Assignment 2 Front Sheet: Qualification TEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

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Qualification TEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 43: Internet of Things

Submission date 23-08-2021 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name NGUYEN BA MANG Student ID BHAF190168

Class BH-AF1911-2.2 Assessor name

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand
that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature MANG

Grading grid

P5 P6 P7 M5 M6 D2 D3

Summative Feedback: Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Table of Contents
I. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 7
II. Employ an appropriate set of tools to develop your plan into an IoT application(P5) ....................... 7
1. Problem ................................................................................................................................................ 7
2. Solution ................................................................................................................................................ 7
3. The hardware ........................................................................................................................................ 8
4. Schematic.............................................................................................................................................. 9
a. Assemble ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
b. Assembly ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
c. The actual connection diagram.................................................................................................................................... 10

5. Tools ................................................................................................................................................... 12
a. Blynk App ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
b. IFTTT service ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
c. Google Assistant .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
d. Arduino IDE .................................................................................................................................................................. 14

6. How do it works .................................................................................................................................. 14

7. Development steps .............................................................................................................................. 16
8. The result ............................................................................................................................................ 30

III. Run end user experiments and examines feedback(P6) ............................................................. 33

1. Servey ................................................................................................................................................. 33
a. Server Question ........................................................................................................................................................... 33
b. The result ..................................................................................................................................................................... 34

2. Interview............................................................................................................................................. 37
a. Lee nguyen................................................................................................................................................................... 37
b. Do Van Thai ................................................................................................................................................................. 38

3. Product improvement .......................................................................................................................... 39

IV. Evaluate end user feedback from your IoT application(P7) ........................................................ 43
V. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 46
VI. References............................................................................................................................... 47

List of figures
Figure 1 Design for project ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2 Actual design images .................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3 Logo Blynk .................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4 Logo IFTTT .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5 Google Assistant logo ................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 6 Arduino IDE logo ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 7 Blynk app work ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 8 Google assitant work .................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 9 The path to Arduino's libraies....................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 10 Choose prefrenecs ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 11 Paste the link in the black circled ............................................................................................................... 17
Figure 12 Go to Boards Manager ............................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 13 Install esp8266............................................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 14 Set up LED Connect .................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 15 Design for project ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 16 Set name and choose device is NodeMCU ................................................................................................. 19
Figure 17 Step 1 create project .................................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 18 Set up Bedroom 2 LED ................................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 19 Set up Living room LED ............................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 20 Set up kitchen LED ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 21 set up Bedroom 1 LED ................................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 22 Set up timer for V4 ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 23 Set up timer for V3 ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 24 Set up timer for V2 ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 25 Set up timer for V1 ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 26 Set up RGB LED ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 27 Register accont ........................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 28 Create applet .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 29 Click this...................................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 30 Choose google assistant ............................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 31 Select say a simple phare ........................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 32 Enter information ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 33 Click that ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 34 Choose webhooks....................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 35 Enter information ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 36 The result .................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 37 Download google assistant ......................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 38 Login by create ifttt account ....................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 39 Code 1......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 40 Code 2......................................................................................................................................................... 29

Figure 41 Code 3 ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 42 Code 4 ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 43 Two questions of the servey ...................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 44 The last two sentences of the survey ......................................................................................................... 34
Figure 45 The result question 1 .................................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 46 The result question 2 .................................................................................................................................. 35
Figure 47 The result question 3 .................................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 48 The result question 4 .................................................................................................................................. 37
Figure 49 The update interface .................................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 50 Update Code 1............................................................................................................................................ 41
Figure 51 Update Code 1............................................................................................................................................ 41
Figure 52 Feedback to user 1 by mail ......................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 53 Feedback to user 2 by mail ......................................................................................................................... 42

List of tables
Table 1 The hardwares .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Table 2 Test case ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Table 3 The first interviewer ....................................................................................................................................... 38
Table 4 The second interviewer .................................................................................................................................. 39

I. Introduction
Following assignment one I have planned and IoT solution for a specific problem. In this next
section I will show proof of IoT application developed using any combination of hardware,
software, data, platform and services then I will take a video demonstration of my IoT system
and with code snippets. Next I run end user experiments and examines feedback. Then
evaluate my IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application solves, the potential
impact on people, businesses, society. and end users and the problems this application may
face when integrating into the broader IoT ecosystem.

