 2000.

9. ICH guidelines available in the official website “https://www.ich.org”.


3 0 0 3

Unit 1 - Basics of Project Management: Introduction, Need for Project

Management, Project Management Knowledge Areas and Processes, The Project
Life Cycle, The Project Manager (PM), Phases of Project Management Life Cycle,
Project Management Processes, Impact of Delays in Project Co mpletions,
Essentials of Project Management Philosophy, Project Management Principles

Unit 2 - Project Identification and Selection: Introduction, Project

Identification Process, Project Initiation, Pre -Feasibility Study, Feasibility
Studies, Project Break-even point.
Project Planning: Introduction, Project Planning, Need of Project Planning,
Project Life Cycle, Roles, Responsibility and Team Work, Project Planning
Process, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Unit 3 - Organisational Structure and Organisational Issues: Introduction,

Concept of Organisational Structure, Roles and Responsibilities of Project
Leader, Relationship between Project Manager and Line Manager, Leadership
Styles for Project Managers, Conflict Resolution, Team Management and
Diversity Management, Change management

Unit 4 - PERT and CPM: Introduction, Development of Project Network, Time

Estimation, Determination of the Critical Path, PERT Model, Measures of
variability, CPM Model, Network Cost System

Unit 5 - Entrepreneurship: Theories of Entrepreneurship, Institutes in aid of

Entrepreneurship, Problems of Entrepreneurship.

Recommeded Textbooks:

1. Larson, E.W. and Gray, C.F. (2018), Project management the managerial
process, Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill.
2. Dynamics of entrepreneurial development and management by Vasant desai,
Himalaya Publishing, House. (2006)

1. Bennett, F. Lawrence. 1996. The management of engineering. New York:

2. Eisner, H. 1997. Essentials of project management and systems

engineering management. New York: Wiley

Interdisciplinary Elective- II

Pre-requisite: Fundamental understanding of manufacturing processes and manufacturing


0 0 3

Course Objectives

 Understand the fundamentals of various Additive Manufacturing Technologies for

application to various industrial needs.
 Able to convert part file into STL format.
 Able to understand the method of manufacturing of liquid based, powder based and
solid based techniques.
 Understand the manufacturing procedure of a prototype using FDM technique.
Unit I 10 hours

Introduction: Introduction of 3D Printing, Evolution of 3D Printing, General procedure

of 3D Printing, Prototyping fundamentals, Historical development, Advantages of AMT,
Commonly used terms, process chain, 3D modeling, Data Conversion, and transmission,
Checking and preparing, Building, Post processing, RP data formats, Classification of
AMT process, Applications to various fields.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this Unit, the student will be able to

 Understand history, concepts and terminology of additive manufacturing (L1).

 Differentiate between additive and subtractive manufacturing techniques (L4).

Unit II 10 hours

Liquid based systems: Stereo lithography apparatus (SLA): Models and specifications,
process, working principle, photopolymers, photo polymerization, layering technology,
laser and laser scanning, applications, advantages and disadvantages, case studies. Solid

ground curing (SGC): Models and specifications, process, working, principle,
applications, advantages and disadvantages, case studies.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this Unit, the student will be able to

 Able to prepare CAD model, understand the various software tools, processes and
techniques that enable manufacturing and personal fabrication (L3).
 Articulate the various tradeoffs that must be made in selecting additive manufacturing
processes, devices and materials to suit particular product requirements (L4).
Unit III 10 hours

Solid based systems: Laminated object manufacturing (LOM): Models and

specifications, Process, Working principle, Applications, Advantages and disadvantages,
Case studies. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM): Models and specifications, Process,
Working principle, Applications, Advantages and disadvantages, Case studies, practical

Learning outcomes

At the end of this Unit, the student will be able to

 Identify the need for liquid and solid based additive manufacturing systems (L3).
 Demonstrate the application of different AM techniques (L2).

Unit IV 10 hours

Powder Based Systems: Selective laser sintering (SLS): Models and specifications,
process, working principle, applications, advantages and disadvantages, case studies.
Three dimensional printing (3DP): Models and specification, process, working principle,
applications, advantages and disadvantages, case studies.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this Unit, the student will be able to

 Design and develop newer tooling models (L3).

 Analyze the best powder based AM method for present day market requirements (L4).
Unit V 8 hours

Medical And Bio-Additive Manufacturing: Customized implants and prosthesis:

Design and production. Bio-Additive Manufacturing- Computer Aided Tissue
Engineering (CATE) – Case studies.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this Unit, the student will be able to

 Evaluate the Additive Manufacturing systems, scope for new product

development for medical and bio implants (L5).
 Analyze the cases relevant to mass customization and some of the important
research challenges associated with AM and its data processing tools (L4).
Course Outcomes
After completing the course, the student will be able to

 Understand the fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing Technologies for engineering

applications (L3).
 Understand the methodology to manufacture the products using SLA and SGC
technologies and study their applications, advantages and case studies (L1).
 Understand the methodology to manufacture the products using LOM and FDM
technologies and study their applications, advantages and case studies (L2).
 Understand the methodology to manufacture the products using SLS and 3D Printing
technologies and study their applications, advantages and case studies (L3).

Text Book(s)
1. Chua C.K., Leong K.F., and Lim C.S., “Rapid prototyping: Principles and
applications”, Third Edition, World Scientific Publishers, 2010.
2. Gebhardt A., “Rapid prototyping”, Hanser Gardener Publications, 2003.
1. Ian Gibson, Davin Rosen, Brent Stucker “Additive Manufacturing
Technologies, Springer, 2/e, 2014.

