A Study On Face Recognition Techniques With Age and Gender Classification
A Study On Face Recognition Techniques With Age and Gender Classification
Abstract- Nowadays research has explored to extracting From these attributes, a biometric system can extract some
auxiliary information from various biometric techniques such as information from the data and compares this information with
fingerprints, face, iris, palm, voice etc. This information contains the templates in the database to determine an identity.
some features like gender, age, beard, mustache, scars, height,
hair, skin color, glasses, weight, facial marks, tattoos etc. All this
information contributes more and more to identification. The Face
major changes that come across face recognition are to find age
& gender of the person. This paper contributes a significant
survey of various face recognition techniques for finding the age
and gender. The existing techniques are discussed based on their Gender Contact Lens Beard
performances. This paper also provides future directions for
further research. AGE Glasses Moustache
Keywords- Biometrics, Age, Face Recognition, Gender. Hair Cap Makeup
I. INTRODUCTION Skin Accessories Tattoos
Biometrics is the unique measurable characteristics of
automatically recognizing an individual identification based Scars Facial Marks Moles
on their physical and behavioral characteristics [1]. The
Physiological parameters are physique of the body such as Fig-1: Auxiliary information from the face
fingerprint, face, palm, iris and DNA [2]. On the other hand
In 1960 Woody (et al.) gave the first semi-automated facial
behavioral involves the behavior of a person such as signature,
recognition technique. This technique required some features
keystrokes, and voice.
such as mouth, nose, eyes and nose on the image [2][3]. The
In the last 51 years, the face recognition system has been year 2001 onwards, the biometric techniques proliferated
researched as a low-cost tool and is reliable in the diverse rapidly indication of which are the increased number of
fields such as forensic, commercial, health-care, publication of research papers in this field (refer Fig-2). A
entertainment, government, traveling and immigration etc [3]. detailed literature survey was carried out by the authors of this
Nowadays the biometric driven systems are proliferating paper to justify the constantly increasing scientific interest in
exponentially all over the world. The biometrics market was face recognition biometric technique. The authors analyzed
$4 hundred million in the year 2000 which grew to $5 billion the publication of the last 51 years related to the face through
in the year 2011. It is expected that the biometrics business the database extracted from the well known and qualified
would grow up to $23 billion in the year of 2019 [10]. Due to sources of Scopus [4]. The mentioned database includes
their intrusive property, the success of some biometrics enough information for our analysis hence, it would be
systems (i.e. fingerprint, palm, and iris) depends on user acceptable to the research and scientific community. The
cooperation but face recognition systems are non-intrusive as analysis was carried out by applying the keyword ‘face
it doesn’t require the physical interaction of users to be recognition’. The face recognition database has been obtained
identified, once the input is acquired [5]. One more important from the different type of publications, the broad
characteristic is Passive Identification which means the person classifications of which are shown in Fig-3. Moreover, the
is not required to be subjected to physical verification [6]. This increased publications of research papers in the past decade
is why personal authentication face recognition is considered are the testimony of the importance of face recognition
as the friendly among all biometrics. The face biometric techniques. The analysis of Fig-3 reveals that the number of
system can identify various attributes from the image such as books and autographs published in the field of face
gender, age, beard, mustache, scars, height, hair, skin color, recognition is a small percentage compared to the research
glasses, weight, facial marks, tattoos etc as shown in Fig-1. papers published during the past 15 years. However, during
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International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2017)
the same period publications of research papers have been The various types of challenges that are faced during face
more productive. The stated analysis indicates the heavy detection are described below:
leaning of the research in the field of face recognition and
A. Pose
thus, the highest evolution in this field so far. Such a high
degree of research activities in the field of face recognition is The most challenging situation is that the human face
creating high pre-knowledge that must favor the discovery and varies with respect to the relative camera-face pose (45
development of the next generation frameworks in the face degrees, profile, frontal and upside down).
recognition and applications.
B. Facial Expression
The facial expression such as anger, fear, disgust,
happiness, sadness and surprise is most influential
temperaments for human beings to communicate their
C. Illumination
Illumination is a major challenge during face recognition.
This factor is related to the lumn value and angle of the light.
D. Occlusion
Occlusion is one of the typical challenges during face
recognition because sometimes the face is partially covered
and occluded by others objects.