II. Employ an appropriate set of tools to develop your plan into an IoT
1. Problem
As technology develops, smart homes will also appear more. A smart home is a house in
which electrical and electronic equipment is installed that can be controlled or automated
or semi-automatically. Replace humans in performing one or several management and
control operations. This electronic system communicates with the user through an indoor
electronic board, a mobile phone application, a tablet computer or a web interface.

The lighting system is a very important part of every family, it not only provides light for
living but for many families the lighting system is also to decorate the house more
luxuriously. Therefore, the need to install smart lighting systems is increasingly being
interested and used by more and more families.

In this project, I will do a project “Smart lighting system” we will turn on and off lights and
adjust lights through smart phone devices. This is a very convenient project for users, with
high applicability in life, especially in the era of industrialization.

2. Solution
Turning on the lights automatically by Smart phone, not only brings benefits to help us
easily control our living space, but also helps to raise the bar and clearly show our modern

No need to turn on and off directly at the switch, you can easily control the lighting
system in your home from anywhere via Smartphone.

Easily turn the lights on and off by voice without having to open the Blynk app on the
phone. We use the Google assistant app to execute our temple control commands. If we
want to turn the lights on or off, we just need to command the virtual assistants: “Oke
google! Turn on living room light”

Lighting devices in the lighting timer function bring convenience to homeowners in
lighting areas with frequent and fixed on and off times during the day.

Finally my software offers a solution for households that are using REG LEDs to decorate
their bedroom or photos, ... through the Blynk device we can control the color and turn it
on. turn off directly through the application without having to press the control or reset
the parameters.

3. The hardware
Hardware Image Quantity Price
ESP8266 1 4$

LED 4 4$

RGB LED 1 3$

Breadboard 1 2$

40 Yarn File Test 1 2$

Board Plug

Cap 1 4$

Table 1 The hardwares

4. Schematic
a. Assemble
 Step 1: I connect the port D1 of the esp8266 to the negative pin of the LED then I
continue to attach the remaining positive pin of the LED to the 3V source of the
 Step 2: I connect the analog D2 port.
 Step 3: I connect the analog D3 port.
 Step 4: I connect the analog D4 port.
 Step 5: I connect port D6 to R pin (shortest wire) of RGB LED, port D7 to pin G (next
long wire) finally I connect D8 to pin B of LED.

 Step 6: I connect RGB LED's GND pin to wifi's GND port (longest pin).

b. Assembly

Figure 1 Design for project

c. The actual connection diagram

Figure 2 Actual design images

5. Tools
a. Blynk App
 Blynk is an open source software designed for IoT (Internet of Things) applications.
The application helps us to use remote hardware control, can display sensor data,
store data, transform data or do many other things.
 Currently, Blynk supports 2 platforms, Android and iOS. You can search on Blynk
on AppStore and GooglePlay.

Figure 3 Logo Blynk

b. IFTTT service
 IFTTT is an intermediary web service that stands between two services to perform
a task when a condition occurs, IFTTT stands for If This Then That. In which, If This
(if this happens) will lead to Then That (then do that), this is considered the
operating principle of the statement. That is, when there is any change on this
application, through IFTTT the other application will also work and change the
 The operation of IFTTT is based on the "condition" and "enforcement" mechanism.
That is, when a certain condition is satisfied, the command will be executed.
 It has popular services such as google assistant, webhok, .... helps in developing iot
applications especially smart home.

Figure 4 Logo IFTTT

c. Google Assistant
 Google assistant can be understood as a complex programmed software. yes, it is
possible to proceed with the execution of various control commands. As well as
carry out the implementation of user requests. Such as conducting information
search, following orders, etc.
 Google Assistant was first introduced at the Google I/O conference in May 2016
exclusively for the Pixel, Pixel XL, Google Home and Android Wear 2.0 series. Then
became popular on most Android phones, and also iOS.

