John Deere 5
John Deere 5
John Deere 5
: T- 1339/1866/2020
Hkkjr ljdkj
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¼d`f"k] lgdkfjrk ,oa fdlku dY;k.k foHkkx] e'khuhdj.k ,oa
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(Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmer’s Welfare,
Mechanization & Technology Division)
dsUnzh; d`f"k e'khujh izf'k{k.k ,oa ijh{k.k laLFkku
VªSDVj uxj] cqnuh ¼e-iz-½466 445
(An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Institute)
E-mail: [email protected], Web site: Telephone: 07564-234729,
Page 1 of 16
JOHN DEERE 5310 V5 & Its Variants Tractor-
T- 1339/1866/2020
Commercial (Administrative Extension)
Email: [email protected]
Web site:
v) This is a Administrative test report and should be read in conjunction with the
Test Report of base model & its variants as tabulated in Table-A at Page No.
5 of 16 of this report.
Units Conversion Factor
1 Force: apa As per applicant
1 kgf 9.80665 N TDC Top Dead Centre
2.20462 lbf IS Indian Standard
2 Power: LHS Left Hand Side/
/RHS Right Hand Side
1 Mechanical 1.01387 Metric horse power Hg Mercury
horse power 745.7 W Temp. Temperature
1 Metric horse 735.5 W N.R. Not recorded
1 kW 1.35962 Metric horse power rpm Revolutions per minute
3 Pressure: O.D/I.D Outer diameter/ Inner diameter
1 psi 6.895 kPa N.A. Not available/Not applicable
1 kgf/cm 98.067 kPa = 735.56 mm of PTO Power take-off
Hg R.H. Relative Humidity
1 bar 100 kPa = 10 N/cm
SIP Seat Index Point
1 mm of Hg 1.3332 m-bar
1. Scope of Test 05
2. Essential Tests 05
4.1 Specification 13
5. Citizen Charter 16
6. Applicant’s Comments 16
The base model “John Deere 5310 V5” tractor & it's variant models as given in
Table-A had undergone “Commercial Test” at this Institute. The performance results in the said
test reports were evaluated on the basis of IS: 12207-2014.
Subsequently, the fourth revision of IS: 12207-2019 was established on dated 25
July, 2019. Therefore, the performance result of the said tractor has to be evaluated as per IS:
12207-2019. It was observed that, some of the parameters are not meeting the evaluative
requirements applicable for “Qualifying Minimum Performance Criteria” as per clause-4 Table-1
of the said Indian Standard for acceptance of tractor for the purpose of subsidies / NABARD
financing. The parameters which were not meeting the evaluative requirements has been
modified & permanently incorporated in the production of said tractor models by the
manufacturer. Subsequently, the manufacturer has submitted the said models for
inspection/test & same has been tested/evaluated and are summarized under Chapter given in
Table-B of this report.
S. No. Parameters Modified Chassis Number Engine Number Chapter No.
1. Base Model “John Deere 5310 V5”
a. Labeling plate 1PY5310EALA046342 PY3029H135211 3
b. Front tow hook
c. Re-declaration of hydraulic
lift capacity at hitch point
2. Variant Model “John Deere 5310 V4”
a. Labeling plate 1PY5310EHLA046294 PY3029H135103 4.2
b. Front tow hook
2.1.2 Engine:
Make : John Deere
Model : 3029HPY60
Type : Four stroke, turbocharged, liquid cooled,
direct injection, diesel engine.
Serial number : PY3029H136066 Governor:
Make : Bosch. India
Model/Group combination No. : RSV 425…1200A5C1704R
Type : Mechanical, centrifugal, variable speed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
d) Maximum Non 8% 229 (D) 204.93 No
equivalent Evaluative
torque, (Nm)
e) Back-up torque, Evaluative 12 percent, min. 12 percent, 34.5 Yes
percent (R)
f) Maximum operating temperature, ( C)
1) Engine oil Evaluative The declared value should 135(D) 123 Yes
not exceed the max. value
specified by the oil company
and the observed value under
high ambient condition should
not exceed the declaration.