2. Liou L.W. and Liou F.W., “Rapid Prototyping and Engineering
applications: A tool box for prototype development”, CRC Press, 2007.
3. Kamrani A.K. and Nasr E.A., “Rapid Prototyping: Theory and practice”,
Springer, 2006.
4. Hilton P.D. and Jacobs P.F., “Rapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial
Applications”, CRC press, 2000.


3 0 0 3

Unit-I (8L)
Sensors Fundamentals and Applications: Basic Sensor Technology, Sensor Systems, Sensor
classification,Sensor Characteristics, System Characteristics, Instrument Selection, Data
Acquisition and Readout.

Unit-II (8L)
Mechanical & Electromechanical Sensors: Potentiometer, Strain gauges, Inductive sensors—
Ferromagnetic type, Transformer type, Electromagnetic, Capacitive sensors— parallel plate,
variable permittivity, electrostatic, piezoelectric.

Unit-III (9L)
Thermal sensors: Thermal Sensors-resistance change type thermometric sensors, Thermo emf
sensors and semiconductor sensors.
Magnetic Sensors-Basic working principles, Magnetostrictive, Hall effect, Eddy current type,
SQUID sensors.

Unit-IV (8L)
Photo sensors – photo emissive cell, photomultiplier, photoconductive cell, photovoltaic and
photo junction cells
Fiber optic sensors – temperature, liquid level, fluid flow and micro bend sensors

Unit-V (7L)
Advancement in Sensor technology: Introduction to smart sensors, Film sensors, Introduction to
semiconductor IC technology and Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS), Nano-sensors.

Text Books:

1. Sensor Technology Handbookby Jon S. Wilson, Elsevier, 2005
2. Measurement Systems, Application and design, E.O. Doeblin, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.

1. A course in mechanical measurements and instrumentation, A. K.
Sawhney&PuneetSawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 2001.
2. Transducer Engineering, Ranganathan, Allied Publishers, Chennai.
3. Transducers and Instrumentation, D.V.S.Murthy, PHI, 1995.
4. Sensors and Transducers, D.Patranabis, PHI, 2004.
5. Principles of Industrial Instrumentation,Tata McGraw –Hill Education.



3 0 0 3

Operating systems are essential part of in any computer system and equally important for
computer science education. This course provides a clear description of the concepts that
underlie operating systems.

Course Objectives

This course imparts knowledge on

 To introduce students with basic concepts of operating system, its functions and services.
 To provide the basic concepts of process management and synchronization
 To familiarize the dead lock issues
 To understand the various memory management schemes.
 To give exposure over I/O systems and mass storage structures and Linux system.


Introduction: What Operating Systems Do, Computer System Organization, Computer-System

Architecture, Operating System Structure, Operating system operations, Process Management,
Memory Management, Storage management, Protection and security, Kernel data structures

Learning Outcomes

After completion of this unit, student will be able to

 To describe the basic organization of the computer systems(L1)

 To provide a grand tour of the major components of operating systems: (L1)
 To give an overview of the many types of computing environments: (L1)


Operating system Structures: operating system services, User and operating system Interface,
system calls, Types of System calls, system programs, operating system structure, system boot.

Process Management: Process concepts, process scheduling, Operations on processes, inter-

process communication.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of this unit, student will be able to

 To describe the services an operating system provides to user’s, processes, and other
systems: (L1)
 To discuss the various ways of structuring an operating system: (L2)
 To introduce the notion of a process- a program in execution and describe the various
features of processes, including scheduling, creation and termination: (L3)
 To explore interprocess communication using shared memory and message passing: (L4)


CPU Scheduling: Scheduling-criteria, scheduling algorithms, Thread scheduling, Multiple

processor scheduling, algorithm evaluation.

Process Synchronization: Critical section problem, Peterson’s solution, synchronization

hardware, Mutex locks, semaphores, classic problems of synchronization, monitors.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of this unit, student will be able to

 To introduce CPU-scheduling and describe various CPU-scheduling algorithms: (L3)

 To discuss evaluation criteria for selecting a CPU-scheduling algorithm for a particular
system: (L3)
 To introduce critical section problem: (L3)
 Both hardware and software solutions to the critical section problem(L4)
 To examine several classical process synchronization problems(L4)


Deadlock: System model, deadlock characterization, deadlock prevention, detection and

avoidance, recovery from deadlock.

Memory Management: Swapping, contiguous memory allocation, paging, segmentation,

structure of page the table.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of this unit, student will be able to

 To develop description of deadlocks(L5)

 To present a number of different methods for preventing or avoiding deadlocks(L5)
 To provide detailed description of various ways of organizing memory hardware(L5)

 To explore various techniques of allocating memory to processes(L5)


Virtual memory: Demand paging, Copy-on-Write, page-replacement, allocation of frames,


File Concepts: File concept, access Methods, directory and disk structure, protection.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of this unit, student will be able to

 Discuss in detailed how paging works in contemporary computer systems(L6)

 Explain the concept of demand paging, page replacement algorithms, allocation of page
 Discuss briefly about file concepts(L6)