Figure 5 Google Assistant logo

d. Arduino IDE
 Arduino IDE is an open source software mainly used to write and compile code
into Arduino modules or other modules
 It makes compiling code so easy that even an average person with no technical
knowledge can do it.
 It has versions for operating systems such as MAC, Windows, Linux and runs on
Java platform with built-in functions and commands that are important for
debugging, editing and compiling code in the environment. .
 This environment supports both C and C++ languages.

Figure 6 Arduino IDE logo

6. How do it works
a. Blynk app
 The user will first launch his project by pressing the button and every time we
press a Button in the Blynk app or settings, the message propagates to the space
of the Blynk Cloud. Blynk Server will be responsible for all communication between
the smartphone and the hardware, where it finds its way to the hardware of our
project and it works in the opposite direction the same.
 For example, when we turn on a light, the data will immediately be sent to the
blynk server via the internet and the server will go through the home router and
transmit to the esp8266 chip. The chip will then change the light state.

Figure 7 Blynk app work

b. Google assistant
Instead of the phone working directly with the blynk server, when we use the google
virtual assistant, we will control it through the webhooks service of the ifttt web
service. When we execute the command on the google assistant application it will
check if the command is correct as on the applets or not, then through the webhooks
service it will connect to the blynk server and the blynk server will send data to the
chip. esp8266 through my home wifi model and it will change the light status.

For example, we execute the command "turn on living room" immediately it will send
to the ifttt service and through webhooks it will send data to the blynk server and the
blynk server sends to the esp8266 chip and it changes the state. lights and lights on.

Figure 8 Google assitant work

7. Development steps
a. Step 1: Install the Blynk library
 We go to this link to download the Blynk library for the project:
 We download and unzip then add the path : Documents/Arduino/libraies

Figure 9 The path to Arduino's libraies

b. Step 2: Install NodeMCU ESP8266 WIFI
 We choose preference or press Ctrl window

Figure 10 Choose prefrenecs

 Here we have to insert a link so that the Arduino IDE can receive the Board.
 Copy Link here:
 Put the Link in the drawn box and click OK to finish.

Figure 11 Paste the link in the black circled

 Next, go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager

Figure 12 Go to Boards Manager

 The window that opens we Search Esp8266 to download the list of Boards.
Click Install versions to proceed with the installation.

Figure 13 Install esp8266

c. Step 3: Install the Blynk app interface
 To be able to use App Blynk we need to register a new account. Here are 2 ways to
register with Facebook or create a new account.
 After registration is complete, we will proceed to create a new Project.
 We click on the plus sign (+) on the toolbar to proceed to create a new Project.
 Click Create to complete the new creation.
 To control the application, we need to have a button to control and set time
frames. Go to Widget Box (+) > Click on Button to get the button out and the time
box. Here my deign :

Figure 17 Step 1 create project Figure 16 Set name and choose Figure 15 Design for project Figure 14 Set up LED Connect
device is NodeMCU

 Click the Button to proceed with parameter setting:
o In the Button section: Name the button to press.
o OUTPUT: Configure the PIN to connect, here I choose Virtual > V1
o MODE: there are 2 modes PUSH (press release) and SWITCH (long press).
o ON/OFF LABELS: Change the display mode for push button
o DESIGN: In this part we can adjust the color of the button.
 Similar to the other buttons, we also do the same:

Figure 21 set up Bedroom 1 LED Figure 20 Set up kitchen LED Figure 18 Set up Bedroom 2 LED Figure 19 Set up Living room LED

 Click on Time Settings to proceed with parameter settings.
o In the Timer section: Name the timer.
o OUTPUT: Configure the PIN to connect, here I choose Virtual > V1
o DESIGN: In this part we can adjust the color of the button.
 Similar to the other timers, we also do the same:

Figure 25 Set up timer for V1 Figure 24 Set up timer for V2 Figure 23 Set up timer for V3 Figure 22 Set up timer for V4

 In the ZeRGBa section:
o OUTPUT: Configure the PIN to be connected.
o R: Here I choose Digital > D6 (1023~0).
o G: Here I choose Digital > D7 (1023~0).
o B: Here I choose Digital > D8 (1023~0).

