Open Source Solar Powered UVC LED Water Steriliser

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SolDis-1 Reactor 5 Open Source 3D Printed Solar

Powered UVC-LED Water Steriliser

Author - Aston Walker (2019)


The United Nations has declared that access to clean water is a human right (, 2014).
Traditional ways for sterilising water include mercury Ultra Violet (UV) lamps and chlorine based
solutions (Guerrero-latorre, 2016). Advances in Light Emitting Diodes (LED) technology and the
availability of quartz glass for refracting the UV light(Song, et al, 2016) have led to low cost UVC-
LEDs that can be imported from China or can be obtained commercially in Europe and the USA.

Open source microcontrollers such as the Arduino (D’ausilio, 2011) are programmable, low cost
and easy to use portable computers with a large online community.

Solar power technology has also come down in price and this paper presents a novel 3D printed
solution for sterilising water using plastic soda and water bottles that have a standard 28mm
screwcap mechanism(A G Barr, 2018).

Plastic pollution is a global problem and the SolDis-1 Reactor 5 UVC LED solar powered water
steriliser prototype is a method for recycling disposable plastic bottles
(, 2018) . The prototype is based on the patent filing for a solar
powered uvc led water steriliser by the author(, 2017). We briefly discuss in the
conclusion attaching the apparatus to robotic autonomous systems. Special thanks to Solidworks
(, 2019) for sponsoring the development of the Soldis-1 Reactor 5 prototype.


The paper covers how to acquire the parts, the tools required, production and assembly. The
paper does not cover testing. The papers objective is to demonstrate the manufacturing process
and a framework for the UVC-LED reactor sterilisation process by demonstrating the production of
a viable UVC-LED reactor chamber for the purpose of sterilising contaminated water, portably, at
source. The prototype can be manufactured using other appropriate materials and the paper
presents a 3D printed solution as it is relatively easy to order a print online.(3dprint-ukcouk, 2019)

The prototype demonstrated in this paper was printed at the Steamhouse,

Digbeth.(, 2018) 3D printers can cost as little as £150 and as much as tens of
thousands of pounds. 3D printers are available to purchase online. Website links for the parts and
tools will be listed in the parts list section.

The UVC-LED was ordered from the Alibaba website and the 7 volt solar powered battery was
ordered from ebay. The Arduino Uno microcontroller was ordered from Amazon and is widely
available. Weblinks are supplied in the parts list section of this report.

Graphene oxide membranes also offer the prospect of quick and low cost methods for desalination
(Rincon, 2017) and filtration. We propose in the conclusion the use of graphene membranes as a
water filtration system prior to exposing the contaminated water to the uvc-led light in the reactor

Finally, Quartz glass sheets are required to refract the UVC light in the 3D printed reactor

Parts List and Tools

Arduino Uno

7 Volt Solar Panel

2 x UVC-LEDs

Black and red insulated electrical wire

Arduino UNO linker shield

LED Linker Pack

Soldering iron and solder

G – Clamps

3D Printer and filament (optional)

Insulation tape

2 x 28mm Screw top plastic bottles (empty standard 500 ml water or soda bottle)

2.1 mm DC Power plug

Computer or smartphone connected for downloading .STL files

30mm x 30mm Quarts glass sheets

Silicone Sealant

3D Printing the STL files from the GitHub Repository

Enter the following url into an internet connected browser:

Download the zip file and extract the contents. The STL (Bethany, et al, 2014) files are required for
the 3D printer to print the housing and standard 28mm screw top adapter for connecting the plastic
bottles to the reactor.

Online 3D printing houses offer many bespoke services and only require emailing of the STL files
for printing.

3D printers can be obtained from the internet or specialist stores.

Once printed the 30mm by 30mm slots should be clean allowing for easy insertion of the 30mm by
30mm quartz glass sheets.

Soldering the 2.1 mm Adapter and preparing the UVC-LEDs for connection to the Arduino.

The SolDis-1 Reactor 5 requires some soldering and modifications to the 7 volt solar panel DC

Cut the power supply connector, that connects to the hunting camera, and solder the 2.1mm DC
Power plug onto the exposed cut wires for connection to the Arduino Uno.

Cut and remove the LED from the LED linker. Solder the black and red wires observing positive
and negative conventions.

Solder the other end of the exposed black and red insulated wires to the UVC-LED pad, negative
to negative and positive to positive observing correct conventions for anode and cathode. Use the
G Clamp to hold the parts in place

Wrap the wires with insulation tape leaving only the UVC-LED light exposed and covering the
wires to the linker.

The solar panel and the two UVC-LEDs are now prepared for assembly and placement over the
quartz glass windows which will be placed into the slots of the 3D printed reactor housing.


Connect the linker unit to the Arduino. Connect the UVC-LEDs to the linker. Connect the solar panel with DC power
cable to the Arduino.

Slide the 30mm by 30mm quartz glass sheets into the top and lower reactor 3D printed pieces.

Apply silicone on the exposed surface side of the quartz glass (Figure 1.0) around the edges only, leaving the centre
of the quartz glass free of silicone for direct refraction of the UVC LED light into the chamber. Secure the UVC-LED in
place on the quartz glass with insulation tape.