1. Abraham Silberchatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts with Java,
9/e, John Wiley, 2016.


1. Andrew S Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, 2/e, Pearson/PHI, 2014.

2. Crowley, Operating System, A Design Approach, McGraw-Hill, 2012.

3. Stallings, Operating Systems - Internal and Design Principles, 5/e, 2013.

4. Pal Chaudhary, Operating system principles & Design, PHI Learning,1/e, 2013.

5. Deitel and Deitel, Operating System, Pearson Education, 2003.

6. D.M. Dhamdhere, Operating systems- A Concept baed Approach-2/e, McGraw Hill, 2010.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Illustrate the basic and overall view of operating system: (L2)

 Demonstrate the structure of operating systems, applications, and services provided by
operating systems: (L3)
 Analyze the concept of a process, process life cycle, process states and state transitions:
 The student will be able to implement various CPU scheduling strategies and process
synchronization techniques: (L3)
 Simplify & Resolve Deadlock handling situation: (L5)
 Explain the importance of file structures in the Data Storage and Manipulation: (L4)
 Ability to implement and practice various memory-management schemes: (L4)



3 0 0 3

This course will help the students to get familiar with Cloud Computing Fundamental concepts,
technologies, architecture and state-of-the-art in Cloud Computing fundamental issues,
technologies, applications and implementations.

Course Objectives:

 To impart fundamental concepts in the area of cloud computing.

 To impart knowledge in applications of cloud computing.
 To provide sound foundation of the cloud computing.
 To explore some important cloud computing driven commercial systems and other
businesses cloud applications.
 Solution for the various issues in cloud computing.


Introduction: Introduction to Cloud Computing – Definition of Cloud – Evolution of Cloud Computing

– Underlying Principles of Parallel and Distributed Computing – Cloud Characteristics – Elasticity in
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, student will be able to

 apply the concept of Cloud Computing(L3)

 identify parallel computing(L1)
 describe cloud characteristics(L2)
 construct cloud(L6)
 evaluate distributed computing(L4)


Cloud Enabling Technologies: Service Oriented Architecture – REST and Systems of Systems –
Web Services – Publish-Subscribe Model – Basics of Virtualization – Types of Virtualization –
Implementation Levels of Virtualization – Virtualization Structures – Tools and Mechanisms –
Virtualization of CPU – Memory – I/O Devices

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, student will be able to

 examine SOA(L1)
 state REST. (L!)
 identify Virtualization(L1)
 formulate Types of virtualization(L6)


Cloud Architecture, Services And Storage Layered Cloud Architecture Design – NIST Cloud
Computing Reference Architecture – Public, Private and Hybrid Clouds – laaS – PaaS – SaaS –
Architectural Design Challenges – Cloud Storage – Storage-as-a-Service – Advantages of Cloud
Storage – Cloud Storage Providers – S3.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, student will be able to

 describe Cloud architecture.(L2)

 apply Iaas, Paas(L3)
 compare Cloud Services((L2)
 choose Cloud storage(L3)
 evaluate Cloud Storage providers(L4)


Resource Management And Security In Cloud Inter Cloud Resource Management – Resource
Provisioning and Resource Provisioning Methods – es – Security Overview – Cloud Security
Challenges – Software-as-a-Service Security – Security Governance – Virtual Machine Security
Security Standards.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, student will be able to

 apply Resource Management(L3)

 interpret Resource Provisioning(L2)
 evaluate Security Overview(L4)
 determine VMS(L3)
 determine Security Standards(L3)
 explain Security Governance(L2)


Cloud Technologies And Advancements: Hadoop – MapReduce – Virtual Box — Google App
Engine – Programming Environment for Google App Engine –– Open Stack – Federation in the
Cloud – Four Levels of Federation – Federated Services and Applications.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, student will be able to

 understand Hadoop(L2)
 describe GoogleApp Engine(L2)
 describe OpenStack(L2)
 explain Federation in cloud(L2)

Text book(s)

1. Kai Hwang, Geoffrey C. Fox, Jack G. Dongarra, “Distributed and Cloud Computing,
From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2012.
2. Rittinghouse, John W., and James F. Ransome, ―Cloud Computing: Implementation,
Management and Security, CRC Press, 2017.

1. RajkumarBuyya, Christian Vecchiola, S. ThamaraiSelvi, ―Mastering Cloud Computing, Tata
Mcgraw Hill, 2013.
2. Toby Velte, Anthony Velte, Robert Elsenpeter, “Cloud Computing – A Practical Approach, Tata
Mcgraw Hill, 2009.
3. George Reese, “Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and Infrastructure in the
Cloud: Transactional Systems for EC2 and Beyond (Theory in Practice), O’Reilly, 2009

Course Outcomes

After completing this course student will be able to

 Explain the main concepts, key technologies, strengths and limitations of cloud
 Apply the key and enabling technologies that help in the development of cloud.(L3)
 Explain use the architecture of compute and storage cloud, service and delivery
 Explain the core issues of cloud computing such as resource management and
 Evaluate and choose the appropriate technologies, algorithms and approaches for implementation
and use of cloud.(L4)


3 0 0 3
This course gave the competitive business forces operating in the global arena, supply chain
management form the backbone of any organization’s operating structure. Flawless execution of
agile supply chain strategies brings a company to the path of sustainable profitability. Due to ever-
growing competition and decline in profit margin the organizations are forced to introspect and
bring out individual excellence model reengineering their business processes. Hence, this course
hovers over the basic functions of supply chain management across industries and the importance of
supply chain integration to ensure profitability.
Course Objectives:
 Enumerate the major building blocks, functions, business processes, performance metrics
and decisions (Strategic, tactical and operational) in Supply chain.
 Analyze the inventory management methodologies to improve the performance of the
supply chain.
 Explore three fundamental design concepts: component commonality, modularity vs.
integral design, and universality, and a cost/benefit framework.
 Compare various procurement strategies and Impact of technology on supply chain
optimization in procurement strategy.
 Acquire knowledge of Risks and issues in Local and Global supply chains.

