30 B TechAttendanceManagement2019-20
30 B TechAttendanceManagement2019-20
30 B TechAttendanceManagement2019-20
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1 author:
Talari Tirupal
All content following this page was uploaded by Talari Tirupal on 08 January 2021.
Computer Engineering
Elixir Comp. Engg. 137 (2019) 53899-53904
Art i cl e h i sto ry : Nowadays, classroom attendance of a student is a very important task and if taken
Received: 01 November 2019; manually wastes a lot of time. There are many automatic methods available for this
Received in revised form: purpose i.e., biometric attendance. All these methods waste time, waiting in a queue to
26 November 2019; detect their thumb, palm, face or iris in front of the scanning device. This paper describes
Accepted: 5 December 2019; the efficient algorithm that automatically marks attendance without any human
intervention and waste of time. The algorithm works with images of multiple faces.
K ey w o rd s Firstly, the images are captured by using a camera placed on the top of the blackboard.
Biometric, The captured images are processed for noise removal using a median filter. Then the
Attendance, faces are detected using the detection algorithm. Lastly, the detected face is recognized
Multiple faces, by comparing the faces in the database and the attendance is marked. A Graphical User
GUI. Interface (GUI) is designed for calculating the percentage of the match of faces.
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53900 T.Tirupal et al./ Elixir Comp. Engg. 137 (2019) 53899-53904
1. Robust Real-Time Object Detection: By Paul Viola and light systems extract features from the captured images that
Michael J. Jones [8, 12]. This seems to be the first article do not change over time while avoiding superficial features
where Viola-Jones presents the coherent set of ideas that such as facial expressions or hair. Several approaches to
constitute the fundamentals of their face detection algorithm. modeling facial images in the visible spectrum are Principal
This algorithm only finds frontal upright faces but is in 2003 Component Analysis, Local Feature Analysis, neural
presented in a variant that also detects profile and rotated networks, elastic graph theory, and multi-resolution analysis.
2. Neural Network-Based Face Detection: An image
pyramid is calculated to detect faces at multiple scales. A
fixed-size sub-window is moved through each image in the
pyramid. The content of a sub- window is corrected for non-
uniform lightning and subjected to histogram equalization.
The processed content is fed to several parallel neural
networks [10] that carry out the actual face detection. The
outputs are combined using logical AND, thus reducing the
number of false detections. In its first form this algorithm also
only detects frontal upright faces. Figure 1. Face Recognition
3. A Statistical method for 3d Object Detection [11] Fingerprint Recognition
applied to Faces and Cars: The basic mechanics of this Fingerprints are unique for each finger of a person
algorithm is also to calculate an image pyramid and scan a including identical twins. One of the most commercially
fixed size sub-window through each layer of this pyramid. available biometric technologies, fingerprint recognition
The content of the sub- window is subjected to a wavelet devices for desktop and laptop access are now widely
analysis [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] and histograms available from many different vendors at a low cost. With
are made for the different wavelet coefficients. These these devices, users no longer need to type passwords –
coefficients are fed to differently train parallel detectors that instead, only a touch provides instant access. Fingerprint
are sensitive to various orientations of the object. The systems can also be used in identification mode. Several
orientation of the object is determined by the detector that states check fingerprints for new applicants to social services
yields the highest output. Opposed to the basic Viola-Jones benefits to ensure recipients do not fraudulently obtain
algorithm and the algorithm presented by Rowley et al. this benefits under fake names.
algorithm also detects profile views.
Existing Methods for Recognition [21, 22]
1. Introduction to Biometrics: Biometrics is an automated
method of identifying a person or verifying the identity of a
person based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic.
Examples of physiological characteristics include hand or
finger images, facial characteristics. Biometric authentication
requires comparing a registered or enrolled biometric sample
(biometric template or identifier) against a newly captured
biometric sample (for example, captured image during a Figure 2. Fingerprint Recognition
login). During Enrollment, as shown in the picture below, a Palm Recognition
sample of the biometric trait is captured, processed by a Palm print recognition is a biometric authentication
computer, and store for later comparison. method based on the unique patterns of various characteristics
2. Biometric Authentication Technology: in the palms of people‘s hands. Palm prints and fingerprints
Biometric recognition can be used in Identification are often used together to enhance the accuracy of
mode, where the biometric system identifies a person [23] identification.
from the entire enrolled population by searching a database
for a match based solely on the biometric. Sometimes
identification is called ―one-to-many‖ matching. A system
can also be used in Verification mode, where the biometric
system [24, 25, 26] authenticates a person‘s claimed identity
from their previously enrolled pattern. This is also called
―one-to-one‖ matching. In most computer access or network
access environments, verification mode would be used.
3. Types of Biometrics: There are various types of biometric
techniques [27] that we observe in our daily life. Some of
them are shown below
Face Recognition
The identification of a person by their facial image can
be done in many different ways such as by capturing an Figure 3. Palm Recognition
image of the face in the visible spectrum using an inexpensive Gait Recognition
camera or by using the infrared patterns of facial heat The Machine Visions approach to gait recognition entails
emission. Facial recognition [28, 29, 30, 31] in visible light the acquisition of gait signals using one or more video-
typically model key features from the central portion of a cameras from a distance. Therefore, it requires an ambient
facial image. Using a wide assortment of cameras, the visible set-up. As a first common step, systems in this category use
53901 T.Tirupal et al./ Elixir Comp. Engg. 137 (2019) 53899-53904
techniques for video and image processing to detect the user's unique traits by which DNA recognition can identify or verify
image in a scene, to track the user's walk, and to extract gait the identification of a person.
features for user recognition. The cells that contain DNA share genetic material
(information) through chromosomes. Humans have 23
chromosomes that house a person‘s DNA and their genes. Of
the 46 total chromosomes, 23 come from each parent of an
offspring. 99.7% of an offspring‘s DNA is shared with their
parents. The remaining .3% of an individual‘s DNA is
variable repetitive coding unique to an individual. This
repetitive coding is the basis of DNA biometrics. DNA
recognition uses genetic profiling, also called genetic
fingerprinting, to isolate and identify these repetitive DNA
regions that are unique to each individual to either identify or
Figure 4. Gait Recognition
verify a person‘s identity.
Voice Recognition
Voice recognition is ―the technology by which sounds,
words or phrases spoken by humans are converted into
electrical signals, and these signals are transformed into
coding patterns to which meaning has been assigned‖. While
Input Image
the concept could more generally be called ―sound
recognition‖, we focus here on the human voice because we
most often and most naturally use our voices to communicate Histogram Normalization
our ideas to others in our immediate surroundings. The Normal ization
difficulty in using voice as an input to a computer simulation
Noise Removal
lies in the fundamental differences between human speech
and the more traditional forms of computer input. While
computer programs are commonly designed to produce a Skin Classification
precise and well-defined response upon receiving the proper
(and equally precise) input, the human voice and spoken
words are anything but precise. Each human voice is Face Detection
different, and identical words can have different meanings if
spoken with different inflections or in different contexts.
Select Region of Interest
Iris Recognition
This recognition method uses the iris of the eye, which is
the colored area that surrounds the pupil. Iris patterns are
Graphic User Interface (GUI)
thought unique. The iris patterns are obtained through a
video-based image acquisition system. Iris scanning devices Face
have been used in personal authentication applications for Database
several years. Systems based on iris recognition have INPUT IMAGE DATABASE IMAGE
substantially decreased in price and this trend is expected to
continue. The technology works well in both verification and
identification modes.
If it matches Stored in
Attendance Attendance
is marked Database