E. Imaging Condition
Fig-3: Face related publications for the past 51 years for different Documents
During the face image capture, some factors such as
different illumination conditions and camera characteristic
II. CHALLENGES of FACE RECOGNITION (lenses, sensor response) affect the face recognition accuracy.
Most of the applications such as computer security, human F. Different Facial Features
crowd surveillance, face processing, AI driven applications
content-based image retrieval and video surveillance etc. Different type of facial features such as glasses, beard,
require face detection for identification and verification of the hair, mustache, scars, moles, tattoos, skin colors and makeup
enrolled users [7]. The major challenges which any face affect the face recognition accuracy.
recognition techniques face are the skin color segmentation G. Face Size
and the facial segmentation accuracy [8-9]. The facial This factor poses another typical challenge because face
segmentation accuracy depends on the pose, noise, lighting size can vary a lot from a person to another person. Not only
conditions and distance between the object and the camera. different people have different sized faces but the face closer
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International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2017)
to the camera and far away from the camera also pose a
H. Rotation of Optical axis of the camera
This factor depends on the nature of the images i.e. face
images vary at different camera rotations about its optical axis.
Face recognition is the sub-area of pattern recognition (a) (b)
research and technology. Overview of face recognition system
is shown in Fig-4. Firstly, the input image is taken from the
standard camera that are known as input image [3]. The
second step involves pre-processing of the image to improve
the image quality and to reduce the noise in the image. Next
phase is face segmentation where face part is cropped from the
human body and background of the image. In the next phase,
feature extraction is done after segmenting the input image to
a very good level so that relevant features are identified that
can help in distinguishing that person to other people. In the (c) (d)
last phase, a template is generated for enrollment and Fig -5: (a) Original Image, (b) Skin Color Binary Image, (c) Skin Color
matching purpose. Finally, a matching is done at the biometric Mark Area, (d) Image verified by face length-breadth ratio [14]
system for identification of the authenticated person, if there is
a match then the output will come in the form of user accepted C. Template-based methods
otherwise user rejected [2][7]. Face recognition systems can Template-based methods are sensitive to pose, scale and
be divided into different categories: shape variation of the human body. Deformable template
A. Knowledge-based methods methods have been proposed to deal with such variations of
pose, scale, and shape of the body. Template-based methods
The knowledge-based techniques are based on the using the elastic models include shape parameters as well as
geometry of the face and arrangement of the facial features intensity information of facial features.
[11]. These knowledge-based methods describe the shape,
size, and texture. Some methods describe few other
characteristics of facial features such as head, eyebrows, eyes,
nose and chin [12]. The major problem of these techniques is
that they do not perform well because of different types of
pose or head orientations as shown in my implementation
results of the V-J algorithm in Fig-4 [13].
D. Appearance-based methods
The appearance-based methods used for face detection are
Eigenfaces, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Neural Networks,
Support Vector Machine, and Hidden Markov Models. With
the help of these methods, the whole image is scanned and
image regions are identified as a face or nonface. During
template matching, appearance-based methods will come in
the picture.
Fig-4: Face Segmentation Results obtained on CMU dataset images
The first main step of face recognition system is facing
B. Feature invariant approaches segmentation and comparison of various types of face
The main aim of these techniques is to find structural detection techniques as shown in Table I. According to
features of the human face even with lighting conditions literature survey, face detection techniques have low accuracy
varying. Different types of structural features such as facial so there is a scope of improvement in term of accuracy. The
local features, skin color, shape, and texture are used [14, 15]. second main step of face recognition system is the feature
These methods are very sensitive to illumination, occlusion, extraction and according to Table II performance is not
the existence of skin color regions, and adjacent faces as optimum so there is a scope of further improvement in feature
shown in Fig-5. extraction techniques. Various types of face databases which
