Annual Report 2020 (Estadísticas Cultivos Orgánicos)

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Consolidated Annual Report
of IFOAM - Organics International
& its Action Group

Reflect, Reunite, Revitalize

Table of
1 President’s
2 Executive Director’s
3 Organic World
at a Glance
4 Our Membership
and Global Network
5 A Spotlight
6 Our Work in
a Nutshell
7 Financial Statement
& Thanks
02 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International
1 President’s

This year has, more than ever, brought to light the vulner-
ability of our global food systems. Those hardest hit have
been the most vulnerable, including smallholder farmers
and workers in the Global South. The current crisis has
shown us not only how interdependent we all are, but also
how climate and health crises are all interrelated, with the
exploitation of people and planet as a common root cause.
It is clear that returning to “business as usual” after the
pandemic is simply not an option.

Considering this, we can no longer afford to debate ques- ities. Much of the success of our movement is due to the
tions such as, “Can organic feed the world?” Rather, we grassroots efforts of our members around the world.
need to ask: why isn’t the industrial model of agriculture
working? What food systems can provide sufficient and Our successes, despite this year’s challenges, are proof
nutritious food for all while minimizing environmental im- that organic agriculture is part of the solution to the
pacts and enabling producers to make a fair living? Food urgent issues we face. There is a growing awareness of
systems should benefit the public good, i.e., positively the need for resilient and transparent supply chains and
contribute to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, systems. It’s encouraging for the future, and we can now
and help us live within our planetary boundaries. Here, ask our policy- and decision-makers to Build Back Fair-
organic agriculture has proven to be a valuable tool in er around the principles of Organic Agriculture: Health,
policy making as it balances and optimizes several com- Ecology, Fairness, and Care.
mon ‘goods’ without adding to the ‘public bads’. We need
to say, in one strong voice, that organic agriculture is an At the upcoming Organic World Congress and IFOAM
instrument that can aid our environment, our economies, General Assembly, now scheduled for September 13-14,
our employment, our health, and our childrens’ future. 2021, we will present our progress over the last term. I am
looking forward to working collaboratively with members
IFOAM – Organics International is dedicated to playing a on a roadmap for our future organic strategy!
leading role in this critical transformation. The growth of
the organic sector over the last decades proves that we
are on the right track and that others are listening to our
messages. We have increased our awareness-raising ef-
forts and are also reaching out to ‘unusual suspects’. Our
members are key to our success, and we proudly draw
upon and support their valuable experiences and activ- Peggy Miars

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International 03

2 Director’s
The year 2020 will undoubtedly be remembered for the
global COVID-19 pandemic, which is still something we
continue to get to grips with. Its impact is likely to be felt
for a much longer time. The crisis has provided us with a
moment for reflection and also revealed the vulnerability
of global food systems.

Industrial agriculture is driving habitat loss and actually

creates the conditions for viruses to emerge and spread
in the first place, in a world where millions of people are
already living with hunger, malnutrition and extreme
poverty. There can be only one conclusion: we need to
move to sustainable and resilient food systems, now and
not in the distant future.

The transformation of agriculture and food systems is

something the organic sector has been shaping and
practicing for decades. Organic agriculture has a lot to
offer for systemic, positive health by reducing pesticide
levels, contributing to a healthy environment and focus-
sing on seasonality and proximity. We are happy to build
on all these experiences from you, our members, and also
share how the Principles of Health, Ecology, Fairness and
Care can guide us and shape our vision for a truly sus-
tainable world.

The role of agriculture in achieving the Sustainable De- We at IFOAM – Organics International will keep up the
velopment Goals (SDGs) is obvious. We observe increas- public pressure as we know that persistence pays off. Our
ing interest from governments in transforming food sys- third edition of the global action day #IGrowYourFood will
tems to make them contribute to the common good. And be held during the Organic World Congress this Septem-
only if governments ensure that policies are coherently ber. We invite all organic and agro-ecological farmers to
aligned with the SDGs will agriculture become part of the share their motivation, practices and messages on grow-
solution rather than part of the problem. ing organic food. We would like to hear and learn from
them and pay them the respect they really deserve. We
IFOAM – Organics International takes every opportuni- are happy to do so together with our Network, especially
ty to directly influence government policies and regula- the organic farmers that are gathered in the Internation-
tions around the world. We also work towards enabling al Network of Organic Farmers Organisations (INOFO).
high-level decision-makers by bringing them together in
the Food Policy Forum for Change.

