Roberts 2014 Geography Through Enquiry
Roberts 2014 Geography Through Enquiry
Roberts 2014 Geography Through Enquiry
Margaret Roberts
Senior Lecturer (retired) University of Sheffield
President of the Geographical Association (England) (2008-2009)
What do I mean by ‘enquiry’?
A range of approaches to teaching and learning in which students are
actively engaged in investigating geographical questions and issues.
Motivating activity/outcome
Creating a need to know: intelligent guesswork
Life expectancy
The average number of years that a new-born child
could expect to live, if he or she were to pass through
life exposed to the sex-and age-specific death rates
prevailing at the time of his or her birth, for a specific
year, in a given country, territory or geographic area.
(WHO website)
Which countries have the highest and lowest
life expectancy at birth? (top and bottom 3?)
• Australia • Poland
• Bangladesh • Russian Federation
• Bolivia • Saudi Arabia
• China • Sierra Leone
• Ethiopia • Singapore
• Indonesia • South Africa
• Italy • Suriname
• Japan • Swaziland
• Mexico • United Kingdom
• Netherlands • USA
Country Life Rank Country Life Rank
expectancy expectancy
Australia 83 =2 Poland 77
Bangladesh 70 Russian 69
Bolivia 68 Saudi Arabia 76
China 75 Sierra Leone 46 20
Ethiopia 64 Singapore 83 =2
Indonesia 71 South Africa 59 18
Italy 83 =2 Suriname 77
Japan 84 1 Swaziland 54 19
Mexico 76 United Kingdom 81
Netherlands 81 USA 79
Intelligent guesswork
Five key points
Tourism Authority
• Have the key questions been answered? What have we found out?
• Were the sources of information sufficient and appropriate? What
further evidence could be looked for?
• Were the skills and techniques used to analyse and interpret data
• Could the investigation of this theme/place/issue be improved or
further developed in any way?
Reflecting on
“The difference that makes the difference”
• Getting students involved in task
• Helping them represent tasks in
terms they understand
• Help them to develop concepts
• Help them talk about their learning
• Reviewing the process of learning
Webster et al (1996)