Assembly Manual: Thermometer/ Thermostat

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Assembly Manual

Thermometer/ CatNo. K 3016

by John Clarke


SILICON CHIP - August 2002 Issue

A.B.N. 34 OOO 908 716

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This thermometer uses a K-type thermocouple probe and is ideal for both industrial and in-home
use. It can measure temperatures over the range from -55°C to 1200°C (depending on the
Thermocouple used), and includes under and over-temperature alarm outputs, which can be used
to provide thermostatic control.

ccurate temperature measurements reading for measurements up to 500°C. The unit also provides two outputs to
A are vital during many industrial
processes that involve heating or cool-
Table I shows the expected readings
from the Digital Thermometer for a
drive external relays (if required) for ther-
mostatic control. One of these outputs is
ing. That's because too much or too little given temperature. used to control the "under-temperature"
heat can give poor results, so it's neces- LED's situated on the front panel of relay, while the other controls the "over-
sary to ensure that the temperature is the instrument are used as the tempera- temperature" relay. In use, the relays
accurately controlled. ture "alarm" . They switch on or off alti- could typically be used to automatically
Kilns, for example, often operate at natively when the measured temperature switch heating elements, fans or refrigera-
temperatures in excess of l000°C and either rises above or drops below a pre- tion units on or off.
measuring temperatures of this order set "alarm" temperature (as set by a K-type thermocouple
requires a probe that can cope with the pushbutton switch). At the same time, a
heat. Further down the scale, a probe can small piezoelectric buzzer inside the As mentioned above, this design uses a
also be used to measure the temperature case provides an audible alarm when the K-type thermocouple (a thermocouple
of solder in a solder bath - eg, for tin- preset temperature is reached. consists of two dissimilar metals) as the
plating or wave-soldering PC boards. In The buzzer can be left out of circuit if temperature probe. A K-type thermocou-
the latter case, the solder must generally an audible alarm is not required. ple uses an alloy of chrome and nickel
be maintained at a fairly constant tem-
perature to ensure correct adhesion.
Accurate temperature measurements
are also vital in the refrigeration industry.
After all, many foods and other products
can quickly spoil unless kept below spe-
cific temperatures.
This new Digital Thermometer/
Thermostat can measure temperatures
from -55°C to 1200°C, depending on the
probe that's used. Its resolution is 0.1 °C
for measurements from -55°C to l 99°C,
and I °C for measurements 200°C to
l 200°C. However, the measurement
accuracy itself depends on the calibration
and the linearity of the probe used.
Typically, the accuracy is within 2% of