The notion of ‘One Health’ expresses the interdependen-

cies and vulnerable balances in our ‘One Earth System’.
We know that good, nutritious food increases our person-
al resilience; in COVID-19 times, it almost looked as if food Louise Luttikholt
was regarded as medicine.

04 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International

3 World at
a Glance
Organic Agriculture:
Key Indicators and Top Countries
Indicator World Top countries

Countries with organic

2019: 187 countries
Australia (35.7 million hectares)
2019: 72.3 million hectares
Organic agricultural land (1999: 11 million hectares)
Argentina (3.7 million hectares)
Spain (2.4 million hectares)
Liechtenstein (41.0 %)
Organic share of total
2019: 1.5 % Austria (26.1 %)
agricultural land Sao Tome and Principe (24.9 %)
Finland (4.6 million hectares)
Wild collection and further 2019: 35.1 million hectares
Zambia (3.2 million hectares)
non-agricultural areas (1999: 4.1 million hectares)
Namibia (2.6 million hectares)
India (1'366'226)
2019: 3.1 million producers
Producers (1999: 200’000 producers)
Uganda (210’353)
Ethiopia (203'602)
US (44.7 billion euros)
2019: 106.4 billion euros
Organic market2 (2000: 15.1 billion euros)
Germany (12.0 billion euros)
France (11.3 billion euros)
Denmark (344 euros)
Per capita consumption 2019: 14.0 euros Switzerland (338 euros)
Luxembourg (265 euros)

Number of countries with

2019: 108 countries
organic regulations
Germany: 79 affiliates
Number of affiliates of India: 52 affiliates
2020: 719 affiliates
IFOAM – Organics International USA: 48 affiliates
Italy: 46 affiliates

Source: FiBL survey 2021, based on national data sources, data from certifiers and IFOAM – Organics International

Where the designation "country" appears in this book, it covers countries and territories,
see UNSTAT website
Please note that there are some differences in organic food sales figures from Ecovia Intelligence and those from
FiBL due to different methodologies. According to Ecovia Intelligence, global retail sales reached over 112 billion
US dollars in 2019. One euro corresponded to 1.1195 US dollars in 2019 according to the European Central Bank.

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International 05

4 Membership
and Global
The way we produce and consume food can either alleviate or exacerbate
global challenges such as the climate crisis, soil erosion, biodiversity loss while
providing good food for all and strengthening livelihoods.

Our National
and Regional Bodies

06 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International

and Global

Organic agriculture
is part of the solution.
Members of IFOAM - Organics International
champion this, every day.

Our Affiliates
We have 719 affiliates
around the world.


8% 9%
13% 3%

74% 44%



ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International 07

and Global

Our Members

use the platform that are a visible, amplify the voice

IFOAM - Organics important part of of organic across
International offers the global organic the world
for exchange and movement

Action Group **

Members ***
General Assembly
Regional Bodies World Board
Capacity Development
Policy & Guarantee
Sector Platforms


National Bodies

** IFOAM - Organics International is a shareholder

*** Daughter Company

08 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International

IFOAM - Organics International

and Global

We are global, regional,

and local agents for change.
We are inclusive
of the whole organic sector.
We are diverse.
We are a community.

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International 09

A Spotlight
5 on…
Every year, we highlight the work of two Self-Organised Structures.

Under the mandate to create a truly global network, our membership has
established Self-Organised Structures. They are leading change organically
in their territories and sectors to achieve positive, sustainable change around
the world.