Figure 1.0 SolDis-1 Reactor 5 assembly and where to apply silicone sealant

Assemble the SolDis-1 Reactor 5, see Figure 1.0, applying silicone to all touching surfaces in order to make the unit
water tight.

Screw down the joining plate after applying silicone to the touching surfaces , see Figure 2.0, whilst making sure
excess silicone does not obscure access, for the water, to the reactor chamber.

Attach both 28mm adapters.

Allow the silicone to cure before proceeding.

Gather water into one of the plastic bottles for flow testing and water tightness and attach both plastic bottles to the
fully assembled unit.

Figure 2.0 fully assembled Solar powered UVC-LED Water Steriliser


The paper demonstrates a method for making a solar powered UVC-LED water steriliser. The
original patent added blue-tooth connectivity for remote control of the UVC-LED light.

Graphene membranes can be added to the 28mm threaded adapter in order to remove grit and
desalinate the water contained in the plastic bottles prior to exposure in the reactor chamber..

This further enhances the reactor as it adds two levels of water purification. Liquid Phase
Exfoliation is explained by Robert Murray-Smith (Murray-Smith, 2014) on his Youtube channel and
offers an entry level procedure for synthesising graphene from graphite powder.

Creating graphene on an acetate substrate for creating the filters requires a Lightscribe DVD
burner and applying graphite oxide in solution to an acetate substrate (El-Kady et al., 2012) This
method offers an introduction for exploring graphene filtration systems.

Plastic pollution is a major global problem and the SolDis-1 Reactor 5 makes recycled 500 ml
28mm screwtop disposable plastic bottles useful reservoirs for disinfecting water across the world.

The open source SolDis-1 Reactor 5 and software is released under the MIT license as a proof of
concept for further development, including attaching the apparatus to a drone for remote collection
or analysis, where a potential water supply is in a hard to reach or remote location.

Many people inspired this invention over many decades. Thanks to:

Birmingham City University, Steamhouse, Digbeth.

Chairman Faeseal Hanif –
Uanjuma ‘Cyrus’ Thompson - Black Pound
Moysha ‘Big Stygs’ Shepherd -

Computer Games Tech Cohort 2018 intake, Microponents, Qudos Communications, Sure Start Team, Aston Walker
Senior, Betty Miller, Jonathan Walker, Simon Walker, Stephen Elvin and family. Miller family, Walker family, Ricketts
family, Sabah and her family, Habibah and her family, Talha, Asiya and her family, De La Cruz family, Pato Banton
and family, Richard Lally, DEA Project, Nick Dagnino, Internet Advertiser, Friction Arts, Dr Timothy Winter, Dr Ammar
Nakshawani, Eisa Ali, Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein, Navid Nasr, Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq, Hamza Yusuf, Zaid Shakir,
Bilal Phillips, Abdalqadir as-Sufi, Mohammed Said Ramadan Al-Bouti, Clive Black, Karlo, Occupy Movement, Patricia
Panton, Elena Molinaro, Zulu Warriors, BlackSTEAM, Kash Rex, MC Mello, Kavina, Amnesia, Midland Heart, Witness,
MvISA Awards, Nur TV, Ad Lib Show Team, Carlton Douglas, Trident House, Fluorescent Fish, Sean Stone, Sherrie
Edgar, Max Keiser, Stacy Herbert,, John Priest, BBC Newsnight, BBC Radio 4, New Style Radio 98.7FM,
Marianne Joan Elliott-Said aka Poly Styrene, Rubella Ballet, Dr Jonathan M Feldman, Globalteachin, Prof. David
Dabydeen, Troi ‘STAR’ Torain, Wooligan, 34 th. IARF World Congress. Birmingham, Hassan ‘Poppy’ Campbell, Entrepreneur Program


3dprint-ukcouk. 2019. 3DPRINTUK. [Online]. [23 January 2019]. Available from:

A G Barr, . 2018. Evolution of the Bottle. [Online]. [22 January 2019]. Available from:

Bethany, C. 2014. Evaluation of 3D Printing and Its Potential Impact on Biotechnology and the Chemical Sciences.
[Online]. [22 January 2019].Available from:

D’ausilio, A. 2011. Arduino: A low-cost multipurpose lab equipment. [Online]. [23 January 2019]. Available from:

El-Kady, M., Strong, V., Dubin, S. and Kaner, R. (2012). Laser Scribing of High-Performance and Flexible Graphene-
Based Electrochemical Capacitors. [online] Available at: [Accessed
23 Jan. 2019].

Guerrero-latorre, L. 2016. [Online]. [22 January 2019]. Available from: 2017. [Online]. [22 January 2019]. Available from:

Murray-Smith, Robert. (2014). A Very Good Solvent For Making Liquid Phase Exfoliated Graphene. [online] YouTube.
Available at: [Accessed 23 Jan. 2019]. 2018. Plastic is a substance the earth cannot digest. [Online]. [22 January 2019].
Available from:

Rincon, P. 2017. Graphene-based sieve turns seawater into drinking water. [Online]. [22 January 2019]. Available
from: (2019). 3D CAD Design Software. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23
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Song, Kai et al. 2016. [Online]. [22 January 2019]. Available from: 2018. STEAMhouse. [Online]. [22 January 2019]. Available from: 2014. [Online]. [22 January 2019]. Available from:


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