Grammar 1: Past Simple Negative and Questions

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2B Grammar 1

Past simple negative and questions

1 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

  1 you / do / what / yesterday / did / ?

  2 like / vegetables / did / you / young / you / were / when / ?

  3 you / at / last / were / home / night / ?

  4 at university / you / 2015 / were / in / ?

  5 did / you / travel / where / 2017 / in / ?

  6 where / you / did / go / night / last / ?

  7 your / do / did / you / English homework / ?

  8 was / who / best friend / your / when / a child / were / you / ?

  9 you / what / on / birthday / did / last / do / your / ?

10 live / ago / you / five years / where / did / ?

2 Complete the gaps with the negative form of a verb from the box. Then match each
answer with a question from Exercise 1.

be (x2) celebrate come do eat enjoy live meet visit

a No, I broccoli or carrots until I was ten years old.  2 

b I my last birthday at all. I hate birthdays.
c I in the same house as I do now. I was in another city five hours from here. 
d No, I to class last week.
e I went to Peru. I Macchu Pichu, though.
f The cinema. The film I watched very good.
g Well, I worked all day yesterday, so I very much.
h Yes, but I it as I found the work hard.
i No, I . I went to my friend’s house.
j Her name was Ashley. We at school – she was in my dance class.

3 Work in pairs and practise asking and answering the questions in Exercise 1.

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