3M Matic Case Sealer 700a Manual

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Instructions and Parts List

Important Safety
3M-Matic Information
Read "Important Safeguards",
700a Type 39600 pages 3-5 and also
operating "Warnings",
page 14 BEFORE

Case Sealer
AccuGlide II

Taping Heads Spare Parts

It is recommended you
immediately order the spare
parts listed on page 31,
Section I and page 17,
Section II. These parts are
expected to wear through
normal use and should be
kept on hand to minimize
production delays.
Serial No.
For reference, record machine serial number here.

"3M-Matic"and "AccuGlide" are Trademarks

of 3M, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000

Distributed by Rapid Packaging, Inc. Litho in U.S.A.

763-404-8900 | [email protected] © 3M 1999 44-0009-1906-6 (D59.0)

Replacement Parts and Service Information

To Our Customers:
This is the 3M-Matic™/AccuGlide™/Scotch™ brand equipment you
ordered. It has been set up and tested in the factory with "Scotch" brand
tapes. If technical assistance or replacement parts are needed, call or Fax
the appropriate number listed below.

Included with each machine is an Instructions and Parts List manual.

Technical Assistance:

3M-Matic™ Helpline – 1-800/328 1390. Please provide the customer support

coordinator with the machine number, machine type/model and serial number.
If you have a technical question that does not require an immediate response,
you may Fax it to 715/381 0248.

Replacement Parts and Additional Manuals

Order parts by part number, part description and quantity required. Also,
when ordering parts and/or additional manuals, include machine name,
number and type. A parts order form is provided at the back of this manual.

3M/Tape Dispenser Parts

241 Venture Drive 1-800/344 9883
Amery, WI 54001-1325 FAX# 715/268 8153

Minimum billing on parts orders will be $25.00. Replacement part prices available on request.
$10.00 restocking charge per invoice on returned parts.
Note : Outside the U.S., contact the local 3M subsidiary for parts ordering information.

"3M-Matic", "AccuGlide" and “Scotch” are trademarks of

3M Packaging Systems Division 3M, St. Paul, Minnesota 55144-1000
3M Center, Building 220-8W-01 Printed in U.S.A.

St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 © 3M 1999 44-0009-1851-4(E79.0)

Replacement Parts And Service Information

To Our Customers:
This is the 3M-Matic™/AccuGlide™/Scotch™ brand equipment you
ordered. It has been set up and tested in the factory with "Scotch" brand
tapes. If any problems occur when operating this equipment, and you
desire a service call, or phone consultation, call, write or Fax the
appropriate number listed below.

Included with each machine is an Instructions and Parts List manual.



Order parts by part number, part description and quantity required. Also, when
ordering parts and/or additional manuals, include machine name, number and

3M Packaging Systems Division "3M-Matic", "AccuGlide" and “Scotch” are trademarks of

3M, St. Paul, Minnesota 55144-1000

3M Center, Building 220-8W-01 Printed in U.S.A.

St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 © 3M 1999 44-0009-1852-2(D79.0)

1-800/328 1390
Instruction Manual
700a, Adjustable Case Sealer, Type 39600

This instruction manual is divided into two sections as follows:

Section I Includes all information related to installation, operation and parts for the case sealer.
Section II Includes specific information regarding the AccuGlide™ II STD 2 Inch Taping Heads.

Table of Contents Page

Section I – 700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Description ........................................................................................................................................ 1

Equipment Warranty and Limited Remedy ....................................................................................... 2

700a Contents ................................................................................................................................... 2

Important Safeguards ........................................................................................................................ 3-5

Specifications .................................................................................................................................... 6-8

Installation and Set-Up ...................................................................................................................... 9 - 12

Receiving and Handling ....................................................................................... 9
Machine Set-Up ................................................................................................... 9 - 12
Packaging and Separate Parts .................................................................. 9 -10
Machine Bed Height ................................................................................... 11
Outboard Tape Roll Mounting .................................................................... 11
Tape Leg Length ........................................................................................ 11
Box Size Capacity of Case Sealer ............................................................. 12
Electrical Connection and Controls ............................................................ 12
Initial Start-Up of Case Sealer .................................................................... 12

Operation .......................................................................................................................................... 13 - 17
Electrical On/Off Switch ....................................................................................... 14
Emergency Stop Switch ....................................................................................... 14
Tape Loading/Threading ...................................................................................... 14
Box Size Set-Up ................................................................................................... 15 - 16
Adjust Upper Taping Head ......................................................................... 15
Adjust Side Guides ..................................................................................... 15
Run Boxes To Check Adjustment .............................................................. 16
Top Flap Compression Rollers ................................................................... 16
Adjust Compression Rollers ....................................................................... 16
Box Sealing .......................................................................................................... 17

(Table of Contents continued on next page)

Table of Contents (Continued) Page

Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... 18 - 20
Cleaning ............................................................................................................... 18
Lubrication ........................................................................................................... 18
Box Drive Belt Replacement ................................................................................ 19
Circuit Breaker ..................................................................................................... 20
Blade Replacement, Taping Head ....................................................................... 20

Adjustments ..................................................................................................................................... 21 - 23
Box Drive Belt Tension ........................................................................................ 21 - 22
Taping Head Adjustments .................................................................................... 23

Special Set-Up Procedure ................................................................................................................. 25 - 27

Changing Tape Leg Length ................................................................................. 25 - 26
Box and Machine Bed Height Range ................................................................... 26 - 27

Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ 28

Electrical Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 29

Parts and Service Information ........................................................................................................... 31

Options/Accessories ......................................................................................................................... 32

Replacement Parts Illustrations and Parts Lists ...................................................... (Yellow Section) 33 - 59

Section II – AccuGlide™ II STD 2 Inch Taping Heads

(See Section II for Table of Contents)

The 3M-Matic 700a Adjustable Case Sealer with AccuGlide II Taping Heads is designed to apply a “C” clip
of Scotch brand pressure-sensitive film box sealing tape to the top and bottom center seam of regular slotted
containers. The 700a is manually adjustable to a wide range of box sizes (see "Specifications – Box Weight and
Size Capacities", Page 7).

3M-Matic 700a Adjustable Case Sealer, Type 39600 (Note – Lower tape supply roll and bracket assembly are
shown in the alternate location)
Equipment Warranty and Limited Remedy: THE FOLLOWING WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ALL

3M sells its 3M-Matic™ 700a Adjustable Case Sealer, Type 39600 with the following warranties:
1. The drive belts and the taping head knives, springs and rollers will be free from all defects for ninety (90)
days after delivery.
2. All other taping head parts will be free from all defects for three (3) years after delivery.
3. All other parts will be free from all defects for two (2) years after delivery.

If any part is proved to be defective within its warranty period, then the exclusive remedy and 3M’s and seller’s
sole obligation shall be, at 3M’s option, to repair or replace the part, provided the defective part is returned
immediately to 3M’s factory or an authorized service station designated by 3M. A part will be presumed to have
become defective after its warranty period unless the part is received or 3M is notified of the problem no later than
five (5) calendar days after the warranty period. If 3M is unable to repair or replace the part within a reasonable
time, then 3M at its option, will replace the equipment or refund the purchase price. 3M shall have no obligation
to provide or pay for the labor required to install the repaired or replacement part. 3M shall have no obligation to
repair or replace (1) those parts failing due to operator misuse, carelessness, or due to any accidental cause
other than equipment failure, or (2) parts failing due to non-lubrication, inadequate cleaning, improper operating
environment, improper utilities or operator error.

Limitation of Liability: 3M and seller shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages based upon breach of warranty, breach of contract, negligence, strict liability or any other legal theory.

The foregoing Equipment Warranty and Limited Remedy and Limitation of Liability may be changed only by a
written agreement signed by authorized officers of 3M and seller.

Contents – 700a Adjustable Case Sealer

(1) 700a Adjustable Case Sealer, Type 39600

(1) Upper Assembly Height Adjustment Crank/Hardware
(1) Upper Tape Drum/Bracket/Hardware
(2) Column Stop Bracket/Hardware
(1) Tool/Spare Parts Kit
(1) Instruction and Parts Manual

Scotch , AccuGlide , and 3M-Matic are Trademarks of 3M, St. Paul, Minnesota 55144-1000

Important Safeguards

The "Warning – Hazardous Voltage" label, shown

This safety alert symbol identifies in Figure 1-2, is attached to the cover of the
important messages in this manual. electrical enclosure. The label warns service
READ AND UNDERSTAND THEM BEFORE personnel to unplug the power supply before
INSTALLING OR OPERATING THIS attempting any service work on the case sealer.