Text and illustrations courtesy of Silicon Chip

(called Chromel) for one wire and an
alloy of aluminium, manganese, silicon METER MODULE
and nickel (called Alumel) for the sec- SENSOR!
ond. The two wires are insulated and
only make contact at one end - ie, at the 25.0
temperature probe end. The other ends of
the wires are separately connected to a
2-pin plug
Basically, a thermocouple's operation REFl
relies on the principle that two dissimilar (SENSOR2)
metals produce a voltage which is Fig. 1: block diagram for TEMPERATURE
dependent on temperature. Fig. l shows the Digital Thermometer/ COMPENSATION
how the thermocouple (Sensorl) is con- Thermostat. IC1 amplifies LED INDICATOR (LEDl ),
nected to the thermometer circuit. the thermocouple output (Ql,Q2l
and drives the LCD module
A K-type thermocouple produces
and comparator IC2.
a voltage output that changes by
40.44µV/ °C. This change in output
per degree C is called the "Seebeck 40.44µV), we obtain the correct result As shown in Fig. I, IC I's output is fed
Coefficient" - it refers to the output without having to keep the plug end at to comparator IC2. This comparator also
change that occurs due to the tempera- ooc. monitors the voltage at the wiper of the
ture difference between the probe end Note that there are several dissimilar Set potentiometer (VR7). If the tempera-
and the plug end of the thermocouple. If metal junctions within the connections ture goes above the set value, then IC2's
both ends are at the same temperature, between the thermocouple plug and output goes low. Conversely, if the tern
there will be no output voltage. amplifier. These include the Chromel to perature goes below the set value, the
It follows that if we know the temper- copper junction and the Alumel to cop- comparator's output goes high. This out-
ature at the plug end of the thermocou- per junction on the PC board itself. put drives the LED 's and also drives two
ple, we can calculate the temperature at However, these do not contribute to the transistors stages to control the relays
the probe since we also know the overall voltage reading after calibration and the buzzer.
Seeback coefficient. For example, if the provided they are all kept at the same Note that the buzzer can be wired in
plug end is held at 0°C, the output will temperature. one of two positions. In one position, it
increase by 40.44µV for every 1°C As a result, the PC board has been sounds only when the temperature rises
above zero. Similarly, the output will designed to help maintain similar tem- above the set value. Conversely, in the
decrease by 40.44µV for every 1°C drop peratures at these junctions by making other position, it sounds only when the
in temperature. the copper connections all the same size. temperature falls below the set value.
This means that the output voltage And once the PC board is installed inside Note also that we have specified an
from the thermocouple will be at its case, the inside temperature will OP77GP (or OP07CN) op amp for IC2.
404.4m V at 10°C and at 1.01 mV at remain fairly constant. This device has similar specifications to
25 °C. Note, however, that if the thermocou- the LM627 but note that, because of its
If we then multiply the thermocouple ple lead is extended, it is necessary to use internal diode clamps, we cannot use an
output by 24.73 using an amplifier (op the same thermocouple wire for the LM627 for IC2.
amp ICl), we effectively convert the out- whole length between the probe and The OP77GP and OP07CN have
put from 40.44µV/ °C to JmV/ 0 C. This plug. clamping too but it is implemented dif-
can then be used to give a direct readout In addition, an op amp with an ferently. As a result, the op amp's input
of the temperature on a panel meter. extremely low input offset voltage impedance always remains high which
Compensating the output change with temperature is used for IC! means that it doesn't load down any volt-
(LM627). In fact, this op amp has a max- ages at its inputs.
In practice, our thermometer operates imum drift of 0.6µV/ °C between -25 °C And here's an interesting twist:
somewhat differently because we don't and 85°C. Assuming that its temperature although we cannot substitute an LM627
keep the plug end of the thermocouple at changes by 40°C, this would contribute a for IC2, the reverse isn't true for ICl ! An
0°C. Although this could be done using maximum of 24µV to the thermocouple OP77GP or OP07CN can be used instead
an ice bath that is constantly stirred and output - equivalent to just under 0.6°C. of the LM627. Watch this point when
topped up with ice, it's too cumbersome building the PC board.
to be a practical proposition. Instead, we Features
Circuit details
compensate the thermocouple output by
• -55°C to 1200°c reading (dependent
firstly measuring the temperature at the on probe) Refer now to Fig.2 for the complete
plug end using a semiconductor sensor • o.1 °c resolution to 1.99.9°C circuit of the K-Type Thermocouple
(Sensor2 in Fig. I). We then add 40.44µ V • 1°C resolution to 1200°C Thermometer/Thermostat. As before,
for every 1°C that the thermocouple plug • Under and over temperature alarm ICI provides the gain for the thermocou-
end is above 0°C. ple output while Sensor 2 and REFI pro-
• Suitable for driving relays for thermostat
N01mally, if the thermocouple plug is control vide the compensation for the thermo-
at 25°C (ie, at about room temperature), • Adjustable alarm temperature couple probe.
its output will be 1.0lmV lower than it • AC plugpack operation As shown, the thermocouple's output
would be if it were at 0°C. By adding an • LCD readout is fed to IC 1's non-inverting input (pin
extra 1.0lmV to the reading (ie, 25 x • Compact case 3). Thus, ICJ functions as a non-invert-

