M2 Ep1 Activity Sheet 4
M2 Ep1 Activity Sheet 4
M2 Ep1 Activity Sheet 4
*An observation report is a piece of document
that contains comprehensive information
Watch the suggested video for this activity. Identify evidence of applications of the
principles of learning.
2. Learning is an active process. The teacher had her students recite their
responses to her questions. Between the teacher
and the students, there is an exchange of ideas
it is active interaction of ideas between teacher
and students.
Based from your findings above, what principles of learning most applied? Least
Activity 2: Watch the suggested video. Focus on how the learning outcomes were
stated. Determine if the learning outcome/s was/were achieved or not.
Activity 3: Write the learning outcome/s that is not achieved. Recommend way/s
how should the teacher maximize these outcomes.
Narrative Report:
*To analyze means to break a topic or concept
down into its parts in order to inspect and
understand it, and to restructure those parts in
a way that makes sense to you.
Answer the following questions. Align your answer from what you have
Q1. What principles of learning were most applied? Least applied? Explain.
The following teaching principles were most frequently used: learning is an active
process, learning is cooperative and collaborative, and learning is the discovery of
personal meaning and relevance of ideas. They were most frequently used
because, as I observed, most students are active and want group activities in
which they can collaborate with one another. It is an active process in which the
teacher asks questions and the students recite and share their ideas. While the
least applied learning principle states that effective learning begins with the
establishment of clear and high learning expectations, it is least implemented
since sometimes teachers fail to satisfy these high learning standards due to a
variety of causes. And sometimes students fall short of their teacher's
SMART objectives, in my opinion, assist the class become more focused since
teachers are guided in achieving the targeted learning outcomes or what they
expect from the students when they employ such SMART learning objectives. It
gives them direction in terms of the pupils' learning process and comprehension.
Q3. What are the possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for
mastery and for the test?
The students will be confined to the four corners of the classroom, and their
learning will not extend to the outside world since they will be overwhelmed with
concepts but no application. Students will study simply for the purpose of exams,
and everything the teacher has taught them will be quickly forgotten.
Q4. If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-centered
or student-centered?
*Reflective observation: watching others or
developing observations about one's own
experience. *Abstract conceptualization:
creating theories to explain observations.
A teacher must be responsible enough to address the demands of the students, teaching
and learning is a critical process , that's why to attain the learning outcomes, many
learning approaches are used in the classroom by the teacher in order to accomplish it.
supported by what were supported by what were somewhat supported rarely supported by
observed & analyzed. observed & analyzed. by what were what were observed
observed and and analyzed.
Learning Activity output t is Activity output is reflected Activity output is not Activity output is not
Artifacts reflected on in the context on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
of the learning outcomes; learning outcomes. context of the learning context of the learning
Complete, well organized, Complete; well organized, outcomes. Complete; outcomes; not
highly relevant to the very relevant to the not organized, relevant complete; not
learning outcome. learning outcome. to the learning organize, not relevant.
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two (2) days
deadline. deadline. a deadline. or more after the
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