Unit I 8L
Introduction to Supply Chain Management (SCM): Concept of supply management and
SCM, Importance of supply chain flows, Core competency, Value chain, Elements of supply
chain efficiency, Key issues in SCM, Decision phases, Supply chain integration, Process view of
a supply chain, Competitive Strategy and supply chain strategies, Uncertainties in supply chain,
Supply chain drivers.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 recognizeand analyze operations and supply chain management issues in a firm.[L-2]
 extend critical thinking skills in business situations. [L-3]
 analyze the manufacturing operations of a firm[L-4]
 apply logistics and purchasing concepts to improve supply chain operations[L-3]
 analyze the global business environment. [L-4]

Unit II 10L
Inventory Management: Introduction, Selective control techniques, Cost involved in the
inventory system, Single-stage inventory control, Economic lot size models, application to
economic production quantity, Effect of demand uncertainty, Single period models, Initial
inventory, Multiple order Oporto Units, Deterministic Models, Quantity discounts. Periodic and
Quantity review policies, Mathematical modeling under known stock out costs and service
levels, Joint replenishment for multiple items, Inventory system constraints, Working capital
restrictions, and storage space restrictions.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 describe a system to keep track of inventory[L-2]
 classify systems of Effective Inventory Management[L-2]
 analyze the satisfactory levels of customer service while keeping inventory costs within
reasonable bounds.[L-4]

Unit III8L
Designing Supply Chain Network: Introduction, Network design, factors influencing network
design, Data collection, Data aggregation, Transportation rates, Warehouse costs, Capacities and
locations, Models and data validation, Key features of a network configuration, Impact of
uncertainty on network design, Network design in uncertain environment, Value of information:
Bullwhip effect, Information sharing, Information and supply chain trade-offs, Distribution
strategies, Direct shipment distribution strategies, transshipment and selecting appropriate

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 identify the supply chain management in all its diverse aspects and its applicability [L-2]
 develop comprehensive strategic and tactical plans for an organization[L-6]
 recognize how supply chain design facilitates network integration[L-2]
 apply the main network design and implementation steps. [L-3]
 identify the factors that are to be taken into account during network design and in locating
facilities. [L-1]

Unit IV8L
Supply Chain Integration: Introduction, Push, Pull and Push-pull supply chains, identifying
appropriate supply chain strategy, sourcing and procurement, Outsourcing benefits, Importance
of suppliers, evaluating a potential supplier, Supply contracts, Competitive bidding, and
Negotiation. Purchasing, Objectives of purchasing, Relations with other departments,
Centralized and Decentralized purchasing, Purchasing procedure, Types of orders, Tender
buying, E-procurement, Role of E-business in supply chains.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 identify the components of an integrated logistics management system. [L-1]
 identify the decisions involved in transportation management. [L-1]
 develop different alternatives and get a solution to be implemented. [L-6]
 analyze suitable methodologies to design a solution for an LSM problem. [L-4]

Unit V8L
Issues in Supply Chain Management: Introduction, Risk management, Managing global risk,
Issues in the international supply chain, regional differences in logistics. Local issues in the
supply chain, issues in a natural disaster and other calamities, issues form SMEs, Organized
retail in India, Reverse logistics.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to
 describe fundamental issues in supply chain management. [L-2]
 apply knowledge to evaluate and manage an effective supply chain by minimizing the risk
factors. [L-3]
 justify aligning the management of a supply chain with corporate goals and strategies. [L-2]
 analyze the issues and search for methodologies to improve supply chain processes. [L-4]

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to
 identify strategic and operational frameworks to analyze supply chains. [L-4]
 design a supply chain network. [L-6]
 describe inventory control models and develop inventory control systems under deterministic and
constrained scenarios [L-2]
 develop inventory control systems under probabilistic scenarios[L-6]
 develop a detailed knowledge of the inventory management in improving the performance of the supply
chain. [L-6]
 outline different collaboration method in supply chain performance enhancement [L-2]

Text Book(s)
1. D. Simchi-Levi, P. Kaminsky, E. Simchi-Levi, Ravi Shankar. Designing & Managing the
Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies & Case Studies, 3/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007.
2. S. Chopra, P. Meindl, Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning & Operations, 1/e,
Pearson India, 2012.

1. Janet Shah, Supply Chain Management: Text and Cases, 1/e, Prentice Hall Ltd., 2009.
2. R.J. Tersine, Principles of Inventory & Materials Management, 4/e, Pearson, 1993.

(Elective) L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives
 To study the fundamentals of linear programming and its application to special cases like
transportation and assignment models.
 To understand the complex nature of operations research, problem, define the problem,
formulate and solve the model and to perform the follow-up procedures.
 Demonstrate how analytical techniques and statistical models can help enhance decision
making by converting data to information and insights for decision-making.
 Categorize and construct multistage decision analysis problems using decision trees.
 Categorize and construct multifactor problems with multiple objectives and uncertainty.
 Critically evaluate decisions of others and develop ways they could have improved their
decision making

Unit I 10 hours
Introduction, Measures of Central Tendency Mean, Median, Mode, Concept of Testing of
Hypothesis, Types of Errors, Confidence intervals, Z- test for Means, Standard deviations and
Proportions; T-test; F-test for two variances.