2) Coolant Evaluative The declared value should 118(D) 96 Yes
not exceed the boiling
temperature of coolant under
the pressurized or otherwise
and the observed value under
high ambient condition should
not exceed the declaration.
g) Engine oil Evaluative Not exceeding 1% of SFC at 3.18 (R) 0.37 Yes
max. power under High
consumption, ambient conditions
- Maximum light absorption
h) Smoke level, m Evaluative 3.25 0.59 Yes
1 coefficient of 3.25 per meter per per
or equivalent BOSCH No. 5.2
or 75 Hatridge value. meter meter
3.1.2 Drawbar performance :
a) Max. drawbar Non Minimum 70% of static 21.92 (D)
pull with ballast Evaluative mass with ballast 22.50 Yes
corresponding to 20.57 (R)
15 percent wheel Minimum
slip or 7 percent
track slip, (kN)
b) Max. drawbar Evaluative Minimum 70% of static 15.44 (D)
pull without mass of tractor without 17.79 Yes
ballast or with standard 14.52 (R)
ballast or with Minimum
ballast, as the case may
standard ballast be
corresponding to
15 percent wheel
slip or 7 percent
track slip, (kN)
c) Maximum Evaluative Minimum 80 % of PTO power 29.1 (D)
as referred in Sl No. i) a) of
drawbar power 29.7 Yes
PTO performance in case of 29.4 (R)
without ballast, tractors having total static
or with standard mass > 1500 kg
Minimum 75 % of PTO power
ballast as in case as referred in Sl No. i) a) of
may be ,kW PTO performance in case of
light weight tractors having
1500 kg total static mass of
Minimum 75 % of the engine
power as referred in Sl No. i)
a) of engine performance in
case of tractors which do not
have a PTO shaft.
d) Maximum Evaluative To be declared by the 110(D) 83 Yes
transmission oil manufacturer.
temperature ( C)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3.1.3 Power lift and hydraulic pump performance :
a) Maximum lifting capacity throughout the range of lift, (kN):
1) At hitch Evaluativ Tolerance of ± 10% 18.90 (D) 19.33 Yes
points e
2) With the Evaluativ The lift capacity should at 12.9 (D)
least be 24 kg/PTO kW. and
standard e it should be 21.5 kg/engine 16.15 Yes
frame kW where the tractor is not
8.64 (R)
provided with a PTO shaft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c) Fuel consumption (ml/km/tonne):
Two wheel Non To be specified 30 to 40 (D) 44 to 45 No
Evaluative by manufacturer 30 to 40 (D)
Four wheel 38 to 41 No
3.1.9 Wetland cultivation (Puddling Operation):
Sealing for the Evaluative The identified The No ingress of Yes
assemblies should manufacturer water and/or
following essentially meet the has mud was
assemblies: requirement of IS: recommended observed
1) Clutch -do- 11082. No water that the tractor during ICT
ingress in the is suitable for test vide test
assembly identified assembly wetland report no. T-
2) Brake -do- given in column-2. cultivation 1054/1579/20
housings If tractor does not
(puddling 16,
meet the
3) Front axle -do- requirements of
operation). (December,
hubs wetland cultivation, it 2016)
4) Engine oil -do- may be
recommended for
5) Transmissio -do- dry land operation
n oil only.
3.1.10 Safety features :
a) Guards against Evaluative Belt drives, Meets the Yes
moving and hot pullies, silencer, requirements
parts hydraulic pipes
(As per IS: 12239
b) Lighting Evaluative As per CMVR Meets the Yes
arrangement requirements
c) Seating Non Should meet the Meets the Yes
requirements Evaluative requirements of requirements
(Tractors having IS: 12343 (As
amended from
more than 1150
time to time)
mm rear track
d) Technical Evaluative Should meet the Meets the Yes
requirements for requirements of requirements
PTO shaft IS: 4931 (As
amended from
time to time)
e) Dimensions of three Non Should meet the Meets the Yes
point linkage Evaluative requirements of requirements
IS: 4468 (Part-I)
(As amended
from time to time)
f) Specifications of Evaluative Should meet the Meets the Yes
linkage drawbar requirements of requirements
IS 12953
(As amended
from time to time)
(g) Swinging drawbar Evaluative Should meet the Not fitted Not
(wherever fitted) requirements of
IS 12362 (Part 3)
(As amended
from time to time)
(h) 1) Maximum Evaluative Should not 24.14, kmph ---
traveling exceed 20.00
speed at rated kmph
engine speed
in reverse
gear, kmph
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2) Audible Evaluative As soon as the travelling Audible warning Yes
speed in reverse gear
warning signal reaches to 20 kmph ,an signal provided in
on tractor audible warring signal on “C” range gears
tractor be activated ,
The safety aspects about
the operation of shuttle
technology shall be brought
in operation and
manufacturer /dealer shall
ensure the training on this
aspect to operator before
the delivery of tractor.