Important – In the event the following safety

labels are damaged or destroyed, they must be
replaced to ensure operator safety. A label
kit, part number 78-8098-9175-3 is available as
a stock item or individual labels can be ordered.
See Parts Illustration/List, Section I, pages 58
and 59.

Figure 1-2 – Electrical Warning Label

The "Warning – Sharp Knife" label, shown in The "Warning – Moving Belts" labels, shown in
Figure 1-1, is attached to both sides of the upper Figure 1-3, are attached to both sides of the upper
frame at the location of the cut-off blade on the belt guards at the infeed end of the machine. The
upper taping head. The labels warn operators and labels warn operators to keep hands or loose
service personnel of the very sharp knife used to cut clothing away from this area because of moving
the tape at the end of the tape application. belts.

Figure 1-1 – Knife Warning Label Figure 1-3 – Box Drive Belt Warning Label
Important Safeguards (Continued)
The "Caution – Pinch Point" label, shown in The 700a is equipped with a "Red" emergency stop
Figure 1-4, is attached to the center plate at the exit switch located on the top/front of the upper ski
end of the machine bed. The label warns the assembly. The "Stop" label, shown in Figure 1-4,
operator to keep hands out of this area when the is located near the switch and reminds operators
drive belts are running. and casual personnel of the function of this switch.

Figure 1-4 – Pinch Point Caution Label Figure 1-6 – Stop Label

The "Safety Instructions" label, shown in

Figure 1-5, is attached to the top/front of the upper The "O/I" (Off/On) label, shown in Figure 1-7, is
ski assembly. The label provides convenient attached to the front surface of the electrical switch
safeguard instructions for the operator and service on the side of the machine frame. The label reminds
personnel. operators which button is "On" or "Off".

Figure 1-5 – Safety Instruction Label Figure 1-7 – Electrical On/Off Label
Important Safeguards (Continued)
The "Notice – Taping Head Latch" label, shown in
Figure 1-10 is attached to the top surface of the
upper, left belt guard at the front edge of the taping
The "Center Box Here" label, shown in Figure 1-8, head. The label reminds operators and service
is attached to the front of the upper frame to remind personnel to keep latch down except to remove
the operator of the proper box placement procedure. taping head.

Figure 1-8 – Center Box Label Figure 1-10 – Upper Taping Latch Label

The "Up/Down/Lock" label, shown in Figure 1-9, is The "Caution – Pinch Point" label, shown in
located on the top surface, on each side, of the Figure 1-11, is attached to the top of the
upper column assembly. The label reminds the compression roller brackets on both sides of the
operator of the direction to turn the height machine. The label reminds operator to keep hands
adjustment crank to raise and lower the upper away from compression rollers when machine is
drive belts/taping head and the locking feature. running.

Figure 1-9 – Up/Down/Lock Label Figure 1-11 – Pinch Point Caution Label
1. Power Requirements:

Electrical - 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 3.8 A (440 watts)

The machine is equipped with a 2.4 m [8 foot] standard neoprene covered power cord and a grounded plug.
Contact your 3M Representative for power requirements not listed above.

2. Operating Rate:

Box drive belt speed is approximately 0.4 m/s [78 feet per minute].


3. Operating Conditions:

Use in dry, relatively clean environments at 5o to 40o C [40o to 105o F] with clean, dry boxes.

Note: Machine should not be washed down or subjected to conditions causing moisture condensation on

4. Tape:
Scotch brand pressure-sensitive film box sealing tapes.

5. Tape Width:

36 mm [1 1/2 inch] minimum to 48 mm [2 inch] maximum

(Specifications continued on next page)

Specifications (Continued)

6. Tape Roll Diameter:

Up to 405 mm [16 inch] maximum on a 76.2 mm [3 inch] diameter core.

(Accommodates all system roll lengths of Scotch brand film tapes.)

7. Tape Application Leg Length – Standard:

70 mm ± 6 mm [2.75 inch ±.25 inch ]

Tape Application Leg Length – Optional:

50 mm ± 6 mm [2 inch ±.25 inch]
(See "Special Set-Up Procedure – Changing the Tape Leg Length", Page 25.)

8. Box Board:

Style – regular slotted containers – RSC

125 to 275 P.S.I. bursting test, single wall or double wall B or C flute.

9. Box Weight and Size Capacities:

A. Box Weight, filled – up to 38.6 kg [85 lbs.] maximum. Contents must support flaps.

B. Box Size: Minimum Maximum

Length – 150 mm [6.0 inch] Unlimited

Width – 150 mm [6.0 inch]* 550 mm [21.5 inch]
Height – 120 mm [4.75 inch]** *** 620 mm [24.5 inch] ***

* Cartons narrower than 250 mm [10 inch] in width may require more frequent belt replacement
because of limited contact area.
** 90 mm [3.5 inch] height with heads adjusted to apply 50 mm [2 inch] tape leg lengths. (See "Special
Set-Up Procedure – Changing the Tape Leg Length", Page 25.)
*** 165 mm [6.5 inch] minimum to 725 mm [28.5 inch] maximum height with columns adjusted to upper
position. (See "Special Set-Up Procedure – Box and Machine Bed Height Range", Page 26.)

Special modifications may be available for carton sizes not listed above.
Contact your 3M Representative for information.

Note: The case sealer can accommodate most boxes within the size range listed above. However, if
the box length (in direction of seal) to box height ratio is .5 or less, then several boxes should be test run
to assure proper machine performance.




Any box ratio approaching this limitation should be test run to assure performance.

(Specifications continued on next page.)

Specifications (Continued)

10. Machine Dimensions:

W L H A* B C** F
mm 790 1030 1350 460 610 100 625
[Inches] [31] [40 .5] [53] [18] [24]*** [4] [24.5]
mm 2185 890
[Inches] -- -- [86]*** -- [35]*** -- --

* Infeed/Exit conveyors are optional

** Casters are optional
*** When columns are adjusted to upper position, "B" minimum dimension is 520 mm [20.5 inch], maximum
dimension is 780 mm [31 inch] and "H" maximum dimension is 2290 mm [90 inch]. (See "Special Set-Up
Procedure – Box and Machine Bed Height Range", Page 26.)

Weight – 180 kg [400 lbs] crated (approximate)

160 kg [350 lbs] uncrated (approximate)

11. Set-Up Recommendations:

• Machine must be level.

• Customer supplied infeed and exit conveyors (if used) should provide straight and level box entry and exit.
• Exit conveyors (powered or gravity) must convey sealed boxes away from machine.

Installation and Set-Up

Receiving And Handling

After the machine has been uncrated, examine the 6. Loosen and move both compression rollers out
case sealer for damage that might have occurred so they don't catch on side guides.
during transit. If damage is evident, file a damage
claim immediately with the transportation company 7. Install height adjustment crank and locking
and also notify your 3M Representative. knob on top of left column as shown in
Figure 2-1B. Crank upper assembly up high
enough to allow clear access to lower taping
head. Remove and discard the two cushion
Machine Set-Up shipping blocks.

8. Using 17 mm wrench, remove nuts from top of

Important – Read "Warnings", on page
side guides. Replace with black knobs from
14, before attempting to set-up the case
parts box. Figure 2-1C.
sealer for operation.
9. Cut and remove cable ties on both upper and
The following instructions are presented in the order lower taping heads. (Applying/buffing rollers
recommended for setting up and installing the case are held retracted for shipment.)
sealer, as well as for learning the operating
functions and adjustments. Following them step
by step will result in your thorough understanding of WARNING – Follow this step
the machine and an installation in your production carefully as spring pressure is
line that best utilizes the many features built into the applied to applying and buffing arms when
case sealer. Refer to Figure 3-1 to identify the cable tie is removed. Keep hands/fingers
various components of the case sealer. AWAY from tape cut-off blade under
orange blade guard. Blade is extremely
sharp and can cause severe injury.
Note – A tool kit consisting of metric open end
and hex socket wrenches is provided with the
machine. These tools should be adequate to Hold taping head BUFFING ROLLER and cut
set-up the machine, however, other tools and remove cable tie that holds applying/
supplied by the customer will be required for buffing arms retracted. See Figure 2-1D.
machine maintenance. Allow buffing/applying arms to extend slowly.