Learning outcomes:
L1: To memorize how statistical data can be read for analysis and give valid inferences.
L2: To describe and discuss the key terminology, concepts tools and techniques used in business
statistical analysis.
L4: Analyze the data and give valid inferences.
L6: Able to design, conduct and analyze the experiments more efficiently and effectively.

Unit II 8 hours
Chi- Square test for goodness of fit and independent of Attributes and their Applications,
Correlation and Types, Scatter Diagram Method, Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation and
its properties, Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient, Regression & Multivariate Analysis.

Learning outcomes:
L2: Explain and critically discuss the issues surrounding sampling and significance
L3: Apply Regression analysis based on the experimental data and give valid inference.
L5: Determine the influential factors and also the interaction effects on the response function

Unit III 8 hours

Decision analysis, Decisions under risk, Decision trees- Decision analysis with experimentation,
Decisions under uncertainty.

Learning outcomes:
L2: To understand the need of decision analysis
L3: To develop the decision making table and tree.
L4: To correlate the applications of decision making principles to different environments like
uncertain and risky

Unit IV 10 hours
Introduction to multi-objective decision making, Concept of Pareto optimality, Goal
programming formulation, the weighting method of solution, Utility theory, Analytic hierarchy

Learning outcomes:
L2: To describe the phenomena of Pareto-optimality.
L3: To apply the multi-objective solving concepts like utility and analytic hierarchy process
L5: To choose the appropriate multi-objective making concept for solving

Unit V 12 hours
Linear Programming: Introduction, Formulation, Graphical solution, Simplex method Transportation
problem-Formulation, Initial Feasible solution. Assignment Models-Formulation, Optimal solution-
Hungarian method

Learning outcomes:
L1. To define, contrast between the different terminologies of real time field.
L2. To outline the wide applicability of operations research technology from agriculture to
defense, covering almost all domains of science, arts, commerce and technology.
L3. To develop optimum solution for numerous problems of operations research by systematic
defining, formulating, analyzing, developing an optimum solution and further refining the
L6. To anticipate a high level of mathematical, analytical and problem solving skills for problems
that are of spontaneous nature, whose solution will be individualistic in application.

Text Books:
1. Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, 2005, An introduction to management science Thomson
South Western
2. Barry Render, RalphMStairJr, Michael E Hanna, 2005, Quantitative analysis for
management, Pearson Education

Reference Books:
1. Charles A. Gallagher Hugh. J.Watson , 1985, Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions,
McGraw Hill international Book Company
2. Frederic S.Hillier, Gerald J.Liberman,2005 Introduction to Operations Research, A Tata
3. Gupta M.P. and R.B. Khanna, 2004, Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making, Prentice
Hall of India
4. Sharma J.K, 2006, Operations Research Theory and Practice, Macmillan India Ltd.



UNIT I 8 hours
Introduction: General design information; Material and energy balance calculations; Process

UNIT II 8 hours
Scale up issues: Effect of oxygenation, mixing, sterilization, pH, temperature, inoculums and
nutrient availability; Bioreactor scale-up based on constant power consumption per unit volume,
mixing time, impeller tip speed (shear), mass transfer coefficients. Scale up of downstream
processes: Adsorption (LUB method); Chromatography (constant resolution); Filtration (constant
resistance); Centrifugation (equivalent times); Extractors (geometry based rules).

UNIT III 8 hours

Selection of bioprocess equipment (upstream and downstream); Specifications and Mechanical
design of reactors, heat transfer and mass transfer equipment; Design considerations for
maintaining sterility of process streams and process equipment.

UNIT IV 8 hours
Facility design: Utility supply; Equipment cleaning; Cell culture banks; cGMP guidelines;
Validation; Safety.

UNIT V 8 hours
Pilot plant design; Fermenter design calculations (simulations), downstream processing
calculations, environmental and economic considerations.

Text Book(s):
1.M.V. Joshi and V.V. Mahajani, Process Equipment Design, 3/e, Macmillan India, 2008.
2. J.M. Coulson, J.F. Richardson (Eds.) and R.K. Sinnott, Chemical Engineering Volume 6: An
introduction to Chemical Engineering Design, 2/e, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996.

1. M. Shuler and F. Kargi, Bioprocess Engineering Basic Concepts, 2 /e, Prentice Hall, 2002.
2. M. S. Peters and K. D. Timmerhaus, Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers,
3/e, McGrawHill, 2003.
3. R. H. Perry and D. W. Green (eds.), Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8/e, McGraw
Hill, 2007.


2 0 2 3

All biochemical reactions occur at finite rates. Estimation of the time required for a
process to yield the required amount of product is essential for design of any process.
Product yield is a function of the reaction conditions as well as the type of reactor.
Models of ideal reactors provide quantitative information regarding yield and process
efficiency. This course is an introduction to the models of reactors.