Text and illustrations courtesy of Silicon Chip Page 2


+2.49V +2.49V RELAYl
1N914 100k
+ lOµF
- 9V

+ lOµF
-9V TP2 -2.49V (GRN) a k (RED)
6 1 S2a c COIL

-16V ---'111~----------<J
10k NC : S3: PUSH TO SET 15000.SW
... +5V

* *O.lµF s2: POSl -ss· -199.9°c

O.lµF lk POs2 -ss· - 1200·c
LM335,LM336 LED
VR5 *Components added for RF suppression -5V S2b S3b
I -9V soon
~~ - ADJ
**Remove 0.1uf capacitor when installing
.... NC
RF suppression components

Vln+ + P1
+ 10uF

DP Com 1 - - - - - - - - '
470µF lOµF
25VW 25VW
1N4004 GND
LM317 LM337 7909 7809
=iiiiil== '-lt-t<t-+-----tlN OUTt------.
REG2 7909
02 lN.4004
-1 6V -9V BC327,BC337

~~ E C i i i
~t. ~'o~ GN~OUT l~OUT
ing amplifier for thermocouple signals. effectively in parallel with the 430Q Table I: The1mocouple Calibration
Its gain is set by the feed back compo- resistor). However, their effect is really 1hermo c oup leI hermocouple Disp lay
e mperature Output Reading
nents connected between pins 6 and 2, quite small (less than .06%) and, in any (Degr ees C) ( mV/(Degree C) (Degrees C)
together with the 430Q resistor to case, is easily corrected during -60 -2.243 -55.5
ground, and is adj usted using YR4. calibration. -40 -1.527 -37.8
-20 -0.777 -19.2
As explained above, this stage is set Range switch -10 -0.392 -9.7
for a gain of24.73 (ie, to give l mY/°C at 0 0 0
pin 6). In practice, this involves adjusting In summary then , ICI provides us with 10 0.397 9.8
20 0.798 19.7
YR4 (during calibration) for a resistance a lmY/°C output, as measured by the 25 1.000 24.7
of 204Q (ie, I + 10,204/430 = 24.73). the1mocouple probe. This means that at 30 1.203 29.8
Sensor2, an LM335 temperature sen- 200°C, its pin 6 output will be at 200mY 40 1.611 39.8
50 2.022 50 .0
sor, is used to measure the temperature at which is sufficient to overrange a 200m Y 60 2.436 60 .2
the plug end of the thermocouple. In LCD meter (as used here). 80 3.266 80.8
operation, this device provides a nominal Consequently, a voltage divider is 100 4.095 101.3
120 4.919 121.6
10mY/°C output. It is supplied with cur- included immediately after IC 1, so that 140 5.733 141 .8
rent from the -9Y rail via a 5.6kQ resis- the meter can display temperature meas- 160 6.539 161.7
tor and its output (at the negative termi- urements above 200°C - ie, up to 180 7.338 181.5
200 8. 137 201.2
nal) is fed to pin 2 ofICJ via lOOkQ and I 200°C. This divider consists of a 1OkQ
220 8.938 22 1.0
1.1 kQ resistors . resistor, a 1kQ resistor and a 500Q trim- 240 9.745 241.0
As a result, IC 1 functions as an invert- pot (YR2) connected in series to ground. 260 10.560 261.1
280 11.381 281.5
ing op amp stage for signals from Sensor In practice ,YR2 is set to 11 IQ, so that
300 12.207 301.9
2. In this case, its gain is 0.1009 (ie, IC! 's output is divided by 10 at the junc- 320 13.039 322.5
10204/( 100,000 + 1100) so Sensor2's tion of the I OkQ and I kQ resistors. 340 13.874 343.1
360 14.712 363.8
nominal 10mY/°C output is reduced to Range switch S2a is used to select
380 15.552 384.6
l.009m Y/°C at IC I's output. between the two temperature ranges (ie, 400 16.395 405.4
Trirnpot YR2 allows Sensor2 to be either -55°C to I 99.9°C or -55°C to 420 17.241 426.4
adjusted so that IC I's output in fact 1200°C). From there, the signal is 440 18.088 447 .3
460 18.938 468.3
changes by Im Y/ C. This matches the applied to the input (Yin+) of the LCD 480 19.788 489.4
