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We will learn about:

- Expressing greeting and leave-taking
- Expressing gratitude and apologizing

Let’s read!
We use good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night to greet someone!

Formal Greetings Responses
Good morning Good morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
Good night Good night

Informal Greetings Responses

Hi Hi
Hello Hello
How are you? I‟m fine
How is life? Not bad, thanks
How do you do? How do you do?
How is everything with you? Pretty well. Thanks
How are you doing? I am very well. Thanks
Nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too

Practice the dialogue with your partner

Father  : Good night, Dodi. 
Dodi    : Hi Dad, Good night. 
Father  : How’s your study at school? 
Dodi    : It’s great dad, I’ve got A on English lesson. 
Father  : Oh, Really?! That’s good kid. Keep your good job going on. 
Dodi    : Okay Dad. 

Choose your partner, write a short dialogue with them by using some expressions of formal
and informal greeting. And practice it in front of the class.

Formal Partings Responses

Good night Good night
Nice to see you Nice to see you, too
It‟s nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too
Goodbye Goodbye

Informal Partings Responses

Bye Bye
Bye-bye Bye-bye
See you later See you
See you tomorrow See you
Good luck Thank you
Take care You too
Complete the dialogue.
1. Raihan : Hello, Chelsea. (a)_____________________?
Chelsea : I’m great, thanks. How about you?
Raihan : (b) ______________ See you tomorrow.
Chelsea : (c) _____________, Raihan.
2. Rino : Good morning, Luna.
Luna : (d)________, Rino. What’s new?
Rino : Nothing special. (e)_________________
Luna : Good bye, Rino.

Match the greetings and leave taking expressions with the responses.
See you tomorrow a. Good bye
How are you b. Good afternoon
Good afternoon c. See you
How do you do d. I’m fine. Thanks
Good bye e. How do you do

Expressing thanking Responding to thanking

Thank you You are welcome
Thank you very much You’re welcome
Thanks Don’t mention it
Many thanks No problem
Thanks for helping me Never mind
Thanks for your help


Making apology Accepting apology

Sorry That’s all right
I’m sorry That’s ok
I’m really sorry It’s all right
Forgive me It’s fine
Sorry for my mistakes It doesn’t matter
Please accept my apology Don’t worry about it

Text 1 is for questions no. 1 — 4
Faiz and Rizqi is in the cinema to watch a movie. Suddenly they meets Aji, Friend of Faiz
outside of the cinema.
Faiz : Hello Aji, Good Afternoon.
Aji : Good Afternoon, Faiz (1)..........................?
Faiz : I’m fine thank you and how about you?
Aji : (2).................................
Faiz : Oh, this is my friend, Rizki.
Aji : Hello Rizki, my name is Aji. (3)...........................
Rizki : Hi, my name is Rizki. Nice to meet you too.
Faiz : Well Aji, I think we have to go now, the movie is started to play.
Aji : Oh okay, (4)...........................
Faiz : See you.

1. a. nice to meet you 3. a. How are you?

b. where are you? b. Good afternoon.
c. How are you? c. Nice to meet you.
d. glad to see you d. Glad to see you.
e. how is your mother? e. See you later.
2. a. I’m fine too. 4. a. Where are you going?
b. nice to meet you. b. See you later.
c. good to see you. c. How are you?
d. see you later. d. Nice to meet you.
e. good afternoon. e. How are you?

