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The passages discuss summer activity plans and grammar lessons about verbs, questions, and tag questions.

Activities mentioned include playing volleyball, flying kites, picnics, making sandcastles, photography and more.

Grammar points covered include the past simple, questions, modals like will/won't, zero conditional, senses and more.

Unit CB Page 11   AB Page 111 Lesson 3

Wh- questions with did

1 Look and complete. Use the past simple of the verbs in the box.

pick strawberries   ​go to an outdoor cinema   ​have a barbecue   ​

go horse riding   ​play mini golf   ​do a treasure hunt

What did he / she do in the summer?

She played mini golf . He

She He

. .

She He

. .

2 Circle and complete the questions. Then read, look and match.


1 Where / Who / What did they do ?

They had a barbecue. b Fred

They played mini golf. a
2 Where / Who / What Moh with?

He went with Fred.

He went with Jake. Jake

3 Where / Who / What they ?

They went to the beach.

They went to the park.

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Unit CB Page 14   AB Page 111 Lesson 5

will / won’t

1 Look, read and circle.

Hi, I’m John. These are my ✔

plans for the summer!

1 I’ll / I won’t play volleyball.

2 I think / I don’t think I’ll fly a kite.

3 I’ll / I won’t take photos. ✘

4 I think / I don’t think I’ll have a picnic.

5 I’ll / I won’t make a sandcastle.

6 I think / I don’t think I’ll play Frisbee.

2 Look and write sentences about next weekend. Use He / She / They’ll or
He / She / They won’t.

1 (look at the lake / go hiking) He’ll look at the lake. He won’t go hiking.

2 (go mountain biking / pick strawberries)

3 (make a snowman / run)

4 (take photos / go horse riding)

5 (go sledging / play mini golf)

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Unit CB Page 21   AB Page 112 Lesson 3

Zero conditional

1 Read and complete with the correct form of the verbs in the box. 

travel   melt   ​
win   ​phone   ​go   ​drink

1 If you’re late to school, the headmaster phones your parents.

2 If you a race, you get a medal.
3 If we get thirsty, we water.
4 If my sister in a car, she feels sick.
5 If you leave ice at room temperature, it .
6 If my brother to bed late, he’s really tired the next day.

2 Put a cross (✘) next to the sentences with mistakes. Then correct them.
1 If you live in Finland, you started school at age seven. ✘
If you live in Finland, you start school at age seven.
2 If my mum makes a cake, the kitchen smells amazing.

3 If my friends came for dinner, we always eat pizza.

4 If I leaves my clothes on the floor, my dad gets angry.

5 If we do a lot of exercise, we get fit and healthy.

6 If you going by car, it takes 30 minutes. 

3 Write questions with What happens if …? Then answer them.

1 you miss the bus? / I wait for the next one
What happens if you miss the bus?  If I miss the bus, I wait for the next one.
2 your dad go for a run? / he get hot and tired

3 your mum watch a sad film? / she cry

4 you eat too much pizza? / I feel ill

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Unit CB Page 24   AB Page 112 Lesson 5

Verb + ing

1 Order the words to make questions and sentences.

1 playing / she / baseball / does / enjoy / ?
Does she enjoy playing baseball?

2 the / suggest / cinema / I / meeting / at / .

3 today / the / fancy / I / to / beach / going / .

4 kicking / sister / little / stop / your / !

5 imagine / London / you / can / in / living / ?

6 watching / the / carried / he / on / film / .

2 Read and complete with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Daisy: Hi, Gavin. Do you fancy 1 going (go) to the park tomorrow?
Gavin: OK, great. I suggest 2
(meet) at the park at ten o’clock.
Daisy: Can you bring your football? My little brother wants to come and he enjoys
(play) football.
Gavin: OK, sure. Does he like 4 (swim), too? The swimming pool is open
Daisy: Mmm … I dislike 5 (go) to that swimming pool because the water is
too cold!
Gavin: Stop 6 (be) a baby! The water isn’t cold!