lmYl°C output from ICI due to the ther- module. In addition, the divided signal 500 20.640 510.4
mocouple and so Sensor2 provides tem- on position 2 of the range switch is fed to 520 21.493 531.5
540 22.346 552.6
perature compensation. the inverting input of comparator IC2. 560 23. 198 573 .7
Offset voltage Alarm indication 580 24.050 594.8
600 24.902 615.8
620 25.751 636.8
One problem with Sensor2 is that its IC2 compares this divided signal with 640 26.599 657.8
output at 0°C is 2.73Y as opposed to OV the voltage on its non-inverting (pin 3) 660 27.445 678.7
from the thermocouple. So while input, as set by trimpot YR7 (Alarm Set). 680 28.288 699.6
700 29.128 720.3
Sensor2 can provide the required This trimpot is fed by a divider network 720 29.965 741.0
Im Y!°C temperature compensation, it connected between the +2.49Y and 740 30.799 761.7
has a 2.73Y offset voltage which must be -2.49Y rails and to ground. It all ows the 750 31.214 771.9
760 31 .629 782.2
corrected. This translates to an offset voltage on pin 3 to be adj usted between 780 32.455 802.6
voltage of 275.5mY at ICl's output -5 .5mY and +120mV (in practice, it's a 800 33.277 822.9
(since IC 1 has a gain of 0.1009 for sig- little more than this), corresponding to 820 34.095 843 .2
840 34.909 863.3
nals from Sensor2). setting the alarm threshold between 860 35 .718 883 .3
This offset voltage is c01Tected using -55°C and+ 1200°C. 880 36 .524 903.2
voltage reference REF l . This device The -2.49Y rail is obtained using 900 37.325 923.0
920 38. 122 942.8
delivers a nominal 2.5Y but this can be another LM336-2.5 reference (REF2). 940 38.915 962.4
adjusted over a small range using YRl at This works in a similar fashion to REF 1, 960 39.703 981.9
it ADJ (adj ust) terminal. Diodes D3 and with YR6 setting the output to 980 40.488 1001.3
1000 41.269 1020.6
D4 provide temperature compensation -2.49V. 1020 42.045 1039.8
for the sensor, so that its output remains If the voltage at pi n 2 of IC2 is higher 1040 42.817 1058.9
constant over a wide temperature range. than the voltage on pin 3, the pin 6 out- 1060 43.585 1077.9
1080 44.349 1096.8
In practice, YR I is used to adjust put goes negative and sits close to the 1100 45.108 11 15.5
REFJ to give 2.490Y, as this provides the -9V supply rail. This indicates the "over- 1120 45.863 11 34.2
lowest change in value with temperature. temperature" condition and turn on the 1140 46.612 1152 .7
1160 47.356 1171 .1
This 2.49Y output is fed to pin 2 of green LED (LED2). At the same time,
1180 48.095 11 89.4
ICl via a network consisting of a lOOkQ D8 is forward biased and PNP transistor 1200 48.828 1207.5
resistor, trimpot YR3 and a 750kQ resis- Q2 turn s on and drives the buzzer (if
tor. YR3 allows IC I's gain to be precise- connected). In addition, Q2 drives Relay IC2's output will swing close to the +9Y
ly adjusted for this signal, so that it can- 2 (if connected) via a l 50Q resistor in rail. This indicates the "under-tempera-
cels the 275.SmY offset generated by series with the -16Y supply. ture" condition and turns on the red LED
Sensor2. Zener diode ZD2 is included to limit (LEDl). It also turns on Ql to drive the
Note that the 750kQ resistor and YR3 the voltage across the buzzer if a relay is buzzer and Relay 1 (if these are
also have some effect on the gain of ICl not connected. connected).
for the thermocouple (since they are Conversely, if pin 2 is lower than pin 3, As before, a 150Q 0.5W resistor is

