Workplace Environmental Practices: Quarter 4 - Module 6

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Quarter 4 – Module 6:
Workplace Environmental Practices
T L E– Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 6: Workplace Environmental Practices

First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the

Module Writers: Aiza M. Abingayan
Layout Artist:
Management Team: Senen Priscillo P. Paulin, CESO V Rosela R. Abiera
Fay C. Luarez, TM, Ed.D., Ph.D. Maricel S. Rasid
Adolf P. Aguilar Elmar L.
Cabrera Nilita R. Ragay, EdD
Antonio B. Baguio

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Department of Education – Region VII Schools Division of Negros

Office Address: Kagawasan, Ave., Daro, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Tele #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117
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Quarter 4 – Module 6:
Workplace Environmental
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to the (Technology Livelihood Education Grade 10) Alternative

Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on (AFA – Agricultural Production) !

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by

educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the
teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K
to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore,
this also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while
taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing
them to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to
encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the

For the learner:

Welcome to the Technology Livelihood Education 10 Alternative Delivery

Mode (ADM) Module on ( AFA – Agricultural Crop Production) !.

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and
time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource
while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

This will give you an idea of the skills or

What I Need to
competencies you are expected to learn
in the module.

This part includes an activity that aims

What I Know to check what you already know about
the lesson to take. If you get all the
answers correct (100%), you may decide
to skip this module.
This is a brief drill or review to help you
What’s In
link the current lesson with the previous
In this portion, the new lesson will be
What’s New introduced to you in various ways; a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener,
an activity or a situation.
This section provides a brief discussion
What is It of the lesson. This aims to help you
discover and understand new concepts
and skills.
This comprises activities for independent
What’s More practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.

What I Have This includes questions or blank

Learned sentence/paragraph to be filled in to
process what you learned from the

This section provides an activity which
will help you transfer your new
What I Can Do
knowledge or skill into real life situations
or concerns.
This is a task which aims to evaluate
your level of mastery in achieving the
learning competency.
In this portion, another activity will be
given to you to enrich your knowledge or
Additional Activities
skill of the lesson learned.
This contains answers to all activities in
Answer Key the module.
At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in

developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any
part of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other
activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through
with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do
not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind
that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful

learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You
can do it!

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master the nature of Agricultural Crop Production. The scope of
this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The
lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the
order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the
textbook you are now using.

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates an understanding of safety precautions in
preparation of materials and handling of irrigation work.

Performance Standard

The learner practices safety precautions in preparation of materials

and handling of irrigation work for agronomic crop production as stipulated
in the manual.

Learning Competency TLE_AFAC10IW-IVf-j-4

LO 4. Cleanup on completion of irrigation activities

4.3. Make the site clean according to authorities’ instructions and
good environmental practices.

The module has one lesson

Lesson 1 – Workplace Environmental Practices

 After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify workplace environmental practices.
2. Explain the different types of practices; and
3. Enumerate the tips for a good workplace practices.

What I Know

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise FALSE if it is

1. Plan ahead and prepare. Leave as much garbage and food
packaging as possible at home.
2. Dispose of waste properly. It is illegal to leave garbage in the
3. Natural lighting, clean air, green spaces, and an adjustable
temperature can all help motivate employees.
4. Working in a space where they can directly influence
their working environment is beneficial to all.
5. “Green Environment” relates to the concerns
for environmental conservation and improved health of the environment.

Workplace Environmental
1 Practices

Today, there are many ways to live a more sustainable, eco-conscious

life. But what about your time spent at work? Regardless if you work from a
home office, satellite office, or a traditional office setting you will find that
you spend the majority of your day there. Within the workplace, there are
numerous ways you can implement sustainable practices into your
organization’s business and work life all while saving money and having a
positive economic impact. It turns out, most sustainable business practices
will save your company money and they can be easy and fun to do.

“A sustainable workforce is one where the work environment is caring

and supports employee wellbeing. ... “When human resources are used in
a sustainable way, employees are not only able to perform in-role or
requisite job demands, but also to flourish, be creative, and innovate.

