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Semiconductors 4

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Junction diode is said to be forward bias when
Forward Biasing the positive terminal of the external battery
is connected to the p-side and negative terminal
to the n-side of the diode.

Current does not vary linearly with the

voltage, that is, Ohm's law is not obeyed
Dynamic Resistance of a Junction Diode

In such situation, a quantity known as 'dynamic resistance'

(or a.c. resistance) is defined.

The dynamic resistance of a junction diode is defined as the ratio of

a small change in applied voltage (△V) to the corresponding small
change in current (△i) , that is

➔ The dynamic resistance of junction diode, RAC = ∆V/∆I

In the forward characteristic of p-n junction diode, beyond the turning

point (knee), however, the current varies almost linearly with voltage.
almost independent of V and Ohm's law is obeyed.

➔ The DC resistance of a junction diode, RDC = V/I

The i-V characteristic of a p-n junction diode is shown in figure.
Find the approximate dynamic resistance of the p-n junction when
(a) a forward bias of 1 volt is applied,
(b) a forward bias of 2 volt is applied
Reverse Biasing The circuit diagram and I-V characteristics of
a reverse biased diode is shown below.

The reverse bias voltage at which the

reverse current increase abruptly is
called the 'breakdown voltage' .
Reverse Breakdown And Special Purpose Diodes

1. Zener breakdown Diode Current

When reverse bias is increased

the electric field at the junction also increases.
Zener Voltage
At some stage the electric field becomes so high
that it breaks the covalent bonds
creating electron, hole pairs. Forward Voltage

Thus a large number of carriers are generated.

This causes a large current to flow.
This mechanism is known as Zener breakdown.
Reverse Breakdown And Special Purpose Diodes

2. Avalanche breakdown

Current (mA)
At high reverse voltage, due to high electric field,
the minority charge carriers, while crossing
the junction acquires very high velocities.

These by collision breaks down the

covalent bonds, generating more carriers.
A chain reaction is established,
giving rise to high current.

This mechanism is called avalanche breakdown.

The avalanche breakdown occurs in lightly doped junction

Zener Diode 1. Heavily doped diode named after
its inventor C. Zener.
2. Designed to operate under reverse bias
in the breakdown region
3. It is used for voltage regulation.

4. When the applied reverse bias voltage(V)

reaches the breakdown voltage (Vz) of the
Zener diode, there is a large change in the
Zener voltage remains constant, even though
current through the Zener diode varies over a
wide range.
This property of the Zener diode is used for
regulating supply voltages so that they are
Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator
To get a constant dc voltage from the dc unregulated output of a
rectifier, we use a Zener diode.
Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator
To get a constant dc voltage from the dc unregulated output of a
rectifier, we use a Zener diode.

Voltage (V) IL
Load (RL) Regulated
Voltage (VZ)
Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator

any increase/decrease in the input voltage

results in, increase/decrease of the voltage
drop across R without any
change in voltage across the Zener diode.

Thus the Zener diode acts as a

voltage regulator
The reverse breakdown voltage of a zener diode is 5.6 V in
the given circuit. The current IZ through the Zener is:
[JEE Main April 2019]

A. 7 mA B. 17 mA

C. 10 mA D. 15 mA
Figure shows a DC voltage regulator circuit, with a zener
diode of breakdown voltage = 6 V. If the unregulated input
voltage varies between 10 V to 16 V, then what is the
maximum zener current ?
[JEE Main 2019]

A. 3.5 mA B. 1.5 mA
C. 2.5 mA D. 7.5 mA
The figure represents a voltage regulator circuit using a zener diode.
The breakdown voltage of the Zener diode is 6V and the load
resistance is RL = 4kΩ. The series resistance of the circuit is Ri = 1
kΩ. If the battery voltage VE varies from 8V to 16V, what are the
minimum and maximum values of the current through Zener diode?

[JEE Main April 2019]

Ri A. 1.5mA, 8.5 mA B. 1mA, 8.5 mA
C. 0.5mA, 8.5mA D. 0.5mA, 6 mA

Ans: C
In a given circuit the current through zener diode is
x/10 mA, then x is -

Ans: 33
Optoelectronic Devices

Semiconductor diodes in which carriers are generated by photons, i.e.

photo-excitation, such devices are known as optoelectronic devices.

These are as follows:

1. Light Emitting Diode (LED): which convert electrical energy into light.

2. Photo Diode: which convert electrical energy into light.to light.

It is a heavily doped p-n junction diode which

converts electrical energy into light energy.
Light Emitting Diode LED
When a conduction electron falls into a hole in valence band,
the energy may be emitted as a photon.

For the usual diodes the wavelength of

photon emitted lies in infrared region.

If the wavelength of the photons is

in visible range (4000 Å to 7000 Å),
the emitted photon will cause visual effect.

Such a diode is known as light emitting diode and abbreviated as LED.

It is a heavily doped p-n junction diode which converts electrical energy

into light energy.
The LEDs are usually made from gallium arsenide (GaAs) or indium
phosphide. LED's are used in electronic gadgets and indicator lights.
Light Emitting Diode (LED)

LEDs has the following advantages over conventional

incandescent low power lamps

(a) Low operational voltage and less power consumed

(b) Long life, 2-4 times fluorescent, more than 40 times
as the average incandescent bulb.
(c) Fast action and no warm up time required
(d) Exceptional colour range
Photo Diode

a special purpose p-n junction diode

fabricated with a transparent window
to allow light to fall on the diode.