Figure 26 Set up RGB LED

d. Step 4 : Install the IFTTT service

The first step we log in to IFTTT Web to register an account here we register with a
Google account we can register with Facebook.

Figure 27 Register accont

After successful login we Click on “My Applets” and select “New Applet” to create a
new project.

Figure 28 Create applet

Click + this

Figure 29 Click this

Search for Google Assistant and click connect.

Figure 30 Choose google assistant

Select the “Say a simple phrase” to put the command to execute on Google Assistant

Figure 31 Select say a simple phare

Then we fill in the information :

Figure 32 Enter information

Then we go to Configure Webhooks

Next we choose + that

Figure 33 Click that

And choose Webhooks.

Figure 34 Choose webhooks

Click “Connect” and select “Make a Web request”.

We fill in the information on the display field.

Figure 35 Enter information

This is the result after we create it successfully.

Similar to the other lights we also do the same.

Figure 36 The result

e. Step 5 : Install google assistant application
The first step is to download the application on the Google Play or App Store

Figure 37 Download google assistant

Next we log in with the google account that we used to register for the IFTTT service.

Figure 38 Login by create ifttt account

Finally, we execute the command we installed.

f. Step 6 : Code
The first step is to declare the necessary libraries for the project

Then we go to declare the variables of the light state.

Next we proceed to configure parameters such as Token, Wifi name and Wifi

The next step is to declare BLYNK_WRITE(V1), this function to read the return status
when the Virtual V1 button is activated on Blynk App. Similarly, we declare V2,V3,V4,

Next in the setup() function

Debug console with Serial.begin(9600)

Initialize Blynk with parameters (auth token , wifi name , wifi password)

Next we initialize the function setInterval

We set LED pins D1,D2,D3,D4 as OUTPUT

We declare to turn on the led (DigitalWritee()).

Finally, the loop() function we declare and the loop() command will be run and
repeated continuously.

Below is my code:

Figure 39 Code 1

Figure 40 Code 2

Figure 41 Code 3

Figure 42 Code 4

8. The result
a. Test case
No Name Action Inputs Onputs Expected Output Actual Status
1 Check blynk app Click the triangle V0 The connection is The Pass
connection with button in the upper successful and the connection is
esp8266 chip right corner of the connect light is on successful
project and the
connect light
is on
2 Turn on Press the light ON V1 The light in the first As expected Pass
bedroom light 1 switch button bedroom is on and the
button in the blynk app
turns ON.
3 Turn on Press the light ON V2 The light in the second As expected Pass
bedroom light 2 switch button bedroom is on and the
button in the blynk app
turns ON.
4 Turn on living Press the light ON V4 The light in the living As expected Pass
room light switch button room is on and the button
in the blynk app turns ON.
5 Turn on kitchen Press the light ON V3 The light in the kitchen As expected Pass
light switch button room is off and the button
in the blynk app turns ON.
6 Turn off Press the light OFF V1 The light in the first As expected Pass
bedroom light 1 switch button bedroom is off and the
button in the blynk app
turns OFF.
7 Turn off Press the light OFF V2 The light in the second As expected Pass
bedroom light 2 switch button bedroom is off and the

button in the blynk app
turns OFF.
8 Turn off living Press the light OFF V4 The light in the living As expected Pass
room light switch button room is off and the button
in the blynk app turns
Turn off kitchen Press the light OFF V3 The light in the kitchen As expected Pass
light switch button room is off and the button
in the blynk app turns
9 Timer setting We set the time to Star : V1 The light is on at 14:50 As expected Pass
for bedroom turn on and off the 14h50m27s minutes 27 seconds and
light 1 light in the set time End : off at 14:55 minutes 0
frame 14h55m0s seconds
10 Timer setting We set the time to Star : V2 The light is on at 14:50 As expected Pass
for bedroom turn on and off the 14h50m27s minutes 27 seconds and
light 2 light in the set time End : off at 14:55 minutes 0
frame 14h55m0s seconds
11 Timer setting We set the time to Star : V3 The light is on at 14:50 As expected Pass
for kitchen light turn on and off the 14h50m27s minutes 27 seconds and
light in the set time End : off at 14:55 minutes 0
frame 14h55m0s seconds
12 Timer setting We set the time to Star : V4 The light is on at 14:50 As expected Pass
for living room turn on and off the 14h50m27s minutes 27 seconds and
light light in the set time End : off at 14:55 minutes 0
frame 14h55m0s seconds
13 Control rgb We control the R : 594 D6,D7,D8 The light of the color As expected Pass
lights through horse in the app B : 380 turns purple
blynk app G : 1023
14 Turn on We execute the Turn on V1 The light is on and at the As expected Pass
bedroom light 1 command through bedroom same time the button on
using google the phone one the blynk app is also ON