Becoming more sustainable and making your workplace eco-friendlier

doesn’t mean you have to go completely off the grid, or sell your car. There

are so many easy adjustments and small changes that can make a huge
difference! Simply being more aware and conscious of your actions in the
workplace is a great place to start.

What’s In

Directions: Answer the following guide questions in your activity notebook.

1. What are good environmental practices?

2. What are some environmentally sustainable work practices?

3. What is a sustainable work environment?

Notes to the Teacher
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also need to ke

What’s New

Direction: Write atleast five (5) workplace environmental practices that you
know. Write it in your activity notebook.


What is It

Good Environmental Practices are defined as those actions that seek

to reduce the negative environmental impact caused by activities and
processes through changes and improvements in the organization and
development of actions.

More and more companies across business industries are committing

to reducing their impact on the environment.
These are just a few newsworthy examples of organizations that are
taking the initiative in creating more environmentally conscious workplaces
and company culture through eco-friendly policies.
From a business standpoint, consumers are more inclined to buy
products from, invest in services from, and lend their support to companies
with a proven record of social responsibility in regards to reducing their
environmental impact. Research has shown that 80 percent of consumers
are more inclined to support companies and brands with a history of
Developing an eco-conscious organization begins on the ground level
with your workforce, as it is crucial for your people to believe in your vision
and practice environmentally-friendly habits in the office in order for your
mission of sustainability to signal out accordingly.
There are various accessible and cost-effective measures your
company can take to reduce your carbon footprint and affect your
environmental impact. Here are ten examples of sustainable initiatives you

can implement to encourage an environmentally conscious workplace for
your employees, not just on Earth Day, but every day.

Implement a recycling program

One standard way of supporting mindfulness around sustainability is

to establish a recycling program within your office. From the kitchen area to
your workspaces, provide education on responsible waste disposal through
clear signage on designated waste stations to help your people distinguish
between what items belong in recycling, compost, and in the trash bin. You
can also look into the safe removal and donation of old computer parts
and other items unnecessarily taking up space in your workplace to a local
organization supporting the ethical recycling of electronics.

Conserve energy within the office

Turning off the lights and switching off electronic equipment around
the office during off-hours will help to conserve energy resources as well as
save your company a significant amount on your electric bill. Ensure that
your workplace has communicated your policy around reducing energy
consumption at their desks and around the office and provide suggestions
such as shutting off their computers at the end of the work day and keeping
the lights off when a meeting room is not in use.

Promote a paperless office

Digital and cloud computing solutions have enabled companies to

become more collaborative, streamlined, efficient, and yes, green too. From
using desktop applications such as Microsoft Office and Google Drive for
coordinating work projects to investing in digital HR and payroll software to
handle workforce management, paper and ink are swapped out for an eco-
conservative alternative.

Support green vendors

Opt to do business with green-friendly brands and companies to

create a more environmentally conscious workplace. Conduct research into
vendors of interest to learn more about their sustainability efforts and see if
they align with your company’s own vision and values regarding
environmental impact. At Rise, we are proud to be partnered with Thirst
First, a locally-based organic and fair-trade coffee provider.

Reduce by reusing

Annually, Canadians use approximately 1.6 to 2 billion disposable

coffee cups. Discourage this wasteful habit from your employees

by encouraging the use of reusable coffee mugs, along with reusable water
bottles. You can promote this initiative in office by offering company
merchandise items such as travel mugs and stainless steel water bottles,
and also by incentivizing the program by doing a monthly gift card draw for
team members who use their reusable mugs for an entire week.

Invest in office plants

Placing plants around the office can help to beautify your workspaces,
uplift the overall atmosphere of your workplace, and reduce stress and
anxiety for your workforce. Indoor greenery can boost oxygen levels and
remove harmful pollutants such as carbon dioxide and formaldehyde. In
fact, NASA research reveals that indoor plants reduce 87% of indoor air
pollutants within 24 hours. If you’re convinced of the health benefits of
office greenery, this infographic can help you select the ideal plant for your
office environment.