10. Install machine stops onto columns as shown in

PACKAGING AND SEPARATE PARTS Figure 2-1E. Use the lowest hole position and
bolt into the lowest threaded insert on the
1. Remove straps and staples and lift fiberboard column. (The upper hole position in the stops
cover off pallet. is only used when the taping heads are
adjusted to apply 50 mm [2 inch] tape legs or
2. Remove protective wrapping around machine. boxes lower than 120 mm [4.75 inch] need to
be sealed.)
3. Cut and remove cable tie from electrical conduit.

4. Cut cable ties that secure upper assembly to

machine bed on each side.

5. Remove tape drum bracket bolts (4) from top

crossbar and install tape drum bracket from
parts box as shown in Figure 2-1A.

Installation and Set-Up (Continued)

Figure 2-1 – 700a Frame Set-Up

11. Check for free action of both upper and lower 14. Use appropriate material handling equipment
taping heads. to remove the machine from the pallet and
move it into position.
WARNING – Keep hands/fingers
Whenever the machine is lifted with a fork
away from tape cut-off blade under
truck, insure that the forks span completely
orange blade guard. Blade is extremely
across the machine frame and do not contact
sharp and can cause severe injury.
any wiring or mechanism under the machine
frame. In some cases the lower taping head
Push buffing roller into head to check for free, may need to be removed to avoid damage.
smooth action of taping heads.
CAUTION – Machine weighs
12. Ensure that the tape drum bracket assembly,
approximately 160 kg [350 pounds]
located on the lower taping head, is mounted
straight down, as shown in Figure 2-2A. The
tape drum bracket assembly can be pivoted to
provide tape roll clearance in certain cases. 15. Continue with the remainder of the Installation
and Set-Up procedure through page 12.
13. Remove fasteners that secure case sealer legs
to pallet.

Installation and Set-Up (Continued)

Adjust machine bed height. The case sealer is 2. Loosen, but do not remove, two M8 x 1.25
equipped with four adjustable legs that are socket head screws in one leg (use M6 hex
located at the corners of the machine frame. wrench). Adjust the leg length for the
The legs can be adjusted to obtain different desired machine bed height. Retighten the
machine bed heights from 610 mm [24 inch] two screws to secure the leg. Adjust all four
minimum to 890 mm [35 inch] maximum. legs equally.

Note – Minimum machine bed height can be

reduced to 520 mm [20.5 inch] by moving OUTBOARD TAPE ROLL MOUNTING
outer columns up one set of mounting holes. (Lower Taping Head)
However, this change also reduces minimum
box height of 120 mm [4.8 inch] to 165 mm Remove the tape drum bracket assembly,
[6.5 inch]. (See "Special Set-Up Procedure – spacer and fasteners from the lower taping
Box/Machine Bed Height Range", page 26.) head. Install and secure on the infeed end of
the lower frame, as shown in Figure 2-2B.
Refer to Figure 2-2C and set the machine bed
height as follows:

1. Use appropriate material handling TAPE LEG LENGTH

equipment and blocking techniques to raise
the machine frame to allow adequate leg Taping heads are pre-set to apply 70 mm
adjustment. [2.75 inch] long tape legs. To change tape leg
length to 50 mm [2.0 inch], see "Special Set-Up
CAUTION – Machine weighs Procedure – Changing the Tape Leg Length",
approximately 160 kg [350 pounds] page 25.

Figure 2-2 – Machine Bed Height Adjustment and Lower Tape Drum Bracket Position

Installation and Set-Up (Continued)

At its factory setting, the case sealer handles Use of an extension cord is not recommended.
box sizes up to 620 mm [24.5 inch] maximum However, if one is needed for temporary use, it
height. If larger capacity is needed, the machine must have a wire size of 1.5 mm diameter
can be adjusted to accommodate boxes up to [AWG 16 ], have a maximum length of 30.5 m
725 mm [28.5 inch] high. Refer to "Special Set- [100 ft], and must be properly grounded.
Up Procedure – Box and Machine Bed Height
Range", page 26. Note – Adjusting machine
to accommodate 725 mm [28.5 inch] high
boxes also increases minimum box size to WARNING – To prevent shock and
165 mm [6.5 inch]. fire hazard: Position extension
cord where it will be out of the way of foot
or vehicle traffic. Extension cord is only
for temporary use – do not use for a
permanent installation.


The electrical control box (with circuit breaker)

and "On/Off" switch are located on the lower left
side of the machine frame. See Figure 3-1. If Note – Machines outside the U.S. may be
desired, for operator convenience, the "On/Off" equipped with 220/240 Volt, 50 Hz systems or
switch can be relocated to the right side of the other electrical requirements compatible with
machine frame. A standard three conductor local practice.
power cord with plug is provided at the back of
the electrical control box for 115 Volt, 60 Hz.,
3.8 Amp electrical service. The receptacle
providing this service shall be properly
grounded. Before the power cord is plugged INITIAL START-UP OF CASE SEALER
into 115 Volt, 60 Hz outlet make sure that all
packaging materials and tools are removed from After completing the "Installation and Set-Up"
the machine. Do not plug electrical cord into procedure, continue through "Operation" for tape
outlet until ready to run machine. loading and start-up to be sure case sealer is
properly adjusted to run boxes


IMPORTANT – Before operating the case sealer, read the "Safety Labels", pages 3-5 and "Warnings" on
page 14 as well as all of the "Operation" instructions.

Refer to Figure 3-1 below to acquaint yourself with the various components and controls of the case sealer. Also
see Figures 3-1 and 3-2 in Section II for taping head components.

Figure 3-1 – 700a Case Sealer Components (Left Front View)

Operation (Continued)

1. Turn electrical supply off and disconnect before servicing taping heads or performing any
adjustments or maintenance on the machine.

2. Do not leave machine running unattended.

3. Before turning drive belts on, be sure no tools or other objects are on the machine bed.

4. Keep hands and loose clothing away from moving belts.

5. Keep hands and clothing away from taping heads when machine is running. A box traveling
through the machine causes taping head rollers to retract when box enters and extend as box
leaves taping head.

6. Never attempt to work on any part of the machine, load tape or remove jammed boxes from the
machine while machine is running.

7. When feeding boxes to the machine by hand, push box in from end only – DO NOT PUSH WITH

8. Both the upper and lower taping heads utilize extremely sharp knife blades. The blades are
located under the orange blade guard which has the 'WARNING – SHARP KNIFE" label. Before
loading tape, refer to Figures 3-1 and 3-2 in Section II to identify the blade location. Keep
hands out of these areas except as necessary to service the taping heads.

9. Turn drive belts "Off" when machine is not in use.

10. Failure to comply with these warnings could result in severe personal injury and/or equipment

Electrical "On/Off" Switch Tape Loading/Threading

The box drive belts are turned on and off ("Off" See Section II, Pages 7 and 8
button is red) with the electrical switch on the side of
the machine frame.
Note – If lower tape drum is mounted in alternate
lower outboard position, remove taping head from
Note – The case sealer has a circuit breaker
machine bed by pulling straight up, insert
located in the electrical enclosure on the lower left
threading needle in taping head and replace
side of the machine frame. If circuit becomes
taping head. Install tape roll on drum (adhesive
overloaded and circuit breaker trips, unplug the
on tape leg up), thread tape under knurled roller
machine electrical cord and determine cause of
on outboard mount, then attach tape to threading
overload. After two minutes, open the electrical
needle and pull tape through taping head with
enclosure and reset the circuit breaker by lifting
threading needle.
the reset lever. Close the electrical enclosure,
plug machine electrical cord into outlet and restart
machine by pressing "I" (On) button.

Emergency Stop Switch

CAUTION – Taping head weighs
approximately 7.2 kg [16 pounds]
The machine electrical supply can be turned off by
without tape. Use proper body mechanics
pressing the latching emergency stop switch. To
when removing or installing taping head.
restart machine, rotate emergency stop switch
(releases switch latch) and then restart machine by
pressing "I" (On) button on side of machine frame.