3 Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

dislike   ​
eat   ​carry on   ​
watch   ​enjoy   ​stop

1 She stopped eating meat last year.

2 My brother sailing because he gets sea sick.

3 talking! I want to read my book.

4 My teacher suggested TV in English.

5 reading this book for homework, please.

6 Do you playing video games?

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Unit CB Page 31   AB Page 113 Lesson 3


1 Read and circle the correct option. 

1 Go … the bridge. a left b until c over
2 … along Moor Street. a Walk b Turn c Straight
3 Continue … the traffic lights. a over b towards c right
4 Turn … at the roundabout. a along b straight c left
5 Walk … Smith Road. a right b along c until
6 Continue straight … . a on b left c over

2 Read the directions and draw the route on the map.

Girl: Can you tell me where the museum is, please?

Man: Yes, of course. Continue straight on until you get to the roundabout. Go straight on.
Then turn right. Then turn left at the traffic lights and continue along the road until
you get to the museum.

3 Look and complete the directions. Use words from the box.

police station   ​left   ​
along   ​roundabout   ​
right   ​traffic lights   ​
straight   ​turn   ​ towards

Boy: Can you tell me where the police station is, please?
Woman: Yes. Continue 1 along this road until you get to the 2 .
Turn 3 , then turn 4 . Continue 5
the roundabout. Go right at the 6 . Then 7 left.
Then walk 8 on until you get to the 9 .

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Unit CB Page 34   AB Page 113 Lesson 5

Relative pronouns

1 Read and circle. Then look and match. 

1 This is the animal whose / which / where is behind the tree. a the volleyball

2 This is the person who / which / whose T-shirt is white. b the bench

3 This is the place where / which / who the woman is sitting. c the boy walking

4 This is the person which / who / whose is reading a newspaper. d the man cycling

5 This is the thing where / who / which is in the air. e the cat

6 This is the person whose / which / who is wearing a helmet. f the woman

2 Write sentences using which, where, who or whose.

1 This is the teacher. He taught me to read. This is the teacher who taught me to read.

2 Here’s the shop. They sell ice creams.

3 This is the computer. I got it for my birthday.

4 She’s the girl. Her sister was on TV.

5 I’m the runner. I won the race.

3 Find and circle the mistakes. Then correct the sentences.

1 A zoo keeper is somebody which works at a zoo.
A zoo keeper is somebody who works at a zoo.
2 Do you know anybody where lives in England?

3 Have you got anything whose will make my headache better?

4 Today I met a woman which son goes to your school.

5 I don’t know the shop which you bought your jacket.

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Unit CB Page 45   AB Page 114 Lesson 3

Present perfect third person singular affirmative and negative

1 Match. Then write sentences. Use ’s or hasn’t.

a He / canoe on a river / ✔
He’s canoed on a river.

d b She / walk on the moon / ✘

c He / trek across a desert / ✘

d He / explore an island / ✔

e She / climb a volcano / ✔

2 Look and write sentences.

Marco Chris Cheng Abu

✔ ✔ ✘ ✘

✘ ✔ ✔ ✘

✔ ✘ ✘ ✔

✘ ✘ ✔ ✔

1 Marco – dive near a coral reef / explore a cave

He hasn’t dived near a coral reef. He’s explored a cave

2 Chris – dive near a coral reef / climb a cliff

3 Cheng – walk under a waterfall / climb a cliff

4 Abu – walk under a waterfall / explore a cave

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Unit CB Page 48   AB Page 114 Lesson 5

as … as

1 Find and circle the mistakes. Then correct the sentences. Use as … as.
1 My friend is as taller as me.
My friend is as tall as me.