Conserve human energy

This may not be an idea that readily comes to mind when considering
environmental practices, but the wellbeing of your people is crucial to the
healthy habits of your organization. Mindfulness is just as important.
Consider that sustaining healthy and energetic employees will be beneficial
to your company’s overall productivity. Help to keep your team happy and
energized by establishing a safe, non-toxic environment at all times. It can
start by providing sustainable and nutritious options, such as organic fruits
and vegetables.

Encourage sustainable transportation

Support your team members in taking alternative modes of

transportation to and from the office—such as walking or carpooling with
fellow colleagues—during the work week. Your company can offer transit
subsidies to employees who commute to work as a benefit. Additionally, if it
is not mandatory for your people to be in the office from Monday to Friday,
consider cutting out their commute time during the week by allowing
employees to do remote work from home on occasion.

Get outside and volunteer

Cause-driven volunteer programs are an excellent way to support

something meaningful and have a big impact on your communities. There
are all sorts of green causes and conservation campaigns your company can
participate in. Last summer, Rise participated in a beach cleanup with
CPAWS BC. Find a philanthropic project that’s close to your organization’s
heart and get your people involved.

Make green thinking a key part of your company culture

Include your employees in your environmental vision by getting them

engaged and involved. Talk to and collaborate with your team members to
gather their ideas for how your organization can go green and be more
environmentally conscious in the workplace. Getting input from your
employees will allow them the opportunity to embody and embrace your new
mission and goals.

Over to you

From promoting workplace wellness through a mindful and healthy

office environment to allowing your team members to think of the bigger
picture, encouraging environmentally conscious practices in the workplace
will help your people feel healthier, more satisfied with your company, and
more driven to thrive at work. Above all, the benefit of leaving a lasting
impression of environmental impact for your organization will stay for
generations to come.

15 Tips for Promoting Sustainability in the Workplace

Environmental sustainability has been gaining more and more
momentum over the years, thanks to the likes of Greta Thunberg and the
army of climate activists marching on her side. As the world is finally
catching on, an increasing number of companies is taking inspiring
measures to eliminate their environmental footprint and transform into
ecologically conscious businesses. Feeling inspired? There are many green
practices you could also introduce to your workplace and turn it into a
sustainable environment. From green spaces to composting and going
paperless, this list of tips will give you some ideas on how you can make
your office more sustainable.

1. Ban Disposable Products

According to Plastic Oceans, we produce 300 million tonnes of plastic
every year, half of which is meant for single-use and 8 million of which ends
up in our oceans. By removing disposable products from the workplace and
encouraging employees to invest in reusable alternatives, not only will you
reduce the number of plastic waste in the workplace but you could also save
a lot of money from your operational budget. Instead of using disposable
products in the office, provide employees with sustainable alternatives like
water flasks, cloth napkins and reusable cutlery. You could also use
compostable and biodegradable trash bags as well as recycled paper towels.

2. Introduce Green Initiatives
With carbon dioxide emissions hitting a record-breaking high, green
initiatives are as important as ever. Depending on the size of your
organisation, there are different things you could do to tackle this. For
example, you could take part in a local tree-planting project or organise your
own beach cleanups. Allocating an annual budget to donate to
environmental organisations is also a good idea.
If you want to keep your employees positively engaged within the
workplace, too, you could introduce a ‘Green Employee’ award and set
different challenges for them. This will definitely encourage everyone to step
up their sustainability game. Companies with larger operations can also
partake in carbon offset schemes in a bid to eliminate their emissions and
even attain a carbon-neutral status. This is achieved by investing in
environmental initiatives such as clean energy projects. However, this is not
exclusive to big companies, as SMEs and even individuals can also get

3. Create a Recycling Programme

Try as you may, eliminating office waste is quite challenging – which is
why having an effective recycling scheme in place is also necessary. Start by
assessing what usually gets thrown away and what can be recycled, and
allocate different bins for different materials. You could start with paper,
plastic and metal before moving on to other things such as ink cartridges
and electronics. The thing about recycling is that it’s crucial that you only
dispose of recyclable. So, reach out to your municipal waste management
service to find out what they can and cannot recycle at their facilities.
Clearly labelling each bin and the contents that can go in it will also make
your office recycling programme more effective.
On another note, recycling is often deemed as a last option, rather
than a beaming solution for plastic waste. So, while it’s a necessary step to
achieve sustainability in the workplace, eliminating plastic use altogether is
the most environmentally sound route to take.