3.1.11 Labelling of tractors (Provision of labelling plate):
1) Make Evaluative Should conform to John Deere Yes
2) Model Evaluative the requirements of 5310 V5 Yes
3) Month & Year of Evaluative CMVR along-with 02, 20 Yes
maximum PTO
power in kW and
4) Engine number Evaluative year of PY3029H136066 Yes
5) Chassis number Evaluative manufacture in 1PY5310ELLA046634 Yes
6) Declaration of Evaluative numerical form 36.4 Yes
PTO power, MM YY
(kW) Digit 01-12 in box
No.1 for MM will
7) Specific Fuel Evaluative represent the
325 Yes
Consumption months & next two
g/kWh digits in box No.2
for YY will
represent the year
of manufacturing.
3.1.12 Discard limit for, (mm) :
(a) Cylinder bore Evaluativ To be specified
by the 106.77 106.48 to 106.50 Yes
diameter, (mm) e
(b) Clearance between Non manufacturer
piston & cylinder liner Evaluative and supported by
the printed 0.32 0.11 Yes
at skirt, (mm)
(c) Piston diameter (mm) Non -do-
106.30 106.39 Yes
(d) Ring end gap (mm):
- Top comp. ring. To be specified by 0.75 0.50 to 0.55 Yes
the manufacturer
- 2nd comp. ring. Evaluativ 2.00 0.80 Yes
and supported by
- Oil ring. e the printed 0.75 0.35 to 0.45 Yes
(e) Ring groove clearance (mm):
- Top comp. ring. -do- NA Taper rings Yes
- 2 comp. ring. Evaluative -do- 0.25 0.055 to 0.068 Yes
- Oil ring. -do- 0.92 0.054 to 0.061 Yes
(f) Clearance of main bearings (mm):
- Diametrical
Evaluative 0.65 0.035 to 0.069 Yes
- Crankshaft end
Evaluative 0.85 0.15 Yes
(g) Clearance of big or small end bearings, (mm):
- Diametrical Evaluative -do- 0.65 0.089 to 0.122 Yes
- Axial Evaluative -do- 0.85 0.25 to 0.40 Yes
(h) Clearance between Non -do- 0.80 0.17 to 0.25 Yes
king pin and bush, Evaluative
(i) Clearance between Non -do- 0.80 0.18 to 0.26 Yes
centre pin and bush, Evaluativ
(mm) e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3.1.13 Literature (Submission to test agency)
The printed literature Provide Provided Yes
(a) Operator manual Evaluative d
in booklet form should
be provided as per IS Provide Provided Yes
(b) Parts Catalogue Evaluative d
8132 & should submit
(c) Workshop / Evaluative along with the test Provide Provided Yes
Service manual sample d
3.1.14 Fitment of Roll Evaluative ROPS should meet the ROPS not fitted Not
Over Protective requirement of IS
11821 or OECD code
(ROPS): for or equivalent
International standard
tractor having
more than 1150
mm rear track
3.1.15 Standard Evaluative Trailer hitch, front tow Provided Yes
Accessories hook, linkage drawbar
should be provided with
the tractor.
3.1.16 Accessories Non Ballast weights, if fitted, Provided Yes
(optional) Evaluative should meet the
requirement of CMVR
3.2 CATEGORY OF BREAKDOWNS / DEFECTS (As per Clause 5.0 of IS:12207-2019)
S. No. Category of Category Requirements As observed Whether meets
breakdowns (Evaluative as per IS: 12207- the
/ Non 2019 Requirements
Evaluative) (Yes/No.)
1. Critical Evaluative No critical breakdown None Yes
2. Major Evaluative Not more than two None Yes
major breakdowns and
neither of them of
repetitive nature
Minor Evaluative Not more than five and None Yes
frequency of each should
3. not be more than two.
Total Evaluative In no case, the total None Yes
number of breakdowns
4. breakdowns should exceed five, that is,
(2 major + 3 minor) or 5
minor breakdowns.
4.1.1 Tractor:
Make : John Deere
Model : 5310 V4
Brand name : None
4.1.2 Engine:
Make : John Deere
Model : 3029HPY60
Type : Four stroke, turbocharged, liquid cooled, direct
injection, diesel engine.
Serial number : PY3029H136080
4.1.6 Governor:
Make : Bosch. India
Model/Group combination No. : RSV425…1200A5C1704R
Type : Mechanical, centrifugal, variable speed
Time frame for Testing & Duration of Test Whether the Test Report is Remarks
Evaluation as per Citizen released within the time frame
Charter given in Citizen Charter
01, Months
10 Months Yes None
(February, 2019)