2 This dress isn’t as colourful than that dress.

3 A hummingbird is more beautiful as a swan.

4 A penguin is as big as a whale.

5 My hair isn’t as longest as my sister’s hair.

6 A zebra is most big as a horse.

2 Read and circle.

1 A peacock is / isn’t as colourful as a parrot.

2 My little brother is / isn’t as old as me.

3 A vulture is / isn’t as big as a lion.

4 A football player is / isn’t as fit as a tennis player.

3 Look and complete. Use is / isn’t as … as.

1 (heavy) 2 (big)
The girl isn’t as heavy as the fish. The sandcastle
the ball.


3 (fast) 4 (long)
The snail Kite A’s tail
the duck. Kite B’s tail.

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Unit CB Page 55   AB Page 115 Lesson 3

Present perfect questions and short answers

1 Order the words to make questions. Then look and answer.

Anna ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✔

Mark ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✘

1 made / she / has / bed / her / ?

Has she made her bed?   Yes, she has.

2 he / his / fed / pet / has / ?

3 has / the / he / floor / vacuumed / ?

4 her / cleaned / has / she / shoes / ?

5 up / washed / she / has / ?

2 Look at the chart in activity 1 and complete the conversation.

Mark: 1 Have you vacuumed the floor (vacuum the floor) today, Anna?

Anna: 2 Yes, I have.

Mark: 3
(make your bed)?

Anna: 4 What about you?

Mark: 5

Anna: 6 (clean your shoes)?

Mark: 7

Anna: Oh, Mark! They’re really dirty! 8 (wash up)?

Mark: 9
Oh, no! It’s half past five. Mum comes home at six o’clock!

Anna: Hurry! You’ve got to do a lot of chores. I’ll help you!

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Unit CB Page 58   AB Page 115 Lesson 5

Present perfect affirmative and negative

1 Read and complete. Then look and tick ✔.

lay   ​help   ​wash   ​sweep   ​hang out

Toby Caitlin

Hello, I’m Toby! Today, I’ve ✔

1 washed the car and I’ve
the clothes.

My name’s Caitlin. Today, I’ve
the patio and I’ve

the table. And I’ve
Mark to
wash the car!

2 Look at activity 1 and complete.

(hang out the clothes) I haven’t hung out the clothes .

(lay the table) I .

(sweep the patio) I .

(wash the car) We .

(cut the grass) We .

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Unit CB Page 65   AB Page 116 Lesson 3

Direct and indirect object pronouns

1 Read and underline the object. Then circle the correct object pronoun and write. 
1 He won the trophy last weekend.
him / it / them He won it last weekend.

2 She takes the children camping every summer.

them / her / they

3 I found a coin in the street.

me / them / it

4 Eliot saw his uncle at the supermarket.

he / him / her

5 We watched the swimmers dive into the pool.

them / it / us

2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1 She sent it. (a postcard) 4 Mum gives them money every week.
She sent a postcard. (my sisters)

2 My brother made them. (the cupcakes)
5 Did she buy him a drink? (her friend)

3 The chef cooked her a delicious meal.
(Lucy) 6 My dad sold it for 75€. (my bike)

3 Look and complete with direct or indirect object pronouns.

1 bought a jumper for Dad ✔

2 made Auntie Suzy some bracelets ✔
Hi, I’m Sarah. These are
3 showed my friends the class project ✔
the things I did today. 4 emailed some photos to Daniel ✔

1 a She bought it for Dad. 3 a She showed to her friends.

b She bought him a jumper. b She showed the class project.

2 a She made some bracelets. 4 a She emailed some photos to .

b She made for Auntie Suzy. b She emailed to Daniel.

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Unit CB Page 68   AB Page 116 Lesson 5

look / sound / feel / smell / taste like

1 Read and match to make questions and sentences. 

1 What does your brother a like a bird.
2 Yum! It smells b like your mum?
3 Do you look c look like?
4 What’s in this bag? It feels d delicious in the kitchen!
5 That noise sounds e very heavy.