4. Go Digital
The average office worker in the US goes through roughly 10,000
sheets of paper each year. One of the biggest perks of living in a digital world
is that we can divert a large sum of paper usage by keeping documents and
products digitalised. By opting to keep documents such as briefs, minutes
from meetings and reports digitalised, you could significantly cut down on
paper use. This switch won’t only reduce operating costs but could also
make information more accessible to your team, while also keeping

important data safe in your server rather than a filing cabinet. Meanwhile,
the paper that is used at the office could be easily recycled. Plus, opting for
double-sided printing will cut your paper usage by half.

5. Invest in Renewable Energy

While going digital is a great way to reduce the use of paper at work,
the fact remains that this can increase energy usage and, subsequently,
carbon emissions – especially in the case of an energy-intensive office. But
fear not, because investing in clean energy can resolve this conundrum.
While this might be a bigger leap, transitioning into renewable energy to
power your office has multiple benefits, including lowering your energy bills
significantly. And while the initial investment can be high, you will certainly
get a good run for your money in the long run. This could also improve your
brand image and contribute to your marketing efforts, which could also lead
to a bigger influx of customers. All the while, this will minimise your
workplace’s carbon footprint.

6. Reduce Business Travel

Business travel is a fairly traditional concept that comes with running
a company. However, from transatlantic flights to cross-country trips and
taxi rides to meetings and conferences, business travel accounts for high
amounts of CO2 emissions. Oftentimes, there are easier and far more
environmentally friendly options. Going digital doesn’t just entail
eliminating printing and becoming a paperless workplace. Indeed, some
business travel can be easily avoided with a simple video call. Other ways to
eliminate carbon footprint also include choosing more sustainable
modes of transportation, such as trains, for shorter trips. In the cases that
business travel isn’t avoidable, however, your company could neutralize its
carbon emissions through a carbon offsetting programme.

7. Encourage Green Commuting

Looking past the traffic jams, road rage and stress that driving to
work can cause, it also contributes significantly to carbon emissions in the
atmosphere. Walking and biking to work, on the other hand, are much
healthier options in every aspect. Carpooling with coworkers could also be a
feasible option and could halve your team’s carbon footprint significantly.
Plus, it could make the daily drive to and from work a bit less dull. If you
have the budget, you could take a page out of Google’s book and go as far as
offering bus shuttle services to your employees.

8. Switch to Ecosia
By using Ecosia, your staff can plant trees through their online
searches. Indeed, Ecosia uses ad revenue from its browser to aid
reforestation efforts around the world. With every search, you can bring it
one step – or, rather, one tree – closer to planting 1 billion trees by 2030. All
you have to do is install Ecosia’s free browser extension on Chrome and set
your default search engine to Ecosia, and you’re good to go!

9. Create Green Spaces

Having green spaces at work has countless benefits. Not only can it
increase employee wellness and productivity, but it can also improve air
quality and temperature. Indeed, there are numerous plants that naturally
filter the air from toxins and can lower a room’s temperature by as much as
10 degrees. This could mean using less energy to cool your office. On
another note, you could also make your workplace more sustainable by
planting bee-friendly plants outside. Whether it’s the roof, a window seal, a
parking spot or a proper garden, you can make the most out of the available
space at your workplace. Just look at the Netherlands who turned their bus
stops into green havens for bumblebees.

10. Do Meat-Free Mondays

Research shows that keeping meat off the menu just once a week can
go a long way when it comes to the environment. In fact, a family of four
going meat-free once a week has the same environmental impact as
removing 16 million cars off the road.
If your office has a cafeteria or offers catered meals, then you could join the
meat-free Mondays movement and offer plant-based options to your
employees. Encouraging staff to partake in meat-free Mondays (or any other
day of the week) could create a team effort in reducing greenhouse gas

11. Reduce Food Waste

It’s estimated that nearly one-third of the world’s food is wasted every
year. At the office, you can help reduce food waste by repurposing leftovers.
In fact, it can be used to produce biogas, compost and even animal feed.
First things first, you need to set up a proper disposal system that will
divide food waste from general waste. You could opt to send waste to
commercial composting or an anaerobic digestion facility or even try on-site
composting. This will require a little more commitment on your part, but it
could prove to be a great initiative for your workplace!