Course Objectives

 Describe kinetics of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions

 Explore the design of batch reactors and homogeneous flow reactors
 Introduce the techniques used for designing non isothermal reactors.
 Introduce different models to interpret non ideal flow in reactors

UNIT I 8 hours
Kinetics: Kinetics of homogeneous reactions, elementary and non elementary reactions; collision
theory and transition state theory, Arrhenius’ relation, Monod kinetics. Kinetics of heterogeneous
reactions: immobilized enzyme kinetics, effects of mass transfer on immobilized enzyme

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Explain kinetics of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions (L2)

 Analyze the temperature dependency of the rate equation (L2)
 Analyze effect of mass transfer on enzyme kinetics. (L2 )

Introduction to types of reactors and bioreactors, analysis of batch reactor data, isothermal batch
reactor design, batch reactor design for autocatalytic reactions, Design of fermenter, Design of
enzyme reactor

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Demonstrate design of an ideal batch reactor. (L2)

 Interpret batch reactor data (L2 )
 Explain design of a fermenter (L2)

UNIT III 8 hours

Homogeneous flow reactors: Design equation for plug flow reactor (PFR) and continuous stirred
tank reactor (CSTR), design of PFR and CSTR for single reactions. Cascade of CSTRs and
combination of PFR and CSTR Design for autocatalytic reactions, Stirred tank fermenter,
multiple fermenters connected in series

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 Demonstrate design of an ideal flow reactor (L2)

 Identify best system for a given conversion. (L3)
 Selection of best arrangement of a set of ideal reactors (L3)
 Compare single and multiple ideal reactor systems (L5 )
UNIT IV 8 hours
Non-isothermal design: Energy balance equations for batch, PFR and CSTR under non-
isothermal conditions. Equilibrium conversion under adiabatic conditions. Design of the
homogeneous reactors under adiabatic conditions. Sterilization kinetics, Batch & Continuous

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 design reactors for non isothermal conditions (L6 )

 relate temperature and conversion or reaction rate for reactors (L2 )
 design reactors on basis of energy balance (L6)
 explain sterilization techniques (L2 )

UNIT V 8 hours
Non-ideal flow: Residence time distribution curves E, F and C; interpretation of the response
data for the dispersion and tanks -in-series models (omit multi parameter models).

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the student will be able to

 apply the tracer concentration time data (L3 )

 calculate distribution functions, mean residence time, and variance (L3 )
 quantify non-ideal flow from experimental data (L3 )

Course Outcomes
After studying the course, the student will be able to:
 design of batch reactor using rate law and its parameters (L6 )
 design of flow reactors and fermentors (L6)
 select reactor and conditions to minimize unwanted products (L3 )
 design of reactors on the basis of energy balance. (L6 )
 identify problems in real reactors (L3 )

Text Book(s)
1. Octave Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3/e, John Wiley, 2010.
2. J.M. Smith, Chemical Engineering Kinetics, 3/e, McGraw Hill, 1981.

1. J.M. Coulson, and J.F. Richardson, Chemical Engineering-Volume One, 6/e, The
English Language Book Society and Permagon Press, 1999.
2. G.G. Brown, Unit Operations, CBS Publishers, 2005.

3 0 0 3
Preamble: In our healthy life, selection of types of foods or its products play important role with
awareness of types of foods. And modern era, our customers are more sincere about selection of
foods which could be safe, nutritious and least processed in nature. Most of our food processing
industries are developing the more variety of foods for our people. But they are sensitive about
processing conditions with maintenance of food standards as well ensuring of food safety for
their products. A lot of international or national food safety guideline has been provided to
maintain our products in safety nature.

Course objectives:
 To understand the values of hygienic conditions for our food products
 To understand the guidelines for food safety issues to be maintained
 To understand the food borne disease from food safety failure
 To understand the food processing condition changes during transformation of foods
 To optimize processing conditions for more safe food products
Learning outcomes
 Our B. Tech student will able to understand the principles of food safety
 Our students can get opportunity for employments in food processing industries
 They can develop the skills for new equipments or technology for getting more safe foods
with no health loss
 They can transport our food without any chemical or biological hazards issue with secure
for safe foods to everyone.
Course outcome
People can purchase of more variety of food via ensuring the food safety issues
Processed foods can create more marketing opportunity for different food once consumer
will secure about food safety issue and quality or food standards
Safe food can enhance the shelf-life of many foods
Processed foods can help to gain more opportunity for investment with foreign currency
gain with proving of food safety and hygienic processing conditions
Processed foods can maintain the sensory quality and nutrient contents for customers for
long periods
Unit 1:
Characterization of food safety: Food Safety definition and principles, characterization of food
hazards, risk analysis for chemical and microbial hazards, exposure assessment of microbial food
hazards, chemical risk assessment in foods

Unit 1: Course outcome

 Students will learn the food safety guideline during food processing
 Students will learn the different types of hazarding agents, occurred during food
handling or processing

 Students will learn the different risk assessment for food safety maintenance during food
 Student will understand the different hazard agents effecting the food safety

Unit 2:
Food hazards from biological agents, prevalence of food-borne pathogens, physiology and
survival of food-borne pathogens in various food systems, characteristics of biological hazards in

Unit 2: Course outcome

 Students will learn biological agents (microbial or macro-organism), causes food hazards
during food handling, transporting or processing
 Students will learn the different factors for inducing the biological mediated food
hazards occurred during food handling or processing
 Students will learn for characterization methods of biological risk assessment for food
 Student will understand impact of biological food hazard with their food quality

Unit 3:
Chemical and physical nature of food hazards, hazards from natural origins, chemical and
physical hazards produced during food processing, storage, and preparation, hazards associated
with nutrient fortification, monitoring chemical hazards: regulatory information

