Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Ganjil

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
ghghghh Waktu : …… menit

1. Periksalah Terlebih Dahulu Naskah Soal yang akan Dikerjakan
2. Tulislah Nomor Peserta Ulangan Anda Pada Kolom yang telah Disediakan dalam Lembar Jawaban
3. Baca Setiap Petunjuk Pengerjaan Soal, Lalu Jawablah Soal-soal yang Anda Anggap Paling Mudah Terlebih Dahulu
4. Periksa Kembali Lembar Jawaban Anda sebelum Diserahkan kepada Pengawas


Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!
1. Pahmi : Hello. I’m Pahmi. How do you do? d. September 8th, 2002
Agung : ……………………….. e. September 9th, 2002
a. How are you? 7. Dea has two pencils. ………………… pencils are on the table.
b. Nice to meet you too.
a. it b. this c. that d. these e. thats
c. How do you do?
d. Are you okay? 8. Suminar : How many tenth grade classes ….. there in this
e. Hello. school, Ai?
Ai : There …. eight classes.
2. Arif : I’m sorry, Kamal. I’m late for the bus. a. is b. am c. are d. will e. can
Kamal : Okay then. Goodbye.
Arif : ……………………………. 9. Farah : I heard you won the …… prize in English
a. How are you? speech competition. Congratulations!
b. Glad to meet you Sarah : Thank you!
c. Good night a. first
d. I’m fine, thanks b. second
e. Goodbye. c. third
d. fourth
3. Nurul : Hello, Rima! Long time no see! ………….? e. fifth
Rima : I’m very well, thanks!
a. Who are you? 10. Teacher : This classroom is hot.
b. How are you? Iman : Wait a minute, Miss. I ……. turn on the
c. What are you? air conditioner.
d. What is your name? a. will
e. How do you do? b. will be
c. would
4. Novita : How does our new classmate look like? I haven’t seen d. would be
him! e. will have
Tia : Wow, he is like a Korean actor. …………..
a. He looks handsome 11. Ayu : When were you born, Fitri?
b. He feels good Fitri : I was born on December 15, 2000.
c. He looks happy How do you say the italic word above?
d. He has a brother
e. He knows me a. December the fifteen
b. December the fifteenth
5. Maya, Heni and I …………………… go camping near Mount c. December fifteen
Semeru next week. d. December fifteenth
a. will go to e. December fifty
b. are going to 12. Rearrange these words into a good sentence!
c. is going to are – students – good – Robi and Hendra
d. am going to a. Robi and Hendra good students are
e. will going to b. Good students Robi and Hendra are
6. A : When were you born? c. Robi and Hendra are students good
B : I was born on September the sixth two thousand and two d. Students good are Robi and Hendra
e. Robi and Hendra are good students
Change the italic word into correct date!
a. September 5th, 2002
b. September 6th, 2002 13. How do you say “1992” in English?
c. September 7th 2002
a. Ninety nineteen two Student : Yes, I do. Joko Widodo is.
b. Nineteen nineteen two E
c. Ninety ninety two
26. Tia : Which one is your book?
d. Nineteen ninety two
e. Nine hundred ninety two Tini : ………………………..
14. Which one is the correct sentence according to the correct noun
phrases order? a. The big new red book
b. The red big new book
a. My father bought an old beautiful Italian car c. The red book new big
b. My father bought an Italian beautiful old car d. The red new big book
c. My father bought a beautiful old Italian car e. The book big new red
d. My father bought a car old Italian beautiful
e. My father bought a beautiful Italian car old 27. Sinta ……………………. with Santi after school. (arrangement)
For questions 15 to 25, choose the inappropriate structure or
expression in the following sentences or dialogues! a. are swimming
b. is swimming
c. am swimming
15. I has a friend called William. He comes from England.
d. will be swimming
e. swims
16. Nina doesn’t likes fried noodle. She likes fried rice very much.
28. When do we celebrate our Independence Day?
a. August the seventeenth
17. She usually go to school by bus b. April the twenty-first
A B C D E c. October the first
d. November the tenth
18. Nande : Where was you born, Reza? e. May the second
Reza : I was born in Tasikmalaya. 29. Look at those dark clouds! I think it ……………….. rain.
a. is going to be
19. Deni : How many brothers and sisters does you have? b. go to be
A B C c. am going to be
Akmal : I have one sister and one brother. d. are going to be
D E e. goes to be