12. Be Energy Efficient
Using energy-efficient alternatives is a great way to promote
sustainability in the workplace.
Starting with LED lamps, you would be choosing a far more durable,
ecologically conscious and cost-efficient option for your office. In fact, LEDs
can last up to 25 times longer, using only a fraction of the energy that
conventional incandescent light bulbs do. Having light timers installed in
the office could also help economize energy, especially in common areas
such as break rooms and restrooms. Meanwhile, investing in energy-efficient
computers is also a great initiative, especially if your company is energy-
intensive and largely depends on electronic devices.

13. Host Training Workshops

While implementing sustainable initiatives at work is crucial, engaging
your team with these objectives can be a whole different story. Without
proper awareness and positive engagement, your green goals are very likely
to flunk. This is why receiving proper training regarding sustainability and
environmental initiatives is equally important. Encouraging the professional
development and education of your team regarding these issues won’t only
help you make sustainability at work a success, but it could also give
everyone an idea on how they can integrate these practices into their day-to-
day lives too.

14. Hold Your Partners Accountable

When it comes to business, sustainability can be achieved in different
ways. For instance, your partners and suppliers and their own practices and
values can affect your sustainable objectives, whether in a good or bad way.
This is especially true for larger businesses with wider operations that have
a significantly higher impact on the environment. Holding your key
stakeholders up to certain standards regarding ethics and sustainability,
then, is equally important to implement other targets within the realms of
your company.

15. Establish Green Values

Lastly, outlining your green values could help you encapsulate all
your objectives as a business and encourage your team to take
sustainability seriously. If you’re set on introducing sustainable practices in
the workplace, integrating them into a comprehensible list will help make
your pursuit easier. A good way to make these values even more purposeful
is to align them with your company’s stated mission.

What’s More

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise FALSE if it is

1. Using energy-efficient alternatives is a great way to promote
sustainability in the workplace.

2. While implementing sustainable initiatives at work is crucial,

engaging your team with these objectives can be a whole different story.
3. Holding your key stakeholders up to certain standards
regarding ethics and sustainability, then, is equally important to implement
other targets within the realms of your company.
4. If you’re set on introducing sustainable practices in the
workplace, integrating them into a comprehensible list will help make your
pursuit easier.
5. At the office, you can help reduce food waste by repurposing
leftovers. In fact, it can be used to produce biogas, compost and even animal

What I Have Learned

Write your personal insight of what you have learned from the lesson.
Answer the question below. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Give atleast 3 benefits of a good workplace environment practices

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What I Can Do

Direction: Answer the questions below and write this in your activity
Question: What is the importance a good workplace environment practices?


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise write FALSE if

it is wrong. Write it in your activity notebook.

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise

FALSE if it is wrong.
1. Using energy-efficient alternatives is a great way to promote
sustainability in the workplace.

2. While implementing sustainable initiatives at work is crucial,

engaging your team with these objectives can be a whole different story.
3. Holding your key stakeholders up to certain standards
regarding ethics and sustainability, then, is equally important to implement
other targets within the realms of your company.
4. If you’re set on introducing sustainable practices in the
workplace, integrating them into a comprehensible list will help make your
pursuit easier.

5. At the office, you can help reduce food waste by repurposing
leftovers. In fact, it can be used to produce biogas, compost and even animal

II. Enumerate the 15 Tips for Promoting Sustainability in the Workplace.

Write it your activity notebook.

Additional Activities

Direction: Answer the questions below and write this in your activity
Question: Why is environmental sustainability important in the workplace?

Answer Key


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Negros Oriental Kagawasan, Avenue, Daro, Dumag
Tel #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117
Email Address: Website:

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