Unit 3: Course outcome

 Students will learn physical or chemical nature agents, causes food hazards during food
handling, transporting or processing
 Students will learn about hazards impact from natural origins food safety issues occurred
during food handling or processing
 Students will learn for fortification of food with food safety and also learn for monitoring
strategy for assessment of hazards nature
 Student will understand food hazard nature with their neutralization mechanisms

Unit 4:
Food quality and food standard, Codex Alimentarius as FAO/WHO food standards program
Implementation of FSLS regulatory programs for pathogen reduction, advances in food
sanitation: use of intervention strategies, use of surveillance networks, hazard analysis critical
control point (HACCP)

Unit 4: Course outcome

 Students will learn food standard to ensure the food quality with safe food products

 Students will know about different guideline for maintaining the food safety at national
or international levels
 Students will learn food safety assessment via utilization of regulatory guideline during
food processing
 Student will understand the different mechanism to control the food hazards during post
harvesting periods
Unit 5:
Food plant sanitation, food safety control systems in food processing, food safety and innovative
food packaging, safe handling of fresh-cut produce and salads, good manufacturing practices,
prerequisites for food safety, the principles of modern food hygiene,

Unit 5: Course outcome

 Students will learn food sanitation guideline to ensure food safety

 Students will know innovative and safe handling of food products
 Students will learn good manufacturing practicing for food safety
 Student will understand mechanism good and modern food hygiene principles

Text Book(s)
Ronald H. Schmidt and Gary E. Rodrick, 2003, Food Safety Handbook. A John Wiley & Sons

Reference Book(s)
A. K. Singh P. N. Raju & A. Jana. Food Technology-I, www.agrimoon.com
R. Paul Singh and Dennis R. Heldman. 2009. Introduction to Food Engineering Fourth Edition,
Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier


3 0 0 3

Health informatics plays a critical role in the collection, storage, distribution, analysis, interpretation and
utilization of large amounts of critical, confidential and unstructured healthcare nd related data.

Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to:
● introduce concepts of electronic health records
● describe health information systems
● describe clinical decision support systems
● explain importance of health information privacy and security
● exemplify health informatics ethics

Healthcare data. Health care ontologies. E-health records. Converting healthcare data to information
and knowledge. Standards in medical informatics. Identifier standards, transaction standards,
terminology standards. Privacy, security and access of health information. Health informatics ethics.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● describe healthcare ontologies (L1)
● describe standards for medical informatics (L1)
● apply concepts of privacy, security and access of health information (L2)

Clinical decison support systems: benefits, methodology and standards. Pharmaceutical decision
support systems.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● describe clinical decision support systems (L1)
● understand the benefits of clinical decision support systems (L2)
● describe pharmaceutical decision support systems (L1)

Patient care systems. Patient monitoring systems. Imaging systems.
Healthcare Information retrieval systems. Health supply chain management.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● describe patient healthcare systems (L1)
● understand the benefits of patient monitoring systems (L2)
● describe healthcare information retrieval systems (L1)

Consumer health informatics. Personal health records. Telemedicine. Patient-Clinician electronic
communication. Mobile technology and mHealth.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● describe clinical decision support systems (L1)
● understand the benefits of clinical decision support systems (L2)
● describe pharmaceutical decision support systems (L1)

Public health informatics. Information systems to support public health. Case management systems.
Geographic information systems. Data management systems for regulatory studies. Evidence based
medicine and clinical practice guidelines.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this UNITthe student should be able to:
● describe information systems to support public health (L1)
● understand the concepts of Geographic information systems (L2)
● describe data management systems for regulatory studies (L1)

Course outcomes:
At the end of this course the student should be able to:
● describe electronic health records (L1)
● classify health information sources and informatics technologies (L2)
● apply mHealth tools (L3)
● apply consumer health care tools (L3)
● evaluate ethical consequences of health data privacy (L5)

Text Book(s)

W.R. Hersh, R.E. Hoyt. Health Informatics: Practical Guide. Seventh Edition. 2018


Medical Informatics: Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine. Edited by Edward H.
Shortliffe, Leslie E. Perreault. 2Nd edition. Springer.

Health Informatics: An Overview edited by Evelyn J. S. Hovenga, M. R. Kidd, Sebastian Garde

2 0 2 3
Modeling and simulation of bioprocesses is integral part of design and development of bioreactors. In
this course knowledge of mathematical model formulation and analysis of formulated models for stability
and uncertainty will be imparted. The models built are simulated using various computer tools for the
operation of processes.
Course Objectives:

1. To

2. To learn molecular techniques useful for molecular diagnosis and prognosis

3. To learn methods for molecular diagnosis of common genetic disorders

4. To learn methods for molecular diagnosis of cancer and infectious diseases

5. To learn quality control and quality assurance for molecular diagnosis

UNIT I 8 hours
Modeling of biological systems: Modeling principles, significance of modeling and
simulation, model development from first principles. Modeling approaches for Biological
systems - structured and unstructured systems; Compartment models (two and four);
Deterministic and stochastic, segregated and unsegregated approaches for modeling structured
systems. kinetic models on different approaches; product formation model; genetically
structured models, modeling of extra cellular enzyme production.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

1. understand the principles of modeling (L1)

2. classify various models (L2)

3. explain different types of models (L2)

4. develop simple models (L3)

UNIT II 8 hours
Modeling of diffusion: Bioprocess modeling: Modeling of continuous sterilization of

medium; Models for external mass transfer, internal diffusion and reaction within
biocatalysts, model for SCP production from spent sulphite liquor, model for antibiotic
formation; modeling of therapeutic protein production with recombinant cells. Modeling
of activated sludge process with a control system; model for anaerobic digestion.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