A Spotlight on…
IFOAM Southern African
Network (ISAN)
In 2020, we found opportunities for two physical The meetings emphasised the need for ISAN to be
meetings riding on other events. As we faced the organised, bringing all stakeholders to work to-
global COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions, gether starting from country level to the region. It
more structured physical meetings could unfor- was agreed that an inclusive strategy should be
tunately not see light of the day. Despite these developed to ensure an enabling environment for
challenges, we can take some positives from the the organic sector, one that made sure to align all
difficulties brought by the pandemic: these trav- key stakeholders: the National Organic Agriculture
el restrictions paved the way for digital spaces to Movements (NOAMS), researchers and farmer or-
be increasingly used for meetings. This benefitted ganisations, all under one umbrella. This strategic
ISAN as limits in travel budget were previously the plan will help facilitate the smooth implementation
main obstacle in organising meetings. of IFOAM - Organics International’s ‘One Member-

10 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International

A Spotlight

ship’ strategy. 2020 also saw the initiation of the al level, contributing to the continent through the
regional strategy development, which is continuing Network of Organic Agriculture Researchers in Afri-
in 2021. ca (NOARA). Recruitment is still underway to build a
strong team of researchers that would make up the
In preparation for IFOAM - Organics International’s NOARA Southern Africa chapter. Professors Ray-
Training of Trainers of Trainers (ToToT) programme, mond Auerbach of Mandela University South Africa
members of ISAN had the opportunity to meet, and Brighton Mvumi of the University of Zimbabwe
discuss and make relevant contributions to the are leading this team and research priorities have
training curriculum, taking into consideration the been agreed on.
region’s needs for increased space in organic ag-
riculture (which can be affected through advocacy For the first time, ISAN members participated in
work), for increased production and productivity, for the #IGrowYourFood global action day. They took to
growth of the organic market, and the need to cap- social media to spread farmer messages and chal-
ture and share statistics on organic agriculture in lenges, raising awareness of their activities hap-
the region and beyond. pening across different countries in the Southern
Africa region.
We mapped and identified organic researchers
across different countries in order to drive the or-
ganic research agenda from a country to region-

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International 11

A Spotlight on…
As with everyone else in the world, 2020 caught IFOAM ABM off guard. The
pandemic not only disrupted the world physically, but quarantines also forced
us to change our everyday lives. We could no longer physically reach our audi-
ence, and therefore had to take a new digital-oriented approach. We vowed
to provide and expand our networks competences with the Organic Grower’s
Forum, ongoing webinars and new projects.



Organic Growers Forum announced April 2020

In April 2020 IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo was proud to announce the creation of IFOAM ABM’s
Olive Forum! The Olive Forum is a network of growers, producers and stakeholders in the Olive in-
dustry. It aims to provide a platform for cooperation, synergy and content dissemination in the Med-
iterranean region.
With physical activities being severely limited, we strived to expand our team of experts and spread
digital content through media and newsletters.

As always, we strive to include people from every corner of the Mediterranean. Our team is currently:
• Dr. Uygun Aksoy, ETO Turkey
• Dr. Yizhar Tugendhaft, IBOAA

We’re always looking for new members sign up

for the Organic Olive Grower’s Forum! Join the network
for free!

12 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International

A Spotlight

Start Up Bio Erasmus+ Project

IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo is a community partner of the Erasmus+ Program, "StartUp Bio"! The
new program aims to support farmers and rural businesses in making the transition from a conven-
tional, environmentally harmful approach in agriculture to new and innovative biodiversity man-
agement, with an emphasis on organic farming. StartUpBio has created some interesting results,
including a complete course on the Organic Agriculture principles and methodologies and a Busi-
ness Accelerator designed to support transitioning farmers through the whole process.

Find more information on the project here.

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International 13

A Spotlight

“IoT and AgriFood” Webinar

In cooperation with our Permanent Secretariat, Organization Earth and the Cube Athens, we con-
ducted one of several webinars throughout quarantine. During the online session, we discussed the
new ways technological advances in smart farming may impact how we grow, produce and con-
sume. The event was broadcasted in Greek.

#IGrowYourFood Global Campaign

On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the SDGs, IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo participated in the
#IGrowYourFood global action day. Together, we celebrated the men and women who grow our food
sustainably, in harmony with nature and thus contributing to the achievement of the Global Goals.

In collaboration with our secretariat Οργάνωση Γη-Organization Earth and the help of organic bee-
keeper and olive oil producer Mr. Pantelis Costakos, IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo took part in the
global action day—and invites you to do the same! Watch the video here to find out more about
Pantelis and how he started as an organic farmer.