Text and ill ustrations courtesy of Silicon Chip Page 4

The LCD module is operated from a
nominal lOV supply using the +5V and
-5V. As shown the decimal point is
directly driven by switching the DP Com
terminal back to Pl through switches
S2b & S3b. Terminals P2 & P3 are left
unconnected. Input to the module is via
Power supply

Power for the circuit is derived from a

12V AC plugpack. Its output is rectified
using Dl and D2 to give nominal ±16V
DC rails. These rails are then filtered
using 470µF electrolytic capacitors and
applied to regulators REG 1 and REG2 to
derive +/-9V rails and REG3 & REG4
for the +/- 5V rails.
Trimpot VR8 is used only for calibra-
tion and is not usually used in-circuit.
The rear panel carries two sockets - one for the thermocouple and the other for During calibration, it is used to provide a
the power supply. In addition, there are two access holes for the screw terminal
small DC voltage to the non-inverting
input of IC 1. IC l 's output is then meas-
included in series with the supply rail to pulls the voltage on pin 3 an extra 350µV ured while VR4 is adjusted to give the
the relay. This resistor value is suitable higher when pin 6 goes high and lower required gain (more on this later) .
for use with 12V relays with coil resist- by about 350µV when pin 6 goes low. Construction
ances ranging from 285Q to 400Q. A This set the hysteresis to 3.5°C but this
lower value resistor will be needed can be increased by using a smaller value The unit is built on a PC board coded
for relays having a coil resistance of less for the feedback resistor. 04208021 (ZA 1061) and this fits into a
than 285 OHMS. Note that although Setting the alarm temperature small instrument case measuring l 55mm
two buzzers are shown on the circuit, x 160 x 65mm (W x D x H).
only one is used in practice. If an audi- Pressing switch S3a connects VR7's Begin by checking the PC board for
ble alarm is required when the tempera- wiper directly to pin 7 of the LCD mod- breaks or shorts in the copper tracks and
ture goes above the set level, connect the ule. This allows the module to indicate check that the holes sizes for the larger
buzzer to Q2. Alternatively, if an audible the set alarm temperature. This can be components are correct. The PC stakes
alarm is required when the temperature altered by using a small screwdriver to (used at all external wiring positions and
drops below a certain value, connect the vary VR7 (which is a 10-turn trimpot) test points) should be a snug fit into their
buzzer to Q 1. through a small adjustment hole in the mounting holes, while 1.2mm holes are
The 1OMQ feedback resistor between front panel. required for the screw terminal blocks.
pins 3 & 6 of IC2 provides hysteresis for LCD module Install the PC stakes, resistors and wire
the comparator. In operation, the resistor links first. Table 2 shows the resistor
colour codes but it's also a good idea to
check the resistor values using a digital
SOCKET multimeter.
The diodes can go in next, followed by
Use single core bell cable
for these leads. Twist zener diodes ZDl and ZD2. That done,
together as shown. install LEDl and LED2 at maximum
Keep leads as short as
possible and at equal lead length, taking care to ensure that
TO UNDER lengths. "it.
AWWi they are correctly oriented. They are later
bent over at right angles and inserted into

l the front panel holes.

Now for the semiconductors. These

~ ZD2 ZDl
include Sensor 2, REFl, REF2, regula-
tors REGl, REG2, REG3 & REG4 tran-
==liii==- ={iii==> sistors Ql & Q2 and the two ICs with IC
sockets. Make sure that all these parts are
correctly oriented and that you don't get
any of them mixed up.
The capacitors and the screw-terminal
blocks can now be installed, along with
the buzzer. Install the buzzer in the
Fig.3: Single core bell wire is used to connect the K-type thermocouple socket under-temperature alarm position (at
back to the PCB. Both leads will need to be kept as short as possible and cut to right) if you want it to sound when the
equal lengths. Before terminating twist together as shown.
temperature falls below the set value.