Operation (Continued)
Box Size Set-Up


The upper taping head is positioned for the box

height by means of the height adjustment crank
shown in Figure 3-2. Turn crank clockwise to
lower head, counterclockwise to raise head.

Move the top flap compression rollers to a

position wider than the box.

Place box on infeed end of machine bed with

both top and bottom flaps folded and insert
under upper head ski approximately 150 mm
[6 inch] as shown in Figure 3-3. Lower the head
until all flaps are fully closed. Align box top flap Figure 3-2 – Upper Taping Head
center seam with arrows on front of upper frame.

2. ADJUST SIDE GUIDES (Figure 3-4)

Align box top flap center seam with arrows on

front of ski.

Move side guides against each side of box to

hold box in position, centered on arrows on front
of ski.
Figure 3-3 – Upper Taping Head
Tighten hand knobs to secure side guides.

Figure 3-4 – Side Guides

Operation (Continued)


(Figure 3-5)

Turn electrical switch to "On" to start drive belts.

Move box forward under upper taping head until
it is taken away by drive belts. If box is hard to
move under head or is crushed, raise head
slightly. If box movement is jerky or stops under
upper head, lower upper head slightly to add
more pressure between box and drive belts.

Note – Upper head has unique feature for

overstuffed boxes. The head will raise up to
13 mm [1/2 inch] to compensate for this type
of condition.
Figure 3-5 – Check Adjustments

CAUTION – If drive belts are allowed

to slip on box, excessive belt wear
will occur.


(Figure 3-6)

The top flap compression rollers, have two

mounting positions to provide side compression
through the full range of box widths.

The rollers have been pre-assembled in position

"B" to accommodate box widths from 200 mm
[8 inch] to 545 mm [21.5 inch] maximum.

To accommodate box widths less than 200 mm

[8 inch] to 140 mm [5.5 inch] minimum, move all Figure 3-6 – Compression Rollers
four rollers to position "A".

Adjust the top flap compression rollers against

top edge of box and tighten knobs to secure
rollers in operating position.


Adjust the top flap compression rollers against

top edge of box and tighten knobs to secure
rollers in operating position as shown in
Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7 – Compression Rollers

Operation (Continued)
Box Sealing

1. Feed boxes to machine at minimum 455 mm

[18 inch] intervals.

2. Turn electrical supply "Off" when machine is not

in use.

3. Reload and thread tape as necessary.

4. Be sure machine is cleaned and lubricated

according to recommendations in "Maintenance"
section of this manual.

Notes –

1. Machine or taping head adjustments are

described in "Adjustments" Section I for
machine or Section II for taping heads.

2. Box drive motors are designed to run at a

moderate temperature of 40°C [104°F].
In some cases, they may feel hot to the


The case sealer has been designed for long, trouble Lubrication
free service. The machine will perform best when it
receives routine maintenance and cleaning. Most of the machine bearings, including the drive
Machine components that fail or wear excessively motor, are permanently lubricated and sealed and
should be promptly repaired or replaced to prevent do not require additional lubricant.
damage to other portions of the machine or to the
product. Figure 4-1 illustrates the machine points that do
require lubrication every 250 hours of operation.
Lubricate the points indicated by arrows ( ) with
WARNING – Turn off electrical a small amount of multi-purpose grease.
power supply and disconnect power
cord from electrical supply before
beginning maintenance. If electrical Note – Wipe off excess oil and grease. It will attract
power is not disconnected, severe injury dust which can cause premature equipment wear
to personnel could result. and jamming. Take care that oil and grease are not
left on the surface of rollers around which tape is
threaded, as it can contaminate the tape's adhesive.


Note – Never attempt to remove dirt from the

machine by blowing it out with compressed air. This TAPING HEAD LUBRICATION – See Section II,
can cause the dirt to be blown inside the motor and "Maintenance – Lubrication", page 10.
onto sliding surfaces which may cause premature
equipment wear. Never wash down or subject
equipment to conditions causing moisture
condensation on components. Serious equipment
damage could result.

Regular slotted containers produce a great deal of

dust and paper chips when processed or handled in
equipment. If this dust is allowed to build-up on
machine components, it can cause component wear
and overheating of drive motor. The dust build-up
can best be removed from the machine by a shop
vacuum. Depending on the number and type of
boxes sealed in the case sealer, this cleaning should
be done approximately once per month. If the boxes
sealed are dirty, or if the environment in which the
machine operates is dusty, cleaning on a more
frequent basis may be necessary. Excessive dirt
build-up that cannot be removed by vacuuming
should be wiped off with a damp cloth.

Figure 4-1 – Lubrication Points – Frame

Maintenance (Continued)

WARNING – Turn off electrical power supply and disconnect power cord from electrical supply
before beginning maintenance. If power cord is not disconnected, severe injury to personnel
could result.

Box Drive Belt Replacement

Note – 3M recommends the replacement of drive

belts in pairs, especially if belts are unevenly worn.


Figure 4-2

1. Remove and retain center plate (A) and four


2. Remove and retain side cover (B) and fasteners.

3. Loosen, but do not remove lock nut (C).

4. Loosen tension screw (D) until all belt tension is
5. Pull belt splicing pin (E) out and remove belt.

6. Place new belt over pulleys with laced splice at

top. Insert splicing pin. Note - Pin must not
extend beyond edge of belt.
Figure 4-2 – Lower Drive Belt Replacement
7. Adjust belt tension as explained in "Adjustments
- Box Drive Belt Tension", Page 21.
8. Replace side cover and center plate and secure
with original fasteners.


Figure 4-3

1. Remove and retain front cover (A) and four


2. Loosen, but do not remove lock nut (C).

3. Loosen tension screw (D) until all tension is
removed from belt.
4. Move compression roller assembly out to full
open position.
5. Remove 4 screws on side of belt guard (E) and
slide belt guard out to expose belt.
6. Pull belt splicing pin (F) out and remove belt.

7. Place new belt over pulleys with laced splice at

top. Insert splicing pin. Note – Pin must not
extend beyond edge of belt.
8. Adjust belt tension as explained in "Adjustments
– Box Drive Belt Tension", page 21.
9. Replace front cover and belt guard(s) and
secure with original fasteners. Figure 4-3 – Upper Drive Belt Replacement

Maintenance (Continued)

WARNING – Turn off electrical power supply and disconnect power cord from electrical supply
before beginning maintenance. If power cord is not disconnected, severe injury to personnel
could result.

Circuit Breaker Blade Replacement, Taping Head

The case sealer is equipped with a circuit breaker See Section II, "Maintenance – Blade
which trips if the motors are overloaded. Located Replacement", page 9.
inside the electrical enclosure on the side of the
machine frame just below the machine bed, the
circuit breaker has been pre-set at 2.2 amps and
requires no further maintenance.

If circuit is overloaded and circuit breaker trips,

unplug machine from electrical power:

1. Determine cause of overload and correct.

2. Remove electrical enclosure cover.
3. Press "Reset" and then press "On" button.
If circuit breaker will not reset, wait 2
minutes and retry.
4. Replace cover.
5. Plug in machine.
6. Press machine "On" button to resume case


WARNING – Turn off electrical power supply and disconnect power cord from electrical supply
before beginning adjustments. If power cord is not disconnected, severe injury to personnel
could result.

Box Drive Belt Tension

The four continuously moving drive belts convey boxes through the tape applying mechanism. The box drive
belts are powered by an electric gear motor.

Tension adjustment of these belts may be required during normal operation. Belt tension must be adequate to
positively move the box through the machine and the belts should run fully on the surface of the pulleys at each
end of the frame. The idler pulleys on the infeed end are adjusted in or out to provide proper belt tension. Each
belt is adjusted separately.

Belt tension is obtained by tightening the adjustment screw so that a moderate pulling force of 3.5 kg [7 lbs.]
applied at the midspan, as shown in Figure 5-1, will deflect the belt 25 mm [1 inch]. This will assure positive
contact between the belt and the drive pulley on the discharge end of the drive assembly. Note – Figure 5-1
illustrates the lower drive belts, however, upper belts are adjusted in the same manner.