14 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International

Our Work
6 in a Nutshell
Organic 3.0
Through Organic 3.0, the organic movement wants to showcase its ability to
have impact on issues of critical importance to billions of people – e.g. ensuring
climate change mitigation, resilience and adaptation, access to capital and ad-
equate income, availability of land, water, seeds, and healthy diets, and avoid-
ance of waste in production and consumption. Fertile soils, clean water, appro-
priate and diverse genetic resources, social and economic opportunities for all,
and cultural heritage that reveals the identity and accessibility of traditional
and scientific knowledge are just a few examples of vulnerable resources that
matter to future generations.

Organic agriculture can significantly contribute to Organic 3.0 forms from the top-down and the bot-
addressing global environmental and social chal- tom-up: We work collectively toward a common
lenges and to achieving the Sustainable Develop- framework that emerges out of the diversity of
ment Goals. To utilise its full potential, it needs to like-minded initiatives from around the world. The
grow, continuously improve its performance and in- membership shares the visions and commits to be-
spire mainstream agriculture. Organic 3.0 provides a ing part of this strategic roadmap and to follow-
roadmap for innovative, inclusive, fair and impactful ing the common objectives in its own missions and
organic development from farm to final consumer. strategies.
Its goal is to enable the widespread uptake of truly
sustainable farming systems and markets based on
organic principles.

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International 15

Our Work
in a Nutshell
Together, we ask:

Build Back Fairer!

IFOAM - Organics International joined a wide coalition of civil society

organisations — in consultation with international partners and pro-
ducer organisations across Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa — to
demand the transformation of the economy and trade system through
just and sustainable COVID-19 recovery policies.

In 2020, we found ourselves responding to a cri- Time of Crisis, we showcased good policy practices,
sis that was hard to predict. The threats to glob- illustrating the key role of policy-makers as agents
al health as well as food and nutrition security of change when it comes to long-term and resilient
posed by an unsustainable model of agriculture transformation. In the latter, we celebrated recent
are a disaster waiting to happen, but one that we pioneering initiatives such as in Himachal Pradesh
know about, a crisis we can prevent. Policy-mak- in India, in Bogotá, Colombia and in Karnali prov-
ers and citizens can take swift and far-reaching ince in Nepal.
action to trigger change, and this marked all of
our efforts throughout a challenging year, unit- Despite the difficulties encountered by necessary
ing with all stakeholders for a sustainable future. COVID-19 health and safety measures, we were
consistently amazed by the organic movement’s
We’ve engaged with an interactive global network resilience and determination to come together to
of policy-makers interested in making our food weather the storm. When it came to our activities,
systems sustainable in the face of current global we found alternative ways to connect stakehold-
challenges. Policy-makers shared their experiences ers and still successfully implement our plans; field
in various events including CFS High-Level Special visits were substituted with regular phone calls and
Event and the 3rd Global Conference of the SFS guidance through virtual meetings, trainings were
Programme. In the former, during our session Con- conducted digitally... In that sense, the pandem-
necting Agroecological and Integrated Policies in ic also provided new opportunities, particularly in

16 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International

Our Work
in a Nutshell

regard to the way local food systems were shown countries by engaging in Organic 3.0, its vision is to
to be more resilient. Local governments recognised mainstream and position organic systems as part
this and are supporting our projects with more em- of the solution to solving the challenges faced by
phasis as a result. our planet and our species. The project will aim to
foster organic business development in export and
In Senegal, we worked closely with the national or- domestic trade, expanding and creating great-
ganic movement (FENAB) during the PROBio pro- er job opportunities, particularly for women and
ject, which aims to strengthen the country’s nation- youth. The investment in the organic sector is ex-
al organic network by contributing to the creation pected to lead to economic growth, enhanced ca-
of new jobs and additional revenues in the organic pacities and skills and sustainable management of
sector. Running for three years, the project is part of natural resources.
the sequa programme PartnerAfrica, contributing
to the Special Initiative Income and Employment In West Africa, we continued working on Organ-
of the German Ministry of Economic Development ic Markets for Development (OM4D), which aims
and Cooperation (BMZ). to create opportunities for smallholder farmers
to improve their living conditions by inclusion into
The Organic Trade for Development (OT4D) project domestic and international organic markets. In
was initiated in Albania, Ukraine and Serbia. Ac- April, the project saw the first ever Organic Lead-
celerating the uptake of organic farming in these ership Course in Portuguese held in São Tomé
and Príncipe. PGS promotion and support is a key
part of achieving OM4D’s aim to develop local or-
ganic markets in its four target countries, and we
were able to celebrate the official launch of PGS in
Ghana in October.

