Department of Education: Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools - Valenzuela
Sitero Francisco Memorial National High School
Sta. Monica Subd., Ugong, Valenzuela City


Junior High School

School Year 2021-2022

Subject: English 10 Quarter: 4th

Date: April 29, 2022 Platform:Google meet
Sections: Colossians, Corinthians,Philippians,

GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates communicative competence

through his/her understanding of Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture.

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC):
Give Technical and Operational Definitions. EN10V-IIa-13.9

Sub skills:
1. Identify expanded definitions of words.
2. Get familiar with technical terms used in research.
3. Making definitions of technical versus operational


A. Topic: Give Technical and Operational Definitions

B. References:



(02) 8567-2473
[email protected]
C. Materials: Laptop, webcam, pen, paper, mobile phone, projector.


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminaries
“Good afternoon, dear virtual learners!”
“Good afternoon, Ma’am!”

"Today is another day, and another opportunity

for you to learn in our English 10."

1. Prayer:
“Before we start our class, let’s have a prayer
first, which is followed then by our National

- students praying.

2. National Anthem
(video presentation is playing)

- students singing with our

National anthem.

3. Attendance
“For your attendance, please type your full
name in our google meet chat box together with
an emoji of your choice depending on your
mood for this afternoon session.”

- Students typing their name in

google meet chat box section.
“I hope that you are doing great today class.”

“To make our discussion this afternoon

successful, please be reminded of our
classroom rules and guidelines. Please watch
and listen carefully.”
(video of classroom netiquette is playing)

4. Online Netiquette
a) Raise your virtual hands if you want to
b) Listen when someone is talking.
c) Turn on your camera as much as
d) Participate in class discussion and
e) Turn off your mic if you have nothing to
say to avoid noise distraction during
our class.
f) Respect each other.
- students watch and listen to online

5. Objectives:
“Our objectives today for most essential
learning competency is to Give Technical and
Operational Definitions.

Sub skills:
1. Identify expanded definitions of words.
2. Get familiar with technical terms used in
3. Making definitions of technical versus

B. Review of previous lesson

“Now let’s test your understanding in the

previous lesson we have, Class are you familiar
with Doctor Strange, one of the hero in the
marvel avengers movie?
- yes ma’am!

“Our goal is to help him win against Ebony Maw

by choosing the correct technical terms in each
questions, let’s start.”

“who wants to read and answer question

number 1?” - students raising their hands.

“A short statement about your paper

designed to give the reader a
complete, yet concise, understanding
of your paper's research and findings.
It is a mini-version of your paper.

“Very good! Next question.”

“A tool used to collect, measure and
analyze data related to your subject.
“Very good! Next question who wants to

“Surveys books, scholarly articles,

and any other sources relevant to a
particular issue, area of research, or
theory, and by so doing, provides a
description, summary, and critical
evaluation of these works in relation
to the problem being investigated.
(Literature Review)”

“Let’s check if that is correct, okay very good!

“For the next question who wants to read and

answer other hands?”

“Specific procedures or techniques

used to identify, select, process, and
analyze information about a topic. It
allows the reader to critically evaluate
a study’s overall validity and
reliability. (Methodologies)”

“Methodologies is correct, very good!”

“Last question who wants to answer?”

“ Can be described as giving credit,

with citation, to the source of
information used in one's work.

“Very good job, class! We beat ebony Maw and

Doctor Strange win the fight.”

“Its seem that you’re now ready for our next

discussion. Welcome to our English 10 Quarter
4 Lesson 3, Making Definitions: Technical
versus. Operational.”

A. Motivation

“Oh no! Class, Thanos is here and he is on the

quest of the 6 infinity stones. Only the avengers "Great Ma'am!"
and you can save the universe, you have to find
the 6 infinity stones before Thanos.

“Directions: Help the Avengers find the infinity

stones, by answering the correct main word that
is being defined. You only have 5 seconds to
answer. Be hurry class before Thanos find
those 6 infinity stones.”
“Lets start finding the 6 infinity stones.”

“Read and answer what is the main word that is

being define?”
“Flying vehicle that has fixed wings
and engines or propellers that thrust it
forward through the air. It's most
common when you travel long
distances. (Airplane)”

“Very good! We have now the green infinity


“Lets find the remaining 5, next read and

“A person who teaches, especially in
a school. (Teacher)”

“Good job! We have now the violet infinity


“Keep going on, we can save the universe next

“A game played by two teams of five
players who score points by throwing
a large ball through an open net
hanging from a metal ring.
“Very good, we have now 3 infinity stones keep
going class. Please read and answer next

“A woman who gives birth or who has

the responsibility of physical and
emotional care for specific children.

“Good job! Two infinity stones left to save the

universe. Next question kindly read and

‘The act of putting a liquid, especially

a drug, into a person's body using a
needle and a syringe. (Injection”

“Very good! Class, we have found the red

infinity stones. You can do this.”

“A long written or printed work of

fiction or nonfiction, usually on sheets
of paper fastened or bound together
within covers. (Book)”
“Excellent! Congratulations class, you have
found that 6 infinity stones and help avengers
save the universe.”