2 Correct the sentences.

1 It smells chocolate in here. 4 That loud noise feels like a motorbike.
It smells like chocolate in here.

2 This coffee doesn’t taste like sweet. 5 The singer sounds like terrible!

3 My brother tastes like me but he isn’t 6 I touched your coat and it smells wet.
my twin.

3 Look and write questions. Then answer using words from the box.

salty   ​
a piano   ​perfume   ​
a large boat   ​soft

1 What does it smell like?

It smells like perfume.

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Unit CB Page 79   AB Page 117 Lesson 3

Have you ever …? + past simple

1 Read and circle.

1 A: Have you ever / never watched a football match?

B: Yes / No, I haven’t. I’ve ever / never watched a football match.

2 A: Have you ever been / went to the theatre?

B: Yes, I have / haven’t. I been / went last month.

3 A: Have / Has you ever seen a parade?

B: No, I hasn’t / haven’t. I’ve / I’m never seen a parade.

4 A: Have you ever seen / been skiing?

B: Yes, I / you have. I went / did skiing in February.

2 Use the interviewer’s notes to complete the conversation.

feed a lamb   ​dive near a coral reef   ​visit a TV studio   ​climb a cliff   ​go rafting

Interviewer: Thanks for answering my questions.

Question 1: Have you ever visited
a TV studio?
Boy: Yes, I have. I visited a TV studio in March.
1 ✔ in March
Interviewer: Great. Question 2:


2 ✔ last summer
Interviewer: That’s fantastic! Question 3:


3 ✘
Interviewer: Ah, OK. Question 4:


4 ✔ in 2016
Interviewer: Wow! And finally, question 5:


5 ✘
Interviewer: Thank you very much! Have a great day.

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Unit CB Page 82   AB Page 117 Lesson 5

Making and replying to suggestions

1 Complete with go or going. Then look and number.

1 Why don’t we go to a museum?

2 How about rafting?

3 What about on the roller coaster?

4 Let’s bowling.

2 Cross out the incorrect words to complete the conversation. Then tick ✔ the activity
they choose.
Kate: Hi, Finn. What do you want to do today?
Finn: Mmm … 1 let’s / what about / we’re doing a jigsaw?
Kate: 2
I’m not / I’m / I don’t sure. I’d like to make something.
Why don’t we / Won’t we / How about make a model?
Finn: 4
I will / I am / I don’t know. I’m not good at making models.
He’s / Let’s / It’s play cards.
Kate: No, thanks. I don’t like playing cards. Mmm … are you hungry?
Finn: Yes, I am.
Kate: 6
Who about / Why don’t we / How about making cupcakes?
Finn: 7
Great / Bad / OK idea! 8 Don’t / Won’t / Let’s find the ingredients.

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Unit CB Page 89   AB Page 118 Lesson 3

Too much, too many, (not) enough

1 Read and circle the correct option. 

1 There are … cars in this city. The traffic jams are terrible!
a too much b too many c enough
2 Sorry – there isn’t … milk. Do you like black coffee?
a enough b many c not enough
3 This curry isn’t very hot. There … enough chilli peppers in it.
a are b isn’t c aren’t
4 There’s … noise in here. Be quiet, please!
a not enough b too many c too much
5 We need to go to the baker’s. We … got enough bread.
a haven’t b have c aren’t
6 Don’t buy any more apples. There are … for everyone.
a too many b enough c not enough

2 Look and complete. Use enough or not enough.

1 There are enough pancakes. 3 pizza.

2 noodles. 4 water.

3 Read, think and write sentences.

It’s my birthday party this weekend!
Use too much, too many and
There will be 20 children.
(not) enough.
1 We’ve got 54 plates. There are too many plates.