2020 saw Madagascar develop its first organic law,

to which IFOAM - Organics International offered
their technical support. This was a tremendous de-
velopment for organic: the law is the first organic
regulation in Africa to be developed through public
and private stakeholder involvement, recognising
PGS and the equivalence of other organic certifica-
tion systems as well as passing with the unanimous
approval of the Senate. In Europe, we advocated to
the EU Commission and USDA to preserve feasi-
ble requirements for smallholders certified through
group certification. While this requires further ef-
forts, we were met with at least some intermediary
success at the EU level, raising the limit of groups
from the original 500 to 2,000.

In April, IFOAM - Organics International and the

Global Landscapes Forum hosted ‘Food with-
out Farmers’, a digital forum exploring the role of
smallholder farmers as the trend toward lab-grown
food attempts to address the shortcomings of how
we currently produce and consume food. Togeth-

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International 17

Our Work
in a Nutshell

er, participants exchanged on sustainable food by combining regional and global benefits. Our
systems, incentification for farmers, reducing the new 2021–2025 Membership Strategy puts greater
impact of unsustainable agriculture on biodiversi- emphasis on our core strength — our members! —
ty and livelihoods, as well as how to equip farmers and will build on its use of the right tools to improve
with the skills and knowledge they want and need, our outreach and engagement, all the while build-
and much more. ing effective coordination with the Regional Bodies
and Sector Platforms.
Sustainable agriculture is at a critical juncture across
the globe in the next decade, with complex and di- The second edition of the #IGrowYourFood action
verse domains such as climate change and Sustaina- day was a global success! Hundreds of farmers
ble Development Goals (SDGs) intersecting with ide- and organisations from around the world joined
as on agroecology and organic agriculture systems. IFOAM - Organics International’s digital initiative.
In 2020, the Organic Academy at IFOAM - Organics Voices from the organic movement spanning 45+
International maintained its strong stand to address countries came together to directly address citizens
all these topics, holding initiatives across continents. and policy-makers about the experiences and the
Sharing a diverse set of skills, the Academy assisted challenges they face when growing our food in a
with training and capacity building methods on a healthy, sustainable way.
wide range of topics from agroecological to sustain-
able food systems, as well as specialised positions The next edition of the global action day will take
on seeds, planting material and tropical agricultural place during Organic September at the Organic
systems.One key aspect of our training programmes World Congress 2021. Some 2,500+ organic stake-
is that they are highly scaled out, even at the conti- holders, farmers, researchers and policymakers will
nental level. This will continue in 2021. exchange on resilience, societal transformation,
health, and food sovereignty during the world’s
In 2020 and beyond, we continue to collaborate largest organic gathering. A virtual hybrid event,
and will promote the concept of ‘one membership’, the OWC2021 will offer a truly global, diverse space
joining members across all our internal bodies. The that inspires positive change through knowledge
aim is for the IFOAM network to be seen as a full exchange, learning, and the formulation of organic,
entity, bringing even greater value to membership sustainable solutions, for a better tomorrow for all.

We can’t wait
to see you there!
18 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International
7 Statement
& Thanks
Balance Sheet
Financial Note ASSETS IN € 12/31/2020 12/31/2019
Starting with the 2019 financial year, the financial I. Intangible assets
management system of IFOAM – Organics Inter- Purchased concessions,
industrial property and similar 64.008,91 23.367,61
national has received an overhaul to comply with rights and assets, and licenses in
higher accounting standards fitting the size of our such rights and assets
II. Tangible assets
organization and the requirements of our host
Operating and office equipment 35.040,59 27.531,51
country. In our last annual report, we informed you
III. Financial assets
about this undertaking, which also has its ‘clean- Other long-term equity 17.568,00 17.568,00
up effects’ on the year-end closing 2020.
116.617,50 68.467,12
Notably, the COVID-19 pandemic could not stop
I. Inventories
our important work in 2020 but did influence our Finished goods and merchandise 5.000,00 5.000,00
financial results negatively. Some projects were put II. Receivables
on hold or could not make the progress as originally and other assets
1. Trade receivables 26.688,24 152.632,39
planned. At the same time, many activities did hap- 2. Other assets 365.631,67 264.549,70
pen and we were able to secure some additional 392.319,91 417.182,09
funds for online events and trainings. lll. Cash on hand
and bank balances 3.065.871,77 2.379.695,06
3.463.191,68 2.801.877,15
The resulting negative financial outcome not only
C. PREPAID EXPENSES 25.781,95 0,00
reflects COVID effects and upgrading our financial
system but also the vulnerable sustainability mod- 3.605.591,13 2.870.344,27