5. Ciko : ......, where are you going? d. Glad to see you.

Vita : Good afternoon, I’ll have e. How’s life?
lunch at the canteen. 8. The way to ask someone’s news is?
Ciko : Let’s go together. a. How is life?
a. Good night. b. Where are you?
b. Good morning c. What is that?
c. Good afternoon d. Do you like it?
d. Good bye. e. When is your birthday?
e. Nice to meet you. 9. It’s seven o’clock in the morning.
6. Ester : I’m Ester. How do you Gina will go to school. She says.........
do? to his parents.
Fitri : .............. I’m Fitriyani a. Good night
Maida. b. Good afternoon
a. Are you ok? c. Good bye.
b. How are you? d. Good morning.
c. How do you do. e. Good day.
d. I am fine. 10. It’s nine o’clock in the night. Gia will
e. Good morning. go to sleep. He says....... to his parents
7. Bobby : Hi, Ace. .......... a. Good night
Ace : Great! How about you? b. Good afternoon
Bobby : It’s good, thanks. c. Good bye.
a. What are you doing? d. Good morning
b. Where have you been? e. Good day.
c. What is she doing?
11. Which one in the following is the c. Just go.
expression of leave-taking? d. Cheerio.
a. We have had a wonderful time. e. Please leave.
b. How do you do? 14. Teacher : I think that’s all for today,
c. How are you today? any question?
d. I am sorry, I have to leave now. Students : No Miss.
e. I’m fine thanks. Teacher : Alright, then see you
12. Grace : I’m afraid, I’ll have to go tomorrow class!
now. The underlined words expresses......
Sinta : Yes, good night, Sinta a. Congratulation.
Grace : Good night, see you b. Apologizing.
tomorrow. c. Leave taking.
The underlined words means that d. Greeting.
Sinta wanted to .......... Grace e. Thanking.
a. Invite 15. You are sending a friend off at the
b. Leave airport.he is going on a holiday. Just
c. Introduce before she boards the plane, you say
d. Greet to her......
e. Hit a. Have a safe journey.
13. Before Widi goes to school in the b. Drive carefully.
morning, what she says to her parent? c. I am fine.
a. Chase my way. d. Good job.
b. Go away. e. Do not come again.

Watch the video and answer the question
1. Where does the conversation take place?
2. What do the students say to greet the teacher?
3. What does the teacher say to respond?
4. What does the teacher say to Kate?
5. What does Kate say to the class?
6. What do the students say to respond Kate?
1. Where does the dialogue take place?
2. What room do they see?
3. What do they see in the library?
4. What does Mr.Kim do to greet the students?
5. What do the students say to respond?
6. What does Kate say to Mr. Kim?
7. What does Mr.Kim say to respond to Kate?

Introducing oneself and others
Pronouncing English alphabet
Understanding the use of pronouns and to be in present simple
Describing hobbies and occupation


Introducing Oneself
Gilang : Excuse me. I don’t think we have met, I’m Gilang. 
Nando : Hello. I’m Nando. I am your new neighbor. 
Gilang : Oh really?. You move to the house next to me, aren't you
Nando : Yes it is. Please come to my house this afternoon. I baked some cookies. 
Gilang : Sure! Thanks. Nice to meet you Nando. 
Nando : Nice to meet you too Gilang. 

Introducing Other
Silvia : That’s Deri. Do you know him?
Pipit : No, I don’t. 
Silvia : Hello, Deri. How are you? 
Deri : Hello, Silvia. I'm fine thanks. 
Silvia : Deri, this is a friend of mine, Pipit Nur Laila. 
Deri : Hello Pipit. Pleased to meet you. 
Pipit : Hi Deri, Pleased to meet you too. 
3 Fill in the gaps

 Live
 Years old
My name ……… David.
 Have
I ………… in New York.  Brother
I’m thirteen ………… …………  Subject
I……… two sisters and one …………  Playing
My ………………… colour is blue.  Don’t like
 like
I …………… pizza, but  and
I …………… like hamburguers.  is
I’ve got black hair ……… green eyes.  Favorite
My hobby is ……… the piano.
My favourite …………… is Science.

Can you spell your full name correctly?