2 We’ve got 16 cups.

3 Mum has made a cake for 12 people.

4 We’ve got 20 forks.

5 Dad has bought juice for 40 people.

6 Mum has bought ice cream for 20 people.

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Unit CB Page 92   AB Page 118 Lesson 5

Tag questions

1 Read and complete. 

can   ​can’t   ​have   ​
haven’t   ​do   ​don’t

1 They’ve been to Italy, haven’t they?

2 He skateboard, can he?

3 You don’t live in my town, you?

4 We sleep in a tent, can’t we?

5 I have to take out the rubbish, do I?

6 You haven’t seen my red jumper, you?

2 Complete the questions. Then match to the answers.

1 Your dad isn’t a doctor, is he ? a Yes, they can.

2 You can play the piano, ? b Yes, I can.

3 There aren’t enough biscuits, ? c No, we aren’t.

4 She’s really good at football, ? d No, he isn’t.

5 They can’t speak Chinese, ? e Yes, she is.

6 We’re going to the park today, ? f No, there aren’t.

3 Rewrite as tag questions.

1 Does your brother like ice cream?
Your brother doesn’t like ice cream , does he ?

2 Is Lucia good at tai chi?

Lucia is , ?

3 Can Simon swim?

Simon can’t , ?

4 Have you got a sister?

You’ve , ?

5 Do your grandparents live in Greece?

Your grandparents don’t , ?

6 Have we finished our homework?

We haven’t , ?

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Big Bright Ideas Answer Key

Unit 1 Lesson 3 3 Write questions with What happens if …?

Then answer them.
1 Look and complete. Use the past simple of the
verbs in the box. 1 What happens if you miss the bus?
If I miss the bus, I wait for the next one.
1  She played mini golf.
2 What happens if your dad goes for a run?
2  He did a treasure hunt.
If my dad goes for a run, he gets hot and tired.
3  She had a barbecue.
3 What happens if your mum watches a sad film?
4  He went horse riding. If my mum watches a sad film, she cries.
5  She picked strawberries. 4 What happens if you eat too much pizza?
6  He went to an outdoor cinema. If I eat too much pizza, I feel ill.
2 Circle and complete the questions. Then read,
look and match. Unit 2 Lesson 5
1 What did they do? 1 Order the words to make questions and
They had a barbecue. – b sentences.
They played mini golf. – a 1  Does she enjoy playing baseball?
2 Who did Moh go with? 2  I suggest meeting at the cinema.
He went with Fred. – a 3  I fancy going to the beach today.
He went with Jake. – b
4  Stop kicking your little sister!
3 Where did they go?
5  Can you imagine living in London?
They went to the beach. – b
They went to the park. – a 6  He carried on watching the film.
2 Read and complete with the correct form of the
Unit 1 Lesson 5 words in brackets.
1 Look, read and circle. 1  going
1  I’ll play volleyball. 2  meeting
2  I don’t think I’ll fly a kite. 3  playing
3  I won’t take photos. 4  swimming
4  I don’t think I’ll have a picnic. 5  going
5  I’ll make a sandcastle. 6  being
6  I think I’ll play Frisbee. 3 Complete using the correct form of the words in
2 Look and write sentences about next weekend. the box.
Use He / She / They’ll or He / She / They won’t. 1  eating
1  He’ll look at the lake. He won’t go hiking. 2  dislikes
2  He’ll go mountain biking. He won’t pick strawberries. 3  Stop
3  They won’t make a snowman. They’ll run. 4  watching
4  She’ll take photos. She won’t go horse riding. 5  Carry on
5  She won’t go sledging. She’ll play mini golf. 6  enjoy

Unit 2 Lesson 3 Unit 3 Lesson 3

1 Read and complete with the correct form of the 1 Read and circle the correct option.
verbs in the box. 1  c ​
2  a ​
3  b ​4  c ​
5  b ​6  a
1  phones ​ 2  win ​
3  drink ​
4  travels ​
5  melts ​
2 Read the directions and draw the route on
6  goes
the map.
2 Put a cross (✘) next to the sentences with
mistakes. Then correct them.
1  If you live in Finland, you start school at age seven.
2  –
3  If my friends come for dinner, we always eat pizza.
4  If I leave my clothes on the floor, my dad gets angry.
5  –
6  If you go by car, it takes 30 minutes.