el of our association, a challenge which the board,

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES IN € 12/31/2020 12/31/2019
Network Council and staff have started to turn
around. These factors are expected to also influ-
ence the results of 2021. I. Earmarked reserves 183.288,46 393.288,46
II. Cumulative losses brought -8.673,58 -6.854,63
Meanwhile, the update of the financial manage- 174.614,88 386.433,83
ment system continues and is planned to be fully
in place by the end of 2021, so that we can operate
I. Tax provisions 0,00 12.900,00
with a professional system from 2022 onwards. II. Other provisions 69.728,54 109.245,72

69.728,54 122.145,72
The board would like to thank and appreciate the
staff for this tremendous task, as well as the mem-
bers for their continued trust and support. I. Trade payables 67.553,63 2.248,60
II. Other liabilities 3.291.699,69 2.300.248,34

3.359.253,32 2.302.496,94

D. DEFERRED INCOME 1.994,39 59.267,78

Peggy Miars, President 3.605.591,13 2.870.344,27

IFOAM - Organics International 19

& Thanks
Statement of Income and Expenses for the Period
from 1 January to 31 December of the year The salary ratio is 3.1
(highest/ lowest full-time salary)
IN € 2020 2019
Category for a
Minimum Average Maximum
1. Grants 2.162.188,74 2.503.510,25 full-time position
2. Member contributions 352.010,00 361.220,75
Coordinator 27,000 € 39,000 € 65,000 €
3. Sales revenue 118.580,73 163.831,38
Manager 43,000 € 64,000 € 72,000 €
4. Other operating income 593.585,34 801.068,23
5. Expenses for project funding -1.130.662,34 -1.700.353,66 Executive Director / 65,000 € 89,000 € 98,500 €
Deputy Director
6. Personnel expenses
    A. Wages and salaries -1.308.243,71 -1.181.416,42
   B. Social security, pension
    & other benefits -245.420,48 -241.312,91

7. Amortization and depreciation of

  fixed intangible and tangible assets -19.264,25 -7.977,05 Transactions to Related Parties 2020
8. Other operating expenses -711.697,99 -1.018.065,63
• In 2020 we identified 4 cases of trasactions to former
9. Other interest and similar income 70,00 23,94 staff members with the total amount of 26,615 €, e.g.
10. Other interest and similar expenses -613,00 0,00
for project counsltancies and strategic advise.

11. Taxes on income and earnings -9.927,70 -42.634,73 • In addition, we transferred project funds to 6 Affiliates
of IFOAM - Organics International as project partners
12. Net income or loss after taxes -199.394,66 -362.105,85
with the amount of 791,691 €.
13. Other taxes -12.424,29 -24.722,40
• In total 818,306 € were transferred to 10 related
14. Net loss for the financial year -211.818,95 -386.828,25 parties in 2020.
15. Unappropriated retained earnings 
brought forward from prior year -6.854,63 139.973,62
16. Withdrawals from the
   earmarked reserves 310.000,00 736.663,07
17. Transfer to the earmarked reserves -100.000,00 -496.663,07
CO2 Compensation
18. Cumulative losses brought forward -8.673,58 -6.854,63 In 2020 we compensated for 50 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

Finances of Self-Organized Structures

Regional Bodies Income Expenditures Reserves Sector Platforms Income Expenditures Reserves
IFOAM 251.544 € 240.290 € 11.254 € IFOAM 0€ 0€ 0€
Organics Asia Seeds Platform
IFOAM 0€ 0€ 0€ IFOAM 0€ 0€ 0€
Euro-Asia Aquaculture Forum
IFOAM 7.500 € 8.600 € 3.991 € IFOAM Animal 19.200 € 19.200 € 0€
AgriBioMediterraneo Husbandry Alliance
IFOAM 0€ 0€ 0€ IFOAM 0€ 0€ 0€
America Latina Apiculture Forum
IFOAM 11.404 € 15.078 € 1.377 € INOFO 25.400 € 17.600 € 13.376 €
North America
IFOAM 1.734.473 € 1.718.553 € 15.920 € TIPI 0€ 0€ 0€
Organics Europe
IFOAM Southern 0€ 0€ 0€
African Network