Text and illustrations courtesy of Silicon Chip Page 5

Conversely, install it in the over-temper- Parts List
ature alarm position if you want it to
sound when the temperature rises above
1 PC board, code 04208021(ZA1061), 2 15V 1W zener diodes -1N4744 I
the set value. 128 x 120mm BZX85C15 (ZD1 ,ZD2}
Final assembly 1 plastic case 1 3mm LED (RED) LED1
1 front panel 1 3mm LED (GRN) LED2
Now for the final assembly. The first 1 rear panel
step is to secure the PC board to the base 1 12VAC power adaptor Capacitors
1 LCD 3.5-digit panel meter 2 4 70µF 25VW PC electrolytic
of the case using 4 x self tapping screws
1 'K' type thermocouple with probe 6 1OµF 25VW PC electrolytic
which screw into the integral pillars. (8ensor1) 1 0.1µF MKT polyester (code 100n
Once that's done, install the switches. 1 'K' type thermocouple panel socket or 104)
The front panel can then be slid into 2 2-way PC mount screw terminals 4 0.1 µF ceramic (code 104)
position and LED 1 & 2 bent over and 1 power input socket
pushed through the panel holes. 1 mini PC-mount buzzer Resistors (0.25W, 1%, 50ppml°C or
1 SPOT push on/off switch (81) better temperature coefficient unless
The LCD module can now be installed
1 DPDT push on/off switch (82) specified)
and the wiring completed as shown in 1 DPDT momentary pushbutton swUch 210MQ 1 1.1kn
Fig.4. Rainbow cable is used to terminate (83) 1 750kn 21kn
the LCD module back to the PCB & 4 selftapping screws (6mm x No.4) 2 100kn 1 470Q
switches. 2 8 pin IC sockets 1 22kn 1 4300
2 Rubber grommets 410kn 2 3600
Use cable ties to secure the wiring, as
23 PC stakes 3 5.6kn *2 1500 0.5W
shown. The rear panel is punched with 2 3.3kn 212on
suitable holes for the power socket and Semiconductors 3 2.2kn 127.n
the thermocouple socket, plus access 1 LM627CN, OP27GP, OP77GP or
holes through which to pass leads to the OP07CN op amp (IC1) (*5% carbonfilm)
screw terminal blocks or optional relays 1 OP77GP or OP07CN op amp (IC2) Trim pots
2 LM336 I KA336-2.5 2.5V reference 4 1Okn horizontal trimpots (VR1, VR2,
that can be mounted on the back skirt of
(REF1 ,REF2) VR3, VR6) (code 103)
the board. 1 LM335 temperature sensor (8ensor2) 1 1kn horizontal multi-turn trim pot (VR7)
The the1mocouple socket can be clamped 1 BC337 I 2N5818 NPN transistor (01) (eode 102)
into position and short equal lengths of 1 BC327 I 2N5819 PNP transistor (02) 3 5000 horizontal trimpot {VR4, VR5,
single core bell wire run between its ter- 1 LM317T Adj. +Ve Volt REG . (REG3) VR8) {code 501)
minals and the adjacent stakes on the PC 1 LM337T Adj. -Ve Volt REG. (REG4)
1 7809 I LM340T-9 regulator (REG1) Miscellaneous:
board. Twist wiring together as shown in
1 7909 I KA7909 regulator {REG2) Rainbow cable, solid core bell wire,
fig .3. 2 1N4004 1A diodes (D1 ,02) cable ties, tinned copper wire, solder &
Finally, complete the construction by 6 1N4148, 1N914 diodes (D3-D8) instructions
running the wiring to the AC power
Testing (1) Adjust VRI for +2.490V at TPI. TP5 . In that case, just set the value to
Similarly, adjust VR6 for -2.490V at somewhere around this value and multi-
Before doing anything else, it's a good TP3. ply it by 24.73. You then add the offset
idea to go over the PC board and check (2) Switch off and connect a clip lead voltage and adjust VR4 for this reading
that the assembly is correct. In particular, between Sensorl's plus (+)terminal (ie, at TP2.
check that all parts are in the correct pin 3 of IC I) and ground. Also, short (6) Switch off and again short Sensor l 's
locations and that they are correctly ori- TP 1 and TP4 to ground. plus terminal to ground. Disconnect the
ented. You should also carefully check (3) Apply power and measure the volt- short for TP4 but leave the short to ground
the wiring to the LCD module. age at TP2 using a multimeter set to read at TPI. Also leave the short from sensor
That done, apply power and check that mrni volts. Write this offset voltage 1's plus terminal to TP5.
the LCD shows a reading. Now, using a down, then switch off and remove the (7) Using a reference thermometer of
multimeter, check that there is a nominal short at Sensor! 's plus terminal. known accuracy, check its reading of the
+9V at pin 7 of IC 1 & IC2 and -9V at pin (4) Connect a clip lead from Sensor! 's ambient temperature in °C. Add 273 to
4 of IC 1 & IC2. If these readings are cor- plus te1minal to TP5. Reapply power and this measured value (to convert from
rect, check that there is approximately adjust VR8 for a reading of lOOmV at °C to the Kelvin scale) and label this
+2.5V at TPl and -2.5V at TP3. Also TP5. value as millivolts. Add the initial offset
check there is a nominal +5V at V+ of (5) Monitor the voltage at TP2 and voltage of ICl to this value, then switch
the LCD module and -5V at Pad Jl(2). adjust VR4 for a reading that's equal to on and adjust VR2 so that TP2 equals
Note that the voltages at TPl & TP3 the voltage at TP5 x 24.73 + the offset this value in m V.
could be 1OOm V higher or lower than the voltage that was written down. For (8) Switch off and remove the short
nominated values at this stage. They example, if TP5 is set to exactly lOOm V across REF! by disconnecting TPI from
should all be measured with the common and the recorded offset voltage is 0.5mV, ground. Also, disconnect the remaining
lead from your multimeter attached to then VR4 should be adjusted so that short on the plus terminal of Sensorl &
the GND terminal near Sensor2. If the voltage at TP2 is lOOmV x 24.73 TP5 .
everything is correct so far, you can now +0.5mV, or 2.4735V. (0.1 x 24.73 (9) Connect Sensor! to its socket and
carry out the following steps to calibrate +0.0005=2.4735) reapply power. Adjust VR3 so that the
the instrument: Note, do not connect the Note that it may be difficult to set VR8 voltage at TP2 in mV is equal to the cur-
thermocouple (sensor!) at this stage. to provide an exact lOOm V output at rent temperature in °C as measured on