Figure 5-1 – Box Drive Belt Tension Adjustment

Adjustments (Continued)

WARNING – Turn off electrical power supply and disconnect power cord from electrical supply
before beginning adjustments. If power cord is not disconnected, severe injury to personnel
could result.

Refer to Figure 5-2 and 5-3 and adjust belt tension as follows:

1. Remove and retain center plate/front cover and four screws.

2. Loosen, but do not remove, M10 lock nut with a 17 mm open end wrench.

3. Reset the tension on the drive belts as needed. Adjust the M8 tension screws in (clockwise) to increase
tension or out (counterclockwise) to decrease tension. Tighten lock nut to secure tension setting.

4. Replace center plate/front cover and secure with original screws.

Figure 5-2 – Box Drive Belt Tension Adjustment, Lower Belts (Infeed End)

Adjustments (Continued)

WARNING – Turn off electrical power supply and disconnect power cord from electrical
supply before beginning adjustments. If power cord is not disconnected, severe injury to
personnel could result.

Figure 5-3 – Box Drive Belt Tension Adjustment, Upper Belts (Infeed End)

Taping Head Adjustments – Refer to Section II

WARNING – Use care when working near tape cut-off blades on taping heads as blades are
extremely sharp. If care is not taken, severe injury to personnel could result.

TAPE WEB ALIGNMENT – Section II, Page 11






Special Set-Up Procedure

WARNING – Turn off electrical power and disconnect power cord from electrical supply before
beginning Special Set-Up Procedure. If power cord is not disconnected, severe injury to
personnel could result.

Changing the Tape Leg Length

(From 70 to 50 mm [2-3/4 to 2 inch])

The following changes to the case sealer frame and upper/lower taping heads will allow the taping of boxes
90 mm [3.5 inch] minimum height.


(Refer to Figure 6-1A)

1. Raise the upper head assembly by turning crank handle counterclockwise. Remove and retain the two
screws and washers that secure the stop bracket in position "A".
2. Remount and secure the stop bracket in the lower position "A-A" with original fasteners through top holes of
stop bracket. Relocate both right and left stop brackets.

Figure 6-1 – Case Sealer Frame Changes

Special Set-Up Procedure (Continued)

WARNING – Turn off electrical power and disconnect power cord from electrical supply
before beginning Special Set-Up Procedure. If power cord is not disconnected, severe injury
to personnel could result.


WARNING – Use care when working near blades as blades are extremely sharp. If care is not
taken, severe injury to personnel could result.

1. Remove tape from upper taping head and raise upper assembly to a convenient working height.
2. Pivot up the clamp that secures the upper taping head as shown in Figure 6-1B.
3. Hold upper taping head applying and buffing arms from under upper assembly, slide head forward and down
to remove. See Figure 6-2.


1. Holding taping head in another way may increase the danger of being injured by the
tape cut-off blade.
2. Taping head weighs approximately 7.2 kg [16 lbs]. Use proper body mechanics when
lifting or holding taping head.

4. Raise upper assembly to provide working room around lower taping head and remove tape from taping

5. Lift the lower taping head, shown in Figure 6-3 and 6-1C, straight up to remove it from the case sealer bed.

6. Refer to Section II, "Adjustments – Changing Tape Leg Length", page 13 for taping head set-up.

7. Replace taping heads reverse of disassembly.

Figure 6-2 – Remove Upper Taping Head Figure 6-3 – Remove Lower Taping Head
Special Set-Up Procedure (Continued)
Box and Machine Bed Height Range – Refer to Figure 6-4

Moving the outer columns up one set of mounting holed increases the maximum box size handled by the
700a case sealer and decreases the minimum machine bed height.
Note – This also increases the minimum box height from 120 mm [4.8 inch] to 165 mm [6.5 inch].

To move the outer columns up one set of mounting holes:

1. Place minimum 305 mm [12 inch] high blocks at the front and rear of the upper taping head assembly as
shown in Figure 6-4A. Important – Blocks (front and rear) must be same height in order to keep upper
taping head assembly parallel with machine bed/drive belts. Crank the upper taping head assembly
down until it touches these blocks.
2. Remove and retain the six screws and plain washers that fasten each column to the frame. Figure 6-4B.
3. Turn the height adjustment crank clockwise to raise the outer columns up one set of mounting holes
(100 mm [4 inch]).

WARNING – Blocks and spacers must be capable of supporting the 45.4 Kg [100 pound]
weight of the outer columns and upper taping head assembly.

4. Install and tighten the six screws and plain washers in each column that were removed in Step 2. Crank
upper taping head assembly up and remove blocks.

If desired, the bed height can now be decreased to 520 mm [20.5 inch] by adjusting legs upward. (See
"Installation and Set-Up – Machine Bed Height", Page 11.)

Figure 6-4 – Box and Machine Bed Height Range

The Troubleshooting Guide lists some possible machine problems, causes and corrections. Also see Section II
"Troubleshooting", pages 15 and 16 for taping head problems.

Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Cause Correction

Drive belts do not convey boxes Narrow boxes Check machine specifications.
Boxes are narrower than
recommended, causing slippage
and premature belt wear.

Worn drive belts Replace drive belts

Top taping head does not apply Adjust the box height adjustment
enough pressure with the crank

Top flap compression rollers in too Readjust compression rollers


Taping head applying spring Replace spring holder

holder missing

Taping head applying spring set Reduce spring pressure

too high

Drive belts do not turn Worn or missing friction rings Replace friction rings

Drive belt tension too low Adjust belt tension

Electrical disconnect Check power and electrical plug

Circuit breaker not at correct Set to correct current value


Motor not turning Evaluate problem and correct

Upper and lower applying Machine's minimum height stop Check manual to make sure
mechanisms interfere with each does not match tape head leg taping heads match machine
other length setting setting

Drive belts break Worn belt Replace belt

Light boxes tip back on exit Upper ski down too far Carefully adjust upper ski

Squeaking noise as boxes pass Dry compression rollers Lubricate compression rollers
through machine
Dry column bearings Lubricate column bearings

Defective column bearings Replace column bearings

Electrical Diagram
WARNING – Turn off electrical power and disconnect power cord from electrical supply before
beginning service. If power cord is not disconnected, personnel could be exposed to
dangerous voltages that could cause severe injury or equipment damage.

Figure 7-1 – Electrical Diagram


Replacement Parts And Service Information

Spare Parts

It is suggested that the following spare parts be ordered and kept on hand:

Qty. Ref. No. Part Number Description

4 5667-43 & 5668-59 78-8070-1531-4 Belt - Drive W/Pin

Also see Section II, page 17 for recommended taping head spare parts.

Label Kit

In the event that any labels are damaged or destroyed, they must be replaced to ensure operator safety. A
label kit, part number 78-

Tool Kit

A tool kit, part number 78-8060-8476-6, is available as a stock item. The kit contains the necessary open end and
hex socket wrenches for use with the metric fasteners on the case sealer. The threading tool, part number
78-8076-4726-4, contained in above kit is also available as a replacement stock item.

Replacement Parts Ordering Information and Service

Refer to the first page of this instruction manual "Replacement Parts and Service Information".


For additional information on the options/accessories listed below, contact your 3M Representative.

Part Number Option/Accessory

78-8052-6553-1 Box Hold Down Attachment, Model 18500

78-8069-3983-7 Caster Kit Attachment

78-8069-3924-1 Conveyor Extension Attachment

78-8069-3926-6 Low Tape Sensor Kit

78-8114-0828-1 AccuGlide II STD 2 Inch Upper Taping Head, Type 39600

78-8114-0829-9 AccuGlide II STD 2 Inch Lower Taping Head, Type 39600

78-8079-5505-5 Three Flap Folder Kit

78-8079-5560-0 Tape Application Sensor

78-8095-4854-4 2-Inch Tape Edge Fold Attachment, Upper Head

78-8095-4855-1 2-Inch Tape Edge Fold Attachment, Lower Head

Replacement Parts – Illustrations and Parts Lists

700a Adjustable Case Sealer, Type 39600

Frame Assemblies

To Order Parts:
1. Refer to first illustration, Frame Assemblies, page 35 for the Figure Number that identifies a specific
portion of the machine.