1. Ini sebuah penggaris=____________________

2. Itu sebuah tempat pensil=_________________

Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Object Pronouns

I My Me
He His Him
She Her Her
It Its It
We Our Us
You Your You
They Their Them

Read the text, underline the correct pronoun and put the verbs in brackets into the
correct form
Dear Jesse,
Hi! My/me name is Mike! I______(to be) 10 years old. I/me have got a big family. Our/us
family is friendly and caring. My mother’s name is Helen. She/Her is 35 years old.
She/Her_____(to be) a doctor. I really love she/her. My father’s name is David.
He/him______(to be) a teacher. He always helps me/my with my/me homework.
He_____(to be) really kind and I love his/him so much! I have got a little brother. Him/His
name is Kevin. He_______(to be) 5 years old. I always tell his/him scary stories at night.
He______(to be) the best little brother in the world!. I have also got a cat and a dog.
Their/them names are Tom and Spike. I love their/them a lot!
I must go now. My/me mum calls me/my. Write back and tell me about you/your family!










Write the names and occupations of Carlos’ family

Hi, my name is Carlos, I’m a

student. My father is a pilot,
his name is George and my
mother is a doctor, her name
is Anna. I have a sister, her
name is Danna, she is a
singer and I have a brother,
his name is Joseph and he is
a dentist.
I have an aunt, her name is
Sara, she is a dancer.
George is my grandfather,
he is an architect, his wife is
Juana. She is a nurse. They
have two sons, Luis and
Luis is a policeman and
Marco is a teacher. Marco
has a son, his name is Pedro,
he is my cousin and he is a
Maria is my grandmother,
she is a hairdresser, her
husband is Pepe, he is a

Introduce yourself and tell about your family

I cook food and I am in I write for newspapers and I work in a court. I help I sell land, houses, condos
charge of the kitchen. tell the news on TV. people with legal issues. and bungalows.

Chef / Cook

I sell plasters, bandages I arrange bouquets and sell I take your order, then I I see patients, I give them
and mainly medicine. flowers. bring you your food. injections and medicine.

I usually sell sausages, I sell magazines, comics, I always sell fresh fruit I help people plan and book
lamb, beef and pork. newspapers and sweets. and vegetables. their hotels and flights.

Occupations Place of work

Chef or Cook Newsagent Restaurant Greengrocer’s
Travel Agent Doctor Florist’s Newsagent’s
Actor or Actress Chemist or Pharmacist Crown Court Butcher’s
Florist Lawyer or Solicitor Theatre Chemist’s or Pharmacy
Greengrocer Estate Agent Studio or Street Estate Agents or Agency
Butcher Reporter Hospital or Clinic Travel Agents or Agency
1. Tata is a new member of Teratai Mr. Dodi      :  How do you do, Mr.
English Club. She introduced herself Hendy.
Tata  : Ladies and Mr. Hendi :  How do you do, Mr.
gentlemen.................. Kevin.
a. Allow me to introduce myself. a.  I’d like to introduce
b. I am happy to meet b.  I want to invite
you.                      c.  I like you to visit
c. Let me introduce you to the d.  I’m glad to help
audiences. e. I want to go
d. May I introduce you to the 6. Gita     :  This is Mrs. Ina, an old
audiences. friend of mine.
e. Nice to meet you Gilang :  ……………..
2. Ega was at a party. There were a lot of a. Pleased to meet you
guests there that Ega didn’t know. b. How are you getting on?
Ega : Excuse me, My name is c. May I know your name
Ega d. You’re welcome
Guest : Hello, Ega. I’m John. How do e. What’s the news?
you do? 7. Ratu :  Deti, .........................
John  :........................... Deti :  Pleased to meet you.
a. Nice to see you. Iman     :  Pleased to meet you too.
b. How do you do? a.  Iman wants to meet you
c. Fine, thanks b. Don’t you Iman is my friend
d. I'm glad to know you. c. I’d like you to meet my friend
e. Good bye d. Please introduce yourself to Iman
3. May I introduce myself? e. Iman wants to leave you now
The underlined word has the same 8. ………. , My name is Budi.
meaning as? Hello. I’m Asep. Pleased to meet you.
a.  Acquaint a. Do you know my name
b.  Deduce b. I don’t think we have met
c.  Contest c. I’m very happy to meet you
d.  Annoy d. Do you want to know me
e.  Dedicate e. Do you love me
4. Yana : Jia, this is my new friend, his 9. Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to
name is Dika. He is a company introduce my self. ………. I am a
director. lecturer at UPI.
Jia : Hi Dika. a.  I am Nunu.
Dika : Hello, Jia.................? Nice to b. I want you to call me Nunu.
meet you. c. Call me Nunu.
Jia : Everything is alright, Nice to d. Nunu is good name, isn’t it.
meet you, too. e. Nunu is my friend.
a.     How are things with you 10. How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.
b.     What are you. ……………………
c.     May I help you a.  Me too
d.     How are you b. I should be nice
e.     How do you do c. Do you?
5. Jannete     :  Mr. Dodi, ………. my d. Am I nice
father. e. How do you do? Nice to meet you