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3 Look and complete the directions. Use words from 2 Read and circle.
the box. 1  is  2  isn’t  3  isn’t  4  is
1  along ​2  traffic lights ​3  right ​4  left ​5  towards
6  roundabout ​ 7  turn ​8  straight ​ 9  police station 3 Look and complete. Use is / isn’t as … as.
1  The girl isn’t as heavy as the fish.
Unit 3 Lesson 5 2  The sandcastle is as big as the ball.
3  The snail isn’t as fast as the duck.
1 Read and circle. Then look and match. 4  Kite A’s tail is as long as Kite B’s tail.
1  which – e ​2  whose – c ​3  where – b ​4  who – f
5  which – a ​6  who – d
Unit 5 Lesson 3
2 Write sentences using which, where, who 1 Order the words to make questions. Then look
or whose. and answer.
1 This is the teacher who taught me to read. 1  Has she made her bed? Yes, she has.
2 Here’s the shop where they sell ice creams. 2  Has he fed his pet? Yes, he has.
3 This is the computer which I got for my birthday. 3  Has he vacuumed the floor? No, he hasn’t.
4 She’s the girl whose sister was on TV. 4  Has she cleaned her shoes? Yes, she has.
5 I’m the runner who won the race. 5  Has she washed up? No, she hasn’t.
3 Find and circle the mistakes. Then correct the 2 Look at the chart in activity 1 and complete the
sentences. conversation.
1  A zoo keeper is somebody who works at a zoo. 1  Have you vacuumed the floor today?
2  Do you know anybody who lives in England? 2  Yes, I have.
3 Have you got anything which will make my headache 3  Have you made your bed?
better? 4  Yes, I have.
4  Today I met a woman whose son goes to your school. 5  No, I haven’t.
5  I don’t know the shop where you bought your jacket. 6  Have you cleaned your shoes?
7  No, I haven’t.
Unit 4 Lesson 3 8  Have you washed up?
1 Match. Then write sentences. Use ’s or hasn’t. 9  No, I haven’t.
1  d He’s explored an island.
2  b She hasn’t walked on the moon. Unit 5 Lesson 5
3  e She’s climbed a volcano. 1 Read and complete. Then look and tick ✔.
4  a He’s canoed on a river. 1  washed ​
2  hung out ​3  swept ​
4  laid ​
5  helped
5  c He hasn’t trekked across a desert.
2 Look and write sentences.
1 He hasn’t dived near a coral reef. Toby Caitlin
He’s explored a cave.
✔ ✔
2 He’s dived near a coral reef.
He hasn’t climbed a cliff.
3 He hasn’t walked under a waterfall.
He’s climbed a cliff. ✔
4 He’s walked under a waterfall.
He hasn’t explored a cave. ✔

Unit 4 Lesson 5

1 Find and circle the mistakes. Then correct the ✔
sentences. Use as … as.
1  My friend is as tall as me.

2  This dress isn’t as colourful as that dress.
3  A hummingbird is as beautiful as a swan.
4  A penguin isn’t as big as a whale.
2 Look at activity 1 and complete.
5  My hair isn’t as long as my sister’s hair.
1  I haven’t hung out the clothes.
6  A zebra is as big as a horse.
2  I’ve laid the table.
3  I haven’t swept the patio.
4  We’ve washed the car.
5  We haven’t cut the grass.

