Project Monitoring Report. Governance

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School Improvement Plan

Mainit National High School

School Year 2019-2021


FY 2022
Name of Project Project Objectives & Date of Accomplishments Issues/Problems/ Recommendations/ Signature
Targets Monitoring / Challenges Action Points of SPT
Status to Date
Provision of fire To prevent the June – To be The MOOE fund is not Allocate fund for the
extinguisher and occurence of worse March implemented enough and there are project
Emergency Hotlines in scenarios caused by fire. 2020 other priority projects
rooms need funding
Inform and guide the July 2019 To be The MOOE fund is not Find resources for the
students and faculty implemented enough and there are training like
School-based Disaster
about the causes and other priority projects coordinating with the
Risk Reduction
Management Training effects of disasters and need funding LGU
to prevent them from
To inform and guide the July, To be The MOOE fund is not Do the drill as
students and faculty November implemented enough and there are scheduled and find
Disaster Risk
about the causes and 2019 other priority projects resources for
Reduction Symposium
and Drill effects of disasters and need funding symposium
to prevent them from
To ensure immediate July to To be The MOOE fund is not Find resources like
Provision of First Aid response to students September implemented enough and there are gradually purchasing
Kits who are injured or 2019 other priority projects the kits
wounded need funding
Construction of DRR
To cater assistance to all June to To be The MOOE fund is not Allocate funds and
students and faculty. December implemented enough and there are gradually implement
2019 other priority projects the project
need funding
Name of Project Project Objectives & Date of Accomplishments Issues/Problems/ Recommendations/ Signature
Targets Monitoring / Challenges Action Points of SPT
Status to Date
School Improvement Plan
Mainit National High School
School Year 2019-2021

Partnership with NGO, Extend partnership for June to On – going Needs more time to Find more time for the
LGU and Private the monetary and December implementation
meet and coordinate accomplishment of the
material support for 2019 with each of the project
school projects and
activities stakeholders

Stakeholders’ Increase parents & June to Some parents are still Maximize resource
Participation other stakeholders’ December hesitant to participate mobilization, tap other
attendance to: 2019 agencies, strengthen
 PTCA/HRPTA Partially community linkage
Meetings accomplished
 Brigada Implemented
 National School
Enrolment Day Implemented
 Balik – Aral
y Mapping Partially
 SIP Preparation, accomplished
Monitoring &
Revisiting Partially
 Assessment of accomplished
SBM level of
practice Partially
 Bayanihan sa accomplished
Paaralan Ongoing
 Other
school activities
School Improvement Plan
Mainit National High School
School Year 2019-2021

Name of Project Project Objectives & Date of Accomplishments Issues/Problems/ Recommendations/ Signature
Targets Monitoring / Challenges Action Points of SPT
Status to Date
1. Completion of To ensure the safety and June to On – going Cannot afford Strengthen
concrete security of the school December implementation concrete fencing relationship with
parameter fencing and its properties. 2019 stakeholders to earn
Refrain students for financial support for
cutting classes. the completion of
2. Construction of June to To be Lack of funds, there Strengthen
2 CRs in every  To provide both December implemented are other priority relationship with
classroom to learners and teachers 2019 projects stakeholders to earn
observe gender comfort rooms for their financial support for
sensitivity personal necessities. the repair of CRs
 To have a good,
healthy and sanitized
school environment.
 Be readily available
during evacuation

3. Establishment of June to On – going Lack of resources Strengthen

Recyclable waste  To maintain December implementation relationship with
boxes cleanliness and 2019 stakeholders to earn
sanitation of the materials for
school. recyclable waste
 To solicit from boxes

4. Extension of June to To be Lack of resources Allocate funds and

TTC  To cater to the December implemented gradually accomplish
increasing needs of 2019 the project
enhancing students’
School Improvement Plan
Mainit National High School
School Year 2019-2021

talents, due to
students’ increasing

5. Repair of June to To be Lack of resources Allocate funds and

Administrative  To provide students December implemented gradually accomplish
building and and office personnel 2019 the project
Industrial building alike a comfortable
ceilings and roof. and conducive place
to work and learn.

6. Construction of June to To be Lack of resources Allocate funds and

SSG Office  To provide student December implemented gradually accomplish
leaders a place for 2019 the project
meetings and planning
and conferences.

7. Construction of June to To be Lack of resources Allocate funds and

SSG Office  To provide PTA December implemented gradually accomplish
officers a place for 2019 the project
meetings, planning
and conferences.

8. Construction of June to To be Lack of resources Allocate funds and

GSP & BSP  To provide GSP and December implemented gradually accomplish
Offices BSP a place for 2019 the project
meetings and planning
and conferences and a
place to keep their
camping things and

9. Construction of June to To be Lack of resources Allocate funds and

School Improvement Plan
Mainit National High School
School Year 2019-2021

Faculty Offices  To provide teachers a December implemented gradually accomplish

place to do their paper 2019 the project
works, preparations
and keep the students’
outputs safe.

10. Construction of June to To be Lack of resources Allocate funds and

School Clinic  To provide students December implemented gradually accomplish
Extension and school personnel 2019 the project
alike the benefit of first
aid during emergency

Name of Project Project Objectives & Date of Accomplishments Issues/Problems/ Recommendations/ Signature
Targets Monitoring / Challenges Action Points of SPT
Status to Date
Stakeholders’ Increase parents & other June to Some parents are still Maximize resource
Participation stakeholders’ attendance December hesitant to participate mobilization, tap other
to: 2019 agencies, strengthen
 PTCA/HRPTA Partially community linkages
Meetings accomplished
 Brigada Eskwela Implemented
 National School Implemented
Enrolment Day
 Balik – Aral Implemented
 SIP Preparation, Partially
Implementation, accomplished
Monitoring &
Revisiting Accomplished
 Assessment of (sustaining)
SBM level of
School Improvement Plan
Mainit National High School
School Year 2019-2021

practice Partially
 Bayanihan sa accomplished
Paaralan Ongoing
 Other implementation
school activities

Monitoring Personnel

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