Read again. Write T (true) or F (false)

1. There are two beds in his bedroom.
2. There are photos on his blanket.
3. Jamie has two cupboards.
4. Jamie has got twenty books.
5. He has got lots of toys.
6. There are footballs on the rug.
7. He likes his bedroom.
Write the next number in each sequence.
1. Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, ………
2. Twenty, nineteen, eighteen, ………
3. Two, four, six, eight, …………
4. Five, ten, fifteen, …………
5. Seven, six, five, …………
Ex. 1. Match the time.

1. It’s three o’clock. a. 12.25

2. It’s a quarter past eight. b. 8.05
3. It’s ten thirty. c. 11.25
4. It’s five to five. d. 1.58
5. It’s nine tewenty five. e. 8.15
6. It’s twenty-five to eleven. f. 4.55
7. It’s two to two. g. 10.35
8. It’s eleven twenty-five. h. 9. 25
9. It’s five past eight. i. 10.30
10. It’s twelve thirty-five. j. 3.00
Ex. 2. What time is it? Write in numbers.
1. It’s seven thirty - ………………….. 6. It’s ten past eleven-…………………….
2. It’s five to ten - …………………….. 7. It’s a quarter to three- ………………
3. It’s one to one - ……………………. 8. It’s four thirty-five - ………………….
4. It’s a quarter past three - ………. 9. It’s twelve o’clock - …………………….
5. It’s eight forty-five - ……………… 10. It’s two fifty-five. - …………………
Ex. 3. What’s the time. Draw.

It’s eleven o’clock. It’s a quarter past It’s ten to seven.


It’s twelve fifty-five. It’s twenty to nine. It’s three thirty.

Write down your daily routine in the table below start from the morning until bedtime
Time Activity

Part A: Read.

This is May. She’s ten years old. She’s tall and thin. She’s
got long brown hair. She’s got brown eyes.

She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.

Every Monday, May reads Chinese books with her friends.

Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school. On Wednesdays,
she plays music at school. On Thursdays, she sings English
songs with her friends. Every Friday, she cooks eggs at

Part B: Write the day please.

__________ __________ __________ __________ ________

Part C: True or False.
1. May reads Chinese books. _________
2. May rides a bike to school on Fridays. _________
3. She plays music at home. _________
4. She plays music at school on Wednesdays. _________
5. She cooks pizza. _________
Part D: Please answer Yes or No.
1. Does May ride a bike on Mondays?
2. Does May sing English songs?
3. Does May cook on Fridays?
4. Does she play music on Wednesdays?
5. Does May read Chinese books on Tuesdays?
Look the days and activities. Tell your partner what is happening on each day.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Friday Saturday Sunday

Match the activities with the pictures.

