Constructing and Scoring Essay Tests

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Ramos, Renell Vincent Ramos C.

AB Political Science IV-I

A. Short Explanation Item (41-50. Read each question carefully and provide short and
concise answer with relevant examples if necessary.
41-50. For 10 points, discuss the Art of Governance in no more than ten (10) sentences.

Analytical Rubric

Excellent (10) Good (7) Fair (3) Poor (0)

Introduction Addresses the topic Addresses the Attempts to Poorly addresses
directly and has topic and has address the topic the topic and has
clear thesis
clear thesis and has a fairly an unclear thesis
statement statement clear thesis statement
Body Paragraph Contains clear
Has topic Supports the Does not
topic sentences,sentences, thesis statement, sufficiently
support the thesis support the attempt to support the thesis
statement, andthesis statement, address the topic, and is not
exceptionally well- and is fairly and is fairly organized.
organized organized organized.
Examples Examples are
Examples are Examples and Examples and
specific, sufficient,
specific, explanations are explanations are
significant, andsufficient, and fair. unclear and
clearly explained. reasonably insufficient.
Conclusions Conclusion clearly Conclusions sums Conclusions does Conclusions sums
restates the thesis up the thesis not fully sum up or up the thesis
statement, statement and reinforce the statement poorly
reinforces the reinforces it well. thesis. with little
major points and reinforcement.
makes a broader
statement about
the topic.
Spelling, Spelling, grammar, Spelling, Spelling, Spelling,
Grammar, and and punctuation grammar, and grammar, and grammar, and
Punctuation area accurate and punctuation are punctuation are punctuation are
nearly perfect. mostly accurate fair with some poor with
with few errors. obvious errors. frequent errors.
Choice of Word Language is precise Language is well Language is fair. Language is poor
and well-chosen. chosen. There is variety in with little
Sentences are rich Sentences are sentences. sentence variety.
and varied. varied.
Holistic Rubric

Excellent (10) Addresses the topic directly and has clear thesis
statement. Contains clear topic sentences,
support the thesis statement, and exceptionally
well-organized. Examples are specific, sufficient,
significant, and clearly explained. Conclusion
clearly restates the thesis statement, reinforces
the major points and makes a broader statement
about the topic. Spelling, grammar, and
punctuation area accurate and nearly perfect.
Language is precise and well-chosen. Sentences
are rich and varied.
Good (7) Addresses the topic and has clear thesis
statement. Has topic sentences, support the thesis
statement, and is fairly organized. Examples are
specific, sufficient, and reasonably explained.
Conclusions sums up the thesis statement and
reinforces it well. Spelling, grammar, and
punctuation are mostly accurate with few errors.
Language is well chosen. Sentences are varied.
Fair (3) Attempts to address the topic and has a fairly clear
thesis. Supports the thesis statement, attempt to
address the topic, and is fairly organized.
Examples and explanations are fair. Examples and
explanations are fair. Conclusions does not fully
sum up or reinforce the thesis. Spelling, grammar,
and punctuation are fair with some obvious
errors. Language is fair. There is variety in
Poor (0) Poorly addresses the topic and has an unclear
thesis statement. Does not sufficiently support the
thesis and is not organized. Examples and
explanations are unclear and insufficient.
Conclusions sums up the thesis statement poorly
with little reinforcement. Spelling, grammar, and
punctuation are poor with frequent errors.
Language is poor with little sentence variety.

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