2. Refer to the appropriate Figure or Figures to determine the parts required and the parts reference number.

3. The Parts List that follows each illustration, includes the Reference Number, Part Number and Part
Description for the parts on that illustration.

Note – The complete description has been included for standard fasteners and some commercially
available components. This has been done to allow obtaining these standard parts locally, if desired.

4. Order parts by Part Number, Part Description and Quantity required. Also include machine name,
number and type.

5.. Refer to the first page of this instruction manual “Replacement Parts and Service Information” for
replacement parts ordering information.

IMPORTANT – Not all the parts listed are normally stocked items. Some parts or assemblies shown are
available only on special order. Contact 3M/Tape Dispenser Parts to confirm item availability.


700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Frame Assemblies
700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Figure 2796
Figure 2796

Ref. No. 3M Part No. Description

2796-1 78-8070-1536-3 Support – Guide Arm

2796-2 78-8010-7169-3 Screw – Hex Hd, M6 x 12

2796-3 26-1000-0010-3 Washer – Flat, M6

2796-4 78-8070-1537-1 Lever With Pivot

2796-5 78-8070-1538-9 Bushing

2796-6 26-1003-8816-9 Screw – Set, M5 x 6

2796-7 78-8070-1539-7 Link – Guide

2796-8 78-8017-9074-8 Washer – 15 mm, Nylon

2796-9 78-8052-6733-9 Ring – M10, Special

2796-10 78-8070-1540-5 Support – Lever

2796-11 78-8032-0382-3 Screw – Soc Hd, M5 x 16

2796-12 78-8070-1541-3 Guide Arm – Front, Right

2796-13 78-8070-1542-1 Guide Arm – Front, Left

2796-14 78-8070-1543-9 Guide Arm – Rear

2796-15 78-8076-4505-2 Screw – Set, M6 x 8

2796-16 78-8070-1544-7 Guide – Right

2796-17 78-8113-6792-5 Guide – Left, W/English Language Label

2796-19 78-8070-1546-2 Cap – Guide

2796-20 26-1003-7953-1 Screw – Soc Hd, M5 x 30

2796-21 78-8070-1547-0 Shaft - Guide

2796-22 78-8070-1548-8 Washer – 20 x 12, 5 x 1 Nylon

2796-23 26-1003-5852-7 Screw – Hex Hd, M10 x 40

2796-24 26-1004-5510-9 Washer – Plain, M10

2796-25 78-8070-1549-6 Knob – VTR-B-M10

2796-26 78-8005-5735-3 Washer – Lock, M5

2796-27 78-8032-0375-7 Screw – Hex Hd, M6 x 16

700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Figure 2806
Figure 2806

Ref. No. 3M Part No. Description

2806-1 78-8076-4626-6 Compression Roller Assembly

2806-2 78-8076-4627-4 Support – Compression Roller

2806-3 78-8076-4628-2 Roller – Compression

2806-4 78-8076-4629-0 Shaft – Roller

2806-5 26-1003-5841-0 Screw – M8 x 16

2806-6 78-8017-9318-9 Washer – Plain 8 mm

2806-7 78-8076-4630-8 Plate – Tube, Roller

2806-8 78-8076-4631-6 Screw – M10 x 35

2806-9 78-8076-4632-4 Cap – Support

2806-10 78-8017-9074-8 Washer – Nylon 15 mm

2806-11 26-1004-5510-9 Washer – Plain, M10

2806-12 78-8070-1549-6 Knob – VTR-B-M10

700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Figure 2807
Figure 2807

Ref. No. 3M Part No. Description

2807-1 78-8076-4633-2 Tape Roll Bracket Assembly

2807-2 78-8070-1565-2 Tape Drum Bracket Assembly

2807-3 78-8070-1566-0 Bracket – Tape Drum

2807-4 78-8070-1395-4 Bracket – Bushing Assembly

2807-5 78-8070-1568-6 Cap – Bracket

2807-6 78-8076-4519-3 Shaft – Tape Drum

2807-7 78-8017-9169-6 Nut – M18 x 1

2807-8 78-8070-1569-4 Tape Drum Assembly – 2 Inch Wide

2807-9 78-8052-6749-5 Tape Drum

2807-10 78-8052-6268-6 Leaf Spring

2807-11 26-1002-5753-9 Screw – Self Tapping

2807-12 78-8060-8172-1 Washer – Friction

2807-13 78-8052-6271-0 Washer – Tape Drum

2807-14 78-8100-1048-4 Spring – Core Holder

2807-15 78-8017-9077-1 Nut – Self-Locking, M10 x 1

2807-16 78-8032-0375-7 Screw – Hex Hd M6 x 16

2807-17 78-8070-1215-4 Spacer – Stud

2807-18 26-1000-0010-3 Washer – Flat M6

2807-19 78-8010-7169-3 Screw – Hex Hd M6 x12

2807-20 78-8060-8474-1 Tape Drum Assembly – 2 Inch Head

2807-21 26-1004-5510-9 Washer – Plain, M10

700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Figure 3433
Figure 3433

Ref. No. 3M Part No. Description

3433-1 78-8091-0309-2 Conveyor Bed Assembly

3433-2 78-8091-0310-0 Bed – Conveyor
3433-3 78-8091-0307-6 Support – Drive
3433-4 26-1003-5842-8 Screw – Hex Hd M8 x 20
3433-5 78-8017-9318-9 Washer – Plain 8 mm
3433-6 78-8076-5381-7 Leg Assembly – Inner W/Stop
3433-7 78-8076-5382-5 Leg – Inner
3433-8 78-8060-8480-8 Pad – Foot
3433-9 78-8055-0867-4 Screw – Hex Hd M8 x 30
3433-10 78-8017-9313-0 Nut – Self Locking M8
3433-11 78-8076-5383-3 Stop – Leg
3433-12 26-1003-7963-0 Screw – Soc Hd M8 x 16
3433-13 78-8060-8481-6 Label – Height
3433-14 78-8052-6677-8 Clamp – Inner
3433-15 78-8052-6676-0 Clamp – Outer
3433-16 78-8076-5392-4 Support – Tape Drum
3433-17 78-8060-8483-2 Support – Outboard Roll
3433-18 78-8060-8484-0 Shaft – Roller
3433-19 78-8060-8485-7 Roller
3433-20 78-8032-0375-7 Screw – Hex Hd M6 x 16
3433-21 26-1000-0010-3 Washer – Flat M6
3433-22 26-1003-7957-2 Screw – Soc Hd M6 x 16
3433-23 78-8076-4620-9 Plane – Conveyor Bed
3433-24 78-8060-8486-5 Bushing
3433-25 78-8010-7211-3 Screw – Soc Hd M6 x 25
3433-26 78-8060-8487-3 Cover – Switch
3433-27 78-8060-8087-1 Screw – M5 x 10
3433-28 78-8010-7417-6 Nut – Hex M5
3433-29 78-8060-8488-1 Screw – Hex Hd M5 x 20
3433-30 78-8046-8217-3 Washer – Special
3433-31 78-8005-5741-1 Washer – Flat M5
3433-32 78-8076-4701-7 Cap – /28
3433-35 78-8098-9076-3 Caster Assembly
3433-36 26-1009-9096-4 Caster – Dual Locking
3433-37 26-1009-9094-9 Washer – Spring, Helical, M12
3433-38 26-1009-9095-6 Nut – M12