Its function is controlled by the light falling on it.

Light of wavelength λ is sufficient

to break the valence bond falls on
the junction, new hole-electron pairs are created.

used for detecting optical signals

reverse biased p-n junction made from a photosensitive material

Circuit current can be controlled by incident light.

Photo Diode

Its V-I characteristics of photodiode are shown below:

Current in photodiode changes

with the change in light intensity (I)
when reverse bias is applied.

There is a significant change

in the current with change in
the light intensity (in reverse bias).
Thus photodiode can be used as
a photodetector to detect optical signals.
Solar Cell

Solar cell is a p-n junction diode which converts solar energy into
electrical energy. Its symbol is

It works on the same principle (photovoltaic effect) as

the photodiode, except that no external bias is applied
and the junction area is kept much larger for solar
radiation to be incident because we are interested in
more power

V-I characteristics of solar cell:

The materials used for solar cell

are Si and GaAs.
The I-V characteristics of an LED is
[JEE Main 2013]

A. B.

C. D.
Symbolic representation of photodiode is -

A. B.

C. D.
Diode as Rectifier

The process of converting alternating voltage/current into

direct voltage/current is called rectification.

Diode is used as a rectifier for converting alternating current/voltage

into direct current/voltage.
Diode as a Half-Wave Rectifier
Diode conducts corresponding to positive half cycle
and does not conduct during negative half cycle. Hence,
AC is converted by diode into unidirectional pulsating DC.
This action is known as half-wave rectification.
Half Wave Rectifier

Input ac RL Output ac
A sinusoidal voltage of peak value 200√2 volt is connected to a
diode and resistor R in the circuit shown so that half wave
rectification occurs. If the forward resistance of the diode is
negligible compared to R the rms voltage (in volt) across R is
approximately -
A. 200 B. 100

C. 200/√2 D. 280
Eo = 200
Full Wave Rectifier
In the full-wave rectifier, two p-n junction diodes, D1 and D2 are used.
The circuit diagram or full-wave rectifier is shown below:
Full Wave Rectifier
Full Wave Rectifier


Input ac
O/P (dc)

Bridge Rectifier
Bridge Rectifier
In a full wave rectifier circuit operating from 50 Hz
mains frequency, the fundamental frequency in the
ripple would be
[AIEEE 2005]

A. 25 Hz B. 50 Hz

C. 70.7 Hz D. 100 Hz
A p-n junction (D) shown iit the figure can act as a rectifier.
An alternating current source (J) is connected in the circuit.

A. B.
C. D.

Ans: B
Which one is showing the characteristics of a zener diode ?

A. B.

C. D.

Ans: B
Identify the semiconductor devices whose characteristics
are given below, in the order a, b, c, d

[JEE Main 2016]

A. Solar cell, light dependent resistance, zener diode,
Simple diode

B. zener diode, Solar cell,Simple diode, light dependent

C. Simple diode, zener diode, Solar cell, light dependent
D. zener diode, Simple diode, light dependent resistance,
Solar cell
Radiation of wavelength λ, is incident on a photocell. The
fastest emitted electron has speed v. if the wavelength is
changed to 3λ/4, the speed of the fastest emitted electron
Will be :
[JEE Main 2016]

A. B.

C. D.

Ans: C
The anode voltage of a photocell is kept fixed. The wavelength 𝛌
of the light falling on the cathode is gradually changed. The plate
current I of the photo cell varies as follows:
[JEE Main 2013]

A. B.

C. D.

Ans: B
From the circuit shown below, the maximum and minimum
values of zener diode current are


80-120V 50 V 10 kΩ

A. 6mA, 5mA B. 14mA, 5mA

C. 9mA, 1mA D. 3mA, 2mA

Ans: C
Zener diode is used as -

A. Half wave rectifier

B. Full wave rectifier

C. AC voltage stabilizer

D. DC voltage stabilizer

Ans: C
For a junction diode the ratio of forward current (IF) and
reserve current (Ir) is

[e= electronic charge,

V= voltage applied across junction,
K= Boltzmann constant,
T= temperature in Kelvin] A.




Ans: D
In the figure, input is applied across A and C and output is
taken across B and D, then the output is

A. Zero

B. Same as input

C. Full wave rectified

D. Half wave rectified

Ans: C
If input in a full-wave rectifier is e = 50 sin 314t volt,
diode resistance is 100 Ω and load resistance is 1KΩ then.

1. Pulse frequency output voltage is 100.

2. Input power is 1136 MW

3. Output power is 827 MW

4. Efficiency is 81.2%
A. 1, 3 B. 1, 2

C. 1, 2, 3 D. 1, 2, 3, 4

Ans: C
The current voltage relation of a diode is given by I = (e1000V/T - 1) mA,
where the applied voltage V is in volts and the temperature T is in
degree kelvin. If a student makes an error measuring ±0.01 V while
measuring the current of 5mA at 300K, what will be the error in the
value of current in mA?
[JEE Main 2014]

A. 0.2 mA B. 0.02 mA

C. 0.5 mA D. 0.05 mA
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