assistant app
15 Turn on We execute the Turn on V2 The light is on and at the As expected Pass
bedroom light 2 command through bedroom same time the button on
using google the phone two the blynk app is also ON
assistant app
16 Turn on kitchen We execute the Turn on V3 The light is on and at the As expected Pass
room light command through kitchen same time the button on
using google the phone room the blynk app is also ON
assistant app
17 Turn on living We execute the Turn on V4 The light is on and at the As expected Pass
room light 1 command through living room same time the button on
using google the phone the blynk app is also ON
assistant app
18 Turn off We execute the Turn off V1 The light is off and at the As expected Pass
bedroom light 1 command through bedroom same time the button on
using google the phone one the blynk app is also OFF
assistant app
19 Turn off We execute the Turn off V2 The light is off and at the As expected Pass
bedroom light 2 command through bedroom same time the button on
using google the phone two the blynk app is also OFF
assistant app
20 Turn off kitchen We execute the Turn off V3 The light is off and at the As expected Pass
room light command through kitchen same time the button on
using google the phone room the blynk app is also OFF
assistant app
21 Turn off living We execute the Turn off V4 The light is off and at the As expected Pass
room light 1 command through living room same time the button on
using google the phone the blynk app is also OFF
assistant app
Table 2 Test case

b. Video
This is my demo video :

III. Run end user experiments and examines feedback(P6)

To get user feedback through my IOT product usage. I have done survey questions via google
form service and interview.

1. Servey
a. Server Question
I have designed four questions to send to users:

This is my servey link :

Figure 43 Two questions of the servey

Figure 44 The last two sentences of the survey

b. The result

Figure 45 The result question 1

In the first survey question I surveyed thirty people and showed very positive results
about the new product. Looking at the diagram above, we can see that up to eighty-
seven percent of users are very satisfied and give convenient reviews with their
families. Of which, only about two percent are not positive about the product. In
general, the product has met the needs of users very well and is more convenient than
the old light systems.

Figure 46 The result question 2

In the second question, we can see that the most used features are turning on and off
the lights via the blynk app and voice control. As for the light on and off function, the
rate is also very high, and the last feature is not unexpected, the rate of use is low
because the RGB lighting system is still not widely used by families.

Figure 47 The result question 3

Through the results of the third question, we can see that our product is generally
persuasive to the majority of customers and the percentage of questions when
returning to use the company's product is overwhelmingly supportive. almost eighty
percent. Thereby we can see that our product is very useful and they want us to
provide many smart home solutions.

Figure 48 The result question 4

Through the last question in the user survey, we can see the opinions of users who
want more about our product, most of them have comments. Comments such as the
desire to turn on or off the light with a button or some Vietnamese people wishing to
have more interface and control the lights can be in Vietnamese and there are
countless other suggestions. We can see that our products have mostly met the needs
of users.