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International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2017)
are easily available for research community on the internet and IV. AGE CLASSIFICATION
some well-known face database are shown in Table III. Face recognition systems are essential for real-time
TABLE I: COMPARISON OF EXISTING TECHNIQUES OF FACE applications such as for identification of the missing children
DETECTION and passport verification because there is the significant age
Ref Segmentation Dataset Performance difference between investigating and gallery images [26]. One
Techniques more practical application in which age is a condition for
[12] RGB Colour Space Self-prepared Detection Rate = 80% access to a product is alcohol or tobacco. Table IV represents
120 Images the comparison of various techniques to find out the ages of
[16] YcbCr + RGB + FRGC 302 Detection Rate = 82.7%
Canny Edge Images
[17] Skin Colour Self-prepared Detection Rate = 88.9%
[18] Adaboost & SVM MIT + CMU Detection Rate = 94.5%
(2500 Images)
[19] RGB-H-CbCr Self-prepared Detection Rate = 90%
Ref Segmentation Feature Dataset Performance
Techniques Extraction
Haar Features LBP CK+ and Accuracy=89.64%
[20] and Adaboost JAFFE
Adaboost LBP and FDDB and Accuracy=91%
[21] MCT MIT +
Skin Color ANN LFW and Accuracy= 89.5%
[22] PEAL
Fig-7: Age-related publications for the past 10 years
Viola-Jones SVM Self- Training time
[23] prepared period 60% different categories. Two important factors play a vital role in
300 Images increases the real life. Firstly, accumulated data suggest that age
Hough SVM AR database FR rate increased
[24] Transform by 7.7%
estimation faces can be quite accurate, but there is the scope
for further improvement because age factor is sensitive and
LBP: Local Binary Pattern, ANN: Artificial Neural Network, SVM: Support depends on the basis of group membership [27]. Secondly, it
Vector Machine, MCT: Modified Census Transform
is proved that human face aging depends on ethnicity and
genders. This analysis gives right directions for further
research to identify the ages from the images.
Database Description
AT & T 40 people with 10 images of each (different lighting
Database conditions).
AR Database 4,000 color images of 70 men’s and 56 women’s.
CAS-PEAL Face 99,594 images of 1040 people are in different Pose, Ref Feature Database Accuracy
Database Expression, Accessory, and Lighting conditions. Extraction
CMU Multi-PIE 750,000 images of 337 people. [31] SVM FG-NET 95.6%
CK 486 images of 97 people’s MORPH
FERET 1000 people of images [32] PCA+USA FG-NET 94.87%
Kinect Face 52 people in different lighting and occlusion [33] Deep NN eWIT 65.8%
Database conditions. [34] NTCA+LBP FG-NET 83.8%
Georgia Tech 50 people of images. MORPH
Indian Movie 34512 images of 100 Indian actors are in different age, [35] PCA/SVM CACD 94.2%
database pose, gender, expression, and occlusion. MORPH
JAFFE 213 images of 7 facial expressions each female [36] Gabor/HOG WhoIsIt 80%
Labeled 8,500 faces (taken from Wikipedia). FG-Net
Wikipedia faces [37] KDCV / NN FG-NET 93%
LDHF Database 100 people’s images at different distances of 60m, [38] SVM LFW 89%
100m, and 150m from the subject’s. [39] AAM FG-NET 95%
MIT-CBCL 200 images are in different illumination, pose, and [40] GOP+SVM Passport 70%
database complex background. [41] GB FG-NET 82.7%
YouTube 604 images of 151 subjects [42] RMIR MORFH MAE=8.6
MORPH 55,134 images of 13,000 people’s. This database [43] DML FG-NET 84%
Database describes gender, date of birth, and date of acquisition.
[44] SSE FG-NET MAE=5.21
3D face 1149 of the facial color of 105 adults.
[45] AMF YGA MAE=8(M), 7.8(F)
Oulu Face 125 different faces are in different illuminant
Database conditions. SVM: Support Vector Machine, PCA: Principal Component Analysis,
Yale face 165 greyscale images of 15 individuals - 11 images per LBP: Local Binary Pattern, NN: Neural Network, HOG: Histogram of
Database subject. Oriented Gradient, AAM: Active Appearance Model
YouTube Faces 3,425 videos of 1,595 different people’s.
The PUT Face 9971 images of 100 people’s.
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V. GENDER CLASSIFICATION the field of face recognition. During face recognition some
Gender classification is an easy task for humans to identify well-known problems such as pose, facial expression,
illumination, occlusion, different facial features etc. have
a person according to his or her face but it’s a very
attained a lot of attention in the research community of
challenging task for computers [28]. Last 10 years of gender computer vision and pattern recognition. Various types of
classification for different databases are shown in Fig. 8. This techniques have been proposed to compensate for all these
analysis gives fruitful directions for further research in the challenges but still, there are some unsolved challenges, so
field of gender classification [29]. there is a scope of optimization. All these analyses will give a
right direction to the researcher in future to resolve the
unsolved challenges.
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