Types of Claim - Activity Sheet

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Activity 1: Identifying Claims

Directions: Read the statements below carefully, then identify the claim of fact for each item. Write
your answers on your answer sheets.

1. You need to search for some information to support your homework

on the uses of electricity. Which of the following is a claim of fact about electricity?
a. People cannot cook without electricity.
b. Electricity travels at the speed of light.
c. Families could be using more electricity than necessary.
d. Everyone should save on their usage of electricity.

2.Which of the following is a claim of fact about COVID-19?

a. Chloroquine cures COVID-19.
b. COVID-19 is the same as the flu.
c. COVID-19 can survive temperatures higher than 25 0 C.
d. Once I receive the COVID-19 vaccine, I no longer need to wear a mask.

3. Architectural engineers found computers as useful tool in their work. Which of the
following does NOT support the claim of fact on the importance of computers in the
field of architecture?
a. Architect firms employ computers to complete business functions.
b. Computers made the work easier but made the workers inefficient in their works.
c. Computer-generated designs allow the architects to know more information about the
d. Advances in computer modeling have made it possible to create completely new types of
architectural structures.

4. Which of the following is a claim of fact about over population?

a. Increasing population threatens the environment.
b. Overpopulation makes a happier place to live in.
c. Overpopulation is too large of an issue to solve.
d. Rapid population growth keeps poor countries poor.

5. The government of different countries in the world are intensifying the COVID-19
vaccination towards its clientele. Which of the following claims of fact justifies the stand
of the government towards COVID-19 vaccination?
a. Relieves the worries of people on the spread of virus.
b. Provides immunity and reduces risks in developing the illness and its consequences.
c. Decreases the number of infected cases since vaccines underwent rigorous safety testing.
d. Reduces the risks in developing the illnesses thereby reducing the number of affected

Activity 2
Directions: Distinguish the claims of value manifested in each of the following excerpts.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

What will schools look like under the ‘new normal’? (Excerpt)
Jess Obana

1. Over the past decade, online education has emerged as an innovative teaching
and learning method. Countless research devoted to the benefits of online
education suggests that online learning is as good as face-to-face classroom
2. Online learning is not new. What is new is that schools are embracing it as vital to how
the next generation of learners are taught.

3. As governments ease out of lockdowns, we will begin to see schools adopting the
blended learning approach. The conscious and careful blending of face-to-face
instruction and online methods can draw the best of both worlds and create the best
teaching and learning experience.

4. The biggest challenge for schools transitioning to online learning is the widening
inequality of access to and usage of information and communications technology

5. The COVID-19 crisis presents an opportunity for the education sector to come
together, forge connections and share what works. We may have not seen this
before the crisis, but we are missing a greater opportunity if we do not do this now.

Activity 3
Directions: Read the statements with understanding and identify which among them are claims of
policy. Write the statements you identified on your answer sheet.

• The fire was done to force the squatters to vacate the area.
• The Philippine government should prioritize young adults for COVID-19
vaccination program.
• Literacy level of the country has plummeted for the last 50 years.
• Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program should be implemented in the first
three early years of primary education to make it more effective.
• Criminal liability should be lowered to 9 years old since most of the minors
involved in criminal offenses fall in this age.
• There should be strict implementation of health protocols during COVID-19
specially in the public area.
• Legislation must be passed to stop the sale of cigarettes.

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