2. Interview
Here I invite two people to participate in the interview. The first is an American friend
named Lee Nguyen and a Vietnamese friend, Do Van Thai:

a. Lee nguyen
Here is the video of the interview :

Below are the questions and answers I have recorded:

Questions Answers
How do you feel about my After using your product for a while, I found it
product? quite suitable in terms of price as well as quite
new functions. I don't have to get up and go to
the switch to turn the light on or off. Instead I
just need to hold my smartphone in front of me
to be able to control the light bulb.
Another feature I like is the function of setting
the time to turn the lights on and off. When
using that feature I can turn off the lights at the
time I want.
Besides, the voice control feature also helps me
a lot when I can't use my hands to turn it on or
off at times. I just need to execute the
command and the light immediately goes into
Finally the RGB LED control I use them to
decorate my room and very easy to use color
What features of my I am going to say this right away after using the
products do you like the feature that I care about and use the most,
most? which is the voice control feature. A very nice
feature is that I just need to stand near the
phone without having to open any applications.
I just need to say "Ok google turn on living
room" and the light immediately turns on and
everyone in the house is very excited.
Would you like to I see your product has all the necessary features
comment on our already. I just suggest you add a new feature
products? I'd love to hear that is the feature to turn on and off all lights.
from you, sir. Because then I only need to press once to
automatically turn off the lights in the house.
That's my suggestion for you.
Table 3 The first interviewer

b. Do Van Thai
Here is the video of the interview :

Below are the questions and answers I have recorded and I have translated from
Vietnamese to English :

Questions Answers

How do you feel about our products? After using your product for a while, I find
this is a very useful product for my house,
not only making it smarter but also
making the house luxurious.
Can you be more specific. Because we OK
want to know more about your The first is the feature of turning the
experience with the product. lights on and off via the blynk app, I find
this to be a very nice feature. I don't need
to turn on the light switch, just chin the
phone anywhere in the house. Besides,
my house can observe which lights are on
or off.
Next is toggling the time through the time
setting section. It helps me to set the time
to turn the lights on and off, and now I
just need to go to bed and go to sleep
without turning off the lights or coming
home, the living room lights have been lit.
The feature of turning on and off the
lights with the google assistant app is very
convenient because we only need a
phone next to us to be able to turn on
and off the lights via voice.
The last feature is the RGB LED control I
use a lot because it makes the house and
bedroom more beautiful.
Would you like to suggest more on my There are two features that I would like to
product? add to you. I hope it will be updated soon.
The first is to turn on all the lights in the
house with just one click.
Secondly, I have not seen the Vietnamese
voice control service. If possible I would
very much like to .
Table 4 The second interviewer

3. Product improvement
After I went to get customer feedback through surveys and interviews I improved my

I have added the feature to turn all lights on and off with the click of a button:

Figure 49 The update interface

Next is the new code of my project :

Figure 50 Update Code 1

Figure 51 Update Code 1

Here is the final product update result:

After improving my product I also received some more feedback from users:

Figure 52 Feedback to user 1 by mail

Figure 53 Feedback to user 2 by mail

Through my product improvement feedback section, users have experienced and given
me positive feedback about the product. I have received a number of feedback emails and
I hope users will contribute more to improve the product .

IV. Evaluate end user feedback from your IoT application(P7)
After going through a survey of about thirty users and also some improvement through that
feedback. I have brought the product to market and have countless users using it and giving

Through the user reviews, we can see that the smart light system product is a useful product
in life and helps us to manage our home light system well. When we are at home, we will not
have to spend time turning on dozens of switches for the ceiling light system anymore, just a
light touch on the phone all lights will be turned on / off in a split second. We can adjust or
set the lights before we go home, or when we open the door, the lights will turn on
automatically. The above you can easily set up and do right on your phone.

The number two feature is the voice control of the lights, which is a feature that all customers
use have positive reviews and show a lot of love. The system helps people just execute a
command to instantly control the lights to turn on or off.

Perhaps the part that users find the most interesting through the review is the timer to turn
the lights on and off. This is an outstanding advantage of the smart home system. With this
feature, users can fix the time to turn on or off the lights for a room or their whole house. For
example, in a child's bedroom, the timer to turn off the lights is at 10pm to train children to
go to bed on time and at 6pm the balcony lights are turned on until 9pm simultaneously.

Finally, the RGB LED system is used as an indispensable decoration. With a multi-color system,
they can adjust the brightness of the chandelier to suit each situation. Even so, this is the
feature where the word feedback is used the least.