700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Figure 3434
Figure 3434

Ref. No. 3M Part No. Description

3434-1 78-8060-8489-9 Column – Outer
3434-2 78-8060-8490-7 Plate – Column Mounting
3434-3 26-1003-7964-8 Screw – Soc Hd Hex Soc Dr, M8 x 20
3434-4 78-8017-9318-9 Washer – Plain 8 mm
3434-5 78-8060-8491-5 Cap – Column
3434-6 26-1002-4955-1 Screw – Self Tap 8P x 13
3434-7 78-8005-5740-3 Washer – Plain 4 mm
3434-8 78-8060-8492-3 Stop – Height
3434-9 78-8076-5482-3 Plate – Nut Stop
3434-10 78-8060-8087-1 Screw – M5 x 10
3434-11 78-8060-8494-9 Column Assembly – Inner
3434-12 78-8060-8495-6 Column – Inner
3434-13 78-8054-8617-8 Bearing – Special
3434-14 78-8054-8589-9 Screw – Special
3434-15 26-1003-6916-9 Nut – Locking, Plastic Insert M6
3434-16 78-8060-8496-4 Lead Screw
3434-17 78-8054-8997-4 Spring
3434-18 78-8054-8970-1 Bed Plate – Spring
3434-19 78-8054-8571-7 Nut – Plastic
3434-20 78-8054-8968-5 Nut – Special
3434-21 78-8054-8585-7 Collar
3434-22 78-8054-8586-5 Pin
3434-23 78-8054-8584-0 Spacer
3434-24 78-8054-8583-2 Bushing
3434-25 78-8060-8497-2 Bushing – Lead Screw
3434-26 78-8059-5617-0 Set Screw – M6 x 8
3434-27 78-8060-8498-0 Bushing – Inner Column
3434-28 78-8060-8499-8 Sprocket – 3/8" Z = 13
3434-29 26-1003-7946-5 Screw – Soc Hd M4 x 25
3434-30 78-8070-1501-7 Chain – 3/8" P = 156
3434-31 78-8113-6755-2 Housing – Chain, W/English Language Label
3434-32 78-8060-7878-4 Idler Screw
3434-33 78-8070-1503-3 Roller – Chain Tensioning
3434-34 78-8042-2919-9 Washer – Triple M6
3434-35 26-1003-5829-5 Screw – Hex Hd M6 x 12
3434-36 26-1000-0010-3 Washer – Flat M6
3434-37 78-8070-1504-1 Cover
3434-38 78-8010-7157-8 Screw – Hex Hd M4 x 10
3434-39 78-8070-1505-8 Cap – Inner Column
3434-40 78-8070-1506-6 Cover – Screw
3434-41 78-8076-4807-2 Crank Assembly
3434-42 78-8076-5422-9 Crank
3434-43 78-8070-1509-0 Shaft – Crank
3434-44 26-1005-5316-8 Screw – Flat Hd Hex Dr M5 x 16
3434-45 78-8070-1510-8 Washer – Nylon
3434-46 78-8070-1511-6 Bushing
3434-47 78-8070-1512-4 Knob – VTR-B-M12
3434-48 78-8076-4800-7 Washer – Crank
3434-49 78-8076-4809-8 Washer – Crank
3434-50 78-8076-4821-3 Key – Stop
3434-51 78-8054-8821-6 End Cap
3434-52 26-1004-5507-5 Washer – M8
700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Figure 5667/1 of 2
Figure 5667 (Page 1 of 2)

Ref. No. 3M Part No. Description

5667-1 78-8100-1128-4 Drive Assembly – BTM, W /O Motor

5667-2 78-8070-1580-1 Frame – Drive
5667-3 78-8070-1514-0 Spacer
5667-4 26-1003-5829-5 Screw – Hex Hd, M6 x 12
5667-7 78-8052-6710-7 Roller – Idler
5667-8 78-8052-6709-9 Washer – Special
5667-9 78-8010-7435-8 Washer – Lock M6
5667-10 26-1003-7957-2 Screw – Soc Hd M6 x 16
5667-11 78-8070-1518-1 Spacer – Shaft
5667-12 26-1003-6918-5 Nut – Hex Plastic Insert M10
5667-13 78-8070-1519-9 Screw – Soc Hd, Hex Hd, M8 x 70
5667-14 78-8017-9318-9 Washer – Plain, 8 mm
5667-15 78-8070-1520-7 Guide – Drive Belt
5667-16 26-1005-4757-4 Screw – Flat Hd, Soc Dr, M x 20
5667-17 78-8070-1521-5 Support – Gearbox
5667-18 26-1003-7964-8 Screw – Soc Hd, Hex Soc Dr, M8 x 20
5667-19 78-8070-1522-3 Gearmotor – 115V, 60HZ
5667-20 78-8076-4515-1 Capacitor – 115V Gearmotor
5667-21 78-8070-1523-1 Screw – 1/4-28 x 1/2 SHCS
5667-22 78-8042-2919-9 Washer – Triple
5667-23 78-8070-1524-9 Sprocket – 3/8 ", Z=17
5667-24 78-8023-2479-4 Screw – Set W/End Cup,M6 x 10
5667-25 78-8070-1526-4 Cover – Chain
5667-26 78-8010-7209-7 Screw – Soc Hd, M6 x 12
5667-27 26-1000-0010-3 Washer – Flat M6

700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Figure 5667/2 of 2
Figure 5667 (Page 2 of 2)

Ref. No. 3M Part No. Description

5667-28 78-8076-4562-3 Cover – Bottom

5667-29 26-1003-5820-4 Screw – Hex Hd, M5 x 12
5667-30 78-8005-5741-1 Washer – Flat, M5
5667-31 78-8070-1527-2 Shaft – With Drive Pulleys
5667-32 78-8070-1528-0 Shaft – Gearbox
5667-33 78-8057-5811-3 Key – 6 x 6 x 20 mm
5667-34 78-8054-8986-7 Sprocket – 3/8" Pitch 28 Teeth
5667-35 78-8054-8984-2 Bushing
5667-36 78-8070-1529-8 Support – Shaft
5667-37 78-8070-1530-6 Bearing – 6205-2RS
5667-38 78-8057-5739-6 Key – M5 x 5 x 30 mm
5667-39 78-8076-5105-0 Pulley Assembly – Drive
5667-40 78-8052-6713-1 Ring – Polyurethane
5667-41 78-8060-8416-2 Nut – Special M20 x 1
5667-42 78-8070-1525-6 Chain – 3/8" P=54
5667-43 78-8070-1531-4 Belt – Drive With Hook
5667-44 78-8070-1584-3 Cover – Drive, Front
5667-45 78-8113-6794-1 Cover – Drive, Rear, W/English Language Label
5667-46 26-0001-5862-1 Screw – Flat Hd Soc, M5 x 12
5667-47 26-1005-5316-8 Screw – Flat Hd, Hex Dr, M5 x 16
5667-48 78-8070-1534-8 Stud – Side Plate
5667-49 78-8060-8488-1 Screw – Hex Hd, M5 x 20
5667-50 26-1003-5841-0 Screw – M8 x 16
5667-51 78-8076-4500-3 Stud – Mounting
5667-52 78-8076-4715-7 Cord Grip
5667-53 78-8076-5211-6 Set Nut – GMP 113.5
5667-54 78-8060-7885-9 End Cap – /25 x 1,2
5667-55 78-8100-1236-5 Belt Tensioning Assembly – R/H
5667-56 78-8100-1237-3 Belt Tensioning Assembly – L/H
5667-57 78-8100-1238-1 Belt Tensioning – R/H
5667-58 78-8100-1239-9 Belt Tensioning – L/H

700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Figure 5668/1 of 2
Figure 5668 (Page 1 of 2)

Ref. No. 3M Part No. Description

5668-1 78-8100-1129-2 Upper Drive Assembly – W /O Motor

5668-2 78-8070-1588-4 Frame – Drive, Upper
5668-3 78-8070-1520-7 Guide – Drive Belt
5668-4 26-1005-4757-4 Screw – Flat Hd M5 x 20
5668-5 78-8070-1589-2 Clamp – Upper Head
5668-6 78-8070-1590-0 Shaft – Roller
5668-7 26-1003-7948-1 Screw – Soc Hd M5 x 10
5668-8 78-8070-1514-0 Spacer
5668-9 78-8010-7169-3 Screw – Hex Hd M6 x 12
5668-10 26-1000-0010-3 Washer – Flat M6
5668-11 78-8100-1130-0 Tube – Roller
5668-12 78-8052-6641-4 Roller
5668-13 78-8070-1592-6 Spacer – Roller
5668-14 78-8100-1131-8 Shaft – Roller
5668-15 78-8100-1132-6 Nut – Special, M8
5668-16 78-8017-9318-9 Washer – Plain 8 mm
5668-17 78-8060-7693-7 Roller – 32 x 38
5668-18 78-8070-1593-4 Spacer – Roller
5668-19 26-1003-5820-4 Screw – Hex Hd, M5 x 12
5668-20 78-8005-5741-1 Washer – Flat, M5
5668-21 78-8070-1599-1 Tube – Compression Roller
5668-22 78-8052-6652-1 Cap – End
5668-23 26-1003-5841-0 Screw – M8 x 16
5668-26 78-8052-6710-7 Roller – Idler
5668-27 78-8052-6709-9 Washer – Special
5668-28 78-8010-7435-8 Washer – Lock M6
5668-29 26-1003-7957-2 Screw – Soc Hd M6 x 16
5668-30 78-8070-1518-1 Spacer – Shaft
5668-31 26-1003-6918-5 Nut – Hex Plastic Insert M10
5668-32 78-8070-1594-2 Screw – Hex Hd M8 x 60
5668-33 78-8070-1527-2 Shaft – With Drive Pulleys
5668-34 78-8070-1528-0 Shaft – Gearbox