“Now that you have done finding those infinity

stones. But what do you think will happen class
if we don’t understand the definitions that are
being defined? Do you think we will succeed in
getting those 6 infinity stones?”

“It will hard for us ma’am to determine

the correct answer that is being

B. Lesson Proper

Presentation of the Topic

“Good job class! Class you see how important

giving a appropriate definition for a word or

“In research papers, we have definition of terms

where key points are mentioned. Those are the
terms that are used in the study, where its
meaning must be thoroughly explained to the
readers to make the research easier to
understand by the readers.”

Discussion of the lesson:

“By the way class what is definition? In your

own idea, what do we mean by definition?”

“Definition is a statement of the

meaning of a word.”

“Very good! Lets define definitions according to

different sources. Can someone read the

“A statement of the exact meaning of

a word, especially in a dictionary.
(oxford language)”

“A statement of what a thing is.


When do we use definitions in our research

1. When you’re writing contains a term that may
be key to audience understanding
2. When that term could likely be unfamiliar to
the readers.
3.When the etymology (origin and history) of a
common word might prove interesting or will
help expand upon a point

“In defining terminologies, we have three these

are the technical and operational definitions.”

“Can you please read the formal definition?”

“Formal definitions- it means that we

have certain parts needed to follow
The term, class, and distinguishing

“For our example,Philosophy is the study of the

fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and
existence, especially when considered an
academic discipline.”

When we try to cut this into its specific parts, we

will come into this table

Parts of formal definition

Term Verb Class Distinguishing

Philoso is the of knowledge,

phy study of reality, and
the existence,
fundam especially
ental when
nature considered as

“Another example, anxiety is an emotional

state of a person being uneasy, apprehensive
or worried.”
“Next, please read anyone from the class?”

“Technical definition a detailed

description of a term, process, or
specialized words which belong to or
relate to a particular subject. It is the
universal meaning of the term.”

For example:
 Computer is a device or machine
used in performing, assessing,
evaluating, and following
commands set by the user.

 Activity is a state of being active

where something that is done as a
work or for a particular purpose.

“Technical definitions are terms, specifics, and

explanations of a scenario, system, or word. We
usually use this to explain or describe technical
terms and could be used in expanding

“Next is we have the operational definition, what

is operational definition?”
“Researchers are the ones who
formulate the meaning which is
objectively anchored on the technical

It is a description of something in
terms of the operations (procedures,
actions, or processes) by which it
For example: could be observed and measured”
 Computers is something we use
for homework and gaming
 Mouse an experimental specimen
used to conduct various
 Paper a tool for creativeness and “
freedom of thought.

“ For the example, you have observed that the

main word or terminologies was define
according to the procedures and usage of the
“Another example class, for you to understand
the difference between technical and
operational definitions.”

“Technical definitions, usually definitions that

came from dictionary and encyclopedia’s. It
helps us in expanding our vocabularies since
definitions of terms is define in an exact
manner. Though, basically, the only difference
between the two is the operational could have a
wide variety of meanings that can be inherited
by the readers interpretation.”

C. Application

Directions: Read each definition carefully. Then,
complete the table that
follows. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

1. A device that makes the transmission of data to

or from a computer via
telephone possible is called a modem.
2. An octogenarian is a person who is between 80
and 89 years old.
3. A thesis statement is a sentence that states the
main point or idea.
4. Research is a careful study that is done to find
and report new knowledge about something.
5. Pneumonia is a lung infection that can be caused
by different types of germs, most commonly viruses.


“Before we end our class discussion let us
summarize first what you’ve learned.”

“What are the difference between technical and

operational ?”

“ Ma’am the difference between the

“Very Good Class, so what do you think is the two of them is they both having
importance of defining a term correctly? definition but we are getting the
information from different source.”

“Excellent class!” “Ma’am to further understand what

the word really means, and for the
correct interpretation and usage of
word itself.”

E. Evaluation
Directions: Read each definition carefully.
Write TD if it is technical definition and OD if it is operational definition.

1. Conflict is a state produced by placing two or more individuals in a situation where

each has the same goal but only one can obtain it.
2. For this study violent crime was defined as the number of people arrested in a given
day for murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault as recorded by the local
3. Aniline, a benzene ring with an amine group, is a versatile chemical used in many
organic syntheses.
4. The incidence of addiction is defined as whether or not the participant currently
meets the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for any substance use disorder.
5. A paper micrometer is a small measuring instrument used to measure the thickness
of a piece of paper.
6. In aeronautics, a stall is a flight condition in which the lift produced is less than the
weight of the airplane.
7. Motor activity is described as the student’s movements from his or her seat.
8. An electronic design engineer is an electrical engineer or electronic and
communication engineer who designs electronic circuits and systems.
9. Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
10. Intelligence may be defined as whatever it is that intelligence tests measure.
Prepared by:
Checked by:

Gonzales, Jennifer L. Mr. Francis Roel T. Rivera

Student-Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Date: April 29, 2022

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