Through interviews and surveys from users as well as my own experience, I have learned a
few pros and cons from which I can improve the product better:


 The system helps users to turn on and off the lights through the control buttons via
the blynk app on the phone without going to the light switches in the house.
 The second is that the user does not need to touch the phone, just a command such as
"Turn on living room" is immediately turned off.
 Next, through the smart light system, users can know whether the status of the lights
is off or on.
 The feature of turning on and off the lights through the timer feature is also very
useful to us. We can easily set the time to turn the lights on and off as we want.

 Finally, with the RGB lighting system, we can customize the color of the lights through
the phone with many colors. The system makes the house more beautiful and
luxurious in the eyes of the guests.

The disadvantages:

 Our system also has some disadvantages such as

 When the user loses the wifi network connection, it will not be able to use it because
the smart light system requires a network connection.
 Besides, the voice control system has some limitations such as not being able to
customize the RGB LEDs via voice and setting the light time.

Through user reviews after using the product, I have also obtained a few features that need
to be improved and will soon be released for the best user experience.

Here I am going to evaluate my smart light system impact for social and use:

 Energy saving :

When we use it can save a lot of energy usage, especially when you use LED with
dimmer. Sometimes we don't need the full brightness from a light bulb, and dimming
can cut energy usage to reduce households' electricity bills.

 Turn lights on or off remotely.

In the past, people put light switches near their beds so they wouldn't have to get up
and turn off the lights from the wall switch before going to bed. But these days, you
can only use your smartphone or tablet, which tends to be right there with you
wherever you go. You just need to use the app to turn the lights on or off.

In some cases, you can even use voice activation for your bedroom lights. We can also
use this application to turn off the lights in the child's bedroom when it's time to go to

 Save money with smart lights

Most people have left home, gone to work, and returned home to discover that they
left the lights on in the bedroom and got ready in a hurry or perhaps left the lights on
in the bathroom. With the intelligent lighting system, if we are a bit concerned that
the light has not been turned off, we can go to the application, find the light in
question and turn it off with a simple touch on the screen. That means we can save

quite a bit of money when we need to turn them on as well as turn them off from
anywhere there is Internet. access.

 Maximize security by turning on lights while away

It is natural that when we are away, we often worry about someone approaching or
breaking into the house while you are on vacation. Thieves can usually tell when a
home is empty for any length of time, but we can do our best to deter them by
programming your smart light system to come on when it was dark for several hours
in the evening, giving the impression that someone was at home even when
thousands of miles away. If my system could be better combined with smart security
systems such as video doorbells and home CCTV cameras could be synchronized with
the phone.

 Color changing smart light bulb

The smart bulb uses LEDs that can be adjusted using an app on our phone or tablet so
that it can change color whenever we want. If we are having a theme party, it is
possible to adjust the color of individual lights or change the feel of the whole room if
you want it to make the household feel more chalky. encourage everyone.

As for the business of the products we create, there are now a very large number of companies in
the market and many companies are developing and have created a reputation. Many product
brands offer a variety of options in a product portfolio to capture consumer surplus. Consumers
are the ultimate source of demand for product variety, as each individual has preferences for
different product variations. Our company strives to meet these needs by offering a wide range
of smart lighting products especially in the smart home field. Given the positive results of
customer feedback, we can be confident that the product will be widely known and can increase
sales. The company strives to meet the rapidly changing needs and desires of consumers with
products so that users can have the best experience.

In short, through the feedback from users using my product, I can see the positive effects of the
users on the product and the impact on the user society and the field of business.

V. Conclusion
In short, I have presented all the required parts of the given topic. I Used an appropriate set
of tools to develop my plan into an IoT application. I then ran end-user tests and tested
responses through survey and interview questions. Finally I evaluate end user feedback from
my IoT application.

VI. References
1. 2021. [online] Available at:
0all,launched%20on%20a%20Raspberry%20Pi.> [Accessed 5 August 2021].
2. 2021. NodeMCU. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 6 August 2021].
3. 2021. Blynk Example Browser. [online] Available at:
Started%2FBlynkBlink> [Accessed 7 August 2021].


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