Module 2 Prof Ed 5

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Module 2


Task 1: Self-reflection!

Let as now reflect on our learning as education students regarding management of classroom and


Knowledge Skill Attitude

As an education student, I As an education student, I As an education student, I
know… do… feel…

 How the classroom  designing, organizing  that I have to evaluate

environment should and explaining of the myself in dealing with
reflect and motivate the physical structure of disciplinary actions
learner by posting the classroom for which are positive and
inspirational quotes, active engagement of non-violent means in
informative and learners or in group the management of
educational posters, etc. exploration. learner behavior.

 How to make the safe  focus giving quality  that I would apply self-
environment and lessons and encourage control and classroom
promote discipline for everyone to participate norms.
the learners by making without disrupting the
arrangements and rules classroom atmosphere  Responsible to all my
for them to follow. by learner’s actions as well as the
misbehavior. learner’s behavior
 Various ideas inside the classroom
with or without activity
going on.

Task 2: Analyze me!

Probing of Task 2

1. Was teacher Adz able to efficiently manage the:

a. Classroom structure?
b. Classroom activities?
Why do you say so?

2. What do you think teacher Adz can do to address this comment from her observer:
“However, the learner, probably to overexcitement, where not listening to the teacher’s
instructions and that motivation activity alone ate up the whole period”?
3. If you were to teach the same lesson, how would you show your skills in managing
classroom activities and structure in the classroom? Would you restructure the classroom
based on the activities? Would you change the activities based on the structure of the


a. Yes, teacher Adz was able to efficiently manage the classroom structure
because she was able to arrange the tables and chairs, and create a racing area
with racetracks that will help student understand the concept of speed and
remove unnecessary things unrelated.
b. No, teacher Adz was not able to efficiently manage the classroom activities
because it did not go well due to her poor distribution of the activity
instruction. Teacher Adz should’ve told her students the instructions clearly
prior to the said activity and ask the students to cooperate and avoid

2. Teacher Adz should’ve asked the students first, if they understood the instruction
and the concept of their activity clearly, before starting the activity. If needed, she
can ask each student or group what their task are and do a test run or one practice
before starting.

3. If I were to teach the same lesson, I will start by planning, first the area where the
activity takes place, I will make sure the surrounding is safe and free from
distractions, if the classroom is small, I will choose another area like covered court

Lesson 2: Jerome Bruner’s Constructivist Theory, Gestalt Theory, and

David Ausubel’s Subsumption Theory

Activity 1: Assess!

Choose a topic in your field of specialization. Suggest some teaching strategies and applications on
how you could reflect the following concepts on cooperative and experiential learning. The table
below will help you to organize your thoughts.

Topic/Subject Matter: ________________________________________________________________
Grade Level: _______________________________________________________________________

Cooperative and Experiential Learning Specific Teaching

Principles Application/Activities
Actual hands-on activities are still the most
effective means of learning.

Tasking is a vital component of cooperative


Cooperative learning allows learners creativity and

innovation because they interact with people their
age, peers, or classmates.

Teachers challenge them to come up with their

creative styles of presentation.

Teacher need to also actively monitor how tasks

are done.

Activity 2: Challenge me!

1. How do cooperative and experiential learning relate to the features of constructivism?

2. How does collaboration help in boosting inclusivity in a K to 12 classroom setting?
3. In your experiences in using cooperative and experiential learning activities, what should
teachers consider to ensure order and maximize participation among learners?


Lesson 3: Classroom Routines and procedure

Activity 1: Self-reflection/Analysis!

1. As teacher, how could you meet the academic expectation to your students?
2. Why setting consistent expectations is the key to success?
3. As learner-centered teacher I must be___________
4. As educator in the 21st century I must be holding the as “Democrat” because______


Manage learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent

discipline to ensure learning-focused environments key concepts

Activity 1: Self-reflection!

Knowledge Skills Attitude

“As an education student, I “As an education student, I “As an education student, I
know…” do…” feel…”
 Various ideas  Various ideas  Various ideas

Activity 2: Probing!

1. When is the right time to talk to learners who misbehave in the class? Why?
2. Do you think it is important to ask learners the reason why they preferred to play computer
games rather than to attend their class? Please elaborate.
3. Do you think Teacher Angel was able to manage learners’ behavior by telling them that they
might fail in their subject or their parents would be called to the guidance office? Why or
why not?
4. If you were a Public-school Teacher, how would you demonstrate positive and non-violent
discipline in dealing with the issue?


Unit 4- Learner-centered Pedagogy

Activity 1: Compare and reflect me!

1. As education student I prefer the__________ learning modality because_________

2. Among the four-learning modality the most helpful in delivering learning is________ as
general, because______________
3. As brilliant people, I would appreciate if the new normal education will be _____________

Activity 2: Reflection!

1. How could the government facilitate the learning overall in response to the vision and
mission of the department of education?
2. As future educator, how would you react if the superintendent offers you to be one of a
teacher in that program?


Activity 3: Compare and reflect!

1. Compare the three methods of teaching, active learning, cooperative learning activities,
inquiry and inductive learning activities. Which of these are commonly used of your
teachers during your high school? How it helps you?
2. Being future educator, which methods do you want to adapt? Why?
3. Are you agree with the four basic elements of active learning? Why?


Activity 1: Self-reflection!

Knowledge Skills Attitude

“As an education student, I “As an education student, I “As an education student, I
know…” do…” feel…”
 Various ideas  Various ideas  Various ideas

Unit 5- Learner-centered Lesson Plans

Activity 1: Research time!

1. Compare detailed lesson plan and daily lesson log

2. What are the parts of the learner-centered lesson plan?
3. Write a sample learner-centered lesson plan?


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