Page 6 Text and illustrations courtesy of Silicon Chip



*Remove 0.1 uF capacitor

when installing RF
suppression components.
(See fig.8)




POWER insert resistor RANGE
N/O - Noramally Open
DSE LCD Voltmeter Module (Q2220) Rear View N/C - Normally Closed

Fig.4: follow this wiring diagram to build the Digital Thermometerffhermostat but note that only one buzzer is installed in
the positions indicated (see text). Note also that PC stakes are installed at all external wiring positions and at the test
points (TP).

the reference thermometer (eg, if the between -55°C and 1200°C using VR7 . removal of shorting leads).
ambient temperature is 25°C, adjust VR3 Better accuracy can be gained by A l 2V relay can be connected to the
so that TP2 is at 25m V). repeating this entire calibration proce- over or under-temperature alarm termi-
Note that this reading should also now dure again. That's because the adjust- nal block, so that it can be used to switch
be displayed on the LCD. On the low ment of VR3 can slightly alter the over- in a heating element or a compressor for
range, it should be displayed with 0.1 °C all calibration. Also, better accuracy will cooling. Make sure that the relay is ade-
resolution, with the decimal point lit. The be achieved if the circuit is allowed to quately rated for the job and note that the
high range reading will be displayed with stabilise for several minutes each time leads connecting to the relay contacts
1°C resolution. Adjust VR5 so that the power is reapplied and when components must be kept electrically isolated from
readings are the same on both ranges. are allowed to cool to normal operating the coil leads, particularly if mains is to
(10) Press S3 and check that the alarm temperatures after being heated by a sol- be switched. Depending on the applica-
set temperature range can be adjusted dering iron (eg, as can occur during the tion and style of relay used, a small