1. Washing is on Monday. a)
2. Music practice is on Tuesday.

3. Yoga is on Wednesday. b)

4. Camping is on Friday. c)
5. Cleaning is on Sunday.

6. Painting is on Thursday. d)
7. Gardening is on Saturday.

e) f) g)

Answer the questions.

1. What is the first month of the year?
2. What is the fifth month of the year?
3. What is the ninth month of the year? R E B M E T P E S

4. What is the eleventh month of the year? P B J U N E T F E

5. What month comes after January? E R E B M E C E D

6. What month comes after April? A U G U S T U J V

7. What month comes after June? J A N U A R Y A M

8. What month comes after October? E R E B M E V O N

9. What months have 31 days? E Y R E B O T C O

10. What months have 30 days? M A R C H J U L Y

11. What is the shortest month?

1. A: Today is Thursday. d. Saturday

What day was  yesterday ?  9.      The month before May is....
B: Yesterday was….  a.    march
a. Tuesday                   c. Friday b.    august
b. Wednesday             d. Saturday c.    April
2. The eight month of the year is….  d.    December
a. June             c. September  10.   The month after august is....
b. July              d. August  a.    october
Text for number 3 to 7 b.    september
Mrs.Vina : when do we celebrate c.    november
independence day ?  d.    July
Umar: it is on august 17 th Mrs. 11.  How many days are there in a month?
Mrs.Vina : Iin what month do we celebrate a. a day                     c. twenty one days
the national education day,lyla? b. seven days          d. thirty or thirty one
Lyla: it is on may, 2 nd Mrs.Vina days
and,when do we celebrate kartini day ? 12.  What day is after Monday?
Rosyid : it is on april. a. Wednesday         c. Thursday
Mrs.Vina : good ! do you know in what b. Saturday             d. Friday
date is it ? 13.  Yesterday is Wednesday. Tomorrow is
Rosyid : it is on april the twenty first.  …
3.      On August 17 th we celebrat the…. a. Sunday                       c. Thursday
a. national education day b. Monday                     d. Friday
b. new year  14.  The day after Tuesday is . . .
c. kartini’s day a. Wednesday
d. independence day  b. Thursday
4.     The National Education Day is in …. c. Monday
a. may 2 nd     c. may 22 nd  d. Friday
b. may 21 st    d. may 12 th 15.  Yesterday was Friday. Today is . . .
5.     On April we celebrate the… a. Thursday
a. new year           c. national education day b. Wednesday
b. independence day  d. Kartini day c. Sunday
6.     Wednesday,.....Friday d. Saturday
a.    Thursday 16.  This month is February. The next
b.    Wednesday month is . . .
c.    Tuesday a. january
d.    Saturday b. march
7.     There are....days in a week c. april
a. seven d. may
b. six 17.  Nabila : ………………………….?
c. ten Aditya : It is June.
d. Twelve a. what month is this month
8.     The day before Wednesday is....   b. what time is it
a. Thursday c. is the month June
b. Wednesday d. what day is today
c. Tuesday


- There is and There are

- Countable and Uncountable

- Descriptive text
Choose There is or There Are:

1. ___ three bottles of milk in the fridge.

2. ___ a ship in the harbor.

3. ___ twelve students in the


4. ___ a cat under the table.

5. ___ many boys in the street.

6. ___ five lessons on Monday.

7. ___ a history museum in this city.

8. ___ a wardrobe in the corner of the room.

9. ___ many flowers in the garden.

10. ___ three windows in the room.

11. ___ a stadium opposite the theatre.

12. ___ a lot of apples in the basket.

13. ___ three colleges in our town.

14. ___ four cars near the house.

15. ___ a post-office in this street.

16. ___ many CDs on the table.

17. ___ ten computers in this classroom.

18. ___ a mirror in this corridor.

19. There __ a window in the room.

20. There __ curtains on the window.

21. There __ a flower pot under the window.

22. There __ a boy at the wall.

23. There __ a small car toy at the cat.

24. There __ five toys on the floor.


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