1. develop models for diffusion processes (L2)

2. describe models for SCP production, antibiotic formation, therapeutic proteins and recombinant cells

3. represent model for continuous sterilisation (L2)

4. express models for activated sludge process and anaerobic digestion (L3)

UNIT III 8 hours

Bioreactor modeling: Ideal and non-ideal bioreactors; stirred tank models; characterization of
mass and energy transfer distributions in stirred tanks, tower reactor model; flow modeling,
bubble column flow models, mass transfer modeling, structured models for mass transfer in
tower reactors, process models in tower reactors, airlift models, modeling of non-ideal
behaviour in bioreactors-tanks-in-series and dispersion models.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

1. generalise models for bioreactors (L2)

2. model mass and energy transfer distributions in stirred tanks (L2)

3. represent model for tower reactors (L2)

4. express models for mass transfer (L3)

UNIT IV 8 hours
Linear system analysis: Study of linear systems, linearization of non-linear systems; Software
based simulation of linear models; Parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis; Steady state
and unsteady state systems; stability analysis; Case study of recombinant protein
production (Insulin). Simulation techniques (Software): continuous system simulators;
dynamic process simulators; steady state material and energy balance programs.

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

1. relate modelling and simulation (L2)

2. simulate linear models (L2)

3. estimate model parameters and analyse model sensitivity (L2)

4. explore different types of simulators (L3)

UNIT V 8 hours
Hybrid and other modeling techniques: Simulation techniques (numerical methods): Programs
based on numerical methods like algebraic equations, Newton-Raphson method for algebraic
convergence, interpolation arbitrary function generation. Programs based on solution of
differential equations: Euler method for 1st and 2nd order integration; Fourth order
Runga -Kutta method: stability of numerical integration, variable slip size method. Case
studies, numerical problems. Advanced modeling techniques such as fuzzy logic, neural
network, hybrid systems and fuzzy logic systems; case studies.

After completing this unit, the student will be able to

1. relate modelling and simulation (L2)

2. simulate linear models (L2)

3. estimate model parameters and analyse model sensitivity (L2)

4. explore different types of simulators (L3)

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course, the student will be able to

1. formulate a mathematical models from first principles (L2)

2. apply models for stability analysis (L2)

3. use numerical methods for modelling and simulation of bioreactors (L2)

4. explore different types of simulators (L3)

5. express models for different bioprocesses and bioreactors. (L3)

Text Book(s)
1. B.W.Bequette, Process Dynamics: Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, Prentice-Hall, 1998.
2. Said S.E.H. Elnashaie, P. Garhyan, Conservation Equations and Modeling of Chemical and
Biochemical Processes, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2003.

1. I.J. Dunn, Biological Reaction Engineering: Dynamic Modelling Fundamentals with
Simulation Examples, Wiley-VCH, 2003

GSS-115: Gandhi for the 21st Century

The course will provide an overall understanding of Gandhi’s life, his political contributions,
and his basic philosophical thoughts. It also discusses how Gandhi influenced the entire world
to think about non-violent resistance as a political strategy to bring and establish world peace.

The major Objectives of the Course are;
 To provide the basic knowledge of Gandhi’s life, thought and works
 To analyse the political contributions of Gandhi towards India’s independence
 To examine the significance of Gandhian principles in the contemporary scenario
 To educate the students about the necessity of world peace and sustainable development
 To provide understanding about the life of eminent world leaders who were influenced by

Learning Outcomes

After finishing the course, the students will be able to

 Understand the life and works of Gandhi
 Understand and appreciate the political contributions of Gandhi
 Analyse the contemporary issues and connect it with Gandhian solutions
 Analyse the issues related to world peace and to think about possible alternatives
 Understand and appreciate the role of eminent world leaders towards non-violent social
and political transformation.

Unit-I: Introduction to the course: Gandhi’s Early Childhood-Beginning of Satyagraha in South

Africa-Entry to Indian Politics-Major Movements

Unit-II: Gandhi’s Political Philosophy: Eleven Vows and their significance, Gandhi’s
Constructive Programmes and their significance, Sarvodaya and Satyagraha

Unit-III: Gandhian Way of Management: Management lessons from Gandhi, his views on
education and its significance, Gandhian Economics and Sustainability

Unit-IV: Gandhi and his contemporaries-Gandhi and Tagore, Ambedkar, Subhash Chandra
Bose, Muhammed Ali Jinnah, Gandhi Mandela, and Martin Luther King Jr.

Unit V: Gandhi and Ecology: Ideas from Hind Swaraj-Environmental movements and Gandhian
environmentalism-World Peace and Gandhi-Conflict resolution and Gandhian principles.

Reference Books

Allen, Douglas. (2019). Gandhi after 9/11: Creative Non-violence and Sustainability. New
Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Chandra, B. (2009). History of Modern India. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan.

Gandhi, M K. (1941). Constructive Programme. Ahmadabad: Navjivan Publishing House

Gandhi, M. K. (1948). The Story of My Experiments with Truth. Ahmadabad: Navjivan

Publishing House.

Gandhi, M K. (1968). Satyagraha in South Africa. Ahmadabad: Navjivan Publishing


Hardiman, David. (2004). Gandhi in His Times and Ours: The Global Legacy of His Ideas.
New York: Columbia University Press.


Gandhimarg, Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi.

GITAM Journal of Gandhian Studies, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam.


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