Text and illustrations courtesy of Silicon Chip Page 7

satelite PCB (caJTing the relay) can be
mounted on the rear section of the main
printed circuit board (see photo 's).
By the way, we don't recommend that
you attempt to wire up a relay to switch
mains voltages unless you are very expe-
rienced with high voltage work and
know exactly what you are doing. In fact,
that's a job that's best left to a licensed


Altronics: Q 1092 (-20°C to 1200°0)

Dick Smith: Q-1438 (-50°C to 1200°C)
This view shows the completed unit with the buzzer in the over-temperature Jaycar: QM-1282 (-55°0 to 1200°0)
alarm position. Use plastic cable ties to secure the wiring to the LCD module
and switches.

Remove J1 link

Insert J2 link

Fig.9: The LCD module can be config- Check that link

Insert a 10M ohm is inserted in
ured for a number of different applica- resistor across
tions. In this particular application position RB J1 - remove link
position RA
certain links will need to be changed J2 - insert link
to what was originally inserted by J3 - remove link
RA - insert 1OM ohm resistor
the manufacturer. The accommpanied
RB - check link is in place.
diagram clearly shows these changes.

Table2: Resistor Colour Codes

Value 4-Band Code (1 %) 5-Band Code (1%)

10Mn brown black blue brown brown black black green brown
750kQ violet green yellow brown violet .green black orange brown
100kQ brown black yellow brown brown black black orange brown
22kfl red red orange brown red red black red brown
101<!2 brown black orange brown brown black black red brown
5.6kQ green blue red brown green blue black brown brown
3.3kQ orange orange red brown orange orange black brown brown
2.2kn red red red brown red red black brown brown
1.1kQ brown brown red brown brown brown black brown brown
1kn brown black red brown brown black black brown brown
470!1 ye.llow violet brown brown yellow violet black black brown
430.Q yellow orange brown brown yellow orange black black br-0wn
360Q orange .blue brown brown orange blue black black brown
150Q brown green brown brown brown green black black brown
27.Q red violet black brown red violet black gold brown

Page 8 Text and illustrations courtesy of Silicon Chip


c: Note, keep capacitor Cut track and solder

II> 0 0 0
.... lead lengths as short a 1K ohm resistor as
.... 0 0 as posisble
• shown

• • •

zA1os2.J •

Fig.6: this is the full-size etching Fig.B: RF suppression may be needed if

pattern for the PC board. operating a mobile or cordless phone,
or any transmitter in close proximity to
the digital thermometer unit. As shown
the 1K resistor and the four 0. 1uf
ceramic capacitors are soldered to the
copper side of the PCB. Do not forget to
cut the track before installing the 1K
resistor. It is important to keep compo-
nent lead lengths as short as possible
and terminated to the exact points as
Fig.5: this is the
front panel full-
THERMOMETER size artwork.


D + ++ +

front display
display module
bezel JI
\ display
__. PCB

~ rainbow
. ....._ cable
soldered to
panel points

The way in which the thermocouple socket is mounted and its Fig.7: When mounting the display moduie to the
leads connected to stakes on the PC board can be clearly seen front panel make certain an insulating washer is
here. Note the holes with grommets in the rear panel to the left placed beneath each hex nut that holds the module
of the screw terminal blocks. in place.

A.B.N. 34 OOO 908 716

P.O. Box 500 Regents Park DC, NSW 2143
PH: (02) (lnt 612) 9642 9100 Fax: (02) 9642 9111

Text and illustrations courtesy of Silicon Chip Dick Smith Electronics © ZA8802 - 1

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