700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Figure 5668/2 of 2 52
Figure 5668 (Page 2 of 2)

Ref. No. 3M Part No. Description

5668-35 78-8057-5811-3 Key – 6 x 6 x 20 mm

5668-36 78-8054-8986-7 Sprocket – 3/8" Pitch 28 Teeth
5668-37 78-8054-8984-2 Bushing
5668-38 78-8070-1529-8 Support – Shaft
5668-39 78-8070-1530-6 Bearing – 6205-2RS
5668-40 78-8057-5739-6 Key – M5 x 5 x 30 mm
5668-41 78-8076-5105-0 Pulley Assembly – Drive
5668-42 78-8052-6713-1 Ring – Polyurethane
5668-43 78-8060-8416-2 Nut – Special, M20 x 1
5668-44 78-8070-1595-9 Support – Drive
5668-45 26-1003-5842-8 Screw – Hex Hd, M8 x 20
5668-46 78-8070-1522-3 Gearmotor – 115V, 60HZ
5668-47 26-1011-8828-7 Capacitor – 115V Gearmotor
5668-48 78-8070-1524-9 Sprocket – 3/8" Z=17
5668-49 78-8023-2479-4 Set Screw – W/End Cup M6 x 10
5668-50 78-8070-1523-1 Screw – 1/4-28 x 1/2 SHCS
5668-51 78-8042-2919-9 Washer – Triple, M6
5668-52 78-8070-1597-5 Chain – 3/8" P=62
5668-53 78-8070-1598-3 Cover
5668-54 26-1002-4955-1 Screw – Self Tap 8P x 13
5668-55 78-8005-5740-3 Washer – Plain 4 mm
5668-56 78-8070-1596-7 Union – Elbow, PG 13,5
5668-57 78-8076-4622-5 Cover – Rear Upper
5668-58 78-8060-8087-1 Screw – M5 x 10
5668-59 78-8070-1531-4 Belt – Drive, With Hook
5668-60 78-8113-6791-7 Cover – Upper, Front, W/English Language Label
5668-61 78-8113-6790-9 Guard – Belt, R/H, W/English Language Label
5668-62 78-8113-6789-1 Guard – Belt, L/H, W/English Language Label
5668-63 78-8076-4625-8 Screw – Special, M5 x 16
5668-64 78-8076-4702-5 Grommet – /28
5668-65 78-8054-8821-6 End – Cap
5668-66 78-8076-4500-3 Stud – Mounting
5668-67 78-8100-1042-7 Washer – /15 x 6.35 x 2
5668-68 78-8100-1236-5 Belt Tensioning Assembly – R/H
5668-69 78-8100-1237-3 Belt Tensioning Assembly – L/H
5668-70 78-8100-1238-1 Belt Tensioning – R/H
5668-71 78-8100-1239-9 Belt Tensioning – L/H

700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Figure 5669 54
Figure 5669

Ref. No. 3M Part No. Description

5669-1 78-8091-0660-8 Housing – Wire

5669-2 78-8076-4702-5 Grommet – /28

5669-3 26-1003-7963-0 Screw – Soc Hd M8 x 16

5669-4 78-8076-4636-5 Strap – Wire

5669-5 78-8010-7163-6 Screw – Hex Hd M5 x 10

5669-6 78-8005-5741-1 Washer – Plain M5

5669-7 78-8010-7417-6 Nut – Hex M5

5669-8 78-8100-1135-9 Bracket – Strap

5669-9 78-8076-4520-1 Union PG13 – Sleeve /16

5669-10 78-8076-4521-9 Sleeving – Wire, 900 mm /16

5669-11 78-8076-4638-1 Union PG 13.5 – Sleeve /14

5669-12 78-8076-4640-7 Sleeving – Wire, 11 mm /14

5669-13 78-8060-8029-3 Clamp – 140 x 3,5

5669-13 78-8076-4641-5 Cover

5669-14 78-8010-7157-8 Screw – Hex Hd M4 x 10

5669-15 78-8017-9018-5 Washer – Plain M4

700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Figure 5670
Figure 5670

Ref. No. 3M Part No. Description

5670-1 78-8094-6379-3 Support – Box

5670-2 78-8113-6759-4 Box – W/English Language Label
5670-3 78-8094-6381-9 Screw – Soc Hd, Hex Hd, M4 x 15
5670-4 78-8005-5740-3 Washer – Plain, 4 mm
5670-5 26-1003-6914-4 Nut – Plastic Insert, M4
5670-6 78-8076-4715-7 Cord Grip
5670-7 78-8076-5211-6 Set Nut – GMP 13.5
5670-9 78-8094-6382-7 Guide – Mounting
5670-10 78-8028-8208-0 Screw – 6P x 9,5
5670-11 78-8017-9018-5 Washer – Plain, M4
5670-12 78-8094-6383-5 Contactor – CA4-5-10, 110V, 60HZ
5670-13 78-8076-5378-3 Circuit Breaker, KTA-3-25
5670-14 78-8094-6384-3 Ground Clamp – VGPE 4/6
5670-15 78-8076-4968-2 Terminal
5670-16 78-8028-7909-4 Power Cord – U.S.A.
5670-17 78-8100-1038-5 Cable – 3 x 20 AWG, 5 MT
5670-18 78-8060-8053-3 Wire – 3-Pole, 5 Meters Length
5670-19 26-1003-7957-2 Screw – Soc Hex Hd, M6 x 16
5670-20 26-1000-0010-3 Washer – Flat, M6
5670-21 78-8076-5194-4 Box – E-Stop, Yellow
5670-22 78-8094-6386-8 Switch – On/Off, DM3N-C-01/10
5670-23 78-8100-1039-3 Support – On/Off Switch
5670-24 78-8017-9257-9 Screw – Phillis Head, M4 x 10
5670-25 78-8060-8087-1 Screw – M5 x 10
5670-26 78-8010-7417-6 Nut – Hex, M5
5670-27 26-1014-5845-8 E-Stop – 800EM-MTS644-3LX01
5670-28 78-8091-0538-6 Screw – Hex Hd, M4 x 25
5670-29 78-8076-4716-5 Star Washer – M4
5670-30 78-8010-7416-8 Nut – Hex, M4
5670-31 78-8100-1234-0 Collar
5670-33 78-8114-4896-4 Box – On/Off, Grey

700a Adjustable Case Sealer

Safety and Information Labels

Safety and Information Labels
A label kit, part number 78-8098-9175-3, is available as a stock item. It contains all the safety and information
labels used on the case sealer, or labels can be ordered separately from the following list.

Ref. No. 3M Part No. Description Qty.

1 78-8070-1318-6 Label – Box Centering 1

2 78-8070-1329-3 Label – Warning 1

3 78-8070-1336-8 Label – Warning 2

4 78-8070-1339-2 Information – 3M Logo 2

5 78-8069-3852-6 Label – Ground 2

6 78-8068-3859-1 Label – Service and Spares 1

7 78-8062-4266-1 Label – Product 1

8 78-8070-1628-8 Label – Up and Down/Lock 2

9 78-8070-1366-5 Label – Safety Instructions 1

10 78-8060-8481-6 Label – Leg 4

11 78-8095-1141-9 Label – Stop 1

12 78-8113-6717-2 Label – Caution 1

13 78-8113-6768-5 Label – Caution, R/H 1

14 78-8113-6769-3 Label – Caution, L/H 1

15 78-8113-6770-1 Label – Notice 1

16 78-8113-6775-0 Label – Electrical On/Off 1

17 78-8113-6912-9 Label – Caution, Pinch Point 2


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