20. Dida : What is your hobby, Novi? 30. Upit : Do you know who he is?
A B C Suminar : Yes, he is …………………………..

Novi : My hobby are dancing. a. a tall handsome Russian new dancer

D E b. a handsome Russian tall dancer new
c. a new tall handsome Russian dancer
21. I likes English very much because I know English is very
d. a handsome tall new Russian dancer
e. a Russian handsome new dancer tall
important for my future job.
D E Questions number 31 – 35 are based on this text
22. Yulistia always takes a bath after her wakes up in the
A B C D Mr. Haryono’s House
E This is Mr. Haryono’s house.
It is big, clean and comfortable. There is a garden in front of the
23. Rani : What do you usually do at the weekend, Fitri? house. The are some plants and flowers in the garden. Inside
Wina : I usually watches TV and go swimming with my the house, there are a living room, a dining room, two
C D E bathrooms, a kitchen, three bedrooms and a garage. Mr.
Haryono has some pets; a dog, a cat and a parrot. He takes
24. Interviewer : What school do you go to? care of the pets very carefully. He loves all of his pets.
Novita : I go to SMK Sukapura. 31. The type of the text is …………
a. Narrative
b. Descriptive
25. Teacher : Do you know what is the President of
c. Recount
d. Procedure
e. News Item
38. Which tense of the writer mostly use?
32. The first paragraph of the text is called ……..
a. Simple Past Tense
a. Description b. Simple Present Tense
b. Identification c. Future Tense
c. General Classification d. Present Perfect Tense
d. Goals e. Present Continuous Tense
e. Orientation
39. Where does Spot usually sleep when he feels tired?
33. The communicative purpose of the text is ……
a. On the bed
a. To inform the readers how to make about Mr. Haryono’s b. On the chair
house c. On the sofa
b. To entertain the readers about Mr. Haryono’s house d. On the TV
c. To describe about Mr. Haryono’s house e. On the washing machine
d. To retell about Mr. Haryono’s house in the past
e. To discuss about Mr. Haryono’s house 40. I like to cuddle him because his fur feels soft.
The underlined words has the same meaning with …….
34. The generic structure of the text is ………………
a. Catch
a. Orientation, Complication, Resolution b. Hold
b. General classification, Description c. Hug
c. Identification, Description d. Touch
d. Orientation, Events, Re-orientation e. Pinch
e. Goal, Material, Steps

35. Mr. Haryono has some pets, they are ……..

a. A bird, a dog and a parrot
b. A dog, a fish and a cat
c. A chicken, a dog and a cat
d. A dog, a cat and a parrot
e. A dog, a duck and a parrot

Questions number 36 – 40 are based on this text

My Lovely Pet
I have a pet. It is a cat. I call him Spot.
Spot is a regular house cat, he is an adorable cat. He has
orange fur with white and black spots. That’s why I call him
Spot. I like to cuddle him because his fur feels soft. Every
morning I give Spot milk. He does not like rice, so I give him cat
Spot is an active animal. He likes to run around the house.
When he feels tired, Spot usually sleeps on the sofa in the living
room or sometimes under the dining table. I love Spot very

36. The text tells us about …….

a. The writer’s pet
b. Spot’s habits
c. Spot’s physical appearance
d. Spot’s favorite food
e. The writer’s habits

37. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

a. Spot is a Persian cat
b. Spot has black fur with orange and white spots
c. Spot likes rice very much
d. Spot never sleeps on the sofa
e. Spot’s fur feels soft

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