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Big Bright Ideas Answer Key

Unit 6 Lesson 3 Unit 7 Lesson 3

1 Read and underline the object. Then circle the 1 Read and circle.
correct object pronoun and write. 1  ever, No, never
1 the trophy 2  been, have, went
He won it last weekend. 3  Have, haven’t, I’ve
2 the children 4  been, I, went
She takes them camping every summer.
3 a coin 2 Use the interviewer’s notes to complete the
I found it in the street. conversation.
4 his uncle 1 Have you ever visited a TV studio?
Eliot saw him at the supermarket. Yes, I have. I visited a TV studio in March.
5 the swimmers 2 Have you ever dived near a coral reef?
We watched them dive into the pool. Yes, I have. I dived near a coral reef last summer.
3 Have you ever fed a lamb?
2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in No, I haven’t. I’ve never fed a lamb.
brackets. 4 Have you ever been rafting?
1  She sent a postcard. Yes, I have. I went rafting in 2016.
2  My brother made the cupcakes. 5 Have you ever climbed a cliff?
3  The chef cooked Lucy a delicious meal. No, I haven’t. I’ve never climbed a cliff.
4  Mum gives my sisters money every week.
5  Did she buy her friend a drink? Unit 7 Lesson 5
6  My dad sold my bike for 75€.
1 Complete with go or going. Then look and
3 Look and complete with direct or indirect object number.
pronouns. 1  go ​
2  going ​
3  going ​
4  go
1 a it ​b him a 3 ​b  1 ​c 4 ​
d 2
2 a her ​b them
2 Cross out the incorrect words to complete the
3 a it ​b them conversation. Then tick ✔ the activity they
4 a him ​b them choose.
1  what about ​2  I’m not ​3  Why don’t we ​4  I don’t ​
Unit 6 Lesson 5 5  Let’s ​
6  How about ​7  Great ​ 8  Let’s
1 Read and match to make questions and Students tick picture c (cupcakes).
1  c ​2  d ​
3  b ​
4  e ​
5  a Unit 8 Lesson 3
2 Correct the sentences. 1 Read and circle the correct option.
1  It smells like chocolate in here. 1  b ​
2  a ​
3  c ​4  c ​
5  a ​6  b
2  This coffee doesn’t taste sweet. 2 Look and complete. Use enough or not enough.
3  My brother looks like me but he isn’t my twin. 1  There are enough pancakes.
4  That loud noise sounds like a motorbike. 2  There aren’t enough noodles.
5  The singer sounds terrible! 3  There’s enough pizza.
6  I touched your coat and it feels wet. 4  There isn’t enough water.
3 Look and write questions. Then answer using 3 Read, think and write sentences. Use too much,
words from the box. too many and (not) enough.
1 What does it smell like? 1  There are too many plates.
It smells like perfume. 2  There aren’t enough cups.
2 What does it sound like? 3  There isn’t enough cake.
It sounds like a piano.
4  There are enough forks.
3 What does it feel like?
5  There’s too much juice.
It feels soft.
6  There’s enough ice cream.
4 What does it look like?
It looks like a large boat.
5 What does it taste like?
It tastes salty.

Big Bright Ideas 5  Grammar Worksheets   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press

Big Bright Ideas Answer Key

Unit 8 Lesson 5
1 Read and complete.
1  haven’t ​
2  can’t ​
3  do ​
4  can ​
5  don’t ​
6  have
2 Complete the questions. Then match to the
1  is he? – d
​2  can’t you? – b
​3  are there? – f
4  isn’t she? – e
​5  can they? – a
6  aren’t we? – c

3 Rewrite as tag questions.

1  Your brother doesn’t like ice cream, does he?
2  Lucia is good at tai chi, isn’t she?
3  Simon can’t swim, can he?
4  You’ve got a sister, haven’t you?
5  Your grandparents don’t live in Greece, do they?
6  We haven’t finished our homework, have we?

Big Bright Ideas 5  Grammar Worksheets   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press

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isbn: 978 0 19 424096 3

Illustrations by: Laura Catalan/Good Illustration Ltd pp.2 (ex 2), 13 (ex 1), 14 (ex
1); Mark Draisey: pp.3; Nigel Dobbin/Beehive Illustration pp.6; Timo Grubbing
pp.4, 5, 11, 12, 15 (ex 2 boy), 16; Andy Hamilton pp.2 (ex 1), 8, 14 (ex 2), 15 (ex
2 scene); Kelly Kennedy/Sylvie Poggio: pp.1 (ex 2), 7 (ex 2); Eric Smith/Beehive
illustration pp.1(ex 1). 7, (ex 1), 9, 10, 13 (ex 2).

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