National Bodies Related Organisations

IFOAM IRAN 0€ 0€ 0€ IOAS 880.264 € 964.520 € 747.571 €
IFOAM France n.a n.a n.a bioC 61.715 € 53.265 € 40.209 €
IFOAM Japan n.a n.a n.a
*n.a-data not available

20 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International

Over 500,000 € 250,000-500,000 € 160,000-250,000 € 50,000-160,000 € 10,000- 50,000 € 1,000- 10,000 €

• Ministry of Foreign • EU Commission, • Deutsche • Biovision • Biovision Africa • Sekem Freunde

Affairs of the Belgium Gesellschaft für Foundation, Trust - (BVAT), Deutschland
Netherlands, The Internationale {SDC & BMZ Funds} Kenya SFD, Germany
• SEQUA gGmbh
Netherlands Zusammenar- Switzerland
{BMZ Funds}, • Food and • Stiftung Umwelt
beit (GIZ) GmbH,
• Swiss Agency for Germany • Deutsche Agriculture und Entwicklung,
{BMZ Funds},
Development and Welthungerhilfe Organization Germany
• State Secretaritat Germany
Cooperation (SDC), e.V., Germany of the United
for Economic Affairs
Switzerland • European Nations (FAO),
(SECO), Switzerland • Rural Development
Environmental Italy
Bureau (EEB),
(RDA), South Korea • Neuapostolische
{EU Commission
Funds}, Belgium • Swedish Society Kirche-Karitativ
for Nature e.V., Germany
• Rare {BMU
Conservation (SSNC),
Funds}, USA

50,000 - 100,000 € 20,000-50,000 € 5,000 - 20,000 € 1,000 -5,000 € 100 - 1,000 € 

• Nürnberg Messe • Agriculture • DOGTARBESBIR, • BioSuisse, • Alliance Organic Integrity, USA

GmbH, Germany & Finance {EU Commission Switzerland
• Biocyclic Network Services Ltd., Cyprus
Consultants Funds}, Turkey
• Stiftung Haus
(AFC) {BMEL • California Certified Organic Farmers, USA
• Federal Ministry der Bauern
Funds}, Germany
of Food and • Diayutai Food Technology Co.Ltd., China
• EcoWellnes, Germany
• MASIPAG, Philipines
• Namibian Organic
• Rapunzel
Association, Namibia
Naturkost AG,
Germany • Nature & Progrès, France
• SwissAid, • Sunshine Earth Inc., China
• The International Analog Forestry
Network, Costa Rica
• Qualitätsgemeinschaft Biomineralwasser,
• Vietnam Certification Center, Vietnam
• Vietnam PGS, Vietnam

In kind contributions: Food & Drinks supply: Alaryk, Bionade, Byodo Naturkost GmbH, Ecovin, Guayapi, Lebensbaum,
Neumarkter Lammsbräu, Rapunzel, Riedenburger Brauhaus.
Office rent: City of Bonn
Hosting Youth Forum participants: Asian Local Governments for Organic Agriculture (ALGOA)
Legal Advice: Hanspeter Schmidt

WE THANK Strategic Partners


ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International 21

FEBRUARY 15 – 18, 2022

Nuremberg, Germany HERE
February 15 – 18, 2022

World‘s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food

International patron

National supporting organization

Join the world‘s leading trade show
network for organic products!
World‘s Leading Trade Fair
Philadelphia, PA, USA Nuremberg, Germany Shanghai, China Chiba (Tokyo), Japan
September 23 – 25, 2021 February 15 – 18, 2022 May 12 – 14, 2022 March, 2022


Bangkok, Thailand
July, 2022


– BIO BRAZIL FAIR Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Delhi-NCR, India
São Paulo, Brazil Nov 29 – Dec 1, 2021 October 28 – 30, 2021
22 June 8 – 11, 2022
ANNUAL REPORT